blob: 5354135e68e54889229126a87d3e54ac63d20259 [file] [log] [blame]
name: "google-fruit"
description: "Fruit is a dependency injection framework for C++, loosely inspired by the Guice framework for Java. It uses C++ metaprogramming together with some new C++11 features to detect most injection problems at compile-time. It allows to split the implementation code in \"components\" (aka modules) that can be assembled to form other components. From a component with no requirements it\'s then possible to create an injector, that provides an instance of the interfaces exposed by the component."
third_party {
url {
value: ""
url {
type: GIT
value: ""
version: "3c40e442d52aee6fa696ab5aaf449645c83ab6fa"
license_type: NOTICE
last_upgrade_date {
year: 2018
month: 10
day: 29