blob: 39b0fad880d227c272ef227dbe9dfe28da13820e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Google and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Author: Mark Davis
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Dictionary.DictionaryBuilder;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.IntMap.BasicIntMapFactory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.IntMap.IntMapFactory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StateDictionary.Cell;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StateDictionary.Row;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StateDictionary.Row.Uniqueness;
* A simple state-table based dictionary builder.
* @author markdavis
* @param <T>
* the return type for the dictionary
public class StateDictionaryBuilder<T> implements DictionaryBuilder<T> {
private static final boolean SHOW_SIZE = true;
// only used while building
private Row buildingCurrentAddRow;
private int builtTotalBytes;
private int builtTotalStrings;
// results of build
private ArrayList<Row> builtRows;
private Row builtBaseRow;
private IntMap<T> builtResults;
private int builtMaxByteLength;
private StringByteConverter byteConverter = new CompactStringByteConverter(true); // new StringUtf8Converter(); //
// new ByteString(false); // new
// ByteString(true); //
private IntMapFactory<T> intMapFactory = new BasicIntMapFactory<T>();
* Get/set the IntMapFactory used to store the values for T. The default is BasicIntMapFactory.
* @return
public IntMapFactory<T> getIntMapFactory() {
return intMapFactory;
public StateDictionaryBuilder<T> setIntMapFactory(IntMapFactory<T> intMapFactory) {
this.intMapFactory = intMapFactory;
return this;
* Get/Set the StringByteConverter used to convert strings to bytes and back. The default is a compacted form:
* ByteString(true).
* @return
public StringByteConverter getByteConverter() {
return byteConverter;
public StateDictionaryBuilder<T> setByteConverter(StringByteConverter byteConverter) {
this.byteConverter = byteConverter;
return this;
* Create a new simple StateDictionary. This format is relatively fast to
* produce, and has a fair amount of compaction. The Map must be sorted
* according to Dictionary.CHAR_SEQUENCE_COMPARATOR. It must not contain the key "".
* @param source
* @return
public StateDictionary<T> make(Map<CharSequence, T> source) {
// clear out state
buildingCurrentAddRow = null;
builtTotalBytes = builtTotalStrings = builtMaxByteLength = 0;
builtRows = new ArrayList<Row>();
builtBaseRow = makeRow();
builtResults = intMapFactory.make(source.values());
if (SHOW_SIZE) System.out.println("***VALUE STORAGE: " + builtResults.approximateStorage());
Map<T, Integer> valueToInt = builtResults.getValueMap();
Map<byte[], Integer> sorted = new TreeMap<byte[], Integer>(SHORTER_BYTE_ARRAY_COMPARATOR);
for (CharSequence text : source.keySet()) {
sorted.put(byteConverter.toBytes(text), valueToInt.get(source.get(text)));
for (byte[] key : sorted.keySet()) {
addMapping(key, sorted.get(key));
// now compact the rows
// first find out which rows are equivalent (recursively)
Map<Row, Row> replacements = new HashMap<Row, Row>();
Map<Row, Row> equivalents = new TreeMap<Row, Row>(StateDictionary.rowComparator);
for (Row row : builtRows) {
Row cardinal = equivalents.get(row);
if (cardinal == null) {
equivalents.put(row, row);
} else {
replacements.put(row, cardinal);
if (SHOW_SIZE) System.out.println("***ROWS: " + builtRows.size() + "\t REPLACEMENTS: " + replacements.size());
// now replace all references to rows by their equivalents
for (Row row : builtRows) {
for (Byte key : row.byteToCell.keySet()) {
Cell cell = row.byteToCell.get(key);
Row newRow = replacements.get(cell.nextRow);
if (newRow != null) {
cell.nextRow = newRow;
// now compact the rows array
ArrayList<Row> newRows = new ArrayList<Row>();
for (Row row : builtRows) {
if (!replacements.containsKey(row)) {
// and set the Uniqueness values
builtRows = newRows;
if (SHOW_SIZE) System.out.println("***ROWS: " + builtRows.size());
return new StateDictionary<T>(builtBaseRow, builtRows, builtResults, builtMaxByteLength, byteConverter);
private Row makeRow() {
Row row = new Row(builtRows.size());
return row;
private void addMapping(byte[] key, int result) {
buildingCurrentAddRow = builtBaseRow;
int lastIndex = key.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= lastIndex; ++i) {
result = add(key[i], result, i == lastIndex);
builtTotalBytes += key.length;
builtTotalStrings += 1;
if (builtMaxByteLength < key.length) {
builtMaxByteLength = key.length;
private int add(byte key, int result, boolean last) {
Cell matchingCell = buildingCurrentAddRow.byteToCell.get(key);
if (matchingCell != null) {
if (matchingCell.nextRow == null && !last) {
matchingCell.nextRow = makeRow();
// we add a continuation, so decrement
buildingCurrentAddRow = matchingCell.nextRow;
return result - matchingCell.deltaResult;
Cell cell = new Cell();
buildingCurrentAddRow.byteToCell.put(key, cell);
cell.deltaResult = result;
if (last) {
cell.returns = true;
} else {
cell.nextRow = buildingCurrentAddRow = makeRow();
// when we create a new cell for the first time, we deposit the
// result, so we can clear it now
return 0;
* Follow all the path values, and determine whether all possible results from
* a row (when following bytes) are the same. If so, set the flag on the row.
* The return value
* @param savedMatchValue
* @return true if unique
// NOTE: The way the table is built, we are guaranteed that the current value
// is "correct" (with no deltas needed) for at least one of the paths
// resulting from the row, EXCEPT in the very first row. Thus except for the first row,
// every row will have at least one cell with a zero deltaResult. That in turn means that
// if there is a deltaResult on a cell, at least one chain resulting from taking that cell
// will have that result.
// So, if there are any deltaResults in a row, it is not unique.
// Otherwise, if any of the cells have non-unique rows, it is not unique
// Otherwise it is unique.
// So this traverses the rows, setting the values for anything it hasn't seen.
// TODO: could be optimized (maybe) by saving the rows seen so far. On the other hand,
// this might not be worth the time in adding them to a save list.
private boolean setUniqueValues(Row currentRow) {
if (currentRow.hasUniqueValue == Uniqueness.UNIQUE) {
return true;
// see if there is any reason to make us not Unique
// According to the structure above:
// It will be that we have a child that is not unique,
// or that we have a nonzero delta value
// We don't have to look at anything else.
// We DO have to call setUniqueValues on each of our children, to make sure they are set.
for (Cell cell : currentRow.byteToCell.values()) {
if (cell.nextRow != null && !setUniqueValues(cell.nextRow)) {
currentRow.hasUniqueValue = Uniqueness.AMBIGUOUS;
} else if (cell.deltaResult != 0) {
currentRow.hasUniqueValue = Uniqueness.AMBIGUOUS;
if (currentRow.hasUniqueValue == Uniqueness.AMBIGUOUS) {
return false;
currentRow.hasUniqueValue = Uniqueness.UNIQUE;
return true;
static final Comparator<byte[]> SHORTER_BYTE_ARRAY_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<byte[]>() {
public int compare(byte[] o1, byte[] o2) {
int minLen = o1.length;
if (minLen > o2.length) {
minLen = o2.length;
for (int i = 0; i < minLen; ++i) {
if (o1[i] != o2[i]) {
return o1[i] < o2[i] ? -1 : 1; // return lesser first
return o1.length < o2.length ? -1 : o1.length > o2.length ? 1 : 0;