blob: ef1224384683d41a79e964ef703b671bf805d905 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "IndexerASTHooks.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <tuple>
#include "GraphObserver.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
#include "clang/AST/CommentLexer.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclFriend.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclOpenMP.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/NestedNameSpecifier.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtOpenMP.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateName.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
#include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "indexed_parent_iterator.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/common/scope_guard.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/clang_utils.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/marked_source.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/node_set.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
DEFINE_bool(experimental_alias_template_instantiations, false,
"Ignore template instantation information when generating IDs.");
DEFINE_bool(experimental_threaded_claiming, false,
"Defer answering claims and submit them in bulk when possible.");
DEFINE_bool(emit_anchors_on_builtins, true,
"Emit anchors on builtin types like int and float.");
namespace kythe {
using namespace clang;
using Claimability = GraphObserver::Claimability;
using NodeId = GraphObserver::NodeId;
void* NullGraphObserver::NullClaimToken::NullClaimTokenClass = nullptr;
namespace {
/// Decides whether `Tok` can be used to quote an identifier.
bool TokenQuotesIdentifier(const clang::SourceManager& SM,
const clang::Token& Tok) {
switch (Tok.getKind()) {
case tok::TokenKind::pipe:
return true;
case tok::TokenKind::unknown: {
bool Invalid = false;
if (const char* TokChar =
SM.getCharacterData(Tok.getLocation(), &Invalid)) {
if (!Invalid && Tok.getLength() > 0) {
return *TokChar == '`';
return false;
return false;
/// \brief Finds the first CXXConstructExpr child of the given
/// CXXFunctionalCastExpr.
const clang::CXXConstructExpr* FindConstructExpr(
const clang::CXXFunctionalCastExpr* E) {
for (const auto* Child : E->children()) {
if (isa<clang::CXXConstructExpr>(Child)) {
return dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructExpr>(Child);
return nullptr;
template <typename F>
void MapOverrideRoots(const clang::CXXMethodDecl* M, const F& Fn) {
if (M->size_overridden_methods() == 0) {
} else {
for (const auto& PM : M->overridden_methods()) {
MapOverrideRoots(PM, Fn);
template <typename F>
void MapOverrideRoots(const clang::ObjCMethodDecl* M, const F& Fn) {
if (!M->isOverriding()) {
} else {
SmallVector<const ObjCMethodDecl*, 4> overrides;
for (const auto& PM : overrides) {
MapOverrideRoots(PM, Fn);
clang::QualType FollowAliasChain(const clang::TypedefNameDecl* TND) {
clang::Qualifiers Qs;
clang::QualType QT;
for (;;) {
// We'll assume that the alias chain stops as soon as we hit a non-alias.
// This does not attempt to dereference aliases in template parameters
// (or even aliases underneath pointers, etc).
QT = TND->getUnderlyingType();
if (auto* TTD = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(QT.getTypePtr())) {
TND = TTD->getDecl();
} else if (auto* ET = dyn_cast<ElaboratedType>(QT.getTypePtr())) {
if (auto* TDT = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(ET->getNamedType().getTypePtr())) {
TND = TDT->getDecl();
} else {
return QualType(QT.getTypePtr(), Qs.getFastQualifiers());
} else {
// We lose fidelity with getFastQualifiers.
return QualType(QT.getTypePtr(), Qs.getFastQualifiers());
/// \brief Attempt to find the template parameters bound immediately by `DC`.
/// \return null if no parameters could be found.
clang::TemplateParameterList* GetTypeParameters(const clang::DeclContext* DC) {
if (!DC) {
return nullptr;
if (const auto* TemplateContext = dyn_cast<clang::TemplateDecl>(DC)) {
return TemplateContext->getTemplateParameters();
} else if (const auto* CTPSD =
dyn_cast<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(DC)) {
return CTPSD->getTemplateParameters();
} else if (const auto* RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(DC)) {
if (const auto* TD = RD->getDescribedClassTemplate()) {
return TD->getTemplateParameters();
} else if (const auto* VTPSD =
dyn_cast<VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(DC)) {
return VTPSD->getTemplateParameters();
} else if (const auto* VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DC)) {
if (const auto* TD = VD->getDescribedVarTemplate()) {
return TD->getTemplateParameters();
} else if (const auto* AD = dyn_cast<TypeAliasDecl>(DC)) {
if (const auto* TD = AD->getDescribedAliasTemplate()) {
return TD->getTemplateParameters();
return nullptr;
/// Make sure `DC` won't cause Sema::LookupQualifiedName to fail an assertion.
bool IsContextSafeForLookup(const clang::DeclContext* DC) {
if (const auto* TD = dyn_cast<clang::TagDecl>(DC)) {
return TD->isCompleteDefinition() || TD->isBeingDefined();
return DC->isDependentContext() || !isa<clang::LinkageSpecDecl>(DC);
/// \brief Returns whether `Ctor` would override the in-class initializer for
/// `Field`.
bool ConstructorOverridesInitializer(const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* Ctor,
const clang::FieldDecl* Field) {
const clang::FunctionDecl* CtorDefn = nullptr;
if (Ctor->isDefined(CtorDefn) &&
(Ctor = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXConstructorDecl>(CtorDefn))) {
for (const auto* Init : Ctor->inits()) {
if (Init->getMember() == Field && !Init->isInClassMemberInitializer()) {
return true;
return false;
/// \return true if `D` should not be visited because its name will never be
/// uttered due to aliasing rules.
bool SkipAliasedDecl(const clang::Decl* D) {
return FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations &&
(FindSpecializedTemplate(D) != D);
bool IsObjCForwardDecl(const clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl* decl) {
return !decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition();
const clang::Decl* FindImplicitDeclForStmt(
const IndexedParentMap* AllParents, const clang::Stmt* Stmt,
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 16>* StmtPath) {
for (const auto& Current : RootTraversal(AllParents, Stmt)) {
if (Current.decl && Current.decl->isImplicit() &&
!isa<VarDecl>(Current.decl) &&
!(isa<CXXRecordDecl>(Current.decl) &&
dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Current.decl)->isLambda())) {
// If this is an implicit variable declaration, we assume that it is one
// of the implicit declarations attached to a range for loop. We ignore
// its implicitness, which lets us associate a source location with the
// implicit references to 'begin', 'end' and operators. We also skip
// the implicit CXXRecordDecl that's created for lambda expressions,
// since it may include interesting non-implicit nodes.
return Current.decl;
if (Current.indexed_parent && StmtPath) {
return nullptr;
// Calls tsi->overrideType(new_type) and restores the current type upon
// destruction.
class ScopedTypeOverride {
explicit ScopedTypeOverride(clang::TypeSourceInfo* tsi,
clang::QualType new_type)
: tsi_(tsi), previous_type_(tsi_->getType()) {
~ScopedTypeOverride() { tsi_->overrideType(previous_type_); }
// Neither copyable nor movable.
ScopedTypeOverride(const ScopedTypeOverride&) = delete;
ScopedTypeOverride& operator=(const ScopedTypeOverride) = delete;
clang::TypeSourceInfo* tsi_;
clang::QualType previous_type_;
template <typename T>
std::string DumpString(const T& val) {
std::string s;
llvm::raw_string_ostream ss(s);
return s;
} // anonymous namespace
bool IsClaimableForTraverse(const clang::Decl* decl) {
// Operationally, we'll define this as any decl that causes
// Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation to be set.
if (auto* VTSD = dyn_cast<const clang::VarTemplateSpecializationDecl>(decl)) {
return !VTSD->isExplicitInstantiationOrSpecialization();
if (auto* CTSD =
dyn_cast<const clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(decl)) {
return !CTSD->isExplicitInstantiationOrSpecialization();
if (auto* FD = dyn_cast<const clang::FunctionDecl>(decl)) {
if (const auto* MSI = FD->getMemberSpecializationInfo()) {
// The definitions of class template member functions are not necessarily
// dominated by the class template definition.
if (!MSI->isExplicitSpecialization()) {
return true;
} else if (const auto* FSI = FD->getTemplateSpecializationInfo()) {
if (!FSI->isExplicitInstantiationOrSpecialization()) {
return true;
return false;
enum class Prunability {
/// \brief RAII class used to pair claimImplicitNode/finishImplicitNode
/// when pruning AST traversal.
class PruneCheck {
PruneCheck(IndexerASTVisitor* visitor, const clang::Decl* decl)
: visitor_(visitor) {
if (!visitor_->Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation &&
visitor_->declDominatesPrunableSubtree(decl)) {
// This node in the AST dominates a subtree that can be pruned.
if (!visitor_->Observer.claimLocation(decl->getLocation())) {
can_prune_ = Prunability::kImmediate;
if (llvm::isa<clang::FunctionDecl>(decl)) {
// We make the assumption that we can stop traversal at function
// declarations, which means that we always expect the subtree rooted
// at a particular FunctionDecl under a particular type context will
// look the same. If this isn't a function declaration, the tree we
// see depends on external use sites. This assumption is reasonable
// for code that doesn't rely on making different sets of decls
// visible for ADL in different places (for example). (The core
// difference between a function body and, say, a class body is that
// function bodies are "closed*" and can't span files**, nor can they
// leak local template declarations in a way that would allow
// clients outside the function body to instantiate those declarations
// at different types.)
// * modulo ADL, dependent lookup, different overloads/specializations
// in context; code that makes these a problem is arguably not
// reasonable code
// ** modulo wacky macros
if (FLAGS_experimental_threaded_claiming ||
!visitor_->Observer.claimImplicitNode(cleanup_id_)) {
can_prune_ = Prunability::kDeferred;
} else if (llvm::isa<clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(decl)) {
if (FLAGS_experimental_threaded_claiming ||
!visitor_->Observer.claimImplicitNode(cleanup_id_)) {
can_prune_ = Prunability::kDeferIncompleteFunctions;
~PruneCheck() {
if (!FLAGS_experimental_threaded_claiming && !cleanup_id_.empty()) {
/// \return true if the decl supplied during construction doesn't need
/// traversed.
Prunability can_prune() const { return can_prune_; }
const std::string& cleanup_id() { return cleanup_id_; }
void GenerateCleanupId(const clang::Decl* decl) {
// TODO(zarko): Check to see if non-function members of a class
// can be traversed once per argument set.
cleanup_id_ =
absl::StrCat(visitor_->BuildNodeIdForDecl(decl).getRawIdentity(), "#",
// It's critical that we distinguish between different argument lists
// here even if aliasing is turned on; otherwise we will drop data.
// If aliasing is off, the NodeId already contains this information.
if (FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations) {
llvm::raw_string_ostream ostream(cleanup_id_);
for (const auto& Current :
RootTraversal(visitor_->getAllParents(), decl)) {
if (!(Current.decl && Current.indexed_parent)) continue;
if (const auto* czdecl =
dyn_cast<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(Current.decl)) {
ostream << "#"
<< HashToString(visitor_->Hash(
} else if (const auto* fdecl = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(Current.decl)) {
if (const auto* template_args =
fdecl->getTemplateSpecializationArgs()) {
ostream << "#" << HashToString(visitor_->Hash(template_args));
} else if (const auto* vdecl =
dyn_cast<VarTemplateSpecializationDecl>(Current.decl)) {
ostream << "#"
<< HashToString(visitor_->Hash(
cleanup_id_ = CompressString(cleanup_id_);
Prunability can_prune_ = Prunability::kNone;
std::string cleanup_id_;
IndexerASTVisitor* visitor_;
const IndexedParentMap* IndexerASTVisitor::getAllParents() {
if (!AllParents) {
// We always need to run over the whole translation unit, as
// hasAncestor can escape any subtree.
// TODO(zarko): Is this relavant for naming?
ProfileBlock block(Observer.getProfilingCallback(), "build_parent_map");
AllParents = absl::make_unique<IndexedParentMap>(
return AllParents.get();
const IndexedParent* IndexerASTVisitor::getIndexedParent(
const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode& Node) {
return getAllParents()->GetIndexedParent(Node);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::declDominatesPrunableSubtree(const clang::Decl* Decl) {
return getAllParents()->DeclDominatesPrunableSubtree(Decl);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::IsDefinition(const clang::VarDecl* VD) {
if (const auto* PVD = dyn_cast<ParmVarDecl>(VD)) {
// For parameters, we want to report them as definitions iff they're
// part of a function definition. Current (2013-02-14) Clang appears
// to report all function parameter declarations as definitions.
if (const auto* FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(PVD->getDeclContext())) {
return IsDefinition(FD);
// This one's a little quirky. It would actually work to just return
// implicit_cast<bool>(VD->isThisDeclarationADefinition()), because
// VarDecl::DeclarationOnly is zero, but this is more explicit.
return VD->isThisDeclarationADefinition() != VarDecl::DeclarationOnly;
SourceRange IndexerASTVisitor::ConsumeToken(
SourceLocation StartLocation, clang::tok::TokenKind ExpectedKind) const {
clang::Token Token;
if (getRawToken(StartLocation, Token) == LexerResult::Success) {
// We can't use findLocationAfterToken() as that also uses "raw" lexing,
// which does not respect |lang_opts_.CXXOperatorNames| and will happily
// give |tok::raw_identifier| for tokens such as "compl" and then decide
// that "compl" doesn't match tok::tilde. We want raw lexing so that
// macro expansion is suppressed, but then we need to manually re-map
// C++'s "alternative tokens" to the correct token kinds.
clang::tok::TokenKind ActualKind = Token.getKind();
if ( {
llvm::StringRef TokenSpelling(Token.getRawIdentifier());
const clang::IdentifierInfo& II =
ActualKind = II.getTokenID();
if (ActualKind == ExpectedKind) {
const SourceLocation Begin = Token.getLocation();
return SourceRange(
Begin, GetLocForEndOfToken(*Observer.getSourceManager(),
*Observer.getLangOptions(), Begin));
return SourceRange(); // invalid location signals error/mismatch.
clang::SourceRange IndexerASTVisitor::RangeForNameOfDeclaration(
const clang::NamedDecl* Decl) const {
const SourceLocation StartLocation = Decl->getLocation();
if (StartLocation.isInvalid()) {
return SourceRange();
if (StartLocation.isFileID()) {
if (isa<clang::CXXDestructorDecl>(Decl)) {
// If the first token is "~" (or its alternate spelling, "compl") and
// the second is the name of class (rather than the name of a macro),
// then span two tokens. Otherwise span just one.
const SourceLocation NextLocation =
ConsumeToken(StartLocation, clang::tok::tilde).getEnd();
if (NextLocation.isValid()) {
// There was a tilde (or its alternate token, "compl", which is
// technically valid for a destructor even if it's awful style).
// The "name" of the destructor is "~Type" even if the source
// code says "compl Type".
clang::Token SecondToken;
if (getRawToken(NextLocation, SecondToken) == LexerResult::Success && &&
("~" + std::string(SecondToken.getRawIdentifier())) ==
Decl->getNameAsString()) {
const SourceLocation EndLocation = GetLocForEndOfToken(
*Observer.getSourceManager(), *Observer.getLangOptions(),
return clang::SourceRange(StartLocation, EndLocation);
} else if (auto* M = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(Decl)) {
// Only take the first selector (if we have one). This simplifies what
// consumers of this data have to do but it is not correct.
if (M->getNumSelectorLocs() == 0) {
// Take the whole declaration. For decls this goes up to but does not
// include the ";". For definitions this goes up to but does not include
// the "{". This range will include other fields, such as the return
// type, parameter types, and parameter names.
auto S = M->getSelectorStartLoc();
auto E = M->getDeclaratorEndLoc();
return SourceRange(S, E);
// TODO(salguarnieri) Return multiple ranges, one for each portion of the
// selector.
const SourceLocation& Loc = M->getSelectorLoc(0);
if (Loc.isValid() && Loc.isFileID()) {
return RangeForSingleToken(Loc);
// If the selector location is not valid or is not a file, return the
// whole range of the selector and hope for the best.
LogErrorWithASTDump("Could not get source range", M);
return M->getSourceRange();
return RangeForASTEntity(StartLocation);
clang::SourceRange IndexerASTVisitor::RangeForASTEntity(
const clang::SourceLocation start_location) const {
return RangeForASTEntityFromSourceLocation(
*Observer.getSourceManager(), *Observer.getLangOptions(), start_location);
clang::SourceRange IndexerASTVisitor::RangeForSingleToken(
const clang::SourceLocation start_location) const {
return RangeForSingleTokenFromSourceLocation(
*Observer.getSourceManager(), *Observer.getLangOptions(), start_location);
void IndexerASTVisitor::MaybeRecordDefinitionRange(
const absl::optional<GraphObserver::Range>& R,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& Id,
const absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId>& DeclId) {
if (R) {
Observer.recordDefinitionBindingRange(R.value(), Id, DeclId);
void IndexerASTVisitor::MaybeRecordFullDefinitionRange(
const absl::optional<GraphObserver::Range>& R,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& Id,
const absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId>& DeclId) {
if (R) {
Observer.recordFullDefinitionRange(R.value(), Id, DeclId);
GraphObserver::Implicit IndexerASTVisitor::IsImplicit(
const GraphObserver::Range& Range) {
return (Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation ||
Range.Kind != GraphObserver::Range::RangeKind::Physical)
? GraphObserver::Implicit::Yes
: GraphObserver::Implicit::No;
void IndexerASTVisitor::RecordCallEdges(const GraphObserver::Range& Range,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& Callee) {
if (Job->BlameStack.empty()) {
if (auto FileId = Observer.recordFileInitializer(Range)) {
Observer.recordCallEdge(Range, FileId.value(), Callee, IsImplicit(Range));
} else {
for (const auto& Caller : Job->BlameStack.back()) {
Observer.recordCallEdge(Range, Caller, Callee, IsImplicit(Range));
/// An in-flight possible lookup result used to approximate qualified lookup.
struct PossibleLookup {
clang::LookupResult Result;
const clang::DeclContext* Context;
/// Greedily consumes tokens to try and find the longest qualified name that
/// results in a nonempty lookup result.
class PossibleLookups {
/// \param RC The most specific context to start searching in.
/// \param TC The translation unit context.
PossibleLookups(clang::ASTContext& C, clang::Sema& S,
const clang::DeclContext* RC, const clang::DeclContext* TC)
: Context(C), Sema(S), RootContext(RC), TUContext(TC) {
/// Describes what happened after we added the last token to the lookup state.
enum class LookupResult {
Done, ///< Lookup is terminated; don't add any more tokens.
Updated, ///< The last token narrowed down the lookup.
Progress ///< The last token didn't narrow anything down.
/// Try to use `Tok` to narrow down the lookup.
LookupResult AdvanceLookup(const clang::Token& Tok) {
if ( {
// This flag only matters if the possible lookup list is empty.
// Just drop ::s on the floor otherwise.
ForceTUContext = true;
return LookupResult::Progress;
} else if ( {
bool Invalid = false;
const char* TokChar = Context.getSourceManager().getCharacterData(
Tok.getLocation(), &Invalid);
if (Invalid || !TokChar) {
return LookupResult::Done;
llvm::StringRef TokText(TokChar, Tok.getLength());
const auto& Id = Context.Idents.get(TokText);
clang::DeclarationNameInfo DeclName(
Context.DeclarationNames.getIdentifier(&Id), Tok.getLocation());
if (Lookups.empty()) {
return StartLookups(DeclName);
} else {
return AdvanceLookups(DeclName);
return LookupResult::Done;
/// Start a new identifier.
void StartIdentifier() {
ForceTUContext = false;
/// Retrieve a vector of plausible lookup results with the most specific
/// ones first.
const std::vector<PossibleLookup>& LookupState() { return Lookups; }
/// Start a new lookup from `DeclName`.
LookupResult StartLookups(const clang::DeclarationNameInfo& DeclName) {
const clang::DeclContext* Context =
ForceTUContext ? TUContext : RootContext;
do {
clang::LookupResult FirstLookup(
Sema, DeclName, clang::Sema::LookupNameKind::LookupAnyName);
if (IsContextSafeForLookup(Context) &&
FirstLookup, const_cast<clang::DeclContext*>(Context), false)) {
Lookups.push_back({std::move(FirstLookup), Context});
} else {
// We could be looking at a (type) parameter here. Note that this
// may still be part of a qualified (dependent) name.
if (const auto* FunctionContext =
dyn_cast_or_null<clang::FunctionDecl>(Context)) {
for (const auto& Param : FunctionContext->parameters()) {
if (Param->getDeclName() == DeclName.getName()) {
clang::LookupResult DerivedResult(clang::LookupResult::Temporary,
Lookups.push_back({std::move(DerivedResult), Context});
} else if (const auto* TemplateParams = GetTypeParameters(Context)) {
for (const auto& TParam : *TemplateParams) {
if (TParam->getDeclName() == DeclName.getName()) {
clang::LookupResult DerivedResult(clang::LookupResult::Temporary,
Lookups.push_back({std::move(DerivedResult), Context});
Context = Context->getParent();
} while (Context != nullptr);
return Lookups.empty() ? LookupResult::Done : LookupResult::Updated;
/// Continue each in-flight lookup using `DeclName`.
LookupResult AdvanceLookups(const clang::DeclarationNameInfo& DeclName) {
// Try to advance each lookup we have stored.
std::vector<PossibleLookup> ResultLookups;
for (auto& Lookup : Lookups) {
for (const clang::NamedDecl* Result : Lookup.Result) {
const auto* Context = dyn_cast<clang::DeclContext>(Result);
if (!Context) {
Context = Lookup.Context;
clang::LookupResult NextResult(
Sema, DeclName, clang::Sema::LookupNameKind::LookupAnyName);
if (IsContextSafeForLookup(Context) &&
NextResult, const_cast<clang::DeclContext*>(Context), false)) {
ResultLookups.push_back({std::move(NextResult), Context});
if (!ResultLookups.empty()) {
Lookups = std::move(ResultLookups);
return LookupResult::Updated;
} else {
return LookupResult::Done;
/// All the plausible lookup results so far. This is sorted with the most
/// specific results first (i.e., the ones that came from the closest
/// DeclContext).
std::vector<PossibleLookup> Lookups;
/// The ASTContext we're under.
clang::ASTContext& Context;
/// The Sema instance we're using.
clang::Sema& Sema;
/// The nearest declaration context.
const clang::DeclContext* RootContext;
/// The translation unit's declaration context.
const clang::DeclContext* TUContext;
/// Set if the current lookup is unambiguously in TUContext.
bool ForceTUContext = false;
/// The state for heuristic parsing of identifiers in comment bodies.
enum class RefParserState {
WaitingForMark, ///< We're waiting for something that might denote an
///< embedded identifier.
SawCommand ///< We saw something Clang identifies as a comment command.
/// Adds markup to Text to define anchor locations and sorts Anchors
/// accordingly.
void InsertAnchorMarks(std::string& Text, std::vector<MiniAnchor>& Anchors) {
// Drop empty or negative-length anchors.
std::remove_if(Anchors.begin(), Anchors.end(),
[](const MiniAnchor& A) { return A.Begin >= A.End; }),
std::sort(Anchors.begin(), Anchors.end(),
[](const MiniAnchor& A, const MiniAnchor& B) {
return std::tie(A.Begin, B.End) < std::tie(B.Begin, A.End);
std::string NewText;
NewText.reserve(Text.size() + Anchors.size() * 2);
auto NextAnchor = Anchors.begin();
std::multiset<size_t> EndLocations;
for (size_t C = 0; C < Text.size(); ++C) {
while (!EndLocations.empty() && *(EndLocations.begin()) == C) {
for (; NextAnchor != Anchors.end() && C == NextAnchor->Begin;
++NextAnchor) {
if (Text[C] == '[' || Text[C] == ']' || Text[C] == '\\') {
// Escape [, ], and \.
NewText.resize(NewText.size() + EndLocations.size(), ']');
void IndexerASTVisitor::HandleFileLevelComments(
clang::FileID Id, const GraphObserver::NodeId& FileNode) {
const auto& RCL = Context.getRawCommentList();
auto IdStart = Context.getSourceManager().getLocForStartOfFile(Id);
if (!IdStart.isFileID() || !IdStart.isValid()) {
auto StartIdLoc = Context.getSourceManager().getDecomposedLoc(IdStart);
// Find the block of comments for the given file. This behavior is not well-
// defined by Clang, which commits only to the RawComments being
// "sorted in order of appearance in the translation unit".
if (RCL.getComments().empty()) {
// Find the first RawComment whose start location is greater or equal to
// the start of the file whose FileID is Id.
auto C = std::lower_bound(
RCL.getComments().begin(), RCL.getComments().end(), StartIdLoc,
[&](clang::RawComment* const T1, const decltype(StartIdLoc)& T2) {
return Context.getSourceManager().getDecomposedLoc(T1->getBeginLoc()) <
// Walk through the comments in Id starting with the one at the top. If we
// ever leave Id, then we're done. (The first time around the loop, if C isn't
// already in Id, this check will immediately break;.)
if (C != RCL.getComments().end()) {
auto CommentIdLoc =
if (CommentIdLoc.first != Id) {
// Here's a simple heuristic: the first comment in a file is the file-level
// comment. This is bad for files with (e.g.) license blocks, but we can
// gradually refine as necessary.
if (VisitedComments.find(*C) == VisitedComments.end()) {
VisitComment(*C, Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(), FileNode);
void IndexerASTVisitor::VisitComment(
const clang::RawComment* Comment, const clang::DeclContext* DC,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& DocumentedNode) {
const auto& SM = *Observer.getSourceManager();
std::string Text = Comment->getRawText(SM).str();
std::string StrippedRawText;
std::map<clang::SourceLocation, size_t> OffsetsInStrippedRawText;
std::vector<MiniAnchor> StrippedRawTextAnchors;
clang::comments::Lexer Lexer(Context.getAllocator(), Context.getDiagnostics(),
Comment->getSourceRange().getBegin(),, + Text.size());
clang::comments::Token Tok;
std::vector<clang::Token> IdentifierTokens;
PossibleLookups Lookups(Context, Sema, DC, Context.getTranslationUnitDecl());
auto RecordDocDeclUse = [&](const clang::SourceRange& Range,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& ResultId) {
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(Range)) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocationInDocumentation(RCC.value(), ResultId);
auto RawLoc = OffsetsInStrippedRawText.lower_bound(Range.getBegin());
if (RawLoc != OffsetsInStrippedRawText.end()) {
// This is a single token (so we won't span multiple stripped ranges).
size_t StrippedBegin = RawLoc->second +
Range.getBegin().getRawEncoding() -
size_t StrippedLength =
Range.getEnd().getRawEncoding() - Range.getBegin().getRawEncoding();
if (StrippedLength != 0) {
StrippedBegin, StrippedBegin + StrippedLength, ResultId});
// Attribute all tokens on [FirstToken,LastToken] to every possible lookup
// result inside PossibleLookups.
auto HandleLookupResult = [&](int FirstToken, int LastToken) {
for (const auto& Results : Lookups.LookupState()) {
for (auto Result : Results.Result) {
auto ResultId = BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(Result);
for (int Token = FirstToken; Token <= LastToken; ++Token) {
auto State = RefParserState::WaitingForMark;
// FoundEndingDelimiter will be called whenever we're sure that no more
// tokens can be added to IdentifierTokens that could be related to the same
// identifier. (IdentifierTokens might still contain multiple identifiers,
// as in the doc text "`foo`, `bar`, or `baz`".)
// TODO(zarko): Deal with template arguments (`foo<int>::bar`), balanced
// delimiters (`foo::bar(int, c<int>)`), and dtors (which are troubling
// because they have ~s out in front). The goal here is not to completely
// reimplement a C/C++ parser, but instead to build just enough to make good
// guesses.
auto FoundEndingDelimiter = [&]() {
int IdentifierStart = -1;
int CurrentIndex = 0;
if (State == RefParserState::SawCommand) {
// Start as though we've seen a quote and consume tokens until we're not
// making progress.
IdentifierStart = 0;
for (const auto& Tok : IdentifierTokens) {
if (IdentifierStart >= 0) {
if (Lookups.AdvanceLookup(Tok) == PossibleLookups::LookupResult::Done) {
// We can't match an identifier using this token. Either it's the
// matching close-quote or it's some other weirdness.
if (IdentifierStart != CurrentIndex) {
HandleLookupResult(IdentifierStart, CurrentIndex - 1);
IdentifierStart = -1;
} else if (TokenQuotesIdentifier(SM, Tok)) {
// We found a signal to start an identifier.
IdentifierStart = CurrentIndex + 1;
State = RefParserState::WaitingForMark;
do {
unsigned offset = Tok.getLocation().getRawEncoding() -
std::make_pair(Tok.getLocation(), StrippedRawText.size()));
StrippedRawText.append(Text.substr(offset, Tok.getLength()));
switch (Tok.getKind()) {
case clang::comments::tok::text: {
auto TokText = Tok.getText().str();
clang::Lexer LookupLexer(Tok.getLocation(), *Observer.getLangOptions(),,, + TokText.size());
do {
} while (!IdentifierTokens.back().is(clang::tok::eof));
} break;
case clang::comments::tok::newline:
case clang::comments::tok::unknown_command:
case clang::comments::tok::backslash_command:
case clang::comments::tok::at_command:
State = RefParserState::SawCommand;
case clang::comments::tok::verbatim_block_begin:
case clang::comments::tok::verbatim_block_line:
case clang::comments::tok::verbatim_block_end:
case clang::comments::tok::verbatim_line_name:
case clang::comments::tok::verbatim_line_text:
case clang::comments::tok::html_start_tag:
case clang::comments::tok::html_ident:
case clang::comments::tok::html_equals:
case clang::comments::tok::html_quoted_string:
case clang::comments::tok::html_greater:
case clang::comments::tok::html_slash_greater:
case clang::comments::tok::html_end_tag:
case clang::comments::tok::eof:
} while (Tok.getKind() != clang::comments::tok::eof);
InsertAnchorMarks(StrippedRawText, StrippedRawTextAnchors);
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> LinkNodes;
for (const auto& Anchor : StrippedRawTextAnchors) {
// Attribute the raw comment text to its associated decl.
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(Comment->getSourceRange())) {
Observer.recordDocumentationRange(RCC.value(), DocumentedNode);
Observer.recordDocumentationText(DocumentedNode, StrippedRawText,
void IndexerASTVisitor::VisitAttributes(
const clang::Decl* Decl, const GraphObserver::NodeId& TargetNode) {
for (const auto& Attr : Decl->attrs()) {
if (const auto* DepAttr = clang::dyn_cast<clang::DeprecatedAttr>(Attr)) {
Observer.recordDeprecated(TargetNode, DepAttr->getMessage());
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitDecl(const clang::Decl* Decl) {
if ((Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation || Decl == nullptr) &&
!Decl->hasAttrs()) {
// Template instantiation can't add any documentation text.
return true;
const auto* CommentOrNull = Context.getRawCommentForDeclNoCache(Decl);
if (!CommentOrNull && !Decl->hasAttrs()) {
// Fast path: if there are no attached documentation comments or attributes,
// bail.
return true;
const auto* DCxt = dyn_cast<DeclContext>(Decl);
if (!DCxt) {
DCxt = Decl->getDeclContext();
if (!DCxt) {
DCxt = Context.getTranslationUnitDecl();
if (const auto* DC = dyn_cast_or_null<DeclContext>(Decl)) {
if (auto DCID = BuildNodeIdForDeclContext(DC)) {
VisitAttributes(Decl, DCID.value());
if (CommentOrNull == nullptr) {
return true;
if (const auto* IFaceDecl = dyn_cast_or_null<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(DC)) {
VisitObjCInterfaceDeclComment(IFaceDecl, CommentOrNull, DCxt, DCID);
} else if (const auto* R = dyn_cast_or_null<RecordDecl>(DC)) {
VisitRecordDeclComment(R, CommentOrNull, DCxt, DCID);
} else {
VisitComment(CommentOrNull, DCxt, DCID.value());
if (const auto* CTPSD =
dyn_cast_or_null<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(Decl)) {
auto NodeId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(CTPSD);
VisitAttributes(Decl, NodeId);
if (CommentOrNull != nullptr) VisitComment(CommentOrNull, DCxt, NodeId);
if (const auto* FD = dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionDecl>(Decl)) {
if (const auto* FTD = FD->getDescribedFunctionTemplate()) {
auto NodeId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(FTD);
VisitAttributes(Decl, NodeId);
if (CommentOrNull != nullptr) VisitComment(CommentOrNull, DCxt, NodeId);
} else {
if (const auto* VD = dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(Decl)) {
if (const auto* VTD = VD->getDescribedVarTemplate()) {
auto NodeId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(VTD);
VisitAttributes(VTD, NodeId);
if (CommentOrNull != nullptr) VisitComment(CommentOrNull, DCxt, NodeId);
} else if (const auto* AD = dyn_cast_or_null<TypeAliasDecl>(Decl)) {
if (const auto* TATD = AD->getDescribedAliasTemplate()) {
auto NodeId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(TATD);
VisitAttributes(TATD, NodeId);
if (CommentOrNull != nullptr) VisitComment(CommentOrNull, DCxt, NodeId);
auto NodeId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
VisitAttributes(Decl, NodeId);
if (CommentOrNull != nullptr) VisitComment(CommentOrNull, DCxt, NodeId);
return true;
void IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCInterfaceDeclComment(
const ObjCInterfaceDecl* Decl, const RawComment* Comment,
const DeclContext* DCxt, absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> DCID) {
// Don't record comments for ObjC class forward declarations because
// their comments generally aren't useful documentation about the class,
// they are more likely to be about why a forward declaration was used
// or be totally unrelated to the class.
if (shouldEmitObjCForwardClassDeclDocumentation() ||
!IsObjCForwardDecl(Decl)) {
VisitComment(Comment, DCxt, DCID.value());
void IndexerASTVisitor::VisitRecordDeclComment(
const RecordDecl* Decl, const RawComment* Comment, const DeclContext* DCxt,
absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> DCID) {
// Don't record comments for forward declarations because their comments
// generally aren't useful documentation about the class, they are more likely
// to be about why a forward declaration was used or be totally unrelated to
// the class.
if (shouldEmitCppForwardDeclDocumentation() ||
Decl->getDefinition() == Decl) {
VisitComment(Comment, DCxt, DCID.value());
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseDecl(clang::Decl* Decl) {
if (ShouldStopIndexing()) {
return false;
if (Decl == nullptr) {
return true;
// This is a dirty, dirty hack to allow other parts of the code to more
// cleanly handle deduced types, but should *only* be done for deduced types.
// TODO(shahms): Remove this when it's fixed upstream.
// Or replace it with the properly deduced type.
absl::optional<ScopedTypeOverride> type_override;
if (auto* D = dyn_cast<clang::DeclaratorDecl>(Decl)) {
if (auto* TSI = D->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
if (TSI->getType() != D->getType() && TSI->getType()->isUndeducedType()) {
type_override.emplace(TSI, D->getType());
auto Scope = RestoreValue(Job->PruneIncompleteFunctions);
if (Job->PruneIncompleteFunctions) {
if (auto* FD = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(Decl)) {
if (!FD->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) {
return true;
if (FLAGS_experimental_threaded_claiming) {
if (Decl != Job->Decl) {
PruneCheck Prune(this, Decl);
auto can_prune = Prune.can_prune();
if (can_prune == Prunability::kImmediate) {
return true;
} else if (can_prune != Prunability::kNone) {
Decl, can_prune == Prunability::kDeferIncompleteFunctions,
return true;
} else {
if (Job->SetPruneIncompleteFunctions) {
Job->PruneIncompleteFunctions = true;
} else {
PruneCheck Prune(this, Decl);
auto can_prune = Prune.can_prune();
if (can_prune == Prunability::kImmediate) {
return true;
} else if (can_prune == Prunability::kDeferIncompleteFunctions) {
Job->PruneIncompleteFunctions = true;
GraphObserver::Delimiter Del(Observer);
// For clang::FunctionDecl and all subclasses thereof push blame data.
if (auto* FD = dyn_cast_or_null<clang::FunctionDecl>(Decl)) {
if (unsigned BuiltinID = FD->getBuiltinID()) {
if (!Observer.getPreprocessor()->getBuiltinInfo().isPredefinedLibFunction(
BuiltinID)) {
// These builtins act weirdly (by, e.g., defining themselves inside the
// macro context where they first appeared, but then also in the global
// namespace). Don't traverse them.
return true;
auto Scope = std::make_tuple(RestoreStack(Job->BlameStack),
if (FD->isTemplateInstantiation() &&
FD->getTemplateSpecializationKind() !=
clang::TSK_ExplicitSpecialization) {
// Explicit specializations have ranges.
if (const auto RangeId = BuildNodeIdForRefToDeclContext(FD)) {
} else {
if (const auto BlameId = BuildNodeIdForDeclContext(FD)) {
Job->BlameStack.push_back(IndexJob::SomeNodes(1, BlameId.value()));
} else {
IndexJob::SomeNodes(1, BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(FD)));
// Dispatch the remaining logic to the base class TraverseDecl() which will
// call TraverseX(X*) for the most-derived X.
return Base::TraverseDecl(FD);
} else if (auto* ID = dyn_cast_or_null<clang::FieldDecl>(Decl)) {
// This will also cover the case of clang::ObjCIVarDecl since it is a
// subclass.
if (ID->hasInClassInitializer()) {
// Blame calls from in-class initializers I on all ctors C of the
// containing class so long as C does not have its own initializer for
// I's field.
auto R = RestoreStack(Job->BlameStack);
if (auto* CR = dyn_cast_or_null<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(ID->getParent())) {
if ((CR = CR->getDefinition())) {
IndexJob::SomeNodes Ctors;
auto TryCtor = [&](const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* Ctor) {
if (!ConstructorOverridesInitializer(Ctor, ID)) {
if (const auto BlameId = BuildNodeIdForRefToDeclContext(Ctor)) {
for (const auto* SubDecl : CR->decls()) {
if (const auto* Ctor =
dyn_cast_or_null<CXXConstructorDecl>(SubDecl)) {
} else if (const auto* Templ =
dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionTemplateDecl>(SubDecl)) {
if (const auto* Ctor = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXConstructorDecl>(
Templ->getTemplatedDecl())) {
for (const auto* Spec : Templ->specializations()) {
if (const auto* Ctor =
dyn_cast_or_null<CXXConstructorDecl>(Spec)) {
if (!Ctors.empty()) {
return Base::TraverseDecl(ID);
} else if (auto* MD = dyn_cast_or_null<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(Decl)) {
// These variables (R and S) clean up the stacks (Job->BlameStack and
// Job->RangeContext) when the local variables (R and S) are
// destructed.
auto Scope = std::make_tuple(RestoreStack(Job->BlameStack),
if (const auto BlameId = BuildNodeIdForDeclContext(MD)) {
Job->BlameStack.push_back(IndexJob::SomeNodes(1, BlameId.value()));
} else {
Job->BlameStack.push_back(IndexJob::SomeNodes(1, BuildNodeIdForDecl(MD)));
// Dispatch the remaining logic to the base class TraverseDecl() which will
// call TraverseX(X*) for the most-derived X.
return Base::TraverseDecl(MD);
return Base::TraverseDecl(Decl);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitCXXDependentScopeMemberExpr(
const clang::CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr* E) {
absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> Root = absl::nullopt;
auto BaseType = E->getBaseType();
if (BaseType.getTypePtrOrNull()) {
auto* Builtin = dyn_cast<BuiltinType>(BaseType.getTypePtr());
// The "Dependent" builtin type is not useful, so we'll keep this lookup
// rootless. We could alternately invent a singleton type for the range of
// the lhs expression.
if (!Builtin || Builtin->getKind() != BuiltinType::Dependent) {
Root = BuildNodeIdForType(BaseType);
if (auto DepNodeId = RecordEdgesForDependentName(
E->getQualifierLoc(), E->getMember(), E->getMemberLoc(), Root)) {
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(
RangeForASTEntity(E->getMemberLoc()))) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(*RCC, *DepNodeId,
if (E->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) {
if (auto ArgIds = BuildTemplateArgumentList(E->template_arguments())) {
auto TappNodeId = Observer.recordTappNode(*DepNodeId, *ArgIds);
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(E);
auto Range = clang::SourceRange(E->getMemberLoc(),
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, Range)) {
RCC.value(), TappNodeId, GraphObserver::Claimability::Unclaimable,
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitMemberExpr(const clang::MemberExpr* E) {
if (E->getMemberLoc().isInvalid()) {
return true;
for (const auto* Child : E->children()) {
if (const auto* DeclRef = dyn_cast<clang::DeclRefExpr>(Child)) {
if (isa<clang::DecompositionDecl>(DeclRef->getDecl())) {
// Ignore field references synthesized from structured bindings, as
// they are just a clang implementation detail. Skip the references.
return true;
if (const auto* FieldDecl = E->getMemberDecl()) {
auto Range = RangeForASTEntity(E->getMemberLoc());
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(E);
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, Range)) {
RCC.value(), BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(FieldDecl),
GraphObserver::Claimability::Unclaimable, IsImplicit(RCC.value()));
if (E->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) {
// We still want to link the template args.
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::IndexConstructExpr(const clang::CXXConstructExpr* E,
const clang::TypeSourceInfo* TSI) {
if (const auto* Callee = E->getConstructor()) {
// Clang doesn't invoke VisitDeclRefExpr on constructors, so we
// must do so manually.
// TODO(zarko): What about static initializers? Do we blame these on the
// translation unit?
clang::SourceLocation RPL = E->getParenOrBraceRange().getEnd();
clang::SourceLocation RefLoc = E->getBeginLoc();
if (TSI != nullptr) {
if (const auto ETL =
TSI->getTypeLoc().getAs<clang::ElaboratedTypeLoc>()) {
RefLoc = ETL.getNamedTypeLoc().getBeginLoc();
// We assume that a constructor call was inserted by the compiler (or
// is otherwise implicit) if it's being provided with arguments but it has
// an invalid right-paren location, since such a call would be impossible
// to write down.
bool IsImplicit = !RPL.isValid() && E->getNumArgs() > 0;
VisitDeclRefOrIvarRefExpr(E, Callee, RefLoc, IsImplicit);
clang::SourceRange SR = E->getSourceRange();
if (RPL.isValid()) {
// This loses the right paren without the offset.
} else if (TSI != nullptr) {
} else {
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(E);
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, SR)) {
RecordCallEdges(RCC.value(), BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(Callee));
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseConstructorInitializer(
clang::CXXCtorInitializer* Init) {
if (Init->isMemberInitializer()) {
return Base::TraverseConstructorInitializer(Init);
if (const auto* CE = dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructExpr>(Init->getInit())) {
if (IndexConstructExpr(CE, Init->getTypeSourceInfo())) {
auto Scope = PushScope(Job->ConstructorStack, CE);
return Base::TraverseConstructorInitializer(Init);
return false;
return Base::TraverseConstructorInitializer(Init);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitCXXConstructExpr(
const clang::CXXConstructExpr* E) {
// Skip Visiting CXXConstructExprs directly which were already
// visited by a parent.
auto iter = std::find(Job->ConstructorStack.crbegin(),
Job->ConstructorStack.crend(), E);
if (iter != Job->ConstructorStack.crend()) {
return true;
clang::TypeSourceInfo* TSI = nullptr;
if (const auto* TE = dyn_cast<clang::CXXTemporaryObjectExpr>(E)) {
TSI = TE->getTypeSourceInfo();
return IndexConstructExpr(E, TSI);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitCXXDeleteExpr(const clang::CXXDeleteExpr* E) {
auto DTy = E->getDestroyedType();
if (DTy.isNull()) {
return true;
auto DTyNonRef = DTy.getNonReferenceType();
if (DTyNonRef.isNull()) {
return true;
auto BaseType = Context.getBaseElementType(DTyNonRef);
if (BaseType.isNull()) {
return true;
absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> DDId;
if (const auto* CD = BaseType->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
if (const auto* DD = CD->getDestructor()) {
DDId = BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(DD);
} else {
auto QTCan = BaseType.getCanonicalType();
if (QTCan.isNull()) {
return true;
auto TyId = BuildNodeIdForType(QTCan);
if (!TyId) {
return true;
auto DtorName = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXDestructorName(
DDId = RecordEdgesForDependentName(clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc(),
DtorName, E->getBeginLoc(), TyId);
if (DDId) {
clang::SourceRange SR = E->getSourceRange();
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(E);
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, SR)) {
RecordCallEdges(RCC.value(), DDId.value());
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseCXXFunctionalCastExpr(
clang::CXXFunctionalCastExpr* E) {
if (const auto* CE = FindConstructExpr(E)) {
if (IndexConstructExpr(CE, E->getTypeInfoAsWritten())) {
auto Scope = PushScope(Job->ConstructorStack, CE);
return Base::TraverseCXXFunctionalCastExpr(E);
return false;
return Base::TraverseCXXFunctionalCastExpr(E);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseCXXNewExpr(clang::CXXNewExpr* E) {
if (const auto* CE = E->getConstructExpr()) {
if (IndexConstructExpr(CE, E->getAllocatedTypeSourceInfo())) {
auto Scope = PushScope(Job->ConstructorStack, CE);
return Base::TraverseCXXNewExpr(E);
return false;
return Base::TraverseCXXNewExpr(E);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitCXXNewExpr(const clang::CXXNewExpr* E) {
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(E);
if (FunctionDecl* New = E->getOperatorNew()) {
auto NewId = BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(New);
clang::SourceLocation NewLoc = E->getBeginLoc();
if (NewLoc.isFileID()) {
clang::SourceRange NewRange(
NewLoc, GetLocForEndOfToken(*Observer.getSourceManager(),
*Observer.getLangOptions(), NewLoc));
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, NewRange)) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(RCC.value(), NewId,
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitCXXPseudoDestructorExpr(
const clang::CXXPseudoDestructorExpr* E) {
if (E->getDestroyedType().isNull()) {
return true;
auto DTCan = E->getDestroyedType().getCanonicalType();
if (DTCan.isNull() || !DTCan.isCanonical()) {
return true;
absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> TyId;
clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc NNSLoc;
if (E->getDestroyedTypeInfo() != nullptr) {
TyId = BuildNodeIdForType(E->getDestroyedTypeInfo()->getTypeLoc());
} else if (E->hasQualifier()) {
NNSLoc = E->getQualifierLoc();
auto DtorName = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXDestructorName(
if (auto DDId = RecordEdgesForDependentName(NNSLoc, DtorName,
E->getTildeLoc(), TyId)) {
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(
RangeForASTEntity(E->getTildeLoc()))) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(*RCC, *DDId,
clang::SourceRange SR = E->getSourceRange();
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(E);
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, SR)) {
RecordCallEdges(RCC.value(), DDId.value());
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitCXXUnresolvedConstructExpr(
const clang::CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr* E) {
auto QTCan = E->getTypeAsWritten().getCanonicalType();
if (QTCan.isNull()) {
return true;
CHECK(E->getTypeSourceInfo() != nullptr);
auto TyId = BuildNodeIdForType(E->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc());
if (!TyId) {
return true;
auto CtorName = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXConstructorName(
if (auto LookupId = RecordEdgesForDependentName(
clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc(), CtorName, E->getBeginLoc(), TyId)) {
clang::SourceLocation RPL = E->getRParenLoc();
clang::SourceRange SR = E->getSourceRange();
// This loses the right paren without the offset.
if (RPL.isValid()) {
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(E);
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, SR)) {
RecordCallEdges(RCC.value(), LookupId.value());
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitCallExpr(const clang::CallExpr* E) {
clang::SourceLocation RPL = E->getRParenLoc();
clang::SourceRange SR = E->getSourceRange();
if (RPL.isValid()) {
// This loses the right paren without the offset.
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(E);
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, SR)) {
if (const auto* Callee = E->getCalleeDecl()) {
auto CalleeId = BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(Callee);
RecordCallEdges(RCC.value(), CalleeId);
for (const auto& S : Supports) {
S->InspectCallExpr(*this, E, RCC.value(), CalleeId);
} else if (const auto* CE = E->getCallee()) {
if (auto CalleeId = BuildNodeIdForExpr(CE, EmitRanges::Yes)) {
RecordCallEdges(RCC.value(), CalleeId.value());
return true;
const clang::Decl* Decl) {
if (const auto* FD = dyn_cast<const clang::FunctionDecl>(Decl)) {
return BuildNodeIdForImplicitFunctionTemplateInstantiation(FD);
} else if (const auto* CD =
dyn_cast<const clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(Decl)) {
return BuildNodeIdForImplicitClassTemplateInstantiation(CD);
// TODO(zarko): other template kinds as needed.
return absl::nullopt;
const clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl* CTSD) {
if (CTSD->isExplicitInstantiationOrSpecialization()) {
return absl::nullopt;
const clang::ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo* ArgsAsWritten = nullptr;
if (const auto* CTPSD =
dyn_cast<const clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(CTSD)) {
ArgsAsWritten = CTPSD->getTemplateArgsAsWritten();
auto PrimaryOrPartial = CTSD->getSpecializedTemplateOrPartial();
if (auto NIDS =
(ArgsAsWritten ? BuildTemplateArgumentList(ArgsAsWritten->arguments())
: BuildTemplateArgumentList(
CTSD->getTemplateArgs().asArray()))) {
if (auto SpecializedNode = BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(
clang::TemplateName(CTSD->getSpecializedTemplate()))) {
if (<clang::ClassTemplateDecl*>() &&
!isa<const clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(CTSD)) {
// Point to a tapp of the primary template.
return Observer.recordTappNode(*SpecializedNode, *NIDS);
if (const auto* Partial =
.dyn_cast<clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl*>()) {
if (auto NIDS = BuildTemplateArgumentList(
CTSD->getTemplateInstantiationArgs().asArray())) {
// Point to a tapp of the partial template specialization.
return Observer.recordTappNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Partial), *NIDS);
return absl::nullopt;
const clang::FunctionDecl* FD) {
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> NIDS;
const clang::TemplateArgumentLoc* ArgsAsWritten = nullptr;
unsigned NumArgsAsWritten = 0;
const clang::TemplateArgumentList* Args = nullptr;
if (FD->getDescribedFunctionTemplate() != nullptr) {
// This is the body of a function template.
return absl::nullopt;
if (auto* MSI = FD->getMemberSpecializationInfo()) {
if (MSI->isExplicitSpecialization()) {
// Refer to explicit specializations directly.
return absl::nullopt;
// This is a member under a template instantiation. See #1879.
return Observer.recordTappNode(
BuildNodeIdForDecl(MSI->getInstantiatedFrom()), {}, 0);
std::vector<std::pair<clang::TemplateName, clang::SourceLocation>> TNs;
if (auto* FTSI = FD->getTemplateSpecializationInfo()) {
if (FTSI->isExplicitSpecialization()) {
// Refer to explicit specializations directly.
return absl::nullopt;
if (FTSI->TemplateArgumentsAsWritten) {
// We have source locations for the template arguments.
ArgsAsWritten = FTSI->TemplateArgumentsAsWritten->getTemplateArgs();
NumArgsAsWritten = FTSI->TemplateArgumentsAsWritten->NumTemplateArgs;
Args = FTSI->TemplateArguments;
} else if (auto* DFTSI = FD->getDependentSpecializationInfo()) {
ArgsAsWritten = DFTSI->getTemplateArgs();
NumArgsAsWritten = DFTSI->getNumTemplateArgs();
for (unsigned T = 0; T < DFTSI->getNumTemplates(); ++T) {
// We can't do anything useful if we don't have type arguments.
if (ArgsAsWritten || Args) {
bool CouldGetAllTypes = true;
if (ArgsAsWritten) {
// Prefer arguments as they were written in source files.
for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumArgsAsWritten; ++I) {
if (auto ArgId = BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(ArgsAsWritten[I],
EmitRanges::Yes)) {
} else {
CouldGetAllTypes = false;
} else {
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Args->size(); ++I) {
if (auto ArgId = BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(
Args->get(I), clang::SourceLocation())) {
} else {
CouldGetAllTypes = false;
if (CouldGetAllTypes) {
// If there's more than one possible template name (e.g., this is
// dependent), choose one arbitrarily.
for (const auto& TN : TNs) {
if (auto SpecializedNode = BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(TN.first)) {
return Observer.recordTappNode(SpecializedNode.value(), NIDS,
return absl::nullopt;
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(
const clang::Decl* Decl) {
if (auto TappId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitTemplateInstantiation(Decl)) {
return TappId.value();
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
const clang::DeclContext* DC) {
if (auto* DCDecl = llvm::dyn_cast<const clang::Decl>(DC)) {
if (auto TappId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitTemplateInstantiation(DCDecl)) {
return TappId;
return BuildNodeIdForDeclContext(DC);
return absl::nullopt;
IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForDeclContext(const clang::DeclContext* DC) {
if (auto* DCDecl = llvm::dyn_cast<const clang::Decl>(DC)) {
if (llvm::isa<TranslationUnitDecl>(DCDecl)) {
return absl::nullopt;
if (llvm::isa<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(DCDecl)) {
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(DCDecl, 0);
} else if (auto* CRD = dyn_cast<const clang::CXXRecordDecl>(DCDecl)) {
if (const auto* CTD = CRD->getDescribedClassTemplate()) {
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(DCDecl, 0);
} else if (auto* FD = dyn_cast<const clang::FunctionDecl>(DCDecl)) {
if (FD->getDescribedFunctionTemplate()) {
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(DCDecl, 0);
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(DCDecl);
return absl::nullopt;
void IndexerASTVisitor::AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(
const clang::Decl* Decl, const GraphObserver::NodeId& DeclNode) {
if (const DeclContext* DC = Decl->getDeclContext()) {
if (FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations) {
if (!Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation) {
if (auto ContextId = BuildNodeIdForRefToDeclContext(DC)) {
Observer.recordChildOfEdge(DeclNode, ContextId.value());
} else {
if (auto ContextId = BuildNodeIdForDeclContext(DC)) {
Observer.recordChildOfEdge(DeclNode, ContextId.value());
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitDeclRefExpr(const clang::DeclRefExpr* DRE) {
return VisitDeclRefOrIvarRefExpr(DRE, DRE->getDecl(), DRE->getLocation());
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitBuiltinTypeLoc(clang::BuiltinTypeLoc TL) {
if (FLAGS_emit_anchors_on_builtins) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitEnumTypeLoc(clang::EnumTypeLoc TL) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitRecordTypeLoc(clang::RecordTypeLoc TL) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc(
clang::TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc TL) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitTemplateSpecializationTypeLoc(
clang::TemplateSpecializationTypeLoc TL) {
auto NameLocation = TL.getTemplateNameLoc();
if (NameLocation.isFileID()) {
if (auto RCC = ExpandedRangeInCurrentContext(NameLocation)) {
if (auto TemplateName =
BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(TL.getTypePtr()->getTemplateName())) {
NodeId DeclNode = [&] {
if (const auto* Decl = TL.getTypePtr()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
return TemplateName.value();
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(*RCC, DeclNode,
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitDeducedTypeLoc(clang::DeducedTypeLoc TL) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc(
clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc TL) {
// TODO(zarko): Record both the replaced parameter and the replacement
// type.
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitDecltypeTypeLoc(clang::DecltypeTypeLoc TL) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitElaboratedTypeLoc(clang::ElaboratedTypeLoc TL) {
// This one wraps a qualified (via 'struct S' | 'N::M::type') type
// reference and we don't want to link 'struct'.
// TODO(zarko): Add an anchor for all the Elaborated type; otherwise decls
// like `typedef B::C tdef;` will only anchor `C` instead of `B::C`.
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitTypedefTypeLoc(clang::TypedefTypeLoc TL) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitInjectedClassNameTypeLoc(
clang::InjectedClassNameTypeLoc TL) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitDependentNameTypeLoc(
clang::DependentNameTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto Nodes = RecordTypeLocSpellingLocation(TL)) {
if (auto RCC =
ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(RangeForASTEntity(TL.getNameLoc()))) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(*RCC, Nodes.ForReference(),
if (RecordParamEdgesForDependentName(Nodes.ForReference(),
TL.getQualifierLoc())) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitPackExpansionTypeLoc(
clang::PackExpansionTypeLoc TL) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCObjectTypeLoc(clang::ObjCObjectTypeLoc TL) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < TL.getNumProtocols(); ++i) {
if (auto RCC = ExpandedRangeInCurrentContext(TL.getProtocolLoc(i))) {
Claimability::Claimable, IsImplicit(*RCC));
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCTypeParamTypeLoc(
clang::ObjCTypeParamTypeLoc TL) {
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseAttributedTypeLoc(clang::AttributedTypeLoc TL) {
// TODO(shahms): Emit a reference to the underlying TL covering the entire
// range of attributed TL. This was the desired behavior previously, but not
// implemented as such.
// If we have an attributed type, treat it as the raw type, but provide the
// source range of the attributed type. This allows us to connect a _Nonnull
// type back to the underlying type's definition. For example:
// `@property Data * _Nullable var;` should connect back to the type Data *,
// not Data * _Nullable;
return Base::TraverseAttributedTypeLoc(TL);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseDependentAddressSpaceTypeLoc(
clang::DependentAddressSpaceTypeLoc TL) {
// TODO(shahms): Emit a reference to the underlying TL covering the entire
// range of attributed TL. This was the desired behavior previously, but not
// implemented as such.
// If we have an attributed type, treat it as the raw type, but provide the
// source range of the attributed type. This allows us to connect a _Nonnull
// type back to the underlying type's definition. For example:
// `@property Data * _Nullable var;` should connect back to the type Data *,
// not Data * _Nullable;
return Base::TraverseDependentAddressSpaceTypeLoc(TL);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseMemberPointerTypeLoc(
clang::MemberPointerTypeLoc TL) {
// TODO(shahms): Fix this upstream. RecursiveASTVisitor calls:
// TraverseType(Class);
// TraverseTypeLoc(Pointee);
// Rather than TraverseTypeLoc on both.
if (auto* TSI = TL.getClassTInfo()) {
return TraverseTypeLoc(TSI->getTypeLoc()) &&
} else {
return Base::TraverseMemberPointerTypeLoc(TL);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitDesignatedInitExpr(
const clang::DesignatedInitExpr* DIE) {
for (const auto& D : DIE->designators()) {
if (!D.isFieldDesignator()) continue;
if (const auto* F = D.getField()) {
if (!VisitDeclRefOrIvarRefExpr(DIE, F, D.getFieldLoc(), false, true)) {
return false;
return true;
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::RecordTypeLocSpellingLocation(clang::TypeLoc TL) {
if (auto RCC = ExpandedRangeInCurrentContext(TL.getSourceRange())) {
if (auto Nodes = BuildNodeSetForType(TL)) {
*RCC, Nodes.ForReference(), Nodes.claimability(), IsImplicit(*RCC));
return Nodes;
return NodeSet::Empty();
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseDeclarationNameInfo(
clang::DeclarationNameInfo NameInfo) {
// For ConversionFunctions this leads to duplicate edges as the return value
// is visited both here and via TraverseFunctionProtoTypeLoc.
if (NameInfo.getName().getNameKind() ==
clang::DeclarationName::CXXConversionFunctionName) {
return true;
return Base::TraverseDeclarationNameInfo(NameInfo);
// Use FoundDecl to get to template defs; use getDecl to get to template
// instantiations.
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitDeclRefOrIvarRefExpr(
const clang::Expr* Expr, const NamedDecl* const FoundDecl,
SourceLocation SL, bool IsImplicit, bool IsInit) {
// TODO(zarko): check to see if this DeclRefExpr has already been indexed.
// (Use a simple N=1 cache.)
// TODO(zarko): Point at the capture as well as the thing being captured;
// port over RemapDeclIfCaptured.
// const NamedDecl* const TargetDecl = RemapDeclIfCaptured(FoundDecl);
const NamedDecl* TargetDecl = FoundDecl;
if (const auto* IFD = dyn_cast<clang::IndirectFieldDecl>(FoundDecl)) {
// An IndirectFieldDecl is just an alias; we want to record this as a
// reference to the underlying entity.
// TODO(jdennett): Would this be better done in BuildNodeIdForDecl?
TargetDecl = IFD->getAnonField();
if (isa<clang::VarDecl>(TargetDecl) && TargetDecl->isImplicit()) {
// Ignore variable declarations synthesized from for-range loops, as they
// are just a clang implementation detail.
return true;
if (SL.isValid()) {
SourceRange Range = RangeForASTEntity(SL);
if (IsImplicit) {
// Mark implicit ranges by making them zero-length.
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(Expr);
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, Range)) {
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclId = BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(TargetDecl);
if (IsInit) {
Observer.recordInitLocation(RCC.value(), DeclId,
} else {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(RCC.value(), DeclId,
for (const auto& S : Supports) {
S->InspectDeclRef(*this, SL, RCC.value(), DeclId, TargetDecl);
return true;
IndexerASTVisitor::BuildTemplateArgumentList(ArrayRef<TemplateArgument> Args) {
std::vector<NodeId> result;
for (const auto& Arg : Args) {
if (auto ArgId =
BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(Arg, clang::SourceLocation())) {
} else {
return absl::nullopt;
return result;
ArrayRef<TemplateArgumentLoc> Args) {
std::vector<NodeId> result;
for (const auto& ArgLoc : Args) {
if (auto ArgId = BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(ArgLoc, EmitRanges::Yes)) {
} else {
return absl::nullopt;
return result;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitVarDecl(const clang::VarDecl* Decl) {
if (SkipAliasedDecl(Decl)) {
return true;
if (isa<ParmVarDecl>(Decl)) {
// Ignore parameter types, those are added to the graph after processing
// the parent function or member.
return true;
if (Decl->isImplicit()) {
// Ignore variable declarations synthesized from for-range loops, as they
// are just a clang implementation detail.
return true;
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
SourceLocation DeclLoc = Decl->getLocation();
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId BodyDeclNode(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
const clang::ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo* ArgsAsWritten = nullptr;
if (const auto* VTPSD =
dyn_cast<const clang::VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(Decl)) {
ArgsAsWritten = VTPSD->getTemplateArgsAsWritten();
BodyDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl, 0);
DeclNode = RecordTemplate(VTPSD, BodyDeclNode);
} else if (const auto* VTD = Decl->getDescribedVarTemplate()) {
BodyDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
DeclNode = RecordTemplate(VTD, BodyDeclNode);
} else {
BodyDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
DeclNode = BodyDeclNode;
// if this variable is a static member record it as static
if (Decl->isStaticDataMember()) {
if (auto* VTSD = dyn_cast<const clang::VarTemplateSpecializationDecl>(Decl)) {
Marks.set_implicit(Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation ||
// If this is a partial specialization, we've already recorded the newly
// abstracted parameters above. We can now record the type arguments passed
// to the template we're specializing. Synthesize the type we need.
auto PrimaryOrPartial = VTSD->getSpecializedTemplateOrPartial();
if (auto NIDS = (ArgsAsWritten
? BuildTemplateArgumentList(ArgsAsWritten->arguments())
: BuildTemplateArgumentList(
VTSD->getTemplateArgs().asArray()))) {
if (auto SpecializedNode = BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(
clang::TemplateName(VTSD->getSpecializedTemplate()))) {
if (<clang::VarTemplateDecl*>() &&
!isa<const clang::VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(Decl)) {
// This is both an instance and a specialization of the primary
// template. We use the same arguments list for both.
DeclNode, Observer.recordTappNode(SpecializedNode.value(), *NIDS),
DeclNode, Observer.recordTappNode(SpecializedNode.value(), *NIDS),
if (const auto* Partial =
.dyn_cast<clang::VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl*>()) {
if (auto NIDS = BuildTemplateArgumentList(
VTSD->getTemplateInstantiationArgs().asArray())) {
Observer.recordTappNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Partial), *NIDS),
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange), DeclNode,
*Observer.getSourceManager(), *Observer.getLangOptions(),
if (const auto* TSI = Decl->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
// TODO(zarko): Storage classes.
AscribeSpelledType(TSI->getTypeLoc(), Decl->getType(), BodyDeclNode);
} else if (auto TyNodeId = BuildNodeIdForType(Decl->getType())) {
Observer.recordTypeEdge(BodyDeclNode, TyNodeId.value());
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
std::vector<LibrarySupport::Completion> Completions;
if (!IsDefinition(Decl)) {
AssignUSR(BodyDeclNode, Decl);
BodyDeclNode, GraphObserver::Completeness::Incomplete,
GraphObserver::VariableSubkind::None, absl::nullopt);
Observer.recordMarkedSource(DeclNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(DeclNode));
for (const auto& S : Supports) {
S->InspectVariable(*this, DeclNode, BodyDeclNode, Decl,
GraphObserver::Completeness::Incomplete, Completions);
return true;
FileID DeclFile = Observer.getSourceManager()->getFileID(Decl->getLocation());
auto NameRangeInContext =
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), BodyDeclNode, NameRange);
for (const auto* NextDecl : Decl->redecls()) {
const clang::Decl* OuterTemplate = nullptr;
// It's not useful to draw completion edges to implicit forward
// declarations, nor is it useful to declare that a definition completes
// itself.
if (NextDecl != Decl && !NextDecl->isImplicit()) {
if (auto* VD = dyn_cast<const clang::VarDecl>(NextDecl)) {
OuterTemplate = VD->getDescribedVarTemplate();
FileID NextDeclFile =
// We should not point a completes edge from an abs node to a var node.
GraphObserver::NodeId TargetDecl =
BuildNodeIdForDecl(OuterTemplate ? OuterTemplate : NextDecl);
if (NameRangeInContext) {
NameRangeInContext.value(), TargetDecl,
NextDeclFile == DeclFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
Completions.push_back(LibrarySupport::Completion{NextDecl, TargetDecl});
AssignUSR(BodyDeclNode, Decl);
BodyDeclNode, GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition,
GraphObserver::VariableSubkind::None, absl::nullopt);
Observer.recordMarkedSource(DeclNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(DeclNode));
for (const auto& S : Supports) {
S->InspectVariable(*this, DeclNode, BodyDeclNode, Decl,
GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition, Completions);
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitNamespaceDecl(const clang::NamespaceDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl));
// Use the range covering `namespace` for anonymous namespaces.
SourceRange NameRange;
if (Decl->isAnonymousNamespace()) {
SourceLocation Loc = Decl->getBeginLoc();
if (Decl->isInline() && Loc.isValid() && Loc.isFileID()) {
// Skip the `inline` keyword.
Loc = RangeForSingleToken(Loc).getEnd();
if (Loc.isValid() && Loc.isFileID()) {
SkipWhitespace(*Observer.getSourceManager(), &Loc);
if (Loc.isValid() && Loc.isFileID()) {
NameRange = RangeForASTEntity(Loc);
} else {
NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
// Namespaces are never defined; they are only invoked.
if (auto RCC =
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange)) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(RCC.value(), DeclNode,
Observer.recordNamespaceNode(DeclNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(DeclNode));
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitBindingDecl(const clang::BindingDecl* Decl) {
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(NameRange)) {
Observer.recordDefinitionBindingRange(RCC.value(), DeclNode, absl::nullopt);
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
Observer.recordVariableNode(DeclNode, GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition,
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitFieldDecl(const clang::FieldDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl));
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange), DeclNode,
*Observer.getSourceManager(), *Observer.getLangOptions(),
// TODO(zarko): Record completeness data. This is relevant for static fields,
// which may be declared along with a complete class definition but later
// defined in a separate translation unit.
Observer.recordVariableNode(DeclNode, GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition,
AssignUSR(DeclNode, Decl);
if (const auto* TSI = Decl->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
// TODO(zarko): Record storage classes for fields.
AscribeSpelledType(TSI->getTypeLoc(), Decl->getType(), DeclNode);
} else if (auto TyNodeId = BuildNodeIdForType(Decl->getType())) {
Observer.recordTypeEdge(DeclNode, TyNodeId.value());
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitEnumConstantDecl(
const clang::EnumConstantDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
// We first build the NameId and NodeId for the enumerator.
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl));
SourceLocation DeclLoc = Decl->getLocation();
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
*Observer.getSourceManager(), *Observer.getLangOptions(),
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange), DeclNode,
AssignUSR(DeclNode, Decl);
Observer.recordIntegerConstantNode(DeclNode, Decl->getInitVal());
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
Observer.recordMarkedSource(DeclNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(DeclNode));
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitEnumDecl(const clang::EnumDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl));
SourceLocation DeclLoc = Decl->getLocation();
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
if (Decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition() && Decl->getBody() != nullptr) {
} else {
*Observer.getSourceManager(), *Observer.getLangOptions(),
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange), DeclNode,
bool HasSpecifiedStorageType = false;
if (const auto* TSI = Decl->getIntegerTypeSourceInfo()) {
HasSpecifiedStorageType = true;
AscribeSpelledType(TSI->getTypeLoc(), TSI->getType(), DeclNode);
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
// TODO(zarko): Would this be clearer as !Decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition
// or !Decl->isCompleteDefinition()? Do those calls have the same meaning
// as Decl->getDefinition() != Decl? The Clang documentation suggests that
// there is a subtle difference.
Observer.recordMarkedSource(DeclNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(DeclNode));
// TODO(zarko): Add edges to previous decls.
if (Decl->getDefinition() != Decl) {
// TODO(jdennett): Should we use Type::isIncompleteType() instead of doing
// something enum-specific here?
AssignUSR(DeclNode, Decl);
HasSpecifiedStorageType ? GraphObserver::Completeness::Complete
: GraphObserver::Completeness::Incomplete,
Decl->isScoped() ? GraphObserver::EnumKind::Scoped
: GraphObserver::EnumKind::Unscoped);
return true;
FileID DeclFile = Observer.getSourceManager()->getFileID(Decl->getLocation());
for (const auto* NextDecl : Decl->redecls()) {
if (NextDecl != Decl) {
FileID NextDeclFile =
if (auto RCC =
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange)) {
RCC.value(), BuildNodeIdForDecl(NextDecl),
NextDeclFile == DeclFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
AssignUSR(DeclNode, Decl);
Observer.recordEnumNode(DeclNode, GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition,
Decl->isScoped() ? GraphObserver::EnumKind::Scoped
: GraphObserver::EnumKind::Unscoped);
return true;
// TODO(zarko): In general, while we traverse a specialization we don't
// want to have the primary-template's type variables in context.
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseClassTemplateDecl(
clang::ClassTemplateDecl* TD) {
auto Scope = PushScope(Job->TypeContext, TD->getTemplateParameters());
return Base::TraverseClassTemplateDecl(TD);
// NB: The Traverse* member that's called is based on the dynamic type of the
// AST node it's being called with (so only one of
// TraverseClassTemplate{Partial}SpecializationDecl will be called).
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseClassTemplateSpecializationDecl(
clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl* TD) {
auto Scope = std::make_tuple(
// If this specialization was spelled out in the file, it has
// physical ranges.
if (TD->getTemplateSpecializationKind() !=
clang::TSK_ExplicitSpecialization) {
if (!TD->isExplicitInstantiationOrSpecialization()) {
Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation = true;
return Base::TraverseClassTemplateSpecializationDecl(TD);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseVarTemplateSpecializationDecl(
clang::VarTemplateSpecializationDecl* TD) {
if (TD->getTemplateSpecializationKind() == TSK_Undeclared ||
TD->getTemplateSpecializationKind() == TSK_ImplicitInstantiation) {
// We should have hit implicit decls in the primary template.
return true;
} else {
return ForceTraverseVarTemplateSpecializationDecl(TD);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::ForceTraverseVarTemplateSpecializationDecl(
clang::VarTemplateSpecializationDecl* TD) {
auto Scope = std::make_tuple(
// If this specialization was spelled out in the file, it has
// physical ranges.
if (TD->getTemplateSpecializationKind() !=
clang::TSK_ExplicitSpecialization) {
if (!TD->isExplicitInstantiationOrSpecialization()) {
Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation = true;
return Base::TraverseVarTemplateSpecializationDecl(TD);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl(
clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl* TD) {
// Implicit partial specializations don't happen, so we don't need
// to consider changing the Job->RangeContext stack.
auto Scope = PushScope(Job->TypeContext, TD->getTemplateParameters());
return Base::TraverseClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl(TD);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseVarTemplateDecl(clang::VarTemplateDecl* TD) {
auto Scope = PushScope(Job->TypeContext, TD->getTemplateParameters());
if (!TraverseDecl(TD->getTemplatedDecl())) {
return false;
if (TD == TD->getCanonicalDecl()) {
for (auto* SD : TD->specializations()) {
for (auto* RD : SD->redecls()) {
auto* VD = cast<VarTemplateSpecializationDecl>(RD);
switch (VD->getSpecializationKind()) {
// Visit the implicit instantiations with the requested pattern.
case TSK_Undeclared:
case TSK_ImplicitInstantiation:
if (!ForceTraverseVarTemplateSpecializationDecl(VD)) {
return false;
// We don't need to do anything on an explicit instantiation
// or explicit specialization because there will be an explicit
// node for it elsewhere.
case TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDeclaration:
case TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDefinition:
case TSK_ExplicitSpecialization:
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseVarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl(
clang::VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl* TD) {
// Implicit partial specializations don't happen, so we don't need
// to consider changing the Job->RangeContext stack.
auto Scope = PushScope(Job->TypeContext, TD->getTemplateParameters());
return Base::TraverseVarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl(TD);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseTypeAliasTemplateDecl(
clang::TypeAliasTemplateDecl* TATD) {
auto Scope = PushScope(Job->TypeContext, TATD->getTemplateParameters());
return TraverseDecl(TATD->getTemplatedDecl());
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseFunctionDecl(clang::FunctionDecl* FD) {
auto UITI = RestoreValue(Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation);
if (const auto* MSI = FD->getMemberSpecializationInfo()) {
// The definitions of class template member functions are not necessarily
// dominated by the class template definition.
if (!MSI->isExplicitSpecialization()) {
Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation = true;
} else if (const auto* FSI = FD->getTemplateSpecializationInfo()) {
if (!FSI->isExplicitInstantiationOrSpecialization()) {
Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation = true;
return Base::TraverseFunctionDecl(FD) && [&] {
// RecursiveASTVisitor, mistakenly, does not visit these, likely
// due to the obscure case in which they occur:
// From Clang's documentation:
// "Since explicit function template specialization and instantiation
// declarations can only appear in namespace scope, and you can only
// specialize a member of a fully-specialized class, the only way to get
// one of these is in a friend declaration like the following:
// template <typename T> void f(T t);
// template <typename T> struct S {
// friend void f<>(T t);
// };
// TODO(shahms): Fix this upstream by getting TraverseFunctionHelper to
// do the right thing.
if (auto* DFTSI = FD->getDependentSpecializationInfo()) {
auto Count = DFTSI->getNumTemplateArgs();
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if (!TraverseTemplateArgumentLoc(DFTSI->getTemplateArg(i))) {
return false;
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseFunctionTemplateDecl(
clang::FunctionTemplateDecl* FTD) {
auto Scope = PushScope(Job->TypeContext, FTD->getTemplateParameters());
// We traverse the template parameter list when we visit the FunctionDecl.
// See also RecursiveAstVisitor<T>::TraverseTemplateInstantiations.
if (FTD == FTD->getCanonicalDecl()) {
for (auto* FD : FTD->specializations()) {
for (auto* RD : FD->redecls()) {
if (RD->getTemplateSpecializationKind() !=
clang::TSK_ExplicitSpecialization) {
return true;
clang::SourceRange IndexerASTVisitor::ExpandRangeIfEmptyFileID(
const clang::SourceRange& SR) {
// Clang frequently handes out zero-width ranges at the start of an identifier
// or other AST entity. In this case, we use
// RangeForASTEntity to fill out the full SourceRange.
if (SR.isValid() && SR.getBegin().isFileID() &&
SR.getBegin() == SR.getEnd()) {
return RangeForASTEntity(SR.getBegin());
return SR;
clang::SourceRange IndexerASTVisitor::MapRangeToFileIfMacroID(
const clang::SourceRange& SR) {
if (SR.isValid() && SR.getBegin().isMacroID() && SR.getEnd().isMacroID()) {
auto NewSR = RangeForASTEntity(SR.getBegin());
if (SR.getBegin() != SR.getEnd()) {
auto EndSR = RangeForASTEntity(SR.getEnd());
if (NewSR.isValid() && NewSR.getBegin() != NewSR.getEnd() &&
NewSR.getBegin().isFileID() && NewSR.getEnd().isFileID() &&
NewSR.getBegin() < NewSR.getEnd() &&
Observer.getSourceManager()->getFileID(NewSR.getBegin()) ==
Observer.getSourceManager()->getFileID(NewSR.getEnd())) {
return NewSR;
return SR;
const clang::SourceRange& SR) {
if (!SR.isValid()) {
return absl::nullopt;
return ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(
IndexerASTVisitor::ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(const clang::SourceRange& SR) {
if (!SR.getBegin().isValid()) {
return absl::nullopt;
if (!Job->RangeContext.empty() &&
!FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations) {
return GraphObserver::Range(SR, Job->RangeContext.back());
} else {
return GraphObserver::Range(SR, Observer.getClaimTokenForRange(SR));
IndexerASTVisitor::ExpandedRangeInCurrentContext(clang::SourceRange SR) {
if (!SR.isValid()) {
return absl::nullopt;
// If this type reference came from a macro context, try to see whether we
// can attribute it back to a source file.
if (SR.getBegin().isMacroID() && SR.getEnd().isMacroID()) {
auto NewSR = RangeForASTEntity(SR.getBegin());
if (SR.getBegin() != SR.getEnd()) {
auto EndSR = RangeForASTEntity(SR.getEnd());
if (NewSR.isValid() && NewSR.getBegin() != NewSR.getEnd() &&
NewSR.getBegin().isFileID() && NewSR.getEnd().isFileID() &&
NewSR.getBegin() < NewSR.getEnd() &&
Observer.getSourceManager()->getFileID(NewSR.getBegin()) ==
Observer.getSourceManager()->getFileID(NewSR.getEnd())) {
SR = NewSR;
return ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(
SR.getBegin() == SR.getEnd() ? RangeForASTEntity(SR.getBegin()) : SR);
absl::optional<GraphObserver::Range> IndexerASTVisitor::RangeInCurrentContext(
const absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId>& Id,
const clang::SourceRange& SR) {
if (Id) {
return GraphObserver::Range::Implicit(Id.value(), SR);
return ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(SR);
absl::optional<GraphObserver::Range> IndexerASTVisitor::RangeInCurrentContext(
bool implicit, const GraphObserver::NodeId& Id,
const clang::SourceRange& SR) {
return implicit ? GraphObserver::Range(Id)
: ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(SR);
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::RecordGenericClass(
const ObjCInterfaceDecl* IDecl, const ObjCTypeParamList* TPL,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& BodyId) {
auto AbsId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(IDecl);
Observer.recordChildOfEdge(BodyId, AbsId);
for (const ObjCTypeParamDecl* TP : *TPL) {
GraphObserver::NodeId TypeParamId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(TP);
// We record the range, name, absvar identity, and variance when we visit
// the type param decl. Here, we only want to record the information that is
// specific to this context, which is how it interacts with the generic type
// (BodyID). See VisitObjCTypeParamDecl for where we record this other
// information.
Observer.recordParamEdge(AbsId, TP->getIndex(), TypeParamId);
return AbsId;
template <typename TemplateDeclish>
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::RecordTemplate(
const TemplateDeclish* Decl, const GraphObserver::NodeId& BodyDeclNode) {
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl));
Observer.recordChildOfEdge(BodyDeclNode, DeclNode);
for (const auto* ND : *Decl->getTemplateParameters()) {
GraphObserver::NodeId ParamId(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
unsigned ParamIndex = 0;
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(ND);
if (const auto* TTPD = dyn_cast<clang::TemplateTypeParmDecl>(ND)) {
ParamId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(ND);
Observer.recordAbsVarNode(ParamId, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(ParamId));
ParamIndex = TTPD->getIndex();
} else if (const auto* NTTPD =
dyn_cast<clang::NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(ND)) {
ParamId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(ND);
Observer.recordAbsVarNode(ParamId, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(ParamId));
ParamIndex = NTTPD->getIndex();
} else if (const auto* TTPD =
dyn_cast<clang::TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(ND)) {
// We make the external Abs the primary node for TTPD so that
// uses of the ParmDecl later on point at the Abs and not the wrapped
// AbsVar.
GraphObserver::NodeId ParamBodyId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(ND, 0);
ParamId = RecordTemplate(TTPD, ParamBodyId);
ParamIndex = TTPD->getIndex();
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown entry in TemplateParameterList";
SourceRange Range = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(ND);
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), ParamId, Range), ParamId,
Observer.recordParamEdge(DeclNode, ParamIndex, ParamId);
return DeclNode;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitRecordDecl(const clang::RecordDecl* Decl) {
if (SkipAliasedDecl(Decl)) {
return true;
if (Decl->isInjectedClassName()) {
// We can't ignore this in ::Traverse* and still make use of the code that
// traverses template instantiations (since that functionality is marked
// private), so we have to ignore it here.
return true;
if (Decl->isEmbeddedInDeclarator() && Decl->getDefinition() != Decl) {
return true;
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId BodyDeclNode(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
const clang::ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo* ArgsAsWritten = nullptr;
if (const auto* CTPSD =
dyn_cast<const clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(Decl)) {
ArgsAsWritten = CTPSD->getTemplateArgsAsWritten();
BodyDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl, 0);
DeclNode = RecordTemplate(CTPSD, BodyDeclNode);
} else if (auto* CRD = dyn_cast<const clang::CXXRecordDecl>(Decl)) {
if (const auto* CTD = CRD->getDescribedClassTemplate()) {
BodyDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl, 0);
DeclNode = RecordTemplate(CTD, BodyDeclNode);
} else {
BodyDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
DeclNode = BodyDeclNode;
} else {
BodyDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
DeclNode = BodyDeclNode;
if (auto* CTSD =
dyn_cast<const clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(Decl)) {
Marks.set_implicit(Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation ||
// If this is a partial specialization, we've already recorded the newly
// abstracted parameters above. We can now record the type arguments passed
// to the template we're specializing. Synthesize the type we need.
auto PrimaryOrPartial = CTSD->getSpecializedTemplateOrPartial();
if (auto NIDS = (ArgsAsWritten
? BuildTemplateArgumentList(ArgsAsWritten->arguments())
: BuildTemplateArgumentList(
CTSD->getTemplateArgs().asArray()))) {
if (auto SpecializedNode = BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(
clang::TemplateName(CTSD->getSpecializedTemplate()))) {
if (<clang::ClassTemplateDecl*>() &&
!isa<const clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(Decl)) {
// This is both an instance and a specialization of the primary
// template. We use the same arguments list for both.
DeclNode, Observer.recordTappNode(SpecializedNode.value(), *NIDS),
DeclNode, Observer.recordTappNode(SpecializedNode.value(), *NIDS),
if (const auto* Partial =
.dyn_cast<clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl*>()) {
if (auto NIDS = BuildTemplateArgumentList(
CTSD->getTemplateInstantiationArgs().asArray())) {
Observer.recordTappNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Partial), *NIDS),
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange), DeclNode,
GraphObserver::RecordKind RK =
(Decl->isClass() ? GraphObserver::RecordKind::Class
: (Decl->isStruct() ? GraphObserver::RecordKind::Struct
: GraphObserver::RecordKind::Union));
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
// TODO(zarko): Would this be clearer as !Decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition
// or !Decl->isCompleteDefinition()? Do those calls have the same meaning
// as Decl->getDefinition() != Decl? The Clang documentation suggests that
// there is a subtle difference.
// TODO(zarko): Add edges to previous decls.
if (Decl->getDefinition() != Decl) {
AssignUSR(BodyDeclNode, Decl);
Observer.recordRecordNode(BodyDeclNode, RK,
Observer.recordMarkedSource(DeclNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(DeclNode));
return true;
FileID DeclFile = Observer.getSourceManager()->getFileID(Decl->getLocation());
if (auto NameRangeInContext =
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange)) {
for (const auto* NextDecl : Decl->redecls()) {
const clang::Decl* OuterTemplate = nullptr;
// It's not useful to draw completion edges to implicit forward
// declarations, nor is it useful to declare that a definition completes
// itself.
if (NextDecl != Decl && !NextDecl->isImplicit()) {
if (auto* CRD = dyn_cast<const clang::CXXRecordDecl>(NextDecl)) {
OuterTemplate = CRD->getDescribedClassTemplate();
FileID NextDeclFile =
// We should not point a completes edge from an abs node to a record
// node.
GraphObserver::NodeId TargetDecl =
BuildNodeIdForDecl(OuterTemplate ? OuterTemplate : NextDecl);
NameRangeInContext.value(), TargetDecl,
NextDeclFile == DeclFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
if (auto* CRD = dyn_cast<const clang::CXXRecordDecl>(Decl)) {
for (const auto& BCS : CRD->bases()) {
if (auto BCSType =
BuildNodeIdForType(BCS.getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc())) {
Observer.recordExtendsEdge(BodyDeclNode, BCSType.value(),
BCS.isVirtual(), BCS.getAccessSpecifier());
AssignUSR(BodyDeclNode, Decl);
BodyDeclNode, RK, GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition, absl::nullopt);
Observer.recordMarkedSource(DeclNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(DeclNode));
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitFunctionDecl(clang::FunctionDecl* Decl) {
if (SkipAliasedDecl(Decl)) {
return true;
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId InnerNode(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
GraphObserver::NodeId OuterNode(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
// There are five flavors of function (see TemplateOrSpecialization in
// FunctionDecl).
const clang::TemplateArgumentLoc* ArgsAsWritten = nullptr;
unsigned NumArgsAsWritten = 0;
const clang::TemplateArgumentList* Args = nullptr;
std::vector<std::pair<clang::TemplateName, clang::SourceLocation>> TNs;
bool TNsAreSpeculative = false;
bool IsImplicit = false;
SourceLocation TemplateKeywordLoc;
if (auto* FTD = Decl->getDescribedFunctionTemplate()) {
// Function template (inc. overloads)
InnerNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl, 0);
OuterNode = RecordTemplate(FTD, InnerNode);
TemplateKeywordLoc = FTD->getSourceRange().getBegin();
} else if (auto* MSI = Decl->getMemberSpecializationInfo()) {
// Here, template variables are bound by our enclosing context.
// For example:
// `template <typename T> struct S { int f() { return 0; } };`
// `int q() { S<int> s; return s.f(); }`
// We're going to be a little loose with `instantiates` here. To make
// queries consistent, we'll use a nullary tapp() to refer to the
// instantiated object underneath a template. It may be useful to also
// add the type variables involve in this instantiation's particular
// parent, but we don't currently do so. (#1879)
IsImplicit = !MSI->isExplicitSpecialization();
InnerNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
OuterNode = InnerNode;
} else if (auto* FTSI = Decl->getTemplateSpecializationInfo()) {
if (FTSI->TemplateArgumentsAsWritten) {
ArgsAsWritten = FTSI->TemplateArgumentsAsWritten->getTemplateArgs();
NumArgsAsWritten = FTSI->TemplateArgumentsAsWritten->NumTemplateArgs;
Args = FTSI->TemplateArguments;
InnerNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
OuterNode = InnerNode;
IsImplicit = !FTSI->isExplicitSpecialization();
} else if (auto* DFTSI = Decl->getDependentSpecializationInfo()) {
// From Clang's documentation:
// "Since explicit function template specialization and instantiation
// declarations can only appear in namespace scope, and you can only
// specialize a member of a fully-specialized class, the only way to get
// one of these is in a friend declaration like the following:
// template <typename T> void f(T t);
// template <typename T> struct S {
// friend void f<>(T t);
// };
TNsAreSpeculative = true;
// There doesn't appear to be an equivalent operation to
// VarTemplateSpecializationDecl::getTemplateInstantiationArgs (and
// it's unclear whether one should even be defined). This means that we'll
// only be able to record template arguments that were written down in the
// file; for instance, in the example above, we'll indicate that f may
// specialize primary template f applied to no arguments. If instead the
// code read `friend void f<T>(T t)`, we would record that it specializes
// the primary template with type variable T.
ArgsAsWritten = DFTSI->getTemplateArgs();
NumArgsAsWritten = DFTSI->getNumTemplateArgs();
for (unsigned T = 0; T < DFTSI->getNumTemplates(); ++T) {
InnerNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
OuterNode = InnerNode;
} else {
// Nothing to do with templates.
InnerNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
OuterNode = InnerNode;
Marks.set_implicit(Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation ||
if (ArgsAsWritten || Args) {
bool CouldGetAllTypes = true;
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> NIDS;
if (ArgsAsWritten) {
for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumArgsAsWritten; ++I) {
if (auto ArgId = BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(ArgsAsWritten[I],
EmitRanges::Yes)) {
} else {
CouldGetAllTypes = false;
} else {
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Args->size(); ++I) {
if (auto ArgId = BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(
Args->get(I), clang::SourceLocation())) {
} else {
CouldGetAllTypes = false;
if (CouldGetAllTypes) {
auto Confidence = TNsAreSpeculative
? GraphObserver::Confidence::Speculative
: GraphObserver::Confidence::NonSpeculative;
for (const auto& TN : TNs) {
if (auto SpecializedNode = BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(TN.first)) {
// Because partial specialization of function templates is forbidden,
// instantiates edges will always choose the same type (a tapp with
// the primary template as its first argument) as specializes edges.
Observer.recordTappNode(SpecializedNode.value(), NIDS,
Observer.recordTappNode(SpecializedNode.value(), NIDS,
SourceLocation DeclLoc = Decl->getLocation();
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
if (!DeclLoc.isMacroID() && Decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition() &&
Decl->getBody() != nullptr) {
} else {
*Observer.getSourceManager(), *Observer.getLangOptions(),
auto NameRangeInContext =
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), OuterNode, NameRange);
if (const auto* MF = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(Decl)) {
// Use the record name token as the definition site for implicit member
// functions, including implicit constructors and destructors.
if (MF->isImplicit()) {
if (const auto* Record = MF->getParent()) {
if (!Record->isImplicit()) {
NameRangeInContext = RangeInCurrentContext(
false, OuterNode, RangeForNameOfDeclaration(MF));
bool IsFunctionDefinition = IsDefinition(Decl);
MaybeRecordDefinitionRange(NameRangeInContext, OuterNode,
if (IsFunctionDefinition && !Decl->isImplicit() &&
Decl->getBody() != nullptr) {
SourceRange DefinitionRange(
TemplateKeywordLoc.isValid() ? TemplateKeywordLoc
: Decl->getSourceRange().getBegin(),
auto DefinitionRangeInContext =
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), OuterNode, DefinitionRange);
MaybeRecordFullDefinitionRange(DefinitionRangeInContext, OuterNode,
unsigned ParamNumber = 0;
for (const auto* Param : Decl->parameters()) {
ConnectParam(Decl, InnerNode, IsFunctionDefinition, ParamNumber++, Param,
absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> FunctionType;
if (auto* TSI = Decl->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
FunctionType = BuildNodeIdForType(TSI->getTypeLoc());
} else {
FunctionType = BuildNodeIdForType(Decl->getType());
if (FunctionType) {
Observer.recordTypeEdge(InnerNode, FunctionType.value());
if (const auto* MF = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(Decl)) {
// OO_Call, OO_Subscript, and OO_Equal must be member functions.
// The dyn_cast to CXXMethodDecl above is therefore not dropping
// (impossible) free function incarnations of these operators from
// consideration in the following.
if (MF->size_overridden_methods() != 0) {
for (auto O = MF->begin_overridden_methods(),
E = MF->end_overridden_methods();
O != E; ++O) {
InnerNode, FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations
? BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(*O)
: BuildNodeIdForDecl(*O));
MapOverrideRoots(MF, [&](const CXXMethodDecl* R) {
InnerNode, FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations
? BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(R)
: BuildNodeIdForDecl(R));
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, OuterNode);
GraphObserver::FunctionSubkind Subkind = GraphObserver::FunctionSubkind::None;
if (const auto* CC = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(Decl)) {
Subkind = GraphObserver::FunctionSubkind::Constructor;
size_t InitNumber = 0;
for (const auto* Init : CC->inits()) {
// Draw ref edge for the field we are initializing if we're doing so
// explicitly.
if (auto M = Init->getMember()) {
if (Init->isWritten()) {
// This range is too large, if we have `A() : b_(10)`, it returns the
// range for b_(10), not b_.
auto MemberSR = Init->getSourceRange();
// If we are in a valid file, we can be more precise with the range
// for the variable we are initializing.
const SourceLocation& Loc = Init->getMemberLocation();
if (Loc.isValid() && Loc.isFileID()) {
MemberSR = RangeForSingleToken(Loc);
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(MemberSR)) {
const auto& ID = BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(M);
RCC.value(), ID, GraphObserver::Claimability::Claimable,
if (const auto* InitTy = Init->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
auto QT = InitTy->getType().getCanonicalType();
if (QT.getTypePtr()->isDependentType()) {
if (auto TyId = BuildNodeIdForType(InitTy->getTypeLoc())) {
auto DepName = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXConstructorName(
if (auto LookupId = RecordEdgesForDependentName(
clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc(), DepName,
Init->getSourceLocation(), TyId)) {
clang::SourceLocation RPL = Init->getRParenLoc();
clang::SourceRange SR = Init->getSourceRange();
if (Init->isWritten()) {
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(SR)) {
RecordCallEdges(RCC.value(), LookupId.value());
} else {
// clang::CXXCtorInitializer is its own special flavor of AST
// node that needs extra care.
auto InitIdent = LookupId.value().getRawIdentity() +
auto InitId = GraphObserver::NodeId(LookupId.value().getToken(),
RecordCallEdges(GraphObserver::Range(InitId), LookupId.value());
} else if (const auto* CD = dyn_cast<CXXDestructorDecl>(Decl)) {
Subkind = GraphObserver::FunctionSubkind::Destructor;
if (!IsFunctionDefinition && Decl->getBuiltinID() == 0) {
Subkind, absl::nullopt);
AssignUSR(OuterNode, Decl);
return true;
if (NameRangeInContext) {
FileID DeclFile =
for (const auto* NextDecl : Decl->redecls()) {
const clang::Decl* OuterTemplate = nullptr;
if (NextDecl != Decl) {
const clang::Decl* OuterTemplate =
FileID NextDeclFile =
GraphObserver::NodeId TargetDecl =
BuildNodeIdForDecl(OuterTemplate ? OuterTemplate : NextDecl);
NameRangeInContext.value(), TargetDecl,
NextDeclFile == DeclFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition, Subkind,
Observer.recordMarkedSource(OuterNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(OuterNode));
AssignUSR(OuterNode, Decl);
return true;
const clang::TypedefNameDecl* Decl) {
const auto Cached = DeclToNodeId.find(Decl);
if (Cached != DeclToNodeId.end()) {
return Cached->second;
clang::TypeSourceInfo* TSI = Decl->getTypeSourceInfo();
if (auto AliasedTypeId = BuildNodeIdForType(TSI->getTypeLoc())) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
GraphObserver::NameId AliasNameId(BuildNameIdForDecl(Decl));
AssignUSR(AliasNameId, AliasedTypeId.value(), Decl);
return Observer.recordTypeAliasNode(
AliasNameId, AliasedTypeId.value(),
AliasNameId, AliasedTypeId.value())));
return absl::nullopt;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCTypeParamDecl(
const clang::ObjCTypeParamDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId TypeParamId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
SourceRange TypeSR = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), TypeParamId, TypeSR),
TypeParamId, absl::nullopt);
GraphObserver::Variance V;
switch (Decl->getVariance()) {
case clang::ObjCTypeParamVariance::Contravariant:
V = GraphObserver::Variance::Contravariant;
case clang::ObjCTypeParamVariance::Covariant:
V = GraphObserver::Variance::Covariant;
case clang::ObjCTypeParamVariance::Invariant:
V = GraphObserver::Variance::Invariant;
Observer.recordVariance(TypeParamId, V);
// If the type has an explicit bound, getTypeSourceInfo will get the bound
// for us. If there is not explicit bound, it will return id.
auto BoundInfo = Decl->getTypeSourceInfo();
if (auto Type = BuildNodeIdForType(BoundInfo->getTypeLoc())) {
if (Decl->hasExplicitBound()) {
Observer.recordUpperBoundEdge(TypeParamId, Type.value());
} else {
Observer.recordTypeEdge(TypeParamId, Type.value());
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitTypedefDecl(const clang::TypedefDecl* Decl) {
return VisitCTypedef(Decl);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitTypeAliasDecl(const clang::TypeAliasDecl* Decl) {
return VisitCTypedef(Decl);
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitCTypedef(const clang::TypedefNameDecl* Decl) {
if (Decl == Context.getBuiltinVaListDecl() ||
Decl == Context.getInt128Decl() || Decl == Context.getUInt128Decl()) {
// Don't index __uint128_t, __builtin_va_list, __int128_t
return true;
if (auto InnerNodeId = BuildNodeIdForTypedefNameDecl(Decl)) {
GraphObserver::NodeId OuterNodeId = InnerNodeId.value();
// If this is a template, we need to emit an abs node for it.
if (auto* TA = dyn_cast_or_null<TypeAliasDecl>(Decl)) {
if (auto* TATD = TA->getDescribedAliasTemplate()) {
OuterNodeId = RecordTemplate(TATD, InnerNodeId.value());
SourceRange Range = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), OuterNodeId, Range),
OuterNodeId, absl::nullopt);
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, OuterNodeId);
AssignUSR(OuterNodeId, Decl);
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitUsingShadowDecl(
const clang::UsingShadowDecl* Decl) {
if (auto RCC =
ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl))) {
RCC.value(), BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl->getTargetDecl()),
GraphObserver::Claimability::Claimable, IsImplicit(RCC.value()));
return true;
void IndexerASTVisitor::AscribeSpelledType(
const clang::TypeLoc& Type, const clang::QualType& TrueType,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& AscribeTo) {
if (auto TyNodeId = BuildNodeIdForType(Type)) {
Observer.recordTypeEdge(AscribeTo, *TyNodeId);
GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNameEqClassForDecl(
const clang::Decl* D) const {
CHECK(D != nullptr);
if (const auto* T = dyn_cast<clang::TagDecl>(D)) {
switch (T->getTagKind()) {
case clang::TTK_Struct:
return GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::Class;
case clang::TTK_Class:
return GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::Class;
case clang::TTK_Union:
return GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::Union;
// TODO(zarko): Add classes for other tag kinds, like enums.
return GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::None;
} else if (const auto* T = dyn_cast<clang::ClassTemplateDecl>(D)) {
// Eqclasses should see through templates.
return BuildNameEqClassForDecl(T->getTemplatedDecl());
} else if (isa<clang::ObjCContainerDecl>(D)) {
// In the future we might want to do something different for each of the
// important subclasses: clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl,
// clang::ObjCImplementationDecl, clang::ObjCProtocolDecl,
// clang::ObjCCategoryDecl, and clang::ObjCCategoryImplDecl.
return GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::Class;
return GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::None;
absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> IndexerASTVisitor::GetDeclChildOf(
const clang::Decl* Decl) {
for (const auto& Node : RootTraversal(getAllParents(), Decl)) {
if (Node.indexed_parent == nullptr) break;
// We would rather name 'template <etc> class C' as C, not C::C, but
// we also want to be able to give useful names to templates when they're
// explicitly requested. Therefore:
if (Node.decl == nullptr || Node.decl == Decl ||
isa<clang::ClassTemplateDecl>(Node.decl)) {
if (const auto* ND = dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>(Node.decl)) {
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(ND);
return absl::nullopt;
/// \brief Attempts to add some representation of `ND` to `Ostream`.
/// \return true on success; false on failure.
bool IndexerASTVisitor::AddNameToStream(llvm::raw_string_ostream& Ostream,
const clang::NamedDecl* ND) {
// NamedDecls without names exist--e.g., unnamed namespaces.
auto Name = ND->getDeclName();
auto II = Name.getAsIdentifierInfo();
if (II && !II->getName().empty()) {
Ostream << II->getName();
} else {
if (isa<NamespaceDecl>(ND)) {
// This is an anonymous namespace. We have two cases:
// If there is any file that is not a textual include (.inc,
// or explicitly marked as such in a module) between the declaration
// site and the main source file, then the namespace's identifier is
// the shared anonymous namespace identifier "@#anon"
// Otherwise, it's the anonymous namespace identifier associated with the
// main source file.
if (Observer.isMainSourceFileRelatedLocation(ND->getLocation())) {
Ostream << "@#anon";
} else if (Name.getCXXOverloadedOperator() != OO_None) {
switch (Name.getCXXOverloadedOperator()) {
#define OVERLOADED_OPERATOR(Name, Spelling, Token, Unary, Binary, MemberOnly) \
case OO_##Name: \
Ostream << "OO#" << #Name; \
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.def"
return false;
} else if (const auto* RD = dyn_cast<clang::RecordDecl>(ND)) {
Ostream << HashToString(Hash(RD));
} else if (const auto* ED = dyn_cast<clang::EnumDecl>(ND)) {
Ostream << HashToString(Hash(ED));
} else if (const auto* MD = dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(ND)) {
if (isa<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(MD)) {
return AddNameToStream(Ostream, MD->getParent());
} else if (isa<clang::CXXDestructorDecl>(MD)) {
Ostream << "~";
// Append the parent name or a dependent index if the parent is
// nameless.
return AddNameToStream(Ostream, MD->getParent());
} else if (const auto* CD = dyn_cast<clang::CXXConversionDecl>(MD)) {
auto ToType = CD->getConversionType();
if (ToType.isNull()) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (isObjCSelector(Name)) {
Ostream << HashToString(Hash(Name.getObjCSelector()));
} else {
// Other NamedDecls-sans-names are given parent-dependent names.
return false;
return true;
void IndexerASTVisitor::AssignUSR(const GraphObserver::NodeId& TargetNode,
const clang::NamedDecl* ND) {
if (UsrByteSize <= 0 || Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation) return;
const auto* DC = ND->getDeclContext();
if (DC->isFunctionOrMethod()) return;
llvm::SmallString<128> Usr;
if (clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(ND, Usr)) return;
Observer.assignUsr(TargetNode, Usr, UsrByteSize);
GraphObserver::NameId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNameIdForDecl(
const clang::Decl* Decl) {
GraphObserver::NameId Id;
Id.EqClass = BuildNameEqClassForDecl(Decl);
if (!Verbosity && !const_cast<clang::Decl*>(Decl)->isLocalExternDecl() &&
Decl->getParentFunctionOrMethod() != nullptr) {
Id.Hidden = true;
// Cons onto the end of the name instead of the beginning to optimize for
// prefix search.
llvm::raw_string_ostream Ostream(Id.Path);
bool MissingSeparator = false;
for (const auto& Current : RootTraversal(getAllParents(), Decl)) {
// TODO(zarko): Do we need to deal with nodes with no memoization data?
// According to ASTTypeTrates.h:205, only Stmt, Decl, Type and
// NestedNameSpecifier return memoization data. Can we claim an invariant
// that if we start at any Decl, we will always encounter nodes with
// memoization data?
const IndexedParent* IP = Current.indexed_parent;
if (IP == nullptr) {
// Make sure that we don't miss out on implicit nodes.
if (Current.decl && Current.decl->isImplicit()) {
if (const NamedDecl* ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(Current.decl)) {
if (!AddNameToStream(Ostream, ND)) {
if (const DeclContext* DC = ND->getDeclContext()) {
if (DC->isFunctionOrMethod()) {
// Heroically try to come up with a disambiguating identifier,
// even when the IndexedParentVector is empty. This can happen
// in anonymous parameter declarations that belong to function
// prototypes.
const clang::FunctionDecl* FD =
static_cast<const clang::FunctionDecl*>(DC);
int param_count = 0, found_param = -1;
for (const auto* P : FD->parameters()) {
if (ND == P) {
found_param = param_count;
Ostream << "@#" << found_param;
Ostream << "@unknown@";
// We would rather name 'template <etc> class C' as C, not C::C, but
// we also want to be able to give useful names to templates when they're
// explicitly requested. Therefore:
if (MissingSeparator && Current.decl &&
isa<ClassTemplateDecl>(Current.decl)) {
if (MissingSeparator && !dyn_cast_or_null<LinkageSpecDecl>(Current.decl)) {
Ostream << ":";
} else {
MissingSeparator = true;
if (Current.decl) {
// TODO(zarko): check for other specializations and emit accordingly
// Alternately, maybe it would be better to just always emit the hash?
// At any rate, a hash cache might be a good idea.
if (const NamedDecl* ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(Current.decl)) {
if (!AddNameToStream(Ostream, ND)) {
Ostream << IP->index;
} else if (const auto* LSD = dyn_cast<LinkageSpecDecl>(Current.decl)) {
// Doing anything here breaks C headers that wrap extern "C" in
// #ifdef __cplusplus.
} else {
// If there's no good name for this Decl, name it after its child
// index wrt its parent node.
Ostream << IP->index;
} else if (auto* S = Current.node.get<clang::Stmt>()) {
// This is a Stmt--we can name it by its index wrt its parent node.
Ostream << IP->index;
return Id;
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForDecl(
const clang::Decl* Decl, unsigned Index) {
GraphObserver::NodeId BaseId(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl));
return GraphObserver::NodeId(
BaseId.getToken(), BaseId.getRawIdentity() + "." + std::to_string(Index));
IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(const clang::Stmt* Stmt) {
if (!Verbosity) {
return absl::nullopt;
// Do a quickish test to see if the Stmt is implicit.
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 16> StmtPath;
if (const clang::Decl* Decl =
FindImplicitDeclForStmt(getAllParents(), Stmt, &StmtPath)) {
auto DeclId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
std::string NewIdent = DeclId.getRawIdentity();
llvm::raw_string_ostream Ostream(NewIdent);
for (auto& node : StmtPath) {
Ostream << node << ".";
return GraphObserver::NodeId(DeclId.getToken(), NewIdent);
return absl::nullopt;
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForDecl(
const clang::Decl* Decl) {
// We can't assume that no two nodes of the same Kind can appear
// simultaneously at the same SourceLocation: witness implicit overloaded
// operator=. We rely on names and types to disambiguate them.
// NodeIds must be stable across analysis runs with the same input data.
// Some NodeIds are stable in the face of changes to that data, such as
// the IDs given to class definitions (in part because of the language rules).
if (FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations) {
Decl = FindSpecializedTemplate(Decl);
// find, not insert, since we might generate other IDs in the process of
// generating this one (thus invalidating the iterator insert returns).
const auto Cached = DeclToNodeId.find(Decl);
if (Cached != DeclToNodeId.end()) {
return Cached->second;
const auto* Token = Observer.getClaimTokenForLocation(Decl->getLocation());
std::string Identity;
llvm::raw_string_ostream Ostream(Identity);
Ostream << BuildNameIdForDecl(Decl);
// First, check to see if this thing is a builtin Decl. These things can
// pick up weird declaration locations that aren't stable enough for us.
if (const auto* FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(Decl)) {
if (unsigned BuiltinID = FD->getBuiltinID()) {
if (FD->hasAttr<GNUInlineAttr>()) {
// If _FORTIFY_SOURCE is enabled, some builtin functions will grow
// additional definitions (like fread in bits/stdio2.h). These
// definitions have declarations that differ from their non-fortified
// versions (in the sense that they're different sequences of tokens),
// which leads us to generate different code facts for the same node.
// This upsets our testing infrastructure. Fortunately, we're able to
// use the presence of GNUInlineAttr to distinguish between the
// different flavors of decl.
Ostream << "#gnuinl";
Ostream << "#builtin";
GraphObserver::NodeId Id(Observer.getClaimTokenForBuiltin(),
DeclToNodeId.insert(std::make_pair(Decl, Id));
return Id;
if (const auto* BTD = dyn_cast<BuiltinTemplateDecl>(Decl)) {
Ostream << "#builtin";
GraphObserver::NodeId Id(Observer.getClaimTokenForBuiltin(), Ostream.str());
DeclToNodeId.insert(std::make_pair(Decl, Id));
return Id;
const TypedefNameDecl* TND;
if ((TND = dyn_cast<TypedefNameDecl>(Decl)) &&
!isa<ObjCTypeParamDecl>(Decl)) {
// There's a special way to name type aliases but we want to handle type
// parameters for Objective-C as "normal" named decls.
if (auto TypedefNameId = BuildNodeIdForTypedefNameDecl(TND)) {
DeclToNodeId.insert(std::make_pair(Decl, TypedefNameId.value()));
return TypedefNameId.value();
} else if (const auto* NS = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(Decl)) {
// Namespaces are named according to their NameIDs.
Ostream << "#namespace";
GraphObserver::NodeId Id(
? Observer.getAnonymousNamespaceClaimToken(NS->getLocation())
: Observer.getNamespaceClaimToken(NS->getLocation()),
DeclToNodeId.insert(std::make_pair(Decl, Id));
return Id;
// Disambiguate nodes underneath template instances.
for (const auto& Current : RootTraversal(getAllParents(), Decl)) {
if (!Current.decl) continue;
if (const auto* TD = dyn_cast<TemplateDecl>(Current.decl)) {
// Disambiguate type abstraction IDs from abstracted type IDs.
if (Current.decl != Decl) {
Ostream << "#";
if (!FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations) {
if (const auto* CTSD =
dyn_cast<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(Current.decl)) {
// Inductively, we can break after the first implicit instantiation*
// (since its NodeId will contain its parent's first implicit
// instantiation and so on). We still want to include hashes of
// instantiation types.
// * we assume that the first parent changing, if it does change, is not
// semantically important; we're generating stable internal IDs.
if (Current.decl != Decl) {
Ostream << "#" << BuildNodeIdForDecl(CTSD);
if (CTSD->isImplicit()) {
} else {
Ostream << "#"
<< HashToString(Hash(&CTSD->getTemplateInstantiationArgs()));
} else if (const auto* FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(Current.decl)) {
Ostream << "#"
<< HashToString(Hash(QualType(FD->getFunctionType(), 0)));
if (const auto* TemplateArgs = FD->getTemplateSpecializationArgs()) {
if (Current.decl != Decl) {
Ostream << "#" << BuildNodeIdForDecl(FD);
} else {
Ostream << "#" << HashToString(Hash(TemplateArgs));
} else if (const auto* MSI = FD->getMemberSpecializationInfo()) {
if (const auto* DC =
dyn_cast<const class Decl>(FD->getDeclContext())) {
Ostream << "#" << BuildNodeIdForDecl(DC);
} else if (const auto* VD =
dyn_cast<VarTemplateSpecializationDecl>(Current.decl)) {
if (VD->isImplicit()) {
if (Current.decl != Decl) {
Ostream << "#" << BuildNodeIdForDecl(VD);
} else {
Ostream << "#"
<< HashToString(Hash(&VD->getTemplateInstantiationArgs()));
} else if (const auto* VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(Current.decl)) {
if (const auto* MSI = VD->getMemberSpecializationInfo()) {
if (const auto* DC =
dyn_cast<const class Decl>(VD->getDeclContext())) {
Ostream << "#" << BuildNodeIdForDecl(DC);
// Use hashes to unify otherwise unrelated enums and records across
// translation units.
if (const auto* Rec = dyn_cast<clang::RecordDecl>(Decl)) {
if (Rec->getDefinition() == Rec && Rec->getDeclName()) {
Ostream << "#" << HashToString(Hash(Rec));
GraphObserver::NodeId Id(Token, Ostream.str());
DeclToNodeId.insert(std::make_pair(Decl, Id));
return Id;
} else if (const auto* Enum = dyn_cast<clang::EnumDecl>(Decl)) {
if (Enum->getDefinition() == Enum) {
Ostream << "#" << HashToString(Hash(Enum));
GraphObserver::NodeId Id(Token, Ostream.str());
DeclToNodeId.insert(std::make_pair(Decl, Id));
return Id;
} else if (const auto* ECD = dyn_cast<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(Decl)) {
if (const auto* E = dyn_cast<clang::EnumDecl>(ECD->getDeclContext())) {
if (E->getDefinition() == E) {
Ostream << "#" << HashToString(Hash(E));
GraphObserver::NodeId Id(Token, Ostream.str());
DeclToNodeId.insert(std::make_pair(Decl, Id));
return Id;
} else if (const auto* FD = dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(Decl)) {
if (IsDefinition(FD)) {
// TODO(zarko): Investigate why Clang colocates incomplete and
// definition instances of FunctionDecls. This may have been masked
// for enums and records because of the code above.
Ostream << "#D";
} else if (const auto* VD = dyn_cast<clang::VarDecl>(Decl)) {
if (IsDefinition(VD)) {
// TODO(zarko): Investigate why Clang colocates incomplete and
// definition instances of VarDecls. This may have been masked
// for enums and records because of the code above.
Ostream << "#D";
clang::SourceRange DeclRange;
if (const auto* named_decl = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(Decl)) {
// RangeForNameOfDeclaration doesn't work well with some ObjCInterfaceDecls.
if (!isa<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(Decl)) {
DeclRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(named_decl);
if (!DeclRange.isValid()) {
DeclRange = clang::SourceRange(Decl->getBeginLoc(), Decl->getEndLoc());
Ostream << "@";
if (DeclRange.getBegin().isValid()) {
Ostream, GraphObserver::Range(
DeclRange, Observer.getClaimTokenForRange(DeclRange)));
} else {
Ostream << "invalid";
GraphObserver::NodeId Id(Token, Ostream.str());
DeclToNodeId.insert(std::make_pair(Decl, Id));
return Id;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::IsDefinition(const FunctionDecl* FunctionDecl) {
return FunctionDecl->isThisDeclarationADefinition();
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor(
const char* BuiltinName, const GraphObserver::NodeId& Param) {
GraphObserver::NodeId TyconID = Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType(BuiltinName);
return Observer.recordTappNode(TyconID, {Param});
IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(const clang::TemplateName& Name) {
// TODO(zarko): Do we need to canonicalize `Name`?
// Maybe with Context.getCanonicalTemplateName()?
switch (Name.getKind()) {
case TemplateName::Template: {
const TemplateDecl* TD = Name.getAsTemplateDecl();
if (const auto* TTPD = dyn_cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(TD)) {
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(TTPD);
} else if (const NamedDecl* UnderlyingDecl = TD->getTemplatedDecl()) {
if (const auto* TD = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(UnderlyingDecl)) {
// TODO(zarko): Under which circumstances is this nullptr?
// Should we treat this as a type here or as a decl?
// We've already made the decision elsewhere to link to class
// definitions directly (in place of nominal nodes), so calling
// BuildNodeIdForDecl() all the time makes sense. We aren't even
// emitting ranges.
if (const auto* TDType = TD->getTypeForDecl()) {
return BuildNodeIdForType(QualType(TDType, 0));
} else if (const auto* TAlias = dyn_cast<TypeAliasDecl>(TD)) {
// The names for type alias types are the same for type alias nodes.
return BuildNodeIdForTypedefNameDecl(TAlias);
} else {
<< "Unknown case in BuildNodeIdForTemplateName";
return absl::nullopt;
} else if (const auto* FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(UnderlyingDecl)) {
// Direct references to function templates to the outer function
// template shell.
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(Name.getAsTemplateDecl());
} else if (const auto* VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(UnderlyingDecl)) {
// Direct references to variable templates to the appropriate
// template decl (may be a partial specialization or the
// primary template).
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(Name.getAsTemplateDecl());
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected UnderlyingDecl";
} else if (const auto* BTD = dyn_cast<BuiltinTemplateDecl>(TD)) {
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(BTD);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "BuildNodeIdForTemplateName can't identify TemplateDecl";
case TemplateName::OverloadedTemplate:
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "TN.OverloadedTemplate";
case TemplateName::QualifiedTemplate:
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "TN.QualifiedTemplate";
case TemplateName::DependentTemplate:
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "TN.DependentTemplate";
case TemplateName::SubstTemplateTemplateParm:
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "TN.SubstTemplateTemplateParmParm";
case TemplateName::SubstTemplateTemplateParmPack:
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "TN.SubstTemplateTemplateParmPack";
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected TemplateName kind!";
return absl::nullopt;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::TraverseNestedNameSpecifierLoc(
clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc NNS) {
if (!NNS) {
return true;
if (!Verbosity) {
return Base::TraverseNestedNameSpecifierLoc(NNS);
switch (NNS.getNestedNameSpecifier()->getKind()) {
case NestedNameSpecifier::TypeSpec:
break; // This is handled by VisitDependentNameTypeLoc.
case NestedNameSpecifier::Identifier: {
auto DId = BuildNodeIdForDependentRange(NNS.getPrefix(),
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(NNS.getLocalSourceRange())) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(*RCC, DId,
} break;
return Base::TraverseNestedNameSpecifierLoc(NNS);
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForDependentRange(
const clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc& NNSLoc,
const clang::SourceRange& IdRange) {
// TODO(zarko): Need a better way to generate stablish names here.
// In particular, it would be nice if a dependent name A::B::C
// and a dependent name A::B::D were represented as ::C and ::D off
// of the same dependent root A::B. (Does this actually make sense,
// though? Could A::B resolve to a different entity in each case?)
std::string Identity = "#nns@"; // Nested name specifier.
llvm::raw_string_ostream Ostream(Identity);
if (auto Range = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(NNSLoc.getSourceRange())) {
Observer.AppendRangeToStream(Ostream, *Range);
} else {
Ostream << "invalid";
Ostream << "@";
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(IdRange)) {
Observer.AppendRangeToStream(Ostream, *RCC);
} else {
Ostream << "invalid";
return GraphObserver::NodeId(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), Ostream.str());
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForDependentLoc(
const clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc& NNS,
const clang::SourceLocation& IdLoc) {
return BuildNodeIdForDependentRange(NNS, RangeForASTEntity(IdLoc));
const GraphObserver::NodeId& DId, clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc NNSLoc,
const absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId>& Root) {
unsigned SubIdCount = 0;
if (!NNSLoc && Root) {
Observer.recordParamEdge(DId, SubIdCount++, *Root);
for (; NNSLoc; NNSLoc = NNSLoc.getPrefix()) {
const clang::NestedNameSpecifier* NNS = NNSLoc.getNestedNameSpecifier();
switch (NNS->getKind()) {
case NestedNameSpecifier::Identifier:
// Hashcons the identifiers.
if (auto Subtree = RecordParamEdgesForDependentName(
NNSLoc.getPrefix(), Root)) {
if (RecordLookupEdgeForDependentName(*Subtree,
NNS->getAsIdentifier())) {
Observer.recordParamEdge(DId, SubIdCount++, *Subtree);
return DId;
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "NNS::Identifier";
return absl::nullopt;
case NestedNameSpecifier::Namespace:
// TODO(zarko): Emit some representation to back this node ID.
if (auto SubId = BuildNodeIdForNestedNameSpecifierLoc(NNSLoc)) {
Observer.recordParamEdge(DId, SubIdCount++, *SubId);
} else {
return absl::nullopt;
return DId;
const GraphObserver::NodeId& DId, const clang::DeclarationName& Name) {
switch (Name.getNameKind()) {
case clang::DeclarationName::Identifier:
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXConstructorName:
Observer.recordLookupNode(DId, "#ctor");
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXDestructorName:
Observer.recordLookupNode(DId, "#dtor");
// TODO(zarko): Fill in the remaining relevant DeclarationName cases.
case clang::DeclarationName::kind: \
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "Unexpected DeclaraionName::" #kind; \
return absl::nullopt;
return DId;
const clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc& NNSLoc) {
auto* NNS = NNSLoc.getNestedNameSpecifier();
switch (NNS->getKind()) {
case NestedNameSpecifier::Identifier:
return BuildNodeIdForDependentRange(NNSLoc.getPrefix(),
case NestedNameSpecifier::Namespace:
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(NNS->getAsNamespace());
case NestedNameSpecifier::NamespaceAlias:
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(NNS->getAsNamespaceAlias());
case NestedNameSpecifier::TypeSpec:
if (auto SubId = BuildNodeIdForType(NNSLoc.getTypeLoc())) {
return SubId;
if (auto SubId =
BuildNodeIdForType(clang::QualType(NNS->getAsType(), 0))) {
return SubId;
return absl::nullopt;
case NestedNameSpecifier::TypeSpecWithTemplate:
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "NNS::TypeSpecWithTemplate";
return absl::nullopt;
case NestedNameSpecifier::Global:
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "NNS::Global";
return absl::nullopt;
case NestedNameSpecifier::Super:
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "NNS::Super";
return absl::nullopt;
CHECK(IgnoreUnimplemented) << "Unexpected NestedNameSpecifier kind.";
return absl::nullopt;
const clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc& NNSLoc,
const clang::DeclarationName& Id, const clang::SourceLocation IdLoc,
const absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId>& Root) {
if (!Verbosity) {
return absl::nullopt;
if (auto IdOut = RecordParamEdgesForDependentName(
BuildNodeIdForDependentLoc(NNSLoc, IdLoc), NNSLoc, Root)) {
return RecordLookupEdgeForDependentName(*IdOut, Id);
return absl::nullopt;
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForSpecialTemplateArgument(
llvm::StringRef Id) {
std::string Identity;
llvm::raw_string_ostream Ostream(Identity);
Ostream << Id << "#sta";
return GraphObserver::NodeId(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), Ostream.str());
IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForTemplateExpansion(clang::TemplateName Name) {
return BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(Name);
absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForExpr(
const clang::Expr* Expr, EmitRanges ER) {
if (!Verbosity) {
return absl::nullopt;
clang::Expr::EvalResult Result;
std::string Identity;
llvm::raw_string_ostream Ostream(Identity);
std::string Text;
llvm::raw_string_ostream TOstream(Text);
bool IsBindingSite = false;
auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(Expr),
if (!Expr->isValueDependent() && Expr->EvaluateAsRValue(Result, Context)) {
// TODO(zarko): Represent constant values of any type as nodes in the
// graph; link ranges to them. Right now we don't emit any node data for
// #const signatures.
TOstream << Result.Val.getAsString(Context, Expr->getType());
Ostream << TOstream.str() << "#const";
} else {
// This includes expressions like UnresolvedLookupExpr, which can appear
// in primary templates.
if (!RCC) {
return absl::nullopt;
Observer.AppendRangeToStream(Ostream, RCC.value());
Expr->printPretty(TOstream, nullptr,
Ostream << TOstream.str();
IsBindingSite = true;
auto ResultId =
GraphObserver::NodeId(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), Ostream.str());
if (ER == EmitRanges::Yes && RCC) {
if (IsBindingSite) {
Observer.recordDefinitionBindingRange(RCC.value(), ResultId);
Observer.recordLookupNode(ResultId, TOstream.str());
} else {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(RCC.value(), ResultId,
return ResultId;
// The duplication here is unfortunate, but `TemplateArgumentLoc` is
// different enough from `TemplateArgument * SourceLocation` that
// we can't factor it out.
const clang::TemplateArgument& Arg, clang::SourceLocation L) {
// TODO(zarko): Do we need to canonicalize `Arg`?
// Maybe with Context.getCanonicalTemplateArgument()?
switch (Arg.getKind()) {
case TemplateArgument::Null:
return BuildNodeIdForSpecialTemplateArgument("null");
case TemplateArgument::Type:
return BuildNodeIdForType(
Context.getTrivialTypeSourceInfo(Arg.getAsType(), L)->getTypeLoc());
case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(Arg.getAsDecl());
case TemplateArgument::NullPtr:
return BuildNodeIdForSpecialTemplateArgument("nullptr");
case TemplateArgument::Integral:
return BuildNodeIdForSpecialTemplateArgument(
Arg.getAsIntegral().toString(10) + "i");
case TemplateArgument::Template:
return BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(Arg.getAsTemplate());
case TemplateArgument::TemplateExpansion:
return BuildNodeIdForTemplateExpansion(
case TemplateArgument::Expression:
CHECK(Arg.getAsExpr() != nullptr);
return BuildNodeIdForExpr(Arg.getAsExpr(), EmitRanges::Yes);
case TemplateArgument::Pack: {
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> Nodes;
for (const auto& Element : Arg.pack_elements()) {
auto Id = BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(Element, L);
if (!Id) {
return absl::nullopt;
return Observer.recordTsigmaNode(Nodes);
return absl::nullopt;
const clang::TemplateArgumentLoc& ArgLoc, EmitRanges EmitRanges) {
// TODO(zarko): Do we need to canonicalize `Arg`?
// Maybe with Context.getCanonicalTemplateArgument()?
const TemplateArgument& Arg = ArgLoc.getArgument();
switch (Arg.getKind()) {
case TemplateArgument::Null:
return BuildNodeIdForSpecialTemplateArgument("null");
case TemplateArgument::Type:
return BuildNodeIdForType(ArgLoc.getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc());
case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(Arg.getAsDecl());
case TemplateArgument::NullPtr:
return BuildNodeIdForSpecialTemplateArgument("nullptr");
case TemplateArgument::Integral:
return BuildNodeIdForSpecialTemplateArgument(
Arg.getAsIntegral().toString(10) + "i");
case TemplateArgument::Template:
return BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(Arg.getAsTemplate());
case TemplateArgument::TemplateExpansion:
return BuildNodeIdForTemplateExpansion(
case TemplateArgument::Expression:
CHECK(ArgLoc.getSourceExpression() != nullptr);
return BuildNodeIdForExpr(ArgLoc.getSourceExpression(), EmitRanges);
case TemplateArgument::Pack:
return BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(Arg, ArgLoc.getLocation());
return absl::nullopt;
void IndexerASTVisitor::DumpTypeContext(unsigned Depth, unsigned Index) {
llvm::errs() << "(looking for " << Depth << "/" << Index << ")\n";
for (unsigned D = 0; D < Job->TypeContext.size(); ++D) {
llvm::errs() << " Depth " << D << " ---- \n";
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Job->TypeContext[D]->size(); ++I) {
llvm::errs() << " Index " << I << " ";
llvm::errs() << "\n";
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForBuiltin(
clang::BuiltinTypeLoc TL) const {
return Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType(TL.getTypePtr()->getName(
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForEnum(clang::EnumTypeLoc TL) {
EnumDecl* Decl = TL.getDecl();
if (EnumDecl* Defn = Decl->getDefinition()) {
return {BuildNodeIdForDecl(Defn), GraphObserver::Claimability::Unclaimable};
// If there is no visible definition, Id will be a tnominal node
// whereas it is more useful to decorate the span as a reference
// to the visible declaration.
// See
return {BuildNominalNodeIdForDecl(Decl), BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl)};
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForRecord(clang::RecordTypeLoc TL) {
RecordDecl* Decl = CHECK_NOTNULL(TL.getDecl());
if (const auto* Spec = dyn_cast<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(Decl)) {
// TODO(shahms): Simplify building template argument lists.
const auto& TAL = Spec->getTemplateArgs();
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> TemplateArgs;
for (const auto& Arg : TAL.asArray()) {
if (auto ArgA =
BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(Arg, Spec->getLocation())) {
} else {
return NodeSet::Empty();
const auto* SpecDecl = Spec->getSpecializedTemplate();
NodeId DeclId =
Observer.recordTappNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(SpecDecl), TemplateArgs);
if (SpecDecl->getTemplatedDecl()->getDefinition()) {
return {DeclId, Claimability::Unclaimable};
} else {
return {Observer.recordTappNode(BuildNominalNodeIdForDecl(SpecDecl),
} else {
return BuildNodeSetForNonSpecializedRecordDecl(Decl);
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForNonSpecializedRecordDecl(
const clang::RecordDecl* Decl) {
if (const RecordDecl* Defn = Decl->getDefinition()) {
// Special-case linking to a defn instead of using a tnominal.
if (const auto* RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Defn)) {
if (const auto* CTD = RD->getDescribedClassTemplate()) {
// Link to the template binder, not the internal class.
return {BuildNodeIdForDecl(CTD), Claimability::Unclaimable};
// This definition is a non-CXXRecordDecl or non-template.
return {BuildNodeIdForDecl(Defn), Claimability::Unclaimable};
} else if (Decl->isEmbeddedInDeclarator()) {
// Still use tnominal refs for C-style "struct foo* bar"
// declarations.
// TODO(zarko): Add completions for these.
return BuildNominalNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
} else {
// If there is no visible definition, Id will be a tnominal node
// whereas it is more useful to decorate the span as a reference
// to the visible declaration.
// See
return {BuildNominalNodeIdForDecl(Decl), BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl)};
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForTemplateTypeParm(
clang::TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc TL) {
if (const auto* Decl = FindTemplateTypeParmTypeLocDecl(TL)) {
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForObjCInterface(
clang::ObjCInterfaceTypeLoc TL) {
const auto* IFace = CHECK_NOTNULL(TL.getIFaceDecl());
// Link to the implementation if we have one, otherwise link to the
// interface. If we just have a forward declaration, link to the nominal
// type node.
if (const auto* Impl = IFace->getImplementation()) {
return {BuildNodeIdForDecl(Impl), Claimability::Unclaimable};
} else if (!IsObjCForwardDecl(IFace)) {
return {BuildNodeIdForDecl(IFace), Claimability::Unclaimable};
} else {
// Thanks to the ODR, we shouldn't record multiple nominal type nodes
// for the same TU: given distinct names, NameIds will be distinct,
// there may be only one definition bound to each name, and we
// memoize the NodeIds we give to types.
return BuildNominalNodeIdForDecl(IFace);
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForPointer(clang::PointerTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto PointeeID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getPointeeLoc())) {
return ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("ptr", *PointeeID);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForMemberPointer(
clang::MemberPointerTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto PointeeID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getPointeeLoc())) {
if (auto ClassID = BuildNodeIdForType(clang::QualType(TL.getClass(), 0))) {
auto tapp = Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType("mptr");
return Observer.recordTappNode(tapp, {*PointeeID, *ClassID});
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForLValueReference(
clang::LValueReferenceTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto PointeeID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getPointeeLoc())) {
return ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("lvr", *PointeeID);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForRValueReference(
clang::RValueReferenceTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto PointeeID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getPointeeLoc())) {
return ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("rvr", *PointeeID);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForAuto(clang::AutoTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeSetForDeduced(TL);
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForDeducedTemplateSpecialization(
clang::DeducedTemplateSpecializationTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeSetForDeduced(TL);
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForDeduced(clang::DeducedTypeLoc TL) {
auto DeducedQT = TL.getTypePtr()->getDeducedType();
if (DeducedQT.isNull()) {
// We still need to come up with a name here--it's more useful than
// returning None, since we might be down a branch of some structural
// type. We might also have an unconstrained type variable,
// as with `auto foo();` with no definition.
// TODO(zarko): Is "auto" the correct thing to return here for
// a DeducedTemplateSpecialization?
return Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType("auto");
return BuildNodeSetForType(DeducedQT);
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForQualified(
clang::QualifiedTypeLoc TL) {
// TODO(zarko): ObjC tycons; embedded C tycons (address spaces).
if (auto ID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getUnqualifiedLoc())) {
// Don't look down into type aliases. We'll have hit those during the
// BuildNodeIdForType call above.
// TODO(zarko): also add canonical edges (what do we call the edges?
// 'expanded' seems reasonable).
// using ConstInt = const int;
// using CVInt1 = volatile ConstInt;
if (TL.getType().isLocalConstQualified()) {
ID = ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("const", *ID);
if (TL.getType().isLocalRestrictQualified()) {
ID = ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("restrict", *ID);
if (TL.getType().isLocalVolatileQualified()) {
ID = ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("volatile", *ID);
return std::move(ID).value();
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForConstantArray(
clang::ConstantArrayTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto ElementID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getElementLoc())) {
// TODO(zarko): Record size expression.
return ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("carr", *ElementID);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForIncompleteArray(
clang::IncompleteArrayTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto ElementID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getElementLoc())) {
return ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("iarr", *ElementID);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForDependentSizedArray(
clang::DependentSizedArrayTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto ElemID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getElementLoc())) {
if (auto ExprID = BuildNodeIdForExpr(TL.getSizeExpr(), EmitRanges::No)) {
return Observer.recordTappNode(Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType("darr"),
{*ElemID, *ExprID});
} else {
return ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("darr", *ElemID);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForFunctionProto(
clang::FunctionProtoTypeLoc TL) {
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> NodeIds;
auto ReturnType = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getReturnLoc());
if (!ReturnType) {
return NodeSet::Empty();
for (const auto& param : TL.getTypePtr()->getParamTypes()) {
if (auto ParmType = BuildNodeIdForType(param)) {
} else {
return NodeSet::Empty();
const char* Tycon = TL.getTypePtr()->isVariadic() ? "fnvararg" : "fn";
return Observer.recordTappNode(Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType(Tycon),
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForFunctionNoProto(
clang::FunctionNoProtoTypeLoc TL) {
return Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType("knrfn");
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForParen(clang::ParenTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeSetForType(TL.getInnerLoc());
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForDecltype(clang::DecltypeTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeSetForType(TL.getTypePtr()->getUnderlyingType());
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForElaborated(
clang::ElaboratedTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeSetForType(TL.getNamedTypeLoc());
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForTypedef(clang::TypedefTypeLoc TL) {
// TODO(zarko): Return canonicalized versions as well.
GraphObserver::NameId AliasID = BuildNameIdForDecl(TL.getTypedefNameDecl());
// We're retrieving the type of an alias here, so we shouldn't thread
// through the deduced type.
if (auto AliasedTypeID = BuildNodeIdForType(
TL.getTypedefNameDecl()->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc())) {
// TODO(shahms): Move caching here and use
// `Observer.nodeIdForTypeAliasNode()` when already built?
// Or is always using the cached id sufficient?
NodeId ID = Observer.nodeIdForTypeAliasNode(AliasID, *AliasedTypeID);
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(TL.getTypedefNameDecl());
AssignUSR(ID, TL.getTypedefNameDecl());
return Observer.recordTypeAliasNode(
ID, *AliasedTypeID,
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForSubstTemplateTypeParm(
clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeSetForType(TL.getTypePtr()->getReplacementType());
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForInjectedClassName(
clang::InjectedClassNameTypeLoc TL) {
// TODO(zarko): Replace with logic that uses InjectedType.
return BuildNodeSetForNonSpecializedRecordDecl(TL.getDecl());
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForDependentName(
clang::DependentNameTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeIdForDependentLoc(TL.getQualifierLoc(), TL.getNameLoc());
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForTemplateSpecialization(
clang::TemplateSpecializationTypeLoc TL) {
// This refers to a particular class template, type alias template,
// or template template parameter. Non-dependent template
// specializations appear as different types.
if (auto TemplateName =
BuildNodeIdForTemplateName(TL.getTypePtr()->getTemplateName())) {
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> TemplateArgs;
for (unsigned A = 0, AE = TL.getNumArgs(); A != AE; ++A) {
if (auto ArgA =
BuildNodeIdForTemplateArgument(TL.getArgLoc(A), EmitRanges::No)) {
} else {
return NodeSet::Empty();
return Observer.recordTappNode(*TemplateName, TemplateArgs);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForPackExpansion(
clang::PackExpansionTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeSetForType(TL.getPatternLoc());
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForBlockPointer(
clang::BlockPointerTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto ID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getPointeeLoc())) {
return ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("ptr", *ID);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForObjCObjectPointer(
clang::ObjCObjectPointerTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto ID = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getPointeeLoc())) {
return ApplyBuiltinTypeConstructor("ptr", *ID);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForObjCObject(
clang::ObjCObjectTypeLoc TL) {
if (auto BaseId = BuildNodeIdForObjCProtocols(TL)) {
if (TL.getNumTypeArgs() == 0) {
return *std::move(BaseId);
std::vector<NodeId> GenericArgIds;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TL.getNumTypeArgs(); ++i) {
const auto* TI = TL.getTypeArgTInfo(i);
if (auto Arg = BuildNodeIdForType(TI->getTypeLoc())) {
} else {
return NodeSet::Empty();
return Observer.recordTappNode(*BaseId, GenericArgIds);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForObjCTypeParam(
clang::ObjCTypeParamTypeLoc TL) {
if (const auto* Decl = TL.getDecl()) {
return BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
return NodeSet::Empty();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForAttributed(
clang::AttributedTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeSetForType(TL.getModifiedLoc());
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForDependentAddressSpace(
clang::DependentAddressSpaceTypeLoc TL) {
return BuildNodeSetForType(TL.getPointeeTypeLoc());
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNominalNodeIdForDecl(
const clang::NamedDecl* Decl) {
auto NominalID = Observer.nodeIdForNominalTypeNode(BuildNameIdForDecl(Decl));
return Observer.recordNominalTypeNode(
NominalID, MarkedSources.Generate(Decl).GenerateMarkedSource(NominalID),
const clang::TemplateTypeParmDecl*
clang::TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc TL) const {
// Either the `TemplateTypeParm` will link directly to a relevant
// `TemplateTypeParmDecl` or (particularly in the case of canonicalized
// types) we will find the Decl in the `Job->TypeContext` according to the
// parameter's depth and index.
// Depths count from the outside-in; each Template*ParmDecl has only
// one possible (depth, index).
if (auto* Decl = TL.getDecl()) {
return Decl;
LOG(INFO) << "Immediate TemplateTypeParmDecl not found, falling back to "
if (auto* TypeParm = TL.getTypePtr()) {
if (TypeParm->getDepth() < Job->TypeContext.size() &&
TypeParm->getIndex() < Job->TypeContext[TypeParm->getDepth()]->size()) {
return cast<clang::TemplateTypeParmDecl>(
<< "Unable to find TemplateTypeParmDecl for TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc";
return nullptr;
absl::optional<NodeId> IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForType(
const clang::TypeLoc& TypeLoc) {
return BuildNodeSetForType(TypeLoc).AsOptional();
absl::optional<NodeId> IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForType(
const clang::QualType& QT) {
return BuildNodeSetForType(QT).AsOptional();
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForType(const clang::QualType& QT) {
// TODO(shahms): This be barkwards; we should build NodeSets from
// `clang::Type*` subclasses, rather than TypeLoc's with occasionally empty
// locations.
TypeSourceInfo* TSI = Context.getTrivialTypeSourceInfo(QT, SourceLocation());
return BuildNodeSetForType(TSI->getTypeLoc());
NodeSet IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeSetForType(const clang::TypeLoc& TL) {
TypeKey Key(Context, TL.getType(), TL.getTypePtr());
const auto& Prev = TypeNodes.find(Key);
if (Prev != TypeNodes.end()) {
return Prev->second;
NodeSet Nodes = [&]() -> NodeSet {
// There aren't too many types in C++, as it turns out. See
// clang/AST/TypeNodes.def.
case TypeLoc::t: \
if (IgnoreUnimplemented) { \
return NodeSet::Empty(); \
} else { \
LOG(FATAL) << "TypeLoc::" #t " unsupported"; \
} \
#define DELEGATE_TYPE(t) \
case TypeLoc::t: \
return BuildNodeSetFor##t(TL.castAs<t##TypeLoc>());
// We only care about leaves in the type hierarchy (eg, we shouldn't match
// on Reference, but instead on LValueReference or RValueReference).
switch (TL.getTypeLocClass()) {
DELEGATE_TYPE(Builtin); // Leaf.
DELEGATE_TYPE(Enum); // Leaf.
DELEGATE_TYPE(TemplateTypeParm); // Leaf.
DELEGATE_TYPE(Record); // Leaf.
DELEGATE_TYPE(ObjCInterface); // Leaf.
// "Within an instantiated template, all template type parameters have
// been replaced with these. They are used solely to record that a type
// was originally written as a template type parameter; therefore they are
// never canonical."
// "When a pack expansion in the source code contains multiple parameter
// packs and those parameter packs correspond to different levels of
// template parameter lists, this type node is used to represent a
// template type parameter pack from an outer level, which has already had
// its argument pack substituted but that still lives within a pack
// expansion that itself could not be instantiated. When actually
// performing a substitution into that pack expansion (e.g., when all
// template parameters have corresponding arguments), this type will be
// replaced with the SubstTemplateTypeParmType at the current pack
// substitution index."
return (TypeNodes[Key] = Nodes);
IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForObjCProtocols(clang::ObjCObjectTypeLoc TL) {
if (TL.getTypePtr()->getInterface()) {
if (auto BaseId = BuildNodeIdForType(TL.getBaseLoc())) {
return BuildNodeIdForObjCProtocols(*BaseId, TL.getTypePtr());
} else {
return absl::nullopt;
} else {
return BuildNodeIdForObjCProtocols(TL.getTypePtr());
// Base case where we don't have a separate BaseType to contend with
// (BaseType is just an `id` node).
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForObjCProtocols(
const ObjCObjectType* T) {
// Use a multimap since it is sorted by key and we want our nodes sorted by
// their (uncompressed) name. We want the items sorted by the original class
// name because the user should be able to write down a union type
// for the verifier and they can only do that if they know the order in
// which the types will be passed as parameters.
std::multimap<std::string, GraphObserver::NodeId> ProtocolNodes;
for (ObjCProtocolDecl* P : T->getProtocols()) {
ProtocolNodes.insert({P->getNameAsString(), BuildNodeIdForDecl(P)});
if (ProtocolNodes.empty()) {
return Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType("id");
} else if (ProtocolNodes.size() == 1) {
// We have something like id<P1>. This is a special case of the following
// code that handles id<P1, P2> because *this* case can skip the
// intermediate union tapp.
return ProtocolNodes.begin()->second;
// We have something like id<P1, P2> union of types P1 and P2.
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> ProtocolIds;
for (const auto& PN : ProtocolNodes) {
// Create/find the Union node.
auto UnionTApp = Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType("TypeUnion");
return Observer.recordTappNode(UnionTApp, ProtocolIds);
GraphObserver::NodeId IndexerASTVisitor::BuildNodeIdForObjCProtocols(
GraphObserver::NodeId BaseType, const ObjCObjectType* T) {
// Use a multimap since it is sorted by key and we want our nodes sorted by
// their (uncompressed) name. We want the items sorted by the original class
// name because the user should be able to write down a union type
// for the verifier and they can only do that if they know the order in
// which the types will be passed as parameters.
std::multimap<std::string, GraphObserver::NodeId> ProtocolNodes;
for (ObjCProtocolDecl* P : T->getProtocols()) {
ProtocolNodes.insert({P->getNameAsString(), BuildNodeIdForDecl(P)});
if (ProtocolNodes.empty()) {
return BaseType;
// We have something like id<P1, P2> or P1<P2>, which means this is a union
// of types P1 and P2.
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> ProtocolIds;
ProtocolIds.reserve(ProtocolNodes.size() + 1);
for (const auto& PN : ProtocolNodes) {
// Create/find the Union node.
auto UnionTApp = Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType("TypeUnion");
return Observer.recordTappNode(UnionTApp, ProtocolIds);
// This is the synthesize statement.
// We don't do anything here because we don't want to draw edges to the
// synthesize statement. Any edges we draw to this statement are because of
// the synthesized IVarDecls in the AST which we visit separately.
// The following three scenarios produce synthesized ivar decls.
// * The synthesize statements declares a new ivar.
// * @synthesize a = newvar;
// * We get an ivar decl rooted at the new ivar name's source range.
// * It may specify no ivar, in which case the default value is used.
// * @synthesize a;
// * We get an ivar decl rooted at the property's name source range in the
// synthesize statement.
// * This entire statement may be left out when modern versions of xcode are
// used.
// * We get an ivar decl rooted at the property's name source range in the
// property declaration.
// In the future, we may want to draw some edge between the ivar and the
// property to show their relationship.
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCPropertyImplDecl(
const clang::ObjCPropertyImplDecl* Decl) {
return true;
// This is like a typedef at a high level. It says that class A can be used
// instead of class B if class B does not exist.
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCCompatibleAliasDecl(
const clang::ObjCCompatibleAliasDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
// TODO(salguarnieri) Find a better way to parse the tokens to account for
// macros with parameters.
// Ugliness to get the ranges for the tokens in this decl since clang does
// not give them to us. We expect something of the form:
// @compatibility_alias AliasName OriginalClassName
// Note that this does not work in the presence of macros with parameters.
SourceRange AtSign = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
const auto KeywordRange(
ConsumeToken(AtSign.getEnd(), clang::tok::identifier));
const auto AliasRange(
ConsumeToken(KeywordRange.getEnd(), clang::tok::identifier));
const auto OrgClassRange(
ConsumeToken(AliasRange.getEnd(), clang::tok::identifier));
// Record a ref to the original type
if (const auto& ERCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(OrgClassRange)) {
const auto& ID = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl->getClassInterface());
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(ERCC.value(), ID,
// Record the type alias
const auto& OriginalInterface = Decl->getClassInterface();
GraphObserver::NameId AliasID(BuildNameIdForDecl(Decl));
auto AliasedTypeID(BuildNodeIdForDecl(OriginalInterface));
auto AliasNode = Observer.recordTypeAliasNode(
AliasID, AliasedTypeID, AliasedTypeID,
Observer.nodeIdForTypeAliasNode(AliasID, AliasedTypeID)));
AssignUSR(AliasID, AliasedTypeID, Decl);
// Record the definition of this type alias
AliasNode, absl::nullopt);
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, AliasNode);
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCImplementationDecl(
const clang::ObjCImplementationDecl* ImplDecl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(ImplDecl);
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(ImplDecl);
auto DeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(ImplDecl);
RangeInCurrentContext(ImplDecl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange),
DeclNode, absl::nullopt);
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(ImplDecl, DeclNode);
FileID DeclFile =
if (auto Interface = ImplDecl->getClassInterface()) {
if (auto NameRangeInContext = RangeInCurrentContext(ImplDecl->isImplicit(),
DeclNode, NameRange)) {
// Draw the completion edge to this class's interface decl.
if (!Interface->isImplicit()) {
FileID InterfaceFile =
GraphObserver::NodeId TargetDecl = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Interface);
NameRangeInContext.value(), TargetDecl,
InterfaceFile == DeclFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
RecordCompletesForRedecls(ImplDecl, NameRange, DeclNode);
ConnectToSuperClassAndProtocols(DeclNode, Interface);
} else {
LogErrorWithASTDump("Missing class interface", ImplDecl);
AssignUSR(DeclNode, ImplDecl);
Observer.recordRecordNode(DeclNode, GraphObserver::RecordKind::Class,
return true;
// Categories and Classes are different things. You either have an
// ObjCImplementationDecl *OR* a ObjCCategoryImplDecl.
// Category implementations only occur in the case of true categories. They
// do not occur for an extension.
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCCategoryImplDecl(
const clang::ObjCCategoryImplDecl* ImplDecl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(ImplDecl);
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForASTEntity(ImplDecl->getCategoryNameLoc());
auto ImplDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(ImplDecl);
RangeInCurrentContext(ImplDecl->isImplicit(), ImplDeclNode, NameRange),
ImplDeclNode, absl::nullopt);
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(ImplDecl, ImplDeclNode);
FileID ImplDeclFile =
AssignUSR(ImplDeclNode, ImplDecl);
Observer.recordRecordNode(ImplDeclNode, GraphObserver::RecordKind::Category,
if (auto CategoryDecl = ImplDecl->getCategoryDecl()) {
if (auto NameRangeInContext = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(NameRange)) {
// Draw the completion edge to this category's decl.
if (!CategoryDecl->isImplicit()) {
FileID DeclFile =
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(CategoryDecl);
NameRangeInContext.value(), DeclNode,
DeclFile == ImplDeclFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
RecordCompletesForRedecls(ImplDecl, NameRange, ImplDeclNode);
// Record a use of the category decl where the name is specified.
// It should be impossible to be a class extension and have an
// ObjCCategoryImplDecl.
if (CategoryDecl->IsClassExtension()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Class extensions should not have a category impl.";
return true;
auto Range = RangeForASTEntity(ImplDecl->getCategoryNameLoc());
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(Range)) {
auto ID = BuildNodeIdForDecl(CategoryDecl);
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(RCC.value(), ID,
} else {
LogErrorWithASTDump("Missing category decl", ImplDecl);
if (auto BaseClassInterface = ImplDecl->getClassInterface()) {
ConnectCategoryToBaseClass(ImplDeclNode, BaseClassInterface);
// Link the class interface name to the class interface
auto ClassInterfaceNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(BaseClassInterface);
// The location for the category decl is actually the location of the
// interface name.
const SourceRange& IFaceNameRange =
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(IFaceNameRange)) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(RCC.value(), ClassInterfaceNode,
} else {
LogErrorWithASTDump("Missing category impl class interface", ImplDecl);
return true;
void IndexerASTVisitor::ConnectToSuperClassAndProtocols(
const GraphObserver::NodeId BodyDeclNode,
const clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl* IFace) {
if (IsObjCForwardDecl(IFace)) {
// This is a forward declaration, so it won't have superclass or protocol
// info
if (const auto* SCTSI = IFace->getSuperClassTInfo()) {
if (auto SCType = BuildNodeIdForType(SCTSI->getTypeLoc())) {
Observer.recordExtendsEdge(BodyDeclNode, SCType.value(),
false /* isVirtual */,
// Draw a ref edge from the superclass usage in the interface declaration to
// the superclass declaration.
if (auto SC = IFace->getSuperClass()) {
auto SuperRange = RangeForASTEntity(IFace->getSuperClassLoc());
if (auto SCRCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(SuperRange)) {
auto SCID = BuildNodeIdForDecl(SC);
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(SCRCC.value(), SCID,
ConnectToProtocols(BodyDeclNode, IFace->protocol_loc_begin(),
IFace->protocol_loc_end(), IFace->protocol_begin(),
void IndexerASTVisitor::ConnectToProtocols(
const GraphObserver::NodeId BodyDeclNode,
clang::ObjCProtocolList::loc_iterator locStart,
clang::ObjCProtocolList::loc_iterator locEnd,
clang::ObjCProtocolList::iterator itStart,
clang::ObjCProtocolList::iterator itEnd) {
// The location of the protocols in the interface decl and the protocol
// decls are stored in two parallel arrays, iterate through them at the same
// time.
auto PLocIt = locStart;
auto PIt = itStart;
// The termination condition should only need to check one of the iterators
// since they should have the exact same number of elements but checking
// them both keeps us safe.
for (; PLocIt != locEnd && PIt != itEnd; ++PLocIt, ++PIt) {
Observer.recordExtendsEdge(BodyDeclNode, BuildNodeIdForDecl(*PIt),
false /* isVirtual */,
auto Range = RangeForASTEntity(*PLocIt);
if (auto ERCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(Range)) {
auto PID = BuildNodeIdForDecl(*PIt);
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(ERCC.value(), PID,
// Outline for the spirit of how generic types are handled in the kythe graph
// (the following may be implemented out of order and may be partially
// implemented in other methods):
// Create a node for the generic class (ObjCInterfaceDecl)
// If there are type arguments:
// Create an abs node
// Create an absvar nodes for the type arguments
// Make the class a childof the abs node
// Make the type arguments parameters of the abs node
// If the class is generic, there is no source range that corresponds to the
// record node created for the class.
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCInterfaceDecl(
const clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId BodyDeclNode(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode(Observer.getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
// If we have type arguments, treat this as a generic type and indirect
// through an abs node.
if (const auto* TPL = Decl->getTypeParamList()) {
BodyDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl, 0);
DeclNode = RecordGenericClass(Decl, TPL, BodyDeclNode);
} else {
BodyDeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
DeclNode = BodyDeclNode;
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange), DeclNode,
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
auto Completeness = IsObjCForwardDecl(Decl)
? GraphObserver::Completeness::Incomplete
: GraphObserver::Completeness::Complete;
AssignUSR(BodyDeclNode, Decl);
Observer.recordRecordNode(BodyDeclNode, GraphObserver::RecordKind::Class,
Completeness, absl::nullopt);
Observer.recordMarkedSource(DeclNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(DeclNode));
RecordCompletesForRedecls(Decl, NameRange, BodyDeclNode);
ConnectToSuperClassAndProtocols(BodyDeclNode, Decl);
return true;
// Categories and Classes are different things. You either have an
// ObjCInterfaceDecl *OR* a ObjCCategoryDecl.
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCCategoryDecl(
const clang::ObjCCategoryDecl* Decl) {
// Use the category name as our name range. If this is an extension and has
// no category name, use the name range for the interface decl.
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
SourceRange NameRange;
if (Decl->IsClassExtension()) {
NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
} else {
NameRange = RangeForASTEntity(Decl->getCategoryNameLoc());
auto DeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange), DeclNode,
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
AssignUSR(DeclNode, Decl);
Observer.recordRecordNode(DeclNode, GraphObserver::RecordKind::Category,
RecordCompletesForRedecls(Decl, NameRange, DeclNode);
if (auto BaseClassInterface = Decl->getClassInterface()) {
ConnectCategoryToBaseClass(DeclNode, BaseClassInterface);
// Link the class interface name to the class interface
auto ClassInterfaceNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(BaseClassInterface);
// The location for the category decl is actually the location of the
// interface name.
const SourceRange& IFaceNameRange = RangeForASTEntity(Decl->getLocation());
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(IFaceNameRange)) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(RCC.value(), ClassInterfaceNode,
} else {
LogErrorWithASTDump("Missing category decl class interface", Decl);
return true;
// This method is not inlined because it is important that we do the same
// thing for category declarations and category implementations.
void IndexerASTVisitor::ConnectCategoryToBaseClass(
const GraphObserver::NodeId& DeclNode, const ObjCInterfaceDecl* IFace) {
auto ClassTypeId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(IFace);
Observer.recordCategoryExtendsEdge(DeclNode, ClassTypeId);
void IndexerASTVisitor::RecordCompletesForRedecls(
const Decl* Decl, const SourceRange& NameRange,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& DeclNode) {
// Don't draw completion edges if this is a forward declared class in
// Objective-C because forward declarations don't complete anything.
if (const auto* I = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl>(Decl)) {
if (IsObjCForwardDecl(I)) {
FileID DeclFile = Observer.getSourceManager()->getFileID(Decl->getLocation());
if (auto NameRangeInContext =
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange)) {
for (const auto* NextDecl : Decl->redecls()) {
// It's not useful to draw completion edges to implicit forward
// declarations, nor is it useful to declare that a definition completes
// itself.
if (NextDecl != Decl && !NextDecl->isImplicit()) {
FileID NextDeclFile =
GraphObserver::NodeId TargetDecl = BuildNodeIdForDecl(NextDecl);
NameRangeInContext.value(), TargetDecl,
NextDeclFile == DeclFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCProtocolDecl(
const clang::ObjCProtocolDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
auto DeclNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange), DeclNode,
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
Observer.recordInterfaceNode(DeclNode, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(DeclNode));
ConnectToProtocols(DeclNode, Decl->protocol_loc_begin(),
Decl->protocol_loc_end(), Decl->protocol_begin(),
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCMethodDecl(const clang::ObjCMethodDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
auto Node = BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl);
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
// TODO(salguarnieri) Use something more honest for the name in the marked
// source. The "name" of an Objective-C method is not a single range in the
// source code. Ex: -(void) myFunc:(int)data except:(int)moreData should
// have the name "myFunc:except:".
auto NameRangeInContext(
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), Node, NameRange));
MaybeRecordDefinitionRange(NameRangeInContext, Node, absl::nullopt);
bool IsFunctionDefinition = Decl->isThisDeclarationADefinition();
unsigned ParamNumber = 0;
for (const auto* Param : Decl->parameters()) {
ConnectParam(Decl, Node, IsFunctionDefinition, ParamNumber++, Param, false);
absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> FunctionType =
CreateObjCMethodTypeNode(Decl, EmitRanges::Yes);
if (FunctionType) {
Observer.recordTypeEdge(Node, FunctionType.value());
// Record overrides edges
SmallVector<const ObjCMethodDecl*, 4> overrides;
for (const auto& O : overrides) {
Node, FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations
? BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(O)
: BuildNodeIdForDecl(O));
if (!overrides.empty()) {
MapOverrideRoots(Decl, [&](const ObjCMethodDecl* R) {
Node, FLAGS_experimental_alias_template_instantiations
? BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(R)
: BuildNodeIdForDecl(R));
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, Node);
GraphObserver::FunctionSubkind Subkind = GraphObserver::FunctionSubkind::None;
if (!IsFunctionDefinition) {
Observer.recordFunctionNode(Node, GraphObserver::Completeness::Incomplete,
Subkind, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(Node));
// If this is a decl in an extension, we need to connect it to its
// implementation here.
// When we are visiting the definition for a method decl from an
// extension, we don't have a way to get back to the declaration. The true
// method decl does not appear in the list of redecls and it is not
// returned by getCanonicalDecl. Furthermore, there is no way to get
// access to the extension declaration. Since class implementations do not
// mention extensions, there is nothing for us to use.
// There may be unexpected behavior in getCanonicalDecl because it only
// covers the following cases:
// * When the declaration is a child of ObjCInterfaceDecl and the
// definition is a child of ObjCImplementationDecl.
// * When the declaration is a child of ObjCCategoryDecl and the
// definition is a child of ObjCCategeoryImplDecl.
// It does not cover the following case:
// * When the declaration is a child of ObjCCategoryDecl and the
// definition is a child of ObjCImplementationDecl. This occurs in an
// extension.
if (auto CategoryDecl =
dyn_cast<ObjCCategoryDecl>(Decl->getDeclContext())) {
if (CategoryDecl->IsClassExtension() &&
CategoryDecl->getClassInterface() != nullptr &&
CategoryDecl->getClassInterface()->getImplementation() != nullptr) {
ObjCImplementationDecl* ClassImpl =
if (auto MethodImpl = ClassImpl->getMethod(Decl->getSelector(),
Decl->isInstanceMethod())) {
if (MethodImpl != Decl) {
FileID DeclFile =
FileID ImplFile = Observer.getSourceManager()->getFileID(
auto ImplNode = BuildNodeIdForDecl(MethodImpl);
SourceRange ImplNameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(MethodImpl);
auto ImplNameRangeInContext(RangeInCurrentContext(
MethodImpl->isImplicit(), ImplNode, ImplNameRange));
if (ImplNameRangeInContext) {
ImplNameRangeInContext.value(), BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl),
DeclFile == ImplFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
return true;
if (NameRangeInContext) {
FileID DefnFile =
const GraphObserver::Range& DeclNameRangeInContext =
// If we want to draw an edge from method impl to property we can modify
// the following code:
// auto *propertyDecl = Decl->findPropertyDecl(true /* checkOverrides */);
// if (propertyDecl != nullptr) ...
// This is necessary if this definition comes from an implicit method from
// a property.
auto CD = Decl->getCanonicalDecl();
// Do not draw self-completion edges.
if (Decl != CD) {
FileID CDDeclFile =
DeclNameRangeInContext, BuildNodeIdForDecl(CD),
CDDeclFile == DefnFile ? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
// Connect all other redecls to this definition with a completion edge.
for (const auto* NextDecl : Decl->redecls()) {
// Do not draw self-completion edges and do not draw an edge for the
// canonical decl again.
if (NextDecl != Decl && NextDecl != CD) {
FileID RedeclFile =
DeclNameRangeInContext, BuildNodeIdForDecl(NextDecl),
RedeclFile == DefnFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
Observer.recordFunctionNode(Node, GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition,
Subkind, Marks.GenerateMarkedSource(Node));
return true;
// TODO(salguarnieri) Do we need to record a use for the parameter type?
void IndexerASTVisitor::ConnectParam(const Decl* Decl,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& FuncNode,
bool IsFunctionDefinition,
const unsigned int ParamNumber,
const ParmVarDecl* Param,
bool DeclIsImplicit) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Param);
GraphObserver::NodeId VarNodeId(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Param));
SourceRange Range = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Param);
Marks.set_implicit(Job->UnderneathImplicitTemplateInstantiation ||
*Observer.getSourceManager(), *Observer.getLangOptions(),
? GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition
: GraphObserver::Completeness::Incomplete,
RangeInCurrentContext(Param->isImplicit() || Decl->isImplicit(),
VarNodeId, Range),
VarNodeId, BuildNodeIdForDefnOfDecl(Param));
Observer.recordParamEdge(FuncNode, ParamNumber, VarNodeId);
absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId> ParamType;
if (auto* TSI = Param->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
ParamType = BuildNodeIdForType(TSI->getTypeLoc());
} else {
ParamType = BuildNodeIdForType(Param->getType());
if (ParamType) {
Observer.recordTypeEdge(VarNodeId, ParamType.value());
// TODO(salguarnieri) Think about merging with VisitFieldDecl
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCPropertyDecl(
const clang::ObjCPropertyDecl* Decl) {
auto Marks = MarkedSources.Generate(Decl);
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclNode(BuildNodeIdForDecl(Decl));
SourceRange NameRange = RangeForNameOfDeclaration(Decl);
RangeInCurrentContext(Decl->isImplicit(), DeclNode, NameRange), DeclNode,
// TODO(zarko): Record completeness data. This is relevant for static
// fields, which may be declared along with a complete class definition but
// later defined in a separate translation unit.
DeclNode, GraphObserver::Completeness::Definition,
// TODO(salguarnieri) Think about making a new subkind for properties.
AssignUSR(DeclNode, Decl);
if (const auto* TSI = Decl->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
// TODO(zarko): Record storage classes for fields.
AscribeSpelledType(TSI->getTypeLoc(), Decl->getType(), DeclNode);
} else if (auto TyNodeId = BuildNodeIdForType(Decl->getType())) {
Observer.recordTypeEdge(DeclNode, TyNodeId.value());
AddChildOfEdgeToDeclContext(Decl, DeclNode);
return true;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCIvarRefExpr(
const clang::ObjCIvarRefExpr* IRE) {
return VisitDeclRefOrIvarRefExpr(IRE, IRE->getDecl(), IRE->getLocation());
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCMessageExpr(
const clang::ObjCMessageExpr* Expr) {
// The end of the source range for ObjCMessageExpr is the location of the
// right brace. We actually want to include the right brace in the range
// we record, so get the location *after* the right brace.
const auto AfterBrace =
ConsumeToken(Expr->getEndLoc(), clang::tok::r_square).getEnd();
const SourceRange SR(Expr->getBeginLoc(), AfterBrace);
if (auto RCC = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(SR)) {
// This does not take dynamic dispatch into account when looking for the
// method definition.
if (const auto* Callee = FindMethodDefn(Expr->getMethodDecl(),
Expr->getReceiverInterface())) {
const GraphObserver::NodeId& DeclId = BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(Callee);
RecordCallEdges(RCC.value(), DeclId);
// We only record a ref if we have successfully recorded a ref/call.
// If we don't have any selectors, just use the same span as the
// ref/call.
if (Expr->getNumSelectorLocs() == 0) {
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(RCC.value(), DeclId,
} else {
// TODO Record multiple ranges, one for each selector.
// For now, just record the range for the first selector. This should
// make it easier for frontends to make use of this data.
const SourceLocation& Loc = Expr->getSelectorLoc(0);
if (Loc.isValid() && Loc.isFileID()) {
const SourceRange& range = RangeForSingleToken(Loc);
if (auto R = ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(range)) {
R.value(), DeclId, GraphObserver::Claimability::Unclaimable,
return true;
const ObjCMethodDecl* IndexerASTVisitor::FindMethodDefn(
const ObjCMethodDecl* MD, const ObjCInterfaceDecl* I) {
if (MD == nullptr || I == nullptr || MD->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) {
return MD;
// If we can, look in the implementation, otherwise we look in the
// interface.
const ObjCContainerDecl* CD = I->getImplementation();
if (CD == nullptr) {
CD = I;
if (const auto* MI =
CD->getMethod(MD->getSelector(), MD->isInstanceMethod())) {
return MI;
return MD;
bool IndexerASTVisitor::VisitObjCPropertyRefExpr(
const clang::ObjCPropertyRefExpr* Expr) {
// Both implicit and explicit properties will provide a backing method decl.
ObjCMethodDecl* MD = nullptr;
ObjCPropertyDecl* PD = nullptr;
if (Expr->isImplicitProperty()) {
// TODO(salguarnieri) Create test cases for implicit properties.
MD = Expr->isMessagingGetter() ? Expr->getImplicitPropertyGetter()
: Expr->getImplicitPropertySetter();
} else if ((PD = Expr->getExplicitProperty())) {
MD = Expr->isMessagingGetter() ? PD->getGetterMethodDecl()
: PD->getSetterMethodDecl();
} else {
// If this is an explicit property but we cannot get the property, we
// need to stop.
return true;
// Record the a "field" access *and* a method call.
auto SL = Expr->getLocation();
if (SL.isValid()) {
// This gives us the property name. If we just call Expr->getSourceRange()
// we just get the range for the object's name.
SourceRange SR = RangeForASTEntity(SL);
auto StmtId = BuildNodeIdForImplicitStmt(Expr);
if (auto RCC = RangeInCurrentContext(StmtId, SR)) {
// Record the "field" access if this has an explicit property.
if (PD != nullptr) {
GraphObserver::NodeId DeclId = BuildNodeIdForDecl(PD);
Observer.recordDeclUseLocation(RCC.value(), DeclId,
for (const auto& S : Supports) {
S->InspectDeclRef(*this, SL, RCC.value(), DeclId, PD);
// Record the method call.
// TODO(salguarnieri) Try to prevent the call edge unless the user has
// defined a custom setter or getter. This is a non-trivial
// because the user may provide a custom implementation using the
// default name. Otherwise, we could just test the method decl
// location.
if (MD != nullptr) {
RecordCallEdges(RCC.value(), BuildNodeIdForRefToDecl(MD));
return true;
IndexerASTVisitor::CreateObjCMethodTypeNode(const clang::ObjCMethodDecl* MD,
EmitRanges EmitRanges) {
std::vector<GraphObserver::NodeId> NodeIds;
// If we are in an implicit method (for example: property access), we may
// not get return type source information and we will have to rely on the
// QualType provided by getReturnType.
auto R = MD->getReturnTypeSourceInfo();
auto ReturnType = R ? BuildNodeIdForType(R->getTypeLoc())
: BuildNodeIdForType(MD->getReturnType());
if (!ReturnType) {
return ReturnType;
for (auto PVD : MD->parameters()) {
if (PVD) {
auto TSI = PVD->getTypeSourceInfo();
auto ParamType = TSI ? BuildNodeIdForType(TSI->getTypeLoc())
: BuildNodeIdForType(PVD->getType());
if (!ParamType) {
return ParamType;
// TODO(salguarnieri) Make this a constant somewhere
const char* Tycon = "fn";
return Observer.recordTappNode(Observer.getNodeIdForBuiltinType(Tycon),
void IndexerASTVisitor::LogErrorWithASTDump(const std::string& msg,
const clang::Decl* Decl) const {
std::string s;
llvm::raw_string_ostream ss(s);
LOG(ERROR) << msg << " :" << std::endl << s;
void IndexerASTVisitor::LogErrorWithASTDump(const std::string& msg,
const clang::Expr* Expr) const {
std::string s;
llvm::raw_string_ostream ss(s);
LOG(ERROR) << msg << " :" << std::endl << s;
} // namespace kythe