blob: d8a9d877672272939240342f2d21d2a24b1811ec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <forward_list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/export.h"
#include "perfetto/base/proc_utils.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_utils.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/trace_processor/importers/memory_tracker/memory_allocator_node_id.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
const base::PlatformProcessId kNullProcessId = 0;
// Contains processed node graphs for each process and in the global space.
// This class is also the arena which owns the nodes of the graph.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT GlobalNodeGraph {
class Node;
class Edge;
class PreOrderIterator;
class PostOrderIterator;
// Graph of nodes either associated with a process or with
// the shared space.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT Process {
Process(base::PlatformProcessId pid, GlobalNodeGraph* global_graph);
// Creates a node in the node graph which is associated with the
// given |id|, |path| and |weak|ness and returns it.
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* CreateNode(MemoryAllocatorNodeId id,
const std::string& path,
bool weak);
// Returns the node in the graph at the given |path| or nullptr
// if no such node exists in the provided |graph|.
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* FindNode(const std::string& path);
base::PlatformProcessId pid() const { return pid_; }
GlobalNodeGraph* global_graph() const { return global_graph_; }
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* root() const { return root_; }
base::PlatformProcessId pid_;
GlobalNodeGraph* global_graph_;
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* root_;
Process(const Process&) = delete;
Process& operator=(const Process&) = delete;
// A single node in the graph of allocator nodes associated with a
// certain path and containing the entries for this path.
// Auxilary data (a scalar number or a string) about this node each
// associated with a key.
struct PERFETTO_EXPORT Entry {
enum Type {
// The units of the entry if the entry is a scalar. The scalar
// refers to either a number of objects or a size in bytes.
enum ScalarUnits {
// Creates the entry with the appropriate type.
Entry(ScalarUnits units, uint64_t value);
explicit Entry(const std::string& value);
const Type type;
const ScalarUnits units;
// The value of the entry if this entry has a string type.
const std::string value_string;
// The value of the entry if this entry has a integer type.
const uint64_t value_uint64;
explicit Node(GlobalNodeGraph::Process* node_graph, Node* parent);
// Gets the direct child of a node for the given |subpath|.
Node* GetChild(const std::string& name) const;
// Inserts the given |node| as a child of the current node
// with the given |subpath| as the key.
void InsertChild(const std::string& name, Node* node);
// Creates a child for this node with the given |name| as the key.
Node* CreateChild(const std::string& name);
// Checks if the current node is a descendent (i.e. exists as a child,
// child of a child, etc.) of the given node |possible_parent|.
bool IsDescendentOf(const Node& possible_parent) const;
// Adds an entry for this node node with the given |name|, |units| and
// type.
void AddEntry(const std::string& name,
Entry::ScalarUnits units,
uint64_t value);
void AddEntry(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
// Adds an edge which indicates that this node is owned by
// another node.
void AddOwnedByEdge(Edge* edge);
// Sets the edge indicates that this node owns another node.
void SetOwnsEdge(Edge* edge);
bool is_weak() const { return weak_; }
void set_weak(bool weak) { weak_ = weak; }
bool is_explicit() const { return explicit_; }
void set_explicit(bool explicit_node) { explicit_ = explicit_node; }
uint64_t not_owned_sub_size() const { return not_owned_sub_size_; }
void add_not_owned_sub_size(uint64_t addition) {
not_owned_sub_size_ += addition;
uint64_t not_owning_sub_size() const { return not_owning_sub_size_; }
void add_not_owning_sub_size(uint64_t addition) {
not_owning_sub_size_ += addition;
double owned_coefficient() const { return owned_coefficient_; }
void set_owned_coefficient(double owned_coefficient) {
owned_coefficient_ = owned_coefficient;
double owning_coefficient() const { return owning_coefficient_; }
void set_owning_coefficient(double owning_coefficient) {
owning_coefficient_ = owning_coefficient;
double cumulative_owned_coefficient() const {
return cumulative_owned_coefficient_;
void set_cumulative_owned_coefficient(double cumulative_owned_coefficient) {
cumulative_owned_coefficient_ = cumulative_owned_coefficient;
double cumulative_owning_coefficient() const {
return cumulative_owning_coefficient_;
void set_cumulative_owning_coefficient(
double cumulative_owning_coefficient) {
cumulative_owning_coefficient_ = cumulative_owning_coefficient;
MemoryAllocatorNodeId id() const { return id_; }
void set_id(MemoryAllocatorNodeId id) { id_ = id; }
GlobalNodeGraph::Edge* owns_edge() const { return owns_edge_; }
std::map<std::string, Node*>* children() { return &children_; }
const std::map<std::string, Node*>& const_children() const {
return children_;
std::vector<GlobalNodeGraph::Edge*>* owned_by_edges() {
return &owned_by_edges_;
const Node* parent() const { return parent_; }
const GlobalNodeGraph::Process* node_graph() const { return node_graph_; }
std::map<std::string, Entry>* entries() { return &entries_; }
const std::map<std::string, Entry>& const_entries() const {
return entries_;
GlobalNodeGraph::Process* node_graph_;
Node* const parent_;
MemoryAllocatorNodeId id_;
std::map<std::string, Entry> entries_;
std::map<std::string, Node*> children_;
bool explicit_ = false;
bool weak_ = false;
uint64_t not_owning_sub_size_ = 0;
uint64_t not_owned_sub_size_ = 0;
double owned_coefficient_ = 1;
double owning_coefficient_ = 1;
double cumulative_owned_coefficient_ = 1;
double cumulative_owning_coefficient_ = 1;
GlobalNodeGraph::Edge* owns_edge_;
std::vector<GlobalNodeGraph::Edge*> owned_by_edges_;
Node(const Node&) = delete;
Node& operator=(const Node&) = delete;
// An edge in the node graph which indicates ownership between the
// source and target nodes.
Edge(GlobalNodeGraph::Node* source,
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* target,
int priority);
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* source() const { return source_; }
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* target() const { return target_; }
int priority() const { return priority_; }
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* const source_;
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* const target_;
const int priority_;
// An iterator-esque class which yields nodes in a depth-first pre order.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT PreOrderIterator {
explicit PreOrderIterator(std::vector<Node*>&& root_nodes);
PreOrderIterator(PreOrderIterator&& other);
// Yields the next node in the DFS post-order traversal.
Node* next();
std::vector<Node*> to_visit_;
std::set<const Node*> visited_;
// An iterator-esque class which yields nodes in a depth-first post order.
class PERFETTO_EXPORT PostOrderIterator {
explicit PostOrderIterator(std::vector<Node*>&& root_nodes);
PostOrderIterator(PostOrderIterator&& other);
// Yields the next node in the DFS post-order traversal.
Node* next();
std::vector<Node*> to_visit_;
std::set<Node*> visited_;
std::vector<Node*> path_;
using ProcessNodeGraphMap =
using IdNodeMap = std::map<MemoryAllocatorNodeId, Node*>;
// Creates a container for all the node graphs for the process given
// by the given |process_id|.
GlobalNodeGraph::Process* CreateGraphForProcess(
base::PlatformProcessId process_id);
// Adds an edge in the node graph with the given source and target nodes
// and edge priority.
void AddNodeOwnershipEdge(Node* owner, Node* owned, int priority);
// Returns an iterator which yields nodes in the nodes in this graph in
// pre-order. That is, children and owners of nodes are returned after the
// node itself.
PreOrderIterator VisitInDepthFirstPreOrder();
// Returns an iterator which yields nodes in the nodes in this graph in
// post-order. That is, children and owners of nodes are returned before the
// node itself.
PostOrderIterator VisitInDepthFirstPostOrder();
const IdNodeMap& nodes_by_id() const { return nodes_by_id_; }
GlobalNodeGraph::Process* shared_memory_graph() const {
return shared_memory_graph_.get();
const ProcessNodeGraphMap& process_node_graphs() const {
return process_node_graphs_;
const std::forward_list<Edge>& edges() const { return all_edges_; }
// Creates a node in the arena which is associated with the given
// |process_graph| and for the given |parent|.
Node* CreateNode(GlobalNodeGraph::Process* process_graph,
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* parent);
std::forward_list<Node> all_nodes_;
std::forward_list<Edge> all_edges_;
IdNodeMap nodes_by_id_;
std::unique_ptr<GlobalNodeGraph::Process> shared_memory_graph_;
ProcessNodeGraphMap process_node_graphs_;
GlobalNodeGraph(const GlobalNodeGraph&) = delete;
GlobalNodeGraph& operator=(const GlobalNodeGraph&) = delete;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto