blob: 02be7fb70c3d2a3dfb30064bee67cd740ee6b3a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package kythe.proto.common;
option go_package = "common_go_proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// Fact represents a single key/value fact from the graph.
message Fact {
string name = 1;
bytes value = 2;
// A Point represents a location within a file or buffer.
// If line_number ≤ 0, the line number and column offset are considered
// unknown and will be ignored.
// A point with line_number > 0 is said to be _normalized_ if it satisfies
// the constraint 0 ≤ column_offset ≤ bytelen(line_number); that is, if the
// column_offset is within the actual range of the corresponding line. A
// point can be normalized by adjusting line_number and column_offset so that
// this constraint is satisfied. This may be impossible if the column offset
// exceeds the bounds of the file.
message Point {
// The offset in bytes from the beginning of the file.
// Requires 0 ≤ byte_offset ≤ len(file).
int32 byte_offset = 1;
// The line number containing the point, 1-based.
int32 line_number = 2;
// The byte offset of the point within its line.
int32 column_offset = 3;
// A Span represents an inclusive-exclusive range inside of a file or buffer.
message Span {
Point start = 1;
Point end = 2;
message NodeInfo {
// The matching facts known for that node, a map from fact name to value.
map<string, bytes> facts = 2;
// If known and unambiguous, an anchor ticket for this node's definition
// location.
// Tickets are Kythe URIs (
string definition = 5;
reserved 1;
reserved "ticket";
message Diagnostic {
// Text span to which the diagnostic applies. If the span is unset, the
// diagnostic refers to its entire parent context (i.e. the file to which it
// is attached).
Span span = 1;
// Plain-text diagnostic message to be reported to users.
string message = 2;
// Optional details that further refine the diagnostic but need not be
// reported to users immediately. This field can be used to provide more
// context for bug reports and may contain compiler/build errors.
string details = 3;
// Optional URL leading to more detailed information on this diagnostic. This
// may be documentation on a particular class of errors or a tracking issue
// for prevalent errors.
string context_url = 4;
// A Diagnostic resolved to include its associated file through a Kythe `tagged`
// graph edge.
message ResolvedDiagnostic {
CorpusPath corpus_path = 1;
Diagnostic diagnostic = 2;
// A file path rooted in a corpus. This is a subset of a Kythe VName.
message CorpusPath {
string corpus = 1;
string root = 2;
string path = 3;
message Link {
// Semantic tickets for DEFINITION links.
repeated string definition = 3;
enum Kind { // Will be deprecated.
// This annotates a link to a ticket.
// This span of text contains a list of items.
LIST = 1;
// This span of text is an item in a list.
// This span of text is important.
// The kind of this span.
Kind kind = 2 [deprecated = true];
reserved 1;
// Marked up, source code-like text.
message MarkedSource {
enum Kind {
// This node only contains other nodes and has no special semantics.
BOX = 0;
// This node dominates nodes that should be classified as types.
TYPE = 1;
// This node dominates nodes that should be classified as parameters.
// This node dominates nodes that should be classified as identifiers.
// This node dominates nodes that should be classified as context.
// This node dominates nodes that should be classified as initializers.
// Substitute this node with a PARAMETER formed from the param edges from
// the context node starting with `lookup_index`.
// Substitute this node with the marked source derived from the
// `lookup_index`th param edge of the context node.
// Substitute this node with a PARAMETER formed from the param edges from
// the context node starting with `lookup_index`. Checks the context
// node for a `param/default` fact and uses that to set the
// first_default_child field.
// Substitute this node with the marked source derived from the typed edge
// of the context node.
Kind kind = 1;
// Nodes expect to be printed as:
// pre_text + (child + post_child_text)* + post_text
// where post_child_text is not included after the final child unless
// add_final_list_token is asserted. post_child_text should never be
// printed if there are no children.
string pre_text = 2;
repeated MarkedSource child = 3;
string post_child_text = 4;
string post_text = 5;
uint32 lookup_index = 6;
// The default_children_count children at the end of the child list should
// be considered as "default" or uninteresting.
uint32 default_children_count = 7;
// `add_final_list_token` ensures that `post_child_text` will be
// included after any nonempty list when that list is followed by additional
// text.
bool add_final_list_token = 10;
// Annotations covering this subtree's full span.
repeated Link link = 11;
// Contains symbol information for Kythe graph nodes.
message SymbolInfo {
// The base un-qualified name for a node ("printf", "String")
string base_name = 1;
// The fully qualified name for a node ("printf", "java.lang.String")
string qualified_name = 2;