blob: dc4ae95a46c8f5e74001547c8ff3c16cdd783073 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package kythe.proto;
import "kythe/proto/common.proto";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
// This file defines a graph service interface, based on Kythe data.
// Tickets are Kythe URIs (
// GraphService provides fast single-step node and edge lookups in a Kythe
// graph. The difference between this and a GraphStore is that queries for
// reverse relationships are also expected to be fast.
// There is no distinction between "node not found" and "no facts/edges for
// node". A node is extensionally defined by its facts and edges, so a node
// without any facts or edges is not considered to exist.
service GraphService {
// Nodes returns a subset of the facts for each of the requested nodes.
rpc Nodes(NodesRequest) returns (NodesReply) {}
// Edges returns a subset of the outbound edges for each of a set of
// requested nodes.
rpc Edges(EdgesRequest) returns (EdgesReply) {}
message NodesRequest {
// The tickets of the nodes to be looked up.
repeated string ticket = 1;
// A collection of filter globs that specify which facts (by name) should be
// returned for each node. If filter is empty or unset, all available facts
// are returned for each matching node. The filter applies to ALL requested
// nodes. For different filters per node, the client must issue separate
// requests. See EdgesRequest for the format of the filter globs.
repeated string filter = 2;
message NodesReply {
// One NodeInfo, keyed by its ticket, is returned for each requested node
// that had a non-zero number of matching facts. Each NodeInfo will not have
// its ticket set since it would just be a copy of the map keys.
map<string, common.NodeInfo> nodes = 1;
message EdgesRequest {
// The tickets of the source nodes for which edges are requested.
// The service will return an error if no tickets are specified.
repeated string ticket = 1;
// The kinds of outbound edges that should be returned for each matching
// source node. If empty, all available edge kinds are returned.
repeated string kind = 2;
// A collection of filter globs that specify which facts (by name) should be
// returned for the target node of each matching edge. If filter is empty,
// no facts are returned.
// The supported glob operators are:
// * zero or more non-slash characters ([^/]*)
// ? any single non-slash character ([^/])
// ** zero or more of any character (.*)
// All other characters match literally, and the glob must consume the entire
// name in order to match. The facts returned are the union of those matched
// by all the globs provided.
repeated string filter = 3;
// The edges matching a request are organized into logical pages. The size
// of each page is a number of distinct edges. Notionally: All the matching
// edges are ordered lexicographically by (start_ticket, kind, end_ticket);
// the page_token determines where in the ordering to start, and page_size
// determines how many edges should be returned.
// If page_token is empty, edges will be returned starting at the beginning
// of the sequence; otherwise the starting point named by the page_token will
// be used. Legal values of page_token are returned by the server in the
// next_page_token field of the EdgesReply. A page token should be treated
// as an opaque value by the client, and is valid only relative to a
// particular set of tickets and kinds. If an invalid page token is
// requested, the server will return an error.
// If page_size > 0, at most that number of edges will be returned by the
// service for this request (see EdgeSet and EdgesReply below).
// If page_size = 0, the default, the server will assume a reasonable default
// page size. The server will return an error if page_size < 0.
// The server is allowed to return fewer edges than the requested page_size,
// even if more are available, save that it must return at least 1 edge if
// any are available at all.
int32 page_size = 8;
string page_token = 9;
// TODO(fromberger): Should this interface support automatic indirection
// through "name" nodes?
// For now, I'm assuming name-indirecting lookup will be a separate
// API, and that the initial clients will just make two (batching)
// calls if they need to.
// An EdgeSet represents a collection of edges outbound from a single node. The
// edges are organized into groups, each sharing a common edge kind.
// The number of edges represented by an EdgeSet es, denoted len(es), is the sum
// of the lengths of the repeated edge fields for all the groups in the EdgeSet.
// This count is used to determine page size in a request.
message EdgeSet {
message Group {
message Edge {
string target_ticket = 1;
// An optional integer to give an ordering between multiple edges of same
// source and kind to one or more targets. See
// for when ordinals are used for a given edge kind.
int32 ordinal = 2;
repeated Edge edge = 2;
reserved 1;
reserved "kind";
// Each group is a collection of outbound edges from source node sharing a
// given kind, the map's keys. In a given EdgeSet, the server will not send
// more than one group with the same kind label.
map<string, Group> groups = 2;
reserved 1;
reserved "source_ticket";
message EdgesReply {
// This field will contain one EdgeSet for each source node with one or more
// matching outbound edges, keyed by the source node's ticket. The number of
// edges represented by an EdgesReply er, denoted len(er), is the sum of
// len(es) for each es in edge_sets. This count is used to determine the page
// size.
map<string, EdgeSet> edge_sets = 1;
// This field will contain one entry, keyed by ticket, for each distinct node
// referenced by some edge in edgesets, for which there is one or more
// matching facts.
// Rationale: This prevents us from having to copy the data to all the end
// nodes, but allows the client to have that information without making
// additional requests.
map<string, common.NodeInfo> nodes = 2;
// Total number of edges on all pages matching requested kinds, by kind.
map<string, int64> total_edges_by_kind = 5;
// If there are additional pages of edges after the ones returned in this
// reply, next_page_token is the page token that may be passed to fetch the
// next page in sequence after this one. If there are no additional edges,
// this field will be empty.
string next_page_token = 9;