blob: a80111785a0cf3bc453cf82826fce749ab8cbca0 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.unittest;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LanguageTagCanonicalizer;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LanguageTagParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes.LstrField;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes.LstrType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.TransliteratorUtilities;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Units;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Validity;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Validity.Status;
public class TestValidity extends TestFmwkPlus {
private boolean DEBUG = false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new TestValidity().run(args);
Validity validity = Validity.getInstance();
public void TestBasicValidity() {
Object[][] tests = {
{ LstrType.language, Validity.Status.regular, true, "aa", "en" },
{ LstrType.language, null, false, "eng" }, // null means never found under any status
{ LstrType.language, null, false, "root" },
{ LstrType.language, Validity.Status.special, true, "mul" },
{ LstrType.language, Validity.Status.deprecated, true, "aju" },
{ LstrType.language, Validity.Status.reserved, true, "qaa", "qfy" },
{ LstrType.language, Validity.Status.private_use, true, "qfz" },
{ LstrType.language, Validity.Status.unknown, true, "und" },
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.reserved, true, "Qaaa", "Qaap"},
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.private_use, true, "Qaaq", "Qabx"},
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.special, true, "Zanb" },
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.special, true, "Zinh" },
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.special, true, "Zmth" },
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.special, true, "Zsye" },
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.special, true, "Zsym" },
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.special, true, "Zxxx" },
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.special, true, "Zyyy" },
{ LstrType.script, Validity.Status.unknown, true, "Zzzz" },
{ LstrType.region, Validity.Status.deprecated, true, "QU" },
{ LstrType.region, Validity.Status.macroregion, true, "EU" },
{ LstrType.region, Validity.Status.regular, true, "XK" },
{ LstrType.region, Validity.Status.macroregion, true, "001" },
{ LstrType.region, Validity.Status.reserved, true, "AA", "QM", "QZ"},
{ LstrType.region, Validity.Status.private_use, true, "XC", "XZ"},
{ LstrType.region, Validity.Status.unknown, true, "ZZ" },
{ LstrType.subdivision, Validity.Status.unknown, true, "kzzzzz" },
{ LstrType.subdivision, Validity.Status.regular, true, "usca" },
{ LstrType.subdivision, Validity.Status.deprecated, true, "albr" },
{ LstrType.currency, Validity.Status.regular, true, "USD" },
{ LstrType.currency, Validity.Status.unknown, true, "XXX" },
{ LstrType.currency, Validity.Status.deprecated, true, "ADP" },
{ LstrType.unit, Validity.Status.regular, true, "area-acre" },
for (Object[] test : tests) {
LstrType lstr = (LstrType) test[0];
Validity.Status subtypeRaw = (Validity.Status) test[1];
Boolean desired = (Boolean) test[2];
for (int i = 3; i < test.length; ++i) {
String code = (String) test[i];
List<Status> subtypes = subtypeRaw == null ? Arrays.asList(Status.values()) : Collections.singletonList(subtypeRaw);
for (Status subtype : subtypes) {
Set<String> actual = validity.getStatusToCodes(lstr).get(subtype);
if (!assertRelation("Validity", desired, CldrUtility.ifNull(actual, Collections.EMPTY_SET), TestFmwkPlus.CONTAINS, code)) {
int debug = 0;
if (isVerbose()) {
for (LstrType lstrType : LstrType.values()) {
final Map<Status, Set<String>> statusToCodes = validity.getStatusToCodes(lstrType);
for (Entry<Validity.Status, Set<String>> entry2 : statusToCodes.entrySet()) {
logln("\t" + entry2.getKey());
logln("\t\t" + entry2.getValue());
static final Set<String> ALLOWED_UNDELETIONS = ImmutableSet.of("ug331", "nlbq1", "nlbq2", "nlbq3", "no21", "no22",
// 2022
"gbeng", "gbnir", "gbsct", "gbwls",
"itgo", "itpn", "itts", "itud",
static final Set<String> ALLOWED_MISSING = ImmutableSet.of("root", "POSIX", "REVISED", "SAAHO");
static final Set<String> ALLOWED_REGULAR_TO_SPECIAL = ImmutableSet.of("Zanb", "Zinh", "Zyyy");
public void TestCompatibility() {
// Only run the rest in exhaustive mode, since it requires CLDR_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY
if (getInclusion() <= 5) {
Set<String> messages = new HashSet<>();
File archive = new File(CLDRPaths.ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY);
for (File cldrArchive : archive.listFiles()) {
if (!cldrArchive.getName().startsWith("cldr-")) {
File oldValidityLocation = new File(cldrArchive, File.separator + "common" + File.separator + "validity" + File.separator);
if (!oldValidityLocation.exists()) {
logln("Skipping " + oldValidityLocation);
logln("Checking " + oldValidityLocation.toString());
// final String oldValidityLocation = CLDRPaths.ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY + "cldr-" + ToolConstants.PREVIOUS_CHART_VERSION +
// File.separator + "common" + File.separator + "validity" + File.separator;
Validity oldValidity = Validity.getInstance(oldValidityLocation.toString() + File.separator);
for (LstrType type : LstrType.values()) {
final Map<Status, Set<String>> statusToCodes = oldValidity.getStatusToCodes(type);
if (statusToCodes == null) {
logln("validity data unavailable: " + type);
for (Entry<Status, Set<String>> e2 : statusToCodes.entrySet()) {
Status oldStatus = e2.getKey();
for (String code : e2.getValue()) {
Status newStatus = getNewStatus(type, code);
if (oldStatus == newStatus) {
if (newStatus == null) {
if (ALLOWED_MISSING.contains(code)) {
errln(messages, type + ":" + code + ":" + oldStatus + " => " + newStatus
+ " — missing in new data");
if (oldStatus == Status.private_use && newStatus == Status.special) {
logln(messages, "OK: " + type + ":" + code + " was " + oldStatus + " => " + newStatus);
if (oldStatus == Status.special && newStatus == Status.unknown) {
if (type == LstrType.subdivision && code.endsWith("zzzz")) {
logln(messages, "OK: " + type + ":" + code + " was " + oldStatus + " => " + newStatus);
if (oldStatus == Status.regular) {
if (newStatus == Status.deprecated) {
// logln(messages, "OK: " + type + ":" + code + " was " + oldStatus + " => " + newStatus);
} else if (newStatus == Status.special && ALLOWED_REGULAR_TO_SPECIAL.contains(code)) {
// logln(messages, "OK: " + type + ":" + code + " was " + oldStatus + " => " + newStatus);
errln(messages, type + ":" + code + ":" + oldStatus + " => " + newStatus
+ " — regular item changed, and didn't become deprecated");
if (oldStatus == Status.deprecated) {
if (ALLOWED_UNDELETIONS.contains(code)) {
errln(messages, type + ":" + code + ":" + oldStatus + " => " + newStatus
+ " // add to exception list (ALLOWED_UNDELETIONS) if really un-deprecated");
} else if (oldStatus == Status.private_use && newStatus == Status.regular) {
// logln(messages, "OK: " + type + ":" + code + " was " + oldStatus + " => " + newStatus);
} else if (oldStatus == Status.deprecated) {
errln(messages, type + ":" + code + " was " + oldStatus + " => " + newStatus);
private void logln(Set<String> messages, String string) {
if (!messages.contains(string)) {
private void errln(Set<String> messages, String string) {
if (!messages.contains(string)) {
private Status getNewStatus(LstrType type, String code) {
Map<Status, Set<String>> info = validity.getStatusToCodes(type);
for (Entry<Status, Set<String>> e : info.entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue().contains(code)) {
return e.getKey();
return null;
public void TestBothDirections() {
for (LstrType type : LstrType.values()) {
Map<Status, Set<String>> statusToCodes = validity.getStatusToCodes(type);
Map<String, Status> codeToStatus = validity.getCodeToStatus(type);
assertEquals("null at same time", statusToCodes == null, codeToStatus == null);
if (statusToCodes == null) {
logln("validity data unavailable: " + type);
for (Entry<Status, Set<String>> entry : statusToCodes.entrySet()) {
Status status = entry.getKey();
for (String code : entry.getValue()) {
assertEquals("Forward works", status, codeToStatus.get(code));
for (Entry<String, Status> entry : codeToStatus.entrySet()) {
final String code = entry.getKey();
final Status status = entry.getValue();
assertTrue("Reverse works: " + status, statusToCodes.get(status).contains(code));
public void TestUnits() {
Splitter HYPHEN_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('-');
UnicodeSet allowed = new UnicodeSet("[a-z0-9A-Z]").freeze();
Validity validity = Validity.getInstance();
Map<String, String> shortened = ImmutableMap.<String, String> builder()
.put("acceleration", "accel")
.put("revolution", "revol")
.put("centimeter", "cmeter")
.put("kilometer", "kmeter")
.put("milligram", "mgram")
.put("deciliter", "dliter")
.put("millimole", "mmole")
.put("consumption", "consumpt")
.put("100kilometers", "100km")
.put("microsecond", "microsec")
.put("millisecond", "millisec")
.put("nanosecond", "nanosec")
.put("milliampere", "milliamp")
.put("foodcalorie", "foodcal")
.put("kilocalorie", "kilocal")
.put("kilojoule", "kjoule")
.put("frequency", "freq")
.put("gigahertz", "gigahertz")
.put("kilohertz", "khertz")
.put("megahertz", "megahertz")
.put("astronomical", "astro")
.put("decimeter", "dmeter")
.put("micrometer", "micmeter")
.put("scandinavian", "scand")
.put("millimeter", "mmeter")
.put("nanometer", "nanomete")
.put("picometer", "pmeter")
.put("microgram", "migram")
.put("horsepower", "horsep")
.put("milliwatt", "mwatt")
.put("hectopascal", "hpascal")
.put("temperature", "temp")
.put("fahrenheit", "fahren")
.put("centiliter", "cliter")
.put("hectoliter", "hliter")
.put("megaliter", "megliter")
.put("milliliter", "mliter")
.put("tablespoon", "tblspoon")
for (Entry<LstrType, Map<Status, Set<String>>> e1 : validity.getData().entrySet()) {
LstrType lstrType = e1.getKey();
for (Entry<Status, Set<String>> e2 : e1.getValue().entrySet()) {
Status status = e2.getKey();
for (String codeLong : e2.getValue()) {
String code = codeLong;
if (lstrType == LstrType.unit) {
if (code == null) {
errln("No short form of " + codeLong);
StringBuilder fixed = new StringBuilder();
for (String subcode : HYPHEN_SPLITTER.split(code)) {
if (fixed.length() > 0) {
if (!allowed.containsAll(subcode)) {
errln("subcode has illegal character: " + subcode + ", in " + code);
} else if (subcode.length() > 8) {
fixed.append(shorten(subcode, shortened));
} else {
String fixedCode = fixed.toString();
if (!fixedCode.equals(code)) {
warnln("code has overlong subcode: " + code + " should have short alias in bcp47 " + fixedCode);
if (DEBUG) {
for (Entry<String, String> e : shortened.entrySet()) {
System.out.println('"' + e.getKey() + "\", \"" + e.getValue() + "\",");
private String shorten(String subcode, Map<String, String> shortened) {
String result = shortened.get(subcode);
if (result != null) return result;
switch (subcode) {
case "temperature":
result = "temp";
case "acceleration":
result = "accel";
case "frequency":
result = "freq";
result = subcode.substring(0, 8);
// shortened.put(subcode, result);
return result;
public void TestLanguageTagParser() {
String[][] tests = {
{ "en-cyrl_ru_variant2_variant1", "en_Cyrl_RU_VARIANT1_VARIANT2", "en-Cyrl-RU-variant1-variant2" },
// Hold off, since ICU doesn't canonicalize: doesn't correctly interpret en@co=PHONEBK;em=EMOJI;t=RU
// { "EN-U-CO-PHONEBK-EM-EMOJI-T_RU", "en@T=RU;CO=PHONEBK;EM=EMOJI", "en-t-ru-u-co-phonebk-em-emoji" },
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser();
for (String[] test : tests) {
String source = test[0];
String expectedLanguageSubtagParserIcu = test[1];
String expectedLanguageSubtagParserBCP = test[2];
// check that field 2 is the same as ICU
ULocale icuFromICU = new ULocale(expectedLanguageSubtagParserIcu);
ULocale icuFromBCP = ULocale.forLanguageTag(expectedLanguageSubtagParserBCP);
assertEquals("ICU from BCP47 => ICU from legacy:\t" + source, icuFromBCP, icuFromICU);
String actualLanguageSubtagParserIcu = ltp.toString();
assertEquals("Language subtag (ICU) for " + source, expectedLanguageSubtagParserIcu, actualLanguageSubtagParserIcu);
String actualLanguageSubtagParserBCP = ltp.toString(LanguageTagParser.OutputOption.BCP47);
assertEquals("Language subtag (BCP47) for " + source, expectedLanguageSubtagParserBCP, actualLanguageSubtagParserBCP);
public void TestLanguageTagCanonicalizer() {
String[][] tests = {
{ "dE-foniPa", "de_fonipa" },
// { "el-1901-polytoni-aaland", "el_AX_1901_polyton" }, // doesn't yet handle polyton
// { "en-POLYTONI-WHATEVER-ANYTHING-AALAND", "en_AX_anything_polyton_whatever" }, // doesn't yet handle polyton
{ "eng-840", "en" },
{ "sh_ba", "sr_Latn_BA" },
{ "iw-arab-010", "he_Arab_AQ" },
{ "und", "und" },
{ "und_us", "und_US" },
{ "und_su", "und_RU" },
LanguageTagCanonicalizer canon = new LanguageTagCanonicalizer();
for (String[] inputExpected : tests) {
assertEquals("Canonicalize", inputExpected[1], canon.transform(inputExpected[0]));
final Map<LstrType, Map<String, Map<LstrField, String>>> lstr = StandardCodes.getEnumLstreg();
final Map<String, Map<String, R2<List<String>, String>>> typeToCodeToReplacement = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getSupplementalDataInfo().getLocaleAliasInfo();
public void TestLstrConsistency() {
// get the alias info, and process
// eg "language" -> "sh" -> <{"sr_Latn"}, reason>
// quick consistency check of lstr
// hack for extlang.
Map<String, Map<LstrField, String>> extlangItems = lstr.get(LstrType.extlang);
Map<String, Map<LstrField, String>> languageItems = lstr.get(LstrType.language);
if (!languageItems.keySet().containsAll(extlangItems.keySet())) {
errln("extlang not subset of language: " + setDifference(extlangItems.keySet(), languageItems.keySet()));
ImmutableSet<LstrType> LstrTypesToSkip = ImmutableSet.of(LstrType.extlang, LstrType.legacy, LstrType.redundant);
Set<LstrType> lstrTypesToTest = EnumSet.allOf(LstrType.class);
Set<String> missingAliases = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Map<String,String> changedAliases = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (LstrType lstrType : lstrTypesToTest) {
Map<String, Map<LstrField, String>> lstrValue = lstr.get(lstrType);
if (lstrValue == null) {
Map<String, R2<List<String>, String>> codeToReplacement = typeToCodeToReplacement.get(lstrType.toCompatString());
Set<String> lstrDeprecated = new TreeSet<>();
Set<String> aliased = new TreeSet<>();
Map<String, String> lstrPreferred = new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, String> aliasPreferred = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Map<LstrField, String>> codeToData : lstrValue.entrySet()) {
String code = codeToData.getKey();
Map<LstrField, String> data = codeToData.getValue();
boolean deprecated = data.get(LstrField.Deprecated) != null;
if (deprecated) {
String preferred = data.get(LstrField.Preferred_Value);
if (preferred != null) {
lstrPreferred.put(code, preferred);
if (codeToReplacement != null) {
R2<List<String>, String> replacement = codeToReplacement.get(code);
if (replacement != null) {
List<String> replacementList = replacement.get0();
aliasPreferred.put(code, CldrUtility.join(replacementList, " "));
Set<String> diff = setDifference(aliased, lstrDeprecated);
logln(lstrType + ": aliased and not deprecated in lstr: " + diff);
// // special exceptions
// switch(lstrType) {
// case script: lstrDeprecated.add("Qaai"); break;
// case region: lstrDeprecated.add("QU"); break;
// default: break;
// }
Map<Status, Set<String>> statusToCodes = validity.getStatusToCodes(lstrType);
Set<String> validityDeprecated = statusToCodes == null ? null : statusToCodes.get(Status.deprecated);
if (!Objects.equal(lstrDeprecated, validityDeprecated)) {
showMinus("Deprecated lstr - validity", lstrType, lstrDeprecated, validityDeprecated);
showMinus("Deprecated validity - lstr", lstrType, validityDeprecated, lstrDeprecated);
if (!Objects.equal(lstrPreferred, aliasPreferred)) {
//showMinus("Preferred lstr - alias", lstrType, lstrPreferred.entrySet(), aliasPreferred.entrySet());
for (Entry<String, String> entry : lstrPreferred.entrySet()) {
String code = entry.getKey();
String lstrReplacement = entry.getValue();
String aliasValue = aliasPreferred.get(code);
if (lstrReplacement.equals(aliasValue)) {
String newAlias = makeAliasXml(lstrType, code, lstrReplacement, "deprecated");
if (aliasValue == null) {
} else {
changedAliases.put(newAlias, makeAliasXml(lstrType, code, aliasValue, "deprecated"));
if (!missingAliases.isEmpty()) {
errln("Missing aliases for supplementalMetadata: " + missingAliases.size());
for (String s : missingAliases) {
if (!changedAliases.isEmpty()) {
warnln("Changed aliases from LSTR, just double-check: " + changedAliases.size());
for (Entry<String, String> entry : changedAliases.entrySet()) {
getLogger().fine("\tcurrent=" + entry.getValue() + "\n\tlstr=" + entry.getKey());
// <languageAlias type="art_lojban" replacement="jbo" reason="deprecated"/> <!-- Lojban -->
// <scriptAlias type="Qaai" replacement="Zinh" reason="deprecated"/>
// <territoryAlias type="AAA" replacement="AA" reason="overlong"/> <!-- null -->
// <variantAlias type="AALAND" replacement="AX" reason="deprecated"/>
private String makeAliasXml(LstrType lstrType, String code, String lstrReplacement, String reason) {
return "<" + lstrType.toCompatString() + "Alias"
+ " type=\"" + code + "\""
+ " replacement=\"" + lstrReplacement + "\""
+ " reason=\"" + reason + "\"/>"
+ " <!-- " + TransliteratorUtilities.toXML.transform(
CLDRConfig.getInstance().getEnglish().getName(code) + " ⇒ " + CLDRConfig.getInstance().getEnglish().getName(lstrReplacement)
) + " -->";
private <T, U extends Collection<T>> Set<T> setDifference(U a, U b) {
Set<T> diff = new LinkedHashSet<>(a);
return diff;
private <T> Set<T> showMinus(String title, LstrType lstrType, Set<T> a, Set<T> b) {
if (a == null) {
a = Collections.emptySet();
if (b == null) {
b = Collections.emptySet();
Set<T> diff = setDifference(a, b);
if (!diff.isEmpty()) {
T first = diff.iterator().next();
if (first instanceof String) {
List<String> names =
.map(code -> "\n\t\t" + code + " ⇒\t" + lstr.get(lstrType).get(code)
+ "\n\t\tvalid.⇒\t" + CldrUtility.ifNull(validity.getCodeToStatus(lstrType), Collections.emptyMap()).get(code)
+ "\n\t\talias⇒\t" + CldrUtility.ifNull(typeToCodeToReplacement.get(lstrType.toCompatString()), Collections.emptyMap()).get(code)
errln(title + "\n\tLstrType=\t" + lstrType + "\n\tsize=\t" + diff.size() + "\n\tcodes=\t" + diff + "\n\tnames=\t" + names);
} else {
errln(title + "\n\tLstrType=\t" + lstrType + "\n\tsize=\t" + diff.size() + "\n\tcodes=\t" + diff);
return diff;