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// Copyright 2014 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// limitations under the License.
Kythe Indexer Verification
Kythe is intended to be source language agnostic. This extends to the facility
for writing tests to check whether Kythe is correctly processing source text.
Here we describe the *verifier*, a standalone component that checks that a
*database* of Kythe facts supports a set of *goals*.
== Recommended use
For examples of tests that use the verifier, please see[//kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/testdata/basic]
It is best to keep the size of a single test small and to develop assertions
while frequently checking the graph produced by `--annotated_graphviz`.
Assuming that you have Kythe installed to `/opt/kythe`, you can start using
the verifier on a $$C++$$ file right away:
/opt/kythe/indexers/cxx_indexer -i -- -std=c++1y \
| /opt/kythe/tools/verifier --annotated_graphviz >
By default (and assuming no errors) you will see the Kythe graph for ``.
The remainder of this document discusses the kinds of assertions you can make
about the nodes and edges in the graph.
There is a[style guide] with
some suggestions on how to write readable tests.
== Basic well-formedness checks
The verifier begins by checking that the input database obeys basic Kythe
conventions and some uniqueness properties:
* All vnames must have at least one field set.
* Facts must be one of the following forms:
- `(source, edge, target, /, "")`
- `(source, edge, target, /kythe/ordinal, base10string)`
- `(source, "", "", string, _)`
* forall `s k`, there may be at most one fact matching `(s, "", "", k, _)`.
* forall `s e t k v`, there may be at most one fact matching `(s, e, t, k, v)`.
For the moment, these checks are done by code baked into the verifier; in the
future, they may be specified in a startup script.
== Specifying goals
Verification goals may be inlined into ordinary source text. Lines beginning
with language-specific magic comments are treated as goals. By default, the
verifier looks for goals in comments that start with `//-`:
//- this-is-a-goal
For languages supporting shell-style comments, like Python or text protobufs,
instead use `#-` and tell the verifier to expect the different syntax using the
`'--goal_prefix=#-'` flag:
#- this-is-a-goal
The verifier will ignore any combination of spaces or tabs before the comment
token. Long goals may be split across multiple lines, each of which must begin
with the comment token (after zero or more tabs or spaces). Within the assertion
language, the verifier is whitespace insensitive.
You may also use a regular expression (using[RE2 syntax]) to specify which lines
include goals and which parts of those lines to include. Your regex must match
the entire line and must contain a single capture group. The default goal
matching behavior uses the regex `\s*\/\/\-(.*)`. To specify an alternate
regex--for example, one that requires goals to be bracketed--use
You may use BCPL-style comments in the assertion language:
//- this-is-a-goal // and this is ignored.
The `//` token is independent of the goal prefix or regex:
#- this-is-a-goal // and this is ignored.
=== Literal strings
The verifier permits literal strings to be specified with C-style escapes:
"foo \"bar\""
"foo \\"
Currently, the allowed escape codes are `\"` and `\\`. It is an error to use
a disallowed escape code.
=== Existential variables
Any identifier beginning with a capital letter is parsed as an existential
variable, or *evar*. Evars are initially unset. In the course of solving a goal,
the verifier may attempt to find values for zero or more evars. It is possible
for all goals to be satisfied with some evars left unset. All input files share
the same evar namespace.
If you want to match against text beginning with a capital letter, you must
surround it with quotes to form a string literal.
IMPORTANT: Any mention of `SomeEvar` refers to the *same* `SomeEvar`, even
across different rules, unless the identifier starts with an underscore.
Starting a variable's name with an underscore indicates to the verifier that
you don't care about its value.
The verifier can return an error result if any (uninspected) existential
variable is mentioned only once. This usually indicates that you've made a typo
somewhere in your goal script. To enable this behavior, pass the
`--check_for_singletons=true` flag. This behavior will eventually become the
=== Anchor specifiers
Tests written against Kythe indexers must frequently refer to *anchor* nodes, as
these connect the syntax of the source code with the indexer's semantic model.
It is alternately possible to write down the vname of the syntactic or semantic
objects, but this makes the test depend on a particular vname encoding strategy
that may be unreasonable to compute manually. The verifier provides syntactic
sugar for referring to anchor nodes. When it encounters an anchor specifier, the
verifier generates an evar to refer to the anchor's vname. It also generates
goals to ensure that vname refers to an anchor node with the specified source
==== Tokens
The location specifier `@tok` refers to the source text range for the identifier
`tok` on the next source line. This may not be the next line in the input file,
as is the case when the next line begins with a magic comment as previously
described. It is an error if matching `tok` is ambiguous. Substring matching is
used. `tok` may be a literal string; `@text` and `@"text"` are equivalent.
For example, the following two rules both match tokens from the same line.
If `@text` and `@more` were swapped in this example, the rules would remain
#- @text defines SomeNode
#- @more defines OtherNode
##text more
The following two rules match tokens from different lines:
#- @text defines SomeNode
#- @more defines OtherNode
If `@text` and `@more` were swapped in this example, the rules would be invalid.
The constraints generated for some `@text` are of the form:
#- TextEvar.node/kind anchor
#- TextEvar./kythe/loc/start starting-offset
#- TextEvar./kythe/loc/end ending-offset
These constraints notably leave out the file that the anchor is a child of.
If there is concern that the anchor may match against an equivalent range in
a different file, you can use an equality constraint to bind a name to the
anchor's implicit evar, then constrain this evar to be the child of some
file node.
IMPORTANT: Each mention of `@tok` generates a fresh evar.
==== Offset specifications
If you are only interested in the byte offset of a token or string literal,
you may use an offset specification. `@^tok` will become the offset of the
`t` on the next source line. `@$tok` will become the offset immediately after
the `k` on the next source line. The rules for `tok` are the same as for
anchor specifiers; it may also be a literal string.
The following snippet demonstrates the relationship between anchors and offsets.
`AnchorX=@x` binds `AnchorX` to the evar generated for `@x`; see the section
below on <<subexp,naming expressions>> for details.
#- AnchorX=@x.node/kind anchor
#- AnchorX.loc/start @^x
#- AnchorX.loc/end @$x
NOTE: Offset specifications are equivalent to the atomic string literal
containing the decimal stringification of the relevant byte offset. They are
manifested as evars that are unified before solving begins.
==== Anchors that refer to lines far in the future
It may not be possible to place a goal string on the line directly before the
text you want to match. In this case, you can specify that the match should take
place on either an absolute line number or a relative line number. For example,
the existing anchor specifier `@x` could (almost) be written with a relative
offset as:
#- @+1x defines Foo
It is easier to read as a string literal:
#- @+1"x" defines Foo
If `x` should appear on line 3, you can use an absolute line number:
#- @:3"x" defines Foo
Relative offsets are calculated from the line on which the anchor specifier
begins. (This is the way that `@x` and `@+1x` differ: the former matches on the
first subsequent non-goal line, while the latter always matches on the next
line.) Text matching may only occur on lines following the one on which the
match is ordered. Matches will not be resolved inside goals.
For completeness, you may use line references together with offset
#- AnchorX=@x.node/kind anchor
#- AnchorX.loc/start @^+2x
#- AnchorX.loc/end @$:4x
==== Ambiguity
In the usual case, it is an error if a location specifier has multiple matches:
#- @text defines SomeNode
text text
It is not always possible to rewrite a test program to ensure unambiguous
matches. In these situations, you can choose a particular match by adding its
ordinal directly after the `@` of the specifier:
#- @#0text defines SomeNode
#- @#1text defines AnotherNode
text text
=== Edge goals
An edge kind, suitably intercalated between two expressions representing vnames,
serves to create a goal that looks for a matching edge in the database. The edge
kind is automatically given a `/kythe/edge/` prefix. The goal
#- SomeAnchor defines SomeNode
will succeed if there exists any edge with the kind `/kythe/edge/defines` from
the vname `SomeAnchor` to the vname `SomeNode`.
If the edge kind begins with a `/`, it is not given the automatic prefix. The
line above can therefore be rewritten as:
#- SomeAnchor /kythe/edge/defines SomeNode
To match an edge with an ordinal component, add it after the edge name using a
#- SomeNode param.1 SomeParam
While the edge name is a literal, the ordinal is an atom: you may replace it
with an evar:
#- SomeNode param.Ordinal SomeParam
Kythe internals can generate edge kinds that begin with $$%$$ or $$#$$. The
following edge kinds are equivalent:
#- SomeInternal %impl Target
#- SomeInternal %/kythe/edge/impl Target
#- SomeInternal #implTwo Target
#- SomeInternal #/kythe/edge/implTwo Target
=== Node goals
The goal `evar-exp . name-literal value-exp` is satisfied when `evar-exp`
unifies with a vname that appears in a Kythe fact assigning `value-exp` to the
fact called `/kythe/name-literal`. For example:
#- SomeNode.content 42
generates a goal that can be satisfied when there exists a node with a fact
called `/kythe/content`.
Similar to internal edge kinds, the following fact names are equivalent:
#- SomeInternal.%fact value
#- SomeInternal.%/kythe/fact value
#- SomeInternal.#factTwo value
#- SomeInternal.#/kythe/factTwo value
=== Getting feedback
You can check the assignments made to evars (and thus examine the evidence used
to support the truth of a goal) using the `?` operator after any mention of that
evar. A callback provided to the verifier at runtime is called once per instance
of `?` after all goals are successfully solved but (importantly) before the
solver unwinds its state.
The default behavior for the verifier is to print inspections to standard out,
#- SomeAnchor? defines SomeNode?
SomeAnchor: EVar(0x1a7b298 = App(vname, ("", "", 1, "", "")))
SomeNode: EVar(0x1a7b2c8 = App(vname, ("", "", 2, "", "")))
It may also be useful to see a dump of your goals after they have been parsed.
For this, pass the `--show_goals` command-line flag.
If an evar is inspected, it is never considered to be a singleton.
=== Explicit unification
At times it might be necessary to match subparts of vnames. A vname is stored
as a predicate with head atom `vname` applied to a 5-tuple of `(signature,
corpus, root, path, language)`. Elements of a vname that are missing are set
to `""`.
NOTE: The Kythe storage specification draws no distinction between empty fields
and default-valued or unset fields. As such, the verifier unifies both of these
states as the empty identifier, `""`.
#- vname(Signature?, Corpus?, Root?, Path?, Language?) defines SomeNode
Signature: EVar(0x2180888 = Signature)
Corpus: EVar(0x21808b8 = Corpus)
Root: EVar(0x21808e8 = Root)
Path: EVar(0x2180918 = Path)
Language: EVar(0x2180948 = Language)
Note that this is also possible with facts (the head atom is `fact`), but not
Sometimes you don't care about the value in a particular position and never
expect to refer to it again. In this case, write down a `_`, and the parser will
create an unnamed evar distinct from any other evar (including other ones
instantiated for `_`):
#- vname(Signature?, Corpus?, Root?, _?, Language?) defines SomeNode
Signature: EVar(0x7f4948 = Signature)
Corpus: EVar(0x7f4978 = Corpus)
Root: EVar(0x7f49a8 = Root)
_: EVar(0x7f49d8 = Path)
Language: EVar(0x7f4a08 = Language)
This don't-care rule applies to any identifier beginning with the underscore.
=== Naming expressions
You may wish to name the result of an expression match. For example, a node in
the graph may have two out-edges with the same kind. If you want to match
one of the target nodes using a specific `vname`, then later write
specifications about that particular node, you must write down an equality
#- Node typed Type = vname("java.lang.Object",_,_,_,_)
This is distinct from these rules:
#- Node typed Type
#- Node typed vname("java.lang.Object",_,_,_,_)
In the latter case, `Type` may unify with a `vname` distinct from the one spelled
in the second rule.
Take care to avoid introducing cyclic constraints. The verifier rejects tests
that attempt to create graph structures through unification:
#- Bad typed Mu = vname(_,_,Mu,_,_)
#- Worse typed vname(_,_,Foo = Bar = Foo,_,_)
=== Checking that rules are unsatisfiable
It is sometimes necessary to assert that a fact does *not* appear in a Kythe
database. For example, you may be testing an indexer that is meant to refrain
from indexing certain objects if a flag is set. The verifier provides a
mechanism for making these assertions using goal groups. This mechanism is
fairly restrictive: goal groups may not be nested and are always processed
last when solving. Negated goal groups begin with a bang (`!`). Not every goal
in a negated goal group must fail, but at least one must fail. Assignments made
inside a negated goal group are undone once the group is known to fail. Goal
groups never cause assignments made by ungrouped goals or previously
completed goals (from non-negated groups) to be undone.
#- This must Pass
#- !{ If this Passes
#- This must Fail }
#- !{ This must AlwaysFail }
Inspections are performed once all goal groups have been resolved, when a
goal group fails, or when a negated goal group succeeds.
=== Specifying the database
The verifier supports reading Kythe facts from standard input. It expects
a sequence of `(varint32 record-size, kythe::proto::Entry record)` records.
To request that the verifier print out debug versions of the facts it reads in,
pass the `--show_protos` flag.
The rule file to parse can be specified as a positional argument.
For example, the following command pipes output from an indexer to the verifier,
dumping the protocol buffers along the way:
${INDEXER_BIN} -i $1 | ${VERIFIER_BIN} --show_protos $1
=== Dumping the database as a graph
Passing the `--graphviz` flag will cause the verifier to ignore rule files
and dump its fact database as a Kythe graph to standard out in graphviz format.
Note that the database must still be well-formed according to the
basic well-formedness checks described earlier.
In contrast, the `--annotated_graphviz` flag will still attempt to satisfy
all rules. If this is successful, it will dump a graph to standard out in
graphviz format. In this graph, nodes used to satisfy rules will be colored
blue; their labels will also contain the names of the EVars unified with their
=== Reading assertions from the input graph
You can instruct the verifier to read assertions from file content stored in
the graph database with the `--use_file_nodes` flag. In certain cases this may
be more convenient than providing that content as actual source files. For
example, an indexer may synthesize file nodes that never existed in files in
the first place.
=== Making assertions about tree-valued facts
Certain facts have tree-shaped values. These are encoded in various ways defined
by the schema. By default, the verifier will truncate these values to unique but
unutterable symbols. If you want to expand these facts into subgraphs, use the
appropriate `--convert_` flag. (As of the time this was written, there is only
one such flag, `--convert_marked_source`.)
==== `MarkedSource`
`MarkedSource` values are converted to subgraphs by creating new nodes for each
`MarkedSource` message. These nodes are given unique but unutterable VNames.
The original fact with the `MarkedSource` value becomes an edge with the same
name. Each scalar field of the message becomes a fact on the relevant node.
Links are decoded to VNames and become unordered `link` edges. Children are
recursively converted and connected from parent to child with ordered
`child.N` edges.
=== Return code
If the database passes all well-formedness checks and all rules could be
satisfied, the verifier returns *0*; otherwise, it returns nonzero.