blob: 4aee5b59d6182cf49a296bea9f19889fe2e70bec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from python.generators.trace_processor_table.public import Alias
from python.generators.trace_processor_table.public import ColumnFlag
from python.generators.trace_processor_table.util import ParsedTable
from python.generators.trace_processor_table.util import ParsedColumn
class ColumnSerializer:
"""Functions for serializing a single Column in a table into C++."""
def __init__(self, table: ParsedTable, column: ParsedColumn, col_index: int):
self.col_index = col_index
self.parsed_col = column
self.col = self.parsed_col.column =
self.flags = self.col.flags
self.typed_column_type = table.typed_column_type(self.parsed_col)
self.cpp_type = table.parse_type(self.col.type).cpp_type_with_optionality()
self.is_implicit_id = self.parsed_col.is_implicit_id
self.is_implicit_type = self.parsed_col.is_implicit_type
self.is_ancestor = self.parsed_col.is_ancestor
def colindex(self) -> str:
return f' static constexpr uint32_t {} = {self.col_index};'
def coltype_enum(self) -> str:
return f' using {} = {self.typed_column_type};'
def row_field(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
if self.is_ancestor:
return None
return f' {self.cpp_type} {};'
def row_param(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
return f'{self.cpp_type} in_{} = {{}}'
def parent_row_initializer(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
if not self.is_ancestor:
return None
return f'std::move(in_{})'
def row_initializer(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
if self.is_ancestor:
return None
return f'{}(std::move(in_{}))'
def const_row_ref_getter(self) -> Optional[str]:
return f'''ColumnType::{}::type {}() const {{
return table_->{}()[row_number_];
def row_ref_getter(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
return f'''void set_{}(
ColumnType::{}::non_optional_type v) {{
return mutable_table()->mutable_{}()->Set(row_number_, v);
def flag(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
if self.is_ancestor:
return None
default = f'ColumnType::{}::default_flags()'
if self.flags == ColumnFlag.NONE:
flags = default
flags = f'static_cast<uint32_t>({to_cpp_flags(self.flags)}) | {default}'
return f'''
static constexpr uint32_t {} = {flags};
def storage_init(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
if self.is_ancestor:
return None
storage = f'ColumnStorage<ColumnType::{}::stored_type>'
dense = str(ColumnFlag.DENSE in self.flags).lower()
return f'''{}_({storage}::Create<{dense}>())'''
def column_init(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
if self.is_ancestor:
return None
return f'''
columns_.emplace_back("{}", &{}_, ColumnFlag::{},
this, static_cast<uint32_t>(columns_.size()),
def shrink_to_fit(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id:
return None
if self.is_ancestor:
return None
return f' {}_.ShrinkToFit();'
def append(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
if self.is_ancestor:
return None
return f' mutable_{}()->Append(std::move(row.{}));'
def accessor(self) -> Optional[str]:
inner = f'columns_[ColumnIndex::{}]'
return f'''
const {self.typed_column_type}& {}() const {{
return static_cast<const ColumnType::{}&>({inner});
def mutable_accessor(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
return f'''
{self.typed_column_type}* mutable_{}() {{
return static_cast<ColumnType::{}*>(
def storage(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
if self.is_ancestor:
return None
name =
return f' ColumnStorage<ColumnType::{name}::stored_type> {name}_;'
def iterator_getter(self) -> Optional[str]:
name =
return f'''
ColumnType::{}::type {name}() const {{
const auto& col = table_->{name}();
return col.GetAtIdx(its_[col.overlay_index()].index());
def iterator_setter(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
return f'''
void set_{}(ColumnType::{}::non_optional_type v) {{
auto* col = mutable_table_->mutable_{}();
col->SetAtIdx(its_[col->overlay_index()].index(), v);
def static_schema(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
return f'''
"{}", ColumnType::{}::SqlValueType(), false,
{str(ColumnFlag.SORTED in self.flags).lower()},
{str(ColumnFlag.HIDDEN in self.flags).lower()},
{str(ColumnFlag.SET_ID in self.flags).lower()}}});
def row_eq(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.is_implicit_id or self.is_implicit_type:
return None
return f'ColumnType::{}::Equals({}, other.{})'
class TableSerializer(object):
"""Functions for seralizing a single Table into C++."""
def __init__(self, parsed: ParsedTable):
self.table = parsed.table
self.table_name = parsed.table.class_name
self.column_serializers = []
if parsed.table.parent:
self.parent_class_name = parsed.table.parent.class_name
self.parent_class_name = 'macros_internal::RootParentTable'
self.column_serializers = []
for c in parsed.columns:
# Aliases should be ignored as they are handled in SQL currently.
if isinstance(c.column.type, Alias):
ColumnSerializer(parsed, c, len(self.column_serializers)))
def foreach_col(self, serialize_fn, delimiter='\n') -> str:
lines = []
for c in self.column_serializers:
serialized = serialize_fn(c)
if serialized:
return delimiter.join(lines).strip()
def id_defn(self) -> str:
if self.table.parent:
return f'''
using Id = {self.table.parent.class_name}::Id;
return '''
struct Id : public BaseId {
Id() = default;
explicit constexpr Id(uint32_t v) : BaseId(v) {}
"Inheritance used without trivial destruction");
def row_struct(self) -> str:
param = self.foreach_col(
ColumnSerializer.row_param, delimiter=',\n ')
parent_row_init = self.foreach_col(
ColumnSerializer.parent_row_initializer, delimiter=', ')
row_init = self.foreach_col(
ColumnSerializer.row_initializer, delimiter=',\n ')
row_eq = self.foreach_col(ColumnSerializer.row_eq, delimiter=' &&\n ')
return f'''
struct Row : public {self.parent_class_name}::Row {{
std::nullptr_t = nullptr)
: {self.parent_class_name}::Row({parent_row_init}),
{row_init} {{
type_ = "{self.table.sql_name}";
bool operator==(const {self.table_name}::Row& other) const {{
return type() == other.type() && {row_eq};
def const_row_reference_struct(self) -> str:
row_ref_getters = self.foreach_col(
ColumnSerializer.const_row_ref_getter, delimiter='\n ')
return f'''
class ConstRowReference : public macros_internal::AbstractConstRowReference<
{self.table_name}, RowNumber> {{
ConstRowReference(const {self.table_name}* table, uint32_t row_number)
: AbstractConstRowReference(table, row_number) {{}}
"Inheritance used without trivial destruction");
def row_reference_struct(self) -> str:
row_ref_getters = self.foreach_col(
ColumnSerializer.row_ref_getter, delimiter='\n ')
return f'''
class RowReference : public ConstRowReference {{
RowReference(const {self.table_name}* table, uint32_t row_number)
: ConstRowReference(table, row_number) {{}}
{self.table_name}* mutable_table() const {{
return const_cast<{self.table_name}*>(table_);
"Inheritance used without trivial destruction");
def constructor(self) -> str:
col_init = self.foreach_col(
ColumnSerializer.storage_init, delimiter=',\n ')
if self.table.parent:
parent_param = f', {self.parent_class_name}* parent'
parent_arg = 'parent'
parent_init = 'parent_(parent), '
parent_param = ''
parent_arg = 'nullptr'
parent_init = ''
return f'''
explicit {self.table_name}(StringPool* pool{parent_param})
: macros_internal::MacroTable(pool, {parent_arg}),
{parent_init}{col_init} {{
uint32_t overlay_idx = static_cast<uint32_t>(overlays_.size()) - 1;
def parent_field(self) -> str:
if self.table.parent:
return f'''
{self.parent_class_name}* parent_ = nullptr;
return ''
def insert_common(self) -> str:
if self.table.parent:
return '''
Id id = Id{parent_->Insert(row).id};
return '''
Id id = Id{row_number};
def const_iterator(self) -> str:
iterator_getters = self.foreach_col(
ColumnSerializer.iterator_getter, delimiter='\n')
return f'''
class ConstIterator;
class ConstIterator : public macros_internal::AbstractConstIterator<
ConstIterator, {self.table_name}, RowNumber, ConstRowReference> {{
explicit ConstIterator(const {self.table_name}* table,
std::vector<ColumnStorageOverlay> overlays)
: AbstractConstIterator(table, std::move(overlays)) {{}}
uint32_t CurrentRowNumber() const {{
return its_.back().index();
friend class {self.table_name};
friend class AbstractConstIterator;
def iterator(self) -> str:
iterator_setters = self.foreach_col(
ColumnSerializer.iterator_setter, delimiter='\n')
return f'''
class Iterator : public ConstIterator {{
RowReference row_reference() const {{
return RowReference(mutable_table_, CurrentRowNumber());
friend class {self.table_name};
explicit Iterator({self.table_name}* table,
std::vector<ColumnStorageOverlay> overlays)
: ConstIterator(table, std::move(overlays)),
mutable_table_(table) {{}}
{self.table_name}* mutable_table_ = nullptr;
def serialize(self) -> str:
return f'''
class {self.table_name} : public macros_internal::MacroTable {{
struct ColumnIndex {{
struct ColumnType {{
struct ColumnFlag {{
class RowNumber;
class ConstRowReference;
class RowReference;
class RowNumber : public macros_internal::AbstractRowNumber<
{self.table_name}, ConstRowReference, RowReference> {{
explicit RowNumber(uint32_t row_number)
: AbstractRowNumber(row_number) {{}}
"Inheritance used without trivial destruction");
struct IdAndRow {{
Id id;
uint32_t row;
RowReference row_reference;
RowNumber row_number;
~{self.table_name}() override;
static const char* Name() {{ return "{self.table.sql_name}"; }}
static Table::Schema ComputeStaticSchema() {{
Table::Schema schema;
"id", SqlValue::Type::kLong, true, true, false, false}});
"type", SqlValue::Type::kString, false, false, false, false}});
return schema;
ConstIterator IterateRows() const {{
return ConstIterator(this, CopyOverlays());
Iterator IterateRows() {{ return Iterator(this, CopyOverlays()); }}
ConstIterator FilterToIterator(
const std::vector<Constraint>& cs,
RowMap::OptimizeFor opt = RowMap::OptimizeFor::kMemory) const {{
return ConstIterator(this, FilterAndApplyToOverlays(cs, opt));
Iterator FilterToIterator(
const std::vector<Constraint>& cs,
RowMap::OptimizeFor opt = RowMap::OptimizeFor::kMemory) {{
return Iterator(this, FilterAndApplyToOverlays(cs, opt));
void ShrinkToFit() {{
base::Optional<ConstRowReference> FindById(Id find_id) const {{
base::Optional<uint32_t> row = id().IndexOf(find_id);
return row ? base::make_optional(ConstRowReference(this, *row))
: base::nullopt;
base::Optional<RowReference> FindById(Id find_id) {{
base::Optional<uint32_t> row = id().IndexOf(find_id);
return row ? base::make_optional(RowReference(this, *row)) : base::nullopt;
IdAndRow Insert(const Row& row) {{
uint32_t row_number = row_count();
return IdAndRow{{std::move(id), row_number, RowReference(this, row_number),
def serialize_header(ifdef_guard: str, tables: List[ParsedTable],
include_paths: List[str]) -> str:
"""Serializes a table header file containing the given set of tables."""
include_paths_str = '\n'.join([f'#include "{i}"' for i in include_paths])
tables_str = '\n\n'.join([TableSerializer(t).serialize() for t in tables])
return f'''
#ifndef {ifdef_guard}
#define {ifdef_guard}
#include "src/trace_processor/tables/macros.h"
namespace perfetto {{
namespace trace_processor {{
namespace tables {{
}} // namespace tables
}} // namespace trace_processor
}} // namespace perfetto
#endif // {ifdef_guard}
def to_cpp_flags(raw_flag: ColumnFlag) -> str:
"""Converts a ColumnFlag to the C++ flags which it represents
It is not valid to call this function with ColumnFlag.NONE as in this case
defaults for that column should be implicitly used."""
assert raw_flag != ColumnFlag.NONE
flags = []
if ColumnFlag.SORTED in raw_flag:
if ColumnFlag.HIDDEN in raw_flag:
if ColumnFlag.DENSE in raw_flag:
if ColumnFlag.SET_ID in raw_flag:
return ' | '.join(flags)