Switch to the classic Mbed TLS ChangeLog format

Instead of working with Markdown format, keep the classic Mbed TLS
ChangeLog format, with the classic category names. Keep the classic
file name as well. This way there's no risk of breaking third-party
scripts that may copy or even parse the changelog file.

Accordingly, expect ChangeLog/*.txt files instead of ChangeLog/*.md.

This commit completely rewrites the parsing and output code.

This commit systematically appends to the existing top version. A
subsequent commit will restore the capability of creating a new

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <Gilles.Peskine@arm.com>
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/README b/ChangeLog.d/README
index 2f9f049..6e8e309 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.d/README
+++ b/ChangeLog.d/README
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
 This directory contains changelog entries that have not yet been merged
-to the changelog file (../ChangeLog.md).
+to the changelog file (../ChangeLog).
-A changelog entry file must have the extension *.md and must have the
+A changelog entry file must have the extension *.txt and must have the
 following format:
-### Section title
+   * Change description.
+   * Another change description.
-* Change descritpion.
-* Another change description.
-### Another section title
-* Yet another change description.
-* Yet again another change description.
+   * Yet another change description.
+   * Yet again another change description.
diff --git a/scripts/assemble_changelog.py b/scripts/assemble_changelog.py
index af3fd71..ba4a01d 100755
--- a/scripts/assemble_changelog.py
+++ b/scripts/assemble_changelog.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 # This file is part of Mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org)
 import argparse
-from collections import OrderedDict
+from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
 import datetime
 import functools
 import glob
@@ -56,47 +56,117 @@
         message = ('Lost content from {}: "{}"'.format(filename, line))
-    b'Interface changes',
+    b'API changes',
     b'Default behavior changes',
     b'Requirement changes',
     b'New deprecations',
-    b'New features',
+    b'Features',
-    b'Bug fixes',
-    b'Performance improvements',
-    b'Other changes',
+    b'Bugfix',
+    b'Changes',
+CategoryContent = namedtuple('CategoryContent', [
+    'name', 'title_line', # Title text and line number of the title
+    'body', 'body_line', # Body text and starting line number of the body
+class ChangelogFormat:
+    """Virtual class documenting how to write a changelog format class."""
+    @classmethod
+    def extract_top_version(cls, changelog_file_content):
+        """Split out the top version section.
+        Return ``(header, top_version_title, top_version_body, trailer)``
+        where ``changelog_file_content == header + top_version_title +
+                                          top_version_body + trailer``.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @classmethod
+    def version_title_text(cls, version_title):
+        """Return the text of a formatted version section title."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @classmethod
+    def split_categories(cls, version_body):
+        """Split a changelog version section body into categories.
+        Return a list of `CategoryContent` the name is category title
+        without any formatting.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @classmethod
+    def format_category(cls, title, body):
+        """Construct the text of a category section from its title and body."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class TextChangelogFormat(ChangelogFormat):
+    """The traditional Mbed TLS changelog format."""
+    _top_version_re = re.compile(br'(?:\A|\n)(=[^\n]*\n+)(.*?\n)(?:=|$)',
+                                 re.DOTALL)
+    @classmethod
+    def extract_top_version(cls, changelog_file_content):
+        """A version section starts with a line starting with '='."""
+        m = re.search(cls._top_version_re, changelog_file_content)
+        top_version_start = m.start(1)
+        top_version_end = m.end(2)
+        return (changelog_file_content[:top_version_start],
+                m.group(1), m.group(2),
+                changelog_file_content[top_version_end:])
+    @classmethod
+    def version_title_text(cls, version_title):
+        return re.sub(br'\n.*', version_title, re.DOTALL)
+    _category_title_re = re.compile(br'(^\w.*)\n+', re.MULTILINE)
+    @classmethod
+    def split_categories(cls, version_body):
+        """A category title is a line with the title in column 0."""
+        title_matches = list(re.finditer(cls._category_title_re, version_body))
+        if not title_matches:
+            return []
+        title_starts = [m.start(1) for m in title_matches]
+        body_starts = [m.end(0) for m in title_matches]
+        body_ends = title_starts[1:] + [len(version_body)]
+        bodies = [version_body[body_start:body_end].rstrip(b'\n') + b'\n'
+                  for (body_start, body_end) in zip(body_starts, body_ends)]
+        title_lines = [version_body[:pos].count(b'\n') for pos in title_starts]
+        body_lines = [version_body[:pos].count(b'\n') for pos in body_starts]
+        return [CategoryContent(title_match.group(1), title_line,
+                                body, body_line)
+                for title_match, title_line, body, body_line
+                in zip(title_matches, title_lines, bodies, body_lines)]
+    @classmethod
+    def format_category(cls, title, body):
+        # `split_categories` ensures that each body ends with a newline.
+        # Make sure that there is additionally a blank line between categories.
+        if not body.endswith(b'\n\n'):
+            body += b'\n'
+        return title + b'\n' + body
 class ChangeLog:
     """An Mbed TLS changelog.
-    A changelog is a file in Markdown format. Each level 2 section title
-    starts a version, and versions are sorted in reverse chronological
-    order. Lines with a level 2 section title must start with '##'.
+    A changelog file consists of some header text followed by one or
+    more version sections. The version sections are in reverse
+    chronological order. Each version section consists of a title and a body.
-    Within a version, there are multiple sections, each devoted to a kind
-    of change: bug fix, feature request, etc. Section titles should match
-    entries in STANDARD_SECTIONS exactly.
+    The body of a version section consists of zero or more category
+    subsections. Each category subsection consists of a title and a body.
-    Within each section, each separate change should be on a line starting
-    with a '*' bullet. There may be blank lines surrounding titles, but
-    there should not be any blank line inside a section.
+    A changelog entry file has the same format as the body of a version section.
+    A `ChangelogFormat` object defines the concrete syntax of the changelog.
+    Entry files must have the same format as the changelog file.
-    _title_re = re.compile(br'#*')
-    def title_level(self, line):
-        """Determine whether the line is a title.
-        Return (level, content) where level is the Markdown section level
-        (1 for '#', 2 for '##', etc.) and content is the section title
-        without leading or trailing whitespace. For a non-title line,
-        the level is 0.
-        """
-        level = re.match(self._title_re, line).end()
-        return level, line[level:].strip()
     # Only accept dotted version numbers (e.g. "3.1", not "3").
     # Refuse ".x" in a version number where x is a letter: this indicates
     # a version that is not yet released. Something like "3.1a" is accepted.
@@ -124,114 +194,55 @@
         # pylint: disable=no-self-use; this method may be overridden
         return b'Unreleased changes'
-    def __init__(self, input_stream):
+    def add_categories_from_text(self, filename, line_offset,
+                                 text, allow_unknown_category):
+        """Parse a version section or entry file."""
+        categories = self.format.split_categories(text)
+        for category in categories:
+            if not allow_unknown_category and \
+               category.name not in self.categories:
+                raise InputFormatError(filename,
+                                       line_offset + category.title_line,
+                                       'Unknown category: "{}"',
+                                       category.name.decode('utf8'))
+            self.categories[category.name] += category.body
+    def __init__(self, input_stream, changelog_format):
         """Create a changelog object.
         Populate the changelog object from the content of the file
-        input_stream. This is typically a file opened for reading, but
-        can be any generator returning the lines to read.
+        input_stream.
-        # Content before the level-2 section where the new entries are to be
-        # added.
-        self.header = []
-        # Content of the level-3 sections of where the new entries are to
-        # be added.
-        self.section_content = OrderedDict()
-        for section in STANDARD_SECTIONS:
-            self.section_content[section] = []
-        # Content of level-2 sections for already-released versions.
-        self.trailer = []
-        self.read_main_file(input_stream)
-    def read_main_file(self, input_stream):
-        """Populate the changelog object from the content of the file.
-        This method is only intended to be called as part of the constructor
-        of the class and may not act sensibly on an object that is already
-        partially populated.
-        """
-        # Parse the first level-2 section, containing changelog entries
-        # for unreleased changes.
-        # If we'll be expanding this section, everything before the first
-        # level-3 section title ("###...") following the first level-2
-        # section title ("##...") is passed through as the header
-        # and everything after the second level-2 section title is passed
-        # through as the trailer. Inside the first level-2 section,
-        # split out the level-3 sections.
-        # If we'll be creating a new version, the header is everything
-        # before the point where we want to add the level-2 section
-        # for this version, and the trailer is what follows.
-        level_2_seen = 0
-        current_section = None
-        for line in input_stream:
-            level, content = self.title_level(line)
-            if level == 2:
-                level_2_seen += 1
-                if level_2_seen == 1:
-                    if self.section_is_released_version(content):
-                        self.header.append(b'## ' +
-                                           self.unreleased_version_title() +
-                                           b'\n\n')
-                        level_2_seen = 2
-            elif level == 3 and level_2_seen == 1:
-                current_section = content
-                self.section_content.setdefault(content, [])
-            if level_2_seen == 1 and current_section is not None:
-                if level != 3 and line.strip():
-                    self.section_content[current_section].append(line)
-            elif level_2_seen <= 1:
-                self.header.append(line)
-            else:
-                self.trailer.append(line)
+        self.format = changelog_format
+        whole_file = input_stream.read()
+        (self.header,
+         self.top_version_title, top_version_body,
+         self.trailer) = self.format.extract_top_version(whole_file)
+        # Split the top version section into categories.
+        self.categories = OrderedDict()
+        for category in STANDARD_CATEGORIES:
+            self.categories[category] = b''
+        offset = (self.header + self.top_version_title).count(b'\n')
+        self.add_categories_from_text(input_stream.name, offset,
+                                      top_version_body, True)
     def add_file(self, input_stream):
         """Add changelog entries from a file.
-        Read lines from input_stream, which is typically a file opened
-        for reading. These lines must contain a series of level 3
-        Markdown sections with recognized titles. The corresponding
-        content is injected into the respective sections in the changelog.
-        The section titles must be either one of the hard-coded values
-        in STANDARD_SECTIONS in assemble_changelog.py or already present
-        in ChangeLog.md. Section titles must match byte-for-byte except that
-        leading or trailing whitespace is ignored.
-        filename = input_stream.name
-        current_section = None
-        for line_number, line in enumerate(input_stream, 1):
-            if not line.strip():
-                continue
-            level, content = self.title_level(line)
-            if level == 3:
-                current_section = content
-                if current_section not in self.section_content:
-                    raise InputFormatError(filename, line_number,
-                                           'Section {} is not recognized',
-                                           str(current_section)[1:])
-            elif level == 0:
-                if current_section is None:
-                    raise InputFormatError(filename, line_number,
-                                           'Missing section title at the beginning of the file')
-                self.section_content[current_section].append(line)
-            else:
-                raise InputFormatError(filename, line_number,
-                                       'Only level 3 headers (###) are permitted')
+        self.add_categories_from_text(input_stream.name, 0,
+                                      input_stream.read(), False)
     def write(self, filename):
         """Write the changelog to the specified file.
         with open(filename, 'wb') as out:
-            for line in self.header:
-                out.write(line)
-            for section, lines in self.section_content.items():
-                if not lines:
+            out.write(self.header)
+            out.write(self.top_version_title)
+            for title, body in self.categories.items():
+                if not body:
-                out.write(b'### ' + section + b'\n\n')
-                for line in lines:
-                    out.write(line)
-                out.write(b'\n')
-            for line in self.trailer:
-                out.write(line)
+                out.write(self.format.format_category(title, body))
+            out.write(self.trailer)
@@ -403,7 +414,7 @@
     "Oldest" is defined by `EntryFileSortKey`.
-    files_to_merge = glob.glob(os.path.join(options.dir, '*.md'))
+    files_to_merge = glob.glob(os.path.join(options.dir, '*.txt'))
     return files_to_merge
@@ -416,7 +427,7 @@
     Remove the merged entries if options.keep_entries is false.
     with open(options.input, 'rb') as input_file:
-        changelog = ChangeLog(input_file)
+        changelog = ChangeLog(input_file, TextChangelogFormat)
     files_to_merge = list_files_to_merge(options)
     if not files_to_merge:
         sys.stderr.write('There are no pending changelog entries.\n')
@@ -454,9 +465,9 @@
                         help='Directory to read entries from'
                              ' (default: ChangeLog.d)')
     parser.add_argument('--input', '-i', metavar='FILE',
-                        default='ChangeLog.md',
+                        default='ChangeLog',
                         help='Existing changelog file to read from and augment'
-                             ' (default: ChangeLog.md)')
+                             ' (default: ChangeLog)')
                         action='store_true', dest='keep_entries', default=None,
                         help='Keep the files containing entries'