blob: cdb6b2580c1c7b3127f82c0d224cd7f971bc6200 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.unittest;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import org.unicode.cldr.draft.ScriptMetadata;
import org.unicode.cldr.draft.ScriptMetadata.Info;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.GenerateMaximalLocales;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.LikelySubtags;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Builder;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRLocale;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.ChainedMap;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.ChainedMap.M3;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LanguageTagParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LocaleIDParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.BasicLanguageData;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.BasicLanguageData.Type;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.OfficialStatus;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PopulationData;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
public class TestInheritance extends TestFmwk {
static CLDRConfig testInfo = CLDRConfig.getInstance();
private static boolean DEBUG = CldrUtility.getProperty("DEBUG", false);
private static Matcher pathMatcher = PatternCache.get(
CldrUtility.getProperty("XPATH", ".*")).matcher("");
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new TestInheritance().run(args);
private static final SupplementalDataInfo dataInfo = SupplementalDataInfo
private static final Set<String> defaultContents = dataInfo
private static final boolean EXPECT_EQUALITY = false;
private static Set<String> availableLocales = testInfo.getFullCldrFactory().getAvailable();
public void TestLocalesHaveOfficial() {
// If we have a language, we have all the region locales where the
// language is official
Set<String> SKIP_TERRITORIES = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("001",
for (Entry<String, R2<List<String>, String>> s : dataInfo
.getLocaleAliasInfo().get("territory").entrySet()) {
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser();
Relation<String, String> languageLocalesSeen = Relation.of(
new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
Set<String> testOrg = testInfo.getStandardCodes()
ChainedMap.M4<String, OfficialStatus, String, Boolean> languageToOfficialChildren = ChainedMap
.of(new TreeMap<String, Object>(),
new TreeMap<OfficialStatus, Object>(),
new TreeMap<String, Object>(), Boolean.class);
// gather the data
for (String language : dataInfo
.getLanguagesForTerritoriesPopulationData()) {
for (String territory : dataInfo
.getTerritoriesForPopulationData(language)) {
if (SKIP_TERRITORIES.contains(territory)) {
PopulationData data = dataInfo
OfficialStatus status = data.getOfficialStatus();
if (data.getOfficialStatus() != OfficialStatus.unknown) {
String locale = removeScript(language + "_" + territory);
String lang = removeScript(ltp.set(locale).getLanguage());
languageToOfficialChildren.put(lang, status, locale,
languageLocalesSeen.put(lang, locale);
// flesh it out by adding 'clean' codes.
// also get the child locales in cldr.
Relation<String, String> languageToChildren = Relation.of(
new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
for (String locale : testInfo.getCldrFactory().getAvailable()) {
String lang = ltp.set(locale).getLanguage();
if (SKIP_TERRITORIES.contains(ltp.getRegion())) {
lang = removeScript(lang);
locale = removeScript(locale);
if (!lang.equals(locale)) {
languageToChildren.put(lang, locale);
Set<String> localesSeen = languageLocalesSeen.get(lang);
if (localesSeen == null || !localesSeen.contains(locale)) {
OfficialStatus.unknown, locale, Boolean.TRUE);
for (Entry<String, Set<String>> languageAndChildren : languageToChildren
.keyValuesSet()) {
String language = languageAndChildren.getKey();
Set<String> children = languageAndChildren.getValue();
M3<OfficialStatus, String, Boolean> officalStatusToChildren = languageToOfficialChildren
for (Entry<OfficialStatus, Map<String, Boolean>> entry : officalStatusToChildren) {
OfficialStatus status = entry.getKey();
if (status != OfficialStatus.official
&& status != OfficialStatus.de_facto_official) {
Set<String> officalChildren = entry.getValue().keySet();
if (!children.containsAll(officalChildren)) {
Set<String> missing = new TreeSet<String>(officalChildren);
String message = "Missing CLDR locales for " + status
+ " languages: " + missing;
} else {
logln("CLDR locales " + children + " cover " + status
+ " locales " + officalChildren);
if (DEBUG) {
Set<String> languages = new TreeSet<String>(
for (OfficialStatus status : OfficialStatus.values()) {
System.out.print("\tNo\t" + status);
for (String language : languages) {
if (!testOrg.contains(language)) {
System.out.print(language + "\t"
+ testInfo.getEnglish().getName(language));
M3<OfficialStatus, String, Boolean> officialChildren = languageToOfficialChildren
for (OfficialStatus status : OfficialStatus.values()) {
Map<String, Boolean> children = officialChildren
if (children == null) {
System.out.print("\t" + 0 + "\t");
} else {
System.out.print("\t" + children.size() + "\t"
+ show(children.keySet(), false));
private String show(Set<String> joint, boolean showStatus) {
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
for (String s : joint) {
if (b.length() != 0) {
b.append(", ");
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser().set(s);
String script = ltp.getScript();
if (script.length() != 0) {
String region = ltp.getRegion();
if (region.length() != 0) {
if (script.length() != 0) {
b.append(" [").append(s);
if (showStatus) {
PopulationData data = dataInfo
ltp.getLanguage(), region);
if (data == null) {
data = dataInfo.getLanguageAndTerritoryPopulationData(
ltp.getLanguageScript(), region);
b.append("; ");
b.append(data == null ? "?" : data.getOfficialStatus());
return b.toString();
private String removeScript(String lang) {
if (!lang.contains("_")) {
return lang;
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser().set(lang);
// String ls = ltp.getLanguageScript();
// if (defaultContents.contains(ls)) {
// }
return ltp.toString();
public void TestLikelyAndDefaultConsistency() {
LikelySubtags likelySubtags = new LikelySubtags();
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser();
// find multiscript locales
Relation<String, String> base2scripts = Relation.of(
new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
Map<String, String> parent2default = new TreeMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> default2parent = new TreeMap<String, String>();
Relation<String, String> base2locales = Relation.of(
new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
Set<String> knownMultiScriptLanguages = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("bm", "ha"));
// get multiscript locales
for (String localeID : availableLocales) {
String script = ltp.set(localeID).getScript();
final String base = ltp.getLanguage();
if (!availableLocales.contains(base)) {
errln("Missing base locale for: " + localeID);
base2locales.put(base, localeID);
if (!script.isEmpty() && !base.equals("en")) { // HACK for en
base2scripts.put(base, script);
if (script.isEmpty() && knownMultiScriptLanguages.contains(base)) {
base2scripts.put(base, dataInfo.getDefaultScript(base));
// get default contents
for (String localeID : defaultContents) {
checkLocale(localeID, false);
String simpleParent = LocaleIDParser.getSimpleParent(localeID);
parent2default.put(simpleParent, localeID);
default2parent.put(localeID, simpleParent);
// if (!available.contains(simpleParent)) {
// // verify that base language has locale in CLDR (we don't want
// others)
// errln("Default contents contains locale not in CLDR:\t" +
// simpleParent);
// }
// get likely
Map<String, String> likely2Maximized = likelySubtags.getToMaximized();
for (Entry<String, String> likelyAndMaximized : likely2Maximized
.entrySet()) {
checkLocale(likelyAndMaximized.getKey(), true);
checkLocale(likelyAndMaximized.getValue(), true);
Map<String, String> exceptionDcLikely = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> exceptionLikelyDc = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (String[] s : new String[][] { { "ar_001", "ar_Arab_EG" }, }) {
exceptionDcLikely.put(s[0], s[1]);
exceptionLikelyDc.put(s[1], s[0]);
verifyDefaultContentsImplicationsForLikelySubtags(ltp, parent2default,
likely2Maximized, exceptionDcLikely);
verifyLikelySubtagsImplicationsForDefaultContents(ltp, base2scripts,
parent2default, likely2Maximized, exceptionLikelyDc);
verifyScriptsWithDefaultContents(ltp, base2scripts, parent2default,
public void TestParentLocaleRelationships() {
// Testing invariant relationships between locales - See
Matcher langScript = PatternCache.get("^[a-z]{2,3}_[A-Z][a-z]{3}$")
for (String loc : availableLocales) {
if (langScript.reset(loc).matches()) {
String expectedParent = loc.split("_")[0];
if (!defaultContents.contains(loc)) {
expectedParent = "root";
String actualParent = dataInfo.getExplicitParentLocale(loc);
if (actualParent == null) {
actualParent = loc.split("_")[0];
if (!actualParent.equals(expectedParent)) {
errln("Unexpected parent locale for locale " + loc
+ ". Expected: " + expectedParent + " Got: "
+ actualParent);
if (dataInfo.getExplicitParentLocale(loc) != null
&& defaultContents.contains(loc)) {
errln("Locale "
+ loc
+ " can't have an explicit parent AND be a default content locale");
public void TestParentLocaleInvariants() {
// Testing invariant relationships in parent locales - See
LocaleIDParser lp = new LocaleIDParser();
for (String loc : availableLocales) {
String parentLocale = dataInfo.getExplicitParentLocale(loc);
if (parentLocale != null) {
if (!"root".equals(parentLocale)
&& !lp.set(loc).getLanguage()
.equals(lp.set(parentLocale).getLanguage())) {
errln("Parent locale [" + parentLocale + "] for locale ["
+ loc + "] cannot be a different language code.");
if (!"root".equals(parentLocale)
&& !lp.set(loc).getScript()
.equals(lp.set(parentLocale).getScript())) {
errln("Parent locale [" + parentLocale + "] for locale ["
+ loc + "] cannot be a different script code.");
if (lp.getScript().length() == 0 && lp.getRegion().length() == 0) {
errln("Base language locale [" + loc + "] cannot have an explicit parent.");
public void TestParentLocalesForCycles() {
// Testing for cyclic relationships in parent locales - See
for (String loc : availableLocales) {
String currentLoc = loc;
boolean foundError = false;
List<String> inheritanceChain = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(loc));
while (currentLoc != null && !foundError) {
currentLoc = LocaleIDParser.getParent(currentLoc);
if (inheritanceChain.contains(currentLoc)) {
foundError = true;
errln("Inheritance chain for locale [" + loc + "] contains a cyclic relationship. " + inheritanceChain.toString());
private void verifyScriptsWithDefaultContents(LanguageTagParser ltp,
Relation<String, String> base2scripts,
Map<String, String> parent2default,
Relation<String, String> base2locales) {
Set<String> skip = Builder.with(new HashSet<String>())
.addAll("root", "und")
Set<String> languagesWithOneOrLessLocaleScriptInCommon = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("bm", "ha", "ms", "iu", "mn"));
// for each base we have to have,
// if multiscript, we have default contents for base+script,
// base+script+region;
// otherwise base+region.
for (String base : base2locales.keySet()) {
if (skip.contains(base)) {
String defaultContent = parent2default.get(base);
// Set<String> likely = base2likely.get(base);
// if (likely == null) {
// errln("Missing likely subtags for: " + base + " " +
// suggestLikelySubtagFor(base));
// }
if (defaultContent == null) {
errln("Missing default content for: " + base + " "
+ suggestLikelySubtagFor(base));
Set<String> scripts = base2scripts.get(base);
String script = ltp.getScript();
String region = ltp.getRegion();
if (scripts == null || languagesWithOneOrLessLocaleScriptInCommon.contains(base)) {
if (!script.isEmpty()) {
errln("Script should be empty in default content for: "
+ base + "," + defaultContent);
if (region.isEmpty()) {
errln("Region must not be empty in default content for: "
+ base + "," + defaultContent);
} else {
if (script.isEmpty()) {
errln("Script should not be empty in default content for: "
+ base + "," + defaultContent);
if (!region.isEmpty()) {
errln("Region should be empty in default content for: "
+ base + "," + defaultContent);
String defaultContent2 = parent2default.get(defaultContent);
if (defaultContent2 == null) {
errln("Missing default content for: " + defaultContent);
region = ltp.getRegion();
if (region.isEmpty()) {
errln("Region must not be empty in default content for: "
+ base + "," + defaultContent);
private void verifyLikelySubtagsImplicationsForDefaultContents(
LanguageTagParser ltp, Relation<String, String> base2scripts,
Map<String, String> parent2default,
Map<String, String> likely2Maximized,
Map<String, String> exceptionLikelyDc) {
// Now check invariants for all LikelySubtags implications for Default
// Contents
// a) suppose likely max for la_Scrp => la_Scrp_RG
// Then default contents la_Scrp => la_Scrp_RG
// b) suppose likely max for la_RG => la_Scrp_RG
// Then we can draw no conclusions // was default contents la_Scrp =>
// la_Scrp_RG
// c) suppose likely max for la => la_Scrp_RG
// Then default contents la => la_Scrp && la_Scrp => la_Scrp_RG
// or default contents la => la_RG && ! la_Scrp => la_Scrp_RG
TreeSet<String> additionalDefaultContents = new TreeSet<String>();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : likely2Maximized.entrySet()) {
String source = entry.getKey();
String likelyMax = entry.getValue();
String sourceLang = ltp.set(source).getLanguage();
if (sourceLang.equals("und") || source.equals("zh_Hani")
|| source.equals("tl")) {
String sourceScript = ltp.getScript();
String sourceRegion = ltp.getRegion();
String likelyMaxLang = ltp.set(likelyMax).getLanguage();
String likelyMaxScript = ltp.getScript();
String likelyMaxRegion = ltp.getRegion();
String dc = parent2default.get(source);
String possibleException = exceptionLikelyDc.get(likelyMax);
if (possibleException != null && possibleException.equals(dc)) {
String likelyLangScript = likelyMaxLang + "_" + likelyMaxScript;
String dcFromLangScript = parent2default.get(likelyLangScript);
boolean consistent = true;
String caseNumber = null;
if (consistent) {
if (!sourceScript.isEmpty()) {
caseNumber = "a";
if (dc == null) {
String expected = likelyMax;
errln("Default contents null for " + source
+ ", expected:\t" + expected);
consistent = likelyMax.equals(dc);
} else if (!sourceRegion.isEmpty()) { // a
caseNumber = "b";
// consistent = likelyMax.equals(dcFromLangScript);
} else { // c
caseNumber = "c";
if (dc == null) {
String expected = base2scripts.get(source) == null ? likelyMaxLang
+ "_" + likelyMaxRegion
: likelyMaxLang + "_" + likelyMaxScript;
errln("Default contents null for " + source
+ ", expected:\t" + expected);
String dcScript = ltp.set(dc).getScript();
consistent = likelyLangScript.equals(dc)
&& likelyMax.equals(dcFromLangScript)
|| dcScript.isEmpty()
&& !likelyMax.equals(dcFromLangScript);
// || dcScript.isEmpty() && dcRegion.equals(likelyMaxRegion)
// && dcFromLangScript == null;
if (!consistent) {
errln("default contents inconsistent with likely subtag: ("
+ caseNumber + ")" + "\n\t" + source + " => (ls) "
+ likelyMax + "\n\t" + source + " => (dc) " + dc
+ "\n\t" + likelyLangScript + " => (dc) "
+ dcFromLangScript);
if (additionalDefaultContents.size() != 0) {
errln("Suggested additions to supplementalMetadata/../defaultContent:\n"
+ CollectionUtilities.join(additionalDefaultContents, " "));
private void verifyDefaultContentsImplicationsForLikelySubtags(
LanguageTagParser ltp, Map<String, String> parent2default,
Map<String, String> likely2Maximized,
Map<String, String> exceptionDcLikely) {
// Now check invariants for all Default Contents implications for
// LikelySubtags
// a) suppose default contents la => la_Scrp.
// Then the likely contents for la => la_Scrp_*
// b) suppose default contents la => la_RG.
// Then the likely contents for la => la_*_RG
// c) suppose default contents la_Scrp => la_Scrp_RG.
// Then the likely contents of la_Scrp => la_Scrp_RG OR likely contents
// for la => la_*_*
for (Entry<String, String> parentAndDefault : parent2default.entrySet()) {
String source = parentAndDefault.getKey();
String dc = parentAndDefault.getValue();
String likelyMax = likely2Maximized.get(source);
// skip special exceptions
String possibleException = exceptionDcLikely.get(dc);
if (possibleException != null
&& possibleException.equals(likelyMax)) {
String sourceLang = ltp.set(source).getLanguage();
String sourceScript = ltp.getScript();
// there cannot be a sourceRegion
String dcScript = ltp.set(dc).getScript();
String dcRegion = ltp.getRegion();
String likelyMaxLang = "", likelyMaxScript = "", likelyMaxRegion = "";
if (likelyMax != null) {
likelyMaxLang = ltp.set(likelyMax).getLanguage();
likelyMaxScript = ltp.getScript();
likelyMaxRegion = ltp.getRegion();
String likelyMax2 = likely2Maximized.get(sourceLang);
boolean consistent = true;
if (sourceScript.isEmpty()) { // a or b
if (!dcScript.isEmpty()) { // a
consistent = likelyMaxLang.equals(source)
&& likelyMaxScript.equals(dcScript);
} else { // b
consistent = likelyMaxLang.equals(source)
&& likelyMaxRegion.equals(dcRegion);
} else { // c
consistent = dc.equals(likelyMax) || likelyMax2 != null;
if (!consistent) {
errln("likely subtag inconsistent with default contents: "
+ "\n\t"
+ source
+ " =>( dc) "
+ dc
+ "\n\t"
+ source
+ " => (ls) "
+ likelyMax
+ (source.equals(sourceLang) ? "" : "\n\t" + sourceLang
+ " => (ls) " + likelyMax2));
* Suggest a likely subtag
* @param base
* @return
static String suggestLikelySubtagFor(String base) {
SupplementalDataInfo sdi = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance();
CLDRLocale loc = CLDRLocale.getInstance(base);
if (!loc.getLanguage().equals(base)) {
return " (no suggestion- not a simple language locale)"; // no
// suggestion
// unless
// just
// a
// language
// locale.
Set<BasicLanguageData> basicData = sdi.getBasicLanguageData(base);
for (BasicLanguageData bld : basicData) {
if (bld.getType() == org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.BasicLanguageData.Type.primary) {
Set<String> scripts = bld.getScripts();
Set<String> territories = bld.getTerritories();
if (scripts.size() == 1) {
if (territories.size() == 1) {
return createSuggestion(
CLDRLocale.getInstance(base + "_"
+ scripts.iterator().next() + "_"
+ territories.iterator().next()));
return "(no suggestion - multiple scripts or territories)";
return ("(no suggestion- no data)");
* Format and return a suggested likelysubtag
private static String createSuggestion(CLDRLocale loc, CLDRLocale toLoc) {
return " Suggest this to likelySubtags.xml: <likelySubtag from=\""
+ loc
+ "\" to=\""
+ toLoc
+ "\"/>\n"
+ " <!--{ "
+ loc.getDisplayName()
+ "; ?; ? } => { "
+ loc.getDisplayName()
+ "; "
+ toLoc.toULocale().getDisplayScript()
+ "; "
+ toLoc.toULocale().getDisplayCountry() + " }-->";
public void TestDeprecatedTerritoryDataLocaleIds() {
HashSet<String> checked = new HashSet<String>();
for (String language : dataInfo
.getLanguagesForTerritoriesPopulationData()) {
checkLocale(language, false); // checks la_Scrp and la
for (String region : dataInfo
.getTerritoriesForPopulationData(language)) {
if (!checked.contains(region)) {
checkValidCode(language + "_" + region, "territory",
region, false);
for (String language : dataInfo.getBasicLanguageDataLanguages()) {
checkLocale(language, false); // checks la_Scrp and la
Set<BasicLanguageData> data = dataInfo
for (BasicLanguageData datum : data) {
for (String script : datum.getScripts()) {
checkValidCode(language + "_" + script, "script", script,
for (String region : datum.getTerritories()) {
checkValidCode(language + "_" + region, "territory",
region, false);
public void TestBasicLanguageDataAgainstScriptMetadata() {
// the invariants are:
// if there is primary data, the script must be there
// otherwise it must be in the secondary
main: for (String script : ScriptMetadata.getScripts()) {
Info info = ScriptMetadata.getInfo(script);
String language = info.likelyLanguage;
if (language.equals("und")) {
Map<Type, BasicLanguageData> data = dataInfo
if (data == null) {
logln("Warning: ScriptMetadata has " + language + " for "
+ script + "," + " but " + language
+ " is missing in language_script.txt");
for (BasicLanguageData entry : data.values()) {
if (entry.getScripts().contains(script)) {
continue main;
logln("Warning: ScriptMetadata has " + language + " for " + script
+ "," + " but " + language + " doesn't have " + script
+ " in language_script.txt");
public void TestCldrFileConsistency() {
boolean haveErrors = false;
for (String locale : testInfo.getCldrFactory().getAvailable()) {
CLDRFile cldrFileToCheck = testInfo.getCLDRFile(locale,
int errors = 0;
for (String path : cldrFileToCheck) {
if (!pathMatcher.reset(path).find()) {
String fullPath = cldrFileToCheck.getFullXPath(path);
if (fullPath == null) {
// try again, for debugging
fullPath = cldrFileToCheck.getFullXPath(path);
String value = cldrFileToCheck.getStringValue(path);
if (DEBUG) {
errln("Invalid full path\t" + locale + ", " + path
+ ", " + fullPath + ", " + value);
haveErrors = true;
if (errors != 0) {
+ (errors != 0 ? "\tinvalid getFullXPath() values:"
+ errors : ""));
} else {
if (haveErrors && !DEBUG) {
errln("Use -DDEBUG to see details");
static SupplementalDataInfo info = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance();
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser();
// public void TestAliases() {
// Factory factory = Factory.make(CldrUtility.MAIN_DIRECTORY, fileMatcher);
// Set<String> allLocales = Factory.make(CldrUtility.MAIN_DIRECTORY,
// ".*").getAvailable();
// LanguageTagCanonicalizer languageTagCanonicalizer = new
// LanguageTagCanonicalizer();
// Set<String> defaultContents = info.getDefaultContentLocales();
// Map<String, String> likelySubtags = info.getLikelySubtags();
// XPathParts xpp = new XPathParts();
// // get the top level aliases, and verify that they are consistent with
// // maximization
// Map<String, String> topLevelAliases = new TreeMap<String, String>();
// Set<String> crossScriptSet = new TreeSet<String>();
// Set<String> aliasPaths = new TreeSet<String>();
// Set<String> locales = factory.getAvailable();
// // get the languages that need scripts
// // TODO broaden to beyond CLDR
// Set<String> needScripts = new TreeSet<String>();
// for (String locale : locales) {
// String script = ltp.set(locale).getScript();
// if (script.length() != 0) {
// needScripts.add(ltp.getLanguage());
// }
// }
// logln("Languages that have scripts:\t" + needScripts);
// for (String locale : locales) {
// // get alias locale
// String aliasLocale = locale;
// String explicitAlias = null;
// String aliasPathNew = null;
// CLDRFile cldrFileToCheck = factory.make(locale, false);
// aliasPaths.clear();
// // examples:
// // in: <alias source="id" path="//ldml"/>
// // ar_IR: <alias source="az_Arab_IR" path="//ldml"/>
// cldrFileToCheck.getPaths("//ldml/alias", null, aliasPaths);
// if (aliasPaths.size() != 0) {
// String aliasPath = aliasPaths.iterator().next();
// String fullPath = cldrFileToCheck.getFullXPath(aliasPath);
// explicitAlias = aliasLocale = xpp.set(fullPath).getAttributeValue(1,
// "source");
// String aliasParent = LocaleIDParser.getParent(aliasLocale);
// if (!aliasParent.equals("root")) {
// topLevelAliases.put(locale, aliasParent);
// }
// aliasPathNew = xpp.set(fullPath).getAttributeValue(1, "path");
// if ("//ldml/".equals(aliasPathNew)) {
// errln("Bad alias path:\t" + fullPath);
// }
// }
// checkAliasValues(cldrFileToCheck, allLocales);
// // get canonicalized
// String canonicalizedLocale = languageTagCanonicalizer.transform(locale);
// if (!locale.equals(canonicalizedLocale)) {
// logln("Locale\t" + locale + " => " + canonicalizedLocale);
// }
// String base = ltp.set(canonicalizedLocale).getLanguage();
// String script = ltp.getScript();
// if (canonicalizedLocale.equals(base)) { // eg, id, az
// continue;
// }
// // see if the locale's default script is the same as the base locale's
// String maximized = maximize(likelySubtags, canonicalizedLocale);
// if (maximized == null) {
// errln("Missing likely subtags for:\t" + locale + " " +
// suggestLikelySubtagFor(locale));
// continue;
// }
// String maximizedScript = ltp.set(maximized).getScript();
// String minimized = minimize(likelySubtags, canonicalizedLocale);
// String baseMaximized = maximize(likelySubtags, base);
// String baseScript = ltp.set(baseMaximized).getScript();
// if (script.length() != 0 && !script.equals(baseScript)) {
// crossScriptSet.add(ltp.set(locale).getLanguageScript());
// }
// // Finally, put together the expected alias for comparison.
// // It is the "best" alias, in that the default-content locales are
// skipped in favor of their parents
// String expectedAlias =
// !baseScript.equals(maximizedScript) ? minimized :
// !locale.equals(canonicalizedLocale) ? canonicalizedLocale :
// // needScripts.contains(base) ? ltp.getLanguageScript() :
// locale;
// if (!equals(aliasLocale, expectedAlias)) {
// String aliasMaximized = maximize(likelySubtags, aliasLocale);
// String expectedMaximized = maximize(likelySubtags, expectedAlias);
// if (!equals(aliasMaximized, expectedMaximized)) {
// errln("For locale:\t" + locale
// + ",\tbase-script:\t" + baseScript
// + ",\texpected alias Locale != actual alias Locale:\t"
// + expectedAlias + ", " + aliasLocale);
// } else if (explicitAlias == null) {
// // skip, we don't care in this case
// // but we emit warnings if the other conditions are true. The aliasing
// could be simpler.
// } else if (equals(expectedAlias, locale)) {
// logln("Warning; alias could be omitted. For locale:\t" + locale
// + ",\tbase-script:\t" + baseScript
// + ",\texpected alias Locale != actual alias Locale:\t"
// + expectedAlias + ", " + aliasLocale);
// } else {
// logln("Warning; alias could be minimized. For locale:\t" + locale
// + ",\tbase-script:\t" + baseScript
// + ",\texpected alias Locale != actual alias Locale:\t"
// + expectedAlias + ", " + aliasLocale);
// }
// }
// }
// // check the LocaleIDParser.TOP_LEVEL_ALIAS_LOCALES value and make sure
// it matches what is in the files in main/
// if (!topLevelAliases.equals(LocaleIDParser.TOP_LEVEL_ALIAS_LOCALES)
// && locales.equals(allLocales)) {
// String diff = showDifferences(LocaleIDParser.TOP_LEVEL_ALIAS_LOCALES,
// topLevelAliases);
// if (!diff.isEmpty()) {
// errln("LocaleIDParser.TOP_LEVEL_ALIAS_LOCALES ≠ topLevelAliases: " +
// diff);
// }
// StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(
// "Suggest changing LocaleIDParser.TOP_LEVEL_ALIAS_LOCALES to:\n");
// for (Entry<String, String> entry : topLevelAliases.entrySet()) {
// result.append("\t.put(\"")
// .append(entry.getKey())
// .append("\", \"")
// .append(entry.getValue())
// .append("\")\n");
// }
// errln(result.toString());
// } else {
// logln("Top Level Aliases:\t" + topLevelAliases);
// }
// // verify that they are the same as what we would get if we were to
// maximize
// // all the locales and check against default_contents
// for (String locale : defaultContents) {
// CLDRFile cldrFileToCheck = null;
// try {
// cldrFileToCheck = factory.make(locale, false);
// } catch (Exception e) {}
// if (cldrFileToCheck == null) {
// logln("Present in default contents but has no XML file:\t" + locale);
// continue;
// }
// logln("Locale:\t" + locale);
// // verify empty, except for identity elements and alias
// for (String path : cldrFileToCheck) {
// if (path.contains("/identity/")) {
// continue;
// }
// errln("Default content locale not empty:\t" + locale + ", " + path);
// break;
// }
// }
// }
Matcher aliasMatcher = PatternCache.get("//ldml.*/alias.*").matcher("");
private void checkAliasValues(CLDRFile cldrFileToCheck, Set<String> locales) {
Set<String> aliasPaths = new TreeSet<String>();
Set<String> allAliasPaths = cldrFileToCheck.getPaths("//ldml/",
aliasMatcher, aliasPaths);
XPathParts xpp = new XPathParts();
for (String aliasPath : allAliasPaths) {
if (aliasPath.startsWith("//ldml/alias")) {
continue; // we have different tests elsewhere
String fullPath = cldrFileToCheck.getFullXPath(aliasPath);
String aliasLocale = xpp.set(fullPath).getAttributeValue(-1,
// just check to make sure that the alias is in the locales
if (aliasLocale != null && !aliasLocale.equals("locale")) {
if (!locales.contains(aliasLocale)) {
errln("Unknown Alias:\t" + aliasLocale + "\t in\t"
+ fullPath);
String aliasPathNew = xpp.set(fullPath).getAttributeValue(-1,
// just one check
if (".".equals(aliasPathNew)) {
errln("Illegal path, must not be .:\t" + aliasLocale
+ "\t in\t" + fullPath);
private String minimize(Map<String, String> likelySubtags, String locale) {
String result = GenerateMaximalLocales.minimize(locale, likelySubtags,
if (result == null) {
LanguageTagParser ltp3 = new LanguageTagParser().set(locale);
List<String> variants = ltp3.getVariants();
Map<String, String> extensions = ltp3.getExtensions();
Set<String> emptySet = Collections.emptySet();
Map<String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
String newLocale = ltp3.toString();
result = GenerateMaximalLocales.minimize(newLocale, likelySubtags,
if (result != null) {
result = ltp3.toString();
return result;
private String maximize(Map<String, String> likelySubtags, String locale) {
String result = GenerateMaximalLocales.maximize(locale, likelySubtags);
if (result == null) {
LanguageTagParser ltp3 = new LanguageTagParser().set(locale);
List<String> variants = ltp3.getVariants();
Map<String, String> extensions = ltp3.getExtensions();
Set<String> emptySet = Collections.emptySet();
Map<String, String> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
String newLocale = ltp3.toString();
result = GenerateMaximalLocales.maximize(newLocale, likelySubtags);
if (result != null) {
result = ltp3.toString();
return result;
// TODO move this into central utilities
public static boolean equals(CharSequence string, int codePoint) {
if (string == null) {
return false;
switch (string.length()) {
case 1:
return codePoint == string.charAt(0);
case 2:
return codePoint >= 0x10000
&& codePoint == Character.codePointAt(string, 0);
return false;
// TODO move this into central utilities
private static final StandardCodes STANDARD_CODES = testInfo.getStandardCodes();
private static final Map<String, Map<String, R2<List<String>, String>>> DEPRECATED_INFO = dataInfo
private void checkLocale(String localeID, boolean allowDeprecated) {
// verify that the localeID is valid
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser().set(localeID);
String language = ltp.getLanguage();
String script = ltp.getScript();
String region = ltp.getRegion();
// TODO check variants, extensions also.
checkValidCode(localeID, "language", language, allowDeprecated);
checkValidCode(localeID, "script", script, allowDeprecated);
checkValidCode(localeID, "territory", region, allowDeprecated);
private void checkValidCode(String localeID, String subtagType,
String subtag, boolean allowDeprecated) {
if (subtagType.equals("language")) {
if (subtag.equals("und")) {
} else {
if (subtag.isEmpty()) {
if (!STANDARD_CODES.getAvailableCodes(subtagType).contains(subtag)) {
errln("Locale " + localeID + " contains illegal "
+ showCode(subtagType, subtag));
} else if (!allowDeprecated) {
// "language" -> "sh" -> <{"sr_Latn"}, reason>
R2<List<String>, String> deprecatedInfo = DEPRECATED_INFO.get(
if (deprecatedInfo != null) {
errln("Locale " + localeID + " contains deprecated "
+ showCode(subtagType, subtag) + " "
+ deprecatedInfo.get1() + "; suggest "
+ showName(deprecatedInfo.get0(), subtagType));
private String showName(List<String> deprecatedInfo, String subtagType) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : deprecatedInfo) {
result.append(showName(subtagType, s)).append(" ");
return result.toString();
private String showCode(String subtagType, String subtag) {
return subtagType + " code: " + showName(subtagType, subtag);
private String showName(String subtagType, String subtag) {
return subtag + " (" + getName(subtagType, subtag) + ")";
private String getName(String subtagType, String subtag) {
Map<String, String> data = STANDARD_CODES.getLangData(subtagType,
if (data == null) {
return "<no name>";
return data.get("Description");
// TODO move this into central utilities
public static boolean equals(int codePoint, CharSequence string) {
return equals(string, codePoint);
// TODO move this into central utilities
public static boolean equals(Object a, Object b) {
return a == b ? true : a == null || b == null ? false : a.equals(b);
// TODO move this into central utilities
private <K, V> String showDifferences(Map<K, V> a, Map<K, V> b) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
Set<K> keys = new LinkedHashSet<K>();
for (K key : keys) {
if (!a.containsKey(key)) {
.append("›,∅; ");
} else if (!b.containsKey(key)) {
.append("›; ");
} else {
V aKey = a.get(key);
V bKey = b.get(key);
if (!equals(aKey, bKey)) {
.append("›,‹").append(b.get(key)).append("›; ");
return result.toString();
public void TestLanguageTagParser() {
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser();
assertEquals(null, "en", ltp.getLanguage());
assertEquals(null, "en_Cyrl", ltp.getLanguageScript());
assertEquals(null, "Cyrl", ltp.getScript());
assertEquals(null, "US", ltp.getRegion());
try {
assertFalse("expected exception", true);
} catch (Exception e) {