blob: 8667dcab9938c301182ca93961ffdff2664ab39d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package kythe.proto.internal;
option go_package = "internal_go_proto";
option java_package = "";
import "kythe/proto/serving.proto";
// Source is a collection of facts and edges with a common source.
message Source {
message Edge {
// Target ticket of the edge
string ticket = 1;
// Ordinal of the edge
int32 ordinal = 2;
message EdgeGroup {
// Set of Edges sharing the same kind and source
repeated Edge edges = 1;
// Ticket of the source node
string ticket = 1;
// Fact name -> fact value
map<string, bytes> facts = 2;
// Edge kind -> EdgeGroup
map<string, EdgeGroup> edge_groups = 3;
// Internal encoding for an EdgesReply/CrossReferencesReply page_token
message PageToken {
// Index into the primary reply sequence.
int32 index = 1;
// Secondary page tokens for reply sub-queries.
repeated string secondary_token = 2;
// Map of named page tokens for sub-queries.
map<string, string> sub_tokens = 3;
// Map of named indices into a paged sequence.
map<string, int32> indices = 4;
// A CrossReference represents a path between two anchors, crossing between a
// single common node. Abstractly this a
// (file, anchor, kind, node, kind', anchor', file') tuple where the two
// (file, anchor, kind) sub-components have been named Decorations.
// This structure can be used to represent the intermediary* structures needed
// to build pre-cached responses to the Decorations and CrossReferences service
// methods.
// * where only a subset of this structure is known at that moment in time
message CrossReference {
// A Decoration is specialized partial edge with an anchor on one end, stored
// along side its parent file node. The partial edge's other end is stored in
// the referent field of the parent CrossReference.
message Decoration {
kythe.proto.serving.File file = 1;
kythe.proto.serving.RawAnchor anchor = 2;
string kind = 3;
Decoration source_decoration = 1;
kythe.proto.serving.Node referent = 2;
Decoration target_decoration = 3;
kythe.proto.serving.ExpandedAnchor source_anchor = 4;
kythe.proto.serving.ExpandedAnchor target_anchor = 5;
message SortedKeyValue {
string key = 1;
string sort_key = 2;
bytes value = 3;
// A Path represents a chain of Kythe edges starting from a particular node
// known as the Path's pivot node.
// Example Path representing a FileDecorations_Decoration:
// pivot: <
// file: <
// ticket:
// "kythe://kythe?path=kythe/java/com/google/devtools/kythe/analyzers/base/"
// text: "..."
// encoding: "UTF-8"
// >
// ticket:
// "kythe://kythe?path=kythe/java/com/google/devtools/kythe/analyzers/base/"
// node_kind: "file"
// >
// edges: <
// kind: "%/kythe/edge/childof"
// target: <
// expanded_anchor: <
// ticket:
// "kythe://kythe?lang=java?path=kythe/java/com/google/devtools/kythe/analyzers/base/"
// kind: "%/kythe/edge/childof"
// parent:
// "kythe://kythe?path=kythe/java/com/google/devtools/kythe/analyzers/base/"
// text: "edgeOrdinal"
// span: <...>
// snippet: "this.edgeOrdinal = -1"
// snippet_span: <...>
// >
// ticket:
// "kythe://kythe?lang=java?path=kythe/java/com/google/devtools/kythe/analyzers/base/"
// node_kind: "anchor"
// >
// >
// edges: <
// kind: "/kythe/edge/ref"
// target: <
// ticket:
// "kythe://kythe?lang=java?path=kythe/java/com/google/devtools/kythe/analyzers/base/"
// node_kind: "variable"
// original: <...>
// >
// >
message Path {
// A serving node with a possible specialization that unwraps/parses the
// original node's facts.
message Node {
oneof specialization {
kythe.proto.serving.RawAnchor raw_anchor = 10;
kythe.proto.serving.ExpandedAnchor expanded_anchor = 11;
kythe.proto.serving.File file = 12;
string ticket = 1;
string node_kind = 2;
kythe.proto.serving.Node original = 3;
message Edge {
string kind = 1;
int32 ordinal = 2;
Node target = 3;
// The central node of this Path.
Node pivot = 1;
// A sequence of edges leading from the pivot node.
repeated Edge edges = 2;