blob: c3dc5902beee68eabebf9769ff223da95fb880f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// This file defines messages used for starting, stopping, and managing VMs.
package vm_tools.concierge;
option go_package = "vm_concierge_proto";
// Specification of the key components of a VM.
message VirtualMachineSpec {
// Path to the kernel that should be used for the VM.
string kernel = 1;
// Path to the disk image that should be used as the root file system for
// the VM.
string rootfs = 2;
// The type of disk image.
enum DiskImageType {
// A raw file.
// A qcow2-compatible disk image.
// Describes any additional disk images that should be mounted inside the VM.
message DiskImage {
// Path to the disk image on the host.
string path = 1;
// Path where this disk image will be mounted inside the VM.
string mount_point = 2;
// The file system type for this disk image.
string fstype = 3;
// Any special flags to be used when mounting the file system. Specified the
// same way as in mount(2).
uint64 flags = 4;
// Any additional data associated with the mount.
string data = 5;
// If true, the disk image will be mounted writable.
bool writable = 6;
// If true, the disk image will be mounted.
bool do_mount = 7;
// Image type of the disk.
DiskImageType image_type = 8;
// Information about a particular VM.
message VmInfo {
// The IPv4 address assigned to the VM, in network byte order.
fixed32 ipv4_address = 1;
// The process ID of the main crosvm process for the VM.
int32 pid = 2;
// The virtual socket context id assigned to the VM.
int64 cid = 3;
// The handle to a 9p server managed by the seneschal system service. Use
// this handle when making requests to that service to manage the files shared
// with this VM.
uint64 seneschal_server_handle = 4;
// Information that must be included with every StartVm dbus message.
message StartVmRequest {
// The VM that should be started. This is ignored if starting a termina VM,
// which will always use the latest component from imageloader.
VirtualMachineSpec vm = 1;
// Any additional disks that should be mounted inside the VM.
repeated DiskImage disks = 2;
// Path to a shared directory that will be mounted via NFS inside the VM.
// DEPRECATED: The server never did anything with this field. Instead callers
// should use the |shared_dir_handle| field of the VmInfo message to get a
// server handle that can be used in requests to the seneschal system service.
string shared_directory = 3 [deprecated = true];
// The human-readable name to be assigned to this VM.
string name = 4;
// If true, concierge should also perform termina-specific setup.
bool start_termina = 5;
// If true, a file descriptor must be passed along with the message and that
// file descriptor will be used for storage.
// Ignored unless |start_termina| is true.
bool use_fd_for_storage = 6;
// The owner of the vm.
string owner_id = 7;
enum VmStatus {
// Unknown status.
// The VM is already running.
// The VM is currently starting up.
// The VM failed to startup.
// Information sent back by vm_concierge in response to a StartVm dbus message.
message StartVmResponse {
// If true, the VM was started successfully. |vm_info| will have non-default
// values only if this is true.
bool success = 1;
// If the VM failed to start, the reason for the failure.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Information about the VM that was started, if successful.
VmInfo vm_info = 3;
// Status of the VM. If VM_STATUS_RUNNING, it is not necessary to wait for a
// TremplinStartedSignal before starting a container in the VM.
VmStatus status = 4;
// Information that must be included with every StopVm dbus message.
message StopVmRequest {
// The name of the VM to be stopped.
string name = 1;
// The owner of the vm.
string owner_id = 2;
// Response sent back by vm_concierge when it receives a StopVm dbus message.
message StopVmResponse {
// If true, the requested VM was stopped.
bool success = 1;
// The failure_reason if the requested VM could not be stopped.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request for information about the VM.
message GetVmInfoRequest {
// The name of the VM to query.
string name = 1;
// The owner of the vm.
string owner_id = 2;
// Response sent back by vm_concierge for a GetVmInfo dbus message.
message GetVmInfoResponse {
// If true, the requested VM exists and info was returned.
bool success = 1;
// Information about the VM that was requested.
VmInfo vm_info = 2;
// The type of storage location for a disk image.
enum StorageLocation {
// Subdirectory under /home/root/<id>/crosvm.
// The user's Downloads directory, under /home/user/<id>/Downloads.
enum DiskImageStatus {
// Unknown status.
// The disk image was created.
// The disk already existed.
// Unable to create the disk image.
// Specified Disk does not exist.
// The specified disk was destroyed.
// Request to concierge to create a disk image.
message CreateDiskImageRequest {
// The cryptohome id for the user's encrypted storage.
string cryptohome_id = 1;
// The path to the disk image. This must be a relative path, and any
// directories must already exist.
string disk_path = 2;
// The logical size of the new disk image, in bytes.
uint64 disk_size = 3;
// The type of disk image to be created.
DiskImageType image_type = 4;
// The storage location for the disk image.
StorageLocation storage_location = 5;
// Response to a CreateDiskImageRequest.
message CreateDiskImageResponse {
// If true, the disk image has been successfully created.
DiskImageStatus status = 1;
// The absolute path to the created disk image, if it was successfully
// created or already existed.
string disk_path = 2;
// The failure reason if the disk image could not be created or doesn't exist.
string failure_reason = 3;
// Request to concierge to destroy a disk image.
message DestroyDiskImageRequest {
// The cryptohome id for the user's encrypted storage.
string cryptohome_id = 1;
// The path to the disk image. This must be a relative path.
string disk_path = 2;
// The storage location for the disk image.
StorageLocation storage_location = 3;
// Response to a DestroyDiskImageRequest.
message DestroyDiskImageResponse {
// If DISK_STATUS_DESTROYED, the disk image has been successfully destroyed.
// If DISK_STATUS_DOES_NOT_EXIST, the disk image had already been removed.
DiskImageStatus status = 1;
// The failure reason if the disk image could not be destroyed or doesn't exist.
string failure_reason = 3;
// Request to concierge to export a disk image.
// Must be accompanied by an FD. The contents of `disk_path` will be written to
// the passed FD.
message ExportDiskImageRequest {
// The cryptohome id for the user's encrypted storage.
string cryptohome_id = 1;
// The path to the disk image. This must be a relative path.
string disk_path = 2;
// Response to a ExportDiskImageRequest.
message ExportDiskImageResponse {
// If DISK_STATUS_CREATED, the disk image has been successfully exported.
DiskImageStatus status = 1;
// The failure reason if the disk image could not be exported.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request to list all VM disk images in the given storage area.
message ListVmDisksRequest {
// The cryptohome id for the user's encrypted storage.
string cryptohome_id = 1;
// The storage location to check.
StorageLocation storage_location = 2;
// Response to ListVmDisks {
message ListVmDisksResponse {
// If true, the images array is valid.
bool success = 1;
// List of disk images.
repeated string images = 2;
// The failure reason if the disks could not be listed.
string failure_reason = 3;
// The total size in bytes on disk of the disk images in the response.
uint64 total_size = 4;
// Message used in the signal for when a container has failed to start up.
message ContainerStartedSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the vm and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Request to start a specified container image within a VM. If the container
// does not exist in the VM it will be created. Used with the StartContainer
// D-Bus message into vm_concierge.
message StartContainerRequest {
// Name of the VM to start the container in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container to start within the VM. If empty, the default
// container name will be used.
string container_name = 2;
// Username for the default user in the container. This is only used if the
// container has not been created yet.
string container_username = 3;
// Async mode is always used now.
bool async = 4 [deprecated=true];
// The cryptohome id for the user's encrypted storage. This is used for SSH
// key storage.
string cryptohome_id = 5;
enum ContainerStatus {
// Unknown status.
// The container is already running.
// The container is currently starting up.
// The container failed to startup.
// Response sent back by vm_concierge when it receives a StartContaienr D-Bus
// message.
message StartContainerResponse {
// Use the status field instead.
bool success = 1 [deprecated=true];
// The failure_reason if the status is CONTAINER_STATUS_FAILURE.
string failure_reason = 2;
// The status of the container as a result of the StartContainer call. If the
// status is CONTAINER_STATUS_STARTING then a D-Bus signal will be sent to
// indicate whether success or failure occurred. The signal should be
// registered for before the StartContainer call is made because it may be
// sent before the call returns.
ContainerStatus status = 3;
// Request to get the SSH keys associated with the host and a specific
// container for the GetContainerSshKeys call. These keys will be generated
// when StartContainer is called the first time for a container, so this should
// not be called until after that call is invoked.
message ContainerSshKeysRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target, if empty the default
// container name will be used.
string container_name = 2;
// The cryptohome id for the user's encrypted storage.
string cryptohome_id = 3;
// Response sent back by vm_concierge when it receives a GetContainerSshKeys
// call. If either of the keys do not exist, the empty string will be set for
// that value.
message ContainerSshKeysResponse {
// Public key of the container for verification of it as a known host. This
// will be a single line string equivalent to the contents in the ssh-keygen
// generated file.
string container_public_key = 1;
// Private key for the host, counterpart to the public key which is stored in
// the container as an authorized host. This will be a multiline string that
// is equivalent to the contents in the ssh-keygen generated file. This will
// be the same for all VMs/containers.
string host_private_key = 2;
// The hostname of the container.
string hostname = 3;
// Public key of the host for verification of it as a known host. This
// will be a single line string equivalent to the contents in the ssh-keygen
// generated file.
string host_public_key = 4;
// Private key for the container, counterpart to the public key which is
// stored in the container. This will be a multiline string that
// is equivalent to the contents in the ssh-keygen generated file. This is
// unique for each container.
string container_private_key = 5;