blob: 3c81b09674807d0da00ffaa465010482ac796b0c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.tool;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.ChainedMap;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.ChainedMap.M3;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Pair;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes.LstrField;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes.LstrType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.TransliteratorUtilities;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Validity;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Validity.Status;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.WikiSubdivisionLanguages;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLFileReader;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
public class GenerateSubdivisions {
private static final Title TO_TITLE_WHOLE_STRING_NO_LOWERCASE = CaseMap.toTitle().wholeString().noLowercase();
private static final String ISO_COUNTRY_CODES = CLDRPaths.CLDR_PRIVATE_DIRECTORY + "iso_country_codes/";
private static final String ISO_SUBDIVISION_CODES = ISO_COUNTRY_CODES + "iso_country_codes.xml";
static final Comparator<String> ROOT_COL;
static {
RuleBasedCollator _ROOT_COL = (RuleBasedCollator) Collator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
ROOT_COL = (Comparator) _ROOT_COL;
private static final CLDRConfig CLDR_CONFIG = CLDRConfig.getInstance();
private static final CLDRFile ENGLISH_CLDR = CLDR_CONFIG.getEnglish();
private static final SupplementalDataInfo SDI = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance();
// TODO: consider whether to use the last archive directory to generate
// There are pros and cons.
// Pros are that we don't introduce "fake" deprecated elements that are introduced and deprecated during the 6 month CLDR cycle
// Cons are that we may have to repeat work
private static final Map<String, R2<List<String>, String>> SUBDIVISION_ALIASES_FORMER = SDI.getLocaleAliasInfo().get("subdivision");
private static final SubdivisionNames SUBDIVISION_NAMES_ENGLISH_FORMER = new SubdivisionNames("en");
private static final Validity VALIDITY_FORMER = Validity.getInstance();
private static final Relation<String,String> formerRegionToSubdivisions = Relation.of(new HashMap<String,Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class, ROOT_COL);
static {
Map<Status, Set<String>> oldSubdivisionData = VALIDITY_FORMER.getStatusToCodes(LstrType.subdivision);
for (Entry<Status, Set<String>> e : oldSubdivisionData.entrySet()) {
final Status status = e.getKey();
if (status != Status.unknown) { // special is a hack
for (String sdCode : e.getValue()) {
final String region = SubdivisionNames.getRegionFromSubdivision(sdCode);
formerRegionToSubdivisions.put(region, sdCode);
static Map<String, String> NAME_CORRECTIONS = new HashMap<>();
// static {
// Splitter semi = Splitter.on(';').trimResults();
// for (String s :, "en-subdivisions-corrections.txt")) {
// if (s.startsWith("#")) {
// continue;
// }
// s = s.trim();
// if (s.isEmpty()) {
// continue;
// }
// List<String> parts = semi.splitToList(s);
// NAME_CORRECTIONS.put(convertToCldr(parts.get(0)), parts.get(1));
// }
// }
public static String convertToCldr(String regionOrSubdivision) {
return SubdivisionNames.isRegionCode(regionOrSubdivision) ? regionOrSubdivision.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)
: regionOrSubdivision.replace("-", "").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
static final Normalizer2 nfc = Normalizer2.getNFCInstance();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
try (PrintWriter pw = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY, "subdivision/subdivisions.xml")) {
try (PrintWriter pw = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY, "subdivision/subdivisionAliases.txt")) {
try (PrintWriter pw = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY, "subdivision/en.xml")) {
try (PrintWriter pw = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY, "subdivision/categories.txt")) {
try (PrintWriter pw = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY, "subdivision/en.txt")) {
try (PrintWriter pw = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY, "subdivision/en-full.txt")) {
try (PrintWriter pw = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY, "subdivision/missing-mid.txt")) {
static final Map<String, SubdivisionNode> ID_TO_NODE = new HashMap<>();
static class SubdivisionNode {
static LocaleDisplayNames ENGLISH_ICU = LocaleDisplayNames.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
static final M3<String, String, String> NAMES = ChainedMap.of(
new TreeMap<String, Object>(),
new TreeMap<String, Object>(),
static final Map<String, String> TO_COUNTRY_CODE = new TreeMap<String, String>();
static final Relation<String, String> ID_SAMPLE = Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
static final Map<String, String> SUB_TO_CAT = new TreeMap<>();
static final SubdivisionNode BASE = new SubdivisionNode("001", null).addName("en", "World");
static final Relation<String, String> REGION_CONTAINS = Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
static public void addName(String code, String lang, String value) {
int parenPos = value.indexOf("(see also separate country");
if (parenPos >= 0) {
Error: ( : country BQ = subdivisionNL-BQ1: expected "Caribbean Netherlands", got "Bonaire"
Error: ( : country BQ = subdivisionNL-BQ2: expected "Caribbean Netherlands", got "Saba"
Error: ( : country BQ = subdivisionNL-BQ3: expected "Caribbean Netherlands", got "Sint Eustatius"
Error: ( : country SJ = subdivisionNO-21: expected "Svalbard & Jan Mayen", got "Svalbard"
Error: ( : country SJ = subdivisionNO-22: expected "Svalbard & Jan Mayen", got "Jan Mayen"
String paren = value.substring(value.length() - 3, value.length() - 1);
// OLD code to guess country from comment
// if (!paren.equals("BQ") && !paren.equals("SJ")) {
// String old = TO_COUNTRY_CODE.get(code);
// if (old != null) {
// System.err.println("Duplicate: " + code + "\t" + old + "\t" + paren);
// }
// TO_COUNTRY_CODE.put(code, paren);
// }
value = value.substring(0, parenPos).trim();
value = value.replace("*", "");
NAMES.put(code, lang, value);
public static void printMissingMIDs(PrintWriter pw) {
// for (Entry<String, String> entry : WikiSubdivisionLanguages.WIKIDATA_TO_MID.entrySet()) {
// String mid = entry.getValue();
// if (!mid.isEmpty()) {
// continue;
// }
// String subCode = entry.getKey();
// String wiki = clean(getWikiName(subCode));
// String iso = clean(getIsoName(subCode));
// String countryCode = subCode.substring(0, 2);
// String cat = SUB_TO_CAT.get(subCode);
// String catName = getIsoName(cat);
// pw.append(
// ENGLISH_ICU.regionDisplayName(countryCode)
// + "\t" + mid
// + "\t" + subCode
// + "\t" + catName
// + "\t" + wiki
// + "\t" + iso
// + "\n"
// );
// }
public static void printEnglishComp(Appendable output) throws IOException {
Set<String> countEqual = new TreeSet<>();
String lastCC = null;
for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : SubdivisionNode.REGION_CONTAINS.keyValuesSet()) {
final String countryCode = entry.getKey();
if (!countryCode.equals(lastCC)) {
if (lastCC != null && countEqual.size() != 0) {
output.append(ENGLISH_ICU.regionDisplayName(lastCC) + "\t\t\tEquals:\t" + countEqual.size() + "\t" + countEqual + "\n");
lastCC = countryCode;
for (String value : entry.getValue()) {
String cldrName = getBestName(value, false);
String wiki = WikiSubdivisionLanguages.getBestWikiEnglishName(value);
final String iso = getIsoName(value);
if (iso.equals(wiki)) {
// + "\t" + WikiSubdivisionLanguages.WIKIDATA_TO_MID.get(value)
+ "\t" + cldrName
+ "\t" + value
+ "\t" + iso
+ "\t" + wiki
+ "\n"
if (countEqual.size() != 0) {
output.append(ENGLISH_ICU.regionDisplayName(lastCC) + "\t\t\tEquals:\t" + countEqual.size() + "\t" + countEqual + "\n");
public static void printEnglishCompFull(Appendable output) throws IOException {
for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : SubdivisionNode.REGION_CONTAINS.keyValuesSet()) {
final String countryCode = entry.getKey();
for (String value : entry.getValue()) {
String cldrName = getBestName(value, false);
String wiki = WikiSubdivisionLanguages.getBestWikiEnglishName(value);
final String iso = getIsoName(value);
// + "\t" + WikiSubdivisionLanguages.WIKIDATA_TO_MID.get(value)
+ "\t" + value
+ "\t" + cldrName
+ "\t" + iso
+ "\t" + wiki
+ "\n"
static final String[] CRUFT = {
"Province of",
", Barbados",
", Burkina Faso",
"Canton of",
"(Région des)",
"(Région du)",
"(Région de la)",
"Archipelago of",
", Bahamas",
"(Région de l')",
", Cameroon",
"State of",
"Metropolitan Borough of",
"London Borough of",
"Royal Borough of",
"Borough of",
"Council of",
"City of",
", The",
static final Pattern CRUFT_PATTERN = PatternCache.get("(?i)\\b" + CollectionUtilities.join(CRUFT, "|") + "\\b");
static final Pattern BRACKETED = PatternCache.get("\\[.*\\]");
static String clean(String input) {
if (input == null) {
return input;
// Quick & dirty
input = BRACKETED.matcher(input).replaceAll("");
input = CRUFT_PATTERN.matcher(input).replaceAll("");
// for (String cruft : CRUFT) {
// int pos = input.indexOf(cruft);
// if (pos >= 0) {
// input = input.substring(0,pos) + input.substring(pos + cruft.length());
// }
// }
input.replace(" ", " ");
if (input.endsWith(",")) {
input = input.substring(0, input.length() - 1);
return fixName(input);
public static void printEnglish(PrintWriter output) throws IOException {
TreeSet<String> allRegions = new TreeSet<>();
allRegions.addAll(formerRegionToSubdivisions.keySet()); // override
Factory cldrFactorySubdivisions = Factory.make(CLDRPaths.SUBDIVISIONS_DIRECTORY, ".*");
CLDRFile oldFileSubdivisions = cldrFactorySubdivisions.make("en", false);
CLDRFile fileSubdivisions = oldFileSubdivisions.cloneAsThawed();
// <subdivisions>
// <subdivisiontype="NZ-AUK">Auckland</territory>
// output.append(
// DtdType.ldml.header(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass())
// + "\t<identity>\n"
// + "\t\t<version number=\"$Revision" /*hack to stop SVN changing this*/ + "$\"/>\n"
// + "\t\t<language type=\"en\"/>\n"
// + "\t</identity>\n"
// + "\t<localeDisplayNames>\n"
// + "\t\t<subdivisions>\n");
Set<String> skipped = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (String regionCode : allRegions) {
if (!isKosher(regionCode)) {
if (regionCode.length() != 3) {
Set<String> codesIncluded = new HashSet<>(); // record the ones we did, so we can add others
Set<String> remainder = formerRegionToSubdivisions.get(regionCode);
remainder = remainder == null ? Collections.EMPTY_SET : new LinkedHashSet<>(remainder);
SubdivisionNode regionNode = ID_TO_NODE.get(regionCode);
// output.append("\t\t<!-- ")
// .append(convertToCldr(regionCode)).append(" : ")
// .append(TransliteratorUtilities.toXML.transform(ENGLISH_ICU.regionDisplayName(regionCode)));
if (regionNode == null) {
// output.append(" : NO SUBDIVISIONS -->\n");
// output.append(" -->\n");
Set<SubdivisionNode> ordered = new LinkedHashSet<>();
addChildren(ordered, regionNode.children);
for (SubdivisionNode node : ordered) {
final String sdCode = node.code;
String name = getBestName(sdCode, true);
String upper = UCharacter.toUpperCase(name);
String title = TO_TITLE_WHOLE_STRING_NO_LOWERCASE.apply(Locale.ENGLISH, null, name, new StringBuilder(), null).toString();
if (name.equals(upper) || !name.equals(title)) {
System.out.println("Suspicious name: " + name);
SubdivisionNode sd = ID_TO_NODE.get(sdCode);
String level = sd.level == 1 ? "" : "\t<!-- in " + sd.parent.code
+ " : " + TransliteratorUtilities.toXML.transform(getBestName(sd.parent.code, true)) + " -->";
appendName(fileSubdivisions, sdCode, name, level);
for (String sdCode : remainder) {
String name = getBestName(sdCode, true);
appendName(fileSubdivisions, sdCode, name, "\t<!-- deprecated -->");
// output.append(
// "\t\t</subdivisions>\n"
// + "\t</localeDisplayNames>\n"
// + "</ldml>");
System.out.println("Skipping: " + skipped);
// if (!missing.isEmpty()) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("No name for: " + missing.size() + ", " + missing);
// }
private static void appendName(CLDRFile fileSubdivisions, final String sdCode, String name, String level) throws IOException {
if (name == null) {
String cldrCode = convertToCldr(sdCode);
String path = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/subdivisions/subdivision[@type=\"" + cldrCode + "\"]";
String oldValue = fileSubdivisions.getStringValue(path);
if (oldValue != null) {
return; // don't override old values
fileSubdivisions.add(path, name);
static Map<String, R2<List<String>, String>> territoryAliases = SDI.getLocaleAliasInfo().get("territory");
static Set<String> containment = SDI.getContainers();
static Map<String, Map<LstrField, String>> codeToData = StandardCodes.getEnumLstreg().get(LstrType.region);
private static boolean isKosher(String regionCode) {
if (regionCode.equals("001")) {
return false;
if (territoryAliases.containsKey(regionCode)
|| containment.contains(regionCode)
|| codeToData.get(regionCode).get(LstrField.Description).contains("Private use")) {
Set<String> rc = REGION_CONTAINS.get(regionCode);
if (rc != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("? " + regionCode + ": " + rc);
return false;
return true;
private static void addChildren(Set<SubdivisionNode> ordered, Map<String, SubdivisionNode> children2) {
TreeMap<String, SubdivisionNode> temp = new TreeMap<>(ROOT_COL);
for (SubdivisionNode n : temp.values()) {
if (!n.children.isEmpty()) {
addChildren(ordered, n.children);
private static String getBestName(String value, boolean useIso) {
String cldrName = null;
cldrName = NAME_CORRECTIONS.get(value);
if (cldrName != null) {
return fixName(cldrName);
R2<List<String>, String> subdivisionAlias = SUBDIVISION_ALIASES_FORMER.get(value);
if (subdivisionAlias != null) {
String country = subdivisionAlias.get0().get(0);
cldrName = ENGLISH_CLDR.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME, country);
if (cldrName != null) {
return fixName(cldrName);
if (cldrName != null) {
return fixName(cldrName);
if (useIso) {
cldrName = getIsoName(value);
if (cldrName == null) {
cldrName = "UNKNOWN";
//throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to find name: " + value);
return fixName(cldrName);
return null;
private static String fixName(String name) {
return name == null ? null : nfc.normalize(name.replace('\'', '’').replace(" ", " ").trim());
final String code;
final int level;
final SubdivisionNode parent;
final Map<String, SubdivisionNode> children = new TreeMap<>(ROOT_COL);
public SubdivisionNode(String code, SubdivisionNode parent) {
this.code = code;
this.level = parent == null ? -1 : parent.level + 1;
this.parent = parent;
ID_TO_NODE.put(code, this);
public SubdivisionNode addName(String lang, String value) {
NAMES.put(code, lang, value);
return this;
static final SubdivisionNode addNode(SubdivisionNode lastSubdivision, String subdivision) {
// "NZ-S", x
String region = SubdivisionNames.getRegionFromSubdivision(subdivision);
REGION_CONTAINS.put(region, subdivision);
if (lastSubdivision == null) {
lastSubdivision = BASE.children.get(region);
if (lastSubdivision == null) {
lastSubdivision = new SubdivisionNode(region, BASE).addName("en", ENGLISH_ICU.regionDisplayName(region));
BASE.children.put(region, lastSubdivision);
return add(lastSubdivision, subdivision);
add(lastSubdivision, subdivision);
return lastSubdivision;
private static SubdivisionNode add(SubdivisionNode subdivisionNode1, String subdivision2) {
SubdivisionNode subdivisionNode2 = subdivisionNode1.children.get(subdivision2);
if (subdivisionNode2 == null) {
subdivisionNode2 = new SubdivisionNode(subdivision2, subdivisionNode1);
subdivisionNode1.children.put(subdivision2, subdivisionNode2);
return subdivisionNode2;
private static String getName(SubdivisionNode base2) {
return getIsoName(base2.code);
private static String getIsoName(String code) {
if (code == null) {
return null;
Map<String, String> map = NAMES.get(code);
if (map == null) {
return "???";
String name = map.get("en");
if (name != null) {
return name;
name = map.get("es");
if (name != null) {
return name;
name = map.get("fr");
if (name != null) {
return name;
if (name == null) {
name = map.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue();
return name;
public static void print() {
print(BASE, 0);
for (Entry<String, String> entry : TO_COUNTRY_CODE.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "\t" + entry.getValue());
private static void print(SubdivisionNode base2, int indent) {
final String indentString = Utility.repeat("\t", indent);
System.out.println(indentString + base2.code
+ "\t" + getName(base2));
if (base2.children.isEmpty()) {
for (SubdivisionNode child : base2.children.values()) {
print(child, indent + 1);
static void printXml(Appendable output) throws IOException {
<group type="NZ" category="island" contains="NZ-N NZ-S"/> <!-- New Zealand -->
<group type="NZ" category="special island authority" contains="NZ-CIT"/> <!-- New Zealand -->
<group type="NZ-N" contains="NZ-AUK NZ-BOP NZ-GIS NZ-HKB NZ-MWT NZ-NTL NZ-AUK NZ-TKI NZ-WGN NZ-WKO"/> <!-- North Island -->
<group type="NZ-S" contains="NZ-CAN NZ-MBH NZ-STL NZ-NSN NZ-OTA NZ-TAS NZ-WTC"/> <!-- South Island -->
+ "\t<version number=\"$Revision" /*hack to stop SVN changing this*/ + "$\"/>\n"
+ "\t<subdivisionContainment>\n");
printXml(output, BASE, 0);
// private static String header(DtdType type) {
// return "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n"
// + "<!DOCTYPE " + type // supplementalData
// + " SYSTEM '../../" + type.dtdPath + "'>\n" // "common/dtd/ldmlSupplemental.dtd"
// + "<!--\n"
// + "Copyright © 1991-2013 Unicode, Inc.\n"
// + "CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (\n"
// + "For terms of use, see\n"
// + "-->\n";
// }
private static void printAliases(Appendable output) throws IOException {
addAliases(output, TO_COUNTRY_CODE.keySet());
// Get the old validity data
Map<Status, Set<String>> oldSubdivisionData = VALIDITY_FORMER.getStatusToCodes(LstrType.subdivision);
Set<String> missing = new TreeSet<>(ROOT_COL);
Set<String> nowValid = ID_TO_NODE.keySet();
for (Entry<Status, Set<String>> e : oldSubdivisionData.entrySet()) {
Status v = e.getKey();
if (v == Status.unknown) {
Set<String> set = e.getValue();
for (String sdcodeRaw : set) {
String sdcode = sdcodeRaw; // .toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
// sdcode = sdcode.substring(0,2) + "-" + sdcode.substring(2);
if (!nowValid.contains(sdcode)) {
addAliases(output, missing);
private static void addAliases(Appendable output, Set<String> missing) throws IOException {
for (String toReplace : missing) {
if (toReplace.startsWith("nl")) {
int debug = 0;
List<String> replaceBy = null;
String reason = "deprecated";
R2<List<String>, String> aliasInfo = SUBDIVISION_ALIASES_FORMER.get(toReplace);
if (aliasInfo != null) {
replaceBy = aliasInfo.get0(); // == null ? null : CollectionUtilities.join(aliasInfo.get0(), " ");
reason = aliasInfo.get1();
} else {
String replacement = TO_COUNTRY_CODE.get(toReplace);
if (replacement != null) {
replaceBy = Collections.singletonList(replacement);
reason = "overlong";
addAlias(output, toReplace, replaceBy, reason);
System.out.println("Adding alias: " + toReplace + " => " + replaceBy);
private static void addAlias(Appendable output, final String toReplace, final List<String> replaceBy, final String reason) throws IOException {
// <languageAlias type="art_lojban" replacement="jbo" reason="deprecated"/> <!-- Lojban -->
if (replaceBy == null) {
output.append("<!-- ");
+ " type=\"" + toReplace + "\""
+ " replacement=\"" + (replaceBy == null ? "??" : CollectionUtilities.join(replaceBy, " ")) + "\""
+ " reason=\"" + reason + "\"/>"
+ (replaceBy == null ? " <!- - " : " <!-- ")
+ getBestName(toReplace, true) + " => " + (replaceBy == null ? "??" : getBestName(replaceBy, true)) + " -->"
+ "\n");
private static String getBestName(List<String> replaceBy, boolean useIso) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : replaceBy) {
if (result.length() != 0) {
result.append(", ");
if (SubdivisionNames.isRegionCode(s)) {
result.append(ENGLISH_CLDR.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME, s));
} else {
result.append(getBestName(s, useIso));
return result.toString();
private static void printXml(Appendable output, SubdivisionNode base2, int indent) throws IOException {
if (base2.children.isEmpty()) {
String type = base2.code;
if (base2 != BASE) {
type = convertToCldr(type);
output.append("\t\t" + "<subgroup"
+ " type=\"" + type + "\""
+ " contains=\"");
boolean first = true;
for (String child : base2.children.keySet()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
output.append(' ');
String subregion = convertToCldr(child);
for (SubdivisionNode child : base2.children.values()) {
printXml(output, child, indent);
public static void addIdSample(String id, String value) {
SUB_TO_CAT.put(value, id);
ID_SAMPLE.put(getIsoName(id), value);
public static void printSamples(Appendable pw) throws IOException {
Set<String> seen = new HashSet<>();
for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : ID_SAMPLE.keyValuesSet()) {
//int max = 10;
for (String sample : entry.getValue()) {
String region = sample.substring(0, 2);
if (seen.contains(region)) {
pw.append(";\t" + ENGLISH_ICU.regionDisplayName(region) + ": " + getIsoName(sample)
+ " (" + sample + ")");
//if (--max < 0) break;
public static void loadIso() {
// <country id="AD" version="16">
// <subdivision-code footnote="*">AD-02</subdivision-code>
// <subdivision-locale lang3code="eng" xml:lang="en">
// <subdivision-locale-name>Otago</subdivision-locale-name>
List<Pair<String, String>> pathValues = XMLFileReader.loadPathValues(
new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(), false);
XPathParts parts = new XPathParts();
int maxIndent = 0;
SubdivisionNode lastNode = null;
String lastCode = null;
Set<String> conflictingTargetCountries = new HashSet<>();
for (Pair<String, String> pair : pathValues) {
String path = pair.getFirst();
boolean code = path.contains("/subdivision-code");
boolean name = path.contains("/subdivision-locale-name");
boolean nameCat = path.contains("/category-name");
boolean relatedCountry = path.contains("/subdivision-related-country");
// <country id="AD" version="16">
// <category id="262">
// <category-name lang3code="fra" xml:lang="fr">paroisse</category-name>
// <category-name lang3code="eng" xml:lang="en">parish</category-name>
// also languages in region...
// new XML from ISO, so we don't have to guess the country code:
// <subdivision-code footnote="*">NL-BQ1</subdivision-code>
// <subdivision-related-country country-id="BQ" xml:lang="en">BONAIRE, SINT EUSTATIUS AND SABA</subdivision-related-country>
if (!code && !name && !nameCat && !relatedCountry) {
String value = pair.getSecond();
if (relatedCountry) {
String target = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "country-id");
// remove conflicting target countries
for (Entry<String, String> entry : SubdivisionNode.TO_COUNTRY_CODE.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(target)) {
SubdivisionNode.TO_COUNTRY_CODE.remove(entry.getKey(), target); // there can be at most one
if (!conflictingTargetCountries.contains(target)) {
SubdivisionNode.TO_COUNTRY_CODE.put(lastCode, target);
System.out.println(lastCode + " => " + target);
} else if (name) {
int elementNum = -2;
String lang = parts.getAttributeValue(elementNum, "xml:lang");
if (lang == null) {
lang = parts.getAttributeValue(elementNum, "lang3code");
SubdivisionNode.addName(lastCode, lang, value);
//output.println(count + Utility.repeat("\t", indent) + "\tlang=" + lang + ":\t«" + value + "»\t");
} else if (nameCat) {
int elementNum = -1;
String lang = parts.getAttributeValue(elementNum, "xml:lang");
if (lang == null) {
lang = parts.getAttributeValue(elementNum, "lang3code");
String category = parts.getAttributeValue(-2, "id");
SubdivisionNode.addName(category, lang, value);
//output.println(count + Utility.repeat("\t", indent) + "\tlang=" + lang + ":\t«" + value + "»\t");
} else {
int countSubdivision = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) {
if (parts.getElement(i).equals("subdivision")) {
if (maxIndent < countSubdivision) {
maxIndent = countSubdivision;
value = convertToCldr(value);
if (countSubdivision == 1) {
lastNode = SubdivisionNode.addNode(null, value);
} else {
lastNode = SubdivisionNode.addNode(lastNode, value);
lastCode = value;
int subdivisionElement = parts.findElement("subdivision");
String id = parts.getAttributeValue(subdivisionElement, "category-id");
SubdivisionNode.addIdSample(id, value);
//<subdivision category-id="262">//<subdivision-code footnote="*">AD-06</subdivision-code>
// <subdivision category-id="262">
//output.println(++count + Utility.repeat("\t", indent) + "code=" + value);