blob: 59a4b8a8bcc7bf6c926445a4c091da84c422e657 [file] [log] [blame]
"""This module provides rules for building protos for golang."""
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", _GoSource = "GoSource")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:def.bzl", "go_proto_library")
load("//tools:build_rules/testing.bzl", "file_diff_test")
def _go_proto_src_impl(ctx):
"""Copy the generated source of a go_proto_library."""
lib = ctx.attr.library
for src in lib.actions[0].outputs.to_list():
out = ctx.outputs.generated
outputs = [out],
inputs = [src],
arguments = [src.path, out.path],
command = "cp $1 $2",
_go_proto_src = rule(
attrs = {
"library": attr.label(
providers = [_GoSource],
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = True,
outputs = {
"generated": "%{name}.cmp",
def go_kythe_proto(proto = None, deps = [], importpath = None, visibility = None):
"""Helper for go_proto_library for kythe project.
A shorthand for a go_proto_library with its import path set to the
expected default for the Kythe project, e.g.,
proto = ":some_proto",
deps = ["x", "y", "z"],
is equivalent in meaning to
name = "some_go_proto"
proto = ":some_proto"
importpath = ""
deps = ["x", "y", "z"],
proto: the proto lib to build a _go_proto lib for
deps: the deps for the proto lib
base = proto.rsplit(":", 2)[-1]
filename = "_".join(base.split("_")[:-1]) + ".pb.go"
if base.endswith("_proto"):
name = base[:-len("proto")] + "go_proto"
name = base + "_go_proto"
if not importpath:
importpath = KYTHE_IMPORT_BASE + "/" + name
name = name,
deps = deps,
importpath = importpath,
proto = proto,
visibility = visibility,
# Copy the generated source from the proto library so we can compare it to
# what we checked in. Nothing useful is ever easy in Skylark.
name = name + "_src",
library = ":" + name,
# Fail if the generated source differs from the checked-in version. Prompt
# the user to re-generate if necessary. This assumes the checked-in source
# for kythe/proto:foo_go_proto is in kythe/proto/foo_go_proto/foo.pb.go.
name = name + "_sync_test",
file1 = ":%s_src" % name,
file2 = ":%s/%s" % (name, filename),
message = ("The checked in proto for '%s' is out of sync;" +
" please run kythe/proto/") % name,