blob: a1483cccad093e0726ce1ed4cf268f8261895f11 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <unordered_map>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/common/index_writer.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/common/status_or.h"
#include "kythe/proto/analysis.pb.h"
#include "ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
namespace kythe {
/// \brief Kzip implementation of IndexWriter for AOSP.
/// see for format description.
class KzipWriter : public IndexWriterInterface {
/// \brief Constructs a Kzip IndexWriter which will create and write to
/// \param path Path to the file to create. Must not currently exist.
static StatusOr<IndexWriter> Create(absl::string_view path);
/// \brief Destroys the KzipWriter.
~KzipWriter() override;
/// \brief Writes the unit to the kzip file, returning its digest.
StatusOr<std::string> WriteUnit(
const kythe::proto::IndexedCompilation& unit) override;
/// \brief Writes the file contents to the kzip file, returning their digest.
StatusOr<std::string> WriteFile(absl::string_view content) override;
/// \brief Flushes accumulated writes and closes the kzip file.
/// Close must be called before the KzipWriter is destroyed!
Status Close() override;
using Path = std::string;
using Contents = std::string;
using FileMap = std::unordered_map<Path, Contents>;
struct InsertionResult {
absl::string_view digest() const;
const std::string& path() const { return insertion.first->first; }
absl::string_view contents() const { return insertion.first->second; }
bool inserted() const { return insertion.second; }
std::pair<FileMap::iterator, bool> insertion;
explicit KzipWriter(FILE *fp);
InsertionResult InsertFile(absl::string_view root, absl::string_view content);
Status WriteTextFile(const std::string& path, absl::string_view content);
int32_t InitializeArchive();
static std::string SHA256Digest(absl::string_view content);
FILE *fp_;
ZipWriter zip_writer_;
bool initialized_ = false; // Whether or not the `root` entry exists.
FileMap contents_;
} // namespace kythe