blob: df82c757c93b52cc75dbf3536d66d20a2ad4b814 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// Per-process periodically sampled stats. These samples are wrapped in a
// dedicated message (as opposite to be fields in process_tree.proto) because
// they are dumped at a different rate than cmdline and thread list.
// Note: not all of these stats will be present in every ProcessStats message
// and sometimes processes may be missing . This is because counters are
// cached to reduce emission of counters which do not change.
message ProcessStats {
// Per-thread periodically sampled stats.
// Note: not all of these stats will be present in every message. See the note
// for ProcessStats.
message Thread {
optional int32 tid = 1;
// Pairs of frequency (represented as a (1-based) index to CpuInfo
// frequencies) and time at that frequency (represented as a number of
// ticks, see SystemInfo for the HZ (ticks / second) value to convert this
// to time). Frequencies with zero ticks are never uploaded. Read from
// /proc/tid/time_in_state.
repeated uint32 cpu_freq_indices = 2;
repeated uint64 cpu_freq_ticks = 3;
// Whether all frequencies with non-zero ticks are present in
// `cpu_freq_indices`. This marker is used to detect packets that describe
// time_in_state exhaustively.
optional bool cpu_freq_full = 4;
message Process {
optional int32 pid = 1;
// See /proc/[pid]/status in `man 5 proc` for a description of these fields.
optional uint64 vm_size_kb = 2;
optional uint64 vm_rss_kb = 3;
optional uint64 rss_anon_kb = 4;
optional uint64 rss_file_kb = 5;
optional uint64 rss_shmem_kb = 6;
optional uint64 vm_swap_kb = 7;
optional uint64 vm_locked_kb = 8;
optional uint64 vm_hwm_kb = 9;
// When adding a new field remember to update kProcMemCounterSize in
// the trace processor.
optional int64 oom_score_adj = 10;
repeated Thread threads = 11;
// The peak resident set size is resettable in newer Posix kernels.
// This field specifies if reset is supported and if the writer had reset
// the peaks after each process stats recording.
optional bool is_peak_rss_resettable = 12;
// Private, shared and swap footprint of the process as measured by
// Chrome. To know more about these metrics refer to:
optional uint32 chrome_private_footprint_kb = 13;
optional uint32 chrome_peak_resident_set_kb = 14;
repeated Process processes = 1;
// The time at which we finish collecting this batch of samples;
// the top-level packet timestamp is the time at which
// we begin collection.
// TODO(dancol): analysis might be improved by
// time-bracketing each sample as well as the whole
// ProcessStats, but doing that is probably gated on
// a vdso for CLOCK_BOOTTIME.
optional uint64 collection_end_timestamp = 2;