metrics: Add touch_jank.sql

To share code between touch_jank.sql and scroll_jank.sql, this converts
scroll_jank.sql into a templated metric stored in gesture_jank.sql.
scroll_jank.sql and touch_jank.sql then just differ in their template

Like scroll_jank.sql, touch_jank.sql only covers update/move events that
reach the GPU. In future we will also track TouchMove events that don't,
but will keep them separate so the events in each metric are actually

Bug: 182160743
Change-Id: I916955280a729152eb05a35c8592e0080fceecf6
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 570fb04..bb73b17 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -3686,6 +3686,7 @@
+    "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.proto",
@@ -8043,6 +8044,7 @@
+    "src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/gesture_jank.sql",
@@ -8053,6 +8055,7 @@
+    "src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.sql",
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
index 7a9483c..97a23a4 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -1071,6 +1071,7 @@
+        "src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/gesture_jank.sql",
@@ -1081,6 +1082,7 @@
+        "src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.sql",
@@ -2591,6 +2593,7 @@
+        "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.proto",
     visibility = [
diff --git a/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/ b/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/
index 0789138..ce0c908 100644
--- a/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/
+++ b/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+    "touch_jank.proto",
diff --git a/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/all_chrome_metrics.proto b/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/all_chrome_metrics.proto
index eb52099..1f21764 100644
--- a/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/all_chrome_metrics.proto
+++ b/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/all_chrome_metrics.proto
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
 import "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/blink_gc_metric.proto";
 import "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/frame_times.proto";
 import "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/media_metric.proto";
+import "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/reported_by_page.proto";
 import "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/scroll_jank.proto";
 import "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/test_chrome_metric.proto";
-import "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/reported_by_page.proto";
+import "protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.proto";
 extend TraceMetrics {
   optional TestChromeMetric test_chrome_metric = 1001;
@@ -33,4 +34,5 @@
   optional ScrollJank scroll_jank = 1004;
   optional BlinkGcMetric blink_gc_metric = 1005;
   optional MediaMetric media_metric = 1006;
+  optional TouchJank touch_jank = 1007;
diff --git a/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.proto b/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beebfb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protos/perfetto/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+syntax = "proto2";
+package perfetto.protos;
+import "protos/perfetto/metrics/custom_options.proto";
+message TouchJank {
+  // The percentage of time we consider janky of the total time spent performing
+  // touch gestures during the trace. I.E. approximately equal to
+  // |touch_jank_ms|/|touch_ms|.
+  optional double touch_jank_percentage = 1 [(unit) = "n%_smallerIsBetter"];
+  optional double touch_ms = 2 [(unit) = "ms_biggerIsBetter"];
+  optional double touch_processing_ms = 3 [(unit) = "ms_biggerIsBetter"];
+  optional double touch_jank_processing_ms = 4 [(unit) = "ms_smallerIsBetter"];
+  optional int64 num_touch_update_count = 5 [(unit) = "count_biggerIsBetter"];
+  optional int64 num_touch_update_jank_count = 6
+      [(unit) = "count_smallerIsBetter"];
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/metrics/ b/src/trace_processor/metrics/
index 01f68e3..84bb2cc 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/metrics/
+++ b/src/trace_processor/metrics/
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
+  "chrome/gesture_jank.sql",
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@
+  "chrome/touch_jank.sql",
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/gesture_jank.sql b/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/gesture_jank.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e88faaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/gesture_jank.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+-- Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- A collection of templated metrics related to continuous motion gestures that
+-- have start, end and update events.
+-- We define an update to be janky if comparing forwards or backwards (ignoring
+-- coalesced updates) a given updates exceeds the duration of its predecessor or
+-- successor by 50% of a vsync interval (defaulted to 60 FPS).
+-- WARNING: This metric should not be used as a source of truth. It is under
+--          active development and the values & meaning might change without
+--          notice.
+-- Get all chrome processes and threads tables set up.
+SELECT RUN_METRIC('chrome/chrome_processes.sql');
+-- When working on InputLatency events we need to ensure we have all the events
+-- from the browser, renderer, and GPU processes. This query isn't quite
+-- perfect. In system tracing we could have 3 browser processes all in the
+-- background and this would match, but for now its the best we can do (renderer
+-- and GPU names on android are quite complicated, but this should filter 99%
+-- (citation needed) of what we want.
+-- See b/151077536 for historical context.
+-- TODO(b/197841224): Refactor or remove this table.
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS sufficient_chrome_processes;
+CREATE VIEW sufficient_chrome_processes AS
+    CASE WHEN (
+      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chrome_process) = 0
+    THEN
+      FALSE
+    ELSE (
+      SELECT COUNT(*) >= 3 FROM (
+        SELECT name FROM chrome_process
+        WHERE
+          name LIKE "Browser" OR
+          name LIKE "Renderer" OR
+          name LIKE "Gpu" OR
+          name LIKE '' OR
+          name LIKE '' OR
+          name LIKE '' OR
+          name LIKE '' OR
+          name LIKE '' OR
+          name LIKE ''
+        GROUP BY name
+    )) END AS have_enough_chrome_processes;
+-- A simple table that checks the time between VSync (this can be used to
+-- determine if we're refreshing at 90 FPS or 60 FPS.
+-- Note: In traces without the "Java" category there will be no VSync
+--       TraceEvents and this table will be empty.
+-- Note: Must be a TABLE because it uses a window function which can behave
+--       strangely in views.
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsync_intervals;
+CREATE TABLE vsync_intervals AS
+    slice_id,
+    ts,
+    dur,
+    track_id,
+    LEAD(ts) OVER(PARTITION BY track_id ORDER BY ts) - ts AS time_to_next_vsync
+  FROM slice
+  WHERE name = "VSync"
+  ORDER BY track_id, ts;
+-- Get all the "begin" and "end" events. We take their IDs to group them
+-- together into gestures later and the timestamp and duration to compute the
+-- duration of the gesture.
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS {{prefix}}_begin_and_end;
+CREATE VIEW {{prefix}}_begin_and_end AS
+    slice.ts,
+    slice.dur,
+    slice.track_id,
+    EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'chrome_latency_info.{{id_field}}')
+        AS {{id_field}},
+    EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, "chrome_latency_info.trace_id") AS trace_id
+    slice
+ IN (
+      'InputLatency::{{gesture_start}}',
+      'InputLatency::{{gesture_end}}'
+    )
+  ORDER BY ts;
+-- Now we take the "begin" and the "end" events and join the information into a
+-- single row per gesture. We also compute the average Vysnc interval of the
+-- gesture (hopefully this would be either 60 FPS for the whole gesture or 90
+-- FPS but that isn't always the case). If the trace doesn't contain the VSync
+-- TraceEvent we just fall back on assuming its 60 FPS (this is the 1.6e+7 in
+-- the COALESCE which corresponds to 16 ms or 60 FPS).
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS joined_{{prefix}}_begin_and_end;
+CREATE VIEW joined_{{prefix}}_begin_and_end AS
+ AS begin_id,
+    begin.ts AS begin_ts,
+    begin.dur AS begin_dur,
+    begin.track_id AS begin_track_id,
+    begin.trace_id AS begin_trace_id,
+    COALESCE(begin.{{id_field}}, begin.trace_id)
+        AS begin_{{id_field}},
+    end.ts AS end_ts,
+    end.ts + end.dur AS end_ts_and_dur,
+    end.trace_id AS end_trace_id,
+      SELECT
+        CAST(AVG(time_to_next_vsync) AS FLOAT)
+      FROM vsync_intervals in_query
+      WHERE
+        time_to_next_vsync IS NOT NULL AND
+        in_query.ts > begin.ts AND
+        in_query.ts < end.ts
+    ), 1e+9 / 60) AS avg_vsync_interval
+  FROM {{prefix}}_begin_and_end begin JOIN {{prefix}}_begin_and_end end ON
+    begin.trace_id < end.trace_id AND
+ = 'InputLatency::{{gesture_start}}' AND
+ = 'InputLatency::{{gesture_end}}' AND (
+      (
+        begin.{{id_field}} IS NULL AND
+        end.trace_id = (
+          SELECT MIN(trace_id)
+          FROM {{prefix}}_begin_and_end in_query
+          WHERE
+            name = 'InputLatency::{{gesture_end}}' AND
+          in_query.trace_id > begin.trace_id
+        )
+      ) OR
+      end.{{id_field}} = begin.{{id_field}}
+    )
+  ORDER BY begin.ts;
+-- Get the "update" events by name ordered by the |{{id_field}}|, and
+-- timestamp. Then compute the number of frames (relative to vsync interval)
+-- that each event took. 1.6e+7 is 16 ms in nanoseconds and is used in case
+-- there are no VSync events to default to 60 fps. We join each
+-- {{gesture_update}} event to the information about its "begin" and "end"
+-- events for easy computation later.
+-- We remove updates with |dur| == -1 because this means we have no "end" event
+-- and can't reasonably determine what it should be. We have separate tracking
+-- to ensure this only happens at the end of the trace where its expected.
+-- Note: Must be a TABLE because it uses a window function which can behave
+--       strangely in views.
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {{id_field}}_update;
+CREATE TABLE {{id_field}}_update AS
+      ORDER BY {{id_field}} ASC, ts ASC) AS row_number,
+    begin_id,
+    begin_ts,
+    begin_dur,
+    begin_track_id,
+    begin_trace_id,
+    COALESCE({{id_field}}, begin_trace_id) AS {{id_field}},
+      end_ts_and_dur > ts + dur THEN
+        end_ts_and_dur
+      ELSE
+        ts + dur
+      END AS maybe_gesture_end,
+    id,
+    ts,
+    dur,
+    track_id,
+    trace_id,
+    dur/avg_vsync_interval AS gesture_frames_exact
+  FROM joined_{{prefix}}_begin_and_end begin_and_end JOIN (
+      EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, "chrome_latency_info.trace_id") AS trace_id,
+      EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'chrome_latency_info.{{id_field}}')
+          AS {{id_field}},
+      *
+    FROM
+      slice JOIN track ON slice.track_id =
+    WHERE
+ = 'InputLatency::{{gesture_update}}' AND
+      slice.dur != -1 AND
+              EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, "chrome_latency_info.is_coalesced"),
+              TRUE)
+      AND slice.arg_set_id IN (
+        SELECT arg_set_id
+        FROM args
+        WHERE args.arg_set_id = slice.arg_set_id
+        AND flat_key = 'chrome_latency_info.component_info.component_type'
+      )
+  ) gesture_update ON
+  gesture_update.ts <= begin_and_end.end_ts AND
+  gesture_update.ts >= begin_and_end.begin_ts AND
+  gesture_update.trace_id > begin_and_end.begin_trace_id AND
+  gesture_update.trace_id < begin_and_end.end_trace_id AND (
+    gesture_update.{{id_field}} IS NULL OR
+    gesture_update.{{id_field}} = begin_and_end.begin_{{id_field}}
+  );
+-- This takes the "update" events and joins it to the previous "update" event
+-- (previous row and NULL if there isn't one) and the next "update" event (next
+-- row and again NULL if there isn't one). Then we compute the duration of the
+-- event (relative to fps) and see if it increased by more than 0.5 (which is
+-- 1/2 of 16 ms at 60 fps, and so on).
+-- A small number is added to 0.5 in order to make sure that the comparison does
+-- not filter out ratios that are precisely 0.5, which can fall a little above
+-- or below exact value due to inherent inaccuracy of operations with
+-- floating-point numbers. Value 1e-9 have been chosen as follows: the ratio has
+-- nanoseconds in numerator and VSync interval in denominator. Assuming refresh
+-- rate more than 1 FPS (and therefore VSync interval less than a second), this
+-- ratio should increase with increments more than minimal value in numerator
+-- (1ns) divided by maximum value in denominator, giving 1e-9.
+-- We only compare an "update" event to another event within the same gesture
+-- ({{id_field}} == prev/next {{id_field}}). This controls somewhat for
+-- variability of gestures.
+-- Note: Must be a TABLE because it uses a window function which can behave
+--       strangely in views.
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {{prefix}}_jank_maybe_null_prev_and_next;
+CREATE TABLE {{prefix}}_jank_maybe_null_prev_and_next AS
+    currprev.*,
+      currprev.{{id_field}} != prev_{{id_field}} OR
+      prev_ts IS NULL OR
+      prev_ts < currprev.begin_ts OR
+      prev_ts > currprev.maybe_gesture_end
+    THEN
+      FALSE
+    ELSE
+      currprev.gesture_frames_exact > prev_gesture_frames_exact + 0.5 + 1e-9
+    END AS prev_jank,
+      currprev.{{id_field}} != next.{{id_field}} OR
+      next.ts IS NULL OR
+      next.ts < currprev.begin_ts OR
+      next.ts > currprev.maybe_gesture_end
+    THEN
+      FALSE
+    ELSE
+      currprev.gesture_frames_exact > next.gesture_frames_exact + 0.5 + 1e-9
+    END AS next_jank,
+    next.gesture_frames_exact AS next_gesture_frames_exact
+  FROM (
+      curr.*,
+      curr.maybe_gesture_end - curr.begin_ts AS gesture_dur,
+      prev.ts AS prev_ts,
+      prev.{{id_field}} AS prev_{{id_field}},
+      prev.gesture_frames_exact AS prev_gesture_frames_exact
+    FROM
+      {{id_field}}_update curr LEFT JOIN
+      {{id_field}}_update prev ON prev.row_number + 1 = curr.row_number
+  ) currprev LEFT JOIN
+  {{id_field}}_update next ON currprev.row_number + 1 = next.row_number
+  ORDER BY currprev.{{id_field}} ASC, currprev.ts ASC;
+-- This just uses prev_jank and next_jank to see if each "update" event is a
+-- jank.
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS {{prefix}}_jank;
+CREATE VIEW {{prefix}}_jank AS
+    id AS slice_id,
+    (next_jank IS NOT NULL AND next_jank) OR
+    (prev_jank IS NOT NULL AND prev_jank)
+    AS jank,
+    *
+  FROM {{prefix}}_jank_maybe_null_prev_and_next
+  ORDER BY {{id_field}} ASC, ts ASC;
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS {{prefix}}_jank_output;
+CREATE VIEW {{prefix}}_jank_output AS
+    {{proto_name}}(
+      '{{prefix}}_jank_percentage', (
+        SELECT
+          (
+            SUM(CASE WHEN jank THEN dur ELSE 0 END)/CAST(SUM(dur) AS REAL)
+          ) * 100.0
+        FROM {{prefix}}_jank
+      ),
+      '{{prefix}}_ms', (
+        SELECT
+          CAST(SUM(gesture_dur)/1e6 AS REAL)
+        FROM (
+          SELECT
+            MAX(gesture_dur) AS gesture_dur
+          FROM {{prefix}}_jank
+          GROUP BY {{id_field}}
+        )
+      ),
+      '{{prefix}}_processing_ms', CAST(SUM(dur)/1e6 AS REAL),
+      '{{prefix}}_jank_processing_ms', (
+        SELECT CAST(SUM(dur)/1e6 AS REAL) FROM {{prefix}}_jank WHERE jank
+      ),
+      'num_{{prefix}}_update_count', COUNT(*),
+      'num_{{prefix}}_update_jank_count', SUM(jank)
+    )
+  FROM {{prefix}}_jank;
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/scroll_jank.sql b/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/scroll_jank.sql
index 4561b1d..ddb8b20 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/scroll_jank.sql
+++ b/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/scroll_jank.sql
@@ -24,295 +24,11 @@
 --          active development and the values & meaning might change without
 --          notice.
--- Get all chrome processes and threads tables set up.
-SELECT RUN_METRIC('chrome/chrome_processes.sql');
--- When working on GestureScrollUpdate events we need to ensure we have all the
--- events from the browser, renderer, and GPU processes. This query isn't quite
--- perfect. In system tracing we could have 3 browser processes all in the
--- background and this would match, but for now its the best we can do (renderer
--- and GPU names on android are quite complicated, but this should filter 99% (
--- citation needed) of what we want.
--- See b/151077536 for historical context.
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS sufficient_chrome_processes;
-CREATE VIEW sufficient_chrome_processes AS
-    CASE WHEN (
-      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chrome_process) = 0
-    THEN
-      FALSE
-    ELSE (
-      SELECT COUNT(*) >= 3 FROM (
-        SELECT name FROM chrome_process
-        WHERE
-          name LIKE "Browser" OR
-          name LIKE "Renderer" OR
-          name LIKE "Gpu" OR
-          name LIKE '' OR
-          name LIKE '' OR
-          name LIKE '' OR
-          name LIKE '' OR
-          name LIKE '' OR
-          name LIKE ''
-        GROUP BY name
-    )) END AS have_enough_chrome_processes;
--- A simple table that checks the time between VSync (this can be used to
--- determine if we're scrolling at 90 FPS or 60 FPS.
--- Note: In traces without the "Java" category there will be no VSync
---       TraceEvents and this table will be empty.
--- Note: Must be a TABLE because it uses a window function which can behave
---       strangely in views.
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vsync_intervals;
-CREATE TABLE vsync_intervals AS
-    slice_id,
-    ts,
-    dur,
-    track_id,
-    LEAD(ts) OVER(PARTITION BY track_id ORDER BY ts) - ts AS time_to_next_vsync
-  FROM slice
-  WHERE name = "VSync"
-  ORDER BY track_id, ts;
--- Get all the GestureScrollBegin and GestureScrollEnd events. We take their
--- IDs to group them together into scrolls later and the timestamp and duration
--- to compute the duration of the scroll.
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS scroll_begin_and_end;
-CREATE VIEW scroll_begin_and_end AS
-    slice.ts,
-    slice.dur,
-    slice.track_id,
-    EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'chrome_latency_info.gesture_scroll_id')
-        AS gesture_scroll_id,
-    EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, "chrome_latency_info.trace_id") AS trace_id
-    slice
- IN (
-      'InputLatency::GestureScrollBegin',
-      'InputLatency::GestureScrollEnd'
-    )
-  ORDER BY ts;
--- Now we take the GestureScrollBegin and the GestureScrollEnd events and join
--- the information into a single row per scroll. We also compute the average
--- Vysnc interval of the scroll (hopefully this would be either 60 FPS for the
--- whole scroll or 90 FPS but that isn't always the case). If the trace doesn't
--- contain the VSync TraceEvent we just fall back on assuming its 60 FPS (this
--- is the 1.6e+7 in the COALESCE which corresponds to 16 ms or 60 FPS).
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS joined_scroll_begin_and_end;
-CREATE VIEW joined_scroll_begin_and_end AS
- AS begin_id,
-    begin.ts AS begin_ts,
-    begin.dur AS begin_dur,
-    begin.track_id AS begin_track_id,
-    begin.trace_id AS begin_trace_id,
-    COALESCE(begin.gesture_scroll_id, begin.trace_id)
-        AS begin_gesture_scroll_id,
-    end.ts AS end_ts,
-    end.ts + end.dur AS end_ts_and_dur,
-    end.trace_id AS end_trace_id,
-      SELECT
-        CAST(AVG(time_to_next_vsync) AS FLOAT)
-      FROM vsync_intervals in_query
-      WHERE
-        time_to_next_vsync IS NOT NULL AND
-        in_query.ts > begin.ts AND
-        in_query.ts < end.ts
-    ), 1e+9 / 60) AS avg_vsync_interval
-  FROM scroll_begin_and_end begin JOIN scroll_begin_and_end end ON
-    begin.trace_id < end.trace_id AND
- = 'InputLatency::GestureScrollBegin' AND
- = 'InputLatency::GestureScrollEnd' AND (
-      (
-        begin.gesture_scroll_id IS NULL AND
-        end.trace_id = (
-          SELECT MIN(trace_id)
-          FROM scroll_begin_and_end in_query
-          WHERE
-            name = 'InputLatency::GestureScrollEnd' AND
-          in_query.trace_id > begin.trace_id
-        )
-      ) OR
-      end.gesture_scroll_id = begin.gesture_scroll_id
-    )
-  ORDER BY begin.ts;
--- Get the GestureScrollUpdate events by name ordered by the
--- |gesture_scroll_id|, and timestamp. Then compute the number of frames (
--- relative to vsync interval) that each event took. 1.6e+7 is 16 ms in
--- nanoseconds and is used in case there are no VSync events to default to 60
--- fps. We join each GestureScrollUpdate event to the information about it'
--- begin and end events for easy computation later.
--- We remove updates with |dur| == -1 because this means we have no end event
--- and can't reasonably determine what it should be. We have separate tracking
--- to ensure this only happens at the end of the trace where its expected.
--- Note: Must be a TABLE because it uses a window function which can behave
---       strangely in views.
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gesture_scroll_update;
-CREATE TABLE gesture_scroll_update AS
-      ORDER BY gesture_scroll_id ASC, ts ASC) AS row_number,
-    begin_id,
-    begin_ts,
-    begin_dur,
-    begin_track_id,
-    begin_trace_id,
-    COALESCE(gesture_scroll_id, begin_trace_id) AS gesture_scroll_id,
-      end_ts_and_dur > ts + dur THEN
-        end_ts_and_dur
-      ELSE
-        ts + dur
-      END AS maybe_scroll_end,
-    id,
-    ts,
-    dur,
-    track_id,
-    trace_id,
-    dur/avg_vsync_interval AS scroll_frames_exact
-  FROM joined_scroll_begin_and_end begin_and_end JOIN (
-      EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, "chrome_latency_info.trace_id") AS trace_id,
-      EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'chrome_latency_info.gesture_scroll_id')
-          AS gesture_scroll_id,
-      *
-    FROM
-      slice JOIN track ON slice.track_id =
-    WHERE
- = 'InputLatency::GestureScrollUpdate' AND
-      slice.dur != -1 AND
-              EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, "chrome_latency_info.is_coalesced"),
-              TRUE)
-      AND slice.arg_set_id IN (
-        SELECT arg_set_id FROM args
-        WHERE args.arg_set_id = slice.arg_set_id
-        AND flat_key = 'chrome_latency_info.component_info.component_type'
-      )
-  ) scroll_update ON
-  scroll_update.ts <= begin_and_end.end_ts AND
-  scroll_update.ts >= begin_and_end.begin_ts AND
-  scroll_update.trace_id > begin_and_end.begin_trace_id AND
-  scroll_update.trace_id < begin_and_end.end_trace_id AND (
-    scroll_update.gesture_scroll_id IS NULL OR
-    scroll_update.gesture_scroll_id = begin_and_end.begin_gesture_scroll_id
-  );
--- This takes the GestureScrollUpdate events and joins it to the previous
--- GestureScrollUpdate event (previous row and NULL if there isn't one) and the
--- next GestureScrollUpdate event (next row and again NULL if there isn't one).
--- Then we compute the duration of the event (relative to fps) and see if it
--- increased by more than 0.5 (which is 1/2 of 16 ms at 60 fps, and so on).
--- A small number is added to 0.5 in order to make sure that the comparison
--- does not filter out ratios that are precisely 0.5, which can fall a little
--- above or below exact value due to inherent inaccuracy of operations with
--- floating-point numbers. Value 1e-9 have been chosen as follows: the ratio
--- has nanoseconds in numerator and VSync interval in denominator. Assuming
--- refresh rate more than 1 FPS (and therefore VSync interval less than a
--- second), this ratio should increase with increments more than minimal value
--- in numerator (1ns) divided by maximum value in denominator, giving 1e-9.
--- We only compare a GestureScrollUpdate event to another event within the same
--- scroll (gesture_scroll_id == prev/next gesture_scroll_id). This controls
--- somewhat for variability of scrolls.
--- Note: Must be a TABLE because it uses a window function which can behave
---       strangely in views.
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS scroll_jank_maybe_null_prev_and_next;
-CREATE TABLE scroll_jank_maybe_null_prev_and_next AS
-    currprev.*,
-      currprev.gesture_scroll_id != prev_gesture_scroll_id OR
-      prev_ts IS NULL OR
-      prev_ts < currprev.begin_ts OR
-      prev_ts > currprev.maybe_scroll_end
-    THEN
-      FALSE
-    ELSE
-      currprev.scroll_frames_exact > prev_scroll_frames_exact + 0.5 + 1e-9
-    END AS prev_jank,
-      currprev.gesture_scroll_id != next.gesture_scroll_id OR
-      next.ts IS NULL OR
-      next.ts < currprev.begin_ts OR
-      next.ts > currprev.maybe_scroll_end
-    THEN
-      FALSE
-    ELSE
-      currprev.scroll_frames_exact > next.scroll_frames_exact + 0.5 + 1e-9
-    END AS next_jank,
-    next.scroll_frames_exact AS next_scroll_frames_exact
-  FROM (
-      curr.*,
-      curr.maybe_scroll_end - curr.begin_ts AS scroll_dur,
-      prev.ts AS prev_ts,
-      prev.gesture_scroll_id AS prev_gesture_scroll_id,
-      prev.scroll_frames_exact AS prev_scroll_frames_exact
-    FROM
-      gesture_scroll_update curr LEFT JOIN
-      gesture_scroll_update prev ON prev.row_number + 1 = curr.row_number
-  ) currprev LEFT JOIN
-  gesture_scroll_update next ON currprev.row_number + 1 = next.row_number
-  ORDER BY currprev.gesture_scroll_id ASC, currprev.ts ASC;
--- This just uses prev_jank and next_jank to see if each GestureScrollUpdate
--- event is a jank.
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS scroll_jank;
-CREATE VIEW scroll_jank AS
-    id AS slice_id,
-    (next_jank IS NOT NULL AND next_jank) OR
-    (prev_jank IS NOT NULL AND prev_jank)
-    AS jank,
-    *
-  FROM scroll_jank_maybe_null_prev_and_next
-  ORDER BY gesture_scroll_id ASC, ts ASC;
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS scroll_jank_ms;
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS scroll_jank_output;
-CREATE VIEW scroll_jank_output AS
-    ScrollJank(
-      'scroll_jank_percentage', (
-        SELECT
-          (
-            SUM(CASE WHEN jank THEN dur ELSE 0 END)/CAST(SUM(dur) AS REAL)
-          ) * 100.0
-        FROM scroll_jank
-      ),
-      'scroll_ms', (
-        SELECT
-          CAST(SUM(scroll_dur)/1e6 AS REAL)
-        FROM (
-          SELECT
-            MAX(scroll_dur) AS scroll_dur
-          FROM scroll_jank
-          GROUP BY gesture_scroll_id
-        )
-      ),
-      'scroll_processing_ms', CAST(SUM(dur)/1e6 AS REAL),
-      'scroll_jank_processing_ms', (
-        SELECT CAST(SUM(dur)/1e6 AS REAL) FROM scroll_jank WHERE jank
-      ),
-      'num_scroll_update_count', COUNT(*),
-      'num_scroll_update_jank_count', SUM(jank)
-    )
-  FROM scroll_jank;
+    'chrome/gesture_jank.sql',
+    'prefix', 'scroll',
+    'gesture_start', 'GestureScrollBegin',
+    'gesture_update', 'GestureScrollUpdate',
+    'gesture_end', 'GestureScrollEnd',
+    'id_field', 'gesture_scroll_id',
+    'proto_name', 'ScrollJank');
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.sql b/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2920099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace_processor/metrics/chrome/touch_jank.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- A collection of metrics related to TouchMove events.
+-- We define a TouchMove to be janky if comparing forwards or backwards
+-- (ignoring coalesced updates) a given TouchMove exceeds the duration of its
+-- predecessor or successor by 50% of a vsync interval (defaulted to 60 FPS).
+-- WARNING: This metric should not be used as a source of truth. It is under
+--          active development and the values & meaning might change without
+--          notice.
+    'chrome/gesture_jank.sql',
+    'prefix', 'touch',
+    'gesture_start', 'TouchStart',
+    'gesture_update', 'TouchMove',
+    'gesture_end', 'TouchEnd',
+    'id_field', 'touch_id',
+    'proto_name', 'TouchJank');
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index b1ad592..ab2abc1 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -668,18 +668,23 @@
+                                    touch_id=None,
     packet = self.add_track_event_slice(
         "InputLatency::" + name, ts=ts, dur=dur, track=track)
-    packet.track_event.chrome_latency_info.trace_id = trace_id
-    packet.track_event.chrome_latency_info.gesture_scroll_id = gesture_scroll_id
+    latency_info = packet.track_event.chrome_latency_info
+    latency_info.trace_id = trace_id
+    if gesture_scroll_id is not None:
+      latency_info.gesture_scroll_id = gesture_scroll_id
+    if touch_id is not None:
+      latency_info.touch_id = touch_id
     if gets_to_gpu:
-      component = packet.track_event.chrome_latency_info.component_info.add()
+      component = latency_info.component_info.add()
       component.component_type = 13
     if is_coalesced is not None:
-      packet.track_event.chrome_latency_info.is_coalesced = is_coalesced
+      latency_info.is_coalesced = is_coalesced
     return packet
   def add_chrome_metadata(self, os_name=None):
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/chrome/index b/test/trace_processor/chrome/index
index 4bbaecb..029a47d 100644
--- a/test/trace_processor/chrome/index
+++ b/test/trace_processor/chrome/index
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Tests related to Chrome's use of Perfetto.
 # Chrome metrics (found in the trace_processor/chrome directory).
+# Scroll jank metrics
 ../../data/chrome_scroll_without_vsync.pftrace scroll_jank_general_validation.sql scroll_jank_general_validation.out
 ../../data/chrome_scroll_without_vsync.pftrace scroll_jank.sql scroll_jank.out
 ../../data/chrome_scroll_without_vsync.pftrace scroll_flow_event.sql scroll_flow_event.out
@@ -16,6 +18,10 @@ scroll_jank_mojo_simple_watcher.sql scroll_jank_mojo_simple_watcher.out scroll_jank_gpu_check.sql scroll_jank_gpu_check.out
+# Touch gesture metrics
+../../data/chrome_touch_gesture_scroll.pftrace touch_jank.sql touch_jank.out touch_jank.sql touch_jank_synth.out
 # Chrome memory snapshots.
 ../../data/chrome_memory_snapshot.pftrace memory_snapshot_general_validation.sql memory_snapshot_general_validation.out
 ../../data/chrome_memory_snapshot.pftrace memory_snapshot_os_dump_events.sql memory_snapshot_os_dump_events.out
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/chrome/scroll_jank_general_validation.sql b/test/trace_processor/chrome/scroll_jank_general_validation.sql
index 4143875..1aa3059b 100644
--- a/test/trace_processor/chrome/scroll_jank_general_validation.sql
+++ b/test/trace_processor/chrome/scroll_jank_general_validation.sql
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   -- This means we should have scroll_dur == 1628470852
   SELECT SUM(scroll_dur) FROM (
-      gesture_scroll_id, max(maybe_scroll_end) - begin_ts AS scroll_dur
+      gesture_scroll_id, max(maybe_gesture_end) - begin_ts AS scroll_dur
     FROM scroll_jank
     GROUP BY gesture_scroll_id
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/chrome/touch_jank.out b/test/trace_processor/chrome/touch_jank.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f55ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/trace_processor/chrome/touch_jank.out
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/chrome/ b/test/trace_processor/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86678f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/trace_processor/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This is intended to test the handling of simple_watcher style mojo events,
+# which are often missing trace events below them and so are all aggregated
+# together despite them coming into different mojo interfaces.
+from os import sys
+import synth_common
+from synth_common import ms_to_ns
+trace = synth_common.create_trace()
+process_track1 = 1234
+trace.add_process_track_descriptor(process_track1, pid=0)
+process_pid1 = 2345
+thread_track1 = 1235
+# Main threads have the same ID as the process
+thread_tid1 = process_pid1
+seq1 = 9876
+thread1_counter = 60
+touch_move_trace_id = 34576
+trace_id1 = touch_move_trace_id + 1
+trace_id2 = trace_id1 + 1
+trace_id3 = trace_id2 + 1
+touch_end_trace_id = trace_id3 + 1
+touch_gesture_id = 87654
+flow_id1 = 45678
+flow_id2 = 45679
+flow_id3 = 45680
+    "TouchStart",
+    ts=ms_to_ns(0),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(1),
+    track=touch_move_trace_id,
+    trace_id=touch_move_trace_id,
+    touch_id=touch_gesture_id)
+trace.add_chrome_process_track_descriptor(process_track1, process_pid1)
+    process_track1,
+    thread_track1,
+    trusted_packet_sequence_id=seq1,
+    counter_track=thread1_counter,
+    pid=process_pid1,
+    tid=thread_tid1,
+    thread_type=trace.prototypes.ThreadDescriptor.ChromeThreadType
+# Touch move 1 - not janky
+    "TouchMove",
+    ts=ms_to_ns(0),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(10),
+    track=trace_id1,
+    trace_id=trace_id1,
+    touch_id=touch_gesture_id,
+    is_coalesced=0)
+    ts=ms_to_ns(0),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(1),
+    trusted_sequence_id=seq1,
+    trace_id=trace_id1,
+    flow_ids=[flow_id1])
+# The slices below will block this "not janky" touch move 1.
+    "task", ts=ms_to_ns(2), dur=ms_to_ns(6), trusted_sequence_id=seq1)
+    "subtask", ts=ms_to_ns(3), dur=ms_to_ns(4), trusted_sequence_id=seq1)
+# This ends the blocking slices of "not janky" touch move 1.
+    ts=ms_to_ns(11),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(1),
+    trusted_sequence_id=seq1,
+    trace_id=trace_id1,
+    terminating_flow_ids=[flow_id1])
+# Touch move 2 - janky
+    "TouchMove",
+    ts=ms_to_ns(16),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(33),
+    track=trace_id2,
+    trace_id=trace_id2,
+    touch_id=touch_gesture_id,
+    is_coalesced=0)
+    ts=ms_to_ns(16),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(1),
+    trusted_sequence_id=seq1,
+    trace_id=trace_id2,
+    flow_ids=[flow_id2])
+# The slices below will block this "janky" touch move 2.
+    "task", ts=ms_to_ns(18), dur=ms_to_ns(29), trusted_sequence_id=seq1)
+    "subtask", ts=ms_to_ns(19), dur=ms_to_ns(27), trusted_sequence_id=seq1)
+# This ends the blocking slices of "janky" touch move 2.
+    ts=ms_to_ns(50),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(1),
+    trusted_sequence_id=seq1,
+    trace_id=trace_id2,
+    terminating_flow_ids=[flow_id2])
+# Touch move 3 - janky
+    "TouchMove",
+    ts=ms_to_ns(55),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(33),
+    track=trace_id3,
+    trace_id=trace_id3,
+    touch_id=touch_gesture_id,
+    is_coalesced=0)
+    ts=ms_to_ns(55),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(1),
+    trusted_sequence_id=seq1,
+    trace_id=trace_id3,
+    flow_ids=[flow_id3])
+# The slices below will block this "janky" touch move 3.
+    "task", ts=ms_to_ns(57), dur=ms_to_ns(29), trusted_sequence_id=seq1)
+packet = trace.add_track_event_slice(
+    "subtask", ts=ms_to_ns(58), dur=ms_to_ns(27), trusted_sequence_id=seq1)
+# This ends the blocking slices of "janky" touch move 3.
+    ts=ms_to_ns(89),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(1),
+    trusted_sequence_id=seq1,
+    trace_id=trace_id3,
+    terminating_flow_ids=[flow_id3])
+    "TouchEnd",
+    ts=ms_to_ns(90),
+    dur=ms_to_ns(2),
+    track=touch_end_trace_id,
+    trace_id=touch_end_trace_id,
+    touch_id=touch_gesture_id)
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/chrome/touch_jank.sql b/test/trace_processor/chrome/touch_jank.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..723b146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/trace_processor/chrome/touch_jank.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+-- Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+SELECT RUN_METRIC('chrome/touch_jank.sql') AS suppress_query_output;
+  touch_id,
+  trace_id,
+  jank,
+  ts,
+  dur
+FROM touch_jank;
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/chrome/touch_jank_synth.out b/test/trace_processor/chrome/touch_jank_synth.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c6f96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/trace_processor/chrome/touch_jank_synth.out
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/tools/install-build-deps b/tools/install-build-deps
index 3c1be18..42a2abc 100755
--- a/tools/install-build-deps
+++ b/tools/install-build-deps
@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@
     # Example traces for regression tests.
-         '',
-         'a40ceaed49bce81f3d4f3c0205356103b8c0ea153bf555870916c4ebede9abf8',
+         '',
+         '62f31bd3b49f5c09c1fec047a551d91141c9f394e555564050a8fa14132fa502',
         'all', 'all',