blob: 2da72f14ab8fd5035dd9a4b1e3af7286b73b0226 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.DraftStatus;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRLocale.SublocaleProvider;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLSource.ResolvingSource;
* A factory is the normal method to produce a set of CLDRFiles from a directory of XML files.
* See SimpleFactory for a concrete subclass.
public abstract class Factory implements SublocaleProvider {
private boolean ignoreExplicitParentLocale = false;
* Whether to ignore explicit parent locale / fallback script behavior
* with a resolving source.
* Long story short, call setIgnoreExplictParentLocale(true) for collation trees.
public Factory setIgnoreExplicitParentLocale(boolean newIgnore) {
ignoreExplicitParentLocale = newIgnore;
return this;
* Flag to set more verbose output in makeServolingSource
private static final boolean DEBUG_FACTORY = false;
private File supplementalDirectory = null;
* Note, the source director(ies) may be a list (seed/common). Therefore, this function is deprecated
* @deprecated
* @return the first directory
public String getSourceDirectory() {
return getSourceDirectories()[0].getAbsolutePath();
* Note, the source director(ies) may be a list (seed/common).
* @return the first directory
public abstract File[] getSourceDirectories();
* Which source directory does this particular localeID belong to?
* @param localeID
* @return
public final File getSourceDirectoryForLocale(String localeID) {
List<File> temp = getSourceDirectoriesForLocale(localeID);
return temp == null ? null : temp.get(0);
* Classify the tree according to type (maturity)
* @author srl
public enum SourceTreeType {
common, seed, other
* Returns the source tree type of either an XML file or its parent directory.
* @param fileOrDir
* @return
public static final SourceTreeType getSourceTreeType(File fileOrDir) {
if (fileOrDir == null) return null;
File parentDir = fileOrDir.isFile() ? fileOrDir.getParentFile() : fileOrDir;
File grandparentDir = parentDir.getParentFile();
try {
return SourceTreeType.valueOf(grandparentDir.getName());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
try {
return SourceTreeType.valueOf(parentDir.getName());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae2) {
return SourceTreeType.other;
public enum DirectoryType {
main, supplemental, bcp47, casing, collation, dtd, rbnf, segments, transforms, other
public static final DirectoryType getDirectoryType(File fileOrDir) {
if (fileOrDir == null) return null;
File parentDir = fileOrDir.isFile() ? fileOrDir.getParentFile() : fileOrDir;
try {
return DirectoryType.valueOf(parentDir.getName());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae2) {
return DirectoryType.other;
protected abstract CLDRFile handleMake(String localeID, boolean resolved, DraftStatus madeWithMinimalDraftStatus);
public CLDRFile make(String localeID, boolean resolved, DraftStatus madeWithMinimalDraftStatus) {
return handleMake(localeID, resolved, madeWithMinimalDraftStatus)
public CLDRFile make(String localeID, boolean resolved, boolean includeDraft) {
return make(localeID, resolved, includeDraft ? DraftStatus.unconfirmed : DraftStatus.approved);
public CLDRFile make(String localeID, boolean resolved) {
return make(localeID, resolved, getMinimalDraftStatus());
public CLDRFile makeWithFallback(String localeID) {
return makeWithFallback(localeID, getMinimalDraftStatus());
public CLDRFile makeWithFallback(String localeID, DraftStatus madeWithMinimalDraftStatus) {
String currentLocaleID = localeID;
Set<String> availableLocales = this.getAvailable();
while (!availableLocales.contains(currentLocaleID) && !"root".equals(currentLocaleID)) {
currentLocaleID = LocaleIDParser.getParent(currentLocaleID, ignoreExplicitParentLocale);
return make(currentLocaleID, true, madeWithMinimalDraftStatus);
public static XMLSource makeResolvingSource(List<XMLSource> sources) {
return new ResolvingSource(sources);
* Temporary wrapper for creating an XMLSource. This is a hack and should
* only be used in the Survey Tool for now.
* @param localeID
* @return
public final XMLSource makeSource(String localeID) {
return make(localeID, false).dataSource;
* Creates a resolving source for the given locale ID.
* @param localeID
* @param madeWithMinimalDraftStatus
* @return
protected ResolvingSource makeResolvingSource(String localeID, DraftStatus madeWithMinimalDraftStatus) {
List<XMLSource> sourceList = new ArrayList<>();
String curLocale = localeID;
while (curLocale != null) {
System.out.println("Factory.makeResolvingSource: calling handleMake for locale " +
curLocale + " and MimimalDraftStatus " + madeWithMinimalDraftStatus);
CLDRFile file = handleMake(curLocale, false, madeWithMinimalDraftStatus);
if (file == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(this + ".handleMake returned a null CLDRFile for " + curLocale);
XMLSource source = file.dataSource;
curLocale = LocaleIDParser.getParent(curLocale, ignoreExplicitParentLocale);
return new ResolvingSource(sourceList);
public abstract DraftStatus getMinimalDraftStatus();
* Convenience static
* @param path
* @param string
* @return
public static Factory make(String path, String string) {
try {
return SimpleFactory.make(path, string);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("path: " + path + "; string: " + string, e);
* Convenience static
* @param mainDirectory
* @param string
* @param approved
* @return
public static Factory make(String mainDirectory, String string, DraftStatus approved) {
return SimpleFactory.make(mainDirectory, string, approved);
* Get a set of the available locales for the factory.
public Set<String> getAvailable() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(handleGetAvailable());
protected abstract Set<String> handleGetAvailable();
* Get a set of the available language locales (according to isLanguage).
public Set<String> getAvailableLanguages() {
Set<String> result = new TreeSet<>();
for (Iterator<String> it = handleGetAvailable().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String s =;
if (XPathParts.isLanguage(s)) result.add(s);
return result;
* Get a set of the locales that have the given parent (according to isSubLocale())
* @param isProper
* if false, then parent itself will match
public Set<String> getAvailableWithParent(String parent, boolean isProper) {
Set<String> result = new TreeSet<>();
for (Iterator<String> it = handleGetAvailable().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String s =;
int relation = XPathParts.isSubLocale(parent, s);
if (relation >= 0 && !(isProper && relation == 0)) result.add(s);
return result;
public File getSupplementalDirectory() {
return supplementalDirectory;
* Sets the supplemental directory to be used by this Factory and CLDRFiles
* created by this Factory.
* @param supplementalDirectory
* @return
public Factory setSupplementalDirectory(File supplementalDirectory) {
this.supplementalDirectory = supplementalDirectory;
return this;
// TODO(jchye): Clean this up.
public CLDRFile getSupplementalData() {
try {
return make("supplementalData", false);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return Factory.make(getSupplementalDirectory().getPath(), ".*").make("supplementalData", false);
public CLDRFile getSupplementalMetadata() {
try {
return make("supplementalMetadata", false);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return Factory.make(getSupplementalDirectory().getPath(), ".*").make("supplementalMetadata", false);
* These factory implementations don't do any caching.
public Set<CLDRLocale> subLocalesOf(CLDRLocale forLocale) {
return calculateSubLocalesOf(forLocale, getAvailableCLDRLocales());
* Helper function.
* @return
public Set<CLDRLocale> getAvailableCLDRLocales() {
return CLDRLocale.getInstance(getAvailable());
* Helper function. Does not cache.
* @param locale
* @param available
* @return
public Set<CLDRLocale> calculateSubLocalesOf(CLDRLocale locale, Set<CLDRLocale> available) {
Set<CLDRLocale> sub = new TreeSet<>();
for (CLDRLocale l : available) {
if (l.getParent() == locale) {
return sub;
* Get all of the files in the source directories that match localeName (which is really xml file name).
* @param localeName
* @return
public abstract List<File> getSourceDirectoriesForLocale(String localeName);