blob: 208d29328e9a7eebf6d1ce8d78f660ff08b08f1e [file] [log] [blame]
//- @pkg ref Package
//- Package code PackageId
//- PackageId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- PackageId.pre_text "pkg"
package pkg;
import java.util.List;
//- @MarkedSource defines/binding Class
//- Class childof Package
//- Class code ClassId
//- ClassId child.0 ClassCxt
//- ClassCxt child.0 ClassCxtPackage
//- ClassCxtPackage.pre_text "pkg"
//- ClassId child.1 ClassTok
//- ClassTok.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- ClassTok.pre_text "MarkedSource"
public class MarkedSource {
//- @CONSTANT defines/binding Constant
//- Constant code CMS
//- CMS child.0 ConstantType
//- ConstantType.kind "TYPE"
//- CMS child.1 ConstantCtx
//- ConstantCtx.kind "CONTEXT"
//- CMS child.2 ConstantIdent
//- ConstantIdent.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- CMS child.3 ConstantInit
//- ConstantInit.kind "INITIALIZER"
//- ConstantInit.pre_text "\"value\""
public static final String CONSTANT = "value";
//- @"fieldName$1" defines/binding Field
//- Field childof Class
//- @int ref Int
//- Field code FieldTypeId
//- FieldTypeId child.0 FieldType
//- FieldTypeId child.1 FieldCxt
//- FieldTypeId child.2 FieldId
//- FieldType.kind "TYPE"
//- FieldType.post_text " "
//- FieldType child.0 FieldTypeIdent
//- FieldTypeIdent.pre_text "int"
//- FieldCxt child.1 FieldCxtClass
//- FieldCxtClass.pre_text "MarkedSource"
//- FieldId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- FieldId.pre_text "fieldName$1"
int fieldName$1;
//- @MarkedSource defines/binding Ctor
//- Ctor childof Class
//- Ctor typed CType
//- CType param.1 Class
//- Ctor code CtorTypeCxtId
//- CtorTypeCxtId child.0 CtorType
//- CtorTypeCxtId child.1 CtorCxt
//- CtorTypeCxtId child.2 CtorTok
//- CtorTypeCxtId child.3 CtorParams
//- CtorType child.0 CtorVoid
//- CtorVoid.pre_text "void"
//- CtorCxt child.1 CtorCxtClass
//- CtorCxtClass.pre_text "MarkedSource"
//- CtorTok.pre_text "MarkedSource"
//- CtorParams.pre_text "("
//- CtorParams.post_child_text ", "
//- CtorParams.post_text ")"
public MarkedSource() {}
//- @methodName defines/binding Method
//- Method childof Class
//- Method typed MType
//- MType param.1 Void
//- Method code MethodTypeCxtId
//- MethodTypeCxtId child.0 MethodType
//- MethodTypeCxtId child.1 MethodCxt
//- MethodTypeCxtId child.2 MethodTok
//- MethodTypeCxtId child.3 MethodParams
//- MethodType.post_text " "
//- MethodType child.0 MethodVoid
//- MethodVoid.pre_text "void"
//- MethodCxt child.1 MethodCxtClass
//- MethodCxtClass.pre_text "MarkedSource"
//- MethodTok.pre_text "methodName"
//- MethodParams.kind "PARAMETER_LOOKUP_BY_PARAM"
//- MethodParams.pre_text "("
//- MethodParams.post_child_text ", "
//- MethodParams.post_text ")"
void methodName() {}
//- @methodWithParams defines/binding MethodWithParams
//- MethodWithParams typed MPType
//- MPType param.1 Void
//- MPType param.3 String
//- MPType param.4 Int
//- MPType code MethodTypeCode
void methodWithParams(String a, int b) {}
//- FnTypeCode.kind "TYPE"
//- FnTypeCode child.0 FnTypeRetCode
//- FnTypeRetCode.kind "LOOKUP_BY_PARAM"
//- FnTypeRetCode.lookup_index 1
//- FnTypeCode child.1 FnTypeParamsCode
//- FnTypeParamsCode.kind "PARAMETER_LOOKUP_BY_PARAM"
//- FnTypeParamsCode.pre_text "("
//- FnTypeParamsCode.post_text ")"
//- FnTypeParamsCode.post_child_text ", "
//- FnTypeParamsCode.lookup_index 2
//- MethodTypeCode.kind "TYPE"
//- MethodTypeCode child.0 MethodTypeRetBox
//- MethodTypeRetBox.kind "BOX"
//- MethodTypeRetBox.post_text " "
//- MethodTypeRetBox child.0 MethodTypeRetCode
//- MethodTypeRetCode.kind "LOOKUP_BY_PARAM"
//- MethodTypeRetCode.lookup_index 1
//- MethodTypeCode child.1 MethodTypeRecvBox
//- MethodTypeRecvBox.kind "BOX"
//- MethodTypeRecvBox.post_text "::"
//- MethodTypeRecvBox child.0 MethodTypeRecvCode
//- MethodTypeRecvCode.kind "LOOKUP_BY_PARAM"
//- MethodTypeRecvCode.lookup_index 2
//- MethodTypeCode child.2 MethodTypeParamsCode
//- MethodTypeParamsCode.kind "PARAMETER_LOOKUP_BY_PARAM"
//- MethodTypeParamsCode.pre_text "("
//- MethodTypeParamsCode.post_text ")"
//- MethodTypeParamsCode.post_child_text ", "
//- MethodTypeParamsCode.lookup_index 3
//- @pa defines/binding AParam
//- @pb defines/binding BParam
//- @pc defines/binding CParam
//- @pd defines/binding DParam
void m(String pa, int pb, int[] pc, Object[] pd) {}
//- AParam code AParamCode
//- AParamCode child.0 APType
//- APType.kind "TYPE"
//- APType child.0 APTypeBox
//- APTypeBox child.0 APTypeCtx
//- APTypeCtx.kind "CONTEXT"
//- APTypeBox child.1 APTypeId
//- APTypeId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- APTypeId.pre_text "String"
//- APType.post_text " "
//- AParamCode child.1 APCtx
//- APCtx.kind "CONTEXT"
//- AParamCode child.2 APId
//- APId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- APId.pre_text "pa"
//- BParam code BParamCode
//- BParamCode child.0 BPType
//- BPType.kind "TYPE"
//- BPType child.0 BPTypeId
//- BPTypeId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- BPTypeId.pre_text "int"
//- BPType.post_text " "
//- BParamCode child.1 BPCtx
//- BPCtx.kind "CONTEXT"
//- BParamCode child.2 BPId
//- BPId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- BPId.pre_text "pb"
//- CParam code CParamCode
//- CParamCode child.0 CPType
//- CPType.kind "TYPE"
//- CPType child.0 CPTypeId
//- CPTypeId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- CPTypeId.pre_text "int"
//- CPTypeId.post_text "[]"
//- CPType.post_text " "
//- CParamCode child.1 CPCtx
//- CPCtx.kind "CONTEXT"
//- _CParamCPode child.2 CPId
//- CPId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- CPId.pre_text "pc"
//- DParam code DParamCode
//- DParamCode child.0 DPType
//- DPType.kind "TYPE"
//- DPType child.0 DPTypeBoxArray
//- DPTypeBoxArray.post_text "[]"
//- DPTypeBoxArray child.0 DPTypeBoxId
//- DPTypeBoxId child.1 DPTypeId
//- DPTypeId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- DPTypeId.pre_text "Object"
//- DPType.post_text " "
//- DParamCode child.1 DPCtx
//- DPCtx.kind "CONTEXT"
//- _DParamDPode child.2 DPId
//- DPId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- DPId.pre_text "pd"
//- @lst defines/binding ListArg
//- ListArg code ListBox
//- ListBox child.0 ListType
//- ListType.kind "TYPE"
//- ListType.post_text " "
//- ListType child.0 ListBoxId
//- ListBoxId child.1 ListId
//- ListId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- ListId.pre_text "List"
//- ListType child.1 ListArgs
//- ListArgs.kind "PARAMETER"
//- ListArgs.pre_text "<"
//- ListArgs.post_child_text ", "
//- ListArgs.post_text ">"
//- ListArgs child.0 ObjBoxId
//- ObjBoxId child.0 ObjBox
//- ObjBox child.0 ObjCtx
//- ObjCtx.kind "CONTEXT"
//- ObjBox child.1 ObjId
//- ObjId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- ObjId.pre_text "Object"
void methodWithGeneric(List<Object> lst) {}
//- @Inner defines/binding InnerClass
//- InnerClass code _
public class Inner {
//- @field defines/binding IField
//- IField code CIField
//- CIField child.1 CIFieldCxt
//- CIFieldCxt child.0 CIFieldPkg
//- CIFieldPkg.pre_text "pkg"
//- CIFieldCxt child.1 CIFieldMS
//- CIFieldMS.pre_text "MarkedSource"
//- CIFieldCxt child.2 CIFieldInner
//- CIFieldInner.pre_text "Inner"
int field;
static class InnerStatic<T extends Object> {
//- @wildcardList defines/binding WildcardList
//- WildcardList code WildBox
//- WildBox child.0 WildListType
//- WildListType.kind "TYPE"
//- WildListType child.1 WildListTypeArgs
//- WildListTypeArgs.kind "PARAMETER"
//- WildListTypeArgs child.0 WildcardTypeArg
//- WildcardTypeArg.pre_text "?"
List<?> wildcardList;
//- @genericList defines/binding GenericList
//- GenericList code TBox
//- TBox child.0 TListType
//- TListType.kind "TYPE"
//- TListType child.1 TListTypeArgs
//- TListTypeArgs.kind "PARAMETER"
//- TListTypeArgs child.0 GenericTypeArg
//- GenericTypeArg.pre_text "T"
List<T> genericList;
//- @extendsBoundedList defines/binding ExtendsBoundedList
//- ExtendsBoundedList code ExtendsBoundedBox
//- ExtendsBoundedBox child.0 ExtendsBoundListType
//- ExtendsBoundListType.kind "TYPE"
//- ExtendsBoundListType child.1 ExtendsBoundListTypeArgs
//- ExtendsBoundListTypeArgs.kind "PARAMETER"
//- ExtendsBoundListTypeArgs child.0 ExtendsBoundedTypeArgBox
//- ExtendsBoundedTypeArgBox child.0 ExtendsBoundedTypeArg
//- ExtendsBoundedTypeArg.pre_text "? extends "
//- ExtendsBoundedTypeArgBox child.1 TypeExtendsBound
//- TypeExtendsBound child.1 ObjTypeExtendsBound
//- ObjTypeExtendsBound.pre_text "Object"
List<? extends Object> extendsBoundedList;
//- @superBoundedList defines/binding SuperBoundedList
//- SuperBoundedList code SuperBoundedBox
//- SuperBoundedBox child.0 SuperBoundListType
//- SuperBoundListType.kind "TYPE"
//- SuperBoundListType child.1 SuperBoundListTypeArgs
//- SuperBoundListTypeArgs.kind "PARAMETER"
//- SuperBoundListTypeArgs child.0 SuperBoundedTypeArgBox
//- SuperBoundedTypeArgBox child.0 SuperBoundedTypeArg
//- SuperBoundedTypeArg.pre_text "? super "
//- SuperBoundedTypeArgBox child.1 TypeSuperBound
//- TypeSuperBound child.1 ObjTypeSuperBound
//- ObjTypeSuperBound.pre_text "Object"
List<? super Object> superBoundedList;
//- @staticTApplyVar defines/binding StaticTApplyVar
//- StaticTApplyVar typed InnerStaticType
//- InnerStaticType code TAppCode
//- TAppCode.kind "TYPE"
//- TAppCode child.0 TAppCtor
//- TAppCtor.kind "LOOKUP_BY_PARAM"
//- TAppCode child.1 TAppParams
//- TAppParams.pre_text "<"
//- TAppParams.post_text ">"
//- TAppParams.post_child_text ", "
//- TAppParams.lookup_index "1"
static InnerStatic<MarkedSource> staticTApplyVar;
Object o = new Object() {
//- @field defines/binding AnonField
//- AnonField childof AnonClass
//- AnonClass code AnonId
//- AnonId child.0 AnonCxt
//- AnonCxt.kind "CONTEXT"
//- AnonCxt child.0 PkgToken
//- PkgToken.pre_text pkg
//- AnonCxt child.1 MksToken
//- MksToken.pre_text "MarkedSource"
//- AnonId child.1 AnonToken
//- AnonToken.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- AnonToken.pre_text "(anon 1)"
int field;
void methodWithInnerAnon() {
Object o = new Object() {
//- @field defines/binding IAField
//- IAField code CIAField
//- CIAField child.1 CIACxt
//- CIACxt child.0 CIAPkg
//- CIACxt child.1 CIAMs
//- CIACxt child.2 CIAMethod
//- CIACxt child.3 CIAAnon
//- !{CIACxt child.4 _}
//- CIAPkg.pre_text "pkg"
//- CIAMs.pre_text "MarkedSource"
//- CIAMethod.pre_text "methodWithInnerAnon"
//- CIAAnon.pre_text "(anon 2)"
int field;
public class InnerAnon {
Object o = new Object() {
//- @field defines/binding IIAField
//- IIAField code CIIAField
//- CIIAField child.1 CIIACxt
//- CIIACxt child.2 CIIAInnerCls
//- CIIACxt child.3 CIIAInnerAnon
//- CIIAInnerCls.pre_text "InnerAnon"
//- CIIAInnerAnon.pre_text "(anon 1)"
int field;
//- @func defines/binding Func
//- Func typed FuncType
//- FuncType code FnTypeCode
public static Object func() {
//- @LocalClass defines/binding LocalClass
//- LocalClass childof Func
//- LocalClass code LocalClassId
//- LocalClassId child.0 LocalClassCxt
//- LocalClassCxt child.0 LocalClassCxtPackage
//- LocalClassCxtPackage.pre_text "pkg"
//- LocalClassCtx child.1 LocalClassOuter
//- LocalClassOuter.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- LocalClassOuter.pre_text "MarkedSource"
//- LocalClassCtx child.2 LocalClassFuncOuter
//- LocalClassFuncOuter.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- LocalClassFuncOuter.pre_text "func"
//- LocalClassId child.1 LocalClassName
//- LocalClassName.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- LocalClassName.pre_text "LocalClass"
class LocalClass {}
return new LocalClass();
// TODO(schroederc): make verifier emit ArrayTAppCode{,2} with the same VName
//- @arry defines/binding ArrayParameter
//- ArrayParameter typed IntArrayArrayType
//- IntArrayArrayType code ArrayTAppCode
//- ArrayTAppCode.kind "TYPE"
//- ArrayTAppCode child.0 ArrayTAppChild
//- ArrayTAppChild.lookup_index "1"
//- ArrayTAppChild.post_text "[]"
//- IntArrayArrayType param.1 IntArrayType
//- IntArrayType code ArrayTAppCode2
//- ArrayTAppCode2.kind "TYPE"
//- ArrayTAppCode2 child.0 ArrayTAppChild2
//- ArrayTAppChild2.kind "PARAMETER_LOOKUP_BY_PARAM"
//- ArrayTAppChild2.lookup_index "1"
//- ArrayTAppChild2.post_text "[]"
//- IntArrayType param.1 IntType
//- IntType code IntCode
//- IntCode.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- IntCode.pre_text "int"
static Object referencesArrayMember(int[][] arry) {
// No marked source emitted for node defined outside of compilation.
//- @clone ref ArrayCloneMethod
//- !{ArrayCloneMethod code _}
return arry.clone();
//- Void code VoidId
//- VoidId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- VoidId.pre_text void
//- Int code IntId
//- IntId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- IntId.pre_text int
//- String code StringId
//- StringId.kind "BOX"
//- StringId child.0 StringCxt
//- StringCxt.post_child_text "."
//- StringCxt.add_final_list_token true
//- StringId child.1 StringIdToken
//- StringCxt.kind "CONTEXT"
//- StringCxt child.0 JavaId
//- JavaId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- JavaId.pre_text java
//- StringCxt child.1 LangId
//- LangId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- LangId.pre_text lang
//- StringIdToken.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- StringIdToken.pre_text "String"