blob: 642aad3486521eeda153124f6f0b76d1e5a9fe0b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class MissingXmlGetter {
private static final String VALUE_PLACEHOLDER = "n/a";
private final Factory factory;
private final CLDRFile englishFile;
private final Factory baselineFactory;
private int userId = 0;
private Organization usersOrg = null;
private VettingViewer.UsersChoice<Organization> usersChoice = null;
public MissingXmlGetter(Factory factory, Factory baselineFactory) {
this.factory = factory;
this.baselineFactory = baselineFactory;
this.englishFile = factory.make("en", true);
public void setUserInfo(int userId, Organization usersOrg, VettingViewer.UsersChoice<Organization> usersChoice) {
this.userId = userId;
this.usersOrg = usersOrg;
this.usersChoice = usersChoice;
* Construct XML for the paths that are error/missing/provisional in a locale, with value placeholders,
* so that somebody can download and edit the .xml file to fill in the values and then do a bulk
* submission of that file
* @param locale the locale
* @param coverageLevel the coverage level for paths to be included
* @return the XML as a string
* @throws IOException for StringWriter
public String getXml(CLDRLocale locale, Level coverageLevel) throws IOException {
if (usersOrg == null || usersChoice == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("usersOrg and usersChoice must be set");
final CLDRConfig config = CLDRConfig.getInstance();
final SupplementalDataInfo SDI = config.getSupplementalDataInfo();
final VettingViewer<Organization> vv = new VettingViewer<>(SDI, factory, usersChoice);
final EnumSet<NotificationCategory> choiceSet = VettingViewer.getDashboardNotificationCategories(usersOrg);
final VettingParameters args = new VettingParameters(choiceSet, locale, coverageLevel);
args.setUserAndOrganization(userId, usersOrg);
args.setFiles(locale, factory, baselineFactory);
final VettingViewer<Organization>.DashboardData dd = vv.generateDashboard(args);
return reallyGetXml(locale, dd, args.getSourceFile());
private String reallyGetXml(CLDRLocale locale, VettingViewer<Organization>.DashboardData dd, CLDRFile sourceFile)
throws IOException {
final XMLSource xmlSource = new SimpleXMLSource(locale.getBaseName());
final CLDRFile cldrFile = new CLDRFile(xmlSource);
populateMissingCldrFile(cldrFile, sourceFile, dd);
try (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw)) {
Map<String, Object> options = new TreeMap<>();
cldrFile.write(pw, options);
return sw.toString();
private void populateMissingCldrFile(
CLDRFile cldrFile,
CLDRFile sourceFile,
VettingViewer<Organization>.DashboardData dd
) {
for (Map.Entry<Row.R2<PathHeader.SectionId, PathHeader.PageId>, VettingViewer<Organization>.WritingInfo> e : dd.sorted.entrySet()) {
final VettingViewer<Organization>.WritingInfo wi = e.getValue();
final String path = wi.codeOutput.getOriginalPath();
if (wi.problems.contains(NotificationCategory.missingCoverage)) {
addMissingPath(cldrFile, path);
} else if (
wi.problems.contains(NotificationCategory.error) ||
) {
addPresentPath(cldrFile, sourceFile, path, wi);
private void addMissingPath(CLDRFile cldrFile, String path) {
final String comment = "English: " + englishFile.getStringValue(path);
addPathCommentValue(cldrFile, path, comment, VALUE_PLACEHOLDER);
private void addPresentPath(
CLDRFile cldrFile,
CLDRFile sourceFile,
String path,
VettingViewer<Organization>.WritingInfo wi
) {
String value = sourceFile.getStringValue(path);
if (value == null) {
String comment = "";
// put notApproved (provisional) before error, if both are present
if (wi.problems.contains(NotificationCategory.notApproved)) {
comment = NotificationCategory.notApproved.buttonLabel;
if (wi.problems.contains(NotificationCategory.error)) {
if (!comment.isEmpty()) {
comment += "; ";
comment += NotificationCategory.error.buttonLabel + ": " + wi.subtype + "; ";
// TODO: convert htmlMessage into plain text for legibility/legality inside xml comment
comment += wi.htmlMessage;
comment += "; English: " + englishFile.getStringValue(path);
addPathCommentValue(cldrFile, path, comment, value);
private void addPathCommentValue(CLDRFile cldrFile, String path, String comment, String value) {
cldrFile.add(path, value);
cldrFile.addComment(path, comment, XPathParts.Comments.CommentType.PREBLOCK);