blob: 49c32e835713e0dbbb6e8910f52c548f6bc4e241 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.util.personname;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.Field;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.ModifiedField;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.Modifier;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.NameObject;
* Simple implementation for testing and using in CLDR examples.
* Note: an invariant is that if there is a value for a modified field, there must be a value for the completely unmodified field.
* Immutable
public class SimpleNameObject implements NameObject {
private final ULocale nameLocale;
private final Map<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> patternData;
private ImmutableMap<ModifiedField, String> modifiedFieldToValue;
public Set<Field> getAvailableFields() {
return patternData.keySet();
public ImmutableMap<ModifiedField, String> getModifiedFieldToValue() {
return modifiedFieldToValue;
* Return the best fit.
* The data is organized by field, and then by modifier sets.
* The ordering is lexicographic among items with the same number of elements, so we favor earlier values in Modifier.values();
* We are guaranteed by construction that the last one is empty
public String getBestValue(ModifiedField modifiedField, Set<Modifier> remainingModifers) {
final Set<Modifier> modifiers = modifiedField.getModifiers();
remainingModifers.clear(); // just in case caller didn't
remainingModifers.addAll(modifiers); // we may reduce below.
// First check for match to field
Map<Set<Modifier>, String> fieldData = patternData.get(modifiedField.getField());
if (fieldData == null) {
return null;
final Set<Entry<Set<Modifier>, String>> fieldDataEntries = fieldData.entrySet();
// Catch the very common case, one choice
// It will have no modifiers, so we add all to remaining
if (fieldDataEntries.size() == 1) {
return fieldDataEntries.iterator().next().getValue();
// Find the longest match for the field modifiers
// If there are multiple, choose the lexicographically first, by construction
// Note: we could shortcut the case where there are no modifiers, but probably not worth it since the lists will be short
String bestValue = null;
Set<Modifier> bestModifiers = ImmutableSet.of(); // empty
String lastValue = null; // we return this if there is no match
int largestIntersectionSize = -1;
for (Entry<Set<Modifier>, String> entry : fieldDataEntries) {
lastValue = entry.getValue();
Set<Modifier> dataModifiers = entry.getKey();
if (dataModifiers.size() <= largestIntersectionSize) {
// we know that we can't get any longer than we have, so we can skip anything else
int intersectionSize = PersonNameFormatter.getIntersectionSize(dataModifiers, modifiers);
if (intersectionSize != 0 && intersectionSize > largestIntersectionSize) {
bestValue = lastValue;
bestModifiers = dataModifiers;
largestIntersectionSize = intersectionSize;
// Remove any modifiers we used
// return the last value if there was no match
return bestValue == null ? lastValue : bestValue;
public ULocale getNameLocale() {
return nameLocale;
public SimpleNameObject(ULocale nameLocale, Map<ModifiedField, String> patternData) {
this.nameLocale = nameLocale == null ? ULocale.ROOT : nameLocale;
this.modifiedFieldToValue = ImmutableMap.copyOf(patternData);
Map<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> _patternData = new EnumMap<>(Field.class);
for (Entry<ModifiedField, String> entry : patternData.entrySet()) {
ModifiedField modifiedField = entry.getKey();
final Field field = modifiedField.getField();
final Set<Modifier> modifiers = modifiedField.getModifiers();
final String value = entry.getValue();
putChain(_patternData, field, modifiers, value);
// check data, and adjust as necessary
Map<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> additions = null;
for (Entry<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> entry : _patternData.entrySet()) {
Map<Set<Modifier>, String> map = entry.getValue();
if (map.get(Modifier.EMPTY) == null) {
// ok to have no empty map if there exists a core
// in that case, we manufacture a name
String coreValue = map.get(ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.core));
if (coreValue == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Every field must have a completely modified value " + entry);
String prefixValue = map.get(ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.prefix));
if (additions == null) {
additions = new EnumMap<>(Field.class);
Field field = entry.getKey();
putChain(additions, field, Modifier.EMPTY, prefixValue == null ? coreValue : prefixValue + " " + coreValue);
if (additions != null) { // copy in additions
for (Entry<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> entry : additions.entrySet()) {
Field field = entry.getKey();
for (Entry<Set<Modifier>, String> entry2 : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
putChain(_patternData, field, entry2.getKey(), entry2.getValue());
this.patternData = CldrUtility.protectCollection(_patternData);
private void putChain(Map<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> _patternData, final Field field, final Set<Modifier> modifiers, final String value) {
Map<Set<Modifier>, String> fieldData = _patternData.get(field);
if (fieldData == null) {
_patternData.put(field, fieldData = new TreeMap<>(Modifier.LONGEST_FIRST));
fieldData.put(modifiers, value);
* Takes string in form locale=fr, given=John Bob, given2=Edwin ...
public static SimpleNameObject from(String namePattern) {
Map<ModifiedField, String> patternData = new LinkedHashMap<>();
ULocale nameLocale = ULocale.ROOT;
for (String setting : PersonNameFormatter.SPLIT_COMMA.split(namePattern)) {
List<String> parts = PersonNameFormatter.SPLIT_EQUALS.splitToList(setting);
if (parts.size() != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad format, should be like: given=John Bob, given2=Edwin, …: " + namePattern);
final String key = parts.get(0);
final String value = parts.get(1);
switch(key) {
case "locale":
nameLocale = new ULocale(value);
patternData.put(ModifiedField.from(key), value);
return new SimpleNameObject(nameLocale, patternData);
public String toString() {
return "{locale=" + nameLocale + " " + "patternData=" + show(patternData) + "}";
public enum ShowStyle {
toString("{", ", ", "}"),
semicolon("", "; ", "");
private final String start;
private final String middle;
private final String end;
private ShowStyle(String start, String middle, String end) {
this.start = start;
this.middle = middle;
this.end = end;
public static String show(Map<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> patternData2) {
return show(patternData2, ShowStyle.toString);
public static String show(Map<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> patternData2, ShowStyle showStyle) {
// make a bit more concise
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(showStyle.start);
boolean first = true;
for (Entry<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> entry : patternData2.entrySet()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
Map<Set<Modifier>, String> map = entry.getValue();
if (map.size() == 1) {
sb.append(map.values().iterator().next()); // if there is one value, we are guaranteed the key is empty
} else {
return sb.append(showStyle.end).toString();
public Map<Field, Map<Set<Modifier>, String>> getPatternData() {
return patternData;