blob: 5a923d82126d0ed01f9e78821f928d96c890bf04 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.unittest;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.CheckStatus;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.Options;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckUnits;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.ExampleGenerator;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.ChainedMap;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.ChainedMap.M3;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.ChainedMap.M4;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Counter;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdData;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarDerivation;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarInfo.GrammaticalFeature;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarInfo.GrammaticalScope;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarInfo.GrammaticalTarget;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LocaleStringProvider;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.MapComparator;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Organization;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Pair;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Rational;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Rational.ContinuedFraction;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Rational.FormatStyle;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Rational.RationalParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SimpleXMLSource;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes.LstrType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralInfo.Count;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.UnitIdComponentType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitConverter;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitConverter.Continuation;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitConverter.Continuation.UnitIterator;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitConverter.ConversionInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitConverter.TargetInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitConverter.UnitComplexity;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitConverter.UnitId;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitConverter.UnitSystem;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitPathType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitPreferences;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.UnitPreferences.UnitPreference;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Units;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Validity;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Validity.Status;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.With;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLSource;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
public class TestUnits extends TestFmwk {
private static final Set<String> VALID_REGULAR_UNITS = Validity.getInstance().getStatusToCodes(LstrType.unit).get(Validity.Status.regular);
private static final Set<String> DEPRECATED_REGULAR_UNITS = Validity.getInstance().getStatusToCodes(LstrType.unit).get(Validity.Status.deprecated);
private static final CLDRConfig CLDR_CONFIG = CLDRConfig.getInstance();
private static final Integer INTEGER_ONE = Integer.valueOf(1);
private static final boolean SHOW_DATA = CldrUtility.getProperty("TestUnits:SHOW_DATA", false); // set for verbose debugging information
private static final boolean SHOW_COMPOSE = CldrUtility.getProperty("TestUnits:SHOW_COMPOSE", false); // set for verbose debugging information
private static final boolean GENERATE_TESTS = CldrUtility.getProperty("TestUnits:GENERATE_TESTS", false);
private static final String TEST_SEP = ";\t";
private static final ImmutableSet<String> WORLD_SET = ImmutableSet.of("001");
private static final CLDRConfig info = CLDR_CONFIG;
private static final SupplementalDataInfo SDI = info.getSupplementalDataInfo();
static final UnitConverter converter = SDI.getUnitConverter();
static final Splitter SPLIT_SEMI = Splitter.on(Pattern.compile("\\s*;\\s*")).trimResults();
static final Splitter SPLIT_SPACE = Splitter.on(' ').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
static final Splitter SPLIT_AND = Splitter.on("-and-").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
static final Splitter SPLIT_DASH = Splitter.on('-').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
static final Rational R1000 = Rational.of(1000);
static Map<String,String> normalizationCache = new TreeMap<>();
public static void main(String[] args) {
new TestUnits().run(args);
private Map<String, String> BASE_UNIT_TO_QUANTITY = converter.getBaseUnitToQuantity();
public void TestSpaceInNarrowUnits() {
final CLDRFile english = CLDR_CONFIG.getEnglish();
final Matcher m = Pattern.compile("narrow.*unitPattern").matcher("");
for (String path : english) {
if (m.reset(path).find()) {
String value = english.getStringValue(path);
if (value.contains("} ")) {
errln(path + " fails, «" + value + "» contains } + space");
static final String[][] COMPOUND_TESTS = {
{"area-square-centimeter", "square", "length-centimeter"},
{"area-square-foot", "square", "length-foot"},
{"area-square-inch", "square", "length-inch"},
{"area-square-kilometer", "square", "length-kilometer"},
{"area-square-meter", "square", "length-meter"},
{"area-square-mile", "square", "length-mile"},
{"area-square-yard", "square", "length-yard"},
{"digital-gigabit", "giga", "digital-bit"},
{"digital-gigabyte", "giga", "digital-byte"},
{"digital-kilobit", "kilo", "digital-bit"},
{"digital-kilobyte", "kilo", "digital-byte"},
{"digital-megabit", "mega", "digital-bit"},
{"digital-megabyte", "mega", "digital-byte"},
{"digital-petabyte", "peta", "digital-byte"},
{"digital-terabit", "tera", "digital-bit"},
{"digital-terabyte", "tera", "digital-byte"},
{"duration-microsecond", "micro", "duration-second"},
{"duration-millisecond", "milli", "duration-second"},
{"duration-nanosecond", "nano", "duration-second"},
{"electric-milliampere", "milli", "electric-ampere"},
{"energy-kilocalorie", "kilo", "energy-calorie"},
{"energy-kilojoule", "kilo", "energy-joule"},
{"frequency-gigahertz", "giga", "frequency-hertz"},
{"frequency-kilohertz", "kilo", "frequency-hertz"},
{"frequency-megahertz", "mega", "frequency-hertz"},
{"graphics-megapixel", "mega", "graphics-pixel"},
{"length-centimeter", "centi", "length-meter"},
{"length-decimeter", "deci", "length-meter"},
{"length-kilometer", "kilo", "length-meter"},
{"length-micrometer", "micro", "length-meter"},
{"length-millimeter", "milli", "length-meter"},
{"length-nanometer", "nano", "length-meter"},
{"length-picometer", "pico", "length-meter"},
{"mass-kilogram", "kilo", "mass-gram"},
{"mass-microgram", "micro", "mass-gram"},
{"mass-milligram", "milli", "mass-gram"},
{"power-gigawatt", "giga", "power-watt"},
{"power-kilowatt", "kilo", "power-watt"},
{"power-megawatt", "mega", "power-watt"},
{"power-milliwatt", "milli", "power-watt"},
{"pressure-hectopascal", "hecto", "pressure-pascal"},
{"pressure-millibar", "milli", "pressure-bar"},
{"pressure-kilopascal", "kilo", "pressure-pascal"},
{"pressure-megapascal", "mega", "pressure-pascal"},
{"volume-centiliter", "centi", "volume-liter"},
{"volume-cubic-centimeter", "cubic", "length-centimeter"},
{"volume-cubic-foot", "cubic", "length-foot"},
{"volume-cubic-inch", "cubic", "length-inch"},
{"volume-cubic-kilometer", "cubic", "length-kilometer"},
{"volume-cubic-meter", "cubic", "length-meter"},
{"volume-cubic-mile", "cubic", "length-mile"},
{"volume-cubic-yard", "cubic", "length-yard"},
{"volume-deciliter", "deci", "volume-liter"},
{"volume-hectoliter", "hecto", "volume-liter"},
{"volume-megaliter", "mega", "volume-liter"},
{"volume-milliliter", "milli", "volume-liter"},
static final String[][] PREFIX_NAME_TYPE = {
{"deci", "10p-1"},
{"centi", "10p-2"},
{"milli", "10p-3"},
{"micro", "10p-6"},
{"nano", "10p-9"},
{"pico", "10p-12"},
{"femto", "10p-15"},
{"atto", "10p-18"},
{"zepto", "10p-21"},
{"yocto", "10p-24"},
{"deka", "10p1"},
{"hecto", "10p2"},
{"kilo", "10p3"},
{"mega", "10p6"},
{"giga", "10p9"},
{"tera", "10p12"},
{"peta", "10p15"},
{"exa", "10p18"},
{"zetta", "10p21"},
{"yotta", "10p24"},
{"square", "power2"},
{"cubic", "power3"},
static final String PATH_UNIT_PATTERN = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"{0}\"]/unit[@type=\"{1}\"]/unitPattern[@count=\"{2}\"]";
static final String PATH_PREFIX_PATTERN = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"{0}\"]/compoundUnit[@type=\"{1}\"]/unitPrefixPattern";
static final String PATH_SUFFIX_PATTERN = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"{0}\"]/compoundUnit[@type=\"{1}\"]/compoundUnitPattern1";
static final String PATH_MILLI_PATTERN = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"{0}\"]/compoundUnit[@type=\"10p-3\"]/unitPrefixPattern";
static final String PATH_SQUARE_PATTERN = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"{0}\"]/compoundUnit[@type=\"power2\"]/compoundUnitPattern1";
static final String PATH_METER_PATTERN = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"{0}\"]/unit[@type=\"length-meter\"]/unitPattern[@count=\"{1}\"]";
static final String PATH_MILLIMETER_PATTERN = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"{0}\"]/unit[@type=\"length-millimeter\"]/unitPattern[@count=\"{1}\"]";
static final String PATH_SQUARE_METER_PATTERN = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"{0}\"]/unit[@type=\"area-square-meter\"]/unitPattern[@count=\"{1}\"]";
public void TestCompoundUnit3() {
Factory factory = CLDR_CONFIG.getCldrFactory();
Map<String,String> prefixToType = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (String[] prefixRow : PREFIX_NAME_TYPE) {
prefixToType.put(prefixRow[0], prefixRow[1]);
prefixToType = ImmutableMap.copyOf(prefixToType);
Set<String> localesToTest = ImmutableSet.of("en"); // factory.getAvailableLanguages();
int testCount = 0;
for (String locale : localesToTest) {
CLDRFile file = factory.make(locale, true);
//ExampleGenerator exampleGenerator = getExampleGenerator(locale);
PluralInfo pluralInfo = SDI.getPlurals(PluralType.cardinal, locale);
final boolean isEnglish = locale.contentEquals("en");
int errMsg = isEnglish ? ERR : WARN;
for (String[] compoundTest : COMPOUND_TESTS) {
String targetUnit = compoundTest[0];
String prefix = compoundTest[1];
String baseUnit = compoundTest[2];
String prefixType = prefixToType.get(prefix); // will be null for square, cubic
final boolean isPrefix = prefixType.startsWith("1");
for (String len : Arrays.asList("long", "short", "narrow")) {
String prefixPath = ExampleGenerator.format(isPrefix ? PATH_PREFIX_PATTERN
len, prefixType);
String prefixValue = file.getStringValue(prefixPath);
boolean lowercaseIfSpaced = len.equals("long");
for (Count count : pluralInfo.getCounts()) {
final String countString = count.toString();
String targetUnitPath = ExampleGenerator.format(PATH_UNIT_PATTERN, len, targetUnit, countString);
String targetUnitPattern = file.getStringValue(targetUnitPath);
String baseUnitPath = ExampleGenerator.format(PATH_UNIT_PATTERN, len, baseUnit, countString);
String baseUnitPattern = file.getStringValue(baseUnitPath);
String composedTargetUnitPattern = Units.combinePattern(baseUnitPattern, prefixValue, lowercaseIfSpaced);
if (isEnglish && !targetUnitPattern.equals(composedTargetUnitPattern)) {
if (allowEnglishException(targetUnitPattern, composedTargetUnitPattern)) {
if (!assertEquals2(errMsg, testCount++ + ") "
+ locale + "/" + len + "/" + count + "/" + prefix + "+" + baseUnit
+ ": constructed pattern",
composedTargetUnitPattern)) {
Units.combinePattern(baseUnitPattern, prefixValue, lowercaseIfSpaced);
int debug = 0;
* Curated list of known exceptions. Usually because the short form of a unit is shorter when combined with a prefix or suffix
static final Map<String,String> ALLOW_ENGLISH_EXCEPTION = ImmutableMap.<String,String>builder()
.put("sq ft", "ft²")
.put("sq mi", "mi²")
.put("ft", "′")
.put("in", "″")
.put("MP", "Mpx")
.put("b", "bit")
.put("mb", "mbar")
.put("B", "byte")
.put("s", "sec")
private boolean allowEnglishException(String targetUnitPattern, String composedTargetUnitPattern) {
for (Entry<String, String> entry : ALLOW_ENGLISH_EXCEPTION.entrySet()) {
String mod = targetUnitPattern.replace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (mod.contentEquals(composedTargetUnitPattern)) {
return true;
return false;
// TODO Work this into a generating and then maintaining a data table for the units
CLDRFile english = factory.make("en", false);
Set<String> prefixes = new TreeSet<>();
for (String path : english) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
String lastElement = parts.getElement(-1);
if (lastElement.equals("unitPrefixPattern") || lastElement.equals("compoundUnitPattern1")) {
if (!parts.getAttributeValue(2, "type").equals("long")) {
String value = english.getStringValue(path);
prefixes.add(value.replace("{0}", "").trim());
Map<Status, Set<String>> unitValidity = Validity.getInstance().getStatusToCodes(LstrType.unit);
Multimap<String, String> from = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
for (String unit : unitValidity.get(Status.regular)) {
String[] parts = unit.split("[-]");
String main = parts[1];
for (String prefix : prefixes) {
if (main.startsWith(prefix)) {
if (main.length() == prefix.length()) { // square,...
from.put(unit, main);
} else { // milli
from.put(unit, main.substring(0,prefix.length()));
from.put(unit, main.substring(prefix.length()));
for (int i = 2; i < parts.length; ++i) {
from.put(unit, parts[i]);
for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> set : from.asMap().entrySet()) {
System.out.println(set.getKey() + "\t" + CollectionUtilities.join(set.getValue(), "\t"));
private boolean assertEquals2(int TestERR, String title, String sqmeterPattern, String conSqmeterPattern) {
if (!Objects.equals(sqmeterPattern, conSqmeterPattern)) {
msg(title + ", expected «" + sqmeterPattern + "», got «" + conSqmeterPattern + "»", TestERR, true, true);
return false;
} else if (isVerbose()) {
msg(title + ", expected «" + sqmeterPattern + "», got «" + conSqmeterPattern + "»", LOG, true, true);
return true;
static final boolean DEBUG = false;
public void TestConversion() {
String[][] tests = {
{"foot", "12", "inch"},
{"gallon", "4", "quart"},
{"gallon", "16", "cup"},
for (String[] test : tests) {
String sourceUnit = test[0];
Rational factor = Rational.of(test[1]);
String targetUnit = test[2];
final Rational convert = converter.convertDirect(Rational.ONE, sourceUnit, targetUnit);
assertEquals(sourceUnit + " to " + targetUnit, factor, convert);
// test conversions are disjoint
Set<String> gotAlready = new HashSet<>();
List<Set<String>> equivClasses = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String,String> classToId = new TreeMap<>();
for (String unit : converter.canConvert()) {
if (gotAlready.contains(unit)) {
Set<String> set = converter.canConvertBetween(unit);
final String id = "ID" + equivClasses.size();
for (String s : set) {
classToId.put(s, id);
// check not overlapping
// now handled by TestParseUnit, but we might revive a modified version of this.
// for (int i = 0; i < equivClasses.size(); ++i) {
// Set<String> eclass1 = equivClasses.get(i);
// for (int j = i+1; j < equivClasses.size(); ++j) {
// Set<String> eclass2 = equivClasses.get(j);
// if (!Collections.disjoint(eclass1, eclass2)) {
// errln("Overlapping equivalence classes: " + eclass1 + " ~ " + eclass2 + "\n\tProbably bad chain requiring 3 steps.");
// }
// }
// // check that all elements of an equivalence class have the same type
// Multimap<String,String> breakdown = TreeMultimap.create();
// for (String item : eclass1) {
// String type = CORE_TO_TYPE.get(item);
// if (type == null) {
// type = "?";
// }
// breakdown.put(type, item);
// }
// if (DEBUG) System.out.println("type to item: " + breakdown);
// if (breakdown.keySet().size() != 1) {
// errln("mixed categories: " + breakdown);
// }
// }
// // check that all units with the same type have the same equivalence class
// for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : TYPE_TO_CORE.asMap().entrySet()) {
// Multimap<String,String> breakdown = TreeMultimap.create();
// for (String item : entry.getValue()) {
// String id = classToId.get(item);
// if (id == null) {
// continue;
// }
// breakdown.put(id, item);
// }
// if (DEBUG) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " id to item: " + breakdown);
// if (breakdown.keySet().size() != 1) {
// errln(entry.getKey() + " mixed categories: " + breakdown);
// }
// }
public void TestBaseUnits() {
Splitter barSplitter = Splitter.on('-');
for (String unit : converter.baseUnits()) {
for (String piece : barSplitter.split(unit)) {
assertTrue(unit + ": " + piece + " in " + UnitConverter.BASE_UNIT_PARTS, UnitConverter.BASE_UNIT_PARTS.contains(piece));
public void TestUnitId() {
for (String simple : converter.getSimpleUnits()) {
String canonicalUnit = converter.getBaseUnit(simple);
UnitId unitId = converter.createUnitId(canonicalUnit);
String output = unitId.toString();
if (!assertEquals(simple + ": targets should be in canonical form",
output, canonicalUnit)) {
// for debugging
for (Entry<String, String> baseUnitToQuantity : BASE_UNIT_TO_QUANTITY.entrySet()) {
String baseUnit = baseUnitToQuantity.getKey();
String quantity = baseUnitToQuantity.getValue();
try {
UnitId unitId = converter.createUnitId(baseUnit);
String output = unitId.toString();
if (!assertEquals(quantity + ": targets should be in canonical form",
output, baseUnit)) {
// for debugging
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Can't convert baseUnit: " + baseUnit);
for (String baseUnit : CORE_TO_TYPE.keySet()) {
try {
UnitId unitId = converter.createUnitId(baseUnit);
assertNotNull("Can't parse baseUnit: " + baseUnit, unitId);
} catch (Exception e) {
converter.createUnitId(baseUnit); // for debugging
errln("Can't parse baseUnit: " + baseUnit);
public void TestParseUnit() {
Output<String> compoundBaseUnit = new Output<>();
String[][] tests = {
{"kilometer-pound-per-hour", "kilogram-meter-per-second", "45359237/360000000"},
{"kilometer-per-hour", "meter-per-second", "5/18"},
for (String[] test : tests) {
String source = test[0];
String expectedUnit = test[1];
Rational expectedRational = new Rational.RationalParser().parse(test[2]);
ConversionInfo unitInfo = converter.parseUnitId(source, compoundBaseUnit, false);
assertEquals(source, expectedUnit, compoundBaseUnit.value);
assertEquals(source, expectedRational, unitInfo.factor);
// check all
if (GENERATE_TESTS) System.out.println();
Set<String> badUnits = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Set<String> noQuantity = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Multimap<Pair<String,Double>, String> testPrintout = TreeMultimap.create();
// checkUnitConvertability(converter, compoundBaseUnit, badUnits, "pint-metric-per-second");
for (Entry<String, String> entry : TYPE_TO_CORE.entries()) {
String type = entry.getKey();
String unit = entry.getValue();
if (NOT_CONVERTABLE.contains(unit)) {
checkUnitConvertability(converter, compoundBaseUnit, badUnits, noQuantity, type, unit, testPrintout);
if (GENERATE_TESTS) { // test data
"# Test data for unit conversions\n"
+ CldrUtility.getCopyrightString("# ") + "\n"
+ "#\n"
+ "# Format:\n"
+ "#\tQuantity\t;\tx\t;\ty\t;\tconversion to y (rational)\t;\ttest: 1000 x ⟹ y\n"
+ "#\n"
+ "# Use: convert 1000 x units to the y unit; the result should match the final column,\n"
+ "# at the given precision. For example, when the last column is 159.1549,\n"
+ "# round to 4 decimal digits before comparing.\n"
+ "# Note that certain conversions are approximate, such as degrees to radians\n"
+ "#\n"
+ "# Generation: Set GENERATE_TESTS in, and look at TestParseUnit results.\n"
for (Entry<Pair<String, Double>, String> entry : testPrintout.entries()) {
assertEquals("Unconvertable units", Collections.emptySet(), badUnits);
assertEquals("Units without Quantity", Collections.emptySet(), noQuantity);
static final Set<String> NOT_CONVERTABLE = ImmutableSet.of("generic");
private void checkUnitConvertability(UnitConverter converter, Output<String> compoundBaseUnit,
Set<String> badUnits, Set<String> noQuantity, String type, String unit,
Multimap<Pair<String, Double>, String> testPrintout) {
if (converter.isBaseUnit(unit)) {
String quantity = converter.getQuantityFromBaseUnit(unit);
if (quantity == null) {
new Pair<>(quantity, 1000d),
+ "\t;\t" + unit
+ "\t;\t" + unit
+ "\t;\t1 * x\t;\t1,000.00");
} else {
ConversionInfo unitInfo = converter.getUnitInfo(unit, compoundBaseUnit);
if (unitInfo == null) {
unitInfo = converter.parseUnitId(unit, compoundBaseUnit, false);
if (unitInfo == null) {
} else if (GENERATE_TESTS){
String quantity = converter.getQuantityFromBaseUnit(compoundBaseUnit.value);
if (quantity == null) {
final double testValue = unitInfo.convert(R1000).toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL32).doubleValue();
new Pair<>(quantity, testValue),
+ "\t;\t" + unit
+ "\t;\t" + compoundBaseUnit
+ "\t;\t" + unitInfo
+ "\t;\t" + testValue
// + "\t" + unitInfo.factor.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL32)
// + "\t" + unitInfo.factor.reciprocal().toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL32)
public void TestRational() {
Rational a3_5 = Rational.of(3,5);
Rational a6_10 = Rational.of(6,10);
assertEquals("", a3_5, a6_10);
Rational a5_3 = Rational.of(5,3);
assertEquals("", a3_5, a5_3.reciprocal());
assertEquals("", Rational.ONE, a3_5.multiply(a3_5.reciprocal()));
assertEquals("", Rational.ZERO, a3_5.add(a3_5.negate()));
assertEquals("", Rational.INFINITY, Rational.ZERO.reciprocal());
assertEquals("", Rational.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Rational.INFINITY.negate());
assertEquals("", Rational.NEGATIVE_ONE, Rational.ONE.negate());
assertEquals("", Rational.NaN, Rational.ZERO.divide(Rational.ZERO));
assertEquals("", BigDecimal.valueOf(2), Rational.of(2,1).toBigDecimal());
assertEquals("", BigDecimal.valueOf(0.5), Rational.of(1,2).toBigDecimal());
assertEquals("", BigDecimal.valueOf(100), Rational.of(100,1).toBigDecimal());
assertEquals("", BigDecimal.valueOf(0.01), Rational.of(1,100).toBigDecimal());
assertEquals("", Rational.of(12370,1), Rational.of(BigDecimal.valueOf(12370)));
assertEquals("", Rational.of(1237,10), Rational.of(BigDecimal.valueOf(1237.0/10)));
assertEquals("", Rational.of(1237,10000), Rational.of(BigDecimal.valueOf(1237.0/10000)));
ConversionInfo uinfo = new ConversionInfo(Rational.of(2), Rational.of(3));
assertEquals("", Rational.of(3), uinfo.convert(Rational.ZERO));
assertEquals("", Rational.of(7), uinfo.convert(Rational.of(2)));
public void TestRationalParse() {
Rational.RationalParser parser = SDI.getRationalParser();
Rational a3_5 = Rational.of(3,5);
assertEquals("", a3_5, parser.parse("6/10"));
assertEquals("", a3_5, parser.parse("0.06/0.10"));
assertEquals("", Rational.of(381, 1250), parser.parse("ft_to_m"));
assertEquals("", 6.02214076E+23d, parser.parse("6.02214076E+23").toBigDecimal().doubleValue());
Rational temp = parser.parse("gal_to_m3");
//System.out.println(" " + temp);
assertEquals("", 0.003785411784, temp.numerator.doubleValue()/temp.denominator.doubleValue());
static final Map<String,String> CORE_TO_TYPE;
static final Multimap<String,String> TYPE_TO_CORE;
static {
Set<String> VALID_UNITS = Validity.getInstance().getStatusToCodes(LstrType.unit).get(Status.regular);
Map<String, String> coreToType = new TreeMap<>();
TreeMultimap<String, String> typeToCore = TreeMultimap.create();
for (String s : VALID_UNITS) {
int dashPos = s.indexOf('-');
String unitType = s.substring(0,dashPos);
String coreUnit = s.substring(dashPos+1);
coreUnit = converter.fixDenormalized(coreUnit);
coreToType.put(coreUnit, unitType);
typeToCore.put(unitType, coreUnit);
CORE_TO_TYPE = ImmutableMap.copyOf(coreToType);
TYPE_TO_CORE = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(typeToCore);
public void TestUnitCategory() {
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.println();
Map<String,Multimap<String,String>> bad = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : TYPE_TO_CORE.entries()) {
final String coreUnit = entry.getValue();
final String unitType = entry.getKey();
if (coreUnit.equals("generic")) {
String quantity = converter.getQuantityFromUnit(coreUnit, false);
if (SHOW_DATA) {
System.out.format("%s\t%s\t%s\n", coreUnit, quantity, unitType);
if (quantity == null) {
converter.getQuantityFromUnit(coreUnit, true);
errln("Null quantity " + coreUnit);
} else if (!unitType.equals(quantity)) {
switch (unitType) {
case "concentr":
switch (quantity) {
case "portion": case "mass-density": case "concentration": case "substance-amount": case "concentration-mass": continue;
case "consumption":
switch (quantity) {
case "consumption-inverse": continue;
case "duration":
switch (quantity) {
case "year-duration": continue;
case "electric":
switch (quantity) {
case "electric-current": case "electric-resistance": case "voltage": continue;
case "graphics":
switch (quantity) {
case "resolution": case "typewidth": continue;
case "light":
switch (quantity) {
case "lumen": case "luminous-flux": case "power": case "luminous-intensity": case "luminance": case "illuminance": continue;
case "mass":
switch (quantity) {
case "energy": continue;
case "torque":
switch (quantity) {
case "energy": continue;
case "pressure":
switch (quantity) {
case "pressure-per-length": continue;
Multimap<String, String> badMap = bad.get(unitType);
if (badMap == null) {
bad.put(unitType, badMap = TreeMultimap.create());
badMap.put(quantity, coreUnit);
for (Entry<String, Multimap<String, String>> entry : bad.entrySet()) {
assertNull("UnitType != quantity: " + entry.getKey(), '"' + Joiner.on("\", \"").join(entry.getValue().asMap().entrySet()) + '"');
public void TestQuantities() {
// put quantities in order
Multimap<String,String> quantityToBaseUnits = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
Multimaps.invertFrom(Multimaps.forMap(BASE_UNIT_TO_QUANTITY), quantityToBaseUnits);
for ( Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : quantityToBaseUnits.asMap().entrySet()) {
assertEquals(entry.toString(), 1, entry.getValue().size());
TreeMultimap<String, String> quantityToConvertible = TreeMultimap.create();
Set<String> missing = new TreeSet<>(CORE_TO_TYPE.keySet());
for (Entry<String, String> entry : BASE_UNIT_TO_QUANTITY.entrySet()) {
String baseUnit = entry.getKey();
String quantity = entry.getValue();
Set<String> convertible = converter.canConvertBetween(baseUnit);
quantityToConvertible.putAll(quantity, convertible);
// handle missing
for (String missingUnit : ImmutableSet.copyOf(missing)) {
if (missingUnit.equals("mile-per-gallon")) {
int debug = 0;
String quantity = converter.getQuantityFromUnit(missingUnit, false);
if (quantity != null) {
quantityToConvertible.put(quantity, missingUnit);
} else {
quantity = converter.getQuantityFromUnit(missingUnit, true); // for debugging
assertEquals("all units have quantity", Collections.emptySet(), missing);
if (SHOW_DATA) {
for (Entry<String, String> entry : BASE_UNIT_TO_QUANTITY.entrySet()) {
String baseUnit = entry.getKey();
String quantity = entry.getValue();
System.out.println(" <unitQuantity"
+ " baseUnit='" + baseUnit + "'"
+ " quantity='" + quantity + "'"
+ "/>");
for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : quantityToConvertible.asMap().entrySet()) {
String quantity = entry.getKey();
Collection<String> convertible = entry.getValue();
System.out.println(quantity + "\t" + convertible);
static final UnicodeSet ALLOWED_IN_COMPONENT = new UnicodeSet("[a-z0-9]").freeze();
static final Set<String> STILL_RECOGNIZED_SIMPLES = ImmutableSet.of("em", "g-force", "therm-us");
public void TestOrder() {
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.println();
for (String s : UnitConverter.BASE_UNITS) {
String quantity = converter.getQuantityFromBaseUnit(s);
if (SHOW_DATA) {
System.out.println("\"" + quantity + "\",");
for (String unit : CORE_TO_TYPE.keySet()) {
if (!STILL_RECOGNIZED_SIMPLES.contains(unit)) {
for (String part : unit.split("-")) {
assertTrue(unit + " has no parts < 2 in length", part.length() > 2);
assertTrue(unit + " has only allowed characters", ALLOWED_IN_COMPONENT.containsAll(part));
if (unit.equals("generic")) {
String quantity = converter.getQuantityFromUnit(unit, false); // make sure doesn't crash
public void TestConversionLineOrder() {
Map<String, TargetInfo> data = converter.getInternalConversionData();
Multimap<TargetInfo, String> sorted = TreeMultimap.create(converter.targetInfoComparator,
Multimaps.invertFrom(Multimaps.forMap(data), sorted);
String lastBase = "";
// Test that sorted is in same order as the file.
MapComparator<String> conversionOrder = new MapComparator<>(data.keySet());
String lastUnit = null;
for (Entry<TargetInfo, String> entry : sorted.entries()) {
final TargetInfo tInfo = entry.getKey();
final String unit = entry.getValue();
if (lastUnit != null) {
if (!(, unit) < 0)) {
Output<String> metricUnit = new Output<>();
ConversionInfo lastInfo = converter.parseUnitId(lastUnit, metricUnit, false);
String lastMetric = metricUnit.value;
ConversionInfo info = converter.parseUnitId(unit, metricUnit, false);
String metric = metricUnit.value;
if (metric.equals(lastMetric)) {
warnln("Expected " + lastUnit + " < " + unit
+ "\t" + lastMetric + " " + lastInfo + " < " + metric + " " + info);
lastUnit = unit;
if (SHOW_DATA) {
if (!lastBase.equals( {
lastBase =;
System.out.println("\n <!-- " + converter.getQuantityFromBaseUnit(lastBase) + " -->");
// <convertUnit source='week-person' target='second' factor='604800'/>
System.out.println(" " + tInfo.formatOriginalSource(entry.getValue()));
public final void TestSimplify() {
Set<Rational> seen = new HashSet<>();
checkSimplify("ZERO", Rational.ZERO, seen);
checkSimplify("ONE", Rational.ONE, seen);
checkSimplify("NEGATIVE_ONE", Rational.NEGATIVE_ONE, seen);
checkSimplify("INFINITY", Rational.INFINITY, seen);
checkSimplify("NEGATIVE_INFINITY", Rational.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, seen);
checkSimplify("NaN", Rational.NaN, seen);
checkSimplify("Simplify", Rational.of(25, 300), seen);
checkSimplify("Simplify", Rational.of(100, 1), seen);
checkSimplify("Simplify", Rational.of(2, 5), seen);
checkSimplify("Simplify", Rational.of(4, 25), seen);
checkSimplify("Simplify", Rational.of(5, 2), seen);
checkSimplify("Simplify", Rational.of(25, 4), seen);
for (Entry<String, TargetInfo> entry : converter.getInternalConversionData().entrySet()) {
final Rational factor = entry.getValue().unitInfo.factor;
checkSimplify(entry.getKey(), factor, seen);
if (!factor.equals(Rational.ONE)) {
checkSimplify(entry.getKey(), factor, seen);
final Rational offset = entry.getValue().unitInfo.offset;
if (!offset.equals(Rational.ZERO)) {
checkSimplify(entry.getKey(), offset, seen);
private void checkSimplify(String title, Rational expected, Set<Rational> seen) {
if (!seen.contains(expected)) {
String simpleStr = expected.toString(FormatStyle.simple);
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.println(title + ": " + expected + " => " + simpleStr);
Rational actual = RationalParser.BASIC.parse(simpleStr);
assertEquals("simplify", expected, actual);
public void TestContinuationOrder() {
Continuation fluid = new Continuation(Arrays.asList("fluid"), "fluid-ounce");
Continuation fluid_imperial = new Continuation(Arrays.asList("fluid", "imperial"), "fluid-ounce-imperial");
final int fvfl = fluid.compareTo(fluid_imperial);
assertTrue(fluid + " vs " + fluid_imperial, fvfl > 0);
assertTrue(fluid_imperial + " vs " + fluid, fluid_imperial.compareTo(fluid) < 0);
private static final Pattern usSystemPattern = Pattern.compile("\\b(lb_to_kg|ft_to_m|ft2_to_m2|ft3_to_m3|in3_to_m3|gal_to_m3|cup_to_m3)\\b");
private static final Pattern ukSystemPattern = Pattern.compile("\\b(lb_to_kg|ft_to_m|ft2_to_m2|ft3_to_m3|in3_to_m3|gal_imp_to_m3)\\b");
static final Set<String> OK_BOTH = ImmutableSet.of(
"ounce-troy", "nautical-mile", "fahrenheit", "inch-ofhg",
"british-thermal-unit", "foodcalorie", "knot");
static final Set<String> OK_US = ImmutableSet.of(
"therm-us", "bushel");
static final Set<String> NOT_US = ImmutableSet.of(
static final Set<String> OK_UK = ImmutableSet.of();
static final Set<String> NOT_UK = ImmutableSet.of(
"therm-us", "bushel", "barrel");
public static final Set<String> OTHER_SYSTEM = ImmutableSet.of(
"g-force", "dalton", "calorie", "earth-radius",
"solar-radius", "solar-radius", "astronomical-unit", "light-year", "parsec", "earth-mass",
"solar-mass", "bit", "byte", "karat", "solar-luminosity", "ofhg", "atmosphere",
"pixel", "dot", "permillion", "permyriad", "permille", "percent", "karat", "portion",
"minute", "hour", "day", "day-person", "week", "week-person",
"year", "year-person", "decade", "month", "month-person", "century", "quarter",
"arc-second", "arc-minute", "degree", "radian", "revolution",
// quasi-metric
"dunam", "mile-scandinavian", "carat", "cup-metric", "pint-metric"
public void TestSystems() {
final Logger logger = getLogger();
// Map<String, TargetInfo> data = converter.getInternalConversionData();
Output<String> metricUnit = new Output<>();
Multimap<Set<UnitSystem>, R3<String, ConversionInfo, String>> systemsToUnits = TreeMultimap.create(Comparators.lexicographical(Ordering.natural()), Ordering.natural());
for (String longUnit : VALID_REGULAR_UNITS) {
String unit = Units.getShort(longUnit);
if (unit.equals("generic")) {
if (unit.contentEquals("centiliter")) {
int debug = 0;
Set<UnitSystem> systems = converter.getSystemsEnum(unit);
ConversionInfo parseInfo = converter.parseUnitId(unit, metricUnit, false);
String mUnit = metricUnit.value;
final R3<String, ConversionInfo, String> row = Row.of(mUnit, parseInfo, unit);
systemsToUnits.put(systems, row);
// if (systems.isEmpty()) {
// Rational factor = parseInfo.factor;
// if (factor.isPowerOfTen()) {
// log("System should be 'metric': " + unit);
// } else {
// log("System should be ???: " + unit);
// }
// }
String std = converter.getStandardUnit("kilogram-meter-per-square-meter-square-second");
Output<Rational> outFactor = new Output<>();
for (Entry<Set<UnitSystem>, Collection<R3<String, ConversionInfo, String>>> systemsAndUnits : systemsToUnits.asMap().entrySet()) {
Set<UnitSystem> systems = systemsAndUnits.getKey();
for (R3<String, ConversionInfo, String> unitInfo : systemsAndUnits.getValue()) {
String unit = unitInfo.get2();
switch (unit) {
case "gram": continue;
case "kilogram": break;
String paredUnit = UnitConverter.stripPrefix(unit, outFactor);
if (!paredUnit.equals(unit)) {
final String metric = unitInfo.get0();
String standard = converter.getStandardUnit(metric);
final String quantity = converter.getQuantityFromUnit(unit, false);
final Rational factor = unitInfo.get1().factor;
// show non-metric relations
String specialRef = "";
String specialUnit = converter.getSpecialBaseUnit(quantity, systems);
if (specialUnit != null) {
Rational specialFactor = converter.convert(Rational.ONE, unit, specialUnit, false);
specialRef = "\t" + specialFactor + "\t" + specialUnit;
logger.fine(systems + "\t" + quantity
+ "\t" + unit
+ "\t" + factor
+ "\t" + standard
+ specialRef);
public void TestTestFile() {
File base = info.getCldrBaseDirectory();
File testFile = new File(base, "common/testData/units/unitsTest.txt");
Output<String> metricUnit = new Output<>();
Stream<String> lines;
try {
lines = Files.lines(testFile.toPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ICUUncheckedIOException("Couldn't process " + testFile);
lines.forEach(line -> {
// angle ; arc-second ; revolution ; 1 / 1296000 * x ; 7.716049E-4
line = line.trim();
if (line.isEmpty() || line.charAt(0) == '#') {
List<String> fields = SPLIT_SEMI.splitToList(line);
ConversionInfo unitInfo;
try {
unitInfo = converter.parseUnitId(fields.get(1), metricUnit, false);
} catch (Exception e1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't access fields on " + line);
if (unitInfo == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't get unitInfo on " + line);
double expected;
try {
expected = Double.parseDouble(fields.get(4).replace(",", ""));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
errln("Can't parse double in: " + line);
double actual = unitInfo.convert(R1000).toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL32).doubleValue();
assertEquals(Joiner.on(" ; ").join(fields), expected, actual);
public void TestSpecialCases() {
String [][] tests = {
{"1", "millimole-per-liter", "milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter", "18.01557"},
{"1", "millimole-per-liter", "item-per-cubic-meter", "602214076000000000000000"},
{"50", "foot", "xxx", "0/0"},
{"50", "xxx", "mile", "0/0"},
{"50", "foot", "second", "0/0"},
{"50", "foot-per-xxx", "mile-per-hour", "0/0"},
{"50", "foot-per-minute", "mile", "0/0"},
{"50", "foot-per-ampere", "mile-per-hour", "0/0"},
{"50", "foot", "mile", "5 / 528"},
{"50", "foot-per-minute", "mile-per-hour", "25 / 44"},
{"50", "foot-per-minute", "hour-per-mile", "44 / 25"},
{"50", "mile-per-gallon", "liter-per-100-kilometer", "112903 / 24000"},
{"50", "celsius-per-second", "kelvin-per-second", "50"},
{"50", "celsius-per-second", "fahrenheit-per-second", "90"},
{"50", "pound-force", "kilogram-meter-per-square-second", "8896443230521 / 40000000000"},
// Note: pound-foot-per-square-second is a pound-force divided by gravity
{"50", "pound-foot-per-square-second", "kilogram-meter-per-square-second", "17281869297 / 2500000000"},
int count = 0;
for (String[] test : tests) {
final Rational sourceValue = Rational.of(test[0]);
final String sourceUnit = test[1];
final String targetUnit = test[2];
final Rational expectedValue = Rational.of(test[3]);
final Rational conversion = converter.convert(sourceValue, sourceUnit, targetUnit, SHOW_DATA);
if (!assertEquals(count++ + ") " + sourceValue + " " + sourceUnit + " ⟹ " + targetUnit, expectedValue, conversion)) {
converter.convert(sourceValue, sourceUnit, targetUnit, SHOW_DATA);
static Multimap<String,String> EXTRA_UNITS = ImmutableMultimap.<String,String>builder()
.putAll("area", "square-foot", "square-yard", "square-mile")
.putAll("volume", "cubic-inch", "cubic-foot", "cubic-yard")
public void TestEnglishSystems() {
Multimap<String, String> systemToUnits = TreeMultimap.create();
for (String unit : converter.canConvert()) {
Set<String> systems = converter.getSystems(unit);
if (systems.isEmpty()) {
systemToUnits.put("other", unit);
} else for (String s : systems) {
systemToUnits.put(s, unit);
for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> systemAndUnits : systemToUnits.asMap().entrySet()) {
String system = systemAndUnits.getKey();
final Collection<String> units = systemAndUnits.getValue();
printSystemUnits(system, units);
private void printSystemUnits(String system, Collection<String> units) {
Multimap<String,String> quantityToUnits = TreeMultimap.create();
boolean metric = system.equals("metric");
for (String unit : units) {
quantityToUnits.put(converter.getQuantityFromUnit(unit, false), unit);
for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : quantityToUnits.asMap().entrySet()) {
String quantity = entry.getKey();
String baseUnit = converter.getBaseUnitToQuantity().inverse().get(quantity);
Multimap<Rational,String> sorted = TreeMultimap.create();
sorted.put(Rational.ONE, baseUnit);
if (!metric) {
String englishBaseUnit = getEnglishBaseUnit(baseUnit);
addUnit(baseUnit, englishBaseUnit, sorted);
Collection<String> extras = EXTRA_UNITS.get(quantity);
if (extras != null) {
for (String unit2 : extras) {
addUnit(baseUnit, unit2, sorted);
for (String unit : entry.getValue()) {
addUnit(baseUnit, unit, sorted);
Set<String> comparableUnits = ImmutableSet.copyOf(sorted.values());
printUnits(system, quantity, comparableUnits);
private void addUnit(String baseUnit, String englishBaseUnit, Multimap<Rational, String> sorted) {
Rational value = converter.convert(Rational.ONE, englishBaseUnit, baseUnit, false);
sorted.put(value, englishBaseUnit);
private void printUnits(String system, String quantity, Set<String> comparableUnits) {
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.print("\n"+ system + "\t" + quantity);
for (String targetUnit : comparableUnits) {
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.print("\t" + targetUnit);
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.println();
for (String sourceUnit : comparableUnits) {
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.print("\t" + sourceUnit);
for (String targetUnit : comparableUnits) {
Rational rational = converter.convert(Rational.ONE, sourceUnit, targetUnit, false);
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.print("\t" + rational.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL64).doubleValue());
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.println();
private String getEnglishBaseUnit(String baseUnit) {
return baseUnit.replace("kilogram", "pound").replace("meter", "foot");
public void TestPI() {
Rational PI = converter.getConstants().get("PI");
double PID = PI.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL128).doubleValue();
final BigDecimal bigPi = new BigDecimal("3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944");
double bigPiD = bigPi.doubleValue();
assertEquals("pi accurate enough", bigPiD, PID);
// also test continued fractions used in deriving values
Object[][] tests0 = {
{new ContinuedFraction(0, 1, 5, 2, 2), Rational.of(27, 32), ImmutableList.of(Rational.of(0), Rational.of(1), Rational.of(5,6), Rational.of(11, 13))},
for (Object[] test : tests0) {
ContinuedFraction source = (ContinuedFraction) test[0];
Rational expected = (Rational) test[1];
List<Rational> expectedIntermediates = (List<Rational>) test[2];
List<Rational> intermediates = new ArrayList<>();
final Rational actual = source.toRational(intermediates);
assertEquals("continued", expected, actual);
assertEquals("continued", expectedIntermediates, intermediates);
Object[][] tests = {
{Rational.of(3245,1000), new ContinuedFraction(3, 4, 12, 4)},
{Rational.of(39,10), new ContinuedFraction(3, 1, 9)},
{Rational.of(-3245,1000), new ContinuedFraction(-4, 1, 3, 12, 4)},
for (Object[] test : tests) {
Rational source = (Rational) test[0];
ContinuedFraction expected =(ContinuedFraction) test[1];
ContinuedFraction actual = new ContinuedFraction(source);
assertEquals(source.toString(), expected, actual);
assertEquals(actual.toString(), source, actual.toRational(null));
if (SHOW_DATA) {
ContinuedFraction actual = new ContinuedFraction(Rational.of(bigPi));
List<Rational> intermediates = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("\nRational\tdec64\tdec128\tgood enough");
+ bigPi.round(MathContext.DECIMAL64)+"x"
+ "\t" + bigPi.round(MathContext.DECIMAL128)+"x"
+ "\t" + "delta");
int goodCount = 0;
for (Rational item : intermediates) {
final BigDecimal dec64 = item.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL64);
final BigDecimal dec128 = item.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL128);
final boolean goodEnough = bigPiD == item.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL128).doubleValue();
+ "\t" + dec64
+ "x\t" + dec128
+ "x\t" + goodEnough
+ "\t" + item.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL128).subtract(bigPi));
if (goodEnough && goodCount++ > 6) {
public void TestUnitPreferenceSource() {
XMLSource xmlSource = new SimpleXMLSource("units");
CLDRFile foo = new CLDRFile(xmlSource );
UnitPreferences uprefs = new UnitPreferences();
int order = 0;
for (String line :, "UnitPreferenceSource.txt")) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#")) {
List<String> items = SPLIT_SEMI.splitToList(line);
try {
String quantity = items.get(0);
String usage = items.get(1);
String regionsStr = items.get(2);
List<String> regions = SPLIT_SPACE.splitToList(items.get(2));
String geqStr = items.get(3);
Rational geq = geqStr.isEmpty() ? Rational.ONE : Rational.of(geqStr);
String skeleton = items.get(4);
String unit = items.get(5);
uprefs.add(quantity, usage, regionsStr, geqStr, skeleton, unit);
String path = uprefs.getPath(order++, quantity, usage, regions, geq, skeleton);
xmlSource.putValueAtPath(path, unit);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Failure on line: " + line + "; " + e.getMessage());
if (SHOW_DATA) {
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
} else {
warnln("Use -DTestUnits:SHOW_DATA to get the reformatted source");
static final Joiner JOIN_SPACE = Joiner.on(' ');
private void checkUnitPreferences(UnitPreferences uprefs) {
Set<String> usages = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Entry<String, Map<String, Multimap<Set<String>, UnitPreference>>> entry1 : uprefs.getData().entrySet()) {
String quantity = entry1.getKey();
// Each of the quantities is valid.
assertNotNull("quantity is convertible", converter.getBaseUnitFromQuantity(quantity));
Map<String, Multimap<Set<String>, UnitPreference>> usageToRegionToUnitPreference = entry1.getValue();
// each of the quantities has a default usage
assertTrue("Quantity " + quantity + " contains default usage", usageToRegionToUnitPreference.containsKey("default"));
for (Entry<String, Multimap<Set<String>, UnitPreference>> entry2 : usageToRegionToUnitPreference.entrySet()) {
String usage = entry2.getKey();
final String quantityPlusUsage = quantity + "/" + usage;
Multimap<Set<String>, UnitPreference> regionsToUnitPreference = entry2.getValue();
Set<Set<String>> regionSets = regionsToUnitPreference.keySet();
// all quantity + usage pairs must contain 001 (one exception)
assertTrue("For " + quantityPlusUsage + ", the set of sets of regions must contain 001", regionSets.contains(WORLD_SET)
|| quantityPlusUsage.contentEquals("concentration/blood-glucose"));
// Check that regions don't overlap for same quantity/usage
Multimap<String, Set<String>> checkOverlap = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
for (Set<String> regionSet : regionsToUnitPreference.keySet()) {
for (String region : regionSet) {
checkOverlap.put(region, regionSet);
for (Entry<String, Collection<Set<String>>> entry : checkOverlap.asMap().entrySet()) {
assertEquals(quantityPlusUsage + ": regions must be in only one set: " + entry.getValue(), 1, entry.getValue().size());
Set<String> systems = new TreeSet<>();
for (Entry<Set<String>, Collection<UnitPreference>> entry : regionsToUnitPreference.asMap().entrySet()) {
Collection<UnitPreference> uPrefs = entry.getValue();
Set<String> regions = entry.getKey();
// reset these for every new set of regions
Rational lastSize = null;
String lastUnit = null;
Rational lastgeq = null;
Set<String> lastRegions = null;
String unitQuantity = null;
for (UnitPreference up : uPrefs) {
String topUnit = null;
if ("minute:second".equals(up.unit)) {
int debug = 0;
String lastQuantity = null;
Rational lastValue = null;
Rational geq = converter.parseRational(String.valueOf(up.geq));
// where we have an 'and' unit, get its information
for (String unit : SPLIT_AND.split(up.unit)) {
try {
if (topUnit == null) {
topUnit = unit;
unitQuantity = converter.getQuantityFromUnit(unit, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Unit is not covertible: " + up.unit);
continue preferences;
String baseUnit = converter.getBaseUnitFromQuantity(unitQuantity);
if (geq.compareTo(Rational.ZERO) < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("geq must be > 0" + geq);
Rational value = converter.convert(Rational.ONE, unit, baseUnit, false);
if (lastQuantity != null) {
int diff = value.compareTo(lastValue);
if (diff >= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad mixed unit; biggest unit must be first: " + up.unit);
if (!lastQuantity.contentEquals(quantity)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inconsistent quantities for mixed unit: " + up.unit);
lastValue = value;
lastQuantity = quantity;
String baseUnit = converter.getBaseUnitFromQuantity(unitQuantity);
Rational size = converter.convert(up.geq, topUnit, baseUnit, false);
if (lastSize != null) { // ensure descending order
if (!assertTrue("Successive items must be ≥ previous:\n\t" + quantityPlusUsage
+ "; unit: " + up.unit
+ "; size: " + size
+ "; regions: " + regions
+ "; lastUnit: " + lastUnit
+ "; lastSize: " + lastSize
+ "; lastRegions: " + lastRegions
, size.compareTo(lastSize) <= 0)) {
int debug = 0;
lastSize = size;
lastUnit = up.unit;
lastgeq = geq;
lastRegions = regions;
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.println(quantity + "\t" + usage + "\t" + regions + "\t" + up.geq + "\t" + up.unit + "\t" + up.skeleton);
// Check that last geq is ONE.
assertEquals(usage + " + " + regions + ": the least unit must have geq=1 (or equivalently, no geq)", Rational.ONE, lastgeq);
// Check that each set has a consistent system.
assertTrue(usage + " + " + regions + " has mixed systems: " + systems + "\n\t" + uPrefs, areConsistent(systems, unitQuantity));
private boolean areConsistent(Set<String> systems, String unitQuantity) {
return unitQuantity.equals("duration")
|| !(systems.contains("metric") && (systems.contains("ussystem") || systems.contains("uksystem")));
public void TestBcp47() {
checkBcp47("Quantity", converter.getQuantities(), lowercaseAZ, false);
checkBcp47("Usage", SDI.getUnitPreferences().getUsages(), lowercaseAZ09, true);
checkBcp47("Unit", converter.getSimpleUnits(), lowercaseAZ09, true);
private void checkBcp47(String identifierType, Set<String> identifiers, UnicodeSet allowed, boolean allowHyphens) {
Output<Integer> counter = new Output<>(0);
Multimap<String,String> truncatedToFullIdentifier = TreeMultimap.create();
final Set<String> simpleUnits = identifiers;
for (String unit : simpleUnits) {
if (!allowHyphens && unit.contains("-")) {
truncatedToFullIdentifier.put(unit, "-");
checkBcp47(counter, identifierType, unit, allowed, truncatedToFullIdentifier);
for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : truncatedToFullIdentifier.asMap().entrySet()) {
Set<String> identifierSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(entry.getValue());
assertEquals(identifierType + ": truncated identifier " + entry.getKey() + " must be unique", ImmutableSet.of(identifierSet.iterator().next()), identifierSet);
private static int MIN_SUBTAG_LENGTH = 3;
private static int MAX_SUBTAG_LENGTH = 8;
static final UnicodeSet lowercaseAZ = new UnicodeSet("[a-z]").freeze();
static final UnicodeSet lowercaseAZ09 = new UnicodeSet("[a-z0-9]").freeze();
private void checkBcp47(Output<Integer> counter, String title, String identifier, UnicodeSet allowed, Multimap<String,String> truncatedToFullIdentifier) {
StringBuilder shortIdentifer = new StringBuilder();
boolean fail = false;
for (String subtag : identifier.split("-")) {
assertTrue(++counter.value + ") " + title + " identifier=" + identifier + " subtag=" + subtag + " has right characters", allowed.containsAll(subtag));
if (!(subtag.length() >= MIN_SUBTAG_LENGTH && subtag.length() <= MAX_SUBTAG_LENGTH)) {
for (Entry<String, Rational> entry : UnitConverter.PREFIXES.entrySet()) {
String prefix = entry.getKey();
if (subtag.startsWith(prefix)) {
subtag = subtag.substring(prefix.length());
if (shortIdentifer.length() != 0) {
if (subtag.length() > MAX_SUBTAG_LENGTH) {
shortIdentifer.append(subtag.substring(0, MAX_SUBTAG_LENGTH));
fail = true;
} else {
if (fail) {
String shortIdentiferStr = shortIdentifer.toString();
truncatedToFullIdentifier.put(shortIdentiferStr, identifier);
public void TestUnitPreferences() {
warnln("If this fails, check the output of TestUnitPreferencesSource (with -DTestUnits:SHOW_DATA), fix as needed, then incorporate.");
UnitPreferences prefs = SDI.getUnitPreferences();
// Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, UnitPreference>>> fastMap = prefs.getFastMap(converter);
// for (Entry<String, Map<String, Map<String, UnitPreference>>> entry : fastMap.entrySet()) {
// String quantity = entry.getKey();
// String baseUnit = converter.getBaseUnitFromQuantity(quantity);
// for (Entry<String, Map<String, UnitPreference>> entry2 : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
// String usage = entry2.getKey();
// for (Entry<String, UnitPreference> entry3 : entry2.getValue().entrySet()) {
// String region = entry3.getKey();
// UnitPreference pref = entry3.getValue();
// System.out.println(quantity + "\t" + usage + "\t" + region + "\t" + pref.toString(baseUnit));
// }
// }
// }
prefs.getFastMap(converter); // call just to make sure we don't get an exception
"\n# Test data for unit preferences\n"
+ CldrUtility.getCopyrightString("# ") + "\n"
+ "#\n"
+ "# Format:\n"
+ "#\tQuantity;\tUsage;\tRegion;\tInput (r);\tInput (d);\tInput Unit;\tOutput (r);\tOutput (d);\tOutput Unit\n"
+ "#\n"
+ "# Use: Convert the Input amount & unit according to the Usage and Region.\n"
+ "#\t The result should match the Output amount and unit.\n"
+ "#\t Both rational (r) and double64 (d) forms of the input and output amounts are supplied so that implementations\n"
+ "#\t have two options for testing based on the precision in their implementations. For example:\n"
+ "#\t 3429 / 12500; 0.27432; meter;\n"
+ "#\t The Output amount and Unit are repeated for mixed units. In such a case, only the smallest unit will have\n"
+ "#\t both a rational and decimal amount; the others will have a single integer value, such as:\n"
+ "#\t length; person-height; CA; 3429 / 12500; 0.27432; meter; 2; foot; 54 / 5; 10.8; inch\n"
+ "#\t The input and output units are unit identifers; in particular, the output does not have further processing:\n"
+ "#\t\t • no localization\n"
+ "#\t\t • no adjustment for pluralization\n"
+ "#\t\t • no formatted with the skeleton\n"
+ "#\t\t • no suppression of zero values (for secondary -and- units such as pound in stone-and-pound)\n"
+ "#\n"
+ "# Generation: Set GENERATE_TESTS in, and look at TestUnitPreferences results.\n"
Rational ONE_TENTH = Rational.of(1,10);
// Note that for production usage, precomputed data like the prefs.getFastMap(converter) would be used instead of the raw data.
for (Entry<String, Map<String, Multimap<Set<String>, UnitPreference>>> entry : prefs.getData().entrySet()) {
String quantity = entry.getKey();
String baseUnit = converter.getBaseUnitFromQuantity(quantity);
for (Entry<String, Multimap<Set<String>, UnitPreference>> entry2 : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
String usage = entry2.getKey();
// collect samples of base units
for (Entry<Set<String>, Collection<UnitPreference>> entry3 : entry2.getValue().asMap().entrySet()) {
boolean first = true;
Set<Rational> samples = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.reverseOrder());
for (UnitPreference pref : entry3.getValue()) {
final String topUnit = UnitPreferences.SPLIT_AND.split(pref.unit).iterator().next();
if (first) {
samples.add(converter.convert(pref.geq.add(ONE_TENTH), topUnit, baseUnit, false));
first = false;
samples.add(converter.convert(pref.geq, topUnit, baseUnit, false));
samples.add(converter.convert(pref.geq.subtract(ONE_TENTH), topUnit, baseUnit, false));
// show samples
Set<String> regions = entry3.getKey();
String sampleRegion = regions.iterator().next();
Collection<UnitPreference> uprefs = entry3.getValue();
for (Rational sample : samples) {
showSample(quantity, usage, sampleRegion, sample, baseUnit, uprefs);
private void showSample(String quantity, String usage, String sampleRegion, Rational sampleBaseValue, String baseUnit, Collection<UnitPreference> prefs) {
String lastUnit = null;
boolean gotOne = false;
for (UnitPreference pref : prefs) {
final String topUnit = UnitPreferences.SPLIT_AND.split(pref.unit).iterator().next();
Rational baseGeq = converter.convert(pref.geq, topUnit, baseUnit, false);
if (sampleBaseValue.compareTo(baseGeq) >= 0) {
showSample2(quantity, usage, sampleRegion, sampleBaseValue, baseUnit, pref.unit);
gotOne = true;
lastUnit = pref.unit;
if (!gotOne) {
showSample2(quantity, usage, sampleRegion, sampleBaseValue, baseUnit, lastUnit);
private void showSample2(String quantity, String usage, String sampleRegion, Rational sampleBaseValue, String baseUnit, String lastUnit) {
Rational originalSampleBaseValue = sampleBaseValue;
// Known slow algorithm for mixed values, but for generating tests we don't care.
final List<String> units = UnitPreferences.SPLIT_AND.splitToList(lastUnit);
StringBuilder formattedUnit = new StringBuilder();
int remaining = units.size();
for (String unit : units) {
Rational sample = converter.convert(sampleBaseValue, baseUnit, unit, false);
if (formattedUnit.length() != 0) {
if (remaining != 0) {
BigInteger floor = sample.floor();
formattedUnit.append(floor + TEST_SEP + unit);
// convert back to base unit
sampleBaseValue = converter.convert(sample.subtract(Rational.of(floor)), unit, baseUnit, false);
} else {
formattedUnit.append(sample + TEST_SEP + sample.doubleValue() + TEST_SEP + unit);
System.out.println(quantity + TEST_SEP + usage + TEST_SEP + sampleRegion
+ TEST_SEP + originalSampleBaseValue + TEST_SEP + originalSampleBaseValue.doubleValue() + TEST_SEP + baseUnit
+ TEST_SEP + formattedUnit);
public void TestWithExternalData() throws IOException {
Multimap<String, ExternalUnitConversionData> seen = HashMultimap.create();
Set<ExternalUnitConversionData> cantConvert = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Map<ExternalUnitConversionData, Rational> convertDiff = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Set<String> remainingCldrUnits = new LinkedHashSet<>(converter.getInternalConversionData().keySet());
Set<ExternalUnitConversionData> couldAdd = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (SHOW_DATA) {
for (ExternalUnitConversionData data : NistUnits.externalConversionData) {
Rational externalResult =;
Rational cldrResult = converter.convert(Rational.ONE, data.source,, false);
seen.put(data.source + "⟹" +, data);
if (externalResult.isPowerOfTen()) {
if (cldrResult.equals(Rational.NaN)) {
} else {
final Rational symmetricDiff = externalResult.symmetricDiff(cldrResult);
if (symmetricDiff.abs().compareTo(Rational.of(1, 1000000)) > 0){
convertDiff.put(data, cldrResult);
} else {
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.println("*Converted"
+ "\t" + cldrResult.doubleValue()
+ "\t" + externalResult.doubleValue()
+ "\t" + symmetricDiff.doubleValue()
+ "\t" + data);
// get additional data on derived units
// for (Entry<String, TargetInfo> e : NistUnits.derivedUnitToConversion.entrySet()) {
// String sourceUnit = e.getKey();
// TargetInfo targetInfo = e.getValue();
// Rational conversion = converter.convert(Rational.ONE, sourceUnit,, false);
// if (conversion.equals(Rational.NaN)) {
// couldAdd.add(new ExternalUnitConversionData("", sourceUnit,, conversion, "?", null));
// }
// }
if (SHOW_DATA) {
for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> e : NistUnits.unitToQuantity.asMap().entrySet()) {
System.out.println("*Quantities:" + "\t" + e.getKey() + "\t" + e.getValue());
// check for missing external data
int unitsWithoutExternalCheck = 0;
for (String remainingUnit : remainingCldrUnits) {
final TargetInfo targetInfo = converter.getInternalConversionData().get(remainingUnit);
if (! {
if (SHOW_DATA) {
System.out.println("Not tested against external data\t" + remainingUnit + "\t" + targetInfo);
if (unitsWithoutExternalCheck != 0 && !SHOW_DATA) {
warnln(unitsWithoutExternalCheck + " units without external data verification. Use -DTestUnits:SHOW_DATA for details.");
boolean showDiagnostics = false;
for (Entry<String, Collection<ExternalUnitConversionData>> entry : seen.asMap().entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().size() != 1) {
Multimap<ConversionInfo, ExternalUnitConversionData> factors = HashMultimap.create();
for (ExternalUnitConversionData s : entry.getValue()) {
factors.put(, s);
if (factors.keySet().size() > 1) {
for (ExternalUnitConversionData s : entry.getValue()) {
errln("*DUP-" + s);
showDiagnostics = true;
if (convertDiff.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<ExternalUnitConversionData, Rational> e : convertDiff.entrySet()) {
final Rational computed = e.getValue();
final ExternalUnitConversionData external = e.getKey();
Rational externalResult =;
showDiagnostics = true;
// for debugging
converter.convert(Rational.ONE, external.source,, true);
errln("*DIFF CONVERT:"
+ "\t" + external.source
+ "\t⟹\t" +
+ "\texpected\t" + externalResult.doubleValue()
+ "\tactual:\t" + computed.doubleValue()
+ "\tsdiff:\t" + computed.symmetricDiff(externalResult).abs().doubleValue()
+ "\txdata:\t" + external);
// temporary: show the items that didn't covert correctly
if (showDiagnostics) {
Rational x = showDelta("pound-fahrenheit", "gram-celsius", false);
Rational y = showDelta("calorie", "joule", false);
showDelta("product\t", x.multiply(y));
showDelta("british-thermal-unit", "calorie", false);
showDelta("inch-ofhg", "pascal", false);
showDelta("millimeter-ofhg", "pascal", false);
showDelta("ofhg", "kilogram-per-square-meter-square-second", false);
showDelta("13595.1*gravity", Rational.of("9.80665*13595.1"));
showDelta("fahrenheit-hour-square-foot-per-british-thermal-unit-inch", "meter-kelvin-per-watt", true);
if (showDiagnostics && NistUnits.skipping.size() > 0) {
for (String s : NistUnits.skipping) {
System.out.println("*SKIPPING " + s);
if (showDiagnostics && NistUnits.idChanges.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> e : NistUnits.idChanges.asMap().entrySet()) {
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.println("*CHANGES\t" + e.getKey() + "\t" + Joiner.on('\t').join(e.getValue()));
if (showDiagnostics && cantConvert.size() > 0) {
for (ExternalUnitConversionData e : cantConvert) {
System.out.println("*CANT CONVERT-" + e);
Output<String> baseUnit = new Output<>();
for (ExternalUnitConversionData s : couldAdd) {
String target =;
Rational endFactor =;
String mark = "";
TargetInfo baseUnit2 = NistUnits.derivedUnitToConversion.get(;
if (baseUnit2 != null) {
target =;
endFactor = baseUnit2.unitInfo.factor;
} else {
ConversionInfo conversionInfo = converter.getUnitInfo(, baseUnit);
if (conversionInfo != null && ! {
target = baseUnit.value;
endFactor = conversionInfo.convert(;
if (SHOW_DATA) System.out.println("Could add 10^X conversion from a"
+ "\t" + s.source
+ "\tto" + mark
+ "\t" + endFactor.toString(FormatStyle.simple)
+ "\t" + target);
if (!SHOW_DATA) warnln("Use -DTestUnits:SHOW_DATA to show units we could add from NIST.");
private Rational showDelta(String firstUnit, String secondUnit, boolean showYourWork) {
Rational x = converter.convert(Rational.ONE, firstUnit, secondUnit, showYourWork);
return showDelta(firstUnit + "\t" + secondUnit, x);
private Rational showDelta(final String title, Rational rational) {
System.out.print("*CONST\t" + title);
System.out.print("\t" + rational.toString(FormatStyle.simple));
System.out.println("\t" + rational.doubleValue());
return rational;
public void TestRepeating() {
Set<Rational> seen = new HashSet<>();
String[][] tests = {
{"0/0", "NaN"},
{"1/0", "INF"},
{"-1/0", "-INF"},
{"0/1", "0"},
{"1/1", "1"},
{"1/2", "0.5"},
{"1/3", "0.˙3"},
{"1/4", "0.25"},
{"1/5", "0.2"},
{"1/6", "0.1˙6"},
{"1/7", "0.˙142857"},
{"1/8", "0.125"},
{"1/9", "0.˙1"},
{"1/10", "0.1"},
{"1/11", "0.˙09"},
{"1/12", "0.08˙3"},
{"1/13", "0.˙076923"},
{"1/14", "0.0˙714285"},
{"1/15", "0.0˙6"},
{"1/16", "0.0625"},
for (String[] test : tests) {
Rational source = Rational.of(test[0]);
String expected = test[1];
String actual = source.toString(FormatStyle.repeating);
assertEquals(test[0], expected, actual);
Rational roundtrip = Rational.of(expected);
assertEquals(expected, source, roundtrip);
for (int i = -50; i < 200; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 50; ++j) {
checkFormat(Rational.of(i, j), seen);
for (Entry<String, TargetInfo> unitAndInfo : converter.getInternalConversionData().entrySet()) {
final TargetInfo targetInfo2 = unitAndInfo.getValue();
ConversionInfo targetInfo = targetInfo2.unitInfo;
checkFormat(targetInfo.factor, seen);
if (SHOW_DATA) {
String rFormat = targetInfo.factor.toString(FormatStyle.repeating);
String sFormat = targetInfo.factor.toString(FormatStyle.simple);
if (!rFormat.equals(sFormat)) {
System.out.println("\t\t" + unitAndInfo.getKey() + "\t" + + "\t" + sFormat + "\t" + rFormat + "\t" + targetInfo.factor.doubleValue());
private void checkFormat(Rational source, Set<Rational> seen) {
if (seen.contains(source)) {
String formatted = source.toString(FormatStyle.repeating);
Rational roundtrip = Rational.of(formatted);
assertEquals("roundtrip " + formatted, source, roundtrip);
/** Check that units to be translated are as expected. */
public void testDistinguishedSetsOfUnits() {
Set<String> comparatorUnitIds = new LinkedHashSet<>(DtdData.unitOrder.getOrder());
Set<String> validLongUnitIds = VALID_REGULAR_UNITS;
Set<String> validAndDeprecatedLongUnitIds = ImmutableSet.<String>builder().addAll(VALID_REGULAR_UNITS).addAll(DEPRECATED_REGULAR_UNITS).build();
final BiMap<String, String> shortToLong = Units.LONG_TO_SHORT.inverse();
assertSuperset("converter short-long", "units short-long", converter.SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.entrySet(), shortToLong.entrySet());
assertSuperset("units short-long", "converter short-long", shortToLong.entrySet(), converter.SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.entrySet());
Set<String> errors = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Set<String> unitsConvertibleLongIds = converter.canConvert().stream()
.map(x -> {
String result = shortToLong.get(x);
if (result == null) {
errors.add("No short form of " + x);
return result;
assertEquals("", Collections.emptySet(), errors);
Set<String> simpleConvertibleLongIds = converter.canConvert().stream()
.filter(x -> converter.isSimple(x))
.map((String x) -> Units.LONG_TO_SHORT.inverse().get(x))
CLDRFile root = CLDR_CONFIG.getCldrFactory().make("root", true);
ImmutableSet<String> unitLongIdsRoot = ImmutableSet.copyOf(getUnits(root, new TreeSet<>()));
ImmutableSet<String> unitLongIdsEnglish = ImmutableSet.copyOf(getUnits(CLDR_CONFIG.getEnglish(), new TreeSet<>()));
assertSameCollections("root unit IDs", "English", unitLongIdsRoot, unitLongIdsEnglish);
final Set<String> validRootUnitIdsMinusOddballs = unitLongIdsRoot;
final Set<String> validLongUnitIdsMinusOddballs = minus(validLongUnitIds, converter.getLongIds(UnitConverter.UNTRANSLATED_UNIT_NAMES));
assertSameCollections("root unit IDs", "valid regular", validRootUnitIdsMinusOddballs, validLongUnitIdsMinusOddballs);
assertSameCollections("comparatorUnitIds (DtdData)", "valid regular", comparatorUnitIds, validAndDeprecatedLongUnitIds);
assertSuperset("valid regular", "specials", validLongUnitIds, GrammarInfo.getUnitsToAddGrammar());
assertSuperset("root unit IDs", "specials", unitLongIdsRoot, GrammarInfo.getUnitsToAddGrammar());
//assertSuperset("long convertible units", "valid regular", unitsConvertibleLongIds, validLongUnitIds);
Output<String> baseUnit = new Output<>();
for (String longUnit : validLongUnitIds) {
if (longUnit.equals("temperature-generic")) {
String shortUnit = Units.getShort(longUnit);
ConversionInfo conversionInfo = converter.parseUnitId(shortUnit, baseUnit, false);
if (!assertNotNull("Can convert " + longUnit, conversionInfo)) {
converter.getUnitInfo(shortUnit, baseUnit);
int debug = 0;
assertSuperset("valid regular", "simple convertible units", validLongUnitIds, simpleConvertibleLongIds);
public void assertSameCollections(String title1, String title2, Collection<String> c1, Collection<String> c2) {
assertSuperset(title1, title2, c1, c2);
assertSuperset(title2, title1, c2, c1);
public <V> void assertSuperset(String title1, String title2, Collection<V> c1, Collection<V> c2) {
if (!assertEquals(title1 + " ⊇ " + title2, Collections.emptySet(), minus(c2, c1))) {
int debug = 0;
public <V> Set<V> minus(Collection<V> a, Collection<V> b) {
Set<V> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(a);
return result;
public <V> Set<V> minus(Collection<V> a, V... b) {
Set<V> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(a);
return result;
public Set<String> getUnits(CLDRFile root, Set<String> unitLongIds) {
for (String path : root) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
int item = parts.findElement("unit");
if (item == -1) {
String type = parts.getAttributeValue(item, "type");
// "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"long\"]/unit[@type=\"" + unit + "\"]/gender"
return unitLongIds;
static final Pattern NORM_SPACES = Pattern.compile("[ \u00A0\u200E]");
public void TestGender() {
Output<String> source = new Output<>();
Multimap<UnitPathType, String> partsUsed = TreeMultimap.create();
Factory factory = CLDR_CONFIG.getFullCldrFactory();
Set<String> available = factory.getAvailable();
int bad = 0;
for (String locale : SDI.hasGrammarInfo()) {
// skip ones without gender info
GrammarInfo gi = SDI.getGrammarInfo("fr");
Collection<String> genderInfo = gi.get(GrammaticalTarget.nominal, GrammaticalFeature.grammaticalGender, GrammaticalScope.general);
if (genderInfo.isEmpty()) {
if (CLDRConfig.SKIP_SEED && !available.contains(locale)) {
// check others
CLDRFile resolvedFile = factory.make(locale, true);
for (Entry<String, String> entry : converter.SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.entrySet()) {
final String shortUnitId = entry.getKey();
final String longUnitId = entry.getValue();
final UnitId unitId = converter.createUnitId(shortUnitId);
String rawGender = UnitPathType.gender.getTrans(resolvedFile, "long", shortUnitId, null, null, null, partsUsed);
if (rawGender != null) {
String gender = unitId.getGender(resolvedFile, source, partsUsed);
if (gender != null && !shortUnitId.equals(source.value)) {
if (!Objects.equals(rawGender, gender)) {
if (SHOW_DATA) {
System.out.println(locale + ": computed gender = raw gender for\t" + shortUnitId + "\t"
+ Joiner.on("\n\t\t").join(partsUsed.asMap().entrySet()));
if (bad > 0) {
warnln(bad + " units x locales with incorrect computed gender. Use -DTestUnits:SHOW_DATA for details." );
public void TestFallbackNames() {
String[][] sampleUnits = {
{"fr", "square-meter", "one", "nominative", "{0} mètre carré"},
{"fr", "square-meter", "other", "nominative", "{0} mètres carrés"},
{"fr", "square-decimeter", "other", "nominative", "{0} décimètres carrés"},
{"fr", "meter-per-square-second", "one", "nominative", "{0} mètre par seconde carrée"},
{"fr", "meter-per-square-second", "other", "nominative", "{0} mètres par seconde carrée"},
{"de", "square-meter", "other", "nominative", "{0} Quadratmeter"},
{"de", "square-decimeter", "other", "nominative", "{0} Quadratdezimeter"}, // real fail
{"de", "per-meter", "other", "nominative", "{0} pro Meter"},
{"de", "per-square-meter", "other", "nominative", "{0} pro Quadratmeter"},
{"de", "second-per-meter", "other", "nominative", "{0} Sekunden pro Meter"},
{"de", "meter-per-second", "other", "nominative", "{0} Meter pro Sekunde"},
{"de", "meter-per-square-second", "other", "nominative", "{0} Meter pro Quadratsekunde"},
{"de", "gigasecond-per-decimeter", "other", "nominative", "{0} Gigasekunden pro Dezimeter"},
{"de", "decimeter-per-gigasecond", "other", "nominative", "{0} Dezimeter pro Gigasekunde"}, // real fail
{"de", "gigasecond-milligram-per-centimeter-decisecond", "other", "nominative", "{0} Milligramm⋅Gigasekunden pro Zentimeter⋅Dezisekunde"},
{"de", "milligram-per-centimeter-decisecond", "other", "nominative", "{0} Milligramm pro Zentimeter⋅Dezisekunde"},
{"de", "per-centimeter-decisecond", "other", "nominative", "{0} pro Zentimeter⋅Dezisekunde"},
{"de", "gigasecond-milligram-per-centimeter", "other", "nominative", "{0} Milligramm⋅Gigasekunden pro Zentimeter"},
{"de", "gigasecond-milligram", "other", "nominative", "{0} Milligramm⋅Gigasekunden"},
{"de", "gigasecond-gram", "other", "nominative", "{0} Gramm⋅Gigasekunden"},
{"de", "gigasecond-kilogram", "other", "nominative", "{0} Kilogramm⋅Gigasekunden"},
{"de", "gigasecond-megagram", "other", "nominative", "{0} Megagramm⋅Gigasekunden"},
{"de", "dessert-spoon-imperial-per-dessert-spoon-imperial", "one", "nominative", "{0} Imp. Dessertlöffel pro Imp. Dessertlöffel"},
{"de", "dessert-spoon-imperial-per-dessert-spoon-imperial", "one", "accusative", "{0} Imp. Dessertlöffel pro Imp. Dessertlöffel"},
{"de", "dessert-spoon-imperial-per-dessert-spoon-imperial", "other", "dative", "{0} Imp. Dessertlöffeln pro Imp. Dessertlöffel"},
{"de", "dessert-spoon-imperial-per-dessert-spoon-imperial", "one", "genitive", "{0} Imp. Dessertlöffels pro Imp. Dessertlöffel"},
// TODO: pick names (eg in Polish) that show differences in case.
// {"de", "foebar-foobar-per-fiebar-faebar", "other", "genitive", null},
ImmutableMap<String, String> frOverrides = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder() // insufficient data in French as yet
.put("//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"long\"]/compoundUnit[@type=\"power2\"]/compoundUnitPattern1[@count=\"one\"]", "{0} carré") //
.put("//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"long\"]/compoundUnit[@type=\"power2\"]/compoundUnitPattern1[@count=\"other\"]", "{0} carrés") //
.put("//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"long\"]/compoundUnit[@type=\"power2\"]/compoundUnitPattern1[@count=\"one\"][@gender=\"feminine\"]", "{0} carrée") //
.put("//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"long\"]/compoundUnit[@type=\"power2\"]/compoundUnitPattern1[@count=\"other\"][@gender=\"feminine\"]", "{0} carrées") //
Multimap<UnitPathType, String> partsUsed = TreeMultimap.create();
int count = 0;
for (String[] row : sampleUnits) {
final String locale = row[0];
CLDRFile resolvedFileRaw = CLDR_CONFIG.getCLDRFile(locale, true);
LocaleStringProvider resolvedFile;
switch(locale) {
case "fr": resolvedFile = resolvedFileRaw.makeOverridingStringProvider(frOverrides); break;
default: resolvedFile = resolvedFileRaw; break;
String shortUnitId = row[1];
String pluralCategory = row[2];
String caseVariant = row[3];
String expectedName = row[4];
if (shortUnitId.equals("gigasecond-milligram")) {
int debug = 0;
final UnitId unitId = converter.createUnitId(shortUnitId);
final String actual = unitId.toString(resolvedFile, "long", pluralCategory, caseVariant, partsUsed, false);
assertEquals(count + ") " + Arrays.asList(row).toString() + "\n\t" + Joiner.on("\n\t").join(partsUsed.asMap().entrySet()), fixSpaces(expectedName), fixSpaces(actual));
public void TestFileFallbackNames() {
Multimap<UnitPathType, String> partsUsed = TreeMultimap.create();
// first gather all the examples
Set<String> skippedUnits = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Set<String> testSet = StandardCodes.make().getLocaleCoverageLocales(Organization.cldr);
Counter<String> localeToErrorCount = new Counter<>();
for (String localeId : testSet) {
if (localeId.contains("_")) {
continue; // skip to make test shorter
CLDRFile resolvedFile = CLDR_CONFIG.getCLDRFile(localeId, true);
PluralInfo pluralInfo = CLDR_CONFIG.getSupplementalDataInfo().getPlurals(localeId);
PluralRules pluralRules = pluralInfo.getPluralRules();
GrammarInfo grammarInfo =CLDR_CONFIG.getSupplementalDataInfo().getGrammarInfo(localeId);
Collection<String> caseVariants = grammarInfo == null ? null
: grammarInfo.get(GrammaticalTarget.nominal, GrammaticalFeature.grammaticalCase, GrammaticalScope.units);
if (caseVariants == null || caseVariants.isEmpty()) {
caseVariants = Collections.singleton("nominative");
for (Entry<String, String> entry : converter.SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.entrySet()) {
final String shortUnitId = entry.getKey();
if (converter.getComplexity(shortUnitId) == UnitComplexity.simple) {
if (UnitConverter.HACK_SKIP_UNIT_NAMES.contains(shortUnitId)) {
final String longUnitId = entry.getValue();
final UnitId unitId = converter.createUnitId(shortUnitId);
for (String width : Arrays.asList("long")) { // , "short", "narrow"
for (String pluralCategory : pluralRules.getKeywords()) {
for (String caseVariant : caseVariants) {
String composedName;
try {
composedName = unitId.toString(resolvedFile, width, pluralCategory, caseVariant, partsUsed, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
composedName = "ERROR:" + e.getMessage();
if (composedName != null && (composedName.contains("′") || composedName.contains("″"))) { // skip special cases
String transName = UnitPathType.unit.getTrans(resolvedFile, width, shortUnitId, pluralCategory, caseVariant, null, isVerbose() ? partsUsed : null);
// HACK to fix different spaces around placeholder
if (!Objects.equals(fixSpaces(transName), fixSpaces(composedName))) {
logln("\t" + localeId
+ "\t" + shortUnitId
+ "\t" + width
+ "\t" + pluralCategory
+ "\t" + caseVariant
+ "\texpected ≠ fallback\t«" + transName + "»\t≠\t«" + composedName+ "»"
+ partsUsed);
localeToErrorCount.add(localeId, 1);
if (!localeToErrorCount.isEmpty()) {
warnln("composed name ≠ translated name: " + localeToErrorCount.getTotal() + ". Use -DTestUnits:SHOW_COMPOSE to see summary");
for (R2<Long, String> entry : localeToErrorCount.getEntrySetSortedByCount(false, null)) {
System.out.println("composed name ≠ translated name: " + entry.get0() + "\t" + entry.get1());
if (!skippedUnits.isEmpty()) {
warnln("Skipped unsupported units: " + skippedUnits);
public String fixSpaces(String transName) {
return transName == null ? null : NORM_SPACES.matcher(transName).replaceAll(" ");
public void TestCheckUnits() {
CheckUnits checkUnits = new CheckUnits();
PathHeader.Factory phf = PathHeader.getFactory();
for (String locale : Arrays.asList("en", "fr", "de", "pl", "el")) {
CLDRFile cldrFile = CLDR_CONFIG.getCldrFactory().make(locale, true);
Options options = new Options();
List<CheckStatus> possibleErrors = new ArrayList<>();
checkUnits.setCldrFileToCheck(cldrFile, options, possibleErrors);
for (String path :, false).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList())) {
UnitPathType pathType = UnitPathType.getPathType(XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path));
if (pathType == null || pathType == UnitPathType.unit) {
String value = cldrFile.getStringValue(path);
checkUnits.check(path, path, value, options, possibleErrors);
if (!possibleErrors.isEmpty()) {
PathHeader ph = phf.fromPath(path);
logln(locale + "\t" + ph.getCode() + "\t" + possibleErrors.toString());
public void TestDerivedCase() {
// needs further work
if (logKnownIssue("CLDR-13920", "finish this as part of unit derivation work")) {
for (String locale : Arrays.asList("pl", "ru")) {
CLDRFile cldrFile = CLDR_CONFIG.getCldrFactory().make(locale, true);
GrammarInfo gi = SDI.getGrammarInfo(locale);
Collection<String> rawCases = gi.get(GrammaticalTarget.nominal, GrammaticalFeature.grammaticalCase, GrammaticalScope.units);
PluralInfo plurals = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance().getPlurals(PluralType.cardinal, locale);
Collection<Count> adjustedPlurals = plurals.getCounts();
Output<String> sourceCase = new Output<>();
Output<String> sourcePlural = new Output<>();
M4<String, String, String, Boolean> myInfo = ChainedMap.of(new TreeMap<String,Object>(), new TreeMap<String,Object>(), new TreeMap<String,Object>(), Boolean.class);
int count = 0;
for (String longUnit : GrammarInfo.getUnitsToAddGrammar()) {
final String shortUnit = converter.getShortId(longUnit);
String gender = UnitPathType.gender.getTrans(cldrFile, "long", shortUnit, null, null, null, null);
for (String desiredCase : rawCases) {
// gather some general information
for (Count plural : adjustedPlurals) {
String value = UnitPathType.unit.getTrans(cldrFile, "long", shortUnit, plural.toString(), desiredCase, gender, null);
myInfo.put(gender, shortUnit + "\t" + value, plural.toString() + "+" + desiredCase, true);
// do actual test
if (desiredCase.contentEquals("nominative")) {
for (String desiredPlural : Arrays.asList("few", "other")) {
String value = UnitPathType.unit.getTrans(cldrFile, "long", shortUnit, desiredPlural, desiredCase, gender, null);
gi.getSourceCaseAndPlural(locale, gender, value, desiredCase, desiredPlural, sourceCase, sourcePlural);
String sourceValue = UnitPathType.unit.getTrans(cldrFile, "long", shortUnit, sourcePlural.value, sourceCase.value, gender, null);
assertEquals(count++ + ") " + locale
+ ",\tshort unit/gender: " + shortUnit
+ " / " + gender
+ ",\tdesired case/plural: " + desiredCase
+ " / " + desiredPlural
+ ",\tsource case/plural: " + sourceCase
+ " / " + sourcePlural
, value, sourceValue);
for (Entry<String, Map<String, Map<String, Boolean>>> m : myInfo) {
for (Entry<String, Map<String, Boolean>> t : m.getValue().entrySet()) {
System.out.println(m.getKey() + "\t" + t.getKey() + "\t" + t.getValue().keySet());
public void TestGenderOfCompounds() {
Set<String> skipUnits = ImmutableSet.of("kilocalorie", "kilopascal", "terabyte", "gigabyte", "kilobyte", "gigabit", "kilobit", "megabit", "megabyte", "terabit");
final ImmutableSet<String> keyValues = ImmutableSet.of("length", "mass", "duration", "power");
int noGendersForLocales = 0;
int localesWithNoGenders = 0;
int localesWithSomeMissingGenders = 0;
for (String localeID : GrammarInfo.getGrammarLocales()) {
GrammarInfo grammarInfo = SDI.getGrammarInfo(localeID);
if (grammarInfo == null) {
logln("No grammar info for: " + localeID);
UnitConverter converter = SDI.getUnitConverter();
Collection<String> genderInfo = grammarInfo.get(GrammaticalTarget.nominal, GrammaticalFeature.grammaticalGender, GrammaticalScope.units);
if (genderInfo.isEmpty()) {
CLDRFile cldrFile = info.getCldrFactory().make(localeID, true);
Map<String,String> shortUnitToGender = new TreeMap<>();
Output<String> source = new Output<>();
Multimap<UnitPathType, String> partsUsed = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
Set<String> units = new HashSet<>();
M4<String, String, String, Boolean> quantityToGenderToUnits = ChainedMap.of(new TreeMap<String,Object>(), new TreeMap<String,Object>(), new TreeMap<String,Object>(), Boolean.class);
M4<String, String, String, Boolean> genderToQuantityToUnits = ChainedMap.of(new TreeMap<String,Object>(), new TreeMap<String,Object>(), new TreeMap<String,Object>(), Boolean.class);
for (String path : cldrFile) {
if (!path.startsWith("//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"long\"]/unit[@type=")) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
final String shortId = converter.getShortId(parts.getAttributeValue(-2, "type"));
if (NOT_CONVERTABLE.contains(shortId)) {
String quantity = null;
try {
quantity = converter.getQuantityFromUnit(shortId, false);
} catch (Exception e) {}
if (quantity == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No quantity for " + shortId);
String gender = null;
if (parts.size() == 5 && parts.getElement(-1).equals("gender")) {
gender = cldrFile.getStringValue(path);
if (true) {
quantityToGenderToUnits.put(quantity, gender, shortId, true);
genderToQuantityToUnits.put(quantity, gender, shortId, true);
} else {
if (units.contains(shortId)) {
UnitId unitId = converter.createUnitId(shortId);
String constructedGender = unitId.getGender(cldrFile, source, partsUsed);
boolean multiUnit = unitId.denUnitsToPowers.size() + unitId.denUnitsToPowers.size() > 1;
if (gender == null && (constructedGender == null || !multiUnit)) {
final boolean areEqual = Objects.equals(gender, constructedGender);
if (false) {
final String printInfo = localeID + "\t" + unitId + "\t" + gender + "\t" + multiUnit + "\t" + quantity + "\t" + constructedGender + "\t" + areEqual;
if (gender != null && !areEqual && !skipUnits.contains(shortId)) {
unitId.getGender(cldrFile, source, partsUsed);
shortUnitToGender.put(shortId, unitId + "\t actual gender: " + gender + "\t constructed gender:" + constructedGender);
if (quantityToGenderToUnits.keySet().isEmpty()) {
if (SHOW_DATA) {
System.out.println("No genders for\t" + localeID);
for (Entry<String,String> entry : shortUnitToGender.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(localeID + "\t" + entry);
Set<String> missing = new LinkedHashSet<>(genderInfo);
for (String quantity : keyValues) {
M3<String, String, Boolean> genderToUnits = quantityToGenderToUnits.get(quantity);
showData(localeID, null, quantity, genderToUnits);
for (String quantity : quantityToGenderToUnits.keySet()) {
M3<String, String, Boolean> genderToUnits = quantityToGenderToUnits.get(quantity);
showData(localeID, missing, quantity, genderToUnits);
for (String gender : missing) {
if (SHOW_DATA) {
System.out.println("Missing values: " + localeID + "\t" + "?" + "\t" + gender + "\t?");
if (noGendersForLocales > 0) {
warnln(noGendersForLocales + " units x locales with missing gender. Use -DTestUnits:SHOW_DATA for info, -DTestUnits:SHOW_COMPOSE for compositions" );
public void printlnIfZero(int noGendersForLocales) {
if (noGendersForLocales == 0) {
public void showData(String localeID, Set<String> genderFilter, String quantity, final M3<String, String, Boolean> genderToUnits) {
for (Entry<String, Map<String, Boolean>> entry2 : genderToUnits) {
String gender = entry2.getKey();
if (genderFilter != null) {
if(!genderFilter.contains(gender)) {
for (String unit : entry2.getValue().keySet()) {
logln(localeID + "\t" + quantity + "\t" + gender + "\t" + unit);
static final boolean DEBUG_DERIVATION = false;
public void testDerivation() {
int count = 0;
for (String locale : SDI.hasGrammarDerivation()) {
GrammarDerivation gd = SDI.getGrammarDerivation(locale);
if (DEBUG_DERIVATION) System.out.println(locale + " => " + gd);
assertNotEquals("hasGrammarDerivation", 0, count);
static final boolean DEBUG_ORDER = false;
public void TestUnitOrder() {
for (Entry<String, Collection<Continuation>> entry : converter.getContinuations().asMap().entrySet()) {
for (Entry<String, String> entry : converter.getBaseUnitToQuantity().entrySet()) {
checkNormalization("base-quantity, " + entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
// check root list
// crucial that this is stable!!
Set<String> shortUnitsFound = checkCldrFileUnits("root unit", CLDRConfig.getInstance().getRoot());
final Set<String> shortValidRegularUnits = converter.getShortIds(VALID_REGULAR_UNITS);
assertEquals("root units - regular units", Collections.emptySet(),
Sets.difference(shortUnitsFound, shortValidRegularUnits));
assertEquals("regular units - special_untranslated - root units", Collections.emptySet(),
Sets.difference(Sets.difference(shortValidRegularUnits, UnitConverter.UNTRANSLATED_UNIT_NAMES), shortUnitsFound));
// check English also
checkCldrFileUnits("en unit", CLDRConfig.getInstance().getEnglish());
for (String unit : converter.canConvert()) {
checkNormalization("convertable", unit);
String baseUnitId = converter.getBaseUnit(unit);
checkNormalization("convertable base", baseUnitId);
checkNormalization("test case", "foot-acre", "acre-foot");
checkNormalization("test case", "meter-newton", "newton-meter");
checkNormalization("test case", "newton-meter");
checkNormalization("test case", "acre-foot");
String stdAcre = converter.getStandardUnit("acre");
UnitOrdering unitOrdering = new UnitOrdering();
List<String> simpleBaseUnits = new ArrayList<>();
for (ExternalUnitConversionData data : NistUnits.externalConversionData) {
// unitOrdering.add(data.source);
final String source = data.source;
final String target =;
checkNormalization("nist core, " + source, target);
for (Entry<String, TargetInfo> data : NistUnits.derivedUnitToConversion.entrySet()) {
final String target = data.getValue().target;
checkNormalization("nist derived", target);
System.out.println("Pass 1\n" + unitOrdering.orderingData);
for (String baseUnit : converter.getBaseUnitToQuantity().keySet()) {
String status = converter.getBaseUnitToStatus().get(baseUnit);
if ("simple".equals(status)) {
System.out.println("Pass 2\n" + unitOrdering.orderingData);
if (DEBUG_ORDER) System.out.println("Extracted data\n" + Joiner.on('\n').join(unitOrdering.orderingData.asMap().entrySet()));
if (DEBUG_ORDER) System.out.println("Building data");
// check the builder first
TotalOrderBuilder<String> totalOrderBuilder = new TotalOrderBuilder<>();
if (false) {
totalOrderBuilder.add("meter", "second").add("kilogram", "meter");;
totalOrderBuilder.add("meter", "second").add("kilogram", "meter").add("second", "kilogram");
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Problem in TotalOrderBuilder");
if (DEBUG_ORDER)System.out.println("Show ordering");
// now all the units
for (List<String> orderedUnits : unitOrdering.orderingData.asMap().keySet()) {
List<String> baseUnits = new ArrayList<>();
for (String orderedUnit : orderedUnits) {
baseUnits.add(unitOrdering.getId(orderedUnit, unitOrdering.rejects));
if (DEBUG_ORDER)System.out.println(orderedUnits + "\t" + baseUnits);
for (String simpleBaseUnit : simpleBaseUnits) {
if (DEBUG_ORDER)System.out.println(totalOrderBuilder);
if (DEBUG_ORDER)System.out.println("Rejects: " + unitOrdering.rejects);
if (DEBUG_ORDER)System.out.println("Ordering: " +;
// for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : piecesToOccurences.asMap().entrySet()) {
// System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "\t" + entry.getValue());
// }
/** Checks the normalization of units found in the file, and returns the set of shortUnitIds found in the file */
public Set<String> checkCldrFileUnits(String title, final CLDRFile cldrFile) {
Set<String> shortUnitsFound = new TreeSet<>();
for (String path : cldrFile) {
if (!path.startsWith("//ldml/units/unitLength")) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
String longUnitId = parts.findAttributeValue("unit", "type");
if (longUnitId == null) {
String shortUnitId = converter.getShortId(longUnitId);
checkNormalization(title, shortUnitId);
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(shortUnitsFound);
public void checkNormalization(String title, String source, String expected) {
String oldExpected = normalizationCache.get(source);
if (oldExpected != null) {
if (!oldExpected.equals(expected)) {
assertEquals(title + ", consistent expected results for " + source, oldExpected, expected);
normalizationCache.put(source, expected);
UnitId unitId = converter.createUnitId(source);
assertEquals(title + ", unit order", expected, unitId.toString());
public void checkNormalization(String title, String source) {
checkNormalization(title, source, source);
static class UnitOrdering {
boolean SKIP_POWERS = true;
Set<String> SKIP_UNITS = ImmutableSet.of(
final Set<String> SUFFIXES = ImmutableSet.of(
final Set<String> POWERS = ImmutableSet.of(
// mil-inch, perm-inch
Set<String> seen = new HashSet<>();
Multimap<String, String> piecesToOccurences = TreeMultimap.create();
Multimap<String, Continuation> continuations = converter.getContinuations();
TreeMultimap<List<String>, String> orderingData = TreeMultimap.create(Comparators.lexicographical(Ordering.natural()), Ordering.natural());
TreeSet<String> rejects = new TreeSet<>();
void add(String unitId) {
if (!unitId.contains("-")
|| !seen.add(unitId)
|| SKIP_UNITS.contains(unitId)) {
if (unitId.contains("square-meter-kilogram")) {
int debug = 0;
List<String> pieces = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> orderedNumerator = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> orderedDenominator = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> current = orderedNumerator;
for (UnitIterator it = Continuation.split(unitId, continuations).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String unit =;
if (unit.equals("per")) {
if (current == orderedDenominator) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
handleOrdering(current, unitId);
current = orderedDenominator;
if (POWERS.contains(unit)) {
String nextUnit =;
nextUnit = UnitConverter.stripPrefix(nextUnit, null);
unit += "-" + nextUnit; // should never overrun
} else {
unit = UnitConverter.stripPrefix(unit, null);
String peek = it.peek();
while (peek != null && SUFFIXES.contains(peek)) {
unit += "-" + peek;;
peek = it.peek();
piecesToOccurences.put(unit, unitId);
handleOrdering(current, unitId);
//System.out.println(pieces + "\t=>\t" +;
Map<String, String> EXTRA_BASES = ImmutableMap.<String,String>builder()
.put("british-thermal-unitit", "joule")
.put("british-thermal-unitth", "joule")
.put("centimeter", "meter")
.put("circular-mil", "meter")
//.put("dry", "???")
.put("dyne", "newton")
.put("foot-survey", "meter")
.put("inch-0c", "meter")
.put("inch-23c", "meter")
.put("kilogram-force", "newton")
.put("kilowatt", "watt")
//.put("mil", "???")
.put("millimeter", "meter")
.put("ofhg-0c", "ofhg")
.put("ofhg-32f", "ofhg")
.put("ofhg-60f", "ofhg")
.put("ounce-force", "newton")
.put("perm", "kilogram-per-second-per-square-meter-per-pascal")
.put("poundal", "newton")
.put("rankine", "celcius")
public String getId(String orderedUnit, Set<String> rejects) {
String result = converter.getStandardUnit(orderedUnit);
if (result == null) {
result = EXTRA_BASES.get(orderedUnit);
if (result == null) {
return "???";
return result;
private void handleOrdering(ArrayList<String> current, String source) {
if (current.size() < 2) {
orderingData.put(current, source);
public void TestElectricConsumption() {
String inputUnit = "kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer";
String outputUnit = "kilogram-meter-per-square-second";
Rational result = converter.convert(Rational.ONE, inputUnit, outputUnit, DEBUG);
assertEquals("kWh-per-100k", Rational.of(36), result);
public void TestEnglishDisplayNames() {
CLDRFile en = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getEnglish();
ImmutableSet<String> unitSkips = ImmutableSet.of("temperature-generic", "graphics-em");
for (String path : en) {
if (path.startsWith("//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"long\"]") && path.endsWith("/displayName")) {
if (path.contains("coordinateUnit")) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
final String longUnitId = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "type");
if (unitSkips.contains(longUnitId)) {
final String width = parts.getAttributeValue(2, "type");
String displayName = en.getStringValue(path);
String pluralFormPath = path.substring(0,path.length()-"/displayName".length()) + "/unitPattern[@count=\"other\"]";
String pluralForm = en.getStringValue(pluralFormPath);
if (pluralForm == null) {
errln("Have display name but no plural: " + pluralFormPath);
} else {
String cleaned = pluralForm.replace("{0}", "").trim();
assertEquals("Unit display name should correspond to plural in English " + width + ", " + longUnitId,
cleaned, displayName);
enum TranslationStatus {has_grammar_M, has_grammar_X, add_grammar, skip_grammar, skip_trans}
/** Check which units are enabled for translation.
* If -v, then generates lines for spreadsheet checks.
public void TestUnitsToTranslate() {
Set<String> toTranslate = GrammarInfo.getUnitsToAddGrammar();
final CLDRConfig config = CLDRConfig.getInstance();
final UnitConverter converter = config.getSupplementalDataInfo().getUnitConverter();
Map<String, TranslationStatus> shortUnitToTranslationStatus40 = new TreeMap<>();
for (String longUnit : Validity.getInstance().getStatusToCodes(LstrType.unit).get(Status.regular)) {
String shortUnit = converter.getShortId(longUnit);
shortUnitToTranslationStatus40.put(shortUnit, TranslationStatus.skip_trans);
for (String path :"//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"short\"]/unit"))) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
String longUnit = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "type");
// Add simple units
String shortUnit = converter.getShortId(longUnit);
Set<UnitSystem> systems = converter.getSystemsEnum(shortUnit);
boolean siOrMetric = !Collections.disjoint(systems, UnitSystem.SiOrMetric);
TranslationStatus status =
toTranslate.contains(longUnit) ? (siOrMetric ? TranslationStatus.has_grammar_M : TranslationStatus.has_grammar_X)
: siOrMetric ? TranslationStatus.add_grammar : TranslationStatus.skip_grammar;
shortUnitToTranslationStatus40.put(shortUnit, status);
for (Entry<String, TranslationStatus> entry : shortUnitToTranslationStatus40.entrySet()) {
String shortUnit = entry.getKey();
TranslationStatus status40 = entry.getValue();
if (isVerbose()) System.out.println(shortUnit
+ "\t" + converter.getQuantityFromUnit(shortUnit, false)
+ "\t" + converter.getSystemsEnum(shortUnit)
+ "\t" + (converter.isSimple(shortUnit) ? "simple" : "complex")
+ "\t" + status40
static final String marker = "➗";
public void TestValidUnitIdComponents() {
for (String longUnit : VALID_REGULAR_UNITS) {
String shortUnit = SDI.getUnitConverter().getShortId(longUnit);
public void TestDeprecatedUnitIdComponents() {
for (String longUnit : DEPRECATED_REGULAR_UNITS) {
String shortUnit = SDI.getUnitConverter().getShortId(longUnit);
public void TestSelectedUnitIdComponents() {
public void checkShortUnit(String shortUnit) {
List<String> parts = SPLIT_DASH.splitToList(shortUnit);
List<String> simpleUnit = new ArrayList<>();
UnitIdComponentType lastType = null;
// structure is (prefix* base* suffix*) per ((prefix* base* suffix*)
for (String part : parts) {
UnitIdComponentType type = getUnitIdComponentType(part);
switch(type) {
case prefix:
if (lastType != UnitIdComponentType.prefix && !simpleUnit.isEmpty()) {
case base:
if (lastType != UnitIdComponentType.prefix && !simpleUnit.isEmpty()) {
case suffix:
if (!(lastType == UnitIdComponentType.base || lastType == UnitIdComponentType.suffix)) {
if ("metric".equals(part)) { // backward compatibility for metric ton; only needed if deprecated ids are allowed
lastType = UnitIdComponentType.prefix;
} else {
errln(simpleUnit + "/" + part + "; suffix only after base or suffix: " + false);
// could add more conditions on these
case and:
assertNotNull(simpleUnit + "/" + part + "; not at start", lastType);
// fall through
case power:
case per:
assertNotEquals(simpleUnit + "/" + part + "; illegal after prefix", UnitIdComponentType.prefix, lastType);
if (!simpleUnit.isEmpty()) {
simpleUnit.add(part + "*" + type.toShortId());
lastType = type;
assertTrue(simpleUnit + ": last item must be base or suffix",
lastType == UnitIdComponentType.base || lastType == UnitIdComponentType.suffix);
logln("\t" + shortUnit + "\t" + simpleUnit.toString());
public UnitIdComponentType getUnitIdComponentType(String part) {
return SDI.getUnitIdComponentType(part);
public void TestMetricTon() {
assertTrue("metric-ton is deprecated", DEPRECATED_REGULAR_UNITS.contains("mass-metric-ton"));
assertEquals("metric-ton is deprecated", "tonne", SDI.getUnitConverter().fixDenormalized("metric-ton"));
assertEquals("to short", "metric-ton", SDI.getUnitConverter().getShortId("mass-metric-ton"));
//assertEquals("to long", "mass-metric-ton", SDI.getUnitConverter().getLongId("metric-ton"));
public void TestUnitParser() {
UnitParser up = new UnitParser();
for (String longUnit : VALID_REGULAR_UNITS) {
String shortUnit = SDI.getUnitConverter().getShortId(longUnit);
checkParse(up, shortUnit);
private List<Pair<String, UnitIdComponentType>> checkParse(UnitParser up, String shortUnit) {
List<Pair<String, UnitIdComponentType>> results = new ArrayList<>();
Output<UnitIdComponentType> type = new Output<>();
while (true) {
String result = up.nextParse(type);
if (result == null) {
results.add(new Pair<>(result, type.value));
logln(shortUnit + "\t" + results);
return results;
public void TestUnitParserSelected() {
UnitParser up = new UnitParser();
String[][] tests = {
// unit, exception, resultList
{"british-force", "Unit suffix must follow base: british ❌ force"}, // prefix-suffix
{"force", "Unit suffix must follow base: null ❌ force"}, // suffix
{"british-and-french", "Unit prefix must be followed with base: british ❌ and"}, // prefix-and
{"british", "Unit prefix must be followed with base: british ❌ null"}, // prefix
{"g-force-light-year", null, "[(g-force,base), (light-year,base)]"}, // suffix
for (String[] test : tests) {
String shortUnit = test[0];
String expectedError = test[1];
String expectedResult = test.length <= 2 ? null : test[2];
String actualError = null;
List<Pair<String, UnitIdComponentType>> actualResult = null;
try {
actualResult = checkParse(up, shortUnit);
} catch (Exception e) {
actualError = e.getMessage();
assertEquals(shortUnit + " exception", expectedError, actualError);
assertEquals(shortUnit + " result", expectedResult, actualResult == null ? null : actualResult.toString());
public void TestUnitParserAgainstContinuations() {
UnitParser up = new UnitParser();
UnitConverter uc = SDI.getUnitConverter();
Multimap<String, Continuation> continuations = uc.getContinuations();
Output<UnitIdComponentType> type = new Output<>();
for (String longUnit : VALID_REGULAR_UNITS) {
String shortUnit = SDI.getUnitConverter().getShortId(longUnit);
if (shortUnit.contains("100")) {
logKnownIssue("CLDR-15929", "Code doesn't handle 100");
UnitIterator x = UnitConverter.Continuation.split(shortUnit, continuations);
int count = 0;
while (true) {
String upSegment = up.nextParse(type);
String continuationSegment = x.hasNext() ? : null;
if (upSegment == null || continuationSegment == null) {
assertEquals(count + ") " + shortUnit
+ " Same number of segments ", continuationSegment == null, upSegment == null);
assertTrue("type is never suffix or prefix", UnitIdComponentType.suffix != type.value && UnitIdComponentType.prefix != type.value);
if (!assertEquals(count + ") " + shortUnit
+ " Segments equal ", continuationSegment, upSegment)) {
break; // stop at first difference