blob: 87fe9ed2854b8e85185926b22356a79dd7e11bc1 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.Status;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DayPeriodInfo.DayPeriod;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.CurrencyNumberInfo;
public class ICUServiceBuilder {
public static Currency NO_CURRENCY = Currency.getInstance("XXX");
private CLDRFile cldrFile;
private CLDRFile collationFile;
private static Map<CLDRLocale, ICUServiceBuilder> ISBMap = new HashMap<>();
private static TimeZone utc = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
private static DateFormat iso = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", ULocale.ENGLISH);
static {
static public String isoDateFormat(Date date) {
return iso.format(date);
public static String isoDateFormat(long value) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return iso.format(new Date(value));
static public Date isoDateParse(String date) throws ParseException {
return iso.parse(date);
private Map<String, SimpleDateFormat> cacheDateFormats = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, DateFormatSymbols> cacheDateFormatSymbols = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, NumberFormat> cacheNumberFormats = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, DecimalFormatSymbols> cacheDecimalFormatSymbols = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String, RuleBasedCollator> cacheRuleBasedCollators = new HashMap<>();
private SupplementalDataInfo supplementalData;
// private Factory cldrFactory;
// public ICUServiceBuilder setCLDRFactory(Factory cldrFactory) {
// this.cldrFactory = cldrFactory;
// dateFormatCache.clear();
// return this; // for chaining
// }
private static int[] DateFormatValues = { -1, DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.FULL };
private static String[] DateFormatNames = { "none", "short", "medium", "long", "full" };
public static String getDateNames(int i) {
return DateFormatNames[i];
public static int LIMIT_DATE_FORMAT_INDEX = DateFormatValues.length;
private static final String[] Days = { "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat" };
// public SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat(CLDRFile cldrFile, int dateIndex, int timeIndex) {
// //CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID.toString(), true);
// return getDateFormat(dateIndex, timeIndex);
// }
public CLDRFile getCldrFile() {
return cldrFile;
public CLDRFile getCollationFile() {
return collationFile;
public ICUServiceBuilder setCldrFile(CLDRFile cldrFile) {
if (!cldrFile.isResolved()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("CLDRFile must be resolved");
this.cldrFile = cldrFile;
supplementalData = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getSupplementalDataInfo();
// SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance(this.cldrFile.getSupplementalDirectory());
return this;
public static ICUServiceBuilder forLocale(CLDRLocale locale) {
ICUServiceBuilder result = ISBMap.get(locale);
if (result == null) {
result = new ICUServiceBuilder();
if (locale != null) {
result.cldrFile = Factory.make(CLDRPaths.MAIN_DIRECTORY, ".*").make(locale.getBaseName(), true);
result.collationFile = Factory.make(CLDRPaths.COLLATION_DIRECTORY, ".*").makeWithFallback(locale.getBaseName());
result.supplementalData = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance(CLDRPaths.DEFAULT_SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECTORY);
ISBMap.put(locale, result);
return result;
public RuleBasedCollator getRuleBasedCollator(String type) throws Exception {
RuleBasedCollator col = cacheRuleBasedCollators.get(type);
if (col == null) {
col = _getRuleBasedCollator(type);
cacheRuleBasedCollators.put(type, col);
return (RuleBasedCollator) col.clone();
private RuleBasedCollator _getRuleBasedCollator(String type) throws Exception {
String rules = "";
String collationType;
if ("default".equals(type)) {
String path = "//ldml/collations/defaultCollation";
collationType = collationFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(path);
} else {
collationType = type;
String path = "";
String importPath = "//ldml/collations/collation[@visibility=\"external\"][@type=\"" + collationType + "\"]/import[@type=\"standard\"]";
if (collationFile.isHere(importPath)) {
String fullPath = collationFile.getFullXPath(importPath);
XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullPath);
String importSource = xpp.getAttributeValue(-1, "source");
String importType = xpp.getAttributeValue(-1, "type");
CLDRLocale importLocale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(importSource);
CLDRFile importCollationFile = Factory.make(CLDRPaths.COLLATION_DIRECTORY, ".*").makeWithFallback(importLocale.getBaseName());
path = "//ldml/collations/collation[@type=\"" + importType + "\"]/cr";
rules = importCollationFile.getStringValue(path);
} else {
path = "//ldml/collations/collation[@type=\"" + collationType + "\"]/cr";
rules = collationFile.getStringValue(path);
RuleBasedCollator col;
if (rules != null && rules.length() > 0)
col = new RuleBasedCollator(rules);
col = (RuleBasedCollator) RuleBasedCollator.getInstance();
return col;
public RuleBasedCollator getRuleBasedCollator() throws Exception {
return getRuleBasedCollator("default");
public SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat(String calendar, int dateIndex, int timeIndex) {
return getDateFormat(calendar, dateIndex, timeIndex, null);
public SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat(String calendar, int dateIndex, int timeIndex, String numbersOverride) {
String key = cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "," + calendar + "," + dateIndex + "," + timeIndex;
SimpleDateFormat result = cacheDateFormats.get(key);
if (result != null) return (SimpleDateFormat) result.clone();
String pattern = getPattern(calendar, dateIndex, timeIndex);
result = getFullFormat(calendar, pattern, numbersOverride);
cacheDateFormats.put(key, result);
// System.out.println("created " + key);
return (SimpleDateFormat) result.clone();
public SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat(String calendar, String pattern, String numbersOverride) {
String key = cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "," + calendar + ",," + pattern + ",,," + numbersOverride;
SimpleDateFormat result = cacheDateFormats.get(key);
if (result != null) return (SimpleDateFormat) result.clone();
result = getFullFormat(calendar, pattern, numbersOverride);
cacheDateFormats.put(key, result);
// System.out.println("created " + key);
return (SimpleDateFormat) result.clone();
public SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat(String calendar, String pattern) {
return getDateFormat(calendar, pattern, null);
private SimpleDateFormat getFullFormat(String calendar, String pattern, String numbersOverride) {
ULocale curLocaleWithCalendar = new ULocale(cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "@calendar=" + calendar);
SimpleDateFormat result = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, numbersOverride, curLocaleWithCalendar); // formatData
// TODO Serious Hack, until ICU #4915 is fixed. => It *was* fixed in ICU 3.8, so now use current locale.(?)
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(curLocaleWithCalendar);
// TODO look these up and set them
// cal.setFirstDayOfWeek()
// cal.setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
result.setDateFormatSymbols((DateFormatSymbols) _getDateFormatSymbols(calendar).clone());
// formatData.setZoneStrings();
NumberFormat numberFormat = result.getNumberFormat();
if (numberFormat instanceof DecimalFormat) {
DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) numberFormat;
df.setParseIntegerOnly(true); /* So that dd.MM.yy can be parsed */
df.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); // To prevent "Jan 1.00, 1997.00"
result.setNumberFormat((NumberFormat) numberFormat.clone());
// Need to put the field specific number format override formatters back in place, since
// the previous result.setNumberFormat above nukes them.
if (numbersOverride != null && numbersOverride.indexOf("=") != -1) {
String[] overrides = numbersOverride.split(",");
for (String override : overrides) {
String[] fields = override.split("=", 2);
if (fields.length == 2) {
String overrideField = fields[0].substring(0, 1);
ULocale curLocaleWithNumbers = new ULocale(cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "@numbers=" + fields[1]);
NumberFormat onf = NumberFormat.getInstance(curLocaleWithNumbers, NumberFormat.NUMBERSTYLE);
if (onf instanceof DecimalFormat) {
DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) onf;
df.setParseIntegerOnly(true); /* So that dd.MM.yy can be parsed */
df.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); // To prevent "Jan 1.00, 1997.00"
result.setNumberFormat(overrideField, onf);
return result;
private DateFormatSymbols _getDateFormatSymbols(String calendar) {
String key = cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "," + calendar;
DateFormatSymbols result = cacheDateFormatSymbols.get(key);
if (result != null) return (DateFormatSymbols) result.clone();
String[] last;
// TODO We would also like to be able to set the new symbols leapMonthPatterns & shortYearNames
// (related to Chinese calendar) to their currently-winning values. Until we have the necessary
// setters (per ICU ticket #9385) we can't do that. However, we can at least use the values
// that ICU has for the current locale, instead of using the values that ICU has for root.
ULocale curLocaleWithCalendar = new ULocale(cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "@calendar=" + calendar);
DateFormatSymbols formatData = new DateFormatSymbols(curLocaleWithCalendar);
String prefix = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"" + calendar + "\"]/";
formatData.setAmPmStrings(last = getArrayOfWinningValues(new String[] {
getDayPeriods(prefix, "format", "wide", "am"),
getDayPeriods(prefix, "format", "wide", "pm") }));
// if (last[0] == null && notGregorian) {
// if (gregorianBackup == null) gregorianBackup = _getDateFormatSymbols("gregorian");
// formatData.setAmPmStrings(last = gregorianBackup.getAmPmStrings());
// }
int minEras = (calendar.equals("chinese") || calendar.equals("dangi")) ? 0 : 1;
List<String> temp = getArray(prefix + "eras/eraAbbr/era[@type=\"", 0, null, "\"]", minEras);
formatData.setEras(last = temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]));
if (minEras != 0) checkFound(last);
// if (temp.size() < 2 && notGregorian) {
// if (gregorianBackup == null) gregorianBackup = _getDateFormatSymbols("gregorian");
// formatData.setEras(last = gregorianBackup.getEras());
// }
temp = getArray(prefix + "eras/eraNames/era[@type=\"", 0, null, "\"]", minEras);
formatData.setEraNames(last = temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]));
if (minEras != 0) checkFound(last);
// if (temp.size() < 2 && notGregorian) {
// if (gregorianBackup == null) gregorianBackup = _getDateFormatSymbols("gregorian");
// formatData.setEraNames(last = gregorianBackup.getEraNames());
// }
formatData.setMonths(getArray(prefix, "month", "format", "wide"), DateFormatSymbols.FORMAT,
formatData.setMonths(getArray(prefix, "month", "format", "abbreviated"), DateFormatSymbols.FORMAT,
formatData.setMonths(getArray(prefix, "month", "format", "narrow"), DateFormatSymbols.FORMAT,
formatData.setMonths(getArray(prefix, "month", "stand-alone", "wide"), DateFormatSymbols.STANDALONE,
formatData.setMonths(getArray(prefix, "month", "stand-alone", "abbreviated"), DateFormatSymbols.STANDALONE,
formatData.setMonths(getArray(prefix, "month", "stand-alone", "narrow"), DateFormatSymbols.STANDALONE,
// formatData.setWeekdays(getArray(prefix, "day", "format", "wide"));
// if (last == null && notGregorian) {
// if (gregorianBackup == null) gregorianBackup = _getDateFormatSymbols("gregorian");
// formatData.setWeekdays(gregorianBackup.getWeekdays());
// }
formatData.setWeekdays(getArray(prefix, "day", "format", "wide"), DateFormatSymbols.FORMAT,
formatData.setWeekdays(getArray(prefix, "day", "format", "abbreviated"), DateFormatSymbols.FORMAT,
formatData.setWeekdays(getArray(prefix, "day", "format", "narrow"), DateFormatSymbols.FORMAT,
formatData.setWeekdays(getArray(prefix, "day", "stand-alone", "wide"), DateFormatSymbols.STANDALONE,
formatData.setWeekdays(getArray(prefix, "day", "stand-alone", "abbreviated"), DateFormatSymbols.STANDALONE,
formatData.setWeekdays(getArray(prefix, "day", "stand-alone", "narrow"), DateFormatSymbols.STANDALONE,
// quarters
formatData.setQuarters(getArray(prefix, "quarter", "format", "wide"), DateFormatSymbols.FORMAT,
formatData.setQuarters(getArray(prefix, "quarter", "format", "abbreviated"), DateFormatSymbols.FORMAT,
formatData.setQuarters(getArray(prefix, "quarter", "format", "narrow"), DateFormatSymbols.FORMAT,
formatData.setQuarters(getArray(prefix, "quarter", "stand-alone", "wide"), DateFormatSymbols.STANDALONE,
formatData.setQuarters(getArray(prefix, "quarter", "stand-alone", "abbreviated"), DateFormatSymbols.STANDALONE,
formatData.setQuarters(getArray(prefix, "quarter", "stand-alone", "narrow"), DateFormatSymbols.STANDALONE,
cacheDateFormatSymbols.put(key, formatData);
return (DateFormatSymbols) formatData.clone();
* Example from en.xml
* <dayPeriods>
* <dayPeriodContext type="format">
* <dayPeriodWidth type="wide">
* <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod>
* <dayPeriod type="am" alt="variant">a.m.</dayPeriod>
* <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod>
* <dayPeriod type="pm" alt="variant">p.m.</dayPeriod>
* </dayPeriodWidth>
* </dayPeriodContext>
* </dayPeriods>
private String getDayPeriods(String prefix, String context, String width, String type) {
return prefix + "dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[@type=\"" + context + "\"]/dayPeriodWidth[@type=\"" +
width + "\"]/dayPeriod[@type=\"" + type + "\"]";
private String[] getArrayOfWinningValues(String[] xpaths) {
String result[] = new String[xpaths.length];
for (int i = 0; i < xpaths.length; i++) {
result[i] = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(xpaths[i]);
checkFound(result, xpaths);
return result;
private void checkFound(String[] last) {
if (last == null || last.length == 0 || last[0] == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to load array");
private void checkFound(String[] last, String[] xpaths) {
if (last == null || last.length == 0 || last[0] == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to load array {" + xpaths[0] + ",...}");
private String getPattern(String calendar, int dateIndex, int timeIndex) {
String pattern;
if (DateFormatValues[timeIndex] == -1)
pattern = getDateTimePattern(calendar, "date", DateFormatNames[dateIndex]);
else if (DateFormatValues[dateIndex] == -1)
pattern = getDateTimePattern(calendar, "time", DateFormatNames[timeIndex]);
else {
String p0 = getDateTimePattern(calendar, "time", DateFormatNames[timeIndex]);
String p1 = getDateTimePattern(calendar, "date", DateFormatNames[dateIndex]);
String datetimePat = getDateTimePattern(calendar, "dateTime", DateFormatNames[dateIndex]);
pattern = MessageFormat.format(datetimePat, (Object[]) new String[] { p0, p1 });
return pattern;
* @param calendar
private String getDateTimePattern(String calendar, String dateOrTime, String type) {
type = "[@type=\"" + type + "\"]";
String key = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"" + calendar + "\"]/"
+ dateOrTime + "Formats/"
+ dateOrTime + "FormatLength"
+ type + "/" + dateOrTime + "Format[@type=\"standard\"]/pattern[@type=\"standard\"]";
// change standard to a choice
String value = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(key);
if (value == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("locale: " + cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "\tpath: " + key
+ CldrUtility.LINE_SEPARATOR + "value: " + value);
return value;
// enum ArrayType {day, month, quarter};
private String[] getArray(String key, String type, String context, String width) {
String prefix = key + type + "s/"
+ type + "Context[@type=\"" + context + "\"]/"
+ type + "Width[@type=\"" + width + "\"]/"
+ type + "[@type=\"";
String postfix = "\"]";
boolean isDay = type.equals("day");
final int arrayCount = isDay ? 7 : type.equals("month") ? 12 : 4;
List<String> temp = getArray(prefix, isDay ? 0 : 1, isDay ? Days : null, postfix, arrayCount);
if (isDay) temp.add(0, "");
String[] result = temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]);
return result;
static final Matcher gregorianMonthsMatcher = PatternCache.get(".*gregorian.*months.*").matcher("");
private List<String> getArray(String prefix, int firstIndex, String[] itemNames, String postfix, int minimumSize) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
String lastType;
for (int i = firstIndex;; ++i) {
lastType = itemNames != null && i < itemNames.length ? itemNames[i] : String.valueOf(i);
String item = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + lastType + postfix);
if (item == null) break;
// the following code didn't do anything, so I'm wondering what it was there for?
// it's to catch errors
if (result.size() < minimumSize) {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal Error: ICUServiceBuilder.getArray():" + cldrFile.getLocaleID() + " "
+ prefix + lastType + postfix + " - result.size=" + result.size() + ", less than acceptable minimum "
+ minimumSize);
* <months>
* <monthContext type="format">
* <monthWidth type="abbreviated">
* <month type="1">1</month>
return result;
private static String[] NumberNames = { "integer", "decimal", "percent", "scientific" }; // // "standard", , "INR",
public String getNumberNames(int i) {
return NumberNames[i];
public static int LIMIT_NUMBER_INDEX = NumberNames.length;
private static class MyCurrency extends Currency {
String symbol;
String displayName;
int fractDigits;
double roundingIncrement;
MyCurrency(String code, String symbol, String displayName, CurrencyNumberInfo currencyNumberInfo) {
this.symbol = symbol == null ? code : symbol;
this.displayName = displayName == null ? code : displayName;
this.fractDigits = currencyNumberInfo.getDigits();
this.roundingIncrement = currencyNumberInfo.getRoundingIncrement();
public String getName(ULocale locale,
int nameStyle,
boolean[] isChoiceFormat) {
String result = nameStyle == 0 ? this.symbol
: nameStyle == 1 ? getCurrencyCode()
: nameStyle == 2 ? displayName
: null;
if (result == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// snagged from currency
if (isChoiceFormat != null) {
isChoiceFormat[0] = false;
int i = 0;
while (i < result.length() && result.charAt(i) == '=' && i < 2) {
if (isChoiceFormat != null) {
isChoiceFormat[0] = (i == 1);
if (i != 0) {
// Skip over first mark
result = result.substring(1);
return result;
* Returns the rounding increment for this currency, or 0.0 if no
* rounding is done by this currency.
* @return the non-negative rounding increment, or 0.0 if none
* @stable ICU 2.2
public double getRoundingIncrement() {
return roundingIncrement;
public int getDefaultFractionDigits() {
return fractDigits;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
if (other == null || !(other instanceof MyCurrency)) {
return false;
MyCurrency that = (MyCurrency) other;
return roundingIncrement == that.roundingIncrement
&& fractDigits == that.fractDigits
&& symbol.equals(that.symbol)
&& displayName.equals(that.displayName);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(roundingIncrement, fractDigits, symbol, displayName);
static int CURRENCY = 0, OTHER_KEY = 1, PATTERN = 2;
public DecimalFormat getCurrencyFormat(String currency) {
// CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true);
return _getNumberFormat(currency, CURRENCY, null, null);
public DecimalFormat getCurrencyFormat(String currency, String currencySymbol) {
// CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true);
return _getNumberFormat(currency, CURRENCY, currencySymbol, null);
public DecimalFormat getCurrencyFormat(String currency, String currencySymbol, String numberSystem) {
// CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true);
return _getNumberFormat(currency, CURRENCY, currencySymbol, numberSystem);
public DecimalFormat getLongCurrencyFormat(String currency) {
// CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true);
return _getNumberFormat(currency, CURRENCY, null, null);
public DecimalFormat getNumberFormat(int index) {
// CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true);
return _getNumberFormat(NumberNames[index], OTHER_KEY, null, null);
public DecimalFormat getNumberFormat(int index, String numberSystem) {
// CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true);
return _getNumberFormat(NumberNames[index], OTHER_KEY, null, numberSystem);
public NumberFormat getGenericNumberFormat(String ns) {
// CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true);
NumberFormat result = cacheNumberFormats.get(cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "@numbers=" + ns);
if (result == null) {
ULocale ulocale = new ULocale(cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "@numbers=" + ns);
result = NumberFormat.getInstance(ulocale);
cacheNumberFormats.put(cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "@numbers=" + ns, result);
return (NumberFormat) result.clone();
public DecimalFormat getNumberFormat(String pattern) {
// CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true);
return _getNumberFormat(pattern, PATTERN, null, null);
public DecimalFormat getNumberFormat(String pattern, String numberSystem) {
// CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(localeID, true);
return _getNumberFormat(pattern, PATTERN, null, numberSystem);
private DecimalFormat _getNumberFormat(String key1, int kind, String currencySymbol, String numberSystem) {
String localeIDString = (numberSystem == null) ? cldrFile.getLocaleID() : cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "@numbers="
+ numberSystem;
ULocale ulocale = new ULocale(localeIDString);
String key = (currencySymbol == null) ? ulocale + "/" + key1 + "/" + kind : ulocale + "/" + key1 + "/" + kind
+ "/" + currencySymbol;
DecimalFormat result = (DecimalFormat) cacheNumberFormats.get(key);
if (result != null) {
return (DecimalFormat) result.clone();
String pattern = kind == PATTERN ? key1 : getPattern(key1, kind);
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = _getDecimalFormatSymbols(numberSystem);
* currencySymbol.equals(other.currencySymbol) &&
* intlCurrencySymbol.equals(other.intlCurrencySymbol) &&
* padEscape == other.padEscape && // [NEW]
* monetarySeparator == other.monetarySeparator);
MyCurrency mc = null;
if (kind == CURRENCY) {
// in this case numberSystem is null and symbols are for the default system
// ^^^^^ NO, that is not true.
String prefix = "//ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"" + key1 + "\"]/";
// /ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type="GBP"]/symbol
// /ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type="GBP"]
if (currencySymbol == null) {
currencySymbol = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "symbol");
if (currencySymbol == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
cldrFile.getSourceLocation(prefix + "symbol") +
": " + cldrFile.getLocaleID()+ ": " +
": null currencySymbol for " + prefix + "symbol");
String currencyDecimal = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "decimal");
if (currencyDecimal != null) {
(symbols = cloneIfNeeded(symbols)).setMonetaryDecimalSeparator(currencyDecimal.charAt(0));
String currencyPattern = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "pattern");
if (currencyPattern != null) {
pattern = currencyPattern;
String currencyGrouping = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "grouping");
if (currencyGrouping != null) {
(symbols = cloneIfNeeded(symbols)).setMonetaryGroupingSeparator(currencyGrouping.charAt(0));
// <decimal>,</decimal>
// <group>.</group>
// TODO This is a hack for now, since I am ignoring the possibility of quoted text next to the symbol
if (pattern.contains(";")) { // multi pattern
String[] pieces = pattern.split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; ++i) {
pieces[i] = fixCurrencySpacing(pieces[i], currencySymbol);
pattern = org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility.join(pieces, ";");
} else {
pattern = fixCurrencySpacing(pattern, currencySymbol);
CurrencyNumberInfo info = supplementalData.getCurrencyNumberInfo(key1);
mc = new MyCurrency(key1,
cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "displayName"),
// String possible = null;
// possible = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "decimal");
// symbols.setMonetaryDecimalSeparator(possible != null ? possible.charAt(0) :
// symbols.getDecimalSeparator());
// if ((possible = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "pattern")) != null) pattern = possible;
// if ((possible = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "group")) != null)
// symbols.setGroupingSeparator(possible.charAt(0));
// ;
result = new DecimalFormat(pattern, symbols);
if (mc != null) {
} else {
if (false) {
System.out.println("creating " + ulocale + "\tkey: " + key + "\tpattern "
+ pattern + "\tresult: " + result.toPattern() + "\t0=>" + result.format(0));
DecimalFormat n2 = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getScientificInstance(ulocale);
System.out.println("\tresult: " + n2.toPattern() + "\t0=>" + n2.format(0));
if (kind == OTHER_KEY && key1.equals("integer")) {
cacheNumberFormats.put(key, result);
return (DecimalFormat) result.clone();
private String fixCurrencySpacing(String pattern, String symbol) {
int startPos = pattern.indexOf('\u00a4');
if (startPos > 0
&& beforeCurrencyMatch.contains(UTF16.charAt(symbol, 0))) {
int ch = UTF16.charAt(pattern, startPos - 1);
if (ch == '#') ch = '0';// fix pattern
if (beforeSurroundingMatch.contains(ch)) {
pattern = pattern.substring(0, startPos) + beforeInsertBetween + pattern.substring(startPos);
int endPos = pattern.lastIndexOf('\u00a4') + 1;
if (endPos < pattern.length()
&& afterCurrencyMatch.contains(UTF16.charAt(symbol, symbol.length() - 1))) {
int ch = UTF16.charAt(pattern, endPos);
if (ch == '#') ch = '0';// fix pattern
if (afterSurroundingMatch.contains(ch)) {
pattern = pattern.substring(0, endPos) + afterInsertBetween + pattern.substring(endPos);
return pattern;
private DecimalFormatSymbols cloneIfNeeded(DecimalFormatSymbols symbols) {
if (symbols == _getDecimalFormatSymbols(null)) {
return (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
return symbols;
public DecimalFormatSymbols getDecimalFormatSymbols(String numberSystem) {
return (DecimalFormatSymbols) _getDecimalFormatSymbols(numberSystem).clone();
private DecimalFormatSymbols _getDecimalFormatSymbols(String numberSystem) {
String key = (numberSystem == null) ? cldrFile.getLocaleID() : cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "@numbers="
+ numberSystem;
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = cacheDecimalFormatSymbols.get(key);
if (symbols != null) {
return (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
if (numberSystem == null) {
numberSystem = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey("//ldml/numbers/defaultNumberingSystem");
// currently constants
// symbols.setPadEscape(cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey("//ldml/numbers/symbols/xxx"));
// symbols.setSignificantDigit(cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey("//ldml/numbers/symbols/patternDigit"));
symbols.setDecimalSeparator(getSymbolCharacter("decimal", numberSystem));
// symbols.setDigit(getSymbolCharacter("patternDigit", numberSystem));
symbols.setExponentSeparator(getSymbolString("exponential", numberSystem));
symbols.setGroupingSeparator(getSymbolCharacter("group", numberSystem));
symbols.setInfinity(getSymbolString("infinity", numberSystem));
symbols.setMinusSignString(getSymbolString("minusSign", numberSystem));
symbols.setNaN(getSymbolString("nan", numberSystem));
symbols.setPatternSeparator(getSymbolCharacter("list", numberSystem));
symbols.setPercentString(getSymbolString("percentSign", numberSystem));
symbols.setPerMill(getSymbolCharacter("perMille", numberSystem));
symbols.setPlusSignString(getSymbolString("plusSign", numberSystem));
// symbols.setZeroDigit(getSymbolCharacter("nativeZeroDigit", numberSystem));
String digits = supplementalData.getDigits(numberSystem);
if (digits != null && digits.length() == 10) {
try {
symbols.setMonetaryDecimalSeparator(getSymbolCharacter("currencyDecimal", numberSystem));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
symbols.setMonetaryGroupingSeparator(getSymbolCharacter("currencyGroup", numberSystem));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
String prefix = "//ldml/numbers/currencyFormats/currencySpacing/beforeCurrency/";
beforeCurrencyMatch = new UnicodeSet(cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "currencyMatch")).freeze();
beforeSurroundingMatch = new UnicodeSet(cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "surroundingMatch")).freeze();
beforeInsertBetween = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "insertBetween");
prefix = "//ldml/numbers/currencyFormats/currencySpacing/afterCurrency/";
afterCurrencyMatch = new UnicodeSet(cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "currencyMatch")).freeze();
afterSurroundingMatch = new UnicodeSet(cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "surroundingMatch")).freeze();
afterInsertBetween = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(prefix + "insertBetween");
cacheDecimalFormatSymbols.put(key, symbols);
return (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
private char getSymbolCharacter(String key, String numsys) {
// numsys should not be null (previously resolved to defaultNumberingSystem if necessary)
return getSymbolString(key, numsys).charAt(0);
// TODO no longer used now that is done.
private char getHackSymbolCharacter(String key, String numsys) {
String minusString = getSymbolString(key, numsys);
char minusSign = (minusString.length() > 1 && isBidiMark(minusString.charAt(0))) ? minusString.charAt(1) : minusString.charAt(0);
return minusSign;
private static boolean isBidiMark(char c) {
return (c == '\u200E' || c == '\u200F' || c == '\u061C');
private String getSymbolString(String key, String numsys) {
// numsys should not be null (previously resolved to defaultNumberingSystem if necessary)
String value = null;
try {
value = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey("//ldml/numbers/symbols[@numberSystem=\"" + numsys + "\"]/" + key);
if (value == null || value.length() < 1) {
throw new RuntimeException();
return value;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value <" + value + "> at "
+ "//ldml/numbers/symbols[@numberSystem='" + numsys + "']/" + key);
UnicodeSet beforeCurrencyMatch;
UnicodeSet beforeSurroundingMatch;
String beforeInsertBetween;
UnicodeSet afterCurrencyMatch;
UnicodeSet afterSurroundingMatch;
String afterInsertBetween;
private String getPattern(String key1, int isCurrency) {
String prefix = "//ldml/numbers/";
String type = key1;
if (isCurrency == CURRENCY)
type = "currency";
else if (key1.equals("integer")) type = "decimal";
String path = prefix
+ type + "Formats/"
+ type + "FormatLength/"
+ type + "Format[@type=\"standard\"]/pattern[@type=\"standard\"]";
String pattern = cldrFile.getWinningValueWithBailey(path);
if (pattern == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("locale: " + cldrFile.getLocaleID() + "\tpath: " + path);
return pattern;
public enum Width {
wide, abbreviated, narrow
public enum Context {
format, stand_alone;
public String toString() {
return name().replace('_', '-');
* Format a dayPeriod string. The dayPeriodOverride, if null, will be fetched from the file.
* @param timeInDay
* @param dayPeriodString
* @return
public String formatDayPeriod(int timeInDay, Context context, Width width) {
DayPeriodInfo dayPeriodInfo = supplementalData.getDayPeriods(DayPeriodInfo.Type.format, cldrFile.getLocaleID());
DayPeriod period = dayPeriodInfo.getDayPeriod(timeInDay);
String dayPeriodFormatString = getDayPeriodValue(getDayPeriodPath(period, context, width), "�", null);
String result = formatDayPeriod(timeInDay, period, dayPeriodFormatString);
return result;
public String getDayPeriodValue(String path, String fallback, Output<Boolean> real) {
String dayPeriodFormatString = cldrFile.getStringValue(path);
if (dayPeriodFormatString == null) {
dayPeriodFormatString = fallback;
if (real != null) {
Status status = new Status();
String locale = cldrFile.getSourceLocaleID(path, status);
real.value = status.pathWhereFound.equals(path) && cldrFile.getLocaleID().equals(locale);
return dayPeriodFormatString;
public static String getDayPeriodPath(DayPeriod period, Context context, Width width) {
String path = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[@type=\""
+ context
+ "\"]/dayPeriodWidth[@type=\""
+ width
+ "\"]/dayPeriod[@type=\""
+ period
+ "\"]";
return path;
static final String SHORT_PATH = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/timeFormats/timeFormatLength[@type=\"short\"]/timeFormat[@type=\"standard\"]/pattern[@type=\"standard\"]";
static final String HM_PATH = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/dateFormatItem[@id=\"hm\"]";
static final String BHM_PATH = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/dateFormatItem[@id=\"Bhm\"]";
public String formatDayPeriod(int timeInDay, String dayPeriodFormatString) {
return formatDayPeriod(timeInDay, null, dayPeriodFormatString);
private String formatDayPeriod(int timeInDay, DayPeriod period, String dayPeriodFormatString) {
String pattern = null;
if ((timeInDay % 6) != 0) { // need a better way to test for this
// dayPeriods other than am, pm, noon, midnight (want patterns with B)
pattern = cldrFile.getStringValue(BHM_PATH);
if (pattern != null) {
pattern = pattern.replace('B', '\uE000');
if (pattern == null) {
// dayPeriods am, pm, noon, midnight (want patterns with a)
pattern = cldrFile.getStringValue(HM_PATH);
if (pattern != null) {
pattern = pattern.replace('a', '\uE000');
// If this pattern is used for non am/pm, need to change NNBSP to regular space.
boolean fixSpace = true;
if (period != null) {
if (period == || period == {
fixSpace = false;
} else {
// All we have here is a dayPeriod string. If it is actually am/pm
// then do not fix space; but we do not know about other am/pm markers.
if (dayPeriodFormatString.equalsIgnoreCase("am") || dayPeriodFormatString.equalsIgnoreCase("pm")) {
fixSpace = false;
if (fixSpace) {
pattern = pattern.replace('\u202F', ' ');
if (pattern == null) {
pattern = "h:mm \uE000";
SimpleDateFormat df = getDateFormat("gregorian", pattern);
String formatted = df.format(timeInDay);
String result = formatted.replace("\uE000", dayPeriodFormatString);
return result;
public String getMinusSign(String numberSystem) {
return _getDecimalFormatSymbols(numberSystem).getMinusSignString();