blob: be41ef2343679352d0f4442ff902137e3374d24e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
import static org.unicode.cldr.util.PathUtilities.getNormalizedPathString;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CoverageLevel2;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.LikelySubtags;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.SubdivisionNames;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Builder.CBuilder;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility.VariableReplacer;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DayPeriodInfo.DayPeriod;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdType.DtdStatus;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarInfo.GrammaticalFeature;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarInfo.GrammaticalScope;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarInfo.GrammaticalTarget;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Rational.RationalParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes.CodeType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes.LstrType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.BasicLanguageData.Type;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.NumberingSystemInfo.NumberingSystemType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralInfo.Count;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Validity.Status;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.Order;
* Singleton class to provide API access to supplemental data -- in all the supplemental data files.
* <p>To create, use SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance
* <p>To add API for new structure, you will generally:
* <ul>
* <li>add a Map or Relation as a data member,
* <li>put a check and handler in MyHandler for the paths that you consume,
* <li>make the data member immutable in makeStuffSave, and
* <li>add a getter for the data member
* </ul>
* @author markdavis
public class SupplementalDataInfo {
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final StandardCodes sc = StandardCodes.make();
private static final String UNKNOWN_SCRIPT = "Zzzz";
public static final Splitter split_space = Splitter.on(' ').omitEmptyStrings();
// TODO add structure for items shown by TestSupplementalData to be missing
* [calendarData/calendar,
* characters/character-fallback,
* measurementData/measurementSystem, measurementData/paperSize,
* metadata/attributeOrder, metadata/blocking, metadata/deprecated,
* metadata/distinguishing, metadata/elementOrder, metadata/serialElements, metadata/skipDefaultLocale,
* metadata/suppress, metadata/validity, metazoneInfo/timezone,
* timezoneData/mapTimezones,
* weekData/firstDay, weekData/minDays, weekData/weekendEnd, weekData/weekendStart]
// TODO: verify that we get everything by writing the files solely from the API, and verifying
// identity.
public enum UnitIdComponentType {
public String toShortId() {
return name().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
public class UnitPrefixInfo {
final String abbreviation;
final int base;
final int power;
public UnitPrefixInfo(String abbreviation, int base, int power) {
this.abbreviation = abbreviation;
this.base = base;
this.power = power;
public String toString() {
return String.format(
"%s\t%s", abbreviation, String.valueOf(base) + "^" + String.valueOf(power));
/** Official status of languages */
public enum OfficialStatus {
unknown("U", 1),
recognized("R", 1),
official_minority("OM", 2),
official_regional("OR", 3),
de_facto_official("OD", 10),
official("O", 10);
private final String shortName;
private final int weight;
private OfficialStatus(String shortName, int weight) {
this.shortName = shortName;
this.weight = weight;
public String toShortString() {
return shortName;
public int getWeight() {
return weight;
public boolean isMajor() {
return compareTo(OfficialStatus.de_facto_official) >= 0;
public boolean isOfficial() {
return compareTo(OfficialStatus.official_regional) >= 0;
/** Population data for different languages. */
public static final class PopulationData implements Freezable<PopulationData> {
private double population = Double.NaN;
private double literatePopulation = Double.NaN;
private double writingPopulation = Double.NaN;
private double gdp = Double.NaN;
private OfficialStatus officialStatus = OfficialStatus.unknown;
public double getGdp() {
return gdp;
public double getLiteratePopulation() {
return literatePopulation;
public double getLiteratePopulationPercent() {
return 100 * literatePopulation / population;
public double getWritingPopulation() {
return writingPopulation;
public double getWritingPercent() {
return 100 * writingPopulation / population;
public double getPopulation() {
return population;
public PopulationData setGdp(double gdp) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to modify frozen object");
this.gdp = gdp;
return this;
public PopulationData setLiteratePopulation(double literatePopulation) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to modify frozen object");
this.literatePopulation = literatePopulation;
return this;
public PopulationData setPopulation(double population) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to modify frozen object");
this.population = population;
return this;
public PopulationData set(PopulationData other) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to modify frozen object");
if (other == null) {
population = literatePopulation = gdp = Double.NaN;
} else {
population = other.population;
literatePopulation = other.literatePopulation;
writingPopulation = other.writingPopulation;
gdp = other.gdp;
return this;
public void add(PopulationData other) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to modify frozen object");
population += other.population;
literatePopulation += other.literatePopulation;
writingPopulation += other.writingPopulation;
gdp += other.gdp;
public String toString() {
return MessageFormat.format(
"[pop: {0,number,#,##0},\t lit: {1,number,#,##0.00},\t gdp: {2,number,#,##0},\t status: {3}]",
new Object[] {population, literatePopulation, gdp, officialStatus});
private boolean frozen;
public boolean isFrozen() {
return frozen;
public PopulationData freeze() {
frozen = true;
return this;
public PopulationData cloneAsThawed() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
public OfficialStatus getOfficialStatus() {
return officialStatus;
public PopulationData setOfficialStatus(OfficialStatus officialStatus) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to modify frozen object");
this.officialStatus = officialStatus;
return this;
public PopulationData setWritingPopulation(double writingPopulation) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to modify frozen object");
this.writingPopulation = writingPopulation;
return this;
static final Pattern WHITESPACE_PATTERN = PatternCache.get("\\s+");
/** Simple language/script/region information */
public static class BasicLanguageData
implements Comparable<BasicLanguageData>,<BasicLanguageData> {
public enum Type {
private Type type = Type.primary;
private Set<String> scripts = Collections.emptySet();
private Set<String> territories = Collections.emptySet();
public Type getType() {
return type;
public BasicLanguageData setType(Type type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
public BasicLanguageData setScripts(String scriptTokens) {
return setScripts(
scriptTokens == null
? null
: Arrays.asList(WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split(scriptTokens)));
public BasicLanguageData setTerritories(String territoryTokens) {
return setTerritories(
territoryTokens == null
? null
: Arrays.asList(WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split(territoryTokens)));
public BasicLanguageData setScripts(Collection<String> scriptTokens) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// TODO add error checking
scripts = Collections.emptySet();
if (scriptTokens != null) {
for (String script : scriptTokens) {
return this;
public BasicLanguageData setTerritories(Collection<String> territoryTokens) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
territories = Collections.emptySet();
if (territoryTokens != null) {
for (String territory : territoryTokens) {
return this;
public BasicLanguageData set(BasicLanguageData other) {
scripts = other.scripts;
territories = other.territories;
return this;
public Set<String> getScripts() {
return scripts;
public Set<String> getTerritories() {
return territories;
public String toString(String languageSubtag) {
if (scripts.size() == 0 && territories.size() == 0) return "";
return "\t\t<language type=\""
+ languageSubtag
+ "\""
+ (scripts.size() == 0
? ""
: " scripts=\"" + CldrUtility.join(scripts, " ") + "\"")
+ (territories.size() == 0
? ""
: " territories=\"" + CldrUtility.join(territories, " ") + "\"")
+ (type == Type.primary ? "" : " alt=\"" + type + "\"")
+ "/>";
public String toString() {
return "["
+ type
+ (scripts.isEmpty() ? "" : "; scripts=" + Joiner.on(" ").join(scripts))
+ (scripts.isEmpty() ? "" : "; territories=" + Joiner.on(" ").join(territories))
+ "]";
public int compareTo(BasicLanguageData o) {
int result;
if (0 != (result = type.compareTo(o.type))) return result;
if (0 != (result = IterableComparator.compareIterables(scripts, o.scripts)))
return result;
if (0 != (result = IterableComparator.compareIterables(territories, o.territories)))
return result;
return 0;
public boolean equals(Object input) {
return compareTo((BasicLanguageData) input) == 0;
public int hashCode() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return ((type.ordinal() * 37 + scripts.hashCode()) * 37) + territories.hashCode();
public BasicLanguageData addScript(String script) {
// simple error checking
if (script.length() != 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Script: " + script);
if (scripts == Collections.EMPTY_SET) {
scripts = new TreeSet<>();
return this;
public BasicLanguageData addTerritory(String territory) {
// simple error checking
if (territory.length() != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Territory: " + territory);
if (territories == Collections.EMPTY_SET) {
territories = new TreeSet<>();
return this;
boolean frozen = false;
public boolean isFrozen() {
return frozen;
public BasicLanguageData freeze() {
frozen = true;
if (scripts != Collections.EMPTY_SET) {
scripts = Collections.unmodifiableSet(scripts);
if (territories != Collections.EMPTY_SET) {
territories = Collections.unmodifiableSet(territories);
return this;
public BasicLanguageData cloneAsThawed() {
BasicLanguageData result = new BasicLanguageData();
result.scripts = new TreeSet<>(scripts);
result.territories = new TreeSet<>(territories);
return this;
public void addScripts(Set<String> scripts2) {
for (String script : scripts2) {
/** Information about currency digits and rounding. */
public static class CurrencyNumberInfo {
public final int digits;
public final int rounding;
public final double roundingIncrement;
public final int cashDigits;
public final int cashRounding;
public final double cashRoundingIncrement;
public int getDigits() {
return digits;
public int getRounding() {
return rounding;
public double getRoundingIncrement() {
return roundingIncrement;
public CurrencyNumberInfo(int _digits, int _rounding, int _cashDigits, int _cashRounding) {
digits = _digits;
rounding = _rounding < 0 ? 0 : _rounding;
roundingIncrement = rounding * Math.pow(10.0, -digits);
// if the values are not set, use the above values
cashDigits = _cashDigits < 0 ? digits : _cashDigits;
cashRounding = _cashRounding < 0 ? rounding : _cashRounding;
cashRoundingIncrement = this.cashRounding * Math.pow(10.0, -digits);
public static class NumberingSystemInfo {
public enum NumberingSystemType {
public final String name;
public final NumberingSystemType type;
public final String digits;
public final String rules;
public NumberingSystemInfo(XPathParts parts) {
name = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "id");
digits = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "digits");
rules = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "rules");
type = NumberingSystemType.valueOf(parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type"));
* Class for a range of two dates, refactored to share code.
* @author markdavis
public static final class DateRange implements Comparable<DateRange> {
public static final long START_OF_TIME = Long.MIN_VALUE;
public static final long END_OF_TIME = Long.MAX_VALUE;
public final long from;
public final long to;
public DateRange(String fromString, String toString) {
from = parseDate(fromString, START_OF_TIME);
to = parseDate(toString, END_OF_TIME);
public long getFrom() {
return from;
public long getTo() {
return to;
static final DateFormat[] simpleFormats = {
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"),
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"),
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"),
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"),
static {
TimeZone gmt = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
for (DateFormat format : simpleFormats) {
long parseDate(String dateString, long defaultDate) {
if (dateString == null) {
return defaultDate;
ParseException e2 = null;
for (int i = 0; i < simpleFormats.length; ++i) {
try {
synchronized (simpleFormats[i]) {
Date result = simpleFormats[i].parse(dateString);
return result.getTime();
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (e2 == null) {
e2 = e;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e2);
public String toString() {
return "{" + formatDate(from) + ", " + formatDate(to) + "}";
public static String formatDate(long date) {
if (date == START_OF_TIME) {
return "-∞";
if (date == END_OF_TIME) {
return "∞";
synchronized (simpleFormats[0]) {
return simpleFormats[0].format(date);
public int compareTo(DateRange arg0) {
return to >
? 1
: to < ? -1 : from > arg0.from ? 1 : from < arg0.from ? -1 : 0;
/** Information about when currencies are in use in territories */
public static class CurrencyDateInfo implements Comparable<CurrencyDateInfo> {
public static final Date END_OF_TIME = new Date(DateRange.END_OF_TIME);
public static final Date START_OF_TIME = new Date(DateRange.START_OF_TIME);
private String currency;
private DateRange dateRange;
private boolean isLegalTender;
private String errors = "";
public CurrencyDateInfo(String currency, String startDate, String endDate, String tender) {
this.currency = currency;
this.dateRange = new DateRange(startDate, endDate);
this.isLegalTender = (tender == null || !tender.equals("false"));
public String getCurrency() {
return currency;
public Date getStart() {
return new Date(dateRange.getFrom());
public Date getEnd() {
return new Date(dateRange.getTo());
public String getErrors() {
return errors;
public boolean isLegalTender() {
return isLegalTender;
public int compareTo(CurrencyDateInfo o) {
int result = dateRange.compareTo(o.dateRange);
if (result != 0) return result;
return currency.compareTo(o.currency);
public String toString() {
return "{" + dateRange + ", " + currency + "}";
public static String formatDate(Date date) {
return DateRange.formatDate(date.getTime());
public static final class MetaZoneRange implements Comparable<MetaZoneRange> {
public final DateRange dateRange;
public final String metazone;
* @param metazone
* @param fromString
* @param toString
public MetaZoneRange(String metazone, String fromString, String toString) {
this.metazone = metazone;
dateRange = new DateRange(fromString, toString);
public int compareTo(MetaZoneRange arg0) {
int result;
if (0 != (result = dateRange.compareTo(arg0.dateRange))) {
return result;
return metazone.compareTo(arg0.metazone);
public String toString() {
return "{" + dateRange + ", " + metazone + "}";
/** Information about telephone code(s) for a given territory */
public static class TelephoneCodeInfo implements Comparable<TelephoneCodeInfo> {
public static final Date END_OF_TIME = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE);
public static final Date START_OF_TIME = new Date(Long.MIN_VALUE);
private static final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
private String code;
private Date start;
private Date end;
private String alt;
private String errors = "";
// code must not be null, the others can be
public TelephoneCodeInfo(String code, String startDate, String endDate, String alt) {
if (code == null) throw new NullPointerException();
this.code = code; // code will not be null
this.start = parseDate(startDate, START_OF_TIME); // start will not be null
this.end = parseDate(endDate, END_OF_TIME); // end willl not be null
this.alt = (alt == null) ? "" : alt; // alt will not be null
static DateFormat[] simpleFormats = {
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"),
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"),
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"),
Date parseDate(String dateString, Date defaultDate) {
if (dateString == null) {
return defaultDate;
ParseException e2 = null;
for (int i = 0; i < simpleFormats.length; ++i) {
try {
Date result = simpleFormats[i].parse(dateString);
return result;
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (i == 0) {
errors += dateString + " ";
if (e2 == null) {
e2 = e;
throw (IllegalArgumentException) new IllegalArgumentException().initCause(e2);
public String getCode() {
return code;
public Date getStart() {
return start;
public Date getEnd() {
return end;
public String getAlt() {
return alt; // may return null
public String getErrors() {
return errors;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof TelephoneCodeInfo)) return false;
TelephoneCodeInfo tc = (TelephoneCodeInfo) o;
return tc.code.equals(code)
&& tc.start.equals(start)
&& tc.end.equals(end)
&& tc.alt.equals(alt);
public int hashCode() {
return 31 * code.hashCode() + start.hashCode() + end.hashCode() + alt.hashCode();
public int compareTo(TelephoneCodeInfo o) {
int result = code.compareTo(o.code);
if (result != 0) return result;
result = start.compareTo(o.start);
if (result != 0) return result;
result = end.compareTo(o.end);
if (result != 0) return result;
return alt.compareTo(o.alt);
public String toString() {
return "{"
+ code
+ ", "
+ formatDate(start)
+ ", "
+ formatDate(end)
+ ", "
+ alt
+ "}";
public static String formatDate(Date date) {
if (date.equals(START_OF_TIME)) return "-∞";
if (date.equals(END_OF_TIME)) return "∞";
return dateFormat.format(date);
public static class CoverageLevelInfo {
public final String match;
public final Level value;
public final Pattern inLanguage;
public final String inScript;
public final Set<String> inScriptSet;
public final String inTerritory;
public final Set<String> inTerritorySet;
private Set<String> inTerritorySetInternal;
public CoverageLevelInfo(
String match, int value, String language, String script, String territory) {
this.inLanguage = language != null ? PatternCache.get(language) : null;
this.inScript = script;
this.inTerritory = territory;
this.inScriptSet = toSet(script);
this.inTerritorySet = toSet(territory); // MUST BE LAST, sets inTerritorySetInternal
this.match = match;
this.value = Level.fromLevel(value);
public static final Pattern NON_ASCII_LETTER = PatternCache.get("[^A-Za-z]+");
private Set<String> toSet(String source) {
if (source == null) {
return null;
Set<String> result = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(NON_ASCII_LETTER.split(source)));
inTerritorySetInternal = result;
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result);
public static void fixEU(Collection<CoverageLevelInfo> targets, SupplementalDataInfo info) {
Set<String> euCountries = info.getContained("EU");
for (CoverageLevelInfo item : targets) {
if (item.inTerritorySet != null && item.inTerritorySet.contains("EU")) {
public enum RBNFGroup {
public static final String STAR = "*";
public static final Set<String> STAR_SET =
Builder.with(new HashSet<String>()).add("*").freeze();
private VersionInfo cldrVersion;
private String cldrVersionString = null;
private String unicodeVersion = null;
private Map<String, PopulationData> territoryToPopulationData = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<String, Map<String, PopulationData>> territoryToLanguageToPopulationData =
new TreeMap<>();
private Map<String, PopulationData> languageToPopulation = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<String, PopulationData> baseLanguageToPopulation = new TreeMap<>();
private Relation<String, String> languageToScriptVariants =
Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
private Relation<String, String> languageToTerritories =
Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
private transient Relation<String, Pair<Boolean, Pair<Double, String>>> languageToTerritories2 =
new TreeMap<String, Set<Pair<Boolean, Pair<Double, String>>>>(), TreeSet.class);
private Map<String, Map<BasicLanguageData.Type, BasicLanguageData>>
languageToBasicLanguageData = new TreeMap<>();
private Set<String> allLanguages = new TreeSet<>();
private final List<String> approvalRequirements = new LinkedList<>(); // xpath array
private Relation<String, String> containment =
Relation.of(new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
private Relation<String, String> containmentCore =
Relation.of(new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
private Relation<String, String> containmentGrouping =
Relation.of(new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
private Relation<String, String> containmentDeprecated =
Relation.of(new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
private Relation<String, String> containerToSubdivision =
Relation.of(new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
private Map<String, CurrencyNumberInfo> currencyToCurrencyNumberInfo = new TreeMap<>();
private Relation<String, CurrencyDateInfo> territoryToCurrencyDateInfo =
Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<CurrencyDateInfo>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
private Map<String, Set<TelephoneCodeInfo>> territoryToTelephoneCodeInfo = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<String, String> zone_territory = new TreeMap<>();
private Relation<String, String> zone_aliases =
Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
private Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> typeToZoneToRegionToZone =
new TreeMap<>();
private Relation<String, MetaZoneRange> zoneToMetaZoneRanges =
Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<MetaZoneRange>>(), TreeSet.class);
private Map<String, String> metazoneContinentMap = new HashMap<>();
private Set<String> allMetazones = new TreeSet<>();
private Map<String, String> alias_zone = new TreeMap<>();
public Relation<String, Integer> numericTerritoryMapping =
Relation.of(new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>(), HashSet.class);
public Relation<String, String> alpha3TerritoryMapping =
Relation.of(new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(), HashSet.class);
public Relation<String, Integer> numericCurrencyCodeMapping =
Relation.of(new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>(), HashSet.class);
static Map<String, SupplementalDataInfo> directory_instance = new HashMap<>();
public Map<String, Map<String, Row.R2<List<String>, String>>> typeToTagToReplacement =
new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, List<Row.R4<String, String, Integer, Boolean>>> languageMatch = new HashMap<>();
public Relation<String, String> bcp47Key2Subtypes =
Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
public Relation<String, String> bcp47Extension2Keys =
Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
public Relation<Row.R2<String, String>, String> bcp47Aliases =
Relation.of(new TreeMap<Row.R2<String, String>, Set<String>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
public Map<Row.R2<String, String>, String> bcp47Descriptions = new TreeMap<>();
public Map<Row.R2<String, String>, String> bcp47Since = new TreeMap<>();
public Map<Row.R2<String, String>, String> bcp47Preferred = new TreeMap<>();
public Map<Row.R2<String, String>, String> bcp47Deprecated = new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, Map<String, Bcp47KeyInfo>> bcp47KeyToSubtypeToInfo = new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> bcp47KeyToAliasToSubtype = new TreeMap<>();
public Map<String, String> bcp47ValueType = new TreeMap<>();
public Map<String, Row.R2<String, String>> validityInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public Map<AttributeValidityInfo, String> attributeValidityInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public Multimap<String, String> languageGroups = TreeMultimap.create();
public RationalParser rationalParser = new RationalParser();
private UnitConverter unitConverter = null;
private final UnitPreferences unitPreferences = new UnitPreferences();
private Map<String, UnitIdComponentType> unitIdComponentType = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<String, UnitPrefixInfo> unitPrefixInfo = new TreeMap<>();
public Map<String, GrammarInfo> grammarLocaleToTargetToFeatureToValues = new TreeMap<>();
public Map<String, GrammarDerivation> localeToGrammarDerivation = new TreeMap<>();
public Multimap<PersonNameFormatter.Order, String> personNameOrder = TreeMultimap.create();
public enum MeasurementType {
Map<MeasurementType, Map<String, String>> measurementData = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, PreferredAndAllowedHour> timeData = new HashMap<>();
public Relation<String, String> getAlpha3TerritoryMapping() {
return alpha3TerritoryMapping;
public Relation<String, Integer> getNumericTerritoryMapping() {
return numericTerritoryMapping;
public Relation<String, Integer> getNumericCurrencyCodeMapping() {
return numericCurrencyCodeMapping;
* Returns type -> tag -> <replacementList, reason>, like "language" -> "sh" -> <{"sr_Latn"},
* reason>
* @return
public Map<String, Map<String, R2<List<String>, String>>> getLocaleAliasInfo() {
return typeToTagToReplacement;
public R2<List<String>, String> getDeprecatedInfo(String type, String code) {
return typeToTagToReplacement.get(type).get(code);
public static SupplementalDataInfo getInstance(File supplementalDirectory) {
return getInstance(getNormalizedPathString(supplementalDirectory));
/** Which directory did we come from? */
private final File directory;
private Validity validity;
* Get an instance chosen using setAsDefaultInstance(), otherwise return an instance using the
* default directory CldrUtility.SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECTORY
* @return
public static SupplementalDataInfo getInstance() {
return SupplementalDataInfoHelper.SINGLETON;
/** Mark this as the default instance to be returned by getInstance() */
public void setAsDefaultInstance() {
SupplementalDataInfoHelper.SINGLETON = this;
public static final class SupplementalDataInfoHelper {
// Note: not final, because setAsDefaultInstance can modify it.
static SupplementalDataInfo SINGLETON = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getSupplementalDataInfo();
public static SupplementalDataInfo getInstance(String supplementalDirectory) {
synchronized (SupplementalDataInfo.class) {
// Sanity checks - not null, not empty
if (supplementalDirectory == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: null supplemental directory.");
if (supplementalDirectory.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Error: The string passed as a parameter resolves to the empty string.");
// canonicalize path
String normalizedPath = getNormalizedPathString(supplementalDirectory);
SupplementalDataInfo instance = directory_instance.get(normalizedPath);
if (instance != null) {
return instance;
// reaching here means we have not cached the entry
File directory = new File(normalizedPath);
instance = new SupplementalDataInfo(directory);
MyHandler myHandler = MyHandler();
XMLFileReader xfr = new XMLFileReader().setHandler(myHandler);
File files1[] = directory.listFiles();
if (files1 == null || files1.length == 0) {
throw new ICUUncheckedIOException(
"Error: Supplemental files missing from " + directory.getAbsolutePath());
// get bcp47 files also
File bcp47dir = instance.getBcp47Directory();
if (!bcp47dir.isDirectory()) {
throw new ICUUncheckedIOException(
"Error: BCP47 dir is not a directory: " + bcp47dir.getAbsolutePath());
File files2[] = bcp47dir.listFiles();
if (files2 == null || files2.length == 0) {
throw new ICUUncheckedIOException(
"Error: BCP47 files missing from " + bcp47dir.getAbsolutePath());
CBuilder<File, ArrayList<File>> builder = Builder.with(new ArrayList<File>());
for (File file : builder.get()) {
if (DEBUG) {
String name = file.toString();
String shortName = file.getName();
if (!shortName.endsWith(".xml")
|| // skip non-XML
|| // skip other junk files
shortName.startsWith(".")) continue; // skip dot files (backups, etc), -1, true);
// xfr = new XMLFileReader().setHandler( MyHandler());
// + "/supplementalMetadata.xml", -1, true);
// cache
// directory_instance.put(supplementalDirectory, instance);
directory_instance.put(normalizedPath, instance);
// if (!normalizedPath.equals(supplementalDirectory)) {
// directory_instance.put(normalizedPath, instance);
// }
return instance;
private File getBcp47Directory() {
return new File(getDirectory().getParent(), "bcp47");
private SupplementalDataInfo(File directory) { = directory;
this.validity = Validity.getInstance(directory.toString() + "/../validity/");
} // hide
public static class Bcp47KeyInfo {
public Bcp47KeyInfo(
Set<String> aliases,
String description,
String since,
String preferred,
String deprecated) {
this.description = description;
this.deprecated = !(deprecated == null || deprecated.equals("false"));
this.preferred = preferred;
this.since = since == null ? null : VersionInfo.getInstance(since);
this.aliases = aliases;
final String description;
final VersionInfo since;
final String preferred;
final boolean deprecated;
final Set<String> aliases;
public String toString() {
return String.format(
"{description=«%s» since=%s preferred=%s deprecated=%s aliases=%s}",
description, since, preferred, deprecated, aliases);
private void makeStuffSafe() {
// now make stuff safe
allLanguages = Collections.unmodifiableSet(allLanguages);
skippedElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(skippedElements);
zone_territory = Collections.unmodifiableMap(zone_territory);
alias_zone = Collections.unmodifiableMap(alias_zone);
references = Collections.unmodifiableMap(references);
likelySubtags = Collections.unmodifiableMap(likelySubtags);
likelyOrigins = Collections.unmodifiableMap(likelyOrigins);
currencyToCurrencyNumberInfo = Collections.unmodifiableMap(currencyToCurrencyNumberInfo);
// territoryToTelephoneCodeInfo.freeze();
territoryToTelephoneCodeInfo = Collections.unmodifiableMap(territoryToTelephoneCodeInfo);
typeToZoneToRegionToZone = CldrUtility.protectCollection(typeToZoneToRegionToZone);
typeToTagToReplacement = CldrUtility.protectCollection(typeToTagToReplacement);
// containmentNonDeprecated.freeze();
for (String language : languageToTerritories2.keySet()) {
for (Pair<Boolean, Pair<Double, String>> pair :
languageToTerritories2.getAll(language)) {
languageToTerritories.put(language, pair.getSecond().getSecond());
languageToTerritories2 = null; // free up the memory.
// freeze contents
for (String language : languageToPopulation.keySet()) {
for (String language : baseLanguageToPopulation.keySet()) {
for (String territory : territoryToPopulationData.keySet()) {
for (String territory : territoryToLanguageToPopulationData.keySet()) {
Map<String, PopulationData> languageToPopulationDataTemp =
for (String language : languageToPopulationDataTemp.keySet()) {
localeToPluralRanges = Collections.unmodifiableMap(localeToPluralRanges);
for (PluralRanges pluralRanges : localeToPluralRanges.values()) {
if (lastDayPeriodLocales != null) {
typeToLocaleToDayPeriodInfo = CldrUtility.protectCollection(typeToLocaleToDayPeriodInfo);
languageMatch = CldrUtility.protectCollection(languageMatch);
if (bcp47Key2Subtypes.isEmpty()) {
throw new InternalError(
"No BCP47 key 2 subtype data was loaded from bcp47 dir "
+ getBcp47Directory().getAbsolutePath());
// create clean structure
for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : bcp47Extension2Keys.keyValuesSet()) {
for (String key : entry.getValue()) {
Map<String, Bcp47KeyInfo> subtypeToInfo = bcp47KeyToSubtypeToInfo.get(key);
if (subtypeToInfo == null) {
bcp47KeyToSubtypeToInfo.put(key, subtypeToInfo = new TreeMap<>());
Map<String, String> aliasToRegular = bcp47KeyToAliasToSubtype.get(key);
if (aliasToRegular == null) {
bcp47KeyToAliasToSubtype.put(key, aliasToRegular = new TreeMap<>());
for (String subtype : bcp47Key2Subtypes.get(key)) {
final R2<String, String> pair = R2.of(key, subtype);
final Set<String> aliases = bcp47Aliases.get(pair);
final Bcp47KeyInfo info =
new Bcp47KeyInfo(
subtypeToInfo.put(subtype, info);
final Map<String, String> aliasToRegularFinal = aliasToRegular;
if (aliases != null) {
aliases.forEach(x -> aliasToRegularFinal.put(x, subtype));
bcp47KeyToSubtypeToInfo = CldrUtility.protectCollection(bcp47KeyToSubtypeToInfo);
bcp47KeyToAliasToSubtype = CldrUtility.protectCollection(bcp47KeyToAliasToSubtype);
CoverageLevelInfo.fixEU(coverageLevels, this);
coverageLevels = CldrUtility.protectCollection(coverageLevels);
measurementData = CldrUtility.protectCollection(measurementData);
final Map<String, R2<List<String>, String>> unitAliases =
if (unitAliases != null) { // don't load unless the information is there (for old releases);
unitIdComponentType = CldrUtility.protectCollection(unitIdComponentType);
unitPrefixInfo = CldrUtility.protectCollection(unitPrefixInfo);
timeData = CldrUtility.protectCollection(timeData);
validityInfo = CldrUtility.protectCollection(validityInfo);
attributeValidityInfo = CldrUtility.protectCollection(attributeValidityInfo);
parentLocales = CldrUtility.protectCollection(parentLocales);
parentLocalesSkipNonLikely = ImmutableSet.copyOf(parentLocalesSkipNonLikely);
languageGroups = ImmutableSetMultimap.copyOf(languageGroups);
grammarLocaleToTargetToFeatureToValues =
localeToGrammarDerivation = CldrUtility.protectCollection(localeToGrammarDerivation);
personNameOrder = CldrUtility.protectCollection(personNameOrder);
ImmutableSet.Builder<String> newScripts = ImmutableSet.<String>builder();
Map<Validity.Status, Set<String>> scripts =
for (Entry<Status, Set<String>> e : scripts.entrySet()) {
switch (e.getKey()) {
case regular:
case special:
case unknown:
break; // do nothing
CLDRScriptCodes =;
* Core function used to process each of the paths, and add the data to the appropriate data
* member.
class MyHandler extends XMLFileReader.SimpleHandler {
private static final double MAX_POPULATION = 3000000000.0;
LanguageTagParser languageTagParser =
null; // postpone assignment until needed, to avoid re-entrance of
// SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance
/** Finish processing anything left hanging in the file. */
public void cleanup() {
if (lastPluralMap.size() > 0) {
lastPluralLocales = "";
public void handlePathValue(String path, String value) {
try {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
String level0 = parts.getElement(0);
String level1 = parts.size() < 2 ? null : parts.getElement(1);
String level2 = parts.size() < 3 ? null : parts.getElement(2);
String level3 = parts.size() < 4 ? null : parts.getElement(3);
// String level4 = parts.size() < 5 ? null : parts.getElement(4);
if (level1.equals("generation")) {
// skip
if (level1.equals("version")) {
if (cldrVersion == null) {
String version = parts.getAttributeValue(1, "cldrVersion");
if (version == null) {
// old format
version = parts.getAttributeValue(0, "version");
cldrVersionString = version;
cldrVersion = VersionInfo.getInstance(version);
unicodeVersion = parts.getAttributeValue(1, "unicodeVersion");
// copy the rest from ShowLanguages later
if (level0.equals("ldmlBCP47")) {
if (handleBcp47(level1, parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("territoryInfo")) {
if (handleTerritoryInfo(parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("calendarPreferenceData")) {
} else if (level1.equals("languageData")) {
} else if (level1.equals("territoryContainment")) {
} else if (level1.equals("subdivisionContainment")) {
} else if (level1.equals("currencyData")) {
if (handleCurrencyData(level2, parts)) {
} else if ("metazoneInfo".equals(level2)) {
if (handleMetazoneInfo(level3, parts)) {
} else if ("mapTimezones".equals(level2)) {
if (handleMetazoneData(level3, parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("plurals")) {
if (addPluralPath(parts, value)) {
} else if (level1.equals("dayPeriodRuleSet")) {
} else if (level1.equals("telephoneCodeData")) {
} else if (level1.equals("references")) {
String type = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type");
String uri = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "uri");
references.put(type, new Pair<>(uri, value).freeze());
} else if (level1.equals("likelySubtags")) {
} else if (level1.equals("numberingSystems")) {
} else if (level1.equals("coverageLevels")) {
} else if (level1.equals("parentLocales")) {
} else if (level1.equals("metadata")) {
if (handleMetadata(level2, value, parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("codeMappings")) {
if (handleCodeMappings(level2, parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("languageMatching")) {
if (handleLanguageMatcher(parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("measurementData")) {
if (handleMeasurementData(level2, parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("unitIdComponents")) {
if (handleUnitUnitIdComponents(parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("unitPrefixes")) {
if (handleUnitPrefix(parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("unitConstants")) {
if (handleUnitConstants(parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("unitQuantities")) {
if (handleUnitQuantities(parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("convertUnits")) {
if (handleUnitConversion(parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("unitPreferenceData")) {
if (handleUnitPreferences(parts, value)) {
} else if (level1.equals("timeData")) {
if (handleTimeData(parts)) {
} else if (level1.equals("languageGroups")) {
if (handleLanguageGroups(value, parts)) {
} else if (level1.contentEquals("grammaticalData")) {
if (handleGrammaticalData(value, parts)) {
} else if (level1.contentEquals("personNamesDefaults")) {
if (handlePersonNamesDefaults(value, parts)) {
// capture elements we didn't look at, since we should cover everything.
// this helps for updates
final String skipKey = level1 + (level2 == null ? "" : "/" + level2);
if (!skippedElements.contains(skipKey)) {
// System.out.println("Skipped Element: " + path);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw (IllegalArgumentException)
new IllegalArgumentException(
"Exception while processing path: "
+ path
+ ",\tvalue: "
+ value)
private boolean handleUnitPrefix(XPathParts parts) {
// <unitPrefix type='quecto' symbol='q' power10='-30'/>
String power10 = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "power10");
String power2 = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "power2");
if ((power10 != null) == (power2 != null)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have exactly one @power2 or @power10");
parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type"),
new UnitPrefixInfo(
parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "symbol"),
power10 != null ? 10 : 2,
Integer.parseInt(power10 != null ? power10 : power2)));
return true;
private boolean handlePersonNamesDefaults(String value, XPathParts parts) {
Order.from(parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "order")), split_space.split(value));
return true;
private boolean handleUnitUnitIdComponents(XPathParts parts) {
// <unitIdComponent type="prefix" values="arc british dessert fluid light
// nautical"/>
UnitIdComponentType type =
UnitIdComponentType.valueOf(parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type"));
for (String value : split_space.split(parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "values"))) {
UnitIdComponentType old = unitIdComponentType.put(value, type);
if (old != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate component: " + value);
return true;
private boolean handleGrammaticalData(String value, XPathParts parts) {
<!ATTLIST grammaticalFeatures targets NMTOKENS #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST grammaticalFeatures locales NMTOKENS #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST grammaticalDerivations locales NMTOKENS #REQUIRED >
for (String locale : split_space.split(parts.getAttributeValue(2, "locales"))) {
switch (parts.getElement(2)) {
case "grammaticalFeatures":
GrammarInfo targetToFeatureToValues =
if (targetToFeatureToValues == null) {
locale, targetToFeatureToValues = new GrammarInfo());
final String targets = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "targets");
if (parts.size() < 4) {
targets, null, null, null); // special case "known no features"
} else {
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "scope"),
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "values"));
case "grammaticalDerivations":
String feature = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "feature");
String structure = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "structure");
GrammarDerivation grammarCompoundDerivation =
if (grammarCompoundDerivation == null) {
locale, grammarCompoundDerivation = new GrammarDerivation());
switch (parts.getElement(3)) {
case "deriveCompound":
feature, structure, parts.getAttributeValue(3, "value"));
case "deriveComponent":
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "value0"),
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "value1"));
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Structure not handled: " + parts);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Structure not handled: " + parts);
return true;
* Handles
* <unitPreferences category="area" usage="_default">
*<unitPreference regions="001" draft="unconfirmed">square-centimeter</unitPreference>
private boolean handleUnitPreferences(XPathParts parts, String value) {
String geq = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "geq");
String small = parts.getAttributeValue(-2, "scope");
if (small != null) {
geq = "0.1234";
parts.getAttributeValue(-2, "category"),
parts.getAttributeValue(-2, "usage"),
parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "regions"),
parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "skeleton"),
return true;
private boolean handleLanguageGroups(String value, XPathParts parts) {
String parent = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "parent");
List<String> children = WHITESPACE_SPLTTER.splitToList(value);
languageGroups.putAll(parent, children);
return true;
private boolean handleMeasurementData(String level2, XPathParts parts) {
* <measurementSystem type="US" territories="LR MM US"/> <paperSize type="A4"
* territories="001"/>
MeasurementType measurementType = MeasurementType.valueOf(level2);
String type = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type");
String territories = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "territories");
Map<String, String> data = measurementData.get(measurementType);
if (data == null) {
measurementData.put(measurementType, data = new HashMap<>());
for (String territory : territories.trim().split("\\s+")) {
data.put(territory, type);
return true;
private boolean handleUnitConstants(XPathParts parts) {
// <unitConstant constant="ft2m" value="0.3048"/>
final String constant = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "constant");
final String value = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "value");
final String status = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "status");
rationalParser.addConstant(constant, value, status);
return true;
private boolean handleUnitQuantities(XPathParts parts) {
// <unitQuantity quantity='wave-number' baseUnit='reciprocal-meter'/>
final String baseUnit = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "baseUnit");
final String quantity = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "quantity");
final String status = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "status");
if (unitConverter == null) {
unitConverter = new UnitConverter(rationalParser, validity);
unitConverter.addQuantityInfo(baseUnit, quantity, status);
return true;
private boolean handleUnitConversion(XPathParts parts) {
// <convertUnit source='acre' target='square-meter' factor='ft2m^2 * 43560'/>
final String source = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "source");
final String target = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "baseUnit");
// if (source.contentEquals(target)) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert from something to
// itself " + parts);
// }
String factor = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "factor");
String offset = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "offset");
String special = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "special");
String systems = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "systems");
unitConverter.addRaw(source, target, factor, offset, special, systems);
return true;
private boolean handleTimeData(XPathParts parts) {
/** <hours preferred="H" allowed="H" regions="IL RU"/> */
String preferred = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "preferred");
PreferredAndAllowedHour preferredAndAllowedHour =
new PreferredAndAllowedHour(preferred, parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "allowed"));
for (String region : parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "regions").trim().split("\\s+")) {
PreferredAndAllowedHour oldValue = timeData.put(region, preferredAndAllowedHour);
if (oldValue != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"timeData/hours must not have duplicate regions: " + region);
return true;
private boolean handleBcp47(String level1, XPathParts parts) {
if (level1.equals("version")
|| level1.equals("generation")
|| level1.equals("cldrVersion")) {
return true; // skip
if (!level1.equals("keyword")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected level1 element: " + level1);
String finalElement = parts.getElement(-1);
String key = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "name");
String extension = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "extension");
if (extension == null) {
extension = "u";
bcp47Extension2Keys.put(extension, key);
String keyAlias = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "alias");
String keyDescription = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "description");
String deprecated = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "deprecated");
// TODO add preferred, valueType, since
final R2<String, String> key_empty = (R2<String, String>) Row.of(key, "").freeze();
if (keyAlias != null) {
bcp47Aliases.putAll(key_empty, Arrays.asList(keyAlias.trim().split("\\s+")));
if (keyDescription != null) {
bcp47Descriptions.put(key_empty, keyDescription);
if (deprecated != null && deprecated.equals("true")) {
bcp47Deprecated.put(key_empty, deprecated);
switch (finalElement) {
case "key":
break; // all actions taken above
case "type":
String subtype = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "name");
String subtypeAlias = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "alias");
String desc = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "description");
String subtypeDescription = desc == null ? null : desc.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
String subtypeSince = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "since");
String subtypePreferred = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "preferred");
String subtypeDeprecated = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "deprecated");
String valueType = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "deprecated");
Set<String> set = bcp47Key2Subtypes.get(key);
if (set != null && set.contains(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Collision with bcp47 key-value: " + key + "," + subtype);
bcp47Key2Subtypes.put(key, subtype);
final R2<String, String> key_subtype =
(R2<String, String>) Row.of(key, subtype).freeze();
if (subtypeAlias != null) {
key_subtype, Arrays.asList(subtypeAlias.trim().split("\\s+")));
if (subtypeDescription != null) {
key_subtype, subtypeDescription.replaceAll("\\s+", " "));
if (subtypeSince != null) {
bcp47Since.put(key_subtype, subtypeSince);
if (subtypePreferred != null) {
bcp47Preferred.put(key_subtype, subtypePreferred);
if (subtypeDeprecated != null) {
bcp47Deprecated.put(key_subtype, subtypeDeprecated);
if (valueType != null) {
bcp47ValueType.put(subtype, valueType);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected element: " + finalElement);
return true;
private boolean handleLanguageMatcher(XPathParts parts) {
String type = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "type");
String alt = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "alt");
if (alt != null) {
type += "_" + alt;
switch (parts.getElement(3)) {
case "paradigmLocales":
List<String> locales =
WHITESPACE_SPLTTER.splitToList(parts.getAttributeValue(3, "locales"));
// LanguageMatchData languageMatchData =
// languageMatchData.get(type);
// if (languageMatchData == null) {
// languageMatch.put(type, languageMatchData = new
// LanguageMatchData());
// }
case "matchVariable":
// String id = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "id");
// String value = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "value");
case "languageMatch":
List<R4<String, String, Integer, Boolean>> matches = languageMatch.get(type);
if (matches == null) {
languageMatch.put(type, matches = new ArrayList<>());
String percent = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "percent");
String distance = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "distance");
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "desired"),
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "supported"),
percent != null
? Integer.parseInt(percent)
: 100 - Integer.parseInt(distance),
"true".equals(parts.getAttributeValue(3, "oneway"))));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown element");
return true;
private boolean handleCodeMappings(String level2, XPathParts parts) {
if (level2.equals("territoryCodes")) {
// <territoryCodes type="VU" numeric="548" alpha3="VUT"/>
String type = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type");
final String numeric = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "numeric");
if (numeric != null) {
numericTerritoryMapping.put(type, Integer.parseInt(numeric));
final String alpha3 = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "alpha3");
if (alpha3 != null) {
alpha3TerritoryMapping.put(type, alpha3);
return true;
} else if (level2.equals("currencyCodes")) {
// <currencyCodes type="BBD" numeric="52"/>
String type = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type");
final String numeric = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "numeric");
if (numeric != null) {
numericCurrencyCodeMapping.put(type, Integer.parseInt(numeric));
return true;
return false;
private void handleNumberingSystems(XPathParts parts) {
NumberingSystemInfo ns = new NumberingSystemInfo(parts);
numberingSystems.put(, ns);
if (ns.type == NumberingSystemType.numeric) {
private void handleCoverageLevels(XPathParts parts) {
if (parts.containsElement("approvalRequirement")) {
} else if (parts.containsElement("coverageLevel")) {
String match =
? coverageVariables.replace(parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "match"))
: null;
String valueStr = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "value");
// Ticket 7125: map the number to English. So switch from English to number for
// construction
valueStr = Integer.toString(Level.get(valueStr).getLevel());
String inLanguage =
? coverageVariables.replace(
parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "inLanguage"))
: null;
String inScript =
? coverageVariables.replace(parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "inScript"))
: null;
String inTerritory =
? coverageVariables.replace(
parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "inTerritory"))
: null;
Integer value =
(valueStr != null) ? Integer.valueOf(valueStr) : Integer.valueOf("101");
if (cldrVersion.getMajor() < 2) {
value = 40;
CoverageLevelInfo ci =
new CoverageLevelInfo(match, value, inLanguage, inScript, inTerritory);
} else if (parts.containsElement("coverageVariable")) {
String key = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "key");
String value = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "value");
coverageVariables.add(key, value);
public static final String NONLIKELYSCRIPT = "nonlikelyScript";
private void handleParentLocales(XPathParts parts) {
// CLDR-16253 added component-specific parents, which we ignore for now.
// TODO(CLDR-16361): Figure out how to handle these in CLDR itself.
String componentsString = parts.getAttributeValue(1, "component");
Set<ParentLocaleComponent> components;
if (componentsString == null) {
components = ImmutableSet.of(ParentLocaleComponent.main);
} else {
components =
.map(x -> ParentLocaleComponent.fromString(x))
if (!parts.getElement(-1).equals("parentLocale")) {
// If there is no parentLocale element , that means we have nothing to add
// Since we have pre-populated the parentLocales with component -> empty map,
// there is nothing more to do, and we can exit.
// We have parsed the components, however, so they are valid
String parent = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "parent");
String locales = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "locales");
String localeRules = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "localeRules");
Set<String> localeRuleSet =
localeRules == null
? Set.of()
: Set.copyOf(split_space.splitToList(localeRules));
for (ParentLocaleComponent component : components) {
Map<String, String> componentParentLocales = parentLocales.get(component);
if (localeRuleSet.contains(NONLIKELYSCRIPT)) {
// This will need to be modified if we add any other rules,
// particularly if any rules are based on the particular parent
for (String childLocale : split_space.split(locales)) {
String old = componentParentLocales.put(childLocale, parent);
if (old != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Locale "
+ childLocale
+ " cannot have two parents: "
+ old
+ " and "
+ parent);
private void handleCalendarPreferenceData(XPathParts parts) {
String territoryString = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "territories");
String orderingString = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "ordering");
String[] calendars = orderingString.split(" ");
String[] territories = territoryString.split(" ");
List<String> calendarList = Arrays.asList(calendars);
for (int i = 0; i < territories.length; i++) {
calendarPreferences.put(territories[i], calendarList);
private void handleLikelySubtags(XPathParts parts) {
String from = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "from");
String to = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "to");
String origin = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "origin");
String toOld = likelySubtags.get(from);
if (toOld != null) {
if (to.equals(toOld)) {
System.err.println("Likely subtags repeats from=" + from + " to= " + to);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Likely subtags duplicate from="
+ from
+ ", overrides values: "
+ toOld
+ " with "
+ to);
} else {
likelySubtags.put(from, to);
if (origin != null) {
likelyOrigins.put(from, origin);
* Only called if level2 = mapTimezones. Level 1 might be metaZones or might be windowsZones
private boolean handleMetazoneData(String level3, XPathParts parts) {
if (level3.equals("mapZone")) {
String maintype = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "type");
if (maintype == null) {
maintype = "windows";
String mzone = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "other");
String region = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "territory");
String zone = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "type");
Map<String, Map<String, String>> zoneToRegionToZone =
if (zoneToRegionToZone == null) {
typeToZoneToRegionToZone.put(maintype, zoneToRegionToZone = new TreeMap<>());
Map<String, String> regionToZone = zoneToRegionToZone.get(mzone);
if (regionToZone == null) {
zoneToRegionToZone.put(mzone, regionToZone = new TreeMap<>());
if (region != null) {
regionToZone.put(region, zone);
if (maintype.equals("metazones")) {
if (mzone != null && region.equals("001")) {
metazoneContinentMap.put(mzone, zone.substring(0, zone.indexOf("/")));
return true;
return false;
private Collection<String> getSpaceDelimited(
int index, String attribute, Collection<String> defaultValue, XPathParts parts) {
String temp = parts.getAttributeValue(index, attribute);
Collection<String> elements =
temp == null ? defaultValue : Arrays.asList(temp.split("\\s+"));
return elements;
* <supplementalData>
* <metaZones>
* <metazoneInfo>
* <timezone type="Asia/Yerevan">
* <usesMetazone to="1991-09-22 20:00" mzone="Yerevan"/>
* <usesMetazone from="1991-09-22 20:00" mzone="Armenia"/>
private boolean handleMetazoneInfo(String level3, XPathParts parts) {
if (level3.equals("timezone")) {
String zone = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "type");
String mzone = parts.getAttributeValue(4, "mzone");
String from = parts.getAttributeValue(4, "from");
String to = parts.getAttributeValue(4, "to");
MetaZoneRange mzoneRange = new MetaZoneRange(mzone, from, to);
zoneToMetaZoneRanges.put(zone, mzoneRange);
return true;
return false;
private boolean handleMetadata(String level2, String value, XPathParts parts) {
if (parts.contains("defaultContent")) {
String defContent = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "locales").trim();
String[] defLocales = defContent.split("\\s+");
defaultContentLocales =
Collections.unmodifiableSet(new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(defLocales)));
return true;
if (level2.equals("alias")) {
// <alias>
// <languageAlias type="art-lojban" replacement="jbo"/> <!-- Lojban -->
String level3 = parts.getElement(3);
if (!level3.endsWith("Alias")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
level3 = level3.substring(0, level3.length() - "Alias".length());
Map<String, R2<List<String>, String>> tagToReplacement =
if (tagToReplacement == null) {
typeToTagToReplacement.put(level3, tagToReplacement = new TreeMap<>());
final String replacement = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "replacement");
List<String> replacementList = null;
if (replacement != null) {
Set<String> builder = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (String item : replacement.split("\\s+")) {
String cleaned =
? replacement.replace("-", "").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
: item;
replacementList = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder);
final String reason = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "reason");
String cleanTag = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "type");
(R2<List<String>, String>) Row.of(replacementList, reason).freeze());
return true;
} else if (level2.equals("validity")) {
// <variable id="$grandfathered" type="choice">
String level3 = parts.getElement(3);
if (level3.equals("variable")) {
Map<String, String> attributes = parts.getAttributes(-1);
validityInfo.put(attributes.get("id"), Row.of(attributes.get("type"), value));
String idString = attributes.get("id");
if (("$language".equals(idString)
|| "$languageExceptions".equals(attributes.get("id")))
&& "choice".equals(attributes.get("type"))) {
String[] validCodeArray = value.trim().split("\\s+");
return true;
} else if (level3.equals("attributeValues")) {
parts.getAttributes(-1), value, attributeValidityInfo);
return true;
} else if (level2.equals("serialElements")) {
serialElements = Arrays.asList(value.trim().split("\\s+"));
return true;
} else if (level2.equals("distinguishing")) {
String level3 = parts.getElement(3);
if (level3.equals("distinguishingItems")) {
Map<String, String> attributes = parts.getAttributes(-1);
// <distinguishingItems
// attributes="key request id _q registry alt iso4217 iso3166 mzone from to type
// numberSystem"/>
// <distinguishingItems exclude="true"
// elements="default measurementSystem mapping abbreviationFallback
// preferenceOrdering"
// attributes="type"/>
if (attributes.containsKey("exclude")
&& "true".equals(attributes.get("exclude"))) {
return false; // don't handle the excludes -yet.
} else {
distinguishingAttributes =
getSpaceDelimited(-1, "attributes", STAR_SET, parts));
return true;
return false;
private boolean handleTerritoryInfo(XPathParts parts) {
// <territoryInfo>
// <territory type="AD" gdp="1840000000" literacyPercent="100"
// population="66000"> <!--Andorra-->
// <languagePopulation type="ca" populationPercent="50"/>
// <!--Catalan-->
Map<String, String> territoryAttributes = parts.getAttributes(2);
String territory = territoryAttributes.get("type");
double territoryPopulation = parseDouble(territoryAttributes.get("population"));
if (failsRangeCheck("population", territoryPopulation, 0, MAX_POPULATION)) {
return true;
double territoryLiteracyPercent =
double territoryGdp = parseDouble(territoryAttributes.get("gdp"));
if (territoryToPopulationData.get(territory) == null) {
new PopulationData()
territoryLiteracyPercent * territoryPopulation / 100)
if (parts.size() > 3) {
Map<String, String> languageInTerritoryAttributes = parts.getAttributes(3);
String language = languageInTerritoryAttributes.get("type");
double languageLiteracyPercent =
if (Double.isNaN(languageLiteracyPercent)) {
languageLiteracyPercent = territoryLiteracyPercent;
double writingPercent =
if (Double.isNaN(writingPercent)) {
writingPercent = languageLiteracyPercent;
// else {
// System.out.println("writingPercent\t" + languageLiteracyPercent
// + "\tterritory\t" + territory
// + "\tlanguage\t" + language);
// }
double languagePopulationPercent =
double languagePopulation = languagePopulationPercent * territoryPopulation / 100;
// double languageGdp = languagePopulationPercent * territoryGdp;
// store
Map<String, PopulationData> territoryLanguageToPopulation =
if (territoryLanguageToPopulation == null) {
territory, territoryLanguageToPopulation = new TreeMap<>());
OfficialStatus officialStatus = OfficialStatus.unknown;
String officialStatusString = languageInTerritoryAttributes.get("officialStatus");
if (officialStatusString != null)
officialStatus = OfficialStatus.valueOf(officialStatusString);
PopulationData newData =
new PopulationData()
languageLiteracyPercent * languagePopulation / 100)
.setWritingPopulation(writingPercent * languagePopulation / 100)
// .setGdp(languageGdp)
if (territoryLanguageToPopulation.get(language) != null) {
"Internal Problem in supplementalData: multiple data items for "
+ language
+ ", "
+ territory
+ "\tSkipping "
+ newData);
return true;
territoryLanguageToPopulation.put(language, newData);
// add the language, using the Pair fields to get the ordering right
newData.getOfficialStatus().isMajor() ? false : true,
Pair.of(-newData.getLiteratePopulation(), territory)));
// now collect data for languages globally
PopulationData data = languageToPopulation.get(language);
if (data == null) {
languageToPopulation.put(language, data = new PopulationData().set(newData));
} else {
// if (language.equals("en")) {
// System.out.println(territory + "\tnewData:\t" + newData + "\tdata:\t" + data);
// }
if (languageTagParser == null) {
languageTagParser = new LanguageTagParser();
String baseLanguage = languageTagParser.set(language).getLanguage();
data = baseLanguageToPopulation.get(baseLanguage);
if (data == null) {
baseLanguage, data = new PopulationData().set(newData));
} else {
if (!baseLanguage.equals(language)) {
languageToScriptVariants.put(baseLanguage, language);
return true;
private boolean handleCurrencyData(String level2, XPathParts parts) {
if (level2.equals("fractions")) {
// <info iso4217="ADP" digits="0" rounding="0" cashRounding="5"/>
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "iso4217"),
new CurrencyNumberInfo(
parseIntegerOrNull(parts.getAttributeValue(3, "digits")),
parseIntegerOrNull(parts.getAttributeValue(3, "rounding")),
parseIntegerOrNull(parts.getAttributeValue(3, "cashDigits")),
parseIntegerOrNull(parts.getAttributeValue(3, "cashRounding"))));
return true;
* <region iso3166="AD">
* <currency iso4217="EUR" from="1999-01-01"/>
* <currency iso4217="ESP" from="1873" to="2002-02-28"/>
if (level2.equals("region")) {
parts.getAttributeValue(2, "iso3166"),
new CurrencyDateInfo(
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "iso4217"),
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "from"),
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "to"),
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "tender")));
return true;
return false;
private void handleTelephoneCodeData(XPathParts parts) {
// element 2: codesByTerritory territory [draft] [references]
String terr = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "territory");
// element 3: telephoneCountryCode code [from] [to] [draft] [references] [alt]
TelephoneCodeInfo tcInfo =
new TelephoneCodeInfo(
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "code"),
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "from"),
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "to"),
parts.getAttributeValue(3, "alt"));
Set<TelephoneCodeInfo> tcSet = territoryToTelephoneCodeInfo.get(terr);
if (tcSet == null) {
tcSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
territoryToTelephoneCodeInfo.put(terr, tcSet);
private void handleTerritoryContainment(XPathParts parts) {
// <group type="001" contains="002 009 019 142 150"/>
final String container = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type");
final List<String> contained =
Arrays.asList(parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "contains").split("\\s+"));
// everything!
containment.putAll(container, contained);
String status = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "status");
String grouping = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "grouping");
if (status == null && grouping == null) {
containmentCore.putAll(container, contained);
if (status != null && status.equals("deprecated")) {
containmentDeprecated.putAll(container, contained);
if (grouping != null) {
containmentGrouping.putAll(container, contained);
private void handleSubdivisionContainment(XPathParts parts) {
// <subgroup type="AL" subtype="04" contains="FR MK LU"/>
final String country = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type");
final String subtype = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "subtype");
final String container =
subtype == null ? country : (country + subtype).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
for (String contained : parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "contains").split("\\s+")) {
String newContained =
contained.charAt(0) >= 'a'
? contained
: (country + contained).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
containerToSubdivision.put(container, newContained);
private void handleLanguageData(XPathParts parts) {
// <languageData>
// <language type="aa" scripts="Latn" territories="DJ ER ET"/> <!--
// Reflecting submitted data, cldrbug #1013 -->
// <language type="ab" scripts="Cyrl" territories="GE"
// alt="secondary"/>
String language = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "type");
BasicLanguageData languageData = new BasicLanguageData();
parts.getAttributeValue(2, "alt") == null
? BasicLanguageData.Type.primary
: BasicLanguageData.Type.secondary);
.setScripts(parts.getAttributeValue(2, "scripts"))
.setTerritories(parts.getAttributeValue(2, "territories"));
Map<Type, BasicLanguageData> map = languageToBasicLanguageData.get(language);
if (map == null) {
language, map = new EnumMap<>(BasicLanguageData.Type.class));
if (map.containsKey(languageData.type)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate value:\t" + parts);
map.put(languageData.type, languageData);
private boolean failsRangeCheck(String path, double input, double min, double max) {
if (input >= min && input <= max) {
return false;
"Internal Problem in supplementalData: range check fails for "
+ input
+ ", min: "
+ min
+ ", max:"
+ max
+ "\t"
+ path);
return false;
private double parseDouble(String literacyString) {
return literacyString == null ? Double.NaN : Double.parseDouble(literacyString);
public class CoverageVariableInfo {
public Set<String> targetScripts;
public Set<String> targetTerritories;
public Set<String> calendars;
public Set<String> targetCurrencies;
public Set<String> targetTimeZones;
public Set<String> targetPlurals;
public static String toRegexString(Set<String> s) {
Iterator<String> it = s.iterator();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("(");
int count = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (count > 0) {
return sb.toString();
public int parseIntegerOrNull(String attributeValue) {
return attributeValue == null ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(attributeValue);
Set<String> skippedElements = new TreeSet<>();
private Map<String, Pair<String, String>> references = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<String, String> likelySubtags = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<String, String> likelyOrigins = new TreeMap<>();
// make public temporarily until we resolve.
private Set<CoverageLevelInfo> coverageLevels = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private Map<ParentLocaleComponent, Map<String, String>> parentLocales = new HashMap<>();
{ // Prefill, since we know we will need these
.forEach(x -> parentLocales.put(x, new HashMap<>()));
private Set<ParentLocaleComponent> parentLocalesSkipNonLikely =
private Map<String, List<String>> calendarPreferences = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, CoverageVariableInfo> localeSpecificVariables = new TreeMap<>();
private VariableReplacer coverageVariables = new VariableReplacer();
private Map<String, NumberingSystemInfo> numberingSystems = new HashMap<>();
private Set<String> numericSystems = new TreeSet<>();
private Set<String> defaultContentLocales;
public Map<CLDRLocale, CLDRLocale> baseToDefaultContent; // wo -> wo_Arab_SN
public Map<CLDRLocale, CLDRLocale> defaultContentToBase; // wo_Arab_SN -> wo
private Set<String> CLDRLanguageCodes = new TreeSet<>();
private Set<String> CLDRScriptCodes;
* Get the population data for a language. Warning: if the language has script variants, cycle
* on those variants.
* @param language
* @return
public PopulationData getLanguagePopulationData(String language) {
return languageToPopulation.get(language);
public PopulationData getBaseLanguagePopulationData(String language) {
return baseLanguageToPopulation.get(language);
public Set<String> getLanguages() {
return allLanguages;
public Set<String> getTerritoryToLanguages(String territory) {
Map<String, PopulationData> result = territoryToLanguageToPopulationData.get(territory);
if (result == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
return result.keySet();
public PopulationData getLanguageAndTerritoryPopulationData(String language, String territory) {
Map<String, PopulationData> result = territoryToLanguageToPopulationData.get(territory);
if (result == null) {
return null;
return result.get(language);
public Set<String> getTerritoriesWithPopulationData() {
return territoryToLanguageToPopulationData.keySet();
public Set<String> getLanguagesForTerritoryWithPopulationData(String territory) {
Map<String, PopulationData> languageToPopulationMap =
return languageToPopulationMap == null
? Collections.emptySet()
: languageToPopulationMap.keySet();
public Set<BasicLanguageData> getBasicLanguageData(String language) {
Map<Type, BasicLanguageData> map = languageToBasicLanguageData.get(language);
if (map == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad language code: " + language);
return new LinkedHashSet<>(map.values());
public Map<Type, BasicLanguageData> getBasicLanguageDataMap(String language) {
return languageToBasicLanguageData.get(language);
public Set<String> getBasicLanguageDataLanguages() {
return languageToBasicLanguageData.keySet();
public Relation<String, String> getContainmentCore() {
return containmentCore;
public Set<String> getContained(String territoryCode) {
return containment.getAll(territoryCode);
public Set<String> getContainers() {
return containment.keySet();
public Set<String> getContainedSubdivisions(String territoryOrSubdivisionCode) {
return containerToSubdivision.getAll(territoryOrSubdivisionCode);
public Set<String> getContainersForSubdivisions() {
return containerToSubdivision.keySet();
public Relation<String, String> getTerritoryToContained() {
return getTerritoryToContained(ContainmentStyle.all); // true
// public Relation<String, String> getTerritoryToContained(boolean allowDeprecated) {
// return allowDeprecated ? containment : containmentNonDeprecated;
// }
public enum ContainmentStyle {
public Relation<String, String> getTerritoryToContained(ContainmentStyle containmentStyle) {
switch (containmentStyle) {
case all:
return containment;
case core:
return containmentCore;
case grouping:
return containmentGrouping;
case deprecated:
return containmentDeprecated;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("internal error");
public Set<String> getSkippedElements() {
return skippedElements;
public Set<String> getZone_aliases(String zone) {
Set<String> result = zone_aliases.getAll(zone);
if (result == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
return result;
public String getZone_territory(String zone) {
return zone_territory.get(zone);
public Set<String> getCanonicalZones() {
return zone_territory.keySet();
public Set<String> getTerritoriesForPopulationData(String language) {
return languageToTerritories.getAll(language);
public Set<String> getLanguagesForTerritoriesPopulationData() {
return languageToTerritories.keySet();
* Return the list of default content locales.
* @return
public Set<String> getDefaultContentLocales() {
return defaultContentLocales;
public static Map<String, String> makeLocaleToDefaultContents(
Set<String> defaultContents, Map<String, String> result, Set<String> errors) {
for (String s : defaultContents) {
String simpleParent = LanguageTagParser.getSimpleParent(s);
String oldValue = result.get(simpleParent);
if (oldValue != null) {
"*** Error: Default contents cannot contain two children for the same parent:\t"
+ oldValue
+ ", "
+ s
+ "; keeping "
+ oldValue);
result.put(simpleParent, s);
return result;
* Return the list of default content locales.
* @return
public Set<CLDRLocale> getDefaultContentCLDRLocales() {
return defaultContentToBase.keySet();
* Get the default content locale for a specified language
* @param language language to search
* @return default content, or null if none
public String getDefaultContentLocale(String locale) {
CLDRLocale cLocale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(locale);
for (String dc : defaultContentLocales) {
if (CLDRLocale.getInstance(dc).getParent() == cLocale) {
return dc;
return null;
* Get the default content locale for a specified language and script. If script is null,
* delegates to {@link #getDefaultContentLocale(String)}
* @param language
* @param script if null, delegates to {@link #getDefaultContentLocale(String)}
* @return default content, or null if none
public String getDefaultContentLocale(String language, String script) {
if (script == null) return getDefaultContentLocale(language);
for (String dc : defaultContentLocales) {
if (dc.startsWith(language + "_" + script + "_")) {
return dc;
return null;
* Given a default locale (such as 'wo_Arab_SN') return the base locale (such as 'wo'), or null
* if the input wasn't a default conetnt locale.
* @param dcLocale
* @return
public CLDRLocale getBaseFromDefaultContent(CLDRLocale dcLocale) {
return defaultContentToBase.get(dcLocale);
* Given a base locale (such as 'wo') return the default content locale (such as 'wo_Arab_SN'),
* or null.
* @param baseLocale
* @return
public CLDRLocale getDefaultContentFromBase(CLDRLocale baseLocale) {
return baseToDefaultContent.get(baseLocale);
* Is this a default content locale?
* @param dcLocale
* @return
public boolean isDefaultContent(CLDRLocale dcLocale) {
if (dcLocale == null) throw new NullPointerException("null locale");
return (defaultContentToBase.get(dcLocale) != null);
public Set<String> getNumberingSystems() {
return numberingSystems.keySet();
public Set<String> getNumericNumberingSystems() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(numericSystems);
public String getDigits(String numberingSystem) {
try {
return numberingSystems.get(numberingSystem).digits;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't get digits for:" + numberingSystem);
public NumberingSystemType getNumberingSystemType(String numberingSystem) {
return numberingSystems.get(numberingSystem).type;
public Set<CoverageLevelInfo> getCoverageLevelInfo() {
return coverageLevels;
* Used to get the coverage value for a path. This is generally the most efficient way for tools
* to get coverage.
* @param xpath
* @param loc
* @return
public Level getCoverageLevel(String xpath, String loc) {
Level result = null;
result = coverageCache.get(xpath, loc);
if (result == null) {
CoverageLevel2 cov = localeToCoverageLevelInfo.get(loc);
if (cov == null) {
cov = CoverageLevel2.getInstance(this, loc);
localeToCoverageLevelInfo.put(loc, cov);
result = cov.getLevel(xpath);
coverageCache.put(xpath, loc, result);
return result;
* Cache Data structure with object expiry, List that can hold up to MAX_LOCALES caches of
* locales, when one locale hasn't been used for a while it will removed and GC'd
private class CoverageCache {
private final Deque<Node> localeList = new LinkedList<>();
private final int MAX_LOCALES = 10;
/** Object to sync on for modifying the locale list */
private final Object LOCALE_LIST_ITER_SYNC = new Object();
* constructor
public CoverageCache() {
// localeList = new LinkedList<Node>();
* retrieves coverage level associated with two keys if it exists in the cache, otherwise returns null
* @param xpath
* @param loc
* @return the coverage level of the above two keys
public Level get(String xpath, String loc) {
synchronized (LOCALE_LIST_ITER_SYNC) {
Iterator<Node> it = localeList.iterator();
Node reAddNode = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
// for (Iterator<Node> it = localeList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Node node =;
if (node.loc.equals(loc)) {
reAddNode = node;
if (reAddNode != null) {
return null;
* places a coverage level into the cache, with two keys
* @param xpath
* @param loc
* @param covLevel the coverage level of the above two keys
public void put(String xpath, String loc, Level covLevel) {
synchronized (LOCALE_LIST_ITER_SYNC) {
// if locale's map is already in the cache add to it
// for (Iterator<Node> it = localeList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
for (Node node : localeList) {
// Node node =;
if (node.loc.equals(loc)) {, covLevel);
// if it is not, add a new map with the coverage level, and remove the last map in
// the list (used most seldom) if the list is too large
Map<String, Level> newMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
newMap.put(xpath, covLevel);
localeList.addFirst(new Node(loc, newMap));
if (localeList.size() > MAX_LOCALES) {
* node to hold a location and a Map
private class Node {
// public fields to emulate a C/C++ struct
public String loc;
public Map<String, Level> map;
public Node(String _loc, Map<String, Level> _map) {
loc = _loc;
map = _map;
* Used to get the coverage value for a path. Note, it is more efficient to create a
* CoverageLevel2 for a language, and keep it around.
* @param xpath
* @param loc
* @return
public int getCoverageValue(String xpath, String loc) {
return getCoverageLevel(xpath, loc).getLevel();
private RegexLookup<Level> coverageLookup = null;
public synchronized RegexLookup<Level> getCoverageLookup() {
if (coverageLookup == null) {
RegexLookup<Level> lookup =
new RegexLookup<>(RegexLookup.LookupType.STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP);
Matcher variable = PatternCache.get("\\$\\{[A-Za-z][\\-A-Za-z]*\\}").matcher("");
for (CoverageLevelInfo ci : getCoverageLevelInfo()) {
String pattern =
.replace('\'', '"')
.replace("[@", "\\[@") // make sure that attributes are quoted
.replace("(", "(?:") // make sure that there are no capturing groups
// (beyond what we generate
.replace("(?:?!", "(?!"); // Allow negative lookahead
pattern = "^//ldml/" + pattern + "$"; // for now, force a complete match
String variableType = null;
if (variable.find()) {
pattern =
pattern.substring(0, variable.start())
+ "([^\"]*)"
+ pattern.substring(variable.end());
variableType =;
if (variable.find()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"We can only handle a single variable on a line");
// .replaceAll("\\]","\\\\]");
lookup.add(new CoverageLevel2.MyRegexFinder(pattern, variableType, ci), ci.value);
coverageLookup = lookup;
return coverageLookup;
* Older version of code.
* @param xpath
* @param loc
* @return
public int getCoverageValueOld(String xpath, ULocale loc) {
String targetLanguage = loc.getLanguage();
CoverageVariableInfo cvi = getCoverageVariableInfo(targetLanguage);
String targetScriptString = toRegexString(cvi.targetScripts);
String targetTerritoryString = toRegexString(cvi.targetTerritories);
String calendarListString = toRegexString(cvi.calendars);
String targetCurrencyString = toRegexString(cvi.targetCurrencies);
String targetTimeZoneString = toRegexString(cvi.targetTimeZones);
String targetPluralsString = toRegexString(cvi.targetPlurals);
Iterator<CoverageLevelInfo> i = coverageLevels.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
CoverageLevelInfo ci =;
String regex =
+ ci.match
.replace('\'', '"')
.replaceAll("\\[", "\\\\[")
.replaceAll("\\]", "\\\\]")
.replace("${Target-Language}", targetLanguage)
.replace("${Target-Scripts}", targetScriptString)
.replace("${Target-Territories}", targetTerritoryString)
.replace("${Target-TimeZones}", targetTimeZoneString)
.replace("${Target-Currencies}", targetCurrencyString)
.replace("${Target-Plurals}", targetPluralsString)
.replace("${Calendar-List}", calendarListString);
// Special logic added for coverage fields that are only to be applicable
// to certain territories
if (ci.inTerritory != null) {
if (ci.inTerritory.equals("EU")) {
Set<String> containedTerritories = new HashSet<>();
if (containedTerritories.isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (!cvi.targetTerritories.contains(ci.inTerritory)) {
// Special logic added for coverage fields that are only to be applicable
// to certain languages
if (ci.inLanguage != null && !ci.inLanguage.matcher(targetLanguage).matches()) {
// Special logic added for coverage fields that are only to be applicable
// to certain scripts
if (ci.inScript != null && !cvi.targetScripts.contains(ci.inScript)) {
if (xpath.matches(regex)) {
return ci.value.getLevel();
if (xpath.matches(regex)) {
return ci.value.getLevel();
return Level.OPTIONAL.getLevel(); // If no match then return highest possible value
// The following is for mapping language to the explicit script and region codes in
// the locale IDs for CLDR locales. We don't need to worry about the unmarked default
// script or region since they are already supplied by the <languageData>.
private Map<String, BasicLanguageData> doMapLanguagesToScriptsRegion() {
Map<String, BasicLanguageData> langToScriptsRegions = new TreeMap<>();
org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory factory = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getCldrFactory();
for (CLDRLocale locale : factory.getAvailableCLDRLocales()) {
String language = locale.getLanguage();
if (language.length() == 0 || language.equals(LocaleNames.ROOT)) {
BasicLanguageData scriptsAndRegions = langToScriptsRegions.get(language);
if (scriptsAndRegions == null) {
scriptsAndRegions = new BasicLanguageData();
langToScriptsRegions.put(language, scriptsAndRegions);
String script = locale.getScript();
if (script.length() > 0) {
String region = locale.getCountry();
if (region.length() > 0
&& region.length() < 3) { // per CLDR TC, do not want 001, 419 etc.
for (String language : langToScriptsRegions.keySet()) {
BasicLanguageData scriptsAndRegions = langToScriptsRegions.get(language);
langToScriptsRegions.put(language, scriptsAndRegions.freeze());
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(langToScriptsRegions);
private static Map<String, BasicLanguageData> languageToScriptsAndRegions = null;
private synchronized Map<String, BasicLanguageData> getLanguageToScriptsAndRegions() {
if (languageToScriptsAndRegions == null) {
languageToScriptsAndRegions = doMapLanguagesToScriptsRegion();
return languageToScriptsAndRegions;
public CoverageVariableInfo getCoverageVariableInfo(String targetLanguage) {
CoverageVariableInfo cvi;
if (localeSpecificVariables.containsKey(targetLanguage)) {
cvi = localeSpecificVariables.get(targetLanguage);
} else {
cvi = new CoverageVariableInfo();
cvi.targetScripts = getTargetScripts(targetLanguage);
cvi.targetTerritories = getTargetTerritories(targetLanguage);
cvi.calendars = getCalendars(cvi.targetTerritories);
cvi.targetCurrencies = getCurrentCurrencies(cvi.targetTerritories);
cvi.targetTimeZones = getCurrentTimeZones(cvi.targetTerritories);
cvi.targetPlurals = getTargetPlurals(targetLanguage);
localeSpecificVariables.put(targetLanguage, cvi);
return cvi;
private Set<String> getTargetScripts(String language) {
Set<String> targetScripts = new HashSet<>();
try {
Set<BasicLanguageData> langData = getBasicLanguageData(language);
Iterator<BasicLanguageData> ldi = langData.iterator();
while (ldi.hasNext()) {
BasicLanguageData bl =;
Set<String> addScripts = bl.scripts;
if (addScripts != null && bl.getType() != BasicLanguageData.Type.secondary) {
Map<String, BasicLanguageData> languageToScriptsAndRegions =
if (languageToScriptsAndRegions != null) {
BasicLanguageData scriptsAndRegions = languageToScriptsAndRegions.get(language);
if (scriptsAndRegions != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// fall through
if (targetScripts.size() == 0) {
targetScripts.add("Zzzz"); // Unknown Script
return targetScripts;
private Set<String> getTargetTerritories(String language) {
Set<String> targetTerritories = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> secondaryTerritories = new HashSet<>();
try {
Set<BasicLanguageData> langData = getBasicLanguageData(language);
Iterator<BasicLanguageData> ldi = langData.iterator();
while (ldi.hasNext()) {
BasicLanguageData bl =;
Set<String> addTerritories = bl.territories;
if (addTerritories != null) {
if (bl.getType() == BasicLanguageData.Type.secondary) {
} else {
Map<String, BasicLanguageData> languageToScriptsAndRegions =
if (languageToScriptsAndRegions != null) {
BasicLanguageData scriptsAndRegions = languageToScriptsAndRegions.get(language);
if (scriptsAndRegions != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// fall through
if (targetTerritories.size() == 0) {
getFallbackTargetTerritories(language, targetTerritories, secondaryTerritories);
return targetTerritories;
private void getFallbackTargetTerritories(
String language, Set<String> targetTerritories, Set<String> secondaryTerritories) {
String region = null;
String maximized = new LikelySubtags().maximize(language);
if (maximized != null) {
CLDRLocale cldrLocale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(maximized);
region = cldrLocale.getCountry();
if (region != null) {
} else if (secondaryTerritories.size() > 0) {
} else {
private Set<String> getCalendars(Set<String> territories) {
Set<String> targetCalendars = new HashSet<>();
Iterator<String> it = territories.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
List<String> addCalendars = getCalendars(;
if (addCalendars == null) {
return targetCalendars;
* @param territory
* @return a list the calendars used in the specified territorys
public List<String> getCalendars(String territory) {
return calendarPreferences.get(territory);
private Set<String> getCurrentCurrencies(Set<String> territories) {
Date now = new Date();
return getCurrentCurrencies(territories, now, now);
public Set<String> getCurrentCurrencies(
Set<String> territories, Date startsBefore, Date endsAfter) {
Set<String> targetCurrencies = new HashSet<>();
Iterator<String> it = territories.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Set<CurrencyDateInfo> targetCurrencyInfo = getCurrencyDateInfo(;
if (targetCurrencyInfo == null) {
Iterator<CurrencyDateInfo> it2 = targetCurrencyInfo.iterator();
while (it2.hasNext()) {
CurrencyDateInfo cdi =;
if (cdi.getStart().before(startsBefore)
&& cdi.getEnd().after(endsAfter)
&& cdi.isLegalTender()) {
return targetCurrencies;
private Set<String> getCurrentTimeZones(Set<String> territories) {
Set<String> targetTimeZones = new HashSet<>();
Iterator<String> it = territories.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String[] countryIDs = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(;
for (int i = 0; i < countryIDs.length; i++) {
return targetTimeZones;
private Set<String> getTargetPlurals(String language) {
Set<String> targetPlurals = new HashSet<>();
targetPlurals.addAll(getPlurals(PluralType.cardinal, language).getCanonicalKeywords());
// TODO: Kept 0 and 1 specifically until Mark figures out what to do with them.
// They should be removed once this is done.
return targetPlurals;
public enum ParentLocaleComponent {
public static ParentLocaleComponent fromString(String s) {
return s == null
? ParentLocaleComponent.main // handle empty
: ParentLocaleComponent.valueOf(s);
public boolean parentLocalesSkipNonLikely(ParentLocaleComponent component) {
return parentLocalesSkipNonLikely.contains(component);
public String getExplicitParentLocale(String loc, ParentLocaleComponent component) {
return parentLocales.get(component).get(loc);
// These are not (now) used by the current code.
// They should not be used, because the answer is incorrect for parentLocalesSkipNonLikely
// public String getExplicitParentLocale(String loc) {
// return getExplicitParentLocale(loc, ParentLocaleComponent.main);
// }
// public Set<String> getExplicitChildren() {
// return getExplicitChildren(ParentLocaleComponent.main);
// }
// public Set<String> getExplicitChildren(ParentLocaleComponent component) {
// return parentLocales.get(component).keySet();
// }
public Collection<String> getExplicitParents() {
return getExplicitParents(ParentLocaleComponent.main);
public Collection<String> getExplicitParents(ParentLocaleComponent component) {
return parentLocales.get(component).values();
public static final class ApprovalRequirementMatcher {
public String toString() {
return locales + " / " + xpathMatcher + " = " + requiredVotes;
ApprovalRequirementMatcher(String xpath) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(xpath);
if (parts.containsElement("approvalRequirement")) {
requiredVotes = getRequiredVotes(parts);
String localeAttrib = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "locales");
if (localeAttrib == null || localeAttrib.equals(STAR) || localeAttrib.isEmpty()) {
locales = null; // no locale listed == '*'
} else {
Set<CLDRLocale> localeList = new HashSet<>();
String[] el = localeAttrib.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
if (el[i].indexOf(":") == -1) { // Just a simple locale designation
} else { // Org:CoverageLevel
String[] coverageLocaleParts = el[i].split(":", 2);
String org = coverageLocaleParts[0];
String level = coverageLocaleParts[1].toUpperCase();
Set<String> coverageLocales =
for (String cl : coverageLocales) {
locales = Collections.unmodifiableSet(localeList);
String xpathMatch = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "paths");
if (xpathMatch == null || xpathMatch.isEmpty() || xpathMatch.equals(STAR)) {
xpathMatcher = null;
} else {
xpathMatcher = PatternCache.get(xpathMatch);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown approval requirement: " + xpath);
static int getRequiredVotes(XPathParts parts) {
String votesStr = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "votes");
if (votesStr.charAt(0) == '=') {
votesStr = votesStr.substring(1);
if (votesStr.equals("HIGH_BAR")) {
return VoteResolver.HIGH_BAR;
} else if (votesStr.equals("LOWER_BAR")) {
return VoteResolver.LOWER_BAR;
final VoteResolver.Level l = VoteResolver.Level.valueOf(votesStr);
return l.getVotes(Organization.unaffiliated); // use non-TC vote count
} else {
return Integer.parseInt(votesStr);
private final Set<CLDRLocale> locales;
private final Pattern xpathMatcher;
final int requiredVotes;
public static List<ApprovalRequirementMatcher> buildAll(List<String> approvalRequirements) {
List<ApprovalRequirementMatcher> newList = new LinkedList<>();
for (String xpath : approvalRequirements) {
newList.add(new ApprovalRequirementMatcher(xpath));
return Collections.unmodifiableList(newList);
public boolean matches(CLDRLocale loc, PathHeader ph) {
if (DEBUG) System.err.println(">> testing " + loc + " / " + ph + " vs " + toString());
if (locales != null) {
if (!locales.contains(loc)) {
return false;
if (xpathMatcher != null) {
if (ph != null) {
if (!xpathMatcher.matcher(ph.getOriginalPath()).matches()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return true;
public int getRequiredVotes() {
return requiredVotes;
// run these from first to last to get the approval info.
volatile List<ApprovalRequirementMatcher> approvalMatchers = null;
* Get the preliminary number of required votes based on the given locale and PathHeader
* <p>Important: this number may not agree with VoteResolver.getRequiredVotes since VoteResolver
* also takes the baseline status into account.
* <p>Called by VoteResolver, ShowStarredCoverage, TestCoverage, and TestCoverageLevel.
* @param loc the CLDRLocale
* @param ph the PathHeader - which path this is applied to, or null if unknown.
* @return a number such as 4 or 8
public int getRequiredVotes(CLDRLocale loc, PathHeader ph) {
if (approvalMatchers == null) {
approvalMatchers = ApprovalRequirementMatcher.buildAll(approvalRequirements);
for (ApprovalRequirementMatcher m : approvalMatchers) {
if (m.matches(loc, ph)) {
return m.getRequiredVotes();
throw new RuntimeException(
"Error: " + loc + " " + ph + " ran off the end of the approvalMatchers.");
* Return the canonicalized zone, or null if there is none.
* @param alias
* @return
public String getZoneFromAlias(String alias) {
String zone = alias_zone.get(alias);
if (zone != null) return zone;
if (zone_territory.get(alias) != null) return alias;
return null;
public boolean isCanonicalZone(String alias) {
return zone_territory.get(alias) != null;
* Return the approximate economic weight of this language, computed by taking all of the
* languages in each territory, looking at the literate population and dividing up the GDP of
* the territory (in PPP) according to the proportion that language has of the total. This is
* only an approximation, since the language information is not complete, languages may overlap
* (bilingual speakers), the literacy figures may be estimated, and literacy is only a rough
* proxy for weight of each language in the economy of the territory.
* @param targetLanguage
* @return
public double getApproximateEconomicWeight(String targetLanguage) {
double weight = 0;
Set<String> territories = getTerritoriesForPopulationData(targetLanguage);
if (territories == null) return weight;
for (String territory : territories) {
Set<String> languagesInTerritory = getTerritoryToLanguages(territory);
double totalLiteratePopulation = 0;
double targetLiteratePopulation = 0;
for (String language : languagesInTerritory) {
PopulationData populationData =
getLanguageAndTerritoryPopulationData(language, territory);
totalLiteratePopulation += populationData.getLiteratePopulation();
if (language.equals(targetLanguage)) {
targetLiteratePopulation = populationData.getLiteratePopulation();
PopulationData territoryPopulationData = getPopulationDataForTerritory(territory);
final double gdp = territoryPopulationData.getGdp();
final double scaledGdp = gdp * targetLiteratePopulation / totalLiteratePopulation;
if (scaledGdp > 0) {
weight += scaledGdp;
} else {
// System.out.println("?\t" + territory + "\t" + targetLanguage);
return weight;
public PopulationData getPopulationDataForTerritory(String territory) {
return territoryToPopulationData.get(territory);
public Set<String> getScriptVariantsForPopulationData(String language) {
return languageToScriptVariants.getAll(language);
public Map<String, Pair<String, String>> getReferences() {
return references;
public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getMetazoneToRegionToZone() {
return typeToZoneToRegionToZone.get("metazones");
public String getZoneForMetazoneByRegion(String metazone, String region) {
String result = null;
if (getMetazoneToRegionToZone().containsKey(metazone)) {
Map<String, String> myMap = getMetazoneToRegionToZone().get(metazone);
if (myMap.containsKey(region)) {
result = myMap.get(region);
} else {
result = myMap.get("001");
if (result == null) {
result = "Etc/GMT";
return result;
public Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> getTypeToZoneToRegionToZone() {
return typeToZoneToRegionToZone;
* @deprecated, use PathHeader.getMetazonePageTerritory
public Map<String, String> getMetazoneToContinentMap() {
return metazoneContinentMap;
public Set<String> getAllMetazones() {
return allMetazones;
* Is the given metazone outdated?
* @param metazone the metazone such as "Liberia"
* @param tzid the timezone id such as "Africa/Monrovia"
* @param timeInMillis the time in milliseconds since 1970
* @return true if the metazone is outdated
public boolean metazoneIsOutdated(String metazone, String tzid, long timeInMillis) {
final MetaZoneRange range = getMetaZoneRange(tzid, timeInMillis);
// For example, for metazone = "Liberia", if range.metazone = "GMT",
// that implies "GMT" is current and "Liberia" is outdated
if (range == null) {
if (DEBUG) {
"metazoneIsOutdated: " + metazone + "; tzid = " + tzid + "; range is null");
return true;
if (!metazone.equals(range.metazone)) {
if (DEBUG) {
"metazoneIsOutdated: "
+ metazone
+ "; tzid = "
+ tzid
+ "; range.metazone = "
+ range.metazone);
return true;
return false;
public Map<String, String> getLikelySubtags() {
return likelySubtags;
public Map<String, String> getLikelyOrigins() {
return likelyOrigins;
public enum PluralType {
// add some gorp to interwork until we clean things up
public final PluralRules.PluralType standardType;
PluralType(PluralRules.PluralType standardType) {
this.standardType = standardType;
public static PluralType fromStandardType(PluralRules.PluralType standardType) {
return standardType == null
? null
: standardType == PluralRules.PluralType.CARDINAL ? cardinal : ordinal;
private EnumMap<PluralType, Map<String, PluralInfo>> localeToPluralInfo2 =
new EnumMap<>(PluralType.class);
localeToPluralInfo2.put(PluralType.cardinal, new LinkedHashMap<String, PluralInfo>());
localeToPluralInfo2.put(PluralType.ordinal, new LinkedHashMap<String, PluralInfo>());
private Map<String, PluralRanges> localeToPluralRanges = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Map<DayPeriodInfo.Type, Map<String, DayPeriodInfo>> typeToLocaleToDayPeriodInfo =
new EnumMap<>(DayPeriodInfo.Type.class);
private Map<String, CoverageLevel2> localeToCoverageLevelInfo = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private CoverageCache coverageCache = new CoverageCache();
private transient String lastPluralLocales = "";
private transient PluralType lastPluralWasOrdinal = null;
private transient Map<Count, String> lastPluralMap = new EnumMap<>(Count.class);
private transient String lastDayPeriodLocales = null;
private transient DayPeriodInfo.Type lastDayPeriodType = null;
private transient DayPeriodInfo.Builder dayPeriodBuilder = new DayPeriodInfo.Builder();
private void addDayPeriodPath(XPathParts path) {
// ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type="gregorian"]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[@type="format"]/dayPeriodWidth[@type="wide"]/dayPeriod[@type="am"]
* <supplementalData>
* <version number="$Revision$"/>
* <generation date="$D..e... $"/>
* <dayPeriodRuleSet>
* <dayPeriodRules locales = "en"> <!-- default for any locales not listed under other dayPeriods -->
* <dayPeriodRule type = "am" from = "0:00" before="12:00"/>
* <dayPeriodRule type = "pm" from = "12:00" to="24:00"/>
String typeString = path.getAttributeValue(1, "type");
String locales = path.getAttributeValue(2, "locales").trim();
DayPeriodInfo.Type type =
typeString == null
? DayPeriodInfo.Type.format
: DayPeriodInfo.Type.valueOf(typeString.trim());
if (!locales.equals(lastDayPeriodLocales) || type != lastDayPeriodType) {
if (lastDayPeriodLocales != null) {
lastDayPeriodLocales = locales;
lastDayPeriodType = type;
// System.out.println(type + ", " + locales + ", " + path);
if (path.size() != 4) {
if (locales.equals(LocaleNames.ROOT)) return; // we allow root to be empty
throw new IllegalArgumentException(locales + " must have dayPeriodRule elements");
DayPeriod dayPeriod;
try {
dayPeriod = DayPeriod.fromString(path.getAttributeValue(-1, "type"));
} catch (Exception e) {
String at = path.getAttributeValue(-1, "at");
String from = path.getAttributeValue(-1, "from");
String after = path.getAttributeValue(-1, "after");
String to = path.getAttributeValue(-1, "to");
String before = path.getAttributeValue(-1, "before");
if (at != null) {
if (from != null || after != null || to != null || before != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
from = at;
to = at;
} else if ((from == null) == (after == null) || (to == null) == (before == null)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// if (dayPeriodBuilder.contains(dayPeriod)) { // disallow multiple rules with same
// dayperiod
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple rules with same dayperiod are
// disallowed: "
// + lastDayPeriodLocales + ", " + lastDayPeriodType + ", " + dayPeriod);
// }
boolean includesStart = from != null;
boolean includesEnd = to != null;
int start = parseTime(includesStart ? from : after);
int end = parseTime(includesEnd ? to : before);
// Check if any periods contain 0, e.g. 1700 - 300
if (start > end) {
// System.out.println("start " + start + " end " + end);
dayPeriodBuilder.add(dayPeriod, start, includesStart, parseTime("24:00"), includesEnd);
dayPeriodBuilder.add(dayPeriod, parseTime("0:00"), includesStart, end, includesEnd);
} else {
dayPeriodBuilder.add(dayPeriod, start, includesStart, end, includesEnd);
static Pattern PARSE_TIME = PatternCache.get("(\\d\\d?):(\\d\\d)");
private int parseTime(String string) {
Matcher matcher = PARSE_TIME.matcher(string);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return (Integer.parseInt( * 60 + Integer.parseInt(
* 60
* 1000;
private void addDayPeriodInfo() {
String[] locales = lastDayPeriodLocales.split("\\s+");
DayPeriodInfo temp = dayPeriodBuilder.finish(locales);
Map<String, DayPeriodInfo> locale2DPI = typeToLocaleToDayPeriodInfo.get(lastDayPeriodType);
if (locale2DPI == null) {
typeToLocaleToDayPeriodInfo.put(lastDayPeriodType, locale2DPI = new LinkedHashMap<>());
// System.out.println(lastDayPeriodType + ", " + locale2DPI);
for (String locale : locales) {
locale2DPI.put(locale, temp);
static String lastPluralRangesLocales = null;
static PluralRanges lastPluralRanges = null;
private boolean addPluralPath(XPathParts path, String value) {
* Adding
<pluralRanges locales="am">
<pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="one" />
String locales = path.getAttributeValue(2, "locales").trim();
String element = path.getElement(2);
if ("pluralRanges".equals(element)) {
if (!locales.equals(lastPluralRangesLocales)) {
if (path.size() == 3) {
// ok for ranges to be empty
return true;
String rangeStart = path.getAttributeValue(-1, "start");
String rangeEnd = path.getAttributeValue(-1, "end");
String result = path.getAttributeValue(-1, "result");
rangeStart == null ? null : Count.valueOf(rangeStart),
rangeEnd == null ? null : Count.valueOf(rangeEnd),
return true;
} else if ("pluralRules".equals(element)) {
String type = path.getAttributeValue(1, "type");
PluralType pluralType = type == null ? PluralType.cardinal : PluralType.valueOf(type);
if (!lastPluralLocales.equals(locales)) {
lastPluralLocales = locales;
final String countString = path.getAttributeValue(-1, "count");
if (countString == null) {
return false;
Count count = Count.valueOf(countString);
if (lastPluralMap.containsKey(count)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Duplicate plural count: " + count + " in " + locales);
lastPluralMap.put(count, value);
lastPluralWasOrdinal = pluralType;
return true;
} else {
return false;
private void addPluralRanges(String localesString) {
final String[] locales = localesString.split("\\s+");
lastPluralRanges = new PluralRanges();
for (String locale : locales) {
if (localeToPluralRanges.containsKey(locale)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate plural locale: " + locale);
localeToPluralRanges.put(locale, lastPluralRanges);
lastPluralRangesLocales = localesString;
private void addPluralInfo(PluralType pluralType) {
final String[] locales = lastPluralLocales.split("\\s+");
PluralInfo info = new PluralInfo(lastPluralMap, pluralType);
Map<String, PluralInfo> localeToInfo = localeToPluralInfo2.get(pluralType);
for (String locale : locales) {
if (localeToInfo.containsKey(locale)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate plural locale: " + locale);
} else if (!locale.isEmpty()) {
localeToInfo.put(locale, info);
public static class SampleList {
public static final SampleList EMPTY = new SampleList().freeze();
private UnicodeSet uset = new UnicodeSet();
private List<FixedDecimal> fractions = new ArrayList<>(0);
public String toString() {
return toString(6, 3);
public String toString(int intLimit, int fractionLimit) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
int intCount = 0;
int fractionCount = 0;
int limit = uset.getRangeCount();
for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
if (intCount >= intLimit) {
b.append(", …");
if (b.length() != 0) {
b.append(", ");
int start = uset.getRangeStart(i);
int end = uset.getRangeEnd(i);
if (start == end) {
} else if (start + 1 == end) {
b.append(start).append(", ").append(end);
intCount += 2;
} else {
intCount += 2;
if (fractions.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < fractions.size(); ++i) {
if (fractionCount >= fractionLimit) {
if (b.length() != 0) {
b.append(", ");
FixedDecimal fraction = fractions.get(i);
String formatted =
"%." + fraction.getVisibleDecimalDigitCount() + "f",
b.append(", …");
return b.toString();
public int getRangeCount() {
return uset.getRangeCount();
public int getRangeStart(int index) {
return uset.getRangeStart(index);
public int getRangeEnd(int index) {
return uset.getRangeEnd(index);
public List<FixedDecimal> getFractions() {
return fractions;
public int intSize() {
return uset.size();
public SampleList remove(int i) {
return this;
public SampleList add(int i) {
return this;
public SampleList freeze() {
if (fractions instanceof ArrayList) {
fractions = Collections.unmodifiableList(fractions);
return this;
public void add(FixedDecimal i) {
public int fractionSize() {
return fractions.size();
public static class CountSampleList {
private final Map<Count, SampleList> countToIntegerSamples9999;
private final Map<Count, SampleList[]> countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999;
CountSampleList(PluralRules pluralRules, Set<Count> keywords, PluralType pluralType) {
// Create the integer counts
countToIntegerSamples9999 = new EnumMap<>(Count.class);
countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999 = new EnumMap<>(Count.class);
for (Count c : keywords) {
countToIntegerSamples9999.put(c, new SampleList());
SampleList[] row = new SampleList[5];
countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999.put(c, row);
for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
row[i] = new SampleList();
for (int ii = 0; ii < 10000; ++ii) {
int i = ii;
int digit;
if (i > 999) {
digit = 4;
} else if (i > 99) {
digit = 3;
} else if (i > 9) {
digit = 2;
} else {
digit = 1;
Count count = Count.valueOf(;
addSimple(countToIntegerSamples9999, i, count);
addDigit(countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999, i, count, digit);
if (haveFractions(keywords, digit)) {
if (pluralType == PluralType.cardinal) {
for (int f = 0; f < 30; ++f) {
FixedDecimal ni = new FixedDecimal(i + f / 10.0d, f < 10 ? 1 : 2, f);
count = Count.valueOf(;
addSimple(countToIntegerSamples9999, ni, count);
addDigit(countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999, ni, count, digit);
// HACK for Breton
countToIntegerSamples9999, 1000000, Count.valueOf(;
for (Count count : keywords) {
SampleList uset = countToIntegerSamples9999.get(count);
SampleList[] map = countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999.get(count);
for (int i = 1; i < map.length; ++i) {
private boolean haveFractions(Set<Count> keywords, int digit) {
for (Count c : keywords) {
int size = countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999.get(c)[digit].fractionSize();
return false;
return true;
static final int MAX_COLLECTED_FRACTION = 5;
private boolean addDigit(
Map<Count, SampleList[]> countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999,
FixedDecimal i,
Count count,
int digit) {
return addFraction(i, countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999.get(count)[digit]);
private boolean addFraction(FixedDecimal i, SampleList sampleList) {
if (sampleList.fractionSize() < MAX_COLLECTED_FRACTION) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
private boolean addSimple(
Map<Count, SampleList> countToIntegerSamples9999, FixedDecimal i, Count count) {
return addFraction(i, countToIntegerSamples9999.get(count));
private void addDigit(
Map<Count, SampleList[]> countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999,
int i,
Count count,
int digit) {
private void addSimple(
Map<Count, SampleList> countToIntegerSamples9999, int i, Count count) {
public SampleList get(Count type) {
return countToIntegerSamples9999.get(type);
public SampleList get(Count c, int digit) {
SampleList[] sampleLists = countToDigitToIntegerSamples9999.get(c);
return sampleLists == null ? null : sampleLists[digit];
* Immutable class with plural info for different locales
* @author markdavis
public static class PluralInfo implements Comparable<PluralInfo> {
static final Set<Double> explicits = new HashSet<>();
static {
public enum Count {
public static final int LENGTH = Count.values().length;
public static final List<Count> VALUES =
static final Pattern pluralPaths = PatternCache.get(".*pluralRule.*");
static final int fractDecrement = 13;
static final int fractStart = 20;
private final Map<Count, Set<Double>> countToExampleSet;
private final Map<Count, String> countToStringExample;
private final Map<Integer, Count> exampleToCount;
private final PluralRules pluralRules;
private final String pluralRulesString;
private final Set<String> canonicalKeywords;
private final Set<Count> keywords;
private final Set<Count> integerKeywords;
private final Set<Count> decimalKeywords;
private final CountSampleList countSampleList;
private final Map<Count, String> countToRule;
private final Set<Count> adjustedCounts;
private final Set<String> adjustedCountStrings;
// e = 0 and i != 0 and i % 1000000 = 0 and v = 0 or e != 0..5
static final Pattern hasE = Pattern.compile("e\\s*!?=");
private PluralInfo(Map<Count, String> countToRule, PluralType pluralType) {
EnumMap<Count, String> tempCountToRule = new EnumMap<>(Count.class);
this.countToRule = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempCountToRule);
// now build rules
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
StringBuilder pluralRuleBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (Count count : countToRule.keySet()) {
if (pluralRuleBuilder.length() != 0) {
pluralRulesString = pluralRuleBuilder.toString();
try {
pluralRules = PluralRules.parseDescription(pluralRulesString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can't create plurals from <" + pluralRulesString + ">", e);
EnumSet<Count> _keywords = EnumSet.noneOf(Count.class);
EnumSet<Count> _integerKeywords = EnumSet.noneOf(Count.class);
EnumSet<Count> _decimalKeywords = EnumSet.noneOf(Count.class);
Matcher hasEMatcher = hasE.matcher("");
Set<Count> _adjustedCounts = null;
Set<String> _adjustedCountStrings = null;
for (String s : pluralRules.getKeywords()) {
Count c = Count.valueOf(s);
if (pluralRules.getDecimalSamples(s, SampleType.DECIMAL) != null) {
} else {
int debug = 1;
if (pluralRules.getDecimalSamples(s, SampleType.INTEGER) != null) {
} else {
int debug = 1;
String parsedRules = pluralRules.getRules(s);
if (!hasEMatcher.reset(parsedRules).find()) {
if (_adjustedCounts == null) {
_adjustedCounts = new TreeSet<>();
_adjustedCountStrings = new TreeSet<>();
adjustedCounts =
_adjustedCounts == null
? Collections.emptySet()
: ImmutableSet.copyOf(_adjustedCounts);
adjustedCountStrings =
_adjustedCounts == null
? Collections.emptySet()
: ImmutableSet.copyOf(_adjustedCountStrings);
keywords = Collections.unmodifiableSet(_keywords);
decimalKeywords = Collections.unmodifiableSet(_decimalKeywords);
integerKeywords = Collections.unmodifiableSet(_integerKeywords);
countSampleList = new CountSampleList(pluralRules, keywords, pluralType);
Map<Count, Set<Double>> countToExampleSetRaw = new TreeMap<>();
Map<Integer, Count> exampleToCountRaw = new TreeMap<>();
Output<Map<Count, SampleList[]>> output = new Output();
// double check
// if (!targetKeywords.equals(typeToExamples2.keySet())) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Problem in plurals " + targetKeywords + ", " +
// this);
// }
// now fix the longer examples
String otherFractionalExamples = "";
List<Double> otherFractions = new ArrayList<>(0);
// add fractional samples
Map<Count, String> countToStringExampleRaw = new TreeMap<>();
for (Count type : keywords) {
SampleList uset = countSampleList.get(type);
countToStringExampleRaw.put(type, uset.toString(5, 5));
final String baseOtherExamples = countToStringExampleRaw.get(Count.other);
String otherExamples =
(baseOtherExamples == null ? "" : baseOtherExamples + "; ")
+ otherFractionalExamples
+ "...";
countToStringExampleRaw.put(Count.other, otherExamples);
// Now do double examples (previously unused & not working).
// Currently a bit of a hack, we should enhance SampleList to make this easier
// and then use SampleList directly, see
for (Count type : countToStringExampleRaw.keySet()) {
Set<Double> doublesSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(0);
String examples = countToStringExampleRaw.get(type);
if (examples == null) {
examples = "";
String strippedExamples = examples.replaceAll("(, …)|(; ...)", "");
String[] exampleArray = strippedExamples.split("(, )|(-)");
for (String example : exampleArray) {
if (example == null || example.length() == 0) {
Double doubleValue = Double.valueOf(example);
doublesSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(doublesSet);
countToExampleSetRaw.put(type, doublesSet);
countToExampleSet = Collections.unmodifiableMap(countToExampleSetRaw);
countToStringExample = Collections.unmodifiableMap(countToStringExampleRaw);
exampleToCount = Collections.unmodifiableMap(exampleToCountRaw);
Set<String> temp = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// String keyword =;
// double value = pluralRules.getUniqueKeywordValue(keyword);
// if (value == pluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE) {
// temp.add("0");
// }
// keyword =;
// value = pluralRules.getUniqueKeywordValue(keyword);
// if (value == pluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE) {
// temp.add("1");
// }
Set<String> keywords = pluralRules.getKeywords();
for (Count count : Count.values()) {
String keyword = count.toString();
if (keywords.contains(keyword)) {
// if (false) {
// change to this after rationalizing 0/1
// temp.add("0");
// temp.add("1");
// for (Count count : Count.values()) {
// temp.add(count.toString());
// KeywordStatus status =
// org.unicode.cldr.util.PluralRulesUtil.getKeywordStatus(pluralRules,
// count.toString(), 0, explicits, true);
// if (status != KeywordStatus.SUPPRESSED && status != KeywordStatus.INVALID) {
// temp.add(count.toString());
// }
// }
// }
canonicalKeywords = Collections.unmodifiableSet(temp);
public String toString() {
return countToExampleSet + "; " + exampleToCount + "; " + pluralRules;
public Map<Count, Set<Double>> getCountToExamplesMap() {
return countToExampleSet;
public Map<Count, String> getCountToStringExamplesMap() {
return countToStringExample;
public Count getCount(double exampleCount) {
return Count.valueOf(;
public Count getCount(DecimalQuantity exampleCount) {
return Count.valueOf(;
public PluralRules getPluralRules() {
return pluralRules;
public String getRules() {
return pluralRulesString;
public Count getDefault() {
return null;
public Set<String> getCanonicalKeywords() {
return canonicalKeywords;
public Set<Count> getCounts() {
return keywords;
* Return the counts returned by the plural rules, adjusted to remove values that are not
* used in collecting data.
public Set<Count> getAdjustedCounts() {
return adjustedCounts;
* Return the counts returned by the plural rules, adjusted to remove values that are not
* used in collecting data.
public Set<String> getAdjustedCountStrings() {
return adjustedCountStrings;
public Set<Count> getCounts(SampleType sampleType) {
return sampleType == SampleType.DECIMAL ? decimalKeywords : integerKeywords;
* Return the integer samples from 0 to 9999. For simplicity and compactness, this is a
* UnicodeSet, but the interpretation is simply as a list of integers. UnicodeSet.EMPTY is
* returned if there are none.
* @param c
* @return
public SampleList getSamples9999(Count c) {
return countSampleList.get(c);
* Return the integer samples for the specified digit, eg 1 => 0..9. For simplicity and
* compactness, this is a UnicodeSet, but the interpretation is simply as a list of
* integers.
* @param c
* @return
public SampleList getSamples9999(Count c, int digit) {
return countSampleList.get(c, digit);
public boolean hasSamples(Count c, int digits) {
SampleList samples = countSampleList.get(c, digits);
return samples != null && (samples.fractionSize() > 0 || samples.intSize() > 0);
public String getRule(Count keyword) {
return countToRule.get(keyword);
public int compareTo(PluralInfo other) {
int size1 = this.countToRule.size();
int size2 = other.countToRule.size();
int diff = size1 - size2;
if (diff != 0) {
return diff;
Iterator<Count> it1 = countToRule.keySet().iterator();
Iterator<Count> it2 = other.countToRule.keySet().iterator();
while (it1.hasNext()) {
Count a1 =;
Count a2 =;
diff = a1.ordinal() - a2.ordinal();
if (diff != 0) {
return diff;
return pluralRules.compareTo(other.pluralRules);
enum MinMax {
public static final DecimalQuantity NEGATIVE_INFINITY =
new DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
public static final DecimalQuantity POSITIVE_INFINITY =
new DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
static double doubleValue(DecimalQuantity a) {
return a.toDouble();
public boolean rangeExists(
Count s,
Count e,
Output<DecimalQuantity> minSample,
Output<DecimalQuantity> maxSample) {
if (!getCounts().contains(s) || !getCounts().contains(e)) {
return false;
DecimalQuantity temp;
minSample.value =
if (lessOrFewerDecimals(temp, minSample.value)) {
minSample.value = temp;
maxSample.value =
if (greaterOrFewerDecimals(temp, maxSample.value)) {
maxSample.value = temp;
// if there is no range, just return
if (doubleValue(minSample.value) >= doubleValue(maxSample.value)) {
return false;
// see if we can get a better range, with not such a large end range
DecimalQuantity lowestMax =
new DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD(
.add(new java.math.BigDecimal("0.00001")));
SampleType bestType =
? SampleType.INTEGER
: SampleType.DECIMAL;
temp = getLeastIn(e, bestType, lowestMax, POSITIVE_INFINITY);
if (lessOrFewerDecimals(temp, maxSample.value)) {
maxSample.value = temp;
if (maxSample.value.toDouble() > 100000) {
temp = getLeastIn(e, bestType, lowestMax, POSITIVE_INFINITY);
if (lessOrFewerDecimals(temp, maxSample.value)) {
maxSample.value = temp;
return true;
public boolean greaterOrFewerDecimals(DecimalQuantity a, DecimalQuantity b) {
return doubleValue(a) > doubleValue(b)
|| doubleValue(b) == doubleValue(a)
&& b.getPluralOperand(Operand.f) > a.getPluralOperand(Operand.f);
public boolean lessOrFewerDecimals(DecimalQuantity a, DecimalQuantity b) {
return doubleValue(a) < doubleValue(b)
|| doubleValue(b) == doubleValue(a)
&& b.getPluralOperand(Operand.f) > a.getPluralOperand(Operand.f);
private DecimalQuantity getLeastIn(
Count s, SampleType sampleType, DecimalQuantity min, DecimalQuantity max) {
DecimalQuantity result = POSITIVE_INFINITY;
DecimalQuantitySamples sSamples1 =
pluralRules.getDecimalSamples(s.toString(), sampleType);
if (sSamples1 != null) {
for (DecimalQuantitySamplesRange x : sSamples1.samples) {
// overlap in ranges??
if (doubleValue(x.start) > doubleValue(max)
|| doubleValue(x.end) < doubleValue(min)) {
continue; // no, continue
// get restricted range
DecimalQuantity minOverlap =
greaterOrFewerDecimals(min, x.start) ? max : x.start;
// DecimalQuantity maxOverlap = lessOrFewerDecimals(max, x.end) ? max : x.end;
// replace if better
if (lessOrFewerDecimals(minOverlap, result)) {
result = minOverlap;
return result;
private DecimalQuantity getGreatestIn(
Count s, SampleType sampleType, DecimalQuantity min, DecimalQuantity max) {
DecimalQuantity result = NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
DecimalQuantitySamples sSamples1 =
pluralRules.getDecimalSamples(s.toString(), sampleType);
if (sSamples1 != null) {
for (DecimalQuantitySamplesRange x : sSamples1.getSamples()) {
// overlap in ranges??
if (doubleValue(x.start) > doubleValue(max)
|| doubleValue(x.end) < doubleValue(min)) {
continue; // no, continue
// get restricted range
// DecimalQuantity minOverlap = greaterOrFewerDecimals(min, x.start) ? max :
// x.start;
DecimalQuantity maxOverlap = lessOrFewerDecimals(max, x.end) ? max : x.end;
// replace if better
if (greaterOrFewerDecimals(maxOverlap, result)) {
result = maxOverlap;
return result;
public static DecimalQuantity getNonZeroSampleIfPossible(
DecimalQuantitySamples exampleList) {
Set<DecimalQuantitySamplesRange> sampleSet = exampleList.getSamples();
DecimalQuantity sampleDecimal = null;
// skip 0 if possible
for (DecimalQuantitySamplesRange range : sampleSet) {
sampleDecimal = range.start;
if (sampleDecimal.toDouble() != 0.0) {
sampleDecimal = range.end;
if (sampleDecimal.toDouble() != 0.0) {
return sampleDecimal;
* @deprecated use {@link #getPlurals(PluralType)} instead
public Set<String> getPluralLocales() {
return getPluralLocales(PluralType.cardinal);
* @param type
* @return the set of locales that have rules for the specified plural type
public Set<String> getPluralLocales(PluralType type) {
return localeToPluralInfo2.get(type).keySet();
public Set<String> getPluralRangesLocales() {
return localeToPluralRanges.keySet();
public PluralRanges getPluralRanges(String locale) {
return localeToPluralRanges.get(locale);
* @deprecated use {@link #getPlurals(PluralType, String)} instead
public PluralInfo getPlurals(String locale) {
return getPlurals(locale, true);
* Returns the plural info for a given locale.
* @param locale
* @return
public PluralInfo getPlurals(PluralType type, String locale) {
return getPlurals(type, locale, true);
* @deprecated use {@link #getPlurals(PluralType, String, boolean)} instead.
public PluralInfo getPlurals(String locale, boolean allowRoot) {
return getPlurals(PluralType.cardinal, locale, allowRoot);
* Returns the plural info for a given locale.
* @param locale
* @param allowRoot
* @param type
* @return
public PluralInfo getPlurals(PluralType type, String locale, boolean allowRoot) {
Map<String, PluralInfo> infoMap = localeToPluralInfo2.get(type);
while (locale != null) {
if (!allowRoot && locale.equals(LocaleNames.ROOT)) {
PluralInfo result = infoMap.get(locale);
if (result != null) {
return result;
locale = LocaleIDParser.getSimpleParent(locale);
return null;
* CLDR equivalent of
* @param loc
* @param type
* @return an ICU PluralRules, from CLDR data
public PluralRules getPluralRules(ULocale loc, PluralRules.PluralType type) {
return getPluralRules(loc.getBaseName(), type);
* CLDR equivalent of
* @param loc
* @param type
* @return an ICU PluralRules, from CLDR data
public PluralRules getPluralRules(String loc, PluralRules.PluralType type) {
return getPlurals(PluralType.fromStandardType(type), loc).getPluralRules();
public DayPeriodInfo getDayPeriods(DayPeriodInfo.Type type, String locale) {
Map<String, DayPeriodInfo> map1 = typeToLocaleToDayPeriodInfo.get(type);
while (locale != null) {
DayPeriodInfo result = map1.get(locale);
if (result != null) {
return result;
locale = LocaleIDParser.getSimpleParent(locale);
return null;
public Set<String> getDayPeriodLocales(DayPeriodInfo.Type type) {
return typeToLocaleToDayPeriodInfo.get(type).keySet();
private static CurrencyNumberInfo DEFAULT_NUMBER_INFO = new CurrencyNumberInfo(2, -1, -1, -1);
public CurrencyNumberInfo getCurrencyNumberInfo(String currency) {
CurrencyNumberInfo result = currencyToCurrencyNumberInfo.get(currency);
if (result == null) {
return result;
* Returns ordered set of currency data information
* @param territory
* @return
public Set<CurrencyDateInfo> getCurrencyDateInfo(String territory) {
return territoryToCurrencyDateInfo.getAll(territory);
* Returns ordered set of currency data information
* @return
public Set<String> getCurrencyTerritories() {
return territoryToCurrencyDateInfo.keySet();
* Returns the ISO4217 currency code of the default currency for a given territory. The default
* currency is the first one listed which is legal tender at the present moment.
* @param territory
* @return
public String getDefaultCurrency(String territory) {
String result = "XXX";
Set<CurrencyDateInfo> targetCurrencyInfo = getCurrencyDateInfo(territory);
if (targetCurrencyInfo == null) {
* This happens during ConsoleCheckCLDR
* territory = "419"
* path = //ldml/numbers/currencyFormats[@numberSystem="latn"]/currencyFormatLength/currencyFormat[@type="accounting"]/pattern[@type="standard"]
* value = ¤#,##0.00
* Prevent NullPointerException
return result;
Date now = new Date();
for (CurrencyDateInfo cdi : targetCurrencyInfo) {
if (cdi.getStart().before(now) && cdi.getEnd().after(now) && cdi.isLegalTender()) {
result = cdi.getCurrency();
return result;
* Returns the ISO4217 currency code of the default currency for a given CLDRLocale. The default
* currency is the first one listed which is legal tender at the present moment.
* @param loc
* @return
public String getDefaultCurrency(CLDRLocale loc) {
return getDefaultCurrency(loc.getCountry());
public Map<String, Set<TelephoneCodeInfo>> getTerritoryToTelephoneCodeInfo() {
return territoryToTelephoneCodeInfo;
public Set<TelephoneCodeInfo> getTelephoneCodeInfoForTerritory(String territory) {
return territoryToTelephoneCodeInfo.get(territory);
public Set<String> getTerritoriesForTelephoneCodeInfo() {
return territoryToTelephoneCodeInfo.keySet();
private List<String> serialElements;
private Collection<String> distinguishingAttributes;
// @Deprecated
// public List<String> getSerialElements() {
// return serialElements;
// }
// @Deprecated
// public Collection<String> getDistinguishingAttributes() {
// return distinguishingAttributes;
// }
* The Row is: desired, supported, percent, oneway
* @param string the type (written-new, for new format)
* @return
public List<R4<String, String, Integer, Boolean>> getLanguageMatcherData(String string) {
return languageMatch.get(string);
public Set<String> getLanguageMatcherKeys() {
return languageMatch.keySet();
/** Return mapping from type to territory to data. 001 is the default. */
public Map<MeasurementType, Map<String, String>> getTerritoryMeasurementData() {
return measurementData;
/** Return mapping from keys to subtypes */
public Relation<String, String> getBcp47Keys() {
return bcp47Key2Subtypes;
/** Return mapping from extensions to keys */
public Relation<String, String> getBcp47Extension2Keys() {
return bcp47Extension2Keys;
/** Return mapping from &lt;key,subtype> to aliases */
public Relation<R2<String, String>, String> getBcp47Aliases() {
return bcp47Aliases;
/** Return mapping from &lt;key,subtype> to description */
public Map<R2<String, String>, String> getBcp47Descriptions() {
return bcp47Descriptions;
/** Return mapping from &lt;key,subtype> to since */
public Map<R2<String, String>, String> getBcp47Since() {
return bcp47Since;
/** Return mapping from &lt;key,subtype> to preferred */
public Map<R2<String, String>, String> getBcp47Preferred() {
return bcp47Preferred;
/** Return mapping from &lt;key,subtype> to deprecated */
public Map<R2<String, String>, String> getBcp47Deprecated() {
return bcp47Deprecated;
/** Return mapping from subtype to deprecated */
public Map<String, String> getBcp47ValueType() {
return bcp47ValueType;
static Set<String> MainTimeZones;
* Return canonical timezones
* @return
public Set<String> getCanonicalTimeZones() {
synchronized (SupplementalDataInfo.class) {
if (MainTimeZones == null) {
MainTimeZones = new TreeSet<>();
SupplementalDataInfo info = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance();
for (Entry<R2<String, String>, Set<String>> entry :
info.getBcp47Aliases().keyValuesSet()) {
R2<String, String> subtype_aliases = entry.getKey();
if (!subtype_aliases.get0().equals("timezone")) {
MainTimeZones = Collections.unmodifiableSet(MainTimeZones);
return MainTimeZones;
public Set<MetaZoneRange> getMetaZoneRanges(String zone) {
return zoneToMetaZoneRanges.get(zone);
* Return the metazone containing this zone at this date
* @param zone
* @param date
* @return
public MetaZoneRange getMetaZoneRange(String zone, long date) {
Set<MetaZoneRange> metazoneRanges = zoneToMetaZoneRanges.get(zone);
if (metazoneRanges != null) {
for (MetaZoneRange metazoneRange : metazoneRanges) {
if (metazoneRange.dateRange.getFrom() <= date
&& date < metazoneRange.dateRange.getTo()) {
return metazoneRange;
return null;
public boolean isDeprecated(DtdType type, String element, String attribute, String value) {
if (type.getStatus() == DtdStatus.removed) {
// if the DTD was removed, skip
return true;
return DtdData.getInstance(type).isDeprecated(element, attribute, value);
public boolean isDeprecated(DtdType type, String path) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) {
String element = parts.getElement(i);
if (isDeprecated(type, element, "*", "*")) {
return true;
for (Entry<String, String> entry : parts.getAttributes(i).entrySet()) {
String attribute = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
if (isDeprecated(type, element, attribute, value)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns map of ID/Type/Value, such as id="$integer" type="regex" value=[0-9]+
* @return
public Map<String, R2<String, String>> getValidityInfo() {
return validityInfo;
public Set<String> getCLDRLanguageCodes() {
return CLDRLanguageCodes;
public boolean isCLDRLanguageCode(String code) {
return CLDRLanguageCodes.contains(code);
public Set<String> getCLDRScriptCodes() {
return CLDRScriptCodes;
public boolean isCLDRScriptCode(String code) {
return CLDRScriptCodes.contains(code);
private synchronized void initCLDRLocaleBasedData() throws InternalError {
// This initialization depends on SDI being initialized.
if (defaultContentToBase == null) {
Map<CLDRLocale, CLDRLocale> p2c = new TreeMap<>();
Map<CLDRLocale, CLDRLocale> c2p = new TreeMap<>();
TreeSet<CLDRLocale> tmpAllLocales = new TreeSet<>();
// copied from - CLDRLocale based
for (String l : defaultContentLocales) {
CLDRLocale child = CLDRLocale.getInstance(l);
for (CLDRLocale child : tmpAllLocales) {
// Find a parent of this locale which is NOT itself also a defaultContent
CLDRLocale nextParent = child.getParent();
// /System.err.println(">> considering " + child + " with parent " + nextParent);
while (nextParent != null) {
if (!tmpAllLocales.contains(
nextParent)) { // Did we find a parent that's also not itself a
// defaultContent?
// /System.err.println(">>>> Got 1? considering " + child + " with parent "
// + nextParent);
// /System.err.println(">>>>> considering " + child + " with parent " +
// nextParent);
nextParent = nextParent.getParent();
// parent
if (nextParent == null) {
throw new InternalError(
"SupplementalDataInfo.defaultContentToChild(): No valid parent for "
+ child);
} else if (nextParent == CLDRLocale.ROOT
|| nextParent == CLDRLocale.getInstance(LocaleNames.ROOT)) {
throw new InternalError(
"SupplementalDataInfo.defaultContentToChild(): Parent is root for default content locale "
+ child);
} else {
c2p.put(child, nextParent); // wo_Arab_SN -> wo
CLDRLocale oldChild = p2c.get(nextParent);
if (oldChild != null) {
CLDRLocale childParent = child.getParent();
if (!childParent.equals(oldChild)) {
throw new InternalError(
"SupplementalData.defaultContentToChild(): defaultContent list in wrong order? Tried to map "
+ nextParent
+ " -> "
+ child
+ ", replacing "
+ oldChild
+ " (should have been "
+ childParent
+ ")");
p2c.put(nextParent, child); // wo -> wo_Arab_SN
// done, save the hashtables..
baseToDefaultContent = Collections.unmodifiableMap(p2c); // wo -> wo_Arab_SN
defaultContentToBase = Collections.unmodifiableMap(c2p); // wo_Arab_SN -> wo
public Map<String, PreferredAndAllowedHour> getTimeData() {
return timeData;
public String getDefaultScript(String baseLanguage) {
String ls = likelySubtags.get(baseLanguage);
if (ls == null) {
LocaleIDParser lp = new LocaleIDParser().set(ls);
String defaultScript = lp.getScript();
if (defaultScript.length() > 0) {
return defaultScript;
} else {
private XEquivalenceClass<String, String> equivalentLocales = null;
public Set<String> getEquivalentsForLocale(String localeId) {
if (equivalentLocales == null) {
equivalentLocales = getEquivalentsForLocale();
Set<String> result = new TreeSet(LENGTH_FIRST);
Set<String> equiv = equivalentLocales.getEquivalences(localeId);
// if (equiv == null) {
// result.add(localeId);
// return result;
// }
if (equiv != null) {
Map<String, String> likely = getLikelySubtags();
String newMax = LikelySubtags.maximize(localeId, likely);
if (newMax != null) {
newMax = LikelySubtags.minimize(localeId, likely, true);
if (newMax != null) {
newMax = LikelySubtags.minimize(localeId, likely, false);
if (newMax != null) {
// if (result.size() == 1) {
// LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser().set(localeId);
// if (ltp.getScript().isEmpty()) {
// String ds = getDefaultScript(ltp.getLanguage());
// if (ds != null) {
// ltp.setScript(ds);
// result.add(ltp.toString());
// }
// }
// }
return result;
public static final class LengthFirstComparator<T> implements Comparator<T> {
public int compare(T a, T b) {
String as = a.toString();
String bs = b.toString();
if (as.length() < bs.length()) return -1;
if (as.length() > bs.length()) return 1;
return as.compareTo(bs);
public static final LengthFirstComparator LENGTH_FIRST = new LengthFirstComparator();
private synchronized XEquivalenceClass<String, String> getEquivalentsForLocale() {
SupplementalDataInfo sdi = this;
Relation<String, String> localeToDefaultContents =
Relation.of(new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
Set<String> dcl = sdi.getDefaultContentLocales();
Map<String, String> likely = sdi.getLikelySubtags();
XEquivalenceClass<String, String> locales = new XEquivalenceClass<>();
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser();
Set<String> temp = new HashSet<>();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : likely.entrySet()) {
String source = entry.getKey();
if (source.startsWith(LocaleNames.UND)) {
for (String s : getCombinations(source, ltp, likely, temp)) {
locales.add(source, s);
for (String s : getCombinations(entry.getValue(), ltp, likely, temp)) {
locales.add(source, s);
// Set<String> sorted = new TreeSet(locales.getExplicitItems());
// for (String s : sorted) {
// System.out.println(locales.getEquivalences(s));
// }
for (String defaultContentLocale : dcl) {
if (defaultContentLocale.startsWith("zh")) {
int x = 0;
Set<String> set = locales.getEquivalences(defaultContentLocale);
String parent = LocaleIDParser.getSimpleParent(defaultContentLocale);
if (!set.contains(parent)) {
localeToDefaultContents.put(parent, defaultContentLocale);
// System.out.println("Mismatch " + parent + ", " + set);
if (parent.contains("_")) {
// only base locales after this point
String ds = sdi.getDefaultScript(parent);
if (ds != null) {
String trial = ltp.toString();
if (!set.contains(trial)) {
// System.out.println("Mismatch " + trial + ", " + set);
localeToDefaultContents.put(parent, trial);
return locales;
private Set<String> getCombinations(
String source, LanguageTagParser ltp, Map<String, String> likely, Set<String> locales) {
String max = LikelySubtags.maximize(source, likely);
String trial = ltp.toString();
String newMax = LikelySubtags.maximize(trial, likely);
if (Objects.equals(newMax, max)) {
trial = ltp.toString();
newMax = LikelySubtags.maximize(trial, likely);
if (Objects.equals(newMax, max)) {
return locales;
public VersionInfo getCldrVersion() {
return cldrVersion;
public String getUnicodeVersionString() {
return unicodeVersion;
public VersionInfo getUnicodeVersion() {
return VersionInfo.getInstance(getUnicodeVersionString());
public String getCldrVersionString() {
return cldrVersionString;
public File getDirectory() {
return directory;
public static final Splitter WHITESPACE_SPLTTER =
public static final class AttributeValidityInfo {
// <attributeValues elements="alias" attributes="path"
// type="path">notDoneYet</attributeValues>
final String type;
final Set<DtdType> dtds;
final Set<String> elements;
final Set<String> attributes;
final String order;
public String toString() {
return "type:"
+ type
+ ", elements:"
+ elements
+ ", attributes:"
+ attributes
+ ", order:"
+ order;
static void add(
Map<String, String> inputAttibutes,
String inputValue,
Map<AttributeValidityInfo, String> data) {
final AttributeValidityInfo key =
new AttributeValidityInfo(
if (data.containsKey(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(key + " declared twice");
data.put(key, inputValue);
public AttributeValidityInfo(
String dtds, String type, String attributes, String elements, String order) {
if (dtds == null) {
this.dtds = Collections.singleton(DtdType.ldml);
} else {
Set<DtdType> temp = EnumSet.noneOf(DtdType.class);
for (String s : WHITESPACE_SPLTTER.split(dtds)) {
this.dtds = Collections.unmodifiableSet(temp);
this.type = type != null ? type : order != null ? "choice" : null;
this.elements =
elements == null
? Collections.EMPTY_SET
.toUnmodifiableCollection(new HashSet<String>());
this.attributes =
.toUnmodifiableCollection(new HashSet<String>());
this.order = order;
public String getType() {
return type;
public Set<DtdType> getDtds() {
return dtds;
public Set<String> getElements() {
return elements;
public Set<String> getAttributes() {
return attributes;
public String getOrder() {
return order;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
AttributeValidityInfo other = (AttributeValidityInfo) obj;
return CldrUtility.deepEquals(
type, other.type,
dtds, other.dtds,
elements, other.elements,
attributes, other.attributes,
order, other.order);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(type, dtds, elements, attributes, order);
public Map<AttributeValidityInfo, String> getAttributeValidity() {
return attributeValidityInfo;
public Multimap<String, String> getLanguageGroups() {
return languageGroups;
public UnitConverter getUnitConverter() {
return unitConverter;
public RationalParser getRationalParser() {
return rationalParser;
public UnitPreferences getUnitPreferences() {
return unitPreferences;
public UnitIdComponentType getUnitIdComponentType(String component) {
UnitIdComponentType result = unitIdComponentType.get(component);
return result == null ? UnitIdComponentType.base : result;
/** Locales that have grammar info */
public Set<String> hasGrammarInfo() {
return grammarLocaleToTargetToFeatureToValues.keySet();
* Locales that have grammar info for at least one of the features (with the given target and
* scope).
public Set<String> getLocalesWithFeatures(
GrammaticalTarget target, GrammaticalScope scope, GrammaticalFeature... features) {
Set<String> locales = new TreeSet<>();
for (Entry<String, GrammarInfo> localeAndGrammar :
grammarLocaleToTargetToFeatureToValues.entrySet()) {
final GrammarInfo grammarInfo = localeAndGrammar.getValue();
for (GrammaticalFeature feature : features) {
Collection<String> featureInfo = grammarInfo.get(target, feature, scope);
if (!featureInfo.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(locales);
* Grammar info for locales, with inheritance
* @param locale
* @return
public GrammarInfo getGrammarInfo(String locale) {
return getGrammarInfo(locale, false);
* Special hack for v38; should drop seedOnly later.
* @param locale
* @param seedOnly
* @return
public GrammarInfo getGrammarInfo(String locale, boolean seedOnly) {
for (; locale != null; locale = LocaleIDParser.getParent(locale)) {
if (seedOnly && !GrammarInfo.getGrammarLocales().contains(locale)) {
GrammarInfo result = grammarLocaleToTargetToFeatureToValues.get(locale);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
public Set<String> hasGrammarDerivation() {
return localeToGrammarDerivation.keySet();
public GrammarDerivation getGrammarDerivation(String locale) {
for (; locale != null; locale = LocaleIDParser.getParent(locale)) {
GrammarDerivation result = localeToGrammarDerivation.get(locale);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
public Multimap<Order, String> getPersonNameOrder() {
return personNameOrder;
public UnitPrefixInfo getUnitPrefixInfo(String prefix) {
return unitPrefixInfo.get(prefix);
public Set<String> getUnitPrefixes() {
return unitPrefixInfo.keySet();
* Filter out deprecated items. This is more complicated than it seems. The deprecation is in
* timezones.xml, eg: <type name="cathu" description="Thunder Bay, Canada" deprecated="true"
* preferred="cator"/> <type name="cator" description="Toronto, Canada" alias="America/Toronto
* America/Montreal Canada/Eastern America/Nipigon America/Thunder_Bay"/> We need to find the
* short id's that are deprecated, put there is a problem due to
* <p>America/Nipigon, America/Thunder_Bay, America/Rainy_River
Supplier<Set<String>> goodTimezones =
new Supplier<Set<String>>() {
public Set<String> get() {
Set<String> availableLongTz = sc.getAvailableCodes(CodeType.tzid);
Set<String> result = null;
if (true) { // hack for now
final Set<String> hack =
result = Set.copyOf(Sets.difference(availableLongTz, hack));
} else { // TODO restore when CLDR-17412 is fixed
Map<String, String> aliasToRegular =
Map<String, Bcp47KeyInfo> subtypeToInfo =
result =
x -> {
String shortId = aliasToRegular.get(x);
Bcp47KeyInfo info =
"%s %s %s",
x, shortId, info));
return !info.deprecated;
return result;
public Set<String> getCLDRTimezoneCodes() {
return goodTimezones.get();