blob: f43781b2fd8dd593db8fe0b7e50844b5c199b0d5 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.Phase;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckWidths;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.DisplayAndInputProcessor;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.VettingViewer.VoteStatus;
* This class implements the vote resolution process agreed to by the CLDR
* committee. Here is an example of usage:
* <pre>
* // before doing anything, initialize the voter data (who are the voters at what levels) with setVoterToInfo.
* // We assume this doesn't change often
* // here is some fake data:
* VoteResolver.setVoterToInfo(Utility.asMap(new Object[][] {
* { 666, new VoterInfo(, Level.vetter, &quot;J. Smith&quot;) },
* { 555, new VoterInfo(, Level.street, &quot;S. Jones&quot;) },
* { 444, new VoterInfo(, Level.vetter, &quot;S. Samuels&quot;) },
* { 333, new VoterInfo(, Level.vetter, &quot;A. Mutton&quot;) },
* { 222, new VoterInfo(Organization.adobe,, &quot;A. Aldus&quot;) },
* { 111, new VoterInfo(, Level.street, &quot;J. Henry&quot;) }, }));
* // you can create a resolver and keep it around. It isn't thread-safe, so either have a separate one per thread (they
* // are small), or synchronize.
* VoteResolver resolver = new VoteResolver();
* // For any particular base path, set the values
* // set the 1.5 status (if we're working on 1.6). This &lt;b&gt;must&lt;/b&gt; be done for each new base path
* resolver.newPath(oldValue, oldStatus);
* [TODO: function newPath doesn't exist, revise this documentation]
* // now add some values, with who voted for them
* resolver.add(value1, voter1);
* resolver.add(value1, voter2);
* resolver.add(value2, voter3);
* // Once you've done that, you can get the results for the base path
* winner = resolver.getWinningValue();
* status = resolver.getWinningStatus();
* conflicts = resolver.getConflictedOrganizations();
* </pre>
public class VoteResolver<T> {
private final VoterInfoList voterInfoList;
public VoteResolver(VoterInfoList vil) {
voterInfoList = vil;
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
* A placeholder for winningValue when it would otherwise be null.
* It must match NO_WINNING_VALUE in the client JavaScript code.
private static final String NO_WINNING_VALUE = "no-winning-value";
* The status levels according to the committee, in ascending order
* Status corresponds to icons as follows:
* A checkmark means it’s approved and is slated to be used. A cross means it’s a missing value.
* Green/orange check: The item has enough votes to be used in CLDR.
* Red/orange/black X: The item does not have enough votes to be used in CLDR, by most implementations (or is completely missing).
* Reference:
* When the item is inherited, i.e., winningValue is INHERITANCE_MARKER (↑↑↑),
* then orange/red X are replaced by orange/red up-arrow. That change is made only on the client.
* Status.approved: green check
* Status.contributed: orange check
* Status.provisional: orange X (or orange up-arrow if inherited)
* Status.unconfirmed: red X (or red up-arrow if inherited
* Status.missing: black X
public enum Status {
missing, unconfirmed, provisional, contributed, approved;
public static Status fromString(String source) {
return source == null ? missing : Status.valueOf(source);
* This is the "high bar" level where flagging is required.
* @see #getRequiredVotes()
public static final int HIGH_BAR =;
public static final int LOWER_BAR = (2 * Level.vetter.votes);
* This is the level at which a vote counts. Each level also contains the
* weight.
* Code related to removed 2021-05-18 per CLDR-14597
public enum Level {
locked( 0 /* votes */, 999 /* stlevel */),
street( 1 /* votes */, 10 /* stlevel */),
anonymous(0 /* votes */, 8 /* stlevel */),
vetter( 4 /* votes */, 5 /* stlevel */, /* tcorgvotes */ 6), // org dependent- see getVotes()
// Manager and below can manage users
manager( 4 /* votes */, 2 /* stlevel */),
tc( 50 /* votes */, 1 /* stlevel */),
admin( 100 /* votes */, 0 /* stlevel */);
* PERMANENT_VOTES is used by TC voters to "lock" locale+path permanently (including future versions, until unlocked),
* in the current VOTE_VALUE table. It is public for and
public static final int PERMANENT_VOTES = 1000;
* LOCKING_VOTES is used (nominally by ADMIN voter, but not really by someone logged in as ADMIN, instead
* by combination of two PERMANENT_VOTES) to "lock" locale+path permanently in the LOCKED_XPATHS table.
* It is public for STFactory.PerLocaleData.loadVoteValues.
public static final int LOCKING_VOTES = 2000;
* The vote count a user of this level normally votes with
private final int votes;
* The vote count a user of this level normally votes with if a tc org
private final int tcorgvotes;
* The level as an integer, where 0 = admin, ..., 999 = locked
private final int stlevel;
private Level(int votes, int stlevel, int tcorgvotes) {
this.votes = votes;
this.stlevel = stlevel;
this.tcorgvotes = tcorgvotes;
private Level(int votes, int stlevel) {
this(votes, stlevel, votes);
* Get the votes for each level and organization
* @param org the given organization
public int getVotes(Organization o) {
if (this == vetter && o.isTCOrg()) {
return tcorgvotes;
return votes;
* Get the Survey Tool userlevel for each level. (0=admin, 999=locked)
public int getSTLevel() {
return stlevel;
* Find the Level, given ST Level
* @param stlevel
* @return the Level corresponding to the integer
public static Level fromSTLevel(int stlevel) {
for (Level l : Level.values()) {
if (l.getSTLevel() == stlevel) {
return l;
return null;
* Policy: can this user manage the "other" user's settings?
* @param myOrg
* the current organization
* @param otherLevel
* the other user's level
* @param otherOrg
* the other user's organization
* @return
public boolean isManagerFor(Organization myOrg, Level otherLevel, Organization otherOrg) {
return (this == admin || (canManageSomeUsers() &&
(myOrg == otherOrg) && atLeastAsPowerfulAs(otherLevel)));
* Policy: Can this user manage any users?
* @return
public boolean canManageSomeUsers() {
return atLeastAsPowerfulAs(manager);
* Internal: uses the ST Level as a measure of 'power'
boolean morePowerfulThan(Level other) {
return getSTLevel() < other.getSTLevel();
* Internal: uses the ST Level as a measure of 'power'
boolean atLeastAsPowerfulAs(Level other) {
return getSTLevel() <= other.getSTLevel();
* Policy: can this user create or set a user to the specified level?
* @param otherLevel the desired new level for the other user
* Note: UserRegistry.canSetUserLevel enforces additional limitations depending
* on more than this user's level and the other user's desired new level
public boolean canCreateOrSetLevelTo(Level otherLevel) {
// Must be a manager at all
if (!canManageSomeUsers()) return false;
// Cannot elevate privilege
if (otherLevel.morePowerfulThan(this)) return false;
return true;
* Can a user with this level and organization vote with the given vote count?
* @param org the given organization
* @param withVotes the given vote count
* @return true if the user can vote with the given vote count, else false
public boolean canVoteWithCount(Organization org, int withVotes) {
* ADMIN is allowed to vote with LOCKING_VOTES, but not directly in the GUI, only
* by two TC voting together with PERMANENT_VOTES. Therefore LOCKING_VOTES is omitted
* from the GUI menu (voteCountMenu), but included in canVoteWithCount.
if (withVotes == LOCKING_VOTES && this == admin) {
return true;
Set<Integer> menu = getVoteCountMenu(org);
return menu == null ? withVotes == getVotes(org) : menu.contains(withVotes);
* If not null, an array of different vote counts from which a user of this
* level is allowed to choose.
private ImmutableSet<Integer> voteCountMenu = null;
* Get the ordered immutable set of different vote counts a user of this level can vote with
* @param org the given organization
* @return the set, or null if the user has no choice of vote count
public ImmutableSet<Integer> getVoteCountMenu(Organization org) {
// Right now, the organization does not affect the menu.
// but update the API to future proof.
return voteCountMenu;
* Set voteCountMenu for admin and tc in this static block, which will be run after
* all the constructors have run, rather than in the constructor itself. For example,
* vetter.votes needs to be defined before we can set admin.voteCountMenu.
static {
admin.voteCountMenu = ImmutableSet.of(
street.votes, vetter.votes, vetter.tcorgvotes, tc.votes, admin.votes, PERMANENT_VOTES);
/* Not LOCKING_VOTES; see canVoteWithCount */
tc.voteCountMenu = ImmutableSet.of(
street.votes, vetter.votes, vetter.tcorgvotes, tc.votes, PERMANENT_VOTES);
// The following methods were moved here from UserRegistry
// TODO: remove this todo notice
public boolean isAdmin() {
return stlevel <= admin.stlevel;
public boolean isTC() {
return stlevel <= tc.stlevel;
public boolean isExactlyManager() {
return stlevel == manager.stlevel;
public boolean isManagerOrStronger() {
return stlevel <= manager.stlevel;
public boolean isVetter() {
return stlevel <= vetter.stlevel;
public boolean isStreet() {
return stlevel <= street.stlevel;
public boolean isLocked() {
return stlevel == locked.stlevel;
public boolean isExactlyAnonymous() {
return stlevel == anonymous.stlevel;
* Is this user an administrator 'over' this user? Always true if admin,
* or if TC in same org.
* @param org
public boolean isAdminForOrg(Organization myOrg, Organization target) {
boolean adminOrRelevantTc = isAdmin() ||
((isTC() || stlevel == manager.stlevel) && (myOrg == target));
return adminOrRelevantTc;
public boolean canImportOldVotes(CheckCLDR.Phase inPhase) {
return isVetter() && (inPhase == Phase.SUBMISSION);
public boolean canDoList() {
return isVetter();
public boolean canCreateUsers() {
return isTC() || isExactlyManager();
public boolean canEmailUsers() {
return isTC() || isExactlyManager();
public boolean canModifyUsers() {
return isTC() || isExactlyManager();
public boolean canCreateOtherOrgs() {
return isAdmin();
public boolean canUseVettingSummary() {
return isManagerOrStronger();
public boolean canSubmit(CheckCLDR.Phase inPhase) {
if (inPhase == Phase.FINAL_TESTING) {
return false;
// TODO: Note, this will mean not just READONLY, but VETTING_CLOSED will return false here.
// This is probably desired!
return isStreet();
public boolean canCreateSummarySnapshot() {
return isAdmin();
public boolean canMonitorForum() {
return isTC() || isExactlyManager();
public boolean canSetInterestLocales() {
return isManagerOrStronger();
public boolean canGetEmailList() {
return isManagerOrStronger();
* Internal class for voter information. It is public for testing only
public static class VoterInfo {
private Organization organization;
private Level level;
private String name;
* A set of locales associated with this voter; it is often empty (as when
* the user has "*" for their set of locales); it may not serve any purpose
* in ordinary operation of Survey Tool; its main (only?) purpose seems to be for
* computeMaxVotes, whose only purpose seems to be creation of localeToOrganizationToMaxVote,
* which is used only by ConsoleCheckCLDR (for obscure reason), not by Survey Tool itself.
private Set<CLDRLocale> locales = new TreeSet<>();
public Iterable<CLDRLocale> getLocales() {
return locales;
public VoterInfo(Organization organization, Level level, String name, LocaleSet localeSet) {
if (!localeSet.isAllLocales()) {
public VoterInfo(Organization organization, Level level, String name) {
public VoterInfo() {
public String toString() {
return "{" + getName() + ", " + getLevel() + ", " + getOrganization() + "}";
public void setOrganization(Organization organization) {
this.organization = organization;
public Organization getOrganization() {
return organization;
public void setLevel(Level level) {
this.level = level;
public Level getLevel() {
return level;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
void addLocale(CLDRLocale locale) {
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
VoterInfo other = (VoterInfo) obj;
return organization.equals(other.organization)
&& level.equals(other.level)
&& name.equals(
&& Objects.equal(locales, other.locales);
public int hashCode() {
return organization.hashCode() ^ level.hashCode() ^ name.hashCode();
* MaxCounter: make sure that we are always only getting the maximum of the values.
* @author markdavis
* @param <T>
static class MaxCounter<T> extends Counter<T> {
public MaxCounter(boolean b) {
* Add, but only to bring up to the maximum value.
public MaxCounter<T> add(T obj, long countValue, long time) {
long value = getCount(obj);
if ((value <= countValue)) {
super.add(obj, countValue - value, time); // only add the difference!
return this;
* Internal class for getting from an organization to its vote.
private class OrganizationToValueAndVote<T> {
private final Map<Organization, MaxCounter<T>> orgToVotes = new EnumMap<>(Organization.class);
private final Counter<T> totalVotes = new Counter<>();
private final Map<Organization, Integer> orgToMax = new EnumMap<>(Organization.class);
private final Counter<T> totals = new Counter<>(true);
private Map<String, Long> nameTime = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// map an organization to what it voted for.
private final Map<Organization, T> orgToAdd = new EnumMap<>(Organization.class);
private T baileyValue;
private boolean baileySet; // was the bailey value set
OrganizationToValueAndVote() {
for (Organization org : Organization.values()) {
orgToVotes.put(org, new MaxCounter<T>(true));
* Call clear before considering each new path
public void clear() {
for (Map.Entry<Organization, MaxCounter<T>> entry : orgToVotes.entrySet()) {
baileyValue = null;
baileySet = false;
* Returns value of voted item, in case there is exactly 1.
* @return
private T getSingleVotedItem() {
return totalVotes.size() != 1 ? null : totalVotes.iterator().next();
public Map<String, Long> getNameTime() {
return nameTime;
* Call this to add votes
* @param value
* @param voter
* @param withVotes optionally, vote at a non-typical voting level. May not exceed voter's maximum allowed level. null = use default level.
* @param date
public void add(T value, int voter, Integer withVotes, Date date) {
final VoterInfo info = voterInfoList.get(voter);
if (info == null) {
throw new UnknownVoterException(voter);
Level level = info.getLevel();
if (withVotes == null || !level.canVoteWithCount(info.organization, withVotes)) {
withVotes = level.getVotes(info.organization);
addInternal(value, info, withVotes, date); // do the add
* Called by add(T,int,Integer) to actually add a value.
* @param value
* @param info
* @param votes
* @param date
* @see #add(Object, int, Integer)
private void addInternal(T value, final VoterInfo info, final int votes, Date time) {
if (baileySet == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("setBaileyValue must be called before add");
totalVotes.add(value, votes, time.getTime());
nameTime.put(info.getName(), time.getTime());
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("totalVotes Info: " + totalVotes.toString());
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("VoteInfo: " + info.getName() + info.getOrganization());
Organization organization = info.getOrganization();
orgToVotes.get(organization).add(value, votes, time.getTime());
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Adding now Info: " + organization.displayName + info.getName() + " is adding: " + votes + value
+ new Timestamp(time.getTime()).toString());
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("addInternal: " + organization.displayName + " : " + orgToVotes.get(organization).toString());
// add the new votes to orgToMax, if they are greater that what was there
Integer max = orgToMax.get(info.getOrganization());
if (max == null || max < votes) {
orgToMax.put(organization, votes);
* Return the overall vote for each organization. It is the max for each value.
* When the organization is conflicted (the top two values have the same vote), the organization is also added
* to disputed.
* @param conflictedOrganizations if not null, to be filled in with the set of conflicted organizations.
public Counter<T> getTotals(EnumSet<Organization> conflictedOrganizations) {
if (conflictedOrganizations != null) {
for (Map.Entry<Organization, MaxCounter<T>> entry : orgToVotes.entrySet()) {
Counter<T> items = entry.getValue();
if (items.size() == 0) {
Iterator<T> iterator = items.getKeysetSortedByCount(false).iterator();
T value =;
long weight = items.getCount(value);
if (weight == 0) {
Organization org = entry.getKey();
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("sortedKeys?? " + value + " " + org.displayName);
// if there is more than one item, check that it is less
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
T value2 =;
long weight2 = items.getCount(value2);
// if the votes for #1 are not better than #2, we have a dispute
if (weight == weight2) {
if (conflictedOrganizations != null) {
// This is deprecated, but preserve it until the method is removed.
* TODO: explain the above comment, and follow through. What is deprecated (orgToAdd, or getOrgVote)?
* Preserve until which method is removed (getOrgVote)?
orgToAdd.put(org, value);
// We add the max vote for each of the organizations choices
long maxCount = 0;
T considerItem = null;
long considerCount = 0;
long maxtime = 0;
long considerTime = 0;
for (T item : items.keySet()) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Items in order: " + item.toString() + new Timestamp(items.getTime(item)).toString());
long count = items.getCount(item);
long time = items.getTime(item);
if (count > maxCount) {
maxCount = count;
maxtime = time;
considerItem = item;
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("count>maxCount: " + considerItem.toString() + ":" + new Timestamp(considerTime).toString() + " COUNT: "
+ considerCount + "MAXCOUNT: " + maxCount);
considerCount = items.getCount(considerItem);
considerTime = items.getTime(considerItem);
} else if ((time > maxtime) && (count == maxCount)) {
maxCount = count;
maxtime = time;
considerItem = item;
considerCount = items.getCount(considerItem);
considerTime = items.getTime(considerItem);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("time>maxTime: " + considerItem.toString() + ":" + new Timestamp(considerTime).toString());
orgToAdd.put(org, considerItem);
totals.add(considerItem, considerCount, considerTime);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Totals: " + totals.toString() + " : " + new Timestamp(considerTime).toString());
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("FINALTotals: " + totals.toString());
return totals;
public int getOrgCount(T winningValue) {
int orgCount = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Organization, MaxCounter<T>> entry : orgToVotes.entrySet()) {
Counter<T> counter = entry.getValue();
long count = counter.getCount(winningValue);
if (count > 0) {
return orgCount;
private int getBestPossibleVote() {
int total = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Organization, Integer> entry : orgToMax.entrySet()) {
total += entry.getValue();
return total;
public String toString() {
String orgToVotesString = "";
for (Entry<Organization, MaxCounter<T>> entry : orgToVotes.entrySet()) {
Counter<T> counter = entry.getValue();
if (counter.size() != 0) {
if (orgToVotesString.length() != 0) {
orgToVotesString += ", ";
Organization org = entry.getKey();
orgToVotesString += org.toString() + "=" + counter.toString();
EnumSet<Organization> conflicted = EnumSet.noneOf(Organization.class);
return "{orgToVotes: " + orgToVotesString
+ ", totals: " + getTotals(conflicted)
+ ", conflicted: " + conflicted.toString()
+ "}";
* This is now deprecated, since the organization may have multiple votes.
* @param org
* @return
* @deprecated
public T getOrgVote(Organization org) {
return orgToAdd.get(org);
public T getOrgVoteRaw(Organization orgOfUser) {
return orgToAdd.get(orgOfUser);
public Map<T, Long> getOrgToVotes(Organization org) {
Map<T, Long> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
MaxCounter<T> counter = orgToVotes.get(org);
for (T item : counter) {
result.put(item, counter.getCount(item));
return result;
* Data built internally
private T winningValue;
private T oValue; // optimal value; winning if better approval status than old
private T nValue; // next to optimal value
private List<T> valuesWithSameVotes = new ArrayList<>();
private Counter<T> totals = null;
private Status winningStatus;
private EnumSet<Organization> conflictedOrganizations = EnumSet
private OrganizationToValueAndVote<T> organizationToValueAndVote = new OrganizationToValueAndVote<>();
private T baselineValue;
private Status baselineStatus;
private boolean resolved;
private boolean valueIsLocked;
private int requiredVotes = 0;
private SupplementalDataInfo supplementalDataInfo = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance();
private CLDRLocale locale;
private PathHeader pathHeader;
private static final Collator englishCollator = Collator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH).freeze();
* Used for comparing objects of type T
private final Comparator<T> objectCollator = new Comparator<>() {
public int compare(T o1, T o2) {
return, String.valueOf(o2));
* Set the baseline (or "trunk") value and status for this VoteResolver.
* @param baselineValue the baseline value
* @param baselineStatus the baseline status
public void setBaseline(T baselineValue, Status baselineStatus) {
this.baselineValue = baselineValue;
this.baselineStatus = baselineValue == null ? Status.missing : baselineStatus;
public T getBaselineValue() {
return baselineValue;
public Status getBaselineStatus() {
return baselineStatus;
* Set the locale and PathHeader for this VoteResolver
* You must call this whenever you are using a VoteResolver with a new locale or a new PathHeader
* @param locale the CLDRLocale
* @param pathHeader the PathHeader
public void setLocale(CLDRLocale locale, PathHeader pathHeader) {
this.locale = locale;
this.pathHeader = pathHeader;
* What are the required votes for this item?
* @return the number of votes (as of this writing: usually 4, 8 for established locales)
public int getRequiredVotes() {
if (requiredVotes == 0) {
int preliminaryRequiredVotes = supplementalDataInfo.getRequiredVotes(locale, pathHeader);
if (preliminaryRequiredVotes == HIGH_BAR && baselineStatus != Status.approved) {
requiredVotes = LOWER_BAR;
} else {
requiredVotes = preliminaryRequiredVotes;
return requiredVotes;
* Call this method first, for a new base path. You'll then call add for each value
* associated with that base path.
public void clear() {
baselineValue = null;
baselineStatus = Status.missing;
requiredVotes = 0;
locale = null;
pathHeader = null;
resolved = valueIsLocked = false;
// TODO: clear these out between reuse
// Are there other values that should be cleared?
oValue = null;
winningValue = null;
nValue = null;
* Get the bailey value (what the inherited value would be if there were no
* explicit value) for this VoteResolver.
* Throw an exception if !baileySet.
* @return the bailey value.
* Called by STFactory.PerLocaleData.getResolverInternal in the special
* circumstance where getWinningValue has returned INHERITANCE_MARKER.
public T getBaileyValue() {
if (organizationToValueAndVote == null
|| organizationToValueAndVote.baileySet == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("setBaileyValue must be called before getBaileyValue");
return organizationToValueAndVote.baileyValue;
* Set the Bailey value (what the inherited value would be if there were no explicit value).
* This value is used in handling any {@link CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER}.
* This value must be set <i>before</i> adding values. Usually by calling CLDRFile.getBaileyValue().
public void setBaileyValue(T baileyValue) {
organizationToValueAndVote.baileySet = true;
organizationToValueAndVote.baileyValue = baileyValue;
* Call once for each voter for a value. If there are no voters for an item, then call add(value);
* @param value
* @param voter
* @param withVotes override to lower the user's voting permission. May be null for default.
* @param date
* Called by getResolverInternal
public void add(T value, int voter, Integer withVotes, Date date) {
if (resolved) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be called after clear, and before any getters.");
if (withVotes != null && withVotes == Level.LOCKING_VOTES) {
valueIsLocked = true;
organizationToValueAndVote.add(value, voter, withVotes, date);
* Call once for each voter for a value. If there are no voters for an item, then call add(value);
* @param value
* @param voter
* @param withVotes override to lower the user's voting permission. May be null for default.
* Called only for TestUtilities, not used in Survey Tool.
public void add(T value, int voter, Integer withVotes) {
if (resolved) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be called after clear, and before any getters.");
Date date = new Date();
organizationToValueAndVote.add(value, voter, withVotes, date);
* Used only in add(value, voter) for making a pseudo-Date
private int maxcounter = 100;
* Call once for each voter for a value. If there are no voters for an item, then call add(value);
* @param value
* @param voter
* Called by ConsoleCheckCLDR and TestUtilities; not used in SurveyTool.
public void add(T value, int voter) {
Date date = new Date(++maxcounter);
add(value, voter, null, date);
* Call if a value has no voters. It is safe to also call this if there is a voter, just unnecessary.
* @param value
* @param voter
* Called by getResolverInternal for the baseline (trunk) value; also called for ConsoleCheckCLDR.
public void add(T value) {
if (resolved) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be called after clear, and before any getters.");
private Set<T> values = new TreeSet<>(objectCollator);
private final Comparator<T> votesThenUcaCollator = new Comparator<>() {
* Compare candidate items by vote count, highest vote first.
* In the case of ties, favor (a) the baseline (trunk) value,
* then (b) votes for inheritance (INHERITANCE_MARKER),
* then (c) the alphabetical order (as a last resort).
* Return negative to favor o1, positive to favor o2.
public int compare(T o1, T o2) {
long v1 = organizationToValueAndVote.totalVotes.get(o1);
long v2 = organizationToValueAndVote.totalVotes.get(o2);
if (v1 != v2) {
return v1 < v2 ? 1 : -1; // highest vote first
if (o1.equals(baselineValue)) {
return -1;
} else if (o2.equals(baselineValue)) {
return 1;
if (o1.equals(CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER)) {
return -1;
} else if (o2.equals(CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER)) {
return 1;
return, String.valueOf(o2));
* This will be changed to true if both kinds of vote are present
private boolean bothInheritanceAndBaileyHadVotes = false;
* Resolve the votes. Resolution entails counting votes and setting
* members for this VoteResolver, including winningStatus, winningValue,
* and many others.
private void resolveVotes() {
resolved = true;
// get the votes for each organization
totals = organizationToValueAndVote.getTotals(conflictedOrganizations);
/* Note: getKeysetSortedByCount actually returns a LinkedHashSet, "with predictable iteration order". */
final Set<T> sortedValues = totals.getKeysetSortedByCount(false, votesThenUcaCollator);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("sortedValues :" + sortedValues.toString());
* If there are no (unconflicted) votes, return baseline (trunk) if not null,
* Avoid setting winningValue to null. VoteResolver should be fully in charge of vote resolution.
* Note: formerly if baselineValue was null here, winningValue was set to null, such
* as for http://localhost:8080/cldr-apps/v#/aa/Numbering_Systems/7b8ee7884f773afa
* -- in spite of which the Survey Tool client displayed "latn" (bailey) in the Winning
* column. The behavior was originally implemented on the client (JavaScript) and later
* (temporarily) as fixWinningValue in
if (sortedValues.size() == 0) {
if (baselineValue != null) {
winningValue = baselineValue;
winningStatus = baselineStatus;
} else if (organizationToValueAndVote.baileySet) {
winningValue = (T) CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER;
winningStatus = Status.missing;
} else {
* TODO: When can this still happen? See "Example C".
* Also http://localhost:8080/cldr-apps/v#/en_CA/Gregorian/
* -- also http://localhost:8080/cldr-apps/v#/aa/Languages_A_D/
* xpath //ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages/language[@type="zh_Hans"][@alt="long"]
* See also checkDataRowConsistency in
winningValue = (T) NO_WINNING_VALUE;
winningStatus = Status.missing;
if (values.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No values added to resolver");
* Copy what is in the the totals field of this VoteResolver for all the
* values in sortedValues. This local variable voteCount may be used
* subsequently to make adjustments for vote resolution. Those adjustment
* may affect the winners in vote resolution, while still preserving the original
* voting data including the totals field.
HashMap<T, Long> voteCount = makeVoteCountMap(sortedValues);
* Adjust sortedValues and voteCount as needed to combine "soft" votes for inheritance
* with "hard" votes for the Bailey value. Note that sortedValues and voteCount are
* both local variables.
bothInheritanceAndBaileyHadVotes = combineInheritanceWithBaileyForVoting(sortedValues, voteCount);
* Adjust sortedValues and voteCount as needed for annotation keywords.
if (isUsingKeywordAnnotationVoting()) {
adjustAnnotationVoteCounts(sortedValues, voteCount);
* Perform the actual resolution.
long weights[] = setBestNextAndSameVoteValues(sortedValues, voteCount);
oValue = winningValue;
winningStatus = computeStatus(weights[0], weights[1]);
// if we are not as good as the baseline (trunk), use the baseline
if (baselineStatus != null && winningStatus.compareTo(baselineStatus) < 0) {
winningStatus = baselineStatus;
winningValue = baselineValue;
* Make a hash for the vote count of each value in the given sorted list, using
* the totals field of this VoteResolver.
* This enables subsequent local adjustment of the effective votes, without change
* to the totals field. Purposes include inheritance and annotation voting.
* @param sortedValues the sorted list of values (really a LinkedHashSet, "with predictable iteration order")
* @return the HashMap
private HashMap<T, Long> makeVoteCountMap(Set<T> sortedValues) {
HashMap<T, Long> map = new HashMap<>();
for (T value : sortedValues) {
map.put(value, totals.getCount(value));
return map;
* Adjust the given sortedValues and voteCount, if necessary, to combine "hard" and "soft" votes.
* Do nothing unless both hard and soft votes are present.
* For voting resolution in which inheritance plays a role, "soft" votes for inheritance
* are distinct from "hard" (explicit) votes for the Bailey value. For resolution, these two kinds
* of votes are treated in combination. If that combination is winning, then the final winner will
* be the hard item or the soft item, whichever has more votes, the soft item winning if they're tied.
* Except for the soft item being favored as a tie-breaker, this function should be symmetrical in its
* handling of hard and soft votes.
* Note: now that "↑↑↑" is permitted to participate directly in voting resolution, it becomes significant
* that with Collator.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH), "↑↑↑" sorts before "AAA" just as "AAA" sorts before "BBB".
* @param sortedValues the set of sorted values, possibly to be modified
* @param voteCount the hash giving the vote count for each value, possibly to be modified
* @return true if both "hard" and "soft" votes existed and were combined, else false
private boolean combineInheritanceWithBaileyForVoting(Set<T> sortedValues, HashMap<T, Long> voteCount) {
if (organizationToValueAndVote == null
|| organizationToValueAndVote.baileySet == false
|| organizationToValueAndVote.baileyValue == null) {
return false;
T hardValue = organizationToValueAndVote.baileyValue;
T softValue = (T) CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER;
* Check containsKey before get, to avoid NullPointerException.
if (!voteCount.containsKey(hardValue) || !voteCount.containsKey(softValue)) {
return false;
long hardCount = voteCount.get(hardValue);
long softCount = voteCount.get(softValue);
if (hardCount == 0 || softCount == 0) {
return false;
reallyCombineInheritanceWithBailey(sortedValues, voteCount, hardValue, softValue, hardCount, softCount);
return true;
* Given that both "hard" and "soft" votes exist, combine them
* @param sortedValues the set of sorted values, to be modified
* @param voteCount the hash giving the vote count for each value, to be modified
* @param hardValue the bailey value
* @param softValue the inheritance marker
* @param hardCount the number of votes for hardValue
* @param softCount the number of votes for softValue
private void reallyCombineInheritanceWithBailey(Set<T> sortedValues, HashMap<T, Long> voteCount,
T hardValue, T softValue, long hardCount, long softCount) {
final T combValue = (hardCount > softCount) ? hardValue : softValue;
final T skipValue = (hardCount > softCount) ? softValue : hardValue;
final long combinedCount = hardCount + softCount;
voteCount.put(combValue, combinedCount);
voteCount.put(skipValue, 0L);
* Sort again
List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(sortedValues);
Collections.sort(list, (v1, v2) -> {
long c1 = voteCount.get(v1);
long c2 = voteCount.get(v2);
if (c1 != c2) {
return (c1 < c2) ? 1 : -1; // decreasing numeric order (most votes wins)
return, String.valueOf(v2));
* Omit skipValue
for (T value : list) {
if (!value.equals(skipValue)) {
* Adjust the effective votes for bar-joined annotations,
* and re-sort the array of values to reflect the adjusted vote counts.
* Note: "Annotations provide names and keywords for Unicode characters, currently focusing on emoji."
* For example, an annotation "happy | joyful" has two components "happy" and "joyful".
* References:
* This function is where the essential algorithm needs to be implemented
* for
* @param sortedValues the set of sorted values
* @param voteCount the hash giving the vote count for each value in sortedValues
* public for unit testing, see
public void adjustAnnotationVoteCounts(Set<T> sortedValues, HashMap<T, Long> voteCount) {
if (voteCount == null || sortedValues == null) {
// Make compMap map individual components to cumulative vote counts.
HashMap<T, Long> compMap = makeAnnotationComponentMap(sortedValues, voteCount);
// Save a copy of the "raw" vote count before adjustment, since it's needed by promoteSuperiorAnnotationSuperset.
HashMap<T, Long> rawVoteCount = new HashMap<>(voteCount);
// Calculate new counts for original values, based on components.
calculateNewCountsBasedOnAnnotationComponents(sortedValues, voteCount, compMap);
// Re-sort sortedValues based on voteCount.
resortValuesBasedOnAdjustedVoteCounts(sortedValues, voteCount);
// If the set that so far is winning has supersets with superior raw vote count, promote the supersets.
promoteSuperiorAnnotationSuperset(sortedValues, voteCount, rawVoteCount);
* Make a hash that maps individual annotation components to cumulative vote counts.
* For example, 3 votes for "a|b" and 2 votes for "a|c" makes 5 votes for "a", 3 for "b", and 2 for "c".
* @param sortedValues the set of sorted values
* @param voteCount the hash giving the vote count for each value in sortedValues
private HashMap<T, Long> makeAnnotationComponentMap(Set<T> sortedValues, HashMap<T, Long> voteCount) {
HashMap<T, Long> compMap = new HashMap<>();
for (T value : sortedValues) {
Long count = voteCount.get(value);
List<T> comps = splitAnnotationIntoComponentsList(value);
for (T comp : comps) {
if (compMap.containsKey(comp)) {
compMap.replace(comp, compMap.get(comp) + count);
else {
compMap.put(comp, count);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("\n\tComponents in adjustAnnotationVoteCounts:");
for (T comp : compMap.keySet()) {
System.out.println("\t" + comp + ":" + compMap.get(comp));
return compMap;
* Calculate new counts for original values, based on annotation components.
* Find the total votes for each component (e.g., "b" in "b|c"). As the "modified"
* vote for the set, use the geometric mean of the components in the set.
* Order the sets by that mean value, then by the smallest number of items in
* the set, then the fallback we always use (alphabetical).
* @param sortedValues the set of sorted values
* @param voteCount the hash giving the vote count for each value in sortedValues
* @param compMap the hash that maps individual components to cumulative vote counts
* See
private void calculateNewCountsBasedOnAnnotationComponents(Set<T> sortedValues, HashMap<T, Long> voteCount, HashMap<T, Long> compMap) {
for (T value : sortedValues) {
List<T> comps = splitAnnotationIntoComponentsList(value);
double product = 1.0;
for (T comp : comps) {
product *= compMap.get(comp);
/* Rounding to long integer here loses precision. We tried multiplying by ten before rounding,
* to reduce problems with different doubles getting rounded to identical longs, but that had
* unfortunate side-effects involving thresholds (see getRequiredVotes). An eventual improvement
* may be to use doubles or floats for all vote counts.
Long newCount = Math.round(Math.pow(product, 1.0 / comps.size())); // geometric mean
voteCount.put(value, newCount);
* Split an annotation into a list of components.
* For example, split "happy | joyful" into ["happy", "joyful"].
* @param value the value like "happy | joyful"
* @return the list like ["happy", "joyful"]
* Called by makeAnnotationComponentMap and calculateNewCountsBasedOnAnnotationComponents.
* Short, but needs encapsulation, should be consistent with similar code in
private List<T> splitAnnotationIntoComponentsList(T value) {
return (List<T>) DisplayAndInputProcessor.SPLIT_BAR.splitToList((CharSequence) value);
* Re-sort the set of values to match the adjusted vote counts based on annotation components.
* Resolve ties using ULocale.ENGLISH collation for consistency with votesThenUcaCollator.
* @param sortedValues the set of sorted values, maybe no longer sorted the way we want
* @param voteCount the hash giving the adjusted vote count for each value in sortedValues
private void resortValuesBasedOnAdjustedVoteCounts(Set<T> sortedValues, HashMap<T, Long> voteCount) {
List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(sortedValues);
Collections.sort(list, (v1, v2) -> {
long c1 = voteCount.get(v1), c2 = voteCount.get(v2);
if (c1 != c2) {
return (c1 < c2) ? 1 : -1; // decreasing numeric order (most votes wins)
int size1 = splitAnnotationIntoComponentsList(v1).size();
int size2 = splitAnnotationIntoComponentsList(v2).size();
if (size1 != size2) {
return (size1 < size2) ? -1 : 1; // increasing order of size (smallest set wins)
return, String.valueOf(v2));
for (T value : list) {
* For annotation votes, if the set that so far is winning has one or more supersets with "superior" (see
* below) raw vote count, promote those supersets to become the new winner, and also the new second place
* if there are two or more superior supersets.
* That is, after finding the set X with the largest geometric mean, check whether there are any supersets
* with "superior" raw votes, and that don't exceed the width limit. If so, promote Y, the one of those
* supersets with the most raw votes (using the normal tie breaker), to be the winning set.
* "Superior" here means that rawVote(Y) ≥ rawVote(X) + 2, where the value 2 (see requiredGap) is for the
* purpose of requiring at least one non-guest vote.
* If any other "superior" supersets exist, promote to second place the one with the next most raw votes.
* Accomplish promotion by increasing vote counts in the voteCount hash.
* @param sortedValues the set of sorted values
* @param voteCount the vote count for each value in sortedValues AFTER calculateNewCountsBasedOnAnnotationComponents;
* it gets modified if superior subsets exist
* @param rawVoteCount the vote count for each value in sortedValues BEFORE calculateNewCountsBasedOnAnnotationComponents;
* rawVoteCount is not changed by this function
* Reference:
private void promoteSuperiorAnnotationSuperset(Set<T> sortedValues, HashMap<T, Long> voteCount, HashMap<T, Long> rawVoteCount) {
final long requiredGap = 2;
T oldWinner = null;
long oldWinnerRawCount = 0;
LinkedHashSet<T> oldWinnerComps = null;
LinkedHashSet<T> superiorSupersets = null;
for (T value : sortedValues) {
if (oldWinner == null) {
oldWinner = value;
oldWinnerRawCount = rawVoteCount.get(value);
oldWinnerComps = new LinkedHashSet<>(splitAnnotationIntoComponentsList(value));
} else {
Set<T> comps = new LinkedHashSet<>(splitAnnotationIntoComponentsList(value));
if (comps.size() <= CheckWidths.MAX_COMPONENTS_PER_ANNOTATION &&
comps.containsAll(oldWinnerComps) &&
rawVoteCount.get(value) >= oldWinnerRawCount + requiredGap) {
if (superiorSupersets == null) {
superiorSupersets = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (superiorSupersets != null) {
// Sort the supersets by raw vote count, then make their adjusted vote counts higher than the old winner's.
resortValuesBasedOnAdjustedVoteCounts(superiorSupersets, rawVoteCount);
T newWinner = null, newSecond = null; // only adjust votes for first and second place
for (T value : superiorSupersets) {
if (newWinner == null) {
newWinner = value;
voteCount.put(newWinner, voteCount.get(oldWinner) + 2); // more than oldWinner and newSecond
} else if (newSecond == null) { // TODO: fix redundant null check: newSecond can only be null
newSecond = value;
voteCount.put(newSecond, voteCount.get(oldWinner) + 1); // more than oldWinner, less than newWinner
resortValuesBasedOnAdjustedVoteCounts(sortedValues, voteCount);
* Given a nonempty list of sorted values, and a hash with their vote counts, set these members
* of this VoteResolver:
* winningValue, nValue, valuesWithSameVotes (which is empty when this function is called).
* @param sortedValues the set of sorted values
* @param voteCount the hash giving the vote count for each value
* @return an array of two longs, the weights for the best and next-best values.
private long[] setBestNextAndSameVoteValues(Set<T> sortedValues, HashMap<T, Long> voteCount) {
long weightArray[] = new long[2];
weightArray[0] = 0;
weightArray[1] = 0;
nValue = null;
* Loop through the sorted values, at least the first (best) for winningValue,
* and the second (if any) for nValue (else nValue stays null),
* and subsequent values that have as many votes as the first,
* to add to valuesWithSameVotes.
int i = -1;
Iterator<T> iterator = sortedValues.iterator();
for (T value : sortedValues) {
long valueWeight = voteCount.get(value);
if (i == 0) {
winningValue = value;
weightArray[0] = valueWeight;
} else {
if (i == 1) {
// get the next item if there is one
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
nValue = value;
weightArray[1] = valueWeight;
if (valueWeight == weightArray[0]) {
} else {
return weightArray;
* Compute the status for the winning value.
* @param weight1 the weight (vote count) for the best value
* @param weight2 the weight (vote count) for the next-best value
* @return the Status
private Status computeStatus(long weight1, long weight2) {
if (weight1 > weight2 && weight1 >= getRequiredVotes()) {
return Status.approved;
if (weight1 > weight2 &&
(weight1 >= 4 && Status.contributed.compareTo(baselineStatus) > 0
|| weight1 >= 2 && organizationToValueAndVote.getOrgCount(winningValue) >= 2) ) {
return Status.contributed;
if (weight1 >= weight2 && weight1 >= 2) {
return Status.provisional;
return Status.unconfirmed;
private Status getPossibleWinningStatus() {
if (!resolved) {
Status possibleStatus = computeStatus(organizationToValueAndVote.getBestPossibleVote(), 0);
return possibleStatus.compareTo(winningStatus) > 0 ? possibleStatus : winningStatus;
* If the winning item is not approved, and if all the people who voted had voted for the winning item,
* would it have made contributed or approved?
* @return
public boolean isDisputed() {
if (!resolved) {
if (winningStatus.compareTo(VoteResolver.Status.contributed) >= 0) {
return false;
VoteResolver.Status possibleStatus = getPossibleWinningStatus();
if (possibleStatus.compareTo(VoteResolver.Status.contributed) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
public Status getWinningStatus() {
if (!resolved) {
return winningStatus;
* Returns O Value as described in
* Not always the same as the Winning Value.
* @return
private T getOValue() {
if (!resolved) {
return oValue;
* Returns N Value as described in
* Not always the same as the Winning Value.
* @return
private T getNValue() {
if (!resolved) {
return nValue;
* Returns Winning Value as described in
* Not always the same as the O Value.
* @return
public T getWinningValue() {
if (!resolved) {
return winningValue;
public List<T> getValuesWithSameVotes() {
if (!resolved) {
return new ArrayList<>(valuesWithSameVotes);
public EnumSet<Organization> getConflictedOrganizations() {
if (!resolved) {
return conflictedOrganizations;
* What value did this organization vote for?
* @param org
* @return
public T getOrgVote(Organization org) {
return organizationToValueAndVote.getOrgVote(org);
public Map<T, Long> getOrgToVotes(Organization org) {
return organizationToValueAndVote.getOrgToVotes(org);
public Map<String, Long> getNameTime() {
return organizationToValueAndVote.getNameTime();
* Get a String representation of this VoteResolver.
* This is sent to the client as "voteResolver.raw" and is used only for debugging.
* Compare SurveyAjax.JSONWriter.wrap(VoteResolver<String>) which creates the data
* actually used by the client.
public String toString() {
return "{"
+ "bailey: " + (organizationToValueAndVote.baileySet ? ("“" + organizationToValueAndVote.baileyValue + "” ") : "none ")
+ "baseline: {" + baselineValue + ", " + baselineStatus + "}, "
+ organizationToValueAndVote
+ ", sameVotes: " + valuesWithSameVotes
+ ", O: " + getOValue()
+ ", N: " + getNValue()
+ ", totals: " + totals
+ ", winning: {" + getWinningValue() + ", " + getWinningStatus() + "}"
+ "}";
public static Map<Integer, String> getIdToPath(String fileName) {
XPathTableHandler myHandler = new XPathTableHandler();
XMLFileReader xfr = new XMLFileReader().setHandler(myHandler);, XMLFileReader.CONTENT_HANDLER | XMLFileReader.ERROR_HANDLER, false);
return myHandler.pathIdToPath;
static class XPathTableHandler extends XMLFileReader.SimpleHandler {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("id=\"([0-9]+)\"").matcher("");
Map<Integer, String> pathIdToPath = new HashMap<>();
public void handlePathValue(String path, String value) {
// <xpathTable host="tintin.local" date="Tue Apr 29 14:34:32 PDT 2008" count="18266" >
// <xpath
// id="1">//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type="gregorian"]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[@type="short"]/dateFormat[@type="standard"]/pattern[@type="standard"]</xpath>
if (!matcher.reset(path).find()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown path " + path);
pathIdToPath.put(Integer.parseInt(, value);
public static Map<Integer, Map<Integer, CandidateInfo>> getBaseToAlternateToInfo(String fileName, VoterInfoList vil) {
try {
VotesHandler myHandler = new VotesHandler(vil);
XMLFileReader xfr = new XMLFileReader().setHandler(myHandler);, XMLFileReader.CONTENT_HANDLER | XMLFileReader.ERROR_HANDLER, false);
return myHandler.basepathToInfo;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw (RuntimeException) new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle file: " + fileName).initCause(e);
public enum Type {
proposal, optimal
public static class CandidateInfo {
public Status oldStatus;
public Type surveyType;
public Status surveyStatus;
public Set<Integer> voters = new TreeSet<>();
private VoterInfoList voterInfoList;
CandidateInfo(VoterInfoList vil) {
this.voterInfoList = vil;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder voterString = new StringBuilder("{");
for (int voter : voters) {
VoterInfo voterInfo = voterInfoList.get(voter);
if (voterString.length() > 1) {
voterString.append(" ");
if (voterInfo != null) {
voterString.append(" ").append(voterInfo);
return "{oldStatus: " + oldStatus
+ ", surveyType: " + surveyType
+ ", surveyStatus: " + surveyStatus
+ ", voters: " + voterString
+ "};";
* <locale-votes host="tintin.local" date="Tue Apr 29 14:34:32 PDT 2008"
* oldVersion="1.5.1" currentVersion="1.6" resolved="false" locale="zu">
* <row baseXpath="1">
* <item xpath="2855" type="proposal" id="1" status="unconfirmed">
* <old status="unconfirmed"/>
* </item>
* <item xpath="1" type="optimal" id="56810" status="confirmed">
* <vote user="210"/>
* </item>
* </row>
* ...
* A base path has a set of candidates. Each candidate has various items of information.
static class VotesHandler extends XMLFileReader.SimpleHandler {
private VoterInfoList voterInfoList;
VotesHandler(VoterInfoList vil) {
this.voterInfoList = vil;
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, CandidateInfo>> basepathToInfo = new TreeMap<>();
public void handlePathValue(String path, String value) {
try {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
if (parts.size() < 2) {
// empty data
int baseId = Integer.parseInt(parts.getAttributeValue(1, "baseXpath"));
Map<Integer, CandidateInfo> info = basepathToInfo.get(baseId);
if (info == null) {
basepathToInfo.put(baseId, info = new TreeMap<>());
int itemId = Integer.parseInt(parts.getAttributeValue(2, "xpath"));
CandidateInfo candidateInfo = info.get(itemId);
if (candidateInfo == null) {
info.put(itemId, candidateInfo = new CandidateInfo(voterInfoList));
candidateInfo.surveyType = Type.valueOf(parts.getAttributeValue(2, "type"));
candidateInfo.surveyStatus = Status.valueOf(fixBogusDraftStatusValues(parts.getAttributeValue(2,
// ignore id
if (parts.size() < 4) {
final String lastElement = parts.getElement(3);
if (lastElement.equals("old")) {
candidateInfo.oldStatus = Status.valueOf(fixBogusDraftStatusValues(parts.getAttributeValue(3,
} else if (lastElement.equals("vote")) {
candidateInfo.voters.add(Integer.parseInt(parts.getAttributeValue(3, "user")));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown option: " + path);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw (RuntimeException) new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle path: " + path).initCause(e);
public static class UnknownVoterException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3430877787936678609L;
int voter;
public UnknownVoterException(int voter) {
this.voter = voter;
public String toString() {
return "Unknown voter: " + voter;
private static String fixBogusDraftStatusValues(String attributeValue) {
if (attributeValue == null) return "approved";
if ("confirmed".equals(attributeValue)) return "approved";
if ("true".equals(attributeValue)) return "unconfirmed";
if ("unknown".equals(attributeValue)) return "unconfirmed";
return attributeValue;
* TODO: either delete this or explain why it's needed
public int size() {
return values.size();
* Returns a map from value to resolved vote count, in descending order.
* If the winning item is not there, insert at the front.
* If the baseline (trunk) item is not there, insert at the end.
* @return the map
public Map<T, Long> getResolvedVoteCounts() {
if (!resolved) {
Map<T, Long> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (winningValue != null && !totals.containsKey(winningValue)) {
result.put(winningValue, 0L);
for (T value : totals.getKeysetSortedByCount(false, votesThenUcaCollator)) {
result.put(value, totals.get(value));
if (baselineValue != null && !totals.containsKey(baselineValue)) {
result.put(baselineValue, 0L);
for (T value : organizationToValueAndVote.totalVotes.getMap().keySet()) {
if (!result.containsKey(value)) {
result.put(value, 0L);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("getResolvedVoteCounts :" + result.toString());
return result;
public VoteStatus getStatusForOrganization(Organization orgOfUser) {
if (!resolved) {
T orgVote = organizationToValueAndVote.getOrgVoteRaw(orgOfUser);
if (!equalsOrgVote(winningValue, orgVote)) {
// We voted and lost
return VoteStatus.losing;
final int itemsWithVotes = countDistinctValuesWithVotes();
if (itemsWithVotes > 1) {
// If there are votes for two "distinct" items, we should look at them.
return VoteStatus.disputed;
final T singleVotedItem = organizationToValueAndVote.getSingleVotedItem();
if (!equalsOrgVote(winningValue, singleVotedItem)) {
// If someone voted but didn't win
return VoteStatus.disputed;
if (Status.provisional.compareTo(winningStatus) >= 0) {
// If the value is provisional, it needs more votes.
return VoteStatus.provisionalOrWorse;
} else if (itemsWithVotes == 0) {
// The value is ok, but we capture that there are no votes, for revealing items like unsync'ed
return VoteStatus.ok_novotes;
} else {
// We voted, we won, value is approved, no disputes, have votes
return VoteStatus.ok;
* Should these two values be treated as equivalent for getStatusForOrganization?
* @param value
* @param orgVote
* @return true if they are equivalent, false if they are distinct
private boolean equalsOrgVote(T value, T orgVote) {
return orgVote == null
|| orgVote.equals(value)
|| (CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(value)
&& orgVote.equals(organizationToValueAndVote.baileyValue))
|| (CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(orgVote)
&& value.equals(organizationToValueAndVote.baileyValue));
* Count the distinct values that have votes.
* For this purpose, if there are both votes for inheritance and
* votes for the specific value matching the inherited (bailey) value,
* they are not "distinct": count them as a single value.
* @return the number of distinct values
private int countDistinctValuesWithVotes() {
if (!resolved) { // must be resolved for bothInheritanceAndBaileyHadVotes
throw new RuntimeException("countDistinctValuesWithVotes !resolved");
int count = organizationToValueAndVote.totalVotes.size();
if (count > 1 && bothInheritanceAndBaileyHadVotes) {
return count - 1; // prevent showing as "disputed" in dashboard
return count;
* Should this VoteResolver use keyword annotation voting?
* Apply special voting method adjustAnnotationVoteCounts only to certain keyword annotations that
* can have bar-separated values like "happy | joyful".
* The paths for keyword annotations start with "//ldml/annotations/annotation" and do NOT include Emoji.TYPE_TTS.
* Both name paths (cf. namePath, getNamePaths) and keyword paths (cf. keywordPath, getKeywordPaths)
* have "//ldml/annotations/annotation". Name paths include Emoji.TYPE_TTS, and keyword paths don't.
* Special voting is only for keyword paths, not for name paths.
* Compare path dependencies in See also VoteResolver.splitAnnotationIntoComponentsList.
* @return true or false
private boolean isUsingKeywordAnnotationVoting() {
if (pathHeader == null) {
return false; // this happens in some tests
final String path = pathHeader.getOriginalPath();
return AnnotationUtil.pathIsAnnotation(path) && !path.contains(Emoji.TYPE_TTS);
* Is the value locked for this locale+path?
* @return true or false
public boolean isValueLocked() {
return valueIsLocked;
* Can a user who makes a losing vote flag the locale+path?
* I.e., is the locale+path locked and/or does it require HIGH_BAR votes?
* @return true or false
public boolean canFlagOnLosing() {
return valueIsLocked || (getRequiredVotes() == HIGH_BAR);
* Calculate VoteResolver.Status
* @param baselineFile the 'baseline' file to use
* @param path path the xpath
* @return the Status
public static Status calculateStatus(CLDRFile baselineFile, String path) {
String fullXPath = baselineFile.getFullXPath(path);
if (fullXPath == null) {
fullXPath = path;
final XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullXPath);
final String draft = xpp.getAttributeValue(-1, LDMLConstants.DRAFT);
Status status = draft == null ? Status.approved : VoteResolver.Status.fromString(draft);
* Reset to missing if the value is inherited from root or code-fallback, unless the XML actually
* contains INHERITANCE_MARKER. Pass false for skipInheritanceMarker so that status will not be
* missing for explicit INHERITANCE_MARKER.
final String srcid = baselineFile.getSourceLocaleIdExtended(path, null, false /* skipInheritanceMarker */);
if (srcid.equals(XMLSource.CODE_FALLBACK_ID)) {
status = Status.missing;
} else if (srcid.equals("root")) {
if (!srcid.equals(baselineFile.getLocaleID())) {
status = Status.missing;
return status;