blob: 9d75f219fce515b7163dddf73c3fa51f415abc26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Parser for XPath
* Each XPathParts object describes a single path, with its xPath member, for example
* //ldml/characters/exemplarCharacters[@type="auxiliary"]
* and a list of Element objects that depend on xPath.
* Each Element object has an "element" string such as "ldml", "characters", or "exemplarCharacters",
* plus attributes such as a Map from key "type" to value "auxiliary".
public final class XPathParts implements Freezable<XPathParts>, Comparable<XPathParts> {
private static final boolean DEBUGGING = false;
private volatile boolean frozen = false;
private List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<>();
private DtdData dtdData = null;
private static final Map<String, XPathParts> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Construct a new empty XPathParts object.
* Note: for faster performance, call getFrozenInstance or getInstance instead of this constructor.
* This constructor remains public for special cases in which individual elements are added with
* addElement rather than using a complete path string.
public XPathParts() {
* See if the xpath contains an element
public boolean containsElement(String element) {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
if (elements.get(i).getElement().equals(element)) {
return true;
return false;
* Empty the xpath
* Called by JsonConverter.rewrite() and CLDRFile.write()
public XPathParts clear() {
dtdData = null;
return this;
* Write out the difference from this xpath and the last, putting the value in the right place. Closes up the
* elements that were not closed, and opens up the new.
* @param pw the PrintWriter to receive output
* @param filteredXPath used for calling filteredXPath.writeComment; may or may not be same as "this";
* "filtered" is from xpath, while "this" may be from getFullXPath(xpath)
* @param lastFullXPath the last XPathParts (not filtered), or null (to be treated same as empty)
* @param v getStringValue(xpath); or empty string
* @param xpath_comments the Comments object; or null
* @return this XPathParts
* Note: this method gets THREE XPathParts objects: this, filteredXPath, and lastFullXPath.
* TODO: create a unit test that calls this function directly.
* Called only by XMLModify.main and CLDRFile.write, as follows:
* CLDRFile.write:
* current.writeDifference(pw, current, last, "", tempComments);
* current.writeDifference(pw, currentFiltered, last, v, tempComments);
* XMLModify.main:
* parts.writeDifference(out, parts, lastParts, value, null);
public XPathParts writeDifference(PrintWriter pw, XPathParts filteredXPath, XPathParts lastFullXPath,
String v, Comments xpath_comments) {
int limit = (lastFullXPath == null) ? 0 : findFirstDifference(lastFullXPath);
if (lastFullXPath != null) {
// write the end of the last one
for (int i = lastFullXPath.size() - 2; i >= limit; --i) {
pw.print(Utility.repeat("\t", i));
if (v == null) {
return this; // end
// now write the start of the current
for (int i = limit; i < size() - 1; ++i) {
if (xpath_comments != null) {
filteredXPath.writeComment(pw, xpath_comments, i + 1, Comments.CommentType.PREBLOCK);
pw.print(Utility.repeat("\t", i));
if (xpath_comments != null) {
filteredXPath.writeComment(pw, xpath_comments, size(), Comments.CommentType.PREBLOCK);
// now write element itself
pw.print(Utility.repeat("\t", (size() - 1)));
Element e = elements.get(size() - 1);
String eValue = v;
if (eValue.length() == 0) {
} else {
pw.print(untrim(eValue, size()));
if (xpath_comments != null) {
filteredXPath.writeComment(pw, xpath_comments, size(), Comments.CommentType.LINE);
if (xpath_comments != null) {
filteredXPath.writeComment(pw, xpath_comments, size(), Comments.CommentType.POSTBLOCK);
return this;
* Write the last xpath.
* last.writeLast(pw) is equivalent to current.clear().writeDifference(pw, null, last, null, tempComments).
* @param pw the PrintWriter to receive output
public void writeLast(PrintWriter pw) {
for (int i = this.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
pw.print(Utility.repeat("\t", i));
private String untrim(String eValue, int count) {
String result = TransliteratorUtilities.toHTML.transliterate(eValue);
if (!result.contains("\n")) {
return result;
String spacer = "\n" + Utility.repeat("\t", count);
result = result.replace("\n", spacer);
return result;
public static class Comments implements Cloneable {
public enum CommentType {
private EnumMap<CommentType, Map<String, String>> comments = new EnumMap<>(
public Comments() {
for (CommentType c : CommentType.values()) {
comments.put(c, new HashMap<String, String>());
public String getComment(CommentType style, String xpath) {
return comments.get(style).get(xpath);
public Comments addComment(CommentType style, String xpath, String comment) {
String existing = comments.get(style).get(xpath);
if (existing != null) {
comment = existing + XPathParts.NEWLINE + comment;
comments.get(style).put(xpath, comment);
return this;
public String removeComment(CommentType style, String xPath) {
String result = comments.get(style).get(xPath);
if (result != null) comments.get(style).remove(xPath);
return result;
public List<String> extractCommentsWithoutBase() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (CommentType style : CommentType.values()) {
for (Iterator<String> it = comments.get(style).keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String key =;
String value = comments.get(style).get(key);
result.add(value + "\t - was on: " + key);
return result;
public Object clone() {
try {
Comments result = (Comments) super.clone();
for (CommentType c : CommentType.values()) {
result.comments.put(c, new HashMap<>(comments.get(c)));
return result;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new InternalError("should never happen");
* @param other
public Comments joinAll(Comments other) {
for (CommentType c : CommentType.values()) {
CldrUtility.joinWithSeparation(comments.get(c), XPathParts.NEWLINE, other.comments.get(c));
return this;
* @param string
public Comments removeComment(String string) {
if (initialComment.equals(string)) initialComment = "";
if (finalComment.equals(string)) finalComment = "";
for (CommentType c : CommentType.values()) {
for (Iterator<String> it = comments.get(c).keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String key =;
String value = comments.get(c).get(key);
if (!value.equals(string)) continue;
return this;
private String initialComment = "";
private String finalComment = "";
* @return Returns the finalComment.
public String getFinalComment() {
return finalComment;
* @param finalComment
* The finalComment to set.
public Comments setFinalComment(String finalComment) {
this.finalComment = finalComment;
return this;
* @return Returns the initialComment.
public String getInitialComment() {
return initialComment;
* @param initialComment
* The initialComment to set.
public Comments setInitialComment(String initialComment) {
this.initialComment = initialComment;
return this;
* @param pw
* @param xpath_comments
* @param index
private XPathParts writeComment(PrintWriter pw, Comments xpath_comments, int index, Comments.CommentType style) {
if (index == 0) return this;
String xpath = toString(index);
Log.logln(DEBUGGING, "Checking for: " + xpath);
String comment = xpath_comments.removeComment(style, xpath);
if (comment != null) {
boolean blockComment = style != Comments.CommentType.LINE;
XPathParts.writeComment(pw, index - 1, comment, blockComment);
return this;
* Finds the first place where the xpaths differ.
public int findFirstDifference(XPathParts last) {
int min = elements.size();
if (last.elements.size() < min) min = last.elements.size();
for (int i = 0; i < min; ++i) {
Element e1 = elements.get(i);
Element e2 = last.elements.get(i);
if (!e1.equals(e2)) return i;
return min;
* Checks if the new xpath given is like the this one.
* The only diffrence may be extra alt and draft attributes but the
* value of type attribute is the same
* @param last
* @return
public boolean isLike(XPathParts last) {
int min = elements.size();
if (last.elements.size() < min) min = last.elements.size();
for (int i = 0; i < min; ++i) {
Element e1 = elements.get(i);
Element e2 = last.elements.get(i);
if (!e1.equals(e2)) {
/* is the current element the last one */
if (i == min - 1) {
String et1 = e1.getAttributeValue("type");
String et2 = e2.getAttributeValue("type");
if (et1 == null && et2 == null) {
et1 = e1.getAttributeValue("id");
et2 = e2.getAttributeValue("id");
if (et1 != null && et2 != null && et1.equals(et2)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
* Does this xpath contain the attribute at all?
public boolean containsAttribute(String attribute) {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
Element element = elements.get(i);
if (element.getAttributeValue(attribute) != null) {
return true;
return false;
* Does it contain the attribute/value pair?
public boolean containsAttributeValue(String attribute, String value) {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
String otherValue = elements.get(i).getAttributeValue(attribute);
if (otherValue != null && value.equals(otherValue)) return true;
return false;
* How many elements are in this xpath?
public int size() {
return elements.size();
* Get the nth element. Negative values are from end
public String getElement(int elementIndex) {
return elements.get(elementIndex >= 0 ? elementIndex : elementIndex + size()).getElement();
public int getAttributeCount(int elementIndex) {
return elements.get(elementIndex >= 0 ? elementIndex : elementIndex + size()).getAttributeCount();
* Get the attributes for the nth element (negative index is from end). Returns null or an empty map if there's
* nothing.
* PROBLEM: exposes internal map
public Map<String, String> getAttributes(int elementIndex) {
return elements.get(elementIndex >= 0 ? elementIndex : elementIndex + size()).getAttributes();
* return non-modifiable collection
* @param elementIndex
* @return
public Collection<String> getAttributeKeys(int elementIndex) {
return elements.get(elementIndex >= 0 ? elementIndex : elementIndex + size())
* Get the attributeValue for the attrbute at the nth element (negative index is from end). Returns null if there's
* nothing.
public String getAttributeValue(int elementIndex, String attribute) {
if (elementIndex < 0) {
elementIndex += size();
return elements.get(elementIndex).getAttributeValue(attribute);
public void putAttributeValue(int elementIndex, String attribute, String value) {
elementIndex = elementIndex >= 0 ? elementIndex : elementIndex + size();
Map<String, String> ea = elements.get(elementIndex).attributes;
if (value == null && (ea == null || !ea.containsKey(attribute))) {
if (value != null && ea != null && value.equals(ea.get(attribute))) {
// make mutable may change elements.get(elementIndex), so we have to use elements.get(elementIndex) after calling
elements.get(elementIndex).putAttribute(attribute, value);
* Get the attributes for the nth element. Returns null or an empty map if there's nothing.
* PROBLEM: exposes internal map
public Map<String, String> findAttributes(String elementName) {
int index = findElement(elementName);
if (index == -1) {
return null;
return getAttributes(index);
* Find the attribute value
public String findAttributeValue(String elementName, String attributeName) {
Map<String, String> attributes = findAttributes(elementName);
if (attributes == null) {
return null;
return attributes.get(attributeName);
* Add an Element object to this XPathParts, using the given element name.
* If this is the first Element in this XPathParts, also set dtdData.
* Do not set any attributes.
* @param element the string describing the element, such as "ldml",
* "supplementalData", etc.
* @return this XPathParts
public XPathParts addElement(String element) {
if (elements.size() == 0) {
try {
* The first element should match one of the DtdType enum values.
* Use it to set dtdData.
File dir = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getCldrBaseDirectory();
dtdData = DtdData.getInstance(DtdType.valueOf(element), dir);
} catch (Exception e) {
dtdData = null;
elements.add(new Element(element));
return this;
public void makeElementsMutable() {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't modify frozen object.");
if (elements instanceof ImmutableList) {
elements = new ArrayList<>(elements);
public void makeElementMutable(int elementIndex) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't modify frozen object.");
Element e = elements.get(elementIndex);
Map<String, String> ea = e.attributes;
if (ea == null || ea instanceof ImmutableMap) {
elements.set(elementIndex, e.cloneAsThawed());
* Varargs version of addElement.
* Usage: xpp.addElements("ldml","localeDisplayNames")
* @param element
* @return this for chaining
public XPathParts addElements(String... element) {
for (String e : element) {
return this;
* Add an attribute/value pair to the current last element.
public XPathParts addAttribute(String attribute, String value) {
putAttributeValue(elements.size() - 1, attribute, value);
return this;
public XPathParts removeAttribute(String elementName, String attributeName) {
return removeAttribute(findElement(elementName), attributeName);
public XPathParts removeAttribute(int elementIndex, String attributeName) {
putAttributeValue(elementIndex, attributeName, null);
return this;
public XPathParts removeAttributes(String elementName, Collection<String> attributeNames) {
return removeAttributes(findElement(elementName), attributeNames);
public XPathParts removeAttributes(int elementIndex, Collection<String> attributeNames) {
elementIndex = elementIndex >= 0 ? elementIndex : elementIndex + size();
Map<String, String> ea = elements.get(elementIndex).attributes;
if (ea == null || attributeNames == null || attributeNames.isEmpty() || Collections.disjoint(attributeNames, ea.keySet())) {
return this;
// make mutable may change elements.get(elementIndex), so we have to use elements.get(elementIndex) after calling
return this;
* Add the given path to this XPathParts.
* @param xPath the path string
* @param initial boolean, if true, call elements.clear() and set dtdData = null before adding,
* and make requiredPrefix // instead of /
* @return the XPathParts, or parseError
* Called by set (initial = true), and addRelative (initial = false)
private XPathParts addInternal(String xPath, boolean initial) {
String lastAttributeName = "";
String requiredPrefix = "/";
if (initial) {
dtdData = null;
requiredPrefix = "//";
if (!xPath.startsWith(requiredPrefix)) {
return parseError(xPath, 0);
int stringStart = requiredPrefix.length(); // skip prefix
char state = 'p';
// since only ascii chars are relevant, use char
int len = xPath.length();
for (int i = 2; i < len; ++i) {
char cp = xPath.charAt(i);
if (cp != state && (state == '\"' || state == '\'')) {
continue; // stay in quotation
switch (cp) {
case '/':
if (state != 'p' || stringStart >= i) {
return parseError(xPath, i);
if (stringStart > 0) {
addElement(xPath.substring(stringStart, i));
stringStart = i + 1;
case '[':
if (state != 'p' || stringStart >= i) {
return parseError(xPath, i);
if (stringStart > 0) {
addElement(xPath.substring(stringStart, i));
state = cp;
case '@':
if (state != '[') {
return parseError(xPath, i);
stringStart = i + 1;
state = cp;
case '=':
if (state != '@' || stringStart >= i) {
return parseError(xPath, i);
lastAttributeName = xPath.substring(stringStart, i);
state = cp;
case '\"':
case '\'':
if (state == cp) { // finished
if (stringStart > i) {
return parseError(xPath, i);
addAttribute(lastAttributeName, xPath.substring(stringStart, i));
state = 'e';
if (state != '=') {
return parseError(xPath, i);
stringStart = i + 1;
state = cp;
case ']':
if (state != 'e') {
return parseError(xPath, i);
state = 'p';
stringStart = -1;
// check to make sure terminated
if (state != 'p' || stringStart >= xPath.length()) {
return parseError(xPath, xPath.length());
if (stringStart > 0) {
addElement(xPath.substring(stringStart, xPath.length()));
return this;
* boilerplate
public String toString() {
return toString(elements.size());
public String toString(int limit) {
if (limit < 0) {
limit += size();
String result = "/";
try {
for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
result += elements.get(i).toString(XPATH_STYLE);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
return result;
public String toString(int start, int limit) {
if (start < 0) {
start += size();
if (limit < 0) {
limit += size();
String result = "";
for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
result += elements.get(i).toString(XPATH_STYLE);
return result;
* boilerplate
public boolean equals(Object other) {
try {
XPathParts that = (XPathParts) other;
if (elements.size() != that.elements.size()) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
if (!elements.get(i).equals(that.elements.get(i))) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
return false;
public int compareTo(XPathParts that) {
return dtdData.getDtdComparator().xpathComparator(this, that);
* boilerplate
public int hashCode() {
int result = elements.size();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
result = result * 37 + elements.get(i).hashCode();
return result;
// ========== Privates ==========
private XPathParts parseError(String s, int i) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed xPath '" + s + "' at " + i);
public static final int XPATH_STYLE = 0, XML_OPEN = 1, XML_CLOSE = 2, XML_NO_VALUE = 3;
public static final String NEWLINE = "\n";
private final class Element {
private final String element;
private Map<String, String> attributes; // = new TreeMap(AttributeComparator);
public Element(String element) {
this(element, null);
public Element(Element other, String element) {
this(element, other.attributes);
public Element(String element, Map<String, String> attributes) {
this.element = element.intern(); // allow fast comparison
if (attributes == null) {
this.attributes = null;
} else {
this.attributes = new TreeMap<>(getAttributeComparator());
* Add the given attribute, value pair to this Element object; or,
* if value is null, remove the attribute.
* @param attribute, the string such as "number" or "cldrVersion"
* @param value, the string such as "$Revision$" or "35", or null for removal
public void putAttribute(String attribute, String value) {
attribute = attribute.intern(); // allow fast comparison
if (value == null) {
if (attributes != null) {
if (attributes.size() == 0) {
attributes = null;
} else {
if (attributes == null) {
attributes = new TreeMap<>(getAttributeComparator());
attributes.put(attribute, value);
* Remove the given attributes from this Element object.
* @param attributeNames
private void removeAttributes(Collection<String> attributeNames) {
if (attributeNames == null) {
for (String attribute : attributeNames) {
if (attributes.size() == 0) {
attributes = null;
public String toString() {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't use");
* @param style
* @return
public String toString(int style) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
// Set keys;
switch (style) {
case XPathParts.XPATH_STYLE:
writeAttributes("[@", "\"]", false, result);
case XPathParts.XML_OPEN:
case XPathParts.XML_NO_VALUE:
writeAttributes(" ", "\"", true, result);
if (style == XML_NO_VALUE) {
if (CLDRFile.HACK_ORDER && element.equals("ldml")) {
result.append(' ');
return result.toString();
* @param element
* @param prefix
* @param postfix
* @param removeLDMLExtras
* @param result
private Element writeAttributes(String prefix, String postfix,
boolean removeLDMLExtras, StringBuilder result) {
if (getAttributeCount() == 0) {
return this;
Map<String, Map<String, String>> suppressionMap = null;
if (removeLDMLExtras) {
suppressionMap = CLDRFile.getDefaultSuppressionMap();
for (Entry<String, String> attributesAndValues : attributes.entrySet()) {
String attribute = attributesAndValues.getKey();
String value = attributesAndValues.getValue();
if (removeLDMLExtras && suppressionMap != null) {
if (skipAttribute(element, attribute, value, suppressionMap)) {
if (skipAttribute("*", attribute, value, suppressionMap)) {
try {
.append(removeLDMLExtras ? TransliteratorUtilities.toHTML.transliterate(value) : value)
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e; // for debugging
return this;
* Should writeAttributes skip the given element, attribute, and value?
* @param element
* @param attribute
* @param value
* @return true to skip, else false
* Called only by writeAttributes
* Assume suppressionMap isn't null.
private boolean skipAttribute(String element, String attribute, String value,
Map<String, Map<String, String>> suppressionMap) {
Map<String, String> attribute_value = suppressionMap.get(element);
boolean skip = false;
if (attribute_value != null) {
Object suppressValue = attribute_value.get(attribute);
if (suppressValue == null) {
suppressValue = attribute_value.get("*");
if (suppressValue != null) {
if (value.equals(suppressValue) || suppressValue.equals("*")) {
skip = true;
return skip;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null) {
return false;
try {
Element that = (Element) other;
// == check is ok since we intern elements
return element == that.element
&& (attributes == null ? that.attributes == null
: that.attributes == null ? attributes == null
: attributes.equals(that.attributes));
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return element.hashCode() * 37 + (attributes == null ? 0 : attributes.hashCode());
public String getElement() {
return element;
private int getAttributeCount() {
if (attributes == null) {
return 0;
return attributes.size();
private Map<String, String> getAttributes() {
if (attributes == null) {
return ImmutableMap.of();
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(attributes);
private String getAttributeValue(String attribute) {
if (attributes == null) {
return null;
return attributes.get(attribute);
public Element makeImmutable() {
if (attributes != null && !(attributes instanceof ImmutableMap)) {
attributes = ImmutableMap.copyOf(attributes);
return this;
public Element cloneAsThawed() {
return new Element(element, attributes);
* Search for an element within the path.
* @param elementName
* the element to look for
* @return element number if found, else -1 if not found
public int findElement(String elementName) {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
Element e = elements.get(i);
if (!e.getElement().equals(elementName)) {
return i;
return -1;
* Get the MapComparator for this XPathParts.
* @return the MapComparator, or null
* Called by the Element constructor, and by putAttribute
private MapComparator<String> getAttributeComparator() {
return dtdData == null ? null
: dtdData.dtdType == DtdType.ldml ? CLDRFile.getAttributeOrdering()
: dtdData.getAttributeComparator();
* Determines if an elementName is contained in the path.
* @param elementName
* @return
public boolean contains(String elementName) {
return findElement(elementName) >= 0;
* add a relative path to this XPathParts.
public XPathParts addRelative(String path) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't modify frozen Element");
if (path.startsWith("//")) {
path = path.substring(1); // strip one
} else {
while (path.startsWith("../")) {
path = path.substring(3);
if (!path.startsWith("/")) path = "/" + path;
return addInternal(path, false);
public XPathParts trimLast() {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't modify frozen Element");
elements.remove(elements.size() - 1);
return this;
* Replace the elements of this XPathParts with clones of the elements of the given other XPathParts
* @param parts the given other XPathParts (not modified)
* @return this XPathParts (modified)
* Called by XPathParts.replace and CldrItem.split.
// If this is restored, it will need to be modified.
// public XPathParts set(XPathParts parts) {
// if (frozen) {
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't modify frozen Element");
// }
// try {
// dtdData = parts.dtdData;
// elements.clear();
// for (Element element : parts.elements) {
// elements.add((Element) element.clone());
// }
// return this;
// } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// throw (InternalError) new InternalError().initCause(e);
// }
// }
* Replace up to i with parts
* @param i
* @param parts
// If this is restored, it will need to be modified.
// public XPathParts replace(int i, XPathParts parts) {
// if (frozen) {
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't modify frozen Element");
// }
// List<Element> temp = elements;
// elements = new ArrayList<>();
// set(parts);
// for (; i < temp.size(); ++i) {
// elements.add(temp.get(i));
// }
// return this;
// }
* Utility to write a comment.
* @param pw
* @param blockComment
* @param indent
static void writeComment(PrintWriter pw, int indent, String comment, boolean blockComment) {
// now write the comment
if (comment.length() == 0) return;
if (blockComment) {
pw.print(Utility.repeat("\t", indent));
} else {
pw.print(" ");
if (comment.indexOf(NEWLINE) > 0) {
boolean first = true;
int countEmptyLines = 0;
// trim the line iff the indent != 0.
for (Iterator<String> it = CldrUtility.splitList(comment, NEWLINE, indent != 0, null).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String line =;
if (line.length() == 0) {
if (countEmptyLines != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < countEmptyLines; ++i)
countEmptyLines = 0;
if (first) {
first = false;
line = line.trim();
pw.print(" ");
} else if (indent != 0) {
pw.print(Utility.repeat("\t", (indent + 1)));
pw.print(" ");
pw.print(Utility.repeat("\t", indent));
} else {
pw.print(" ");
pw.print(" ");
if (blockComment) {
* Utility to determine if this a language locale?
* Note: a script is included with the language, if there is one.
* @param in
* @return
public static boolean isLanguage(String in) {
int pos = in.indexOf('_');
if (pos < 0) return true;
if (in.indexOf('_', pos + 1) >= 0) return false; // no more than 2 subtags
if (in.length() != pos + 5) return false; // second must be 4 in length
return true;
* Returns -1 if parent isn't really a parent, 0 if they are identical, and 1 if parent is a proper parent
public static int isSubLocale(String parent, String possibleSublocale) {
if (parent.equals("root")) {
if (parent.equals(possibleSublocale)) return 0;
return 1;
if (parent.length() > possibleSublocale.length()) return -1;
if (!possibleSublocale.startsWith(parent)) return -1;
if (parent.length() == possibleSublocale.length()) return 0;
if (possibleSublocale.charAt(parent.length()) != '_') return -1; // last subtag too long
return 1;
* Sets an attribute/value on the first matching element.
public XPathParts setAttribute(String elementName, String attributeName, String attributeValue) {
int index = findElement(elementName);
putAttributeValue(index, attributeName, attributeValue);
return this;
public XPathParts removeProposed() {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
Element element = elements.get(i);
if (element.getAttributeCount() == 0) {
for (Entry<String, String> attributesAndValues : element.getAttributes().entrySet()) {
String attribute = attributesAndValues.getKey();
if (!attribute.equals("alt")) {
String attributeValue = attributesAndValues.getValue();
int pos = attributeValue.indexOf("proposed");
if (pos < 0) break;
if (pos > 0 && attributeValue.charAt(pos - 1) == '-') --pos; // backup for "...-proposed"
if (pos == 0) {
putAttributeValue(i, attribute, null);
attributeValue = attributeValue.substring(0, pos); // strip it off
putAttributeValue(i, attribute, attributeValue);
break; // there is only one alt!
return this;
public XPathParts setElement(int elementIndex, String newElement) {
if (elementIndex < 0) {
elementIndex += size();
Element element = elements.get(elementIndex);
elements.set(elementIndex, new Element(element, newElement));
return this;
public XPathParts removeElement(int elementIndex) {
elements.remove(elementIndex >= 0 ? elementIndex : elementIndex + size());
return this;
public String findFirstAttributeValue(String attribute) {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
String value = getAttributeValue(i, attribute);
if (value != null) {
return value;
return null;
public XPathParts setAttribute(int elementIndex, String attributeName, String attributeValue) {
putAttributeValue(elementIndex, attributeName, attributeValue);
return this;
public boolean isFrozen() {
return frozen;
public XPathParts freeze() {
if (!frozen) {
// ensure that it can't be modified. Later we can fix all the call sites to check frozen.
List<Element> temp = new ArrayList<>(elements.size());
for (Element element : elements) {
elements = ImmutableList.copyOf(temp);
frozen = true;
return this;
public XPathParts cloneAsThawed() {
XPathParts xppClone = new XPathParts();
* Remember to copy dtdData.
* Reference:
xppClone.dtdData = this.dtdData;
if (!frozen) {
for (Element e : this.elements) {
} else {
xppClone.elements = this.elements;
return xppClone;
public static XPathParts getFrozenInstance(String path) {
XPathParts result = cache.computeIfAbsent(path,
(String forPath) -> new XPathParts().addInternal(forPath, true).freeze());
return result;
public DtdData getDtdData() {
return dtdData;
public Set<String> getElements() {
Builder<String> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
public Map<String, String> getSpecialNondistinguishingAttributes() {
// This returns the collection of non-distinguishing attribute values that
// *should* appear with blue background in the Survey Tool left column
// (e.g. the numbers attribute for some date patterns). Non-distinguishing
// attributes that should *not* appear must be explicitly listed as
// exclusions here (and distinguishing attributes are all excluded here).
Map<String, String> ueMap = null; // common case, none found.
for (int i = 0; i < this.size(); i++) {
// taken from XPathTable.getUndistinguishingElementsFor, with some cleanup
// from XPathTable.getUndistinguishingElements, we include alt, draft
for (Entry<String, String> entry : this.getAttributes(i).entrySet()) {
String k = entry.getKey();
if (getDtdData().isDistinguishing(getElement(i), k)
|| k.equals("alt") // is always distinguishing, so we don't really need this.
|| k.equals("draft")
|| k.startsWith("xml:")) {
if (ueMap == null) {
ueMap = new TreeMap<>();
ueMap.put(k, entry.getValue());
return ueMap;
public static String getPathWithoutAlt(String xpath) {
XPathParts xpp = getFrozenInstance(xpath).cloneAsThawed();
return xpp.toString();
private XPathParts removeAttribute(String attribute) {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
putAttributeValue(i, attribute, null);
return this;