blob: 1f03a6f9551f8d8e6acff3f39ef4a5917f3cb1ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package kythe.proto;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
// VName is a proto representation of a vector name.
// See also
// Rules:
// - All fields must be optional, and must have default values.
// - No field may ever be removed. If a field is deprecated, it may be
// renamed or marked with a comment, but must not be deleted.
// - New fields are always added to the end of the message.
// - All fields must be strings, not messages.
// One of the key principles is that we want as few fields as possible in a
// vname. We're not trying to exhaust the possible dimensions along which a
// name could vary, but to find a minimal basis. Be conservative.
message VName {
// A language-specific signature assigned by the analyzer.
// e.g., "<#1>()"
string signature = 1;
// The corpus this name belongs to.
// e.g., "kythe", "chromium", "", "aosp"
// The corpus label "kythe" is reserved for internal use.
string corpus = 2;
// A corpus-specific root label, designating a subordinate collection within
// the corpus. If a corpus stores files in unrelated directory structures,
// for example, the root can be used to distinguish them. Or, if a corpus
// incorporates subprojects, the root can be a project ID that it governs.
// This may also be used to distinguish virtual subgroups of a corpus such as
// generated files.
string root = 3;
// A path-structured label describing the location of this object relative to
// the corpus and the root. For code, this will generally be the relative
// path to the file containing the code, e.g., "storage/service.go" in kythe.
// The individual elements of the path are separated by "/".
// The path must not start with "/".
// The path must be normalized to a canonical form (with no path
// elements "", ".", or "..").
// However, this need not be a true file path; virtual objects like figments
// can assign an ad-hoc abstract ID, or omit it entirely.
// Examples:
// "devools/kythe/platform/go/datastore.go" (a file)
// "type/cpp/" (a type figment)
string path = 4;
// The language this name belongs to.
// e.g., "c++", "python", "elisp", "haskell", "java"
// The schema will define specific labels for each supported language, so we
// don't wind up with a confusion of names like "cxx", "cpp", "C++", etc.
// Prototype: Official language name converted to lowercase. If a version
// number is necessary, include it, e.g., "python3".
string language = 5;
// Other fields we may need in the future, but do not currently use:
// branch -- a branch name within the corpus depot, e.g., "gslb_branch".
// client -- a source-control client ID, e.g., "sergey:googlex:8:citc".
// Note: We have intentionally NOT included a revision or timestamp here.
// Time should be recorded as facts belonging to the appropriate Nodes and
// Edges. Having records of when something existed may be important, but time
// is not a good axis for a name -- a name should say "what" something is, not
// "when". So we will store timestamps, revisions, and other markers of this
// kind as facts inside the graph.
message VNameMask {
bool signature = 1;
bool corpus = 2;
bool root = 3;
bool path = 4;
bool language = 5;
// An Entry associates a fact with a graph object (node or edge). This is the
// the primary unit of storage.
message Entry {
VName source = 1;
// The following two fields must either be both empty, or both nonempty.
string edge_kind = 2;
VName target = 3;
// The grammar for fact_name:
// name = "/" | 1*path
// path = "/" word
// word = 1*{LETTER|DIGIT|PUNCT}
// LETTER = [A-Za-z]
// DIGIT = [0-9]
// PUNCT = [-.@#$%&_+:()]
string fact_name = 4;
bytes fact_value = 5;
// A collection of Entry instances.
message Entries {
repeated Entry entries = 1;
// Request for a stream of Entry objects from a GraphStore. Read operations
// should be implemented with time complexity proportional to the size of the
// return set.
message ReadRequest {
// Return entries having this source VName, which may not be empty.
VName source = 1;
// Return entries having this edge kind; if empty, only entries with an empty
// edge kind are returned; if "*", entries of any edge kind are returned.
string edge_kind = 2;
// Request to write Entry objects to a GraphStore
message WriteRequest {
message Update {
string edge_kind = 1;
VName target = 2;
string fact_name = 3;
bytes fact_value = 4;
VName source = 1;
repeated Update update = 2;
// Response to a WriteRequest
message WriteReply {}
// Request for a stream of Entry objects resulting from a full scan of a
// GraphStore.
message ScanRequest {
// Return entries having this target VName; if empty, any target field is
// matched, including empty.
VName target = 1;
// Return entries having this kind; if empty, any kind is matched, including
// empty.
string edge_kind = 2;
// Return entries having fact labels with this prefix; if empty, any fact
// label is matched,
string fact_prefix = 3;
// Request for the size of the shard at the given index.
message CountRequest {
int64 index = 1;
int64 shards = 2;
// Response for a CountRequest
message CountReply {
// Total number of entries in the specified shard.
int64 entries = 1;
// Request for a stream of Entry objects in the given shard.
message ShardRequest {
int64 index = 1;
int64 shards = 2;
// A VNameRewriteRule associates a regular expression pattern with a VName
// template. A rule can be applied to a string to produce a VName.
message VNameRewriteRule {
// An RE2 pattern to match against an input string. Patterns are implicitly
// anchored at both ends.
string pattern = 1;
// A template VName to populate with matches from the input. The template
// strings may contain markers of the form @n@, that will be replaced by the
// n'th regexp group on a successful input match.
VName v_name = 2 [json_name = "vname"];
// VNameRewriteRules is a container for multiple VNameRewriteRules.
message VNameRewriteRules {
repeated VNameRewriteRule rule = 1;