blob: ba7adda5308c29af3b2e3135171763da954f219b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* @author Ram Viswanadha
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LDMLUtilities;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
public class LDMLComparator {
* This application will compare different locale data xml files
* conforming to localeElements.dtd and produces an xml file file
* in the format
private static final int OPT_DIFF = 0x4000; /* 2exp15 */// PN
private static final int OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON = 0x8000; /* 2exp16 */// PN
private static final int OPT_BULK = 0x00010000; // PN
private static final int OPT_CASE_SENSITIVE = 0x00020000; // PN
private static final int OPT_VETTING = 0x00040000;
private static final int OPT_UNKNOWN = 0x00080000;
private static final String COMMON = "common";
private static final String ICU = "icu";
private static final String IBM_TOR = "ibm";
private static final String WINDOWS = "windows";
private static final String SUNJDK = "sunjdk";
private static final String IBMJDK = "ibmjdk";
private static final String HPUX = "hp";
private static final String APPLE = "apple";
private static final String SOLARIS = "solaris";
private static final String OPEN_OFFICE = "open_office";
private static final String AIX = "aix";
private static final String LINUX = "linux";
private static final String ALTERNATE_TITLE = "(Original)";
private static final String ALT_COLOR = "#DDDDFD";
// PN added
private static final String DIFF = "diff";
private static final String DIFF_REF_COMMON = "diff_ref_common";
private static final String BULK = "bulk";
private static final String CASE_SENSITIVE = "case_sensitive";
private static final String VETTING = "vetting";
private static final String[] PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER = {
private static final String USER_OPTIONS[] = {
"-" + COMMON,
"-" + ICU,
"-" + IBM_TOR,
"-" + WINDOWS,
"-" + SUNJDK,
"-" + IBMJDK,
"-" + HPUX,
"-" + APPLE,
"-" + SOLARIS,
"-" + AIX,
"-" + LINUX,
"-" + DIFF, // PN added, indicates that only differing elements/attributes to be written to html
"-" + DIFF_REF_COMMON, // PN added, same as diff only common is excluded from diff but gets printed to html for
// reference purposes
"-" + BULK, // do a bulk comparison of folder contents
"-" + CASE_SENSITIVE, // do case sensitive matching (by default it's not case sensitive)
"-" + VETTING // go into Vetting mode. (show draft, etc)
public static void main(String[] args) {
LDMLComparator comparator = new LDMLComparator();
static Collator getDefaultCollation() {
RuleBasedCollator temp = (RuleBasedCollator) Collator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
return temp;
Hashtable<String, String> optionTable = new Hashtable<String, String>();
private String destFolder = ".";
private String localeStr;
private String ourCvsVersion = "";
private Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
private Hashtable<String, String> colorHash = new Hashtable<String, String>();
private String goldFileName;
private String goldKey;
private int serialNumber = 0;
private Map<String, Object> compareMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(getDefaultCollation());
private Hashtable<String, String> doesNotExist = new Hashtable<String, String>();
private Hashtable<String, String> requested = new Hashtable<String, String>();
private Hashtable<String, String> deprecatedLanguageCodes = new Hashtable<String, String>();
private Hashtable<String, String> deprecatedCountryCodes = new Hashtable<String, String>();
private Set<String> vettingSet = new TreeSet<String>();
private String encoding = "UTF-8"; // default encoding
// PN added
private Vector<String> m_PlatformVect = new Vector<String>(); // holds names of platforms
private Vector<String> m_PlatformFolderVect = new Vector<String>(); // holds names of folders containing locale data
// for each platform
private int m_iOptions;
private Map<String, AccumulatedResults> m_AccumulatedResultsMap = new TreeMap<String, AccumulatedResults>();
private int m_iTotalConflictingElements = 0;
private int m_iTotalNonConflictingElements = 0;
private Map<String, SummaryData> m_LocaleSummaryDataMap = new TreeMap<String, SummaryData>(); // key = localename,
// data = summary info
private boolean m_Vetting = false;
private int m_totalCount = 0;
private int m_diffcount = 0;
private String m_Messages = "";
private class CompareElement
String node;
String index;
String parentNode;
Hashtable<String, String> platformData = new Hashtable<String, String>();
String referenceUrl;
// PN added
// used for bulk comparisons
// holds the locales where the element identified by node,index and parentNode conflict
// for at least 2 of the platforms tested
// holds the locales where the element identified by node,index and parentNode don't
// for at all the platforms tested
private class AccumulatedResults
String node;
String index;
String parentNode;
Vector<String> localeVectDiff = new Vector<String>(); // holds locales where a conflict in data was found
Vector<String> localeVectSame = new Vector<String>(); // holds locales where a no conflict in data was found
private class SummaryData
String m_szPlatforms;
int m_iNumConflictingElements;
LDMLComparator() {
// initialize the color hash
colorHash.put(COMMON, "#AD989D");
colorHash.put(ICU, "#CCFF00");
colorHash.put(IBM_TOR, "#FF7777");
colorHash.put(WINDOWS, "#98FB98");
colorHash.put(SUNJDK, "#FF6633");
colorHash.put(IBMJDK, "#CCFFFF");
colorHash.put(HPUX, "#FFE4B5");
colorHash.put(APPLE, "#FFBBBB");
colorHash.put(SOLARIS, "#CC9966");
colorHash.put(OPEN_OFFICE, "#FFFF33");
colorHash.put(AIX, "#EB97FE");
colorHash.put(LINUX, "#1191F1");
// TODO - use deprecatedMap instead.
// deprecatedLanguageCodes.put("sh", "what ever the new one is");
deprecatedLanguageCodes.put("iw", "he");
deprecatedLanguageCodes.put("in", "id");
deprecatedLanguageCodes.put("ji", "yi");
deprecatedLanguageCodes.put("jw", "jv"); // this does not even exist, JDK thinks jw is javanese!!
// country codes
deprecatedCountryCodes.put("TP", "TL");
deprecatedCountryCodes.put("ZR", "CD");
private void processArgs(String[] args)
m_iOptions = identifyOptions(args);
if ((args.length < 2) || ((m_iOptions & OPT_UNKNOWN) != 0))
boolean warning[] = new boolean[1];
warning[0] = false;
Enumeration<String> en = optionTable.keys();
// check for bulk operation
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_BULK) != 0)
localeStr = goldFileName.substring(goldFileName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1,
String fileName = destFolder + File.separator + localeStr + ".html";
m_totalCount = 0;
m_diffcount = 0;
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_VETTING) != 0)
m_Vetting = true;
addVettable(goldFileName, goldKey);
addToCompareMap(goldFileName, goldKey);
for (; en.hasMoreElements();)
String key = (String) en.nextElement();
String compFile = (String) optionTable.get(key);
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_VETTING) != 0) {
addVettable(goldFileName, goldKey);
} else {
addToCompareMap(compFile, key);
if ((m_totalCount == 0) && m_Vetting) { // only optional for vetting.
// System.out.println("INFO: no file created (nothing to write..) " + fileName);
} else {
ourCvsVersion = "";
OutputStreamWriter os = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName), encoding);
System.out.println("INFO: Writing: " + fileName + "\t(" + m_totalCount + " items)");
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(os);
printHTML(writer, localeStr);
ULocale ourLocale = new ULocale(localeStr);
String idxFileName = destFolder + File.separator + ourLocale.getDisplayLanguage() + "_"
+ ourLocale.getDisplayCountry() + "_" + localeStr + ".idx";
OutputStreamWriter is = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(idxFileName), "utf-8");
PrintWriter indexwriter = new PrintWriter(is);
indexwriter.println(" <td>" +
localeStr +
indexwriter.println(" <td><a href=\"" + localeStr + ".html" + "\">" +
ourLocale.getDisplayName() + "</a></td>");
indexwriter.println(" <td>" + m_totalCount + "</td>");
if (!m_Vetting) {
indexwriter.println(" <td>" + m_diffcount + "</td>");
indexwriter.println(" <td>" + LDMLUtilities.getCVSLink(localeStr, ourCvsVersion)
+ ourCvsVersion + "</a></td>");
// TODO: handle vettingSet;
} catch (Exception e)
private void printUsage() {
System.err.println("Usage: LDMLComparator [<option>:<gold>] filename1 [option] filename2 ... \n" +
" LDMLComparator [-common:<gold>] filename [-icu] filename" +
" [-ibmjdk] filename [-windows] filename" +
" [-hpux] filename [-solaris] filename" +
" [-ibmtor] filename [-apple] filename" +
" [-sunjdk] filename [-open_office] filename" +
" [-aix] filename [-linux] filename" +
" [-diff / -diff_ref_common] [-bulk]" +
" [-case_sensitive (only active if -diff of -diff-ref-common option selected)]"
System.err.println("\nExample 1: \n " +
"LDMLComparator -solaris:gold foldername1 -sunjdk foldername2 -common foldername3 -diff-ref-common -bulk\n"
"\t\t will do a bulk comparison of the locales in folder1 and folder2 \n " +
"\t\t and print the values of any differing elements plus the \n" +
"\t\t corresponding element's value in folder3 to bulk.html \n" +
"\t\t as well as a summary to bulk_summary.html \n");
System.err.println("Example 2: \n" +
"LDMLComparator -common:gold filename1 -sunjdk filename2 -diff \n" +
"\t\t will do a comparison of the locales specified by filename1 and \n" +
"\t\t filename2 and print the values of any differing elements \n" +
"\t\t to a file called filename1.html in the current directory \n");
private int identifyOptions(String[] options)
int result = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < options.length; j++)
String option = options[j];
boolean isGold = false;
if (option.startsWith("-"))
if (option.indexOf(":gold") > 0)
option = option.substring(0, option.indexOf(":"));
isGold = true;
boolean optionRecognized = false;
for (int i = 0; i < USER_OPTIONS.length; i++)
if (USER_OPTIONS[i].equals(option))
result |= (int) (1 << i); // calculate option bit value
optionRecognized = true;
if (USER_OPTIONS[i].equals("-s")) {
else if (USER_OPTIONS[i].equals("-d")) {
destFolder = options[++j];
else if (USER_OPTIONS[i].equals("-" + DIFF)) {
else if (USER_OPTIONS[i].equals("-" + DIFF_REF_COMMON)) {
else if (USER_OPTIONS[i].equals("-" + BULK)) {
else if (USER_OPTIONS[i].equals("-" + VETTING)) {
m_Vetting = true;
else if (USER_OPTIONS[i].equals("-" + CASE_SENSITIVE)) {
if (!isGold)
optionTable.put(option.substring(1, option.length()), options[++j]);
} else
goldFileName = options[++j];
goldKey = option.substring(1, option.length());
// PN added
m_PlatformVect.add(option.substring(1, option.length()));
if (!optionRecognized)
result |= OPT_UNKNOWN;
} else {
if (m_Vetting == true) {
return result;
private void printTableHeader(PrintWriter writer) {
writer.print(" <tr>\n" +
" <th>N.</th>\n" +
" <th>ParentNode</th>\n" +
" <th>Name</th>\n" +
" <th>ID</th>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER.length && PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[i] != null; i++) {
String name = PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[i];
String folder;
Object obj = requested.get(name);
if (obj != null && doesNotExist.get(name) == null) {
folder = name + "/main/";
if (name.equals("icu") || name.equals("common") || name.indexOf("jdk") >= 0) {
int index = localeStr.indexOf("_");
String parent = "";
if (index > -1) {
parent = localeStr.substring(0, index);
writer.print(" <th bgcolor=\"" +
(String) colorHash.get(name) + "\">" +
name.toUpperCase() +
" (<a href=\"../../" + folder + localeStr + ".xml\">" + localeStr + "</a>," +
" <a href=\"../../" + folder + parent + ".xml\">" + parent + "</a>," +
" <a href=\"../../" + folder + "root.xml\">root</a>)" +
} else {
writer.print(" <th bgcolor=\"" +
(String) colorHash.get(name) + "\">" +
name.toUpperCase() +
" (<a href=\"../../" + folder + localeStr + ".xml\">" + localeStr + "</a>)" +
if (m_Vetting) {
writer.print("<th bgcolor=\"" + ALT_COLOR + "\">" + ALTERNATE_TITLE + "</th>");
writer.print(" </tr>\n");
// PN added
private void printTableHeaderForDifferences(PrintWriter writer)
writer.print(" <tr>\n" +
" <th width=10%>N.</th>\n" +
" <th width=10%>ParentNode</th>\n" +
" <th width=10%>Name</th>\n" +
" <th width=10%>ID</th>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < m_PlatformVect.size(); i++)
String name = (String) m_PlatformVect.elementAt(i);
String folder;
// Object obj = requested.get(name);
// if(obj!=null && doesNotExist.get(name)==null )
// {
folder = name + "/xml/";
writer.print(" <th bgcolor=\"" +
(String) colorHash.get(name) + "\">" +
name.toUpperCase() +
" (<a href=\"../" + folder + localeStr + ".xml\">xml</a>)" +
// not used numPlatforms++;
// }
if (m_Vetting) {
writer.print("<th>" + ALTERNATE_TITLE + "</th>");
writer.print(" </tr>\n");
// PN added
// method to print differing elements/attributes only to HTML
// returns false if a difference found otherwise true
private boolean printDifferentValues(CompareElement element, PrintWriter writer)
boolean isEqual = true;
// following don't count
if ((element.node.compareTo((String) "generation") == 0)
|| (element.node.compareTo((String) "version") == 0))
return isEqual;
String compareTo = null;
boolean bFoundFirst = false;
for (int i = 0; i < m_PlatformVect.size(); i++)
String value = element.platformData.get(m_PlatformVect.elementAt(i));
if (value == null)
// loop until non null value is found, this is the reference for comparison
if (bFoundFirst == false)
compareTo = value;
bFoundFirst = true;
{ // we have something to compare this element to
if (, value, 0) == 0)
isEqual = true;
else if (, value, Normalizer.COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE) == 0)
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_CASE_SENSITIVE) == 0)
{ // it's not a case sensitive search so this is a match
isEqual = true;
isEqual = false;
break; // we have found a difference therefore break out of loop , we will print full row
isEqual = false;
break; // we have found a difference therefore break out of loop , we will print full row
} // end if
} // end while
// if any differences found then print all non null values
if (isEqual == false)
writer.print(" <tr>\n");
writer.print(" <td><a NAME=\"" + serialNumber + "\" href=\"#" + serialNumber + "\">"
+ serialNumber + "</a></td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + mapToAbbr(element.parentNode) + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + mapToAbbr(element.node) + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + element.index + "</td>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < m_PlatformVect.size(); i++)
String val = (String) element.platformData.get(m_PlatformVect.elementAt(i));
if (val != null)
writer.print(" <td>" + val + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>&nbsp;</td>\n");
} // end while
writer.print(" </tr>\n");
} // endif
return isEqual;
// PN added
// method to print differing elements/attributes only to HTML excluding Common from diff
// only if the other platfroms differ amongst themselves will the Common data be printed
// returns false if a difference found otherwise true
private boolean printDifferentValuesWithRef(CompareElement element, PrintWriter writer)
boolean isEqual = true;
// following don't count
if ((element.node.compareTo((String) "generation") == 0)
|| (element.node.compareTo((String) "version") == 0))
return isEqual;
String compareTo = null;
boolean bFoundFirst = false;
for (int i = 0; i < m_PlatformVect.size(); i++)
// excluding Common from diff
String platform = (String) m_PlatformVect.elementAt(i);
if (platform.compareTo(COMMON) == 0)
String value = (String) element.platformData.get(platform);
if (value == null)
// loop until non null value is found, this is the reference for comparison
if (bFoundFirst == false)
compareTo = value;
bFoundFirst = true;
{ // we have something to compare this element to
if (, value, 0) == 0)
isEqual = true;
else if (, value, Normalizer.COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE) == 0)
// case difference on date and time format doesn't matter
if ((element.parentNode.compareTo("timeFormat") == 0)
|| (element.parentNode.compareTo("dateFormat") == 0))
isEqual = true;
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_CASE_SENSITIVE) == 0)
{ // it's not a case sensitive search so this is a match
isEqual = true;
isEqual = false;
break; // we have found a difference therefore break out of loop , we will print full row
isEqual = false;
break; // we have found a difference therefore break out of loop , we will print full row
} // end if
} // end while
// if any differences found then print all non null values
if (isEqual == false)
writer.print(" <tr>\n");
writer.print(" <td><a NAME=\"" + serialNumber + "\" href=\"#" + serialNumber + "\">"
+ serialNumber + "</a></td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + mapToAbbr(element.parentNode) + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + mapToAbbr(element.node) + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + element.index + "</td>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < m_PlatformVect.size(); i++)
String val = (String) element.platformData.get(m_PlatformVect.elementAt(i));
if (val != null)
writer.print(" <td>" + val + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>&nbsp;</td>\n");
} // end while
writer.print(" </tr>\n");
} // endif
return isEqual;
private void printValue(CompareElement element, PrintWriter writer) {
writer.print(" <tr>\n");
writer.print(" <td><a NAME=\"" + serialNumber + "\" href=\"#" + serialNumber + "\">"
+ serialNumber + "</a></td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + mapToAbbr(element.parentNode) + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + mapToAbbr(element.node) + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + element.index + "</td>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER.length; i++) {
String value = (String) element.platformData.get(PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[i]);
String color = (String) colorHash.get(PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[i]);
boolean caseDiff = false;
boolean isEqual = false;
// the locale exists for the given platform but there is no data
// so just write non breaking space and continue
// else the object contains value to be written .. so write it
if (value == null) {
if (requested.get(PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[i]) != null && doesNotExist.get(PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[i]) == null) {
writer.print(" <td>&nbsp;</td>\n");
} else {
// pick the correct color
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
String compareTo = (String) element.platformData.get(PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[j]);
if (compareTo == null) {
} else if (value.equals("")) {
color = "#FFFFFF";
} else if (element.parentNode.indexOf("decimalFormat") > -1
|| element.parentNode.indexOf("currencyFormat") > -1) {
if (comparePatterns(compareTo, value)) {
color = (String) colorHash.get(PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[j]);
isEqual = true;
} else if (, value, 0) == 0) {
color = (String) colorHash.get(PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[j]);
isEqual = true;
} else if (, value, Normalizer.COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE) == 0) {
caseDiff = true;
color = (String) colorHash.get(PLATFORM_PRINT_ORDER[j]);
if (isEqual) {
value = "=";
} else {
if (i > 0) { // not the first platform
if ((element.node.compareTo((String) "generation") == 0)
|| (element.node.compareTo((String) "version") == 0)) {
// ignored
} else {
if (m_Vetting) {
String altText = (String) element.platformData.get("ALT");
writer.print("<td>" + value);
String parName = mapToAbbr(element.parentNode);
if ((parName.indexOf("_dateFormat") != -1)
|| (parName.indexOf("_timeFormat") != -1))
writer.print("<form method=\"POST\" action=\"\">" +
"<input type=hidden name=\"_\" value=\"" + localeStr + "\"/>" +
"<input type=hidden name=\"x\" value=\"" + "dat" + "\"/>" +
"<input type=hidden name=\"str\" value=\"" + value + "\"/>" +
"<input type=submit value=\"" + "Test" + "\"/>" +
if (/* m_Vetting && */element.referenceUrl != null) {
writer.print("<br><div align='right'><a href=\"" + element.referenceUrl
+ "\"><i>(Ref)</i></a></div>");
if (altText != null) {
writer.print(" <td bgcolor=" + ALT_COLOR + ">" + altText);
} else {
if (caseDiff == true) {
writer.print(" <td bgcolor=" + color + ">" + value + "&#x2020;");
} else {
writer.print(" <td bgcolor=" + color + ">" + value);
writer.print(" </tr>\n");
private String mapToAbbr(String source) {
if (source.equals("icu:ruleBasedNumberFormat")) {
return "icu:rbnf";
if (source.equals("icu:ruleBasedNumberFormats")) {
return "icu:rbnfs";
if (source.equals("exemplarCharacters")) {
return "exemplarC";
if (source.equals("localizedPatternChars")) {
return "lpc";
return source;
private void printHTML(PrintWriter writer, String localeStr) {
// System.out.println("INFO: Creating the comparison chart ");
ULocale locale = new ULocale(localeStr);
String displayName = localeStr + " (" + locale.getDisplayName() + ") ";
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON) != 0)
writer.print("<p> Common data shown for reference purposes only</p>\n");
if (!m_Vetting) {
writer.print("<html>\n" +
" <head>\n" +
" <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n" +
" <title>" + localeStr + "</title>\n" +
" </head>\n" +
" <style>\n" +
" <!--\n" +
" table { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; \n" +
" border: 1px solid black }\n" +
" td, th { width: 10%; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; color: black; \n" +
" vertical-align: top; border: 1px solid black }\n" +
" -->\n" +
" </style>" +
" <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n" +
" <p><b>" + displayName +
"<a href=\"" + localeStr + "\">Demo</a>, " +
"<a href=\"../../comparison_charts.html\">Cover Page</a>, " +
"<a href=\"./index.html\">Index</a>, " +
"<a href=\"../collation/" + localeStr + ".html\">Collation</a> " +
"</b></p>\n" +
" <table>\n");
} else {
writer.print("<html>\n" +
" <head>\n" +
" <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n" +
" <title>Draft/Alt: " + localeStr + "</title>\n" +
" </head>\n" +
" <style>\n" +
" <!--\n" +
" table { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; \n" +
" border: 1px solid black }\n" +
" td, th { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; color: black; \n" +
" vertical-align: top; border: 1px solid black }\n" +
" -->\n" +
" </style>" +
" <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n" +
" <p><b>" + displayName +
"<a href=\"" + localeStr + "\">Demo</a>, " +
"<a href=\"./index.html\">Main and About</a>, " +
if ((ourCvsVersion != null) && (ourCvsVersion.length() > 0)) {
writer.println("<h3><tt>" + LDMLUtilities.getCVSLink(localeStr) + localeStr + ".xml</a> version " +
LDMLUtilities.getCVSLink(localeStr, ourCvsVersion) + ourCvsVersion + "</a></tt></h3>");
writer.print(" <table>\n");
// PN added
if (((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF) != 0)
|| ((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON) != 0))
// walk down the compare map and print the data
for (Object obj : compareMap.keySet()) {
CompareElement element;
if (obj != null) {
Object value = compareMap.get(obj);
if (value instanceof CompareElement) {
element = (CompareElement) value;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(
"The object stored in the compare map is not an instance of CompareElement");
// PN added
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF) != 0)
printDifferentValues(element, writer); // only print differences
else if ((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON) != 0)
printDifferentValuesWithRef(element, writer);
printValue(element, writer);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("No objects stored in the compare map!");
writer.print(" </table>\n");
if (m_Vetting) {
if (m_Messages.length() > 0) {
writer.print("<table bgcolor=\"#FFBBBB\" border=3><tr><th>Warnings (please see source LDML)</th></tr>" +
"<tr><td>" + m_Messages + "</td></tr></table><p/><p/>\n");
writer.print("<i>Interim page - subject to change</i> (<a href=\"./index.html\">Help</a>)<br/>");
writer.print(" <p>Created on: " + cal.getTime() + "</p>\n" +
" </body>\n" +
private Document getFullyResolvedLocale(String localeName, String fileName) {
// here we assume that "_" is the delimiter
int index = fileName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
String sourceDir = fileName.substring(0, index + 1);
String locale = fileName.substring(index + 1, fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
System.out.println("INFO: Creating fully resolved tree for : " + fileName);
Document doc = LDMLUtilities.getFullyResolvedLDML(sourceDir, locale, true, true, true, true);
* debugging code
* try{
* OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new
* FileOutputStream(destFolder+File.separator+localeName+"_debug.xml"),encoding);
* LDMLUtilities.printDOMTree(doc,new PrintWriter(writer));
* writer.flush();
* }catch( Exception e){
* //throw the exception away .. this is for debugging
* }
return doc;
private boolean addToCompareMap(String fileName, String key)
// parse the test doc only if gold doc was parsed OK
Document testDoc = getFullyResolvedLocale(key, fileName);
requested.put(key, "");
if (null == testDoc)
doesNotExist.put(key, "");
return false;
return extractMergeData(testDoc, key, false);
private Document getParsedLocale(String localeName, String fileName) {
// here we assume that "_" is the delimiter
System.out.println("INFO: Parsing " + fileName);
Document doc = LDMLUtilities.parse(fileName, true); // ?
return doc;
private boolean addVettable(String fileName, String key)
// parse the test doc only if gold doc was parsed OK
Document testDoc = getParsedLocale(key, fileName);
requested.put(key, "");
if (null == testDoc)
doesNotExist.put(key, "");
return false;
return extractMergeData(testDoc, key, false);
private boolean comparePatterns(String pat1, String pat2) {
// TODO: just return for now .. this is useful only
// when comparing data from toronto
try {
double args1 = 10000000000.00;
double args2 = -10000000000.00;
DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat();
String s1 = fmt.format(args1);
String s3 = fmt.format(args2);
String s2 = fmt.format(args1);
String s4 = fmt.format(args2);
if (s1.equals(s2) && s3.equals(s4)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// throw away the exception
return false;
// return true;
private String trim(String source) {
char[] src = source.toCharArray();
char[] dest = new char[src.length];
int start = 0;
while (start < (src.length) && (UCharacter.isWhitespace(src[start]))) {
int stop = src.length - 1;
while (stop > 0 && (UCharacter.isWhitespace(src[stop]) || (src[stop] == 0xA0))) {
if (stop != -1 && start != src.length) {
System.arraycopy(src, start, dest, 0, (stop - start) + 1);
return new String(dest, 0, (stop - start) + 1);
} else {
return new String();
private final void addElement(String childNode, String parentNode, String id, String index,
String platformValue, String platformName) {
addElement(childNode, parentNode, id, index, platformValue, platformName, null);
private void addElement(String childNode, String parentNode, String id, String index,
String platformValue, String platformName, String referenceUrl) {
Object obj = compareMap.get(id);
CompareElement element;
if (obj == null) {
element = new CompareElement();
// initialize the values
element.index = index;
element.parentNode = parentNode;
element.node = childNode;
element.referenceUrl = referenceUrl;
// add the element to the compare map
compareMap.put(id, element);
} else {
if (obj instanceof CompareElement) {
element = (CompareElement) obj;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("The object stored in the compareMap is not a CompareElement object!");
if ((!element.index.equals(index)) ||
(!element.node.equals(childNode)) ||
(!element.parentNode.equals(parentNode))) {
throw new RuntimeException("The retrieved object is not the same as the one trying to be saved, id is "
+ id);
element.platformData.put(platformName, platformValue);
private boolean childrenAreElements(Node node) {
NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
if (list.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return true;
return false;
private String getTag(String childNodeName, String index) {
// for months make index a,b,c,d etc
if (childNodeName.indexOf("month") > -1) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(index);
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
temp.append((char) ('a' + i));
return temp.toString();
} else if (childNodeName.indexOf("day") > -1) {
if (index.equals("sun")) {
return "a";
} else if (index.equals("mon")) {
return "b";
} else if (index.equals("tue")) {
return "c";
} else if (index.equals("wed")) {
return "d";
} else if (index.equals("thu")) {
return "e";
} else if (index.equals("fri")) {
return "f";
} else if (index.equals("sat")) {
return "g";
} else {
return index;
return "";
private boolean extractMergeData(Node node, String key, boolean parentDraft) {
Node childOfSource;
for (childOfSource = node.getFirstChild(); childOfSource != null; childOfSource = childOfSource
.getNextSibling()) {
if (childOfSource.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
String altText = null;
// String altReferenceUrl = null;
Node altForChild = null;
boolean subDraft = parentDraft;
String childOfSourceName = childOfSource.getNodeName();
// Ignore collation and special tags
if (childOfSourceName.equals("collations") || childOfSource.equals("special")
|| childOfSourceName.indexOf(":") > -1) {
if (m_Vetting && LDMLUtilities.isNodeDraft(childOfSource)) {
if (!subDraft) {
subDraft = true;
String referenceUrl = null;
if (m_Vetting) {
referenceUrl = LDMLUtilities.getAttributeValue(childOfSource, LDMLConstants.REFERENCES);
if ((referenceUrl != null) && (referenceUrl.length() == 0)) {
referenceUrl = null;
if (m_Vetting) { /* Should this be always checked? */
String alt = LDMLUtilities.getAttributeValue(childOfSource, LDMLConstants.ALT);
if (alt != null) {
if (alt.equals(LDMLConstants.PROPOSED)) {
if (subDraft == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("***** ERROR Proposed but not draft? "
+ childOfSource.toString());
altForChild = LDMLUtilities.getNonAltNodeLike(node, childOfSource);
if (altForChild == null) {
System.out.println("WARNING: can't find a node like this one: " + childOfSource.toString()
+ " - consider removing the alt=\"proposed\" attribute.");
alt = null;
// altReferenceUrl = LDMLUtilities.getAttributeValue(altForChild, LDMLConstants.REFERENCES);
// if((altReferenceUrl!=null)&&(altReferenceUrl.length()==0)) {
// altReferenceUrl = null;
// }
} else if (subDraft) { /* don't care about nondraft */
String type = LDMLUtilities.getAttributeValue(childOfSource, LDMLConstants.TYPE);
if (type == null) {
type = "";
m_Messages = m_Messages + " <br> UNKNOWN alt type '" + alt + "' for " +
node.getNodeName() + "/" + childOfSourceName + "/" + type;
System.err.println("Warning: unknown alt type '" + alt + "' - *IGNORING*. "
+ childOfSource.toString());
if (childrenAreElements(childOfSource) == false) {
NamedNodeMap attr = childOfSource.getAttributes();
Node typeNode = attr.getNamedItem("type");
Node altNode = attr.getNamedItem("alt");
String index = "";
if (typeNode != null) {
* if(childOfSource.getNodeName().equals("era")&&!key.equals("common")){
* //remap type for comparison purpose
* // TODO remove this hack
* int j = Integer.parseInt(typeNode.getNodeValue());
* if(j>0){
* j--;
* }
* typeNode.setNodeValue(Integer.toString(j));
* }
String temp = typeNode.getNodeValue();
if (!temp.equals("standard")) {
index = temp;
String alt = null;
if (altNode != null) {
alt = altNode.getNodeValue();
if (m_Vetting) { // TODO: all?
Node keyNode = attr.getNamedItem("key");
if (keyNode != null) {
String temp = keyNode.getNodeValue();
index = index + " (" + temp + ")";
String nodeValue = "";
Node valueNode = childOfSource.getFirstChild();
if (valueNode != null) {
String temp = trim(valueNode.getNodeValue());
if (!temp.equals("standard")) {
nodeValue = temp;
if (altForChild != null) {
Node valueNode2 = altForChild.getFirstChild();
if (valueNode2 != null) {
String temp = trim(valueNode2.getNodeValue());
if (!temp.equals("standard")) {
altText = temp;
} else {
altText = "??? alt=standard";
} else {
altText = "??? alt has no value";
Node parentNode = childOfSource.getParentNode();
String parentNodeName = trim(parentNode.getNodeName());
String childNodeName = trim(childOfSource.getNodeName());
Node grandParentNode = childOfSource.getParentNode().getParentNode();
String grandParentNodeName = grandParentNode.getNodeName();
NamedNodeMap parentAttrib = parentNode.getAttributes();
String type = "";
if (parentAttrib != null) {
Node mytypeNode = parentAttrib.getNamedItem("type");
if (mytypeNode != null) {
String mytype = mytypeNode.getNodeValue();
if (!mytype.equals("standard")) {
if (!parentNodeName.equals("calendar")) {
type = mytype;
} else {
parentNodeName = mytype;
if (grandParentNodeName.equals("eras")) {
Node calendar = grandParentNode.getParentNode();
NamedNodeMap gpa = calendar.getAttributes();
Node gptNode = gpa.getNamedItem("type");
if (gptNode != null) {
String gptType = gptNode.getNodeValue();
if (!gptType.equals("standard")) {
grandParentNodeName = gptType;
parentNodeName = grandParentNodeName + "\u200b_" + parentNodeName;
if (grandParentNodeName.equals("calendar")) {
NamedNodeMap gpa = grandParentNode.getAttributes();
Node gptNode = gpa.getNamedItem("type");
if (gptNode != null) {
String gptType = gptNode.getNodeValue();
if (!gptType.equals("standard")) {
grandParentNodeName = gptType;
parentNodeName = grandParentNodeName + "\u200b_" + parentNodeName;
if (grandParentNodeName.equals("monthContext") || grandParentNodeName.equals("dayContext") ||
grandParentNodeName.equals("dateFormatLength") || grandParentNodeName.equals("timeFormatLength") ||
grandParentNodeName.equals("dateTimeFormatLength")) {
Node calendar = grandParentNode.getParentNode().getParentNode();
NamedNodeMap ggpa = calendar.getAttributes();
Node ggptNode = ggpa.getNamedItem("type");
if (ggptNode != null) {
String ggptType = ggptNode.getNodeValue();
if (!ggptType.equals("standard")) {
grandParentNodeName = ggptType;
parentNodeName = ggptType + "\u200b_" + parentNodeName;
NamedNodeMap gpa = grandParentNode.getAttributes();
Node gptNode = gpa.getNamedItem("type");
if (gptNode != null) {
String gptType = gptNode.getNodeValue();
if (!gptType.equals("standard")) {
parentNodeName = parentNodeName + "\u200b_" + gptType;
NamedNodeMap pa = parentNode.getAttributes();
Node ptNode = pa.getNamedItem("type");
if (ptNode != null) {
String ptType = ptNode.getNodeValue();
if (!ptType.equals("standard")) {
parentNodeName = parentNodeName + "\u200b_" + ptType;
if (childNodeName.equals("pattern") || grandParentNodeName.equals("zone")) {
if (parentNodeName.indexOf("date") == -1 && parentNodeName.indexOf("time") == -1) {
NamedNodeMap at = grandParentNode.getAttributes();
Node mytypeNode = at.getNamedItem("type");
if (mytypeNode != null) {
String mytype = mytypeNode.getNodeValue();
if (!mytype.equals("standard")) {
if (type.equals("")) {
type = mytype;
} else {
type = type + "\u200b_" + mytype;
if (grandParentNodeName.equals("special") || parentNodeName.equals("special")
|| childNodeName.equals("special")
|| grandParentNodeName.indexOf(":") > 0) {
if (!nodeValue.equals("") &&
!childOfSource.getNodeName().equals("version")) {
// for country codes and language codes
// replace the deprecated codes with the latest ones
if (childNodeName.equals("language")) {
String temp = (String) deprecatedLanguageCodes.get(index);
if (temp != null) {
index = temp;
} else if (childNodeName.equals("territory")) {
String temp = (String) deprecatedCountryCodes.get(index);
if (temp != null) {
index = temp;
if (index != null && alt != null) {
index = index + "_" + alt;
String id = "";
if (!type.equals("")) {
id = parentNodeName + "_" + childNodeName + "_" + type + "_" + getTag(childNodeName, index)
+ "_" + grandParentNodeName;
} else {
id = parentNodeName + "_" + childNodeName + "_" + getTag(childNodeName, index) + "_"
+ grandParentNodeName;
if (!index.equals("")) {
if (!index.equals(nodeValue) && !index.equals("Fallback")) {
if (!m_Vetting || subDraft) {
addElement(childNodeName, parentNodeName, id, index, nodeValue, key, referenceUrl);
if (altText != null) {
addElement(childNodeName, parentNodeName, id, index, altText, "ALT", null /* altReferenceUrl */);
} else {
if (!type.equals(nodeValue) && !type.equals("Fallback")) {
if (!m_Vetting || subDraft) {
addElement(childNodeName, parentNodeName, id, type, nodeValue, key, referenceUrl);
if (altText != null) {
addElement(childNodeName, parentNodeName, id, index, altText, "ALT", null /* altReferenceUrl */);
if (attr.getLength() > 0 && typeNode == null) { // TODO: make this a fcn
// add an element for each attribute different for each attribute
if (!m_Vetting || subDraft) {
for (int i = 0; i < attr.getLength(); i++) {
Node item = attr.item(i);
String attrName = item.getNodeName();
if (attrName.equals("type")) {
if (attrName.equals("alt")) {
if (attrName.equals("draft")) {
if (grandParentNodeName.equals("zone")) {
parentNodeName = grandParentNodeName + "\u200b_" + parentNodeName;
String id = grandParentNodeName + "_" + parentNodeName + "_" + childNodeName + "_" + type
+ "_" + attrName;
String subNodeValue = item.getNodeValue();
if (altForChild != null) {
System.err.println(parentNodeName + "/" + childNodeName + " alt?? : " + altText);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UNKNOWN ALT SUBTAG + " + parentNodeName + "/"
+ childNodeName + " alt?? : " + altText + " not " + subNodeValue);
if (!index.equals("")) {
addElement(childNodeName, parentNodeName, id, index, subNodeValue, key);
} else if (!type.equals("")) {
addElement(childNodeName, parentNodeName, id, type, subNodeValue, key);
} else {
if (!attrName.equals("draft")) {
addElement(childNodeName, parentNodeName, id, attrName, subNodeValue, key);
} else {
// the element has more children .. recurse to pick them all
extractMergeData(childOfSource, key, subDraft);
return true;
// *****************************************************************************************************
// method writes the differences between xml files all to one HTML file
// added by PN
// *****************************************************************************************************
private void doBulkComparison()
// get the output file name
String fileName = destFolder + "/" + "Bulk.html";
System.out.println("INFO: Creating file named: " + fileName);
String fileName_summary = destFolder + "/" + "Bulk_summary.html";
System.out.println("INFO: Creating file named: " + fileName_summary);
OutputStreamWriter os = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName), encoding);
OutputStreamWriter os_summary = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName_summary), encoding);
// write the beginning of HTML page
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(os);
PrintWriter writer_summary = new PrintWriter(os_summary);
// not all platforms have files for all locales so first build a locale superset
// loop thru locale files from each folder, each folder contains a certain number of locales
// build a HashSet superset
File localeDir = null;
String[] fileList;
Set<String> localeTreeSet = new TreeSet<String>(); // use TreeSet for locales in alphabetical order
for (int i = 0; i < m_PlatformFolderVect.size(); i++)
localeDir = new File((String) m_PlatformFolderVect.elementAt(i));
fileList = localeDir.list();
for (int j = 0; j < fileList.length; j++)
if (fileList[j].endsWith(".xml"))
// need to exclude root.xml and supplementalData.xml
if ((fileList[j].compareTo("root.xml") == 0)
|| (fileList[j].compareTo("supplementalData.xml") == 0))
// exclude common if -diff_ref_common option chosen by user
// as common will only be shown as a reference if there are differences between locales for
// other platforms
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON) != 0)
String platform = (String) m_PlatformVect.elementAt(i);
if (platform.compareTo(COMMON) == 0)
// entries are only added to TreeSets if not already there
// System.out.println (j + " adding " + fileList[j] + " to super set for platform " + (String)
// m_PlatformFolderVect.elementAt(i) );
// System.out.println(" size of locale set = " + localeTreeSet.size());
// System.out.println(" number of platforms = " + m_PlatformFolderVect.size() + "(" + m_PlatformVect.size()
// + ")");
// loop thru all locales
Object[] localeArray = localeTreeSet.toArray();
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < localeArray.length; i++)
String platforms_with_this_locale = "";
String localeFile = (String) localeArray[i]; // locale file name without path
// class member localeStr used for writing to html
localeStr = localeFile.substring(0, localeFile.indexOf('.'));
System.out.println("INFO: locale : " + localeStr);
// add entry to CompareMap for any platforms having an xml file for the locale in question
for (int j = 0; j < m_PlatformFolderVect.size(); j++)
localeDir = new File((String) m_PlatformFolderVect.elementAt(j));
fileList = localeDir.list();
for (int k = 0; k < fileList.length; k++)
if (fileList[k].compareTo(localeFile) == 0) // test for 2 matching xml filenames
String key = (String) m_PlatformVect.elementAt(j); // should use hashtable to link
// m_PlatformVect and
// m_PlatformFolderVect
String xmlFileName = localeDir + "/" + localeArray[i];
// System.out.println(i + " " + j + " " + k + " adding " + xmlFileName +
// " to compareMap at key " + key);
addToCompareMap(xmlFileName, key);
if (!(((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON) != 0)
&& (key.compareTo(COMMON) == 0)))
platforms_with_this_locale += key;
platforms_with_this_locale += ", ";
// System.out.println("size of compareMap " + compareMap.size());
// print locale info and table header for this locale
printHTMLLocaleStart(writer, i, platforms_with_this_locale);
// now do the comparison for a specific locale
walkCompareMap(writer, localeStr, platforms_with_this_locale);
// clear the compareMap before starting next locale
// finish html table
} // end outer for loop on locales
// print summary data to html summary file
printHTMLEnd(writer, i);
printHTMLEnd(writer_summary, i);
} catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("INFO: Finished writing file named: " + fileName);
System.out.println("INFO: Finished writing file named: " + fileName_summary);
// added by PN
private void printHTMLStart(PrintWriter writer)
// System.out.println("INFO: Creating the comparison chart ");
writer.print("<html>\n" +
" <head>\n" +
" <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n" +
" </head>\n" +
" <style>\n" +
" <!--\n" +
" table { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%; \n" +
" border: 1px solid black }\n" +
" td, th { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; color: black; \n" +
" vertical-align: top; border: 1px solid black }\n" +
" -->\n" +
" </style>" +
" <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"> \n" +
" <p><b>LOCALE DATA AUDIT</b></p>");
writer.print(" <p>Created on: " + cal.getTime() + "</p>\n");
private void printInfo(PrintWriter writer)
if (((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON) != 0)
|| ((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF) != 0))
.print(" <p>locale elements where there is a difference between at least two platforms are shown. \n"
"If a locale element is the same across all platforms it is not shown </p>");
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON) != 0)
.print("<p> Common data is shown for reference purposes only and is not part of the comparison</p>\n");
// added by PN
private void printHTMLEnd(PrintWriter writer, int iTotalNumLocales)
writer.print(" <p><b>SUMMARY : </b></p>");
String platforms = "";
for (int i = 0; i < m_PlatformVect.size(); i++)
if (((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON) != 0)
&& (m_PlatformVect.elementAt(i).equals(COMMON)))
platforms += m_PlatformVect.elementAt(i);
platforms += ", ";
writer.print(" <p><b>Platforms compared : " + platforms + "</b></p>");
.print(" <p><b>Total Number of locales audited : "
+ iTotalNumLocales
+ "</b></p>"
" <p><b>Total Number of conflicting locale data across all locales : "
+ serialNumber
+ "</b></p>"
" <p><b>Number of locale elements where a conflict was found for at least one locale : "
+ m_iTotalConflictingElements
+ "</b></p>"
" <p><b>Number of locale elements where no conflicts were found for any locale having this element : "
+ m_iTotalNonConflictingElements + "</b></p>" +
" </body>\n" +
// added by PN
private void printHTMLLocaleStart(PrintWriter writer, int iLocaleCounter, String platforms_with_this_locale)
ULocale locale = new ULocale(localeStr);
String displayLang = locale.getDisplayLanguage();
String dispCountry = locale.getDisplayCountry();
String dispVariant = locale.getDisplayVariant();
String displayName = localeStr + " (" + displayLang + "_" + dispCountry;
if (dispVariant.length() > 0)
displayName += "_" + dispVariant + ") ";
} else
displayName += ") ";
" <p><b>" + iLocaleCounter + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + displayName +
// "<a href=\""+localeStr+"\">Demo</a>, "+
// "<a href=\"../comparison_charts.html\">Cover Page</a>, "+
// "<a href=\"./index.html\">Index</a>, "+
// "<a href=\"../collation_diff/"+localeStr+"_collation.html\">Collation</a> "+
"</b>" +
"<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; platforms with this locale : " + platforms_with_this_locale + "</b></p>\n" +
" <table>\n");
// added by PN
private void printHTMLLocaleEnd(PrintWriter writer)
writer.print(" </table>\n");
// added by PN
private void walkCompareMap(PrintWriter writer, String locale, String platforms)
SummaryData summData = new SummaryData();
// walk down the compare map and print the data
Iterator<String> iter = compareMap.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Object obj =;
CompareElement element;
if (obj != null)
Object value = compareMap.get(obj);
if (value instanceof CompareElement)
element = (CompareElement) value;
} else
throw new RuntimeException(
"The object stored in the compare map is not an instance of CompareElement");
boolean bIsEqual = true;
if ((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF) != 0)
bIsEqual = printDifferentValues(element, writer);
AddToAccumulatedResultsMap((String) obj, element, localeStr, bIsEqual);
else if ((m_iOptions & OPT_DIFF_REF_COMMON) != 0)
bIsEqual = printDifferentValuesWithRef(element, writer);
AddToAccumulatedResultsMap((String) obj, element, localeStr, bIsEqual);
printValue(element, writer);
if (bIsEqual == false)
} else
throw new RuntimeException("No objects stored in the compare map!");
summData.m_szPlatforms = platforms;
m_LocaleSummaryDataMap.put(locale, summData);
// PN added
private void AddToAccumulatedResultsMap(String id, CompareElement element, String locale, boolean bIsEqual)
if (element == null)
AccumulatedResults ad = m_AccumulatedResultsMap.get(id);
if (ad == null)
// System.out.println("id = " + id);
// add a new entry, there's none there with this key
ad = new AccumulatedResults();
ad.index = element.index;
ad.node = element.node;
ad.parentNode = element.parentNode;
if (bIsEqual == false)
m_AccumulatedResultsMap.put(id, ad);
if ((!ad.index.equals(element.index)) ||
(!ad.node.equals(element.node)) ||
(!ad.parentNode.equals(element.parentNode))) // ||
// (!ad.type.equals(element.type))) type can be null so don't ceck its value
throw new RuntimeException(
"The retrieved AccumulatedResults is not the same as the one trying to be saved - " + id);
if (bIsEqual == false)
private void printAccumulatedResultsToHTML(PrintWriter writer)
.print("<p><b>Table below shows the number of locales where conflicts did and didn't occur on a per locale element basis");
.print("&nbsp;&nbsp; (For brevity, locale elements where no conflicts were detected for any locale are not shown) </b></p>");
writer.print(" <table width=\"700\">\n");
writer.print(" <tr>\n" +
" <th width=5%>N.</th>\n" +
" <th width=10%>ParentNode</th>\n" +
" <th width=10%>Name</th>\n" +
" <th width=10%>ID</th>\n" +
" <th width=10%># of non-conflicting locales</th>" +
" <th width=10%># of conflicting locales</th>" +
" <th width=45%>Locales where conflicts were found</th>" +
" </tr>\n");
// walk down the cm_AccumulateDifferenceMap and print the data
Iterator<String> iter = m_AccumulatedResultsMap.keySet().iterator();
// System.out.println ("size = " + m_AccumulateDifferenceMap.size());
int iCounter = 0;
while (iter.hasNext())
Object obj =;
AccumulatedResults ad;
if (obj != null)
Object value = m_AccumulatedResultsMap.get(obj);
if (value instanceof AccumulatedResults)
ad = (AccumulatedResults) value;
} else
throw new RuntimeException(
"The object stored in the AccumulateDifferencesMap is not an instance of AccumulateDifferences");
// only print locale elements where differences occurred
if (ad.localeVectDiff.size() > 0)
writer.print(" <tr>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + (iCounter++) + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + ad.parentNode + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + ad.node + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + ad.index + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + ad.localeVectSame.size() + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + ad.localeVectDiff.size() + "</td>\n");
String locales = "";
for (int i = 0; i < ad.localeVectDiff.size(); i++)
locales += ad.localeVectDiff.elementAt(i);
locales += ", ";
writer.print(" <td>" + locales + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" </tr>\n");
} else
throw new RuntimeException("No objects stored in the AccumulateDifferencesMap!");
writer.print(" </table>\n");
private void printLocaleSummaryToHTML(PrintWriter writer)
writer.print("<p><b>Table below shows the number of conflicting elements on a per locale basis\n</b></p>");
writer.print(" <table width=\"700\">\n");
writer.print(" <tr>\n" +
" <th width=5%>N.</th>\n" +
" <th width=20%>Locale</th>\n" +
" <th width=40%>Platforms With This Locale</th>\n" +
" <th width=35%># of elements where a conflict was found</th>\n" +
" </tr>\n");
// walk down the cm_AccumulateDifferenceMap and print the data
Iterator<String> iter = m_LocaleSummaryDataMap.keySet().iterator();
int iCounter = 0;
while (iter.hasNext())
Object obj =;
SummaryData summData;
if (obj != null)
Object value = m_LocaleSummaryDataMap.get(obj);
if (value instanceof SummaryData)
summData = (SummaryData) value;
} else
throw new RuntimeException(
"The object stored in the AccumulateDifferencesMap is not an instance of AccumulateDifferences");
writer.print(" <tr>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + (iCounter++) + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + (String) obj + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + summData.m_szPlatforms + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" <td>" + summData.m_iNumConflictingElements + "</td>\n");
writer.print(" </tr>\n");
} else
throw new RuntimeException("No objects stored in the AccumulateDifferencesMap!");
writer.print(" </table>\n");
private void getCVSVersion()
ourCvsVersion = LDMLUtilities.loadFileRevision(goldFileName);
} // end of class definition/declaration