blob: 7023eaabdfd3282d1e568bde0c638b1f8f2ecc5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.Hashtable;
* The LDML2ICUBinaryWriter class is a set of methods which can be used
* to generate Binary (.res) files in the ICU Binary format.
* @author Brian Rower - June 2008
public class LDML2ICUBinaryWriter
* This string is the copyright to be written into the file.
* In the C version, can be found in <I>icu4c_root</I>/source/common/unicode/uversion.h
private static final String COPYRIGHT = " Copyright (C) 2012, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ";
public static int written = 0;
* Magic numbers!!!!
private static final byte MAGIC1 = (byte) 0xda;
private static final byte MAGIC2 = 0x27;
private static boolean INCLUDE_COPYRIGHT = false;
* The number of bytes it takes to write magic number 1.
private static final short BYTES_TAKEN_BY_MAGIC1 = 1;
* The number of bytes it takes to write magic number 2;
private static final short BYTES_TAKEN_BY_MAGIC2 = 1;
* The number of bytes that it takes to write the size of the header.
private static final short BYTES_TAKEN_BY_HEADER_SIZE = 2;
* The charsets to be used when encoding strings.
public static final String CHARSET8 = "UTF-8";
public static final String CHARSET16 = "UTF-16BE";
* The number of bytes that each character takes up. This is dependant on the encoding (see CHARSET above).
private static final int BYTES_PER_UTF8_CHAR = 1;
* Numeric constants for special elements.
private static final int SPECIAL_NONE = 0;
private static final int SPECIAL_COLLATIONS = 1;
private static final int SPECIAL_COLLATIONELEMENTS = 2;
private static final int SPECIAL_DEPENDENCY = 3;
private static final int SPECIAL_TRANSLITERATOR = 4;
* Numeric constants for types of resource items.
* @see ures_getType
* @stable ICU 2.0
// **************************** ENUM Below is ported from C. See ures.h ***********************
/** Resource type constant for "no resource". @stable ICU 2.6 */
public static final int URES_NONE = -1;
/** Resource type constant for 16-bit Unicode strings. @stable ICU 2.6 */
public static final int URES_STRING = 0;
/** Resource type constant for binary data. @stable ICU 2.6 */
public static final int URES_BINARY = 1;
/** Resource type constant for tables of key-value pairs. @stable ICU 2.6 */
public static final int URES_TABLE = 2;
* Resource type constant for aliases;
* internally stores a string which identifies the actual resource
* storing the data (can be in a different resource bundle).
* Resolved internally before delivering the actual resource through the API.
* @stable ICU 2.6
public static final int URES_ALIAS = 3;
* Internal use only.
* Alternative resource type constant for tables of key-value pairs.
* Never returned by ures_getType().
* @internal
public static final int URES_TABLE32 = 4;
* Resource type constant for a single 28-bit integer, interpreted as
* signed or unsigned by the ures_getInt() or ures_getUInt() function.
* @see ures_getInt
* @see ures_getUInt
* @stable ICU 2.6
public static final int URES_INT = 7;
/** Resource type constant for arrays of resources. @stable ICU 2.6 */
public static final int URES_ARRAY = 8;
* Resource type constant for vectors of 32-bit integers.
* @see ures_getIntVector
* @stable ICU 2.6
public static final int URES_INT_VECTOR = 14;
public static final int URES_LIMIT = 16;
* The enum below is ported from C. See uresdata.h
* It is used as index references for the array which will be written.
/* [0] contains URES_INDEX_TOP==the length of indexes[] */
private static final int URES_INDEX_LENGTH = 0;
/* [1] contains the top of the strings, same as the bottom of resources, rounded up */
private static final int URES_INDEX_STRINGS_TOP = 1;
/* [2] contains the top of all resources */
private static final int URES_INDEX_RESOURCES_TOP = 2;
/* [3] contains the top of the bundle, in case it were ever different from [2] */
private static final int URES_INDEX_BUNDLE_TOP = 3;
/* [4] max. length of any table */
private static final int URES_INDEX_MAX_TABLE_LENGTH = 4;
/* [5] attributes bit set, see URES_ATT_* (new in formatVersion 1.2) */
// private static final int URES_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES = 5;
/* This one is the length of the array */
private static final int URES_INDEX_TOP = 6;
// must be set if writing transliteration
private static Hashtable<String, String> ruleStringsHash = null;
public static void main()
* This method is called upon the top of an ICUResourceWriter.Resource
* in order to write the whole Resource tree into binary format.
* @param resTop
* The top of the resource tree that you would like written to file. This
* object should be a ICUResourceWriter.ResourceTable.
* @param outDir
* A string pointing to the path of the output directory.
* @param outFile
* The name of the output file. If filename has an extension other than .res
* (ex: .txt) this method will strip that extention and replace with .res.
public static void writeBinaryFile(ICUResourceWriter.Resource resTop, String outDir, String outFile)
String fileName = "";
int usedOffset = 0;
String directoryPath = "";
FileOutputStream out;
UDataInfo info;
byte[] dataFormat;
byte[] formatVersion;
byte[] dataVersion;
byte[] padding;
// Do some checks on the file name
// if it has a period in it...get rid of everything after the period
if (outFile.indexOf('.') > -1)
fileName = outFile.substring(0, outFile.indexOf('.'));
if (fileName.length() == 0)
printError(outFile + " is not a valid file name.");
fileName = fileName + ".res";
fileName = outFile + ".res";
// add the .res part to the file name
// do some checks on the directory path
// replace all backslashes with forward slashes
directoryPath = outDir.replace('\\', '/');
// if the path does not end in a slash, then we'll add one
if (directoryPath.charAt(directoryPath.length() - 1) != '/')
directoryPath = directoryPath + "/";
// create UDataInfo
// Data format is "ResB"
dataFormat = new byte[4];
dataFormat[0] = 0x52; // R
dataFormat[1] = 0x65; // e
dataFormat[2] = 0x73; // s
dataFormat[3] = 0x42; // B
// Format version is
formatVersion = new byte[4];
formatVersion[0] = 1;
formatVersion[1] = 2;
formatVersion[2] = 0;
formatVersion[3] = 0;
// data version is
dataVersion = new byte[4];
dataVersion[0] = 1;
dataVersion[1] = 4;
dataVersion[2] = 0;
dataVersion[3] = 0;
// now that the file and directory name are formatted, lets try to create an output stream
System.out.println("Creating file: " + directoryPath + fileName);
File f = new File(directoryPath, fileName);
out = new FileOutputStream(f);
info = new UDataInfo(UDataInfo.getSize(), (short) 0, UDataInfo.BIGENDIAN, UDataInfo.ASCII_FAMILY,
UDataInfo.SIZE_OF_UCHAR, (byte) 0, dataFormat, formatVersion, dataVersion);
// this method goes through the tree and looks for a table named CollationElements or Collations, and adds
// the
// appropriate data to the tree
dealWithSpecialElements(resTop, outDir);
// before we do anything with the resources, sort them
// call writeBinaryHeader.
writeBinaryHeader(out, info, COPYRIGHT);
usedOffset = writeKeyString(out, resTop);
// Call writeBinary on the top of the Resource tree
usedOffset = resTop.writeBinary(out, usedOffset);
padding = createPadding(pad32(usedOffset));
if (padding != null)
written += padding.length;
System.out.println("Finished writing binary.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e)
printError(directoryPath + fileName + " could not be opened, please ensure the correct path is given.");
} catch (SecurityException e)
printError("access denied: " + directoryPath + fileName);
} catch (Exception e)
private static int getSpecialType(ICUResourceWriter.Resource res)
if (!res.hasKey)
if ("CollationElements") && res instanceof ICUResourceWriter.ResourceTable)
if ("collations") && res instanceof ICUResourceWriter.ResourceTable)
if ("depends") && res instanceof ICUResourceWriter.ResourceProcess)
if (res instanceof ICUResourceWriter.ResourceProcess)
if (((ICUResourceWriter.ResourceProcess) res).ext.equals(ICUResourceWriter.TRANSLITERATOR))
* Goes through the resource tree recursively and looks for a table named
* CollationElements, collations, dependency, or transliterator and adds the appropriate data
* @param top
* The top of the Resource Tree
private static void dealWithSpecialElements(ICUResourceWriter.Resource top, String outDir)
// if it's a table
if (top instanceof ICUResourceWriter.ResourceTable)
// loop through all it's elements and check if they're anything specialCollationElements or Collation
ICUResourceWriter.Resource cur = top.first;
while (cur != null)
switch (getSpecialType(cur))
addDependency((ICUResourceWriter.ResourceTable) top, (ICUResourceWriter.ResourceProcess) cur,
addTransliteration((ICUResourceWriter.ResourceTable) top, (ICUResourceWriter.ResourceProcess) cur);
dealWithSpecialElements(cur, outDir);
cur =;
// if it's not a table...don't do anything...
public static void setRulesHash(Hashtable<String, String> hash)
ruleStringsHash = hash;
// Parallels the C function for parseTransliterator in parse.c of genrb
private static void addTransliteration(ICUResourceWriter.ResourceTable parent,
ICUResourceWriter.ResourceProcess trans)
if (ruleStringsHash == null)
System.err.println("If you are processing transliteration, you must set the Rules Hashtable.");
String dataString = ruleStringsHash.get(trans.val);
if (dataString == null)
System.err.println("Could not find data for: " + trans.val);
// strip out the unneeded stuff from the buffer (like comments and spaces and line breaks
dataString = stripRules(dataString);
// create a string resource containing the data and add it to the resource tree
// remove the ResourceProcess and add the String
ICUResourceWriter.ResourceString replacement = new ICUResourceWriter.ResourceString("Resource", dataString);
ICUResourceWriter.Resource current = parent.first;
// yes, we're using an address comparison below...because they should both be pointing the the same object when
// we find it.
if (current != trans)
while (current != null && != trans)
current =;
if (current != null)
{ =; = replacement;
System.err.println("An unexpected error has occured: Could not find Transliteration resource.");
{ =;
parent.first = replacement;
private static boolean isUWhiteSpace(char c)
return (c >= 0x0009 && c <= 0x2029 && (c <= 0x000D || c == 0x0020 || c == 0x0085 ||
c == 0x200E || c == 0x200F || c >= 0x2028));
private static boolean isNewLine(char c)
if (c == 0x000d || c == 0x000a)
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isPunctuation(char c)
int x = UCharacter.getType(c);
switch (x)
case ECharacterCategory.CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION:
case ECharacterCategory.DASH_PUNCTUATION:
case ECharacterCategory.END_PUNCTUATION:
case ECharacterCategory.FINAL_PUNCTUATION:
case ECharacterCategory.INITIAL_PUNCTUATION:
case ECharacterCategory.OTHER_PUNCTUATION:
case ECharacterCategory.START_PUNCTUATION:
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isControl(char c)
int x = UCharacter.getType(c);
switch (x)
case ECharacterCategory.CONTROL:
return true;
return false;
// parallels the C++ function utrans_stripRules in rbt_pars.cpp in i18n project
private static String stripRules(String data)
String newData = "";
int currentIndex = 0;
char curChar;
char curChar2 = '0';
boolean needChar2 = false;
boolean quoted = false;
while (currentIndex < data.length())
needChar2 = false;
curChar = data.charAt(currentIndex);
// if it's a quote, set the flag
if (curChar == '\'')
quoted = !quoted;
// otherwise...if the quote flag is NOT set.
else if (!quoted)
// IF comment... ignore comment lines ...starting with #....and until a carriage return or line feed
if (curChar == '#')
// if the preceeding characters were whitepace or new lines, go back and get rid of them
while (newData.length() > 0
&& (isNewLine(newData.charAt(newData.length() - 1)) || isUWhiteSpace(newData.charAt(newData
.length() - 1))))
if (newData.length() == 1)
newData = "";
newData = newData.substring(0, newData.length() - 2);
// move to the end of the line
while (!isNewLine(curChar) && currentIndex < data.length())
if (currentIndex < data.length())
curChar = data.charAt(currentIndex);
// grab the first character of this new line (no longer part of the comment
if (currentIndex < data.length())
curChar = data.charAt(currentIndex);
else if (curChar == '\\') // OR if its an escape char //((UChar)0x005C) - \
// skip over the \ and then skip any line breaks that may follow
if (currentIndex < data.length())
curChar = data.charAt(currentIndex);
} while (isNewLine(curChar) && currentIndex < data.length());
// if it's a u and there are 4 more characters after it
if (curChar == 'u' && (data.length() - currentIndex) >= 4)
// convert it to a character from a codepoint (String)UTF16.valueOf(int)
String hexString = data.substring(currentIndex + 1, currentIndex + 5);
int codeNum = Integer.parseInt(hexString, 16);
String temp = UTF16.valueOf(codeNum);
char tempChar;
tempChar = temp.charAt(0);
// if its 0xFFFFFFFF
if (tempChar == 0xFFFFFFFF)
System.err.println("Invalid character found while processing file.");
// if NOT whitespace(isUWhiteSpace) && NOT a control character? && not punctuation
if (!isUWhiteSpace(tempChar) && !isPunctuation(tempChar) && !isControl(tempChar))
// set the current character to this character
curChar = tempChar;
currentIndex += 4; // the 4 numbers...will add one more for the u, already did one for
// the slash
if (temp.length() > 1)
curChar2 = temp.charAt(1);
needChar2 = true;
else if (curChar == '\'')// OR if it's a quote
quoted = !quoted;
} // end not quoted
if (isNewLine(curChar))
quoted = false;
// while we're not hitting the end of the string
while (currentIndex < data.length())
if (!isNewLine(curChar))
if (currentIndex < data.length())
curChar = data.charAt(currentIndex);
// append the character to the new string, because we've decided it's ok
newData += curChar;
if (needChar2)
newData += curChar2;
}// end loop
} catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("Had a problem...");
if (newData.length() > data.length())
return null;
return newData;
private static void addDependency(ICUResourceWriter.ResourceTable parent, ICUResourceWriter.ResourceProcess dep,
String outDir)
String filename;
File f;
filename = outDir;
if (!(outDir.charAt(outDir.length() - 1) == '/' || outDir.charAt(outDir.length() - 1) == '\\'))
filename += "/";
filename += dep.val;
f = new File(filename);
if (!f.exists())
System.err.println("WARNING: Could not find dependancy: " + filename);
// create the %%DEPENDENCY array with a string containing the path, add it to the table.
ICUResourceWriter.ResourceArray a = new ICUResourceWriter.ResourceArray(); = "%%DEPENDENCY";
ICUResourceWriter.ResourceString str = new ICUResourceWriter.ResourceString(null, dep.val);
a.first = str;
// Remove the ResourceProcess object and replace it with a ResourceString object.
ICUResourceWriter.ResourceString replacement = new ICUResourceWriter.ResourceString(, dep.val);
ICUResourceWriter.Resource current = parent.first;
// yes, we're using an address comparison below...because they should both be pointing the the same object when
// we find it.
while (current != null && != dep)
current =;
} =; = replacement;
private static void addCollationElements(ICUResourceWriter.Resource elementTable)
// Element table name is "Collation"
// loops through sub tables of Collation and adds CollationBinary as nessisary
ICUResourceWriter.Resource cur = elementTable.first;
while (cur != null)
cur =;
private static void addCollation(ICUResourceWriter.Resource element)
ICUResourceWriter.Resource cur = element.first;
while (cur != null)
if (cur.hasKey && (cur instanceof ICUResourceWriter.ResourceString))
ICUResourceWriter.ResourceString strElement = (ICUResourceWriter.ResourceString) cur;
if ("Sequence"))
// RuleBasedCollator rbc = new RuleBasedCollator(strElement.val);
// TODO Generate proper binary data for Collator
* currently CollatorWriter does not work properly
* Need to write something to generate proper bytes,
* bytes do not seem to exist at this time
* CollatorWriter was not committed to the ICU4J trunk, it currently lives in the bdrower
* subdirectory of icu4j in the IBM local cvs
// byte[] bytes = CollatorWriter.writeRBC(rbc);
// ICUResourceWriter.ResourceBinary b = new ICUResourceWriter.ResourceBinary();
// = bytes;
// = "%%CollationBin";
// element.addAfter(b);
} catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("Could not create Collation Binary");
cur =;
* Write the header section of the file. This section of the file currently contains:<br>
* -A 2 byte number containing the length (in bytes) of the header.<br>
* -Two "magic numbers" each 1 byte in size.<br>
* -The UDataInfo structure
* -The null terminated copyright string (if it should be written)
* @param out
* @param info
* @param copyright
private static void writeBinaryHeader(FileOutputStream out, UDataInfo info, String copyright)
short headSize = 0;
byte[] magics = new byte[2];
int pad = 0;
byte[] padding;
* The header includes a 2 byte number containing the size of the header,
* two magic numbers each 1 byte in size, the UDataInfo structure, and the
* copyright plus null terminator. Subject to change.
if (copyright != null && INCLUDE_COPYRIGHT) {
headSize += copyright.length() + 1;
if ((pad = pad16Bytes(headSize)) != 0)
headSize += pad;
magics[0] = MAGIC1;
magics[1] = MAGIC2;
// write the size of the header
written += (shortToBytes(headSize)).length;
// write the two magic numbers
written += magics.length;
// write the UDataInfo structure
written += info.getByteArray().length;
// write the copyright and null terminating byte(s) if writing it
if (copyright != null && INCLUDE_COPYRIGHT)
out.write((copyright + "\0").getBytes(CHARSET8));
written += ((copyright + "\0").getBytes(CHARSET8)).length;
if (pad != 0)
padding = new byte[pad];
for (int i = 0; i < padding.length; i++)
padding[i] = 0;
written += padding.length;
} catch (IOException e)
* Write some information about the key string and then write a chunk of bytes which mirrors the
* SRBRoot->fkeys character buffer. This will be a list of null
* terminated strings. Each string pertains to a certain resource. This method also modifies the resources in
* 'resTop' by setting the keyStringOffset variable. The keyStringOffset variable is the number of bytes from
* the start of the key string that the resources key starts. For example:
* <p>
* In the 'en_PK' locale, you may have a Table resource with the key "Version." The Table contains a string resource
* with the key "1.31."
* </p>
* <p>
* If this were the whole of the locale data, the key string would be an encoded version of this:
* </p>
* "Version\01.31\0"
* <br>
* <br>
* In UTF-16 encoding, each character will take 2 bytes. <br>
* keyStringOffset for the table object would be 0. <br>
* keyStringOffset for the string resource would be = "Version".length() + 2 = 16
* @param out
* The output stream to write this to.
* @param resTop
* The top of the resource tree whose keys shall be written
private static int writeKeyString(FileOutputStream out, ICUResourceWriter.Resource resTop)
String keyList = "";
byte[] padding = null;
int padBytes = 0;
int end;
int root;
byte[] rootBytes;
int[] indexes = new int[URES_INDEX_TOP];
byte[] indexBytes = new byte[URES_INDEX_TOP * 4];
byte[] keyBytes;
int usedOffset;
int sizeOfIndexes;
int sizeOfIndexesAndKeys;
int tableID;
// set flag so that we know which resource is the top of the tree
resTop.isTop = true;
sizeOfIndexes = (1 + URES_INDEX_TOP) * ICUResourceWriter.SIZE_OF_INT;
usedOffset = sizeOfIndexes;
// Build the String of keys
keyList = buildKeyList(keyList, resTop, usedOffset);
sizeOfIndexesAndKeys = sizeOfIndexes + keyList.length();
usedOffset = sizeOfIndexesAndKeys + pad32(sizeOfIndexesAndKeys);
end = sizeOfIndexesAndKeys + resTop.sizeOfChildren;
// if it is not 16 byte aligned
if ((padBytes = pad32(sizeOfIndexesAndKeys)) != 0)
padding = createPadding(padBytes);
if (padding != null)
usedOffset += padding.length;
end += padding.length;
// build a set of 32 bits (in C this variable is called 'root' in reslist.c)
// the number of bytes included in the keyList, keyList padding, all the children
if (((ICUResourceWriter.ResourceTable) resTop).is32Bit())
tableID = (URES_TABLE32 << 28);
tableID = (URES_TABLE << 28);
root = (end >>> 2) | (tableID);
rootBytes = intToBytes(root);
end += resTop.size;
end += pad32(end);
indexes[URES_INDEX_STRINGS_TOP] = usedOffset >>> 2;
indexes[URES_INDEX_RESOURCES_TOP] = (end) >> 2;
indexes[URES_INDEX_MAX_TABLE_LENGTH] = ICUResourceWriter.maxTableLength;
indexBytes = intArrayToBytes(indexes);
// write the "root" object
written += rootBytes.length;
// write the indexes array
written += indexBytes.length;
// write the keyList and padding if nessicary
keyBytes = keyList.getBytes(CHARSET8);
written += keyBytes.length;
if (padding != null)
written += padding.length;
} catch (IOException e)
printError("Could not write key string to file. " + e.getMessage());
return usedOffset;
* Recursively go through the whole tree and continue to add to the keyList. As this is done,
* set the keyStringOffset, numChildren, sizeOfChildren, and size variables.
* @param keyList
* The current string of keys.
* @param resTop
* The resource whose keys shall be written to the keyList.
* @return
private static String buildKeyList(String keyList, ICUResourceWriter.Resource resTop, int usedOffset)
ICUResourceWriter.Resource current = resTop.first;
int x = 0;
// add this resources key to the list unless it is the top resource or doesn't have a key
if (!resTop.isTop && resTop.hasKey)
// clean up quotes if any
if ("\"") >= 0)
{ = removeQuotes(;
// set the keyStringOffset
resTop.keyStringOffset = usedOffset + (keyList.length() * BYTES_PER_UTF8_CHAR);
keyList += ( + "\0");
// if it has children, call this method on them too
while (current != null)
if (resTop instanceof ICUResourceWriter.ResourceArray
|| resTop instanceof ICUResourceWriter.ResourceIntVector)
current.hasKey = false;
keyList = buildKeyList(keyList, current, usedOffset);
// add the size of the current child to the parents sizeOfChildren
current =;
// set the size of this object
resTop.numChildren = x;
return keyList;
* Takes a 16 bit number and returns a two byte array. 0th element is lower byte, 1st element is upper byte.
* Ex: x = 28,000. In binary: 0110 1101 0110 0000. This method will return:
* [0] = 0110 0000 or 0x60
* [1] = 0110 1101 or 0x6D
private static byte[] shortToBytes(short x)
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) (x); // bitwise AND with the lower byte
b[0] = (byte) (x >>> 8); // shift four bits to the right and fill with zeros, and then bitwise and with the
// lower byte
return b;
* Takes a 32 bit integer and returns an array of 4 bytes.
private static byte[] intToBytes(int x)
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[3] = (byte) (x); // just the last byte
x = x >>> 8; // shift each byte over one spot.
b[2] = (byte) (x); // just the last byte
x = x >>> 8; // shift each byte over one spot.
b[1] = (byte) (x); // just the last byte
x = x >>> 8; // shift each byte over one spot.
b[0] = (byte) (x); // just the last byte
return b;
* Takes an array of integers and returns a byte array of the memory representation.
* @param x
* @return
private static byte[] intArrayToBytes(int[] x)
byte[] b = new byte[x.length * 4];
byte[] temp;
int i, z;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
temp = intToBytes(x[i]);
for (z = 0; z < 4; z++)
b[(i * 4) + z] = temp[z];
return b;
* calculate the padding to make things align with 32 bits (aka 4 bytes)
* @param x
* @return
private static int pad32(int x)
return ((x % 4) == 0) ? 0 : (4 - (x % 4));
private static int pad16Bytes(int x)
return ((x % 16) == 0) ? 0 : (16 - (x % 16));
* for printing errors.
private static void printError(String message)
System.err.println("LDML2ICUBinaryWriter : ERROR : " + message);
private static byte[] createPadding(int length)
byte x = (byte) 0x00;
byte[] b = new byte[length];
if (length == 0)
return null;
for (int z = 0; z < b.length; z++)
b[z] = x;
return b;
public static String removeQuotes(String s)
String temp = s;
String temp2;
int x;
while (temp.indexOf("\"") >= 0)
x = temp.indexOf("\"");
temp2 = temp.substring(0, x);
temp2 += temp.substring(x + 1, temp.length());
temp = temp2;
return temp;