blob: 9b8e1dc5b4e4ff86b1145cdc64d8e5917f084444 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarDerivation.CompoundUnitStructure;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarDerivation.Values;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.GrammarInfo.GrammaticalFeature;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Rational.FormatStyle;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Rational.RationalParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralInfo;
public class UnitConverter implements Freezable<UnitConverter> {
public static boolean DEBUG = false;
public static final Integer INTEGER_ONE = Integer.valueOf(1);
static final Splitter BAR_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('-');
static final Splitter SPACE_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(' ').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
public static final Set<String> UNTRANSLATED_UNIT_NAMES = ImmutableSet.of(
public static final Set<String> HACK_SKIP_UNIT_NAMES = ImmutableSet.of(
// skip dot because pixel is preferred
// skip because a component is not translated
final RationalParser rationalParser;
private Map<String,String> baseUnitToQuantity = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Map<String,String> baseUnitToStatus = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Map<String, TargetInfo> sourceToTargetInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Map<String,String> sourceToStandard;
private Multimap<String, String> quantityToSimpleUnits = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
private Multimap<String, String> sourceToSystems = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
private Set<String> baseUnits;
private Multimap<String, Continuation> continuations = TreeMultimap.create();
private Comparator<String> quantityComparator;
private Map<String,String> fixDenormalized;
private ImmutableMap<String, UnitId> idToUnitId;
public final BiMap<String,String> SHORT_TO_LONG_ID = Units.LONG_TO_SHORT.inverse();
public final Set<String> LONG_PREFIXES = Units.TYPE_TO_CORE.keySet();
private boolean frozen = false;
public TargetInfoComparator targetInfoComparator;
/** Warning: ordering is important; determines the normalized output */
public static final Set<String> BASE_UNITS = ImmutableSet.of(
// non-SI
public void addQuantityInfo(String baseUnit, String quantity, String status) {
if (baseUnitToQuantity.containsKey(baseUnit)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
baseUnitToQuantity.put(baseUnit, quantity);
if (status != null) {
baseUnitToStatus.put(baseUnit, status);
quantityToSimpleUnits.put(quantity, baseUnit);
public static final Set<String> BASE_UNIT_PARTS = ImmutableSet.<String>builder()
public static final Pattern PLACEHOLDER = Pattern.compile("[ \\u00A0\\u200E\\u200F\\u202F]*\\{0\\}[ \\u00A0\\u200E\\u200F\\u202F]*");
public static final boolean HACK = true;
public boolean isFrozen() {
return frozen;
public UnitConverter freeze() {
if (!frozen) {
frozen = true;
sourceToTargetInfo = ImmutableMap.copyOf(sourceToTargetInfo);
sourceToStandard = buildSourceToStandard();
quantityToSimpleUnits = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(quantityToSimpleUnits);
quantityComparator = getQuantityComparator(baseUnitToQuantity, baseUnitToStatus);
sourceToSystems = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(sourceToSystems);
// other fields are frozen earlier in processing
Builder<String> builder = ImmutableSet.<String>builder()
for (TargetInfo s : sourceToTargetInfo.values()) {
baseUnits =;
continuations = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(continuations);
targetInfoComparator = new TargetInfoComparator();
Map<String, UnitId> _idToUnitId = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> shortAndLongId : SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.entrySet()) {
String shortId = shortAndLongId.getKey();
String longId = shortAndLongId.getKey();
UnitId uid = createUnitId(shortId).freeze();
boolean doTest = false;
Output<Rational> deprefix = new Output<>();
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : uid.numUnitsToPowers.entrySet()) {
final String unitPart = entry.getKey();
UnitConverter.stripPrefix(unitPart, deprefix );
if (!deprefix.value.equals(Rational.ONE) || !entry.getValue().equals(INTEGER_ONE)) {
doTest = true;
if (!doTest) {
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : uid.denUnitsToPowers.entrySet()) {
final String unitPart = entry.getKey();
UnitConverter.stripPrefix(unitPart, deprefix);
if (!deprefix.value.equals(Rational.ONE)) {
doTest = true;
if (doTest) {
_idToUnitId.put(shortId, uid);
_idToUnitId.put(longId, uid);
idToUnitId = ImmutableMap.copyOf(_idToUnitId);
return this;
* Return the 'standard unit' for the source.
* @return
private Map<String, String> buildSourceToStandard() {
Map<String, String> unitToStandard = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<String, TargetInfo> entry : sourceToTargetInfo.entrySet()) {
String source = entry.getKey();
TargetInfo targetInfo = entry.getValue();
if (targetInfo.unitInfo.factor.equals(Rational.ONE) && targetInfo.unitInfo.offset.equals(Rational.ZERO)) {
final String target =;
String old = unitToStandard.get(target);
if (old == null) {
unitToStandard.put(target, source);
if (DEBUG) System.out.println(target + " ⟹ " + source);
} else if (old.length() > source.length()) {
unitToStandard.put(target, source);
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("TWO STANDARDS: " + target + " ⟹ " + source + "; was " + old);
} else {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("TWO STANDARDS: " + target + " ⟹ " + old + ", was " + source);
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(unitToStandard);
public UnitConverter cloneAsThawed() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public static final class ConversionInfo implements Comparable<ConversionInfo> {
public final Rational factor;
public final Rational offset;
static final ConversionInfo IDENTITY = new ConversionInfo(Rational.ONE, Rational.ZERO);
public ConversionInfo(Rational factor, Rational offset) {
this.factor = factor;
this.offset = offset;
public Rational convert(Rational source) {
return source.multiply(factor).add(offset);
public Rational convertBackwards(Rational source) {
return source.subtract(offset).divide(factor);
public ConversionInfo invert() {
Rational factor2 = factor.reciprocal();
Rational offset2 = offset.equals(Rational.ZERO) ? Rational.ZERO : offset.divide(factor).negate();
return new ConversionInfo(factor2, offset2);
// TODO fix reciprocal
public String toString() {
return toString("x");
public String toString(String unit) {
return factor.toString(FormatStyle.simple)
+ " * " + unit
+ (offset.equals(Rational.ZERO) ? "" :
(offset.compareTo(Rational.ZERO) < 0 ? " - " : " - ")
+ offset.abs().toString(FormatStyle.simple));
public String toDecimal() {
return toDecimal("x");
public String toDecimal(String unit) {
return factor.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL64)
+ " * " + unit
+ (offset.equals(Rational.ZERO) ? "" :
(offset.compareTo(Rational.ZERO) < 0 ? " - " : " - ")
+ offset.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL64).abs());
public int compareTo(ConversionInfo o) {
int diff;
if (0 != (diff = factor.compareTo(o.factor))) {
return diff;
return offset.compareTo(o.offset);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return 0 == compareTo((ConversionInfo)obj);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(factor, offset);
public static class Continuation implements Comparable<Continuation> {
public final List<String> remainder;
public final String result;
public static void addIfNeeded(String source, Multimap<String, Continuation> data) {
List<String> sourceParts = BAR_SPLITTER.splitToList(source);
if (sourceParts.size() > 1) {
Continuation continuation = new Continuation(ImmutableList.copyOf(sourceParts.subList(1, sourceParts.size())), source);
data.put(sourceParts.get(0), continuation);
public Continuation(List<String> remainder, String source) {
this.remainder = remainder;
this.result = source;
* The ordering is designed to have longest continuation first so that matching works.
* Otherwise the ordering doesn't matter, so we just use the result.
public int compareTo(Continuation other) {
int diff = other.remainder.size() - remainder.size();
if (diff != 0) {
return diff;
return result.compareTo(other.result);
public boolean match(List<String> parts, final int startIndex) {
if (remainder.size() > parts.size() - startIndex) {
return false;
int i = startIndex;
for (String unitPart : remainder) {
if (!unitPart.equals(parts.get(i++))) {
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return remainder + " 🢣 " + result;
public static UnitIterator split(String derivedUnit, Multimap<String, Continuation> continuations) {
return new UnitIterator(derivedUnit, continuations);
public static class UnitIterator implements Iterable<String>, Iterator<String> {
final List<String> parts;
final Multimap<String, Continuation> continuations;
int nextIndex = 0;
public UnitIterator(String derivedUnit, Multimap<String, Continuation> continuations) {
parts = BAR_SPLITTER.splitToList(derivedUnit);
this.continuations = continuations;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextIndex < parts.size();
public String peek() {
return parts.size() <= nextIndex ? null : parts.get(nextIndex);
public String next() {
String result = parts.get(nextIndex++);
Collection<Continuation> continuationOptions = continuations.get(result);
for (Continuation option : continuationOptions) {
if (option.match(parts, nextIndex)) {
nextIndex += option.remainder.size();
return option.result;
return result;
public UnitIterator iterator() {
return this;
public UnitConverter(RationalParser rationalParser, Validity validity) {
this.rationalParser = rationalParser;
// // we need to pass in the validity so it is for the same CLDR version as the converter
// Set<String> VALID_UNITS = validity.getStatusToCodes(LstrType.unit).get(Status.regular);
// Map<String,String> _SHORT_TO_LONG_ID = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// for (String longUnit : VALID_UNITS) {
// int dashPos = longUnit.indexOf('-');
// String coreUnit = longUnit.substring(dashPos+1);
// _SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.put(coreUnit, longUnit);
// }
// SHORT_TO_LONG_ID = ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(_SHORT_TO_LONG_ID);
public void addRaw(String source, String target, String factor, String offset, String systems) {
ConversionInfo info = new ConversionInfo(
factor == null ? Rational.ONE : rationalParser.parse(factor),
offset == null ? Rational.ZERO : rationalParser.parse(offset));
Map<String, String> args = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (factor != null) {
args.put("factor", factor);
if (offset != null) {
args.put("offset", offset);
addToSourceToTarget(source, target, info, args, systems);
Continuation.addIfNeeded(source, continuations);
public static class TargetInfo{
public final String target;
public final ConversionInfo unitInfo;
public final Map<String, String> inputParameters;
public TargetInfo(String target, ConversionInfo unitInfo, Map<String, String> inputParameters) { = target;
this.unitInfo = unitInfo;
this.inputParameters = ImmutableMap.copyOf(inputParameters);
public String toString() {
return unitInfo + " (" + target + ")";
public String formatOriginalSource(String source) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder()
.append("<convertUnit source='")
.append("' baseUnit='")
for (Entry<String, String> entry : inputParameters.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() != null) {
result.append(" " + entry.getKey() + "='" + entry.getValue() + "'");
// if (unitInfo.equals(UnitInfo.IDENTITY)) {
// result.append("\t<!-- IDENTICAL -->");
// } else {
// result.append("\t<!-- ~")
// .append(unitInfo.toDecimal(target))
// .append(" -->");
// }
return result.toString();
public class TargetInfoComparator implements Comparator<TargetInfo> {
public int compare(TargetInfo o1, TargetInfo o2) {
String quality1 = baseUnitToQuantity.get(;
String quality2 = baseUnitToQuantity.get(;
int diff;
if (0 != (diff =, quality2))) {
return diff;
if (0 != (diff = o1.unitInfo.compareTo(o2.unitInfo))) {
return diff;
private void addToSourceToTarget(String source, String target, ConversionInfo info,
Map<String, String> inputParameters, String systems) {
if (sourceToTargetInfo.isEmpty()) {
baseUnitToQuantity = ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(baseUnitToQuantity);
baseUnitToStatus = ImmutableMap.copyOf(baseUnitToStatus);
} else if (sourceToTargetInfo.containsKey(source)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate source: " + source + ", " + target);
sourceToTargetInfo.put(source, new TargetInfo(target, info, inputParameters));
String targetQuantity = baseUnitToQuantity.get(target);
if (targetQuantity == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No quantity for baseUnit: " + target);
quantityToSimpleUnits.put(targetQuantity, source);
if (systems != null) {
sourceToSystems.putAll(source, SPACE_SPLITTER.split(systems));
private Comparator<String> getQuantityComparator(Map<String, String> baseUnitToQuantity2, Map<String, String> baseUnitToStatus2) {
// We want to sort all the quantities so that we have a natural ordering within compound units. So kilowatt-hour, not hour-kilowatt.
Collection<String> values;
if (true) {
values = baseUnitToQuantity2.values();
} else {
// For simple quantities, just use the ordering from baseUnitToStatus
MapComparator<String> simpleBaseUnitComparator = new MapComparator<>(baseUnitToStatus2.keySet()).freeze();
// For non-symbol quantities, use the ordering of the UnitIds
Map<UnitId, String> unitIdToQuantity = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> buq : baseUnitToQuantity2.entrySet()) {
UnitId uid = new UnitId(simpleBaseUnitComparator).add(continuations, buq.getKey(), true, 1).freeze();
unitIdToQuantity.put(uid, buq.getValue());
// System.out.println(Joiner.on("\n").join(unitIdToQuantity.values()));
values = unitIdToQuantity.values();
if (DEBUG) System.out.println(values);
return new MapComparator<>(values).freeze();
public Set<String> canConvertBetween(String unit) {
TargetInfo targetInfo = sourceToTargetInfo.get(unit);
if (targetInfo == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
String quantity = baseUnitToQuantity.get(;
return getSimpleUnits(quantity);
public Set<String> getSimpleUnits(String quantity) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(quantityToSimpleUnits.get(quantity));
public Set<String> canConvert() {
return sourceToTargetInfo.keySet();
* Converts between units, but ONLY if they are both base units
public Rational convertDirect(Rational source, String sourceUnit, String targetUnit) {
if (sourceUnit.equals(targetUnit)) {
return source;
TargetInfo toPivotInfo = sourceToTargetInfo.get(sourceUnit);
if (toPivotInfo == null) {
return Rational.NaN;
TargetInfo fromPivotInfo = sourceToTargetInfo.get(targetUnit);
if (fromPivotInfo == null) {
return Rational.NaN;
if (! {
return Rational.NaN;
Rational toPivot = toPivotInfo.unitInfo.convert(source);
Rational fromPivot = fromPivotInfo.unitInfo.convertBackwards(toPivot);
return fromPivot;
// TODO fix to guarantee single mapping
public ConversionInfo getUnitInfo(String sourceUnit, Output<String> baseUnit) {
if (isBaseUnit(sourceUnit)) {
baseUnit.value = sourceUnit;
return ConversionInfo.IDENTITY;
TargetInfo targetToInfo = sourceToTargetInfo.get(sourceUnit);
if (targetToInfo == null) {
return null;
baseUnit.value =;
return targetToInfo.unitInfo;
public String getBaseUnit(String simpleUnit) {
TargetInfo targetToInfo = sourceToTargetInfo.get(simpleUnit);
if (targetToInfo == null) {
return null;
* Return the standard unit, eg newton for kilogram-meter-per-square-second
* @param simpleUnit
* @return
public String getStandardUnit(String unit) {
Output<String> metricUnit = new Output<>();
parseUnitId(unit, metricUnit, false);
String result = sourceToStandard.get(metricUnit.value);
if (result == null) {
UnitId mUnit = createUnitId(metricUnit.value);
mUnit = mUnit.resolve();
result = sourceToStandard.get(mUnit.toString());
return result == null ? metricUnit.value : result;
public String getSpecialBaseUnit(String quantity, Set<UnitSystem> unitSystem) {
if (unitSystem.contains(UnitSystem.ussystem) || unitSystem.contains(UnitSystem.uksystem)) {
switch(quantity) {
case "volume": return unitSystem.contains(UnitSystem.uksystem) ? "gallon-imperial" : "gallon";
case "mass": return "pound";
case "length": return "foot";
case "area": return "square-foot";
return null;
* Takes a derived unit id, and produces the equivalent derived base unit id and UnitInfo to convert to it
* @author markdavis
* @param showYourWork TODO
public ConversionInfo parseUnitId (String derivedUnit, Output<String> metricUnit, boolean showYourWork) {
metricUnit.value = null;
UnitId outputUnit = new UnitId(UNIT_COMPARATOR);
Rational numerator = Rational.ONE;
Rational denominator = Rational.ONE;
boolean inNumerator = true;
int power = 1;
Output<Rational> deprefix = new Output<>();
Rational offset = Rational.ZERO;
int countUnits = 0;
for (Iterator<String> it = Continuation.split(derivedUnit, continuations).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String unit =;
if (unit.equals("square")) {
if (power != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have power of " + unit);
power = 2;
if (showYourWork) System.out.println(showRational("\t " + unit + ": ", Rational.of(power), "power"));
} else if (unit.equals("cubic")) {
if (power != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have power of " + unit);
power = 3;
if (showYourWork) System.out.println(showRational("\t " + unit + ": ", Rational.of(power), "power"));
} else if (unit.startsWith("pow")) {
if (power != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have power of " + unit);
power = Integer.parseInt(unit.substring(3));
if (showYourWork) System.out.println(showRational("\t " + unit + ": ", Rational.of(power), "power"));
} else if (unit.equals("per")) {
if (power != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have power of per");
if (showYourWork && inNumerator) System.out.println("\tper");
inNumerator = false; // ignore multiples
// } else if ('9' >= unit.charAt(0)) {
// if (power != 1) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have power of " + unit);
// }
// Rational factor = Rational.of(Integer.parseInt(unit));
// if (inNumerator) {
// numerator = numerator.multiply(factor);
// } else {
// denominator = denominator.multiply(factor);
// }
} else {
// kilo etc.
unit = stripPrefix(unit, deprefix);
if (showYourWork) {
if (!deprefix.value.equals(Rational.ONE)) {
System.out.println(showRational("\tprefix: ", deprefix.value, unit));
} else {
System.out.println("\t" + unit);
Rational value = deprefix.value;
if (!isSimpleBaseUnit(unit)) {
TargetInfo info = sourceToTargetInfo.get(unit);
if (info == null) {
if (showYourWork) System.out.println("\t⟹ no conversion for: " + unit);
return null; // can't convert
String baseUnit =;
value = info.unitInfo.factor.multiply(value);
//if (showYourWork && !info.unitInfo.factor.equals(Rational.ONE)) System.out.println(showRational("\tfactor: ", info.unitInfo.factor, baseUnit));
// Special handling for offsets. We disregard them if there are any other units.
if (countUnits == 1 && !it.hasNext()) {
offset = info.unitInfo.offset;
if (showYourWork && !info.unitInfo.offset.equals(Rational.ZERO)) System.out.println(showRational("\toffset: ", info.unitInfo.offset, baseUnit));
unit = baseUnit;
for (int p = 1; p <= power; ++p) {
String title = "";
if (value.equals(Rational.ONE)) {
if (showYourWork) System.out.println("\t(already base unit)");
} else if (inNumerator) {
numerator = numerator.multiply(value);
title = "\t× ";
} else {
denominator = denominator.multiply(value);
title = "\t÷ ";
if (showYourWork) System.out.println(showRational("\t× ", value, " ⟹ " + unit) + "\t" + numerator.divide(denominator) + "\t" + numerator.divide(denominator).doubleValue());
// create cleaned up target unitid
outputUnit.add(continuations, unit, inNumerator, power);
power = 1;
metricUnit.value = outputUnit.toString();
return new ConversionInfo(numerator.divide(denominator), offset);
/** Only for use for simple base unit comparison */
private class UnitComparator implements Comparator<String>{
// TODO, use order in units.xml
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
if (o1.equals(o2)) {
return 0;
Output<Rational> deprefix1 = new Output<>();
o1 = stripPrefix(o1, deprefix1);
TargetInfo targetAndInfo1 = sourceToTargetInfo.get(o1);
String quantity1 = baseUnitToQuantity.get(;
Output<Rational> deprefix2 = new Output<>();
o2 = stripPrefix(o2, deprefix2);
TargetInfo targetAndInfo2 = sourceToTargetInfo.get(o2);
String quantity2 = baseUnitToQuantity.get(;
int diff;
if (0 != (diff =, quantity2))) {
return diff;
Rational factor1 = targetAndInfo1.unitInfo.factor.multiply(deprefix1.value);
Rational factor2 = targetAndInfo2.unitInfo.factor.multiply(deprefix2.value);
if (0 != (diff = factor1.compareTo(factor2))) {
return diff;
return o1.compareTo(o2);
Comparator<String> UNIT_COMPARATOR = new UnitComparator();
* Only handles the canonical units; no kilo-, only normalized, etc.
* @author markdavis
public class UnitId implements Freezable<UnitId>, Comparable<UnitId> {
public Map<String, Integer> numUnitsToPowers;
public Map<String, Integer> denUnitsToPowers;
public EntrySetComparator<String, Integer> entrySetComparator;
private boolean frozen = false;
private UnitId(Comparator<String> comparator) {
numUnitsToPowers = new TreeMap<>(comparator);
denUnitsToPowers = new TreeMap<>(comparator);
entrySetComparator = new EntrySetComparator<String, Integer>(comparator, Comparator.naturalOrder());
} //
private UnitId add(Multimap<String, Continuation> continuations, String compoundUnit, boolean groupInNumerator, int groupPower) {
if (frozen) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Object is frozen.");
boolean inNumerator = true;
int power = 1;
// maybe refactor common parts with above code.
for (String unitPart : Continuation.split(compoundUnit, continuations)) {
switch (unitPart) {
case "square": power = 2; break;
case "cubic": power = 3; break;
case "per": inNumerator = false; break; // sticky, ignore multiples
if (unitPart.startsWith("pow")) {
power = Integer.parseInt(unitPart.substring(3));
} else {
Map<String, Integer> target = inNumerator == groupInNumerator ? numUnitsToPowers : denUnitsToPowers;
Integer oldPower = target.get(unitPart);
// we multiply powers, so that weight-square-volume => weight-pow4-length
int newPower = groupPower * power + (oldPower == null ? 0 : oldPower);
target.put(unitPart, newPower);
power = 1;
return this;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
boolean firstDenominator = true;
for (int i = 1; i >= 0; --i) { // two passes, numerator then den.
boolean positivePass = i > 0;
Map<String, Integer> target = positivePass ? numUnitsToPowers : denUnitsToPowers;
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : target.entrySet()) {
String unit = entry.getKey();
int power = entry.getValue();
// NOTE: zero (eg one-per-one) gets counted twice
if (builder.length() != 0) {
if (!positivePass) {
if (firstDenominator) {
firstDenominator = false;
switch (power) {
case 1:
case 2:
builder.append("square-"); break;
case 3:
builder.append("cubic-"); break;
if (power > 3) {
builder.append("pow" + power + "-");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled power: " + power);
return builder.toString();
public String toString(LocaleStringProvider resolvedFile, String width, String _pluralCategory, String caseVariant, Multimap<UnitPathType, String> partsUsed, boolean maximal) {
if (partsUsed != null) {
String result = null;
String numerator = null;
String timesPattern = null;
String placeholderPattern = null;
Output<Integer> deprefix = new Output<>();
PlaceholderLocation placeholderPosition = PlaceholderLocation.missing;
Matcher placeholderMatcher = PLACEHOLDER.matcher("");
Output<String> unitPatternOut = new Output<>();
PluralInfo pluralInfo = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getSupplementalDataInfo().getPlurals(resolvedFile.getLocaleID());
PluralRules pluralRules = pluralInfo.getPluralRules();
String singularPluralCategory =;
final ULocale locale = new ULocale(resolvedFile.getLocaleID());
String fullPerPattern = null;
int negCount = 0;
for (int i = 1; i >= 0; --i) { // two passes, numerator then den.
boolean positivePass = i > 0;
if (!positivePass) {
switch(locale.toString()) {
case "de": caseVariant = "accusative"; break; // German pro rule
numerator = result; // from now on, result ::= denominator
result = null;
Map<String, Integer> target = positivePass ? numUnitsToPowers : denUnitsToPowers;
int unitsLeft = target.size();
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : target.entrySet()) {
String possiblyPrefixedUnit = entry.getKey();
String unit = stripPrefixPower(possiblyPrefixedUnit, deprefix);
String genderVariant = UnitPathType.gender.getTrans(resolvedFile, "long", unit, null, null, null, partsUsed);
int power = entry.getValue();
String pluralCategory = unitsLeft == 0 && positivePass ? _pluralCategory : singularPluralCategory;
if (!positivePass) {
if (maximal && 0 == negCount++) { // special case exact match for per form, and no previous result
if (true) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented fully");
String fullUnit;
switch(power) {
case 1: fullUnit = unit; break;
case 2: fullUnit = "square-" + unit; break;
case 3: fullUnit = "cubic-" + unit; break;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("powers > 3 not supported");
fullPerPattern = UnitPathType.perUnit.getTrans(resolvedFile, width, fullUnit, _pluralCategory, caseVariant, genderVariant, partsUsed);
// if there is a special form, we'll use it
if (fullPerPattern != null) {
// handle prefix, like kilo-
String prefixPattern = null;
if (deprefix.value != 1) {
prefixPattern = UnitPathType.prefix.getTrans(resolvedFile, width, "10p" + deprefix.value, _pluralCategory, caseVariant, genderVariant, partsUsed);
// get the core pattern. Detect and remove the the placeholder (and surrounding spaces)
String unitPattern = UnitPathType.unit.getTrans(resolvedFile, width, unit, pluralCategory, caseVariant, genderVariant, partsUsed);
if (unitPattern == null) {
return null; // unavailable
// we are set up for 2 kinds of placeholder patterns for units. {0}\s?stuff or stuff\s?{0}, or nothing(Eg Arabic)
placeholderPosition = extractUnit(placeholderMatcher, unitPattern, unitPatternOut);
if (placeholderPosition == PlaceholderLocation.middle) {
return null; // signal we can't handle, but shouldn't happen with well-formed data.
} else if (placeholderPosition != PlaceholderLocation.missing) {
unitPattern = unitPatternOut.value;
placeholderPattern =;
// we have all the pieces, so build it up
if (prefixPattern != null) {
unitPattern = combineLowercasing(locale, width, prefixPattern, unitPattern);
String powerPattern = null;
switch (power) {
case 1:
case 2:
powerPattern = UnitPathType.power.getTrans(resolvedFile, width, "power2", pluralCategory, caseVariant, genderVariant, partsUsed);
case 3:
powerPattern = UnitPathType.power.getTrans(resolvedFile, width, "power3", pluralCategory, caseVariant, genderVariant, partsUsed);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No power pattern > 3: " + this);
if (powerPattern != null) {
unitPattern = combineLowercasing(locale, width, powerPattern, unitPattern);
if (result != null) {
if (timesPattern == null) {
timesPattern = getTimesPattern(resolvedFile, width);
result = MessageFormat.format(timesPattern, result, unitPattern);
} else {
result = unitPattern;
// if there is a fullPerPattern, then we use it instead of per pattern + first denominator element
if (fullPerPattern != null) {
if (numerator != null) {
numerator = MessageFormat.format(fullPerPattern, numerator);
} else {
numerator = fullPerPattern;
placeholderPattern = null;
if (result != null) {
if (timesPattern == null) {
timesPattern = getTimesPattern(resolvedFile, width);
numerator = MessageFormat.format(timesPattern, numerator, result);
result = numerator;
} else {
// glue the two parts together, if we have two of them
if (result == null) {
result = numerator;
} else {
String perPattern = UnitPathType.per.getTrans(resolvedFile, width, null, _pluralCategory, caseVariant, null, partsUsed);
if (numerator == null) {
result = MessageFormat.format(perPattern, "", result).trim();
} else {
result = MessageFormat.format(perPattern, numerator, result);
return addPlaceholder(result, placeholderPattern, placeholderPosition);
public String getTimesPattern(LocaleStringProvider resolvedFile, String width) { // TODO fix hack!
if (HACK && "en".equals(resolvedFile.getLocaleID())) {
return "{0}-{1}";
String timesPatternPath = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"" + width + "\"]/compoundUnit[@type=\"times\"]/compoundUnitPattern";
return resolvedFile.getStringValue(timesPatternPath);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
UnitId other = (UnitId) obj;
return numUnitsToPowers.equals(other.numUnitsToPowers)
&& denUnitsToPowers.equals(other.denUnitsToPowers);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(numUnitsToPowers, denUnitsToPowers);
public boolean isFrozen() {
return frozen;
public UnitId freeze() {
frozen = true;
numUnitsToPowers = ImmutableMap.copyOf(numUnitsToPowers);
denUnitsToPowers = ImmutableMap.copyOf(denUnitsToPowers);
return this;
public UnitId cloneAsThawed() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public UnitId resolve() {
UnitId result = new UnitId(UNIT_COMPARATOR);
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : numUnitsToPowers.entrySet()) {
final String key = entry.getKey();
Integer denPower = denUnitsToPowers.get(key);
if (denPower == null) {
int power = entry.getValue() - denPower;
if (power > 0) {
result.numUnitsToPowers.put(key, power);
} else if (power < 0) {
result.denUnitsToPowers.put(key, -power);
} else { // 0, so
return result.freeze();
public int compareTo(UnitId o) {
int diff = compareEntrySets(numUnitsToPowers.entrySet(), o.numUnitsToPowers.entrySet(), entrySetComparator);
if (diff != 0) return diff;
return compareEntrySets(denUnitsToPowers.entrySet(), o.denUnitsToPowers.entrySet(), entrySetComparator);
* Default rules
* Prefixes & powers: the gender of the whole is the same as the gender of the operand. In pseudocode:
gender(square, meter) = gender(meter)
gender(kilo, meter) = gender(meter)
* Per: the gender of the whole is the gender of the numerator. If there is no numerator, then the gender of the denominator
gender(gram per meter) = gender(gram)
* Times: the gender of the whole is the gender of the last operand
gender(gram-meter) = gender(gram)
* @param source
* @param partsUsed
* @return
* TODO: add parameter to short-circuit the lookup if the unit is not a compound.
public String getGender(CLDRFile resolvedFile, Output<String> source, Multimap<UnitPathType, String> partsUsed) {
// will not be empty
GrammarDerivation gd = null;
//Values power = gd.get(GrammaticalFeature.grammaticalGender, CompoundUnitStructure.power); no data available yet
//Values prefix = gd.get(GrammaticalFeature.grammaticalGender, CompoundUnitStructure.prefix);
Map<String,Integer> determiner;
if (numUnitsToPowers.isEmpty()) {
determiner = denUnitsToPowers;
} else if (denUnitsToPowers.isEmpty()) {
determiner = numUnitsToPowers;
} else {
if (gd == null) {
gd = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance().getGrammarDerivation(resolvedFile.getLocaleID());
Values per = gd.get(GrammaticalFeature.grammaticalGender, CompoundUnitStructure.per);
boolean useFirst = per.value0.equals("0");
determiner = useFirst ? numUnitsToPowers // otherwise use numerator if possible
: denUnitsToPowers;
// TODO add test that the value is 0 or 1, so that if it fails we know to upgrade this code.
Entry<String, Integer> bestMeasure;
if (determiner.size() == 1) {
bestMeasure = determiner.entrySet().iterator().next();
} else {
if (gd == null) {
gd = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance().getGrammarDerivation(resolvedFile.getLocaleID());
Values times = gd.get(GrammaticalFeature.grammaticalGender, CompoundUnitStructure.times);
boolean useFirst = times.value0.equals("0");
if (useFirst) {
bestMeasure = determiner.entrySet().iterator().next();
} else {
bestMeasure = null; // we know the determiner is not empty, but this makes the compiler
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : determiner.entrySet()) {
bestMeasure = entry;
String strippedUnit = stripPrefix(bestMeasure.getKey(), null);
String gender = UnitPathType.gender.getTrans(resolvedFile, "long", strippedUnit, null, null, null, partsUsed);
if (gender != null && source != null) {
source.value = strippedUnit;
return gender;
public enum PlaceholderLocation {before, middle, after, missing}
public static String addPlaceholder(String result, String placeholderPattern, PlaceholderLocation placeholderPosition) {
return placeholderPattern == null ? result
: placeholderPosition == PlaceholderLocation.before ? placeholderPattern + result
: result + placeholderPattern;
* Returns the location of the placeholder. Call after calling this to get the placeholder.
* @param placeholderMatcher
* @param unitPattern
* @param unitPatternOut
* @param before
* @return
public static PlaceholderLocation extractUnit(Matcher placeholderMatcher, String unitPattern, Output<String> unitPatternOut) {
if (placeholderMatcher.reset(unitPattern).find()) {
if (placeholderMatcher.start() == 0) {
unitPatternOut.value = unitPattern.substring(placeholderMatcher.end());
return PlaceholderLocation.before;
} else if (placeholderMatcher.end() == unitPattern.length()) {
unitPatternOut.value = unitPattern.substring(0, placeholderMatcher.start());
return PlaceholderLocation.after;
} else {
unitPatternOut.value = unitPattern;
return PlaceholderLocation.middle;
} else {
unitPatternOut.value = unitPattern;
return PlaceholderLocation.missing;
public static String combineLowercasing(final ULocale locale, String width, String prefixPattern, String unitPattern) {
// catch special case, ZentiLiter
if (width.equals("long") && !prefixPattern.contains(" {") && !prefixPattern.contains(" {")) {
unitPattern = UCharacter.toLowerCase(locale, unitPattern);
unitPattern = MessageFormat.format(prefixPattern, unitPattern);
return unitPattern;
public static class EntrySetComparator<K extends Comparable<K>,V> implements Comparator<Entry<K, V>> {
Comparator<K> kComparator;
Comparator<V> vComparator;
public EntrySetComparator(Comparator<K> kComparator, Comparator<V> vComparator) {
this.kComparator = kComparator;
this.vComparator = vComparator;
public int compare(Entry<K, V> o1, Entry<K, V> o2) {
int diff =, o2.getKey());
if (diff != 0) {
return diff;
diff =, o2.getValue());
if (diff != 0) {
return diff;
return o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey());
public static <K extends Comparable<K>, V extends Comparable<V>, T extends Entry<K, V>> int compareEntrySets(Collection<T> o1, Collection<T> o2, Comparator<T> comparator) {
Iterator<T> iterator1 = o1.iterator();
Iterator<T> iterator2 = o2.iterator();
while (true) {
if (!iterator1.hasNext()) {
return iterator2.hasNext() ? -1 : 0;
} else if (!iterator2.hasNext()) {
return 1;
T item1 =;
T item2 =;
int diff =, item2);
if (diff != 0) {
return diff;
private ConcurrentHashMap<String, UnitId> UNIT_ID = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// TODO This is safe but should use regular cache
public final UnitId createUnitId(String unit) {
UnitId result = UNIT_ID.get(unit);
if (result == null) {
result = new UnitId(UNIT_COMPARATOR).add(continuations, unit, true, 1).freeze();
UNIT_ID.put(unit, result);
return result;
public boolean isBaseUnit(String unit) {
return baseUnits.contains(unit);
public boolean isSimpleBaseUnit(String unit) {
return BASE_UNITS.contains(unit);
public Set<String> baseUnits() {
return baseUnits;
// TODO change to TRIE if the performance isn't good enough, or restructure with regex
public static final ImmutableMap<String, Integer> PREFIX_POWERS = ImmutableMap.<String, Integer>builder()
.put("yocto", -24)
.put("zepto", -21)
.put("atto", -18)
.put("femto", -15)
.put("pico", -12)
.put("nano", -9)
.put("micro", -6)
.put("milli", -3)
.put("centi", -2)
.put("deci", -1)
.put("deka", 1)
.put("hecto", 2)
.put("kilo", 3)
.put("mega", 6)
.put("giga", 9)
.put("tera", 12)
.put("peta", 15)
.put("exa", 18)
.put("zetta", 21)
.put("yotta", 24)
public static final ImmutableMap<String, Rational> PREFIXES;
static {
Map<String, Rational> temp = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : PREFIX_POWERS.entrySet()) {
temp.put(entry.getKey(), Rational.pow10(entry.getValue()));
PREFIXES = ImmutableMap.copyOf(temp);
static final Set<String> SKIP_PREFIX = ImmutableSet.of(
static final Rational RATIONAL1000 = Rational.of(1000);
* If there is no prefix, return the unit and ONE.
* If there is a prefix return the unit (with prefix stripped) and the prefix factor
* */
private static <V> String stripPrefixCommon(String unit, Output<V> deprefix, Map<String, V> unitMap) {
if (SKIP_PREFIX.contains(unit)) {
return unit;
for (Entry<String, V> entry : unitMap.entrySet()) {
String prefix = entry.getKey();
if (unit.startsWith(prefix)) {
String result = unit.substring(prefix.length());
// We have to do a special hack for kilogram, but only for the Rational case.
// The Integer case is used for name construction, so that is ok.
final boolean isRational = deprefix != null && deprefix.value instanceof Rational;
boolean isGramHack = isRational && result.equals("gram");
if (isGramHack) {
result = "kilogram";
if (deprefix != null) {
deprefix.value = entry.getValue();
if (isGramHack) {
final Rational ratValue = (Rational) deprefix.value;
deprefix.value = (V) ratValue.divide(RATIONAL1000);
return result;
return unit;
public static String stripPrefix(String unit, Output<Rational> deprefix) {
if (deprefix != null) {
deprefix.value = Rational.ONE;
return stripPrefixCommon(unit, deprefix, PREFIXES);
public static String stripPrefixPower(String unit, Output<Integer> deprefix) {
if (deprefix != null) {
deprefix.value = Integer.valueOf(1);
return stripPrefixCommon(unit, deprefix, PREFIX_POWERS);
public BiMap<String, String> getBaseUnitToQuantity() {
return (BiMap<String, String>) baseUnitToQuantity;
public String getQuantityFromUnit(String unit, boolean showYourWork) {
Output<String> metricUnit = new Output<>();
unit = fixDenormalized(unit);
ConversionInfo unitInfo = parseUnitId(unit, metricUnit, showYourWork);
return metricUnit.value == null ? null : getQuantityFromBaseUnit(metricUnit.value);
public String getQuantityFromBaseUnit(String baseUnit) {
if (baseUnit == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("baseUnit");
String result = getQuantityFromBaseUnit2(baseUnit);
if (result != null) {
return result;
result = getQuantityFromBaseUnit2(reciprocalOf(baseUnit));
if (result != null) {
result += "-inverse";
return result;
private String getQuantityFromBaseUnit2(String baseUnit) {
String result = baseUnitToQuantity.get(baseUnit);
if (result != null) {
return result;
UnitId unitId = createUnitId(baseUnit);
UnitId resolved = unitId.resolve();
return baseUnitToQuantity.get(resolved.toString());
public Set<String> getSimpleUnits() {
return sourceToTargetInfo.keySet();
public void addAliases(Map<String, R2<List<String>, String>> tagToReplacement) {
fixDenormalized = new TreeMap<>();
for (Entry<String, R2<List<String>, String>> entry : tagToReplacement.entrySet()) {
final String badCode = entry.getKey();
final List<String> replacements = entry.getValue().get0();
fixDenormalized.put(badCode, replacements.iterator().next());
fixDenormalized = ImmutableMap.copyOf(fixDenormalized);
public Map<String, TargetInfo> getInternalConversionData() {
return sourceToTargetInfo;
public Multimap<String, String> getSourceToSystems() {
return sourceToSystems;
public enum UnitSystem { // TODO convert getSystems and SupplementalDataInfo to use natively
public static final Set<UnitSystem> SiOrMetric = ImmutableSet.of(UnitSystem.metric,;
public static Set<UnitSystem> fromStringCollection(Collection<String> stringUnitSystems) {
return -> UnitSystem.valueOf(x)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
public static Set<String> toStringSet(Collection<UnitSystem> stringUnitSystems) {
return -> x.toString()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
public Set<String> getSystems(String unit) {
return UnitSystem.toStringSet(getSystemsEnum(unit));
public Set<UnitSystem> getSystemsEnum(String unit) {
Set<UnitSystem> result = null;
UnitId id = createUnitId(unit);
// we walk through all the units in the numerator and denominator, and keep the *intersection* of
// the units. So {ussystem} and {ussystem, uksystem} => ussystem
// Special case: {dmetric} intersect {metric} => {dmetric}. We do that by adding dmetric to any set with metric, then removing dmetric if there is a metric
for (Map<String, Integer> unitsToPowers : Arrays.asList(id.denUnitsToPowers, id.numUnitsToPowers)) {
for (String subunit : unitsToPowers.keySet()) {
subunit = UnitConverter.stripPrefix(subunit, null);
Set<UnitSystem> systems = UnitSystem.fromStringCollection(sourceToSystems.get(subunit));
if (result == null) {
result = systems;
} else {
if (result.isEmpty()) {
break main;
return result == null || result.isEmpty() ? ImmutableSet.of(UnitSystem.other) : ImmutableSet.copyOf(EnumSet.copyOf(result));
private void addSystems(Set<String> result, String subunit) {
Collection<String> systems = sourceToSystems.get(subunit);
if (!systems.isEmpty()) {
public String reciprocalOf(String value) {
// quick version, input guarantteed to be normalized
int index = value.indexOf("-per-");
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return value.substring(index+5) + "-per-" + value.substring(0, index);
public Rational parseRational(String source) {
return rationalParser.parse(source);
public String showRational(String title, Rational rational, String unit) {
String doubleString = showRational2(rational, " = ", " ≅ ");
final String endResult = title + rational + doubleString + (unit != null ? " " + unit: "");
return endResult;
public String showRational(Rational rational, String approximatePrefix) {
String doubleString = showRational2(rational, "", approximatePrefix);
return doubleString.isEmpty() ? rational.numerator.toString() : doubleString;
public String showRational2(Rational rational, String equalPrefix, String approximatePrefix) {
String doubleString = "";
if (!rational.denominator.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
String doubleValue = String.valueOf(rational.toBigDecimal(MathContext.DECIMAL32).doubleValue());
Rational reverse = parseRational(doubleValue);
doubleString = (reverse.equals(rational) ? equalPrefix : approximatePrefix) + doubleValue;
return doubleString;
public Rational convert(Rational sourceValue, String sourceUnit, final String targetUnit, boolean showYourWork) {
if (showYourWork) {
System.out.println(showRational("\nconvert:\t", sourceValue, sourceUnit) + " ⟹ " + targetUnit);
sourceUnit = fixDenormalized(sourceUnit);
Output<String> sourceBase = new Output<>();
Output<String> targetBase = new Output<>();
ConversionInfo sourceConversionInfo = parseUnitId(sourceUnit, sourceBase, showYourWork);
if (sourceConversionInfo == null) {
if (showYourWork) System.out.println("! unknown unit: " + sourceUnit);
return Rational.NaN;
Rational intermediateResult = sourceConversionInfo.convert(sourceValue);
if (showYourWork) System.out.println(showRational("intermediate:\t", intermediateResult, sourceBase.value));
if (showYourWork) System.out.println("invert:\t" + targetUnit);
ConversionInfo targetConversionInfo = parseUnitId(targetUnit, targetBase, showYourWork);
if (targetConversionInfo == null) {
if (showYourWork) System.out.println("! unknown unit: " + targetUnit);
return Rational.NaN;
if (!sourceBase.value.equals(targetBase.value)) {
// try resolving
String sourceBaseFixed = createUnitId(sourceBase.value).resolve().toString();
String targetBaseFixed = createUnitId(targetBase.value).resolve().toString();
// try reciprocal
if (!sourceBaseFixed.equals(targetBaseFixed)) {
String reciprocalUnit = reciprocalOf(sourceBase.value);
if (reciprocalUnit == null || !targetBase.value.equals(reciprocalUnit)) {
if (showYourWork) System.out.println("! incomparable units: " + sourceUnit + " and " + targetUnit);
return Rational.NaN;
intermediateResult = intermediateResult.reciprocal();
if (showYourWork) System.out.println(showRational(" ⟹ 1/intermediate:\t", intermediateResult, reciprocalUnit));
Rational result = targetConversionInfo.convertBackwards(intermediateResult);
if (showYourWork) System.out.println(showRational("target:\t", result, targetUnit));
return result;
public String fixDenormalized(String unit) {
String fixed = fixDenormalized.get(unit);
return fixed == null ? unit : fixed;
public Map<String, Rational> getConstants() {
return rationalParser.getConstants();
public String getBaseUnitFromQuantity(String unitQuantity) {
boolean invert = false;
if (unitQuantity.endsWith("-inverse")) {
invert = true;
unitQuantity = unitQuantity.substring(0,unitQuantity.length()-8);
String bu = ((BiMap<String,String>) baseUnitToQuantity).inverse().get(unitQuantity);
if (bu == null) {
return null;
return invert ? reciprocalOf(bu) : bu;
public Set<String> getQuantities() {
return getBaseUnitToQuantity().inverse().keySet();
public enum UnitComplexity {simple, non_simple}
private ConcurrentHashMap<String, UnitComplexity> COMPLEXITY = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// TODO This is safe but should use regular cache
public UnitComplexity getComplexity (String longOrShortId){
UnitComplexity result = COMPLEXITY.get(longOrShortId);
if (result == null) {
String shortId;
String longId = getLongId(longOrShortId);
if (longId == null) {
longId = longOrShortId;
shortId = SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.inverse().get(longId);
} else {
shortId = longOrShortId;
UnitId uid = createUnitId(shortId);
result = UnitComplexity.simple;
if (uid.numUnitsToPowers.size() != 1 || !uid.denUnitsToPowers.isEmpty()) {
result = UnitComplexity.non_simple;
} else {
Output<Rational> deprefix = new Output<>();
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : uid.numUnitsToPowers.entrySet()) {
final String unitPart = entry.getKey();
UnitConverter.stripPrefix(unitPart, deprefix );
if (!deprefix.value.equals(Rational.ONE) || !entry.getValue().equals(INTEGER_ONE)) {
result = UnitComplexity.non_simple;
if (result == UnitComplexity.simple) {
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : uid.denUnitsToPowers.entrySet()) {
final String unitPart = entry.getKey();
UnitConverter.stripPrefix(unitPart, deprefix);
if (!deprefix.value.equals(Rational.ONE)) {
result = UnitComplexity.non_simple;
COMPLEXITY.put(shortId, result);
COMPLEXITY.put(longId, result);
return result;
public boolean isSimple(String x) {
return getComplexity(x) == UnitComplexity.simple;
public String getLongId(String shortUnitId) {
return CldrUtility.ifNull(SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.get(shortUnitId), shortUnitId);
public Set<String> getLongIds(Iterable<String> shortUnitIds) {
LinkedHashSet<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (String longUnitId : shortUnitIds) {
String shortId = SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.get(longUnitId);
if (shortId != null) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(result);
public String getShortId(String longUnitId) {
if (longUnitId == null) {
return null;
String result = SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.inverse().get(longUnitId);
if (result != null) {
return result;
int dashPos = longUnitId.indexOf('-');
if (dashPos < 0) {
return longUnitId;
String type = longUnitId.substring(0,dashPos);
return LONG_PREFIXES.contains(type) ? longUnitId.substring(dashPos+1) : longUnitId;
public Set<String> getShortIds(Iterable<String> longUnitIds) {
LinkedHashSet<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (String longUnitId : longUnitIds) {
String shortId = SHORT_TO_LONG_ID.inverse().get(longUnitId);
if (shortId != null) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(result);
public Multimap<String, Continuation> getContinuations() {
return continuations;
public Map<String, String> getBaseUnitToStatus() {
return baseUnitToStatus;