blob: 778915b4e51ae335dea5cdfdea00b487fd625bac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package kythe.proto;
import "kythe/proto/common.proto";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
// A LinkService resolves "links" based on qualified names. Given a qualified
// name, resolution consists of finding the entities that define that name and
// returning the locations of their definition sites. This permits a client to
// record a durable reference to an object whose definition may move within a
// source file or even across source files over time.
// Because the mapping between qualified names and definitions is not unique in
// general, the service permits the client to specify various constraints on a
// query. The client records the effective constraints along with the qualified
// name, e.g., as query parameters.
// Qualified names use the same format and have the same constraints as in the
// IdentifierService defined by identifier.proto. This concurrence is intended,
// so that a link service can be implemented using the same underlying data.
service LinkService {
// Resolve returns the links matching the specified request. The server is
// permitted to limit the size of the result set in order to ensure fast
// responses. The server will report an error if its limits are exceeded.
rpc Resolve(LinkRequest) returns (LinkReply) {}
message LinkRequest {
// The qualified identifier to look for.
string identifier = 1;
// Restrict lookup to these corpus labels (optional).
repeated string corpus = 2;
// Restrict lookup to these languages (optional).
repeated string language = 3;
// Restrict lookup to these node kinds (optional).
repeated string node_kind = 4;
// Select definition locations matching these constraints.
// A file matches a constraint if its root, path, and corpus match the
// provided RE2 regular expressions.
// A file is selected iff some include constraint matches it, and no exclude
// constraint matches it.
// If include is empty, all files are included.
// If exclude is empty, no files are excluded.
message Location {
string path = 1;
string root = 2;
string corpus = 3;
repeated Location include = 5;
repeated Location exclude = 6;
// Select definition locations having this number of parameters, if set.
message Params {
int32 count = 1;
Params params = 7;
// Select what kinds of definitions to request, which determines which file
// spans are returned for matching locations.
enum DefinitionKind {
BINDING = 0; // defines/binding: span encloses the binding identifier
FULL = 1; // defines only: span encloses the full definition
ANY = 2; // any definition
DefinitionKind definition_kind = 8;
// Include info about semantic nodes defined at each matching location.
bool include_nodes = 9;
// A Link represents a single location matched by a LinkRequest.
message Link {
// The file ticket corresponding to the definition.
string file_ticket = 1;
// The physical span bounded by the defining anchor.
kythe.proto.common.Span span = 2;
// The semantic nodes defined at this location. This field is only populated
// if include_nodes was true.
message Node {
string ticket = 1;
string base_name = 2;
string identifier = 3;
repeated Node nodes = 3;
message LinkReply {
repeated Link links = 1;