blob: c6e506a8a30940d76cc7852736217ede8bb84f64 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <ostream>
#include "src/trace_processor/types/trace_processor_context.h"
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_utils.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_view.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/storage/trace_storage.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
namespace systrace_utils {
// Visible for unittesting.
enum class SystraceParseResult { kFailure = 0, kUnsupported, kSuccess };
// Visible for unittesting.
struct SystraceTracePoint {
SystraceTracePoint() {}
static SystraceTracePoint B(uint32_t tgid, base::StringView name) {
return SystraceTracePoint('B', tgid, std::move(name), 0, {});
static SystraceTracePoint E(uint32_t tgid) {
return SystraceTracePoint('E', tgid, {}, 0, {});
static SystraceTracePoint C(uint32_t tgid,
base::StringView name,
int64_t value) {
return SystraceTracePoint('C', tgid, std::move(name), value, {});
static SystraceTracePoint S(uint32_t tgid,
base::StringView name,
int64_t cookie) {
return SystraceTracePoint('S', tgid, std::move(name), cookie, {});
static SystraceTracePoint F(uint32_t tgid,
base::StringView name,
int64_t cookie) {
return SystraceTracePoint('F', tgid, std::move(name), cookie, {});
static SystraceTracePoint I(uint32_t tgid, base::StringView name) {
return SystraceTracePoint('I', tgid, std::move(name), 0, {});
static SystraceTracePoint N(uint32_t tgid,
base::StringView track_name,
base::StringView name) {
return SystraceTracePoint('N', tgid, std::move(name), 0,
SystraceTracePoint(char p,
uint32_t tg,
base::StringView n,
int64_t v,
base::StringView s)
: phase(p), tgid(tg), name(std::move(n)), int_value(v), str_value(s) {}
// Phase can be one of B, E, C, S, F.
char phase = '\0';
uint32_t tgid = 0;
// For phase = 'B' and phase = 'C' only.
base::StringView name;
// For phase = 'C' (counter value) and 'B', 'F' (async cookie).
int64_t int_value = 0;
// For phase = 'N' (instant on track)
base::StringView str_value;
// Visible for unittesting.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const SystraceTracePoint& point) {
return os << "SystraceTracePoint{'" << point.phase << "', " << point.tgid
<< ", \"" << << "\", " << point.int_value
<< ", \"" << point.str_value.ToStdString() << "\""
<< "}";
// We have to handle trace_marker events of a few different types:
// 1. some random text
// 2. B|1636|pokeUserActivity
// 3. E|1636
// 4. C|1636|wq:monitor|0
// 5. S|1636|frame_capture|123
// 6. F|1636|frame_capture|456
// Counters emitted by chromium can have a further "category group" appended
// ("Blob" in the example below). We ignore the category group.
// 7. C|3209|TransfersBytesPendingOnDisk-value|0|Blob
// 8. I|4820|instant
// 9. N|1938|track_name|instant_name
inline SystraceParseResult ParseSystraceTracePoint(
base::StringView str_untrimmed,
SystraceTracePoint* out) {
*out = {};
// Strip trailing \n and \0. StringViews are not null-terminated, but the
// writer could have appended a stray \0 depending on where the trace comes
// from.
size_t len = str_untrimmed.size();
for (; len > 0; --len) {
char last_char = - 1);
if (last_char != '\n' && last_char != '\0')
base::StringView str = str_untrimmed.substr(0, len);
size_t off = 0;
// This function reads the next field up to the next '|', '\0' or end(). It
// advances |off| as it goes through fields.
auto read_next_field = [&off, &str, len]() {
for (size_t field_start = off;; ++off) {
char c = off >= len ? '\0' :;
if (c == '|' || c == '\0') {
auto res = str.substr(field_start, off - field_start);
++off; // Eat the separator.
return res;
auto f0_phase = read_next_field();
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(f0_phase.empty()))
return SystraceParseResult::kFailure;
out->phase =;
auto f1_tgid = read_next_field();
auto opt_tgid = base::StringToUInt32(f1_tgid.ToStdString());
out->tgid = opt_tgid.value_or(0);
const bool has_tgid = opt_tgid.has_value();
switch (out->phase) {
case 'B': { // Begin thread-scoped synchronous slice.
if (!has_tgid)
return SystraceParseResult::kFailure;
auto f2_name = str.substr(off); // It's fine even if |off| >= end().
if (f2_name.empty()) {
out->name = base::StringView("[empty slice name]");
} else {
out->name = f2_name;
return SystraceParseResult::kSuccess;
case 'E': // End thread-scoped synchronous slice.
// Some non-Android traces (Flutter) use just "E" (aosp/1244409). Allow
// empty TGID on end slices. By design they are thread-scoped anyways.
return SystraceParseResult::kSuccess;
case 'S': // Begin of async slice.
case 'F': { // End of async slice.
auto f2_name = read_next_field();
auto f3_cookie = read_next_field();
auto maybe_cookie = base::StringToInt64(f3_cookie.ToStdString());
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!has_tgid || f2_name.empty() || f3_cookie.empty() ||
!maybe_cookie)) {
return SystraceParseResult::kFailure;
out->name = f2_name;
out->int_value = *maybe_cookie;
return SystraceParseResult::kSuccess;
case 'I': { // Instant.
auto f2_name = read_next_field();
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!has_tgid || f2_name.empty())) {
return SystraceParseResult::kFailure;
out->name = f2_name;
return SystraceParseResult::kSuccess;
case 'N': { // Instant on track.
auto f2_track_name = read_next_field();
auto f3_name = read_next_field();
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!has_tgid || f2_track_name.empty() ||
f3_name.empty())) {
return SystraceParseResult::kFailure;
out->name = f3_name;
out->str_value = f2_track_name;
return SystraceParseResult::kSuccess;
case 'C': { // Counter.
auto f2_name = read_next_field();
auto f3_value = read_next_field();
auto maybe_value = base::StringToInt64(f3_value.ToStdString());
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(!has_tgid || f2_name.empty() || f3_value.empty() ||
!maybe_value)) {
return SystraceParseResult::kFailure;
out->name = f2_name;
out->int_value = *maybe_value;
return SystraceParseResult::kSuccess;
if (str.find("trace_event_clock_sync:") == 0)
return SystraceParseResult::kUnsupported;
return SystraceParseResult::kFailure;
// Visible for unittesting.
inline bool operator==(const SystraceTracePoint& x,
const SystraceTracePoint& y) {
return std::tie(x.phase, x.tgid,, x.int_value, x.str_value) ==
std::tie(y.phase, y.tgid,, y.int_value, y.str_value);
} // namespace systrace_utils
class SystraceParser : public Destructible {
static SystraceParser* GetOrCreate(TraceProcessorContext* context) {
if (!context->systrace_parser) {
context->systrace_parser.reset(new SystraceParser(context));
return static_cast<SystraceParser*>(context->systrace_parser.get());
~SystraceParser() override;
void ParsePrintEvent(int64_t ts, uint32_t pid, base::StringView event);
void ParseTracingMarkWrite(int64_t ts,
uint32_t pid,
char trace_type,
bool trace_begin,
base::StringView trace_name,
uint32_t tgid,
int64_t value);
void ParseZeroEvent(int64_t ts,
uint32_t pid,
int32_t flag,
base::StringView name,
uint32_t tgid,
int64_t value);
explicit SystraceParser(TraceProcessorContext*);
void ParseSystracePoint(int64_t ts,
uint32_t pid,
systrace_utils::SystraceTracePoint event);
void PostProcessSpecialSliceBegin(int64_t ts, base::StringView name);
TraceProcessorContext* const context_;
const StringId lmk_id_;
const StringId oom_score_adj_id_;
const StringId screen_state_id_;
const StringId cookie_id_;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto