blob: 11a4976f50dd1a89ad92caee789ec94d920b0f17 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
public enum NotificationCategory {
* There is a console-check error
"The Survey Tool detected an error in the winning value."),
* Given the users' coverage, some items are missing
"Your current coverage level requires the item to be present. "
+ "(During the vetting phase, this is informational: you can’t add new values.)"),
* Provisional: there are not enough votes to be approved
"There are not enough votes for this item to be approved (and used)."),
* There is a dispute.
"Different organizations are choosing different values. Please review to approve or reach consensus."),
* My choice is not the winning item
"The value that your organization chose (overall) is either not the winning value, or doesn’t have enough votes to be approved. "
+ "This might be due to a dispute between members of your organization."),
* There is a console-check warning
"The Survey Tool detected a warning about the winning value."),
* The English value for the path changed AFTER the current value for
* the locale.
"English Changed",
"The English value has changed in CLDR, but the corresponding value for your language has not. "
+ "Check if any changes are needed in your language."),
* The value changed from the baseline
"The winning value was altered from the baseline value. (Informational)"),
* You have abstained, or not yet voted for any value
"You have abstained, or not yet voted for any value."),
public final char abbreviation;
public final String buttonLabel;
public final String jsonLabel;
* This human-readable description is used for Priority Items Summary, which still
* creates html on the back end. For Dashboard, identical descriptions are on the
* front end. When Priority Items Summary is modernized to be more like Dashboard,
* these descriptions on the back end should become unnecessary.
public final String description;
NotificationCategory(char abbreviation, String label, String description) {
this.abbreviation = abbreviation;
this.jsonLabel = label.replace(' ', '_');
this.buttonLabel = TransliteratorUtilities.toHTML.transform(label);
this.description = TransliteratorUtilities.toHTML.transform(description);