blob: 8f9fa4224d27fbabb5e63b89662c661102d50ebb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* @author Ram Viswanadha
* @author Brian Rower - June 2008 - added writeBinary methods
public class ICUResourceWriter {
private static final String CHARSET = "UTF-8";
private static final String OPENBRACE = "{";
private static final String CLOSEBRACE = "}";
private static final String OPENPAREN = "(";
private static final String CLOSEPAREN = ")";
private static final String COLON = ":";
private static final String COMMA = ",";
private static final String QUOTE = "\"";
private static final String COMMENTSTART = "/**";
private static final String COMMENTEND = " */";
private static final String COMMENTMIDDLE = " * ";
private static final String INDENT = " ";
private static final String EMPTY = "";
private static final String BIN = "bin";
private static final String INTS = "int";
private static final String TABLE = "table";
private static final String IMPORT = "import";
private static final String INCLUDE = "include";
private static final String PROCESS = "process";
private static final String ALIAS = "alias";
private static final String INTVECTOR = "intvector";
// private static final String ARRAYS = "array";
private static final String LINESEP = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private static final String STRTERM = "\0";
public static final int SIZE_OF_INT = 4;
public static final int SIZE_OF_CHAR = 2;
public static final String UCA_RULES = "uca_rules";
public static final String TRANSLITERATOR = "transliaterator";
public static final String COLLATION = "collation";
public static final String DEPENDENCY = "dependency";
public static final int BIN_ALIGNMENT = 16;
* This integer is a count of ALL the resources in this tree (not including the root object)
public static int maxTableLength;
public static class Resource {
public class MalformedResourceError extends Error {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5943014701317383613L;
public Resource offendingResource;
public MalformedResourceError(String str, Resource res) {
offendingResource = res;
String[] note = new String[20];
int noteLen = 0;
String translate;
* This is a comment which will appear on the item.
String comment;
* This is the resource's name, or, 'key'
public String name;
* This links to the next sibling of this item in the list
public Resource next;
boolean noSort = false;
* If this item contains other items, this points to the first item in its list
public Resource first = null;
* A counter for how many children there are below this object.
public int numChildren;
* Stores how many bytes are used by the children of this object.
public int sizeOfChildren;
* Stores how many bytes are used by this resource.
public int size;
* This integer stores the number of bytes from the beginning of the "key string"
* this resources key starts. For more information see the comment in LDML2ICUBinaryWriter above
* the writeKeyString method.
public int keyStringOffset;
public boolean hasKey = true;
public boolean isTop = false;
* This method will set the size of the resource. Overwritten for each child object
public void setSize()
size = 0;
public Resource()
isTop = false;
* @return the end of this chain, by repeatedly calling next
* @see next
public Resource end() {
ICUResourceWriter.Resource current = this;
while (current != null) {
if ( == null) {
return current;
current =;
return current;
* Append to a basic list.
* Usage:
* Resource list = null; list = Resource.addAfter(list, res1); list = Resource.addAfter(list,res2); ...
* @param list
* the list to append to (could be null)
* @param res
* the item to add
* @return the beginning of the list
static final Resource addAfter(Resource list, Resource res) {
if (list == null) {
list = res;
} else {
// go to end of the list
Resource last = list.end(); = res;
// return the beginning
return list;
* Appends 'res' to the end of 'this' (next sibling chain)
* @param res
* the item (or items) to be added
* @return the new beginning of the chain (this)
public Resource addAfter(Resource res) {
return addAfter(this, res);
* Replace the contents (first) of this object with the parameter
* @param res
* The object to be replaced
* @return the old contents
public Resource replaceContents(Resource res) {
Resource old = first;
first = res;
return old;
* Append the contents (first) of this object with the parameter
* @param res
* the object to be added to the contents
* @return the end of the contents chain
public Resource appendContents(Resource res) {
if (first == null) {
first = res;
} else {
first.end().next = res;
return res.end();
* Check whether this item has contents
* @return true if this item is empty (first==null)
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (first == null);
* @param val
* @return
public StringBuffer escapeSyntaxChars(String val) {
// escape the embedded quotes
if (val == null) {
System.err.println("Resource.escapeSyntaxChars: error, resource '" + name
+ "': string value is NULL - assuming 'empty'");
throw new MalformedResourceError("Resource.escapeSyntaxChars: error, resource '" + name
+ "': string value is NULL - assuming 'empty'", this);
// return new StringBuffer("");
char[] str = val.toCharArray();
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
switch (str[i]) {
case '\u0022':
result.append('\\'); // append backslash
return result;
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare) {
while (next != null) {
next.write(writer, numIndent + 1, false);
public void writeIndent(OutputStream writer, int numIndent) {
for (int i = 0; i < numIndent; i++) {
write(writer, INDENT);
public int writeBinary(FileOutputStream out, int usedOffset)
// should never get called
System.err.println("Unexpected type: " + this.getClass().toString());
System.err.println("Resource Name: " +;
return usedOffset;
public void write(OutputStream writer, String value) {
try {
byte[] bytes = value.getBytes(CHARSET);
writer.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void writeComments(OutputStream writer, int numIndent) {
if (comment != null || translate != null || noteLen > 0) {
// print the start of the comment
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, COMMENTSTART + LINESEP);
// print comment if any
if (comment != null) {
int index = comment.indexOf('\n');
if (index > -1) {
StringBuffer indent = new StringBuffer("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < numIndent; i++) {
comment = comment.replaceAll("\n", indent.toString());
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, COMMENTMIDDLE);
write(writer, comment);
write(writer, LINESEP);
// terminate the comment
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, COMMENTEND + LINESEP);
public void sort() {
// System.out.println("In sort");
public void swap() {
boolean findResourcePath(StringBuffer str, Resource res) {
if (name != null) {
if (res == this) {
return true;
// process the siblings of the children...
int n = 0;
int oldLen = str.length();
for (Resource child = first; child != null; child = {
if ( == null) {
str.append("#" + n);
if (child.findResourcePath(str, res)) {
return true;
str.setLength(oldLen); // reset path length
return false;
String findResourcePath(Resource res) {
if (next != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Don't call findResourcePath(Resource res) on resources which have siblings");
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
if (findResourcePath(str, res)) {
return str.toString();
} else {
return null;
/* ***************************END Resource *********** */
/* All the children resource types below************** */
public static class ResourceAlias extends Resource {
String val;
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare) {
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
String line = ((name == null) ? EMPTY : name) + COLON + ALIAS + OPENBRACE + QUOTE + escapeSyntaxChars(val)
if (bare == true) {
if (name != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bare option is set to true but the resource has a name! " + name);
write(writer, line);
} else {
write(writer, line + LINESEP);
* Writes this object to the provided output stream in binary format. Copies formating from Genrb (in ICU4C
* tools.
* @param out
* A File output stream which has already been set up to write to.
public int writeBinary(FileOutputStream out, int usedOffset)
byte[] valLenBytes;
byte[] valBytes;
byte[] padding;
valLenBytes = intToBytes(val.length());
valBytes = (val + STRTERM).getBytes(LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.CHARSET16);
padding = create32Padding(valBytes.length);
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += valLenBytes.length;
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += valBytes.length;
if (padding != null)
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += padding.length;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
} catch (IOException e)
return usedOffset;
public void setSize()
// a pointer + the string
size = SIZE_OF_INT + ((val.length() + 1) * SIZE_OF_CHAR);
public static class ResourceArray extends Resource {
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare) {
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
if (name != null) {
write(writer, name + OPENBRACE + LINESEP);
} else {
write(writer, OPENBRACE + LINESEP);
Resource current = first;
while (current != null) {
current.write(writer, numIndent, true);
if (current instanceof ResourceTable ||
current instanceof ResourceArray) {
} else {
write(writer, COMMA + LINESEP);
current =;
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, CLOSEBRACE + LINESEP);
public void sort() {
if (noSort == true) {
Resource current = first;
while (current != null) {
current =;
public int writeBinary(FileOutputStream out, int usedOffset)
int count = 0;
int[] resources = new int[numChildren];
byte[] resourceBytes;
Resource current = this.first;
// if there are items in the array
if (current != null)
// start at the first one and loop
while (current != null)
// if it's an int: resources[i] = (current->fType << 28) | (current->u.fIntValue.fValue &
// 0xFFFFFFF);
if (current instanceof ResourceInt)
int value = 0;
value = Integer.parseInt(((ResourceInt) current).val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e)
System.err.println("Error converting string to int: " + e.getMessage());
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_INT << 28 | (value & 0xFFFFFFF);
// write the current object
usedOffset = current.writeBinary(out, usedOffset);
// write 32 bits for identification?
if (current instanceof ResourceString)
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_STRING << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
else if (current instanceof ResourceTable)
if (((ResourceTable) current).is32Bit())
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_TABLE32 << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_TABLE << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
else if (current instanceof ResourceAlias)
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_ALIAS << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
else if (current instanceof ResourceArray)
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_ARRAY << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
else if (current instanceof ResourceIntVector)
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_INT_VECTOR << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
usedOffset += current.size + pad32(current.size);
current =;
// convert the resource array into the resourceBytes
resourceBytes = intArrayToBytes(resources);
// write the array count (int32)
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += intToBytes(count).length;
// write the resources array...should be size of int32 * array count
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += resourceBytes.length;
} catch (IOException e)
else // Empty array
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += intToBytes(0).length;
} catch (IOException e)
return usedOffset;
* This method will set the size of the resource.
public void setSize()
// Arrays have children.
int x = 0;
Resource current = this.first;
this.sizeOfChildren = 0;
while (current != null)
this.sizeOfChildren += current.size + pad32(current.size);
if (current instanceof ResourceTable || current instanceof ResourceArray)
this.sizeOfChildren += current.sizeOfChildren;
current =;
// pointer to the key + pointer to each member
size = SIZE_OF_INT + (x * SIZE_OF_INT);
public static class ResourceInt extends Resource {
String val;
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare) {
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
String line = ((name == null) ? EMPTY : name) + COLON + INTS + OPENBRACE + val + CLOSEBRACE;
if (bare == true) {
if (name != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bare option is set to true but the resource has a name: " + name);
write(writer, line);
} else {
write(writer, line + LINESEP);
public int writeBinary(FileOutputStream out, int usedOffset)
return usedOffset;
* This method will set the size of the resource. Overwritten for each child object
public void setSize()
size = 0;
public static class ResourceIntVector extends Resource {
public String smallComment = null;
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare) {
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, name + COLON + INTVECTOR + OPENBRACE);
if (smallComment != null) {
write(writer, " " + COMMENTSTART + " " + smallComment + " " + COMMENTEND);
write(writer, LINESEP);
ResourceInt current = (ResourceInt) first;
while (current != null) {
// current.write(writer, numIndent, true);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, current.val);
write(writer, COMMA + LINESEP);
current = (ResourceInt);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, CLOSEBRACE + LINESEP);
public int writeBinary(FileOutputStream out, int usedOffset)
int count = 0;
int[] numbers = new int[numChildren];
byte[] numBytes;
Resource current = this.first;
while (current != null)
numbers[count] = Integer.parseInt(((ResourceInt) current).val);
current =;
numBytes = intArrayToBytes(numbers);
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += intToBytes(count).length;
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += numBytes.length;
} catch (IOException e)
return usedOffset;
* This method will set the size of the resource. Overwritten for each child object
public void setSize()
// has children
int x = 0;
Resource current = this.first;
while (current != null)
current =;
// this resources key offset + each int
size = SIZE_OF_INT + (x * SIZE_OF_INT);
public static class ResourceString extends Resource {
public ResourceString() {
public ResourceString(String name, String val) { = name;
this.val = val;
public String val;
* one-line comment following the value. ignored unless in bare mode.
public String smallComment = null;
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare) {
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
if (bare == true) {
if (name != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bare option is set to true but the resource has a name! " + name);
write(writer, QUOTE + escapeSyntaxChars(val) + QUOTE);
if (smallComment != null) {
write(writer, " " + COMMENTSTART + " " + smallComment + " " + COMMENTEND);
} else {
StringBuffer str = escapeSyntaxChars(val);
int colLen = 80 - (numIndent * 4);
int strLen = str.length();
if (strLen > colLen) {
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
write(writer, name + OPENBRACE + LINESEP);
boolean isRules = name.equals("Sequence");
// Find a safe point where we can insert a line break!
while (endIndex < strLen) {
startIndex = endIndex;
endIndex = startIndex + colLen;
if (endIndex > strLen) {
endIndex = strLen;
if (isRules) {
// look for the reset tag only if we are writing
// collation rules!
int firstIndex = str.indexOf("&", startIndex);
if (firstIndex > -1) {
if (startIndex != (firstIndex - 1) && startIndex != firstIndex && firstIndex < endIndex) {
if (str.charAt(firstIndex - 1) != 0x27) {
endIndex = firstIndex;
int nextIndex = 0;
while ((nextIndex = str.indexOf("&", firstIndex + 1)) != -1 && nextIndex < endIndex) {
if (nextIndex > -1 && firstIndex != nextIndex) {
if (str.charAt(nextIndex - 1) != 0x27) {
endIndex = nextIndex;
} else {
firstIndex = nextIndex;
int indexOfEsc = 0;
if ((indexOfEsc = str.lastIndexOf("\\u", endIndex)) > -1 && (endIndex - indexOfEsc) < 6 ||
(indexOfEsc = str.lastIndexOf("\\U", endIndex)) > -1 && (endIndex - indexOfEsc) < 10 ||
(indexOfEsc = str.lastIndexOf("'\'", endIndex)) > -1 && (endIndex - indexOfEsc) < 3) {
endIndex = indexOfEsc;
if (indexOfEsc > -1 && str.charAt(indexOfEsc - 1) == 0x0027) {
endIndex = indexOfEsc - 1;
if (endIndex < strLen && UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(str.charAt(endIndex - 1))) {
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, QUOTE);
write(writer, str.substring(startIndex, endIndex));
write(writer, QUOTE + LINESEP);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, CLOSEBRACE + LINESEP);
} else {
write(writer, name + OPENBRACE + QUOTE + str.toString() + QUOTE + CLOSEBRACE + LINESEP);
public int writeBinary(FileOutputStream out, int usedOffset)
// clean up quotes if any
if (this.val.indexOf("\"") >= 0)
this.val = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.removeQuotes(this.val);
String valPlusTerm = val + STRTERM;
byte[] valBytes;
byte[] valLenBytes;
byte[] padding;
valLenBytes = intToBytes(val.length());
valBytes = valPlusTerm.getBytes(LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.CHARSET16);
padding = create32Padding(valBytes.length);
out.write(valLenBytes); // 32 bit int
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += valLenBytes.length;
out.write(valBytes); // The string plus a null terminator
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += valBytes.length;
if (padding != null)
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += padding.length;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
System.err.print("Problems converting string resource to " + LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.CHARSET16);
} catch (IOException e)
System.err.print("Problems writing the string resource to file.");
return usedOffset;
* This method will set the size of the resource. Overwritten for each child object
public void setSize()
// a pointer to the key + a string
size = SIZE_OF_INT + (SIZE_OF_CHAR * (val.length() + 1));
public static class ResourceTable extends Resource {
public String annotation;
public static final String NO_FALLBACK = "nofallback";
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare) {
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
if (annotation == null) {
write(writer, name + OPENBRACE + LINESEP);
} else {
write(writer, name + COLON + TABLE + OPENPAREN + annotation + CLOSEPAREN + OPENBRACE + LINESEP);
Resource current = first;
while (current != null) {
current.write(writer, numIndent, false);
current =;
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
write(writer, CLOSEBRACE + LINESEP);
// insertion sort of the linked list
// from Algorithms in C++ Sedgewick
public void sort() {
if (noSort == true) {
// System.out.println("Entering sort of table: "+name);
Resource b = new Resource();
Resource a = first;
Resource t, u, x;
for (t = a; t != null; t = u) {
u =;
for (x = b; != null; x = {
// if( == null) {
// throw new InternalError("Null NEXT node from " +","+x.toString());
// } else if( == null) {
// throw new InternalError("Null NEXT name from " +","+x.toString()+" -> " +
// }
if ( > 0) {
} =; = t;
// System.out.println("Exiting sort of table");
if ( != null) {
first =;
Resource current = first;
// if(current == this) {
// throw new InternalError("I'm my own child.. name="+name);
// }
while (current != null) {
// if( == current) {
// throw new InternalError("Sibling links to self: " +;
// }
current =;
} // end sort()
public boolean is32Bit()
Resource current = this.first;
boolean mustBe32 = false;
while (current != null)
if (current.keyStringOffset > 0xFFFF)
mustBe32 = true;
current =;
return mustBe32;
public int writeBinary(FileOutputStream out, int usedOffset)
int count = 0;
int pad;
Resource current = this.first;
int[] resources = new int[numChildren];
short[] keys16 = null;
int[] keys32 = null;
boolean is32Bit = this.is32Bit();
byte[] padding;
if (is32Bit)
keys32 = new int[numChildren];
keys16 = new short[numChildren];
// if the table has objects in it
if (current != null)
// loop through them all
while (current != null)
// get the key ptr for current (size depends on table size, store in array
if (is32Bit)
keys32[count] = current.keyStringOffset;
keys16[count] = (short) current.keyStringOffset;
// if INT
if (current instanceof ResourceInt)
// resources[i] = (current->fType << 28) | (current->u.fIntValue.fValue & 0xFFFFFFF);
int value = 0;
value = Integer.parseInt(((ResourceInt) current).val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e)
System.err.println("Error converting string to int: " + e.getMessage());
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_INT << 28 | (value & 0xFFFFFFF);
// write the current object
usedOffset = current.writeBinary(out, usedOffset);
// write 32 bits for identification?
if (current instanceof ResourceString)
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_STRING << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
else if (current instanceof ResourceTable)
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_TABLE << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
else if (current instanceof ResourceAlias)
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_ALIAS << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
else if (current instanceof ResourceArray)
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_ARRAY << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
else if (current instanceof ResourceIntVector)
resources[count] = LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.URES_INT_VECTOR << 28 | usedOffset >>> 2;
usedOffset += current.size + pad32(current.size);
current =;
// write the member count and the key offsets
if (is32Bit)
// write a 32 bit block with the number of items in this table
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += intToBytes(count).length;
// write all the 32 bit keys which were added to the array.
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += intArrayToBytes(keys32).length;
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += intArrayToBytes(resources).length;
} catch (IOException e)
// write 2 byte block with the number of items in this table
out.write(shortToBytes((short) count));
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += shortToBytes((short) count).length;
// write all the 2 byte keys which were added to an array
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += shortArrayToBytes(keys16).length;
pad = pad32(this.size);
padding = createPadding(pad);
if (padding != null)
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += padding.length;
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += intArrayToBytes(resources).length;
} catch (IOException e)
else // else (the table is empty)
short zero = 0;
// We'll write it as a 16 bit table, because it's empty...
// write a 16 bit zero.
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += shortToBytes(zero).length;
// pad it
padding = createPadding(pad16Bytes(2));
if (padding != null)
LDML2ICUBinaryWriter.written += padding.length;
} catch (IOException e)
return usedOffset;
* This method will set the size of the resource. Overwritten for each child object
public void setSize()
// Tables have children.
int x = 0;
Resource current = this.first;
this.sizeOfChildren = 0;
while (current != null)
this.sizeOfChildren += current.size + pad32(current.size);
if (current instanceof ResourceTable || current instanceof ResourceArray)
this.sizeOfChildren += current.sizeOfChildren;
current =;
if (x > maxTableLength)
maxTableLength = x;
if (this.is32Bit())
// this resources key offset + a key offset for each child + a pointer to their resource object.
size = SIZE_OF_INT + (x * 2 * SIZE_OF_INT);
// this resources key offset + a pointer to each childs resource + a 16 bit pointer to each childs key
size = SIZE_OF_INT / 2 + (x * (SIZE_OF_INT + (SIZE_OF_INT / 2)));
/* Currently there is nothing in LDML which converts to a Binary resource. So this type is currently unused. */
public static class ResourceBinary extends Resource
String internal;
String external;
byte[] data;
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare)
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
if (internal == null)
String line = ((name == null) ? EMPTY : name) + COLON + IMPORT + OPENBRACE + QUOTE + external + QUOTE
+ CLOSEBRACE + ((bare == true) ? EMPTY : LINESEP);
write(writer, line);
String line = ((name == null) ? EMPTY : name) + COLON + BIN + OPENBRACE + internal + CLOSEBRACE
+ ((bare == true) ? EMPTY : LINESEP);
write(writer, line);
public void setSize()
// sizeof(int32_t) + sizeof(uint8_t) * length + BIN_ALIGNMENT;
size = SIZE_OF_INT + data.length + BIN_ALIGNMENT;
public int writeBinary(FileOutputStream out, int usedOffset)
int pad = 0;
int extrapad = pad32(this.size);
int dataStart = usedOffset + SIZE_OF_INT;
// write some padding
if (dataStart % BIN_ALIGNMENT != 0)
pad = (BIN_ALIGNMENT - (dataStart % BIN_ALIGNMENT));
usedOffset += pad;
// write the length of the data
// if there is data, write it
if (data.length > 0)
// write some more padding
out.write(createPadding(BIN_ALIGNMENT - pad + extrapad));
} catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("Had problems writing Binary Resource");
return usedOffset;
public static class ResourceProcess extends Resource {
String val;
String ext;
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare)
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
String line = ((name == null) ? EMPTY : name) + COLON + PROCESS +
if (bare == true) {
if (name != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bare option is set to true but the resource has a name! " + name);
write(writer, line);
} else {
write(writer, line + LINESEP);
public int writeBinary(FileOutputStream out, int usedOffset)
if ("depends"))
// should never get called
System.err.println("Unexpected type: " + this.getClass().toString());
System.err.println("Resource Name: " +;
return usedOffset;
return usedOffset;
public static class ResourceImport extends Resource {
String val;
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare) {
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
String line = ((name == null) ? EMPTY : name) + COLON + IMPORT + OPENBRACE + QUOTE + escapeSyntaxChars(val)
if (bare == true) {
if (name != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bare option is set to true but the resource has a name! " + name);
write(writer, line);
} else {
write(writer, line + LINESEP);
/* Seems to be unused. Never parsed in */
public static class ResourceInclude extends Resource {
String val;
public void write(OutputStream writer, int numIndent, boolean bare) {
writeComments(writer, numIndent);
writeIndent(writer, numIndent);
String line = ((name == null) ? EMPTY : name) + COLON + INCLUDE + OPENBRACE + QUOTE
+ escapeSyntaxChars(val) + QUOTE + CLOSEBRACE;
if (bare == true) {
if (name != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bare option is set to true but the resource has a name! " + name);
write(writer, line);
} else {
write(writer, line + LINESEP);
/* END Resources ***************************************************************************** */
/* Helper methods. *************************************************************************** */
* Convenience function
* @param name
* @param val
* @return new ResourceString
public static Resource createString(String name, String val) {
return new ResourceString(name, val);
private static int pad32(int x)
return ((x % SIZE_OF_INT) == 0) ? 0 : (SIZE_OF_INT - (x % SIZE_OF_INT));
private static byte[] create32Padding(int x)
byte[] b = new byte[pad32(x)];
if (pad32(x) == 0)
return null;
for (int z = 0; z < b.length; z++)
b[z] = 0;
return b;
private static int pad16Bytes(int x)
return ((x % 16) == 0) ? 0 : (16 - (x % 16));
* Takes a 32 bit integer and returns an array of 4 bytes.
private static byte[] intToBytes(int x)
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[3] = (byte) (x); // just the last byte
x = x >>> 8; // shift each byte over one spot.
b[2] = (byte) (x); // just the last byte
x = x >>> 8; // shift each byte over one spot.
b[1] = (byte) (x); // just the last byte
x = x >>> 8; // shift each byte over one spot.
b[0] = (byte) (x); // just the last byte
return b;
* Takes an array of integers and returns a byte array of the memory representation.
* @param x
* @return
private static byte[] intArrayToBytes(int[] x)
byte[] b = new byte[x.length * 4];
byte[] temp;
int i, z;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
temp = intToBytes(x[i]);
for (z = 0; z < temp.length; z++)
b[i * temp.length + z] = temp[z];
return b;
private static byte[] shortArrayToBytes(short[] x)
byte[] b = new byte[x.length * 2];
byte[] temp;
int i, z;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
temp = shortToBytes(x[i]);
for (z = 0; z < temp.length; z++)
b[i * temp.length + z] = temp[z];
return b;
private static byte[] shortToBytes(short x)
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[1] = (byte) (x); // bitwise AND with the lower byte
b[0] = (byte) (x >>> 8); // shift four bits to the right and fill with zeros, and then bitwise and with the
// lower byte
return b;
private static void errUnsupportedEncoding()
System.err.print("Unsupported Encoding");
private static void errIO()
System.err.print("An error occured while writing to file.");
private static byte[] createPadding(int length)
byte x = (byte) 0x00;
byte[] b = new byte[length];
if (length == 0)
return null;
for (int z = 0; z < b.length; z++)
b[z] = x;
return b;