blob: 753ebc2c3a77478bf8d25e637681d09b055868f2 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* An immutable object that contains the structure of a DTD.
* @author markdavis
public class DtdData extends XMLFileReader.SimpleHandler {
private static final String COMMENT_PREFIX = System.lineSeparator() + " ";
private static final boolean SHOW_ALL = CldrUtility.getProperty("show_all", false);
private static final boolean USE_SYNTHESIZED = false;
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final Pattern FILLER = PatternCache.get("[^-a-zA-Z0-9#_:]");
private final Relation<String, Attribute> nameToAttributes = Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<Attribute>>(), LinkedHashSet.class);
private Map<String, Element> nameToElement = new HashMap<>();
private MapComparator<String> elementComparator;
private MapComparator<String> attributeComparator;
public final Element ROOT;
public final Element PCDATA = elementFrom("#PCDATA");
public final Element ANY = elementFrom("ANY");
public final DtdType dtdType;
public final String version;
private Element lastElement;
private Attribute lastAttribute;
private Set<String> preCommentCache;
private DtdComparator dtdComparator;
public enum AttributeStatus {
distinguished ("§d"),
value ("§v"),
metadata ("§m︎");
public final String shortName;
AttributeStatus(String shortName) {
this.shortName = shortName;
public static String getShortName(AttributeStatus status) {
return status == null ? "" : status.shortName;
public enum Mode {
public final String source;
Mode(String s) {
source = s;
public static Mode forString(String mode) {
for (Mode value : Mode.values()) {
if (value.source.equals(mode)) {
return value;
if (mode == null) {
return NULL;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(mode);
public enum AttributeType {
static final Set<String> DRAFT_ON_NON_LEAF_ALLOWED = ImmutableSet.of("collation", "transform", "unitPreferenceData", "rulesetGrouping");
public static class Attribute implements Named {
private static final Joiner JOINER_COMMA_SPACE = Joiner.on(", ");
public static final String AUG_TRAIL = "⟫";
public static final String AUG_LEAD = "⟪";
public static final String ENUM_TRAIL = "⟩";
public static final String ENUM_LEAD = "⟨";
public static final Pattern LEAD_TRAIL = Pattern.compile("(.*[" + AUG_LEAD + ENUM_LEAD + "])(.*)([" + AUG_TRAIL + ENUM_TRAIL + "].*)");
public final String name;
public final Element element;
public final Mode mode;
public final String defaultValue;
public final AttributeType type;
public final Map<String, Integer> values;
private final Set<String> commentsPre;
private Set<String> commentsPost;
private boolean isDeprecatedAttribute;
public AttributeStatus attributeStatus = AttributeStatus.distinguished; // default unless reset by annotations, or for xml: attributes
private Set<String> deprecatedValues = Collections.emptySet();
public MatchValue matchValue;
private final Comparator<String> attributeValueComparator;
private Attribute(DtdType dtdType, Element element2, String aName, Mode mode2, String[] split, String value2, Set<String> firstComment) {
commentsPre = firstComment;
element = element2;
name = aName.intern();
if (name.equals("draft") // normally never permitted on elements with children, but special cases...
&& !DRAFT_ON_NON_LEAF_ALLOWED.contains(element.getName())) {
int elementChildrenCount = element.getChildren().size();
if (elementChildrenCount > 1
|| elementChildrenCount == 1 && !element.getChildren().keySet().iterator().next().getName().equals("cp")) {
isDeprecatedAttribute = true;
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(element.getName() + ":" + element.getChildren());
} else if (name.startsWith("xml:")) {
attributeStatus = AttributeStatus.metadata;
mode = mode2;
defaultValue = value2 == null ? null
: value2.intern();
AttributeType _type = AttributeType.ENUMERATED_TYPE;
Map<String, Integer> _values = Collections.emptyMap();
if (split.length == 1) {
try {
_type = AttributeType.valueOf(split[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
type = _type;
if (_type == AttributeType.ENUMERATED_TYPE) {
LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> temp = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (String part : split) {
if (part.length() != 0) {
temp.put(part.intern(), temp.size());
_values = Collections.unmodifiableMap(temp);
values = _values;
attributeValueComparator = getAttributeValueComparator(dtdType,, name);
public String toString() {
return + ":" + name;
public String getSampleValue() {
return type == AttributeType.ENUMERATED_TYPE ? (values.containsKey("year") ? "year" : values.keySet().iterator().next())
: matchValue != null ? matchValue.getSample()
public StringBuilder appendDtdString(StringBuilder b) {
Attribute a = this;
b.append("<!ATTLIST " + + " " +;
boolean first;
if (a.type == AttributeType.ENUMERATED_TYPE) {
b.append(" (");
first = true;
for (String s : a.values.keySet()) {
if (deprecatedValues.contains(s)) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
b.append(" | ");
} else {
b.append(' ').append(a.type);
if (a.mode != Mode.NULL) {
b.append(" ").append(a.mode.source);
if (a.defaultValue != null) {
b.append(" \"").append(a.defaultValue).append('"');
b.append(" >");
return b;
public String features() {
return (type == AttributeType.ENUMERATED_TYPE ? values.keySet().toString() : type.toString())
+ (mode == Mode.NULL ? "" : ", mode=" + mode)
+ (defaultValue == null ? "" : ", default=" + defaultValue);
public String getName() {
return name;
private static Splitter COMMA = Splitter.on(',').trimResults();
public void addComment(String commentIn) {
if (commentIn.startsWith("@")) {
switch (commentIn) {
case "@METADATA":
attributeStatus = AttributeStatus.metadata;
case "@VALUE":
attributeStatus = AttributeStatus.value;
isDeprecatedAttribute = true;
int colonPos = commentIn.indexOf(':');
if (colonPos < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( + " " + name +
"= : Unrecognized ATTLIST annotation: " + commentIn);
String command = commentIn.substring(0, colonPos);
String argument = commentIn.substring(colonPos + 1);
switch(command) {
deprecatedValues = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(COMMA.splitToList(argument)));
case "@MATCH":
if (matchValue != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( + " " + name +
"= : Conflicting @MATCH: " + matchValue.getName() + " & " + argument);
matchValue = MatchValue.of(argument);
throw new IllegalArgumentException( + " " + name +
"= : Unrecognized ATTLIST annotation: " + commentIn);
commentsPost = addUnmodifiable(commentsPost, commentIn.trim());
* Special version of identity; only considers name and name of element
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Attribute)) {
return false;
Attribute that = (Attribute) obj;
return name.equals(
&& // don't use plain element: circularity
// not relevant to identity
// && Objects.equals(comment, that.comment)
// && mode.equals(that.mode)
// && Objects.equals(defaultValue, that.defaultValue)
// && type.equals(that.type)
// && values.equals(that.values)
* Special version of identity; only considers name and name of element
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode() * 37
+ // don't use plain element: circularity
// not relevant to identity
// ) * 37 + Objects.hashCode(comment)) * 37
// + mode.hashCode()) * 37
// + Objects.hashCode(defaultValue)) * 37
// + type.hashCode()) * 37
// + values.hashCode()
public boolean isDeprecated() {
return isDeprecatedAttribute;
public boolean isDeprecatedValue(String value) {
return deprecatedValues.contains(value);
public AttributeStatus getStatus() {
return attributeStatus;
public ValueStatus getValueStatus(String value) {
return deprecatedValues.contains(value) ? ValueStatus.invalid
: type == AttributeType.ENUMERATED_TYPE ? (values.containsKey(value) ? ValueStatus.valid : ValueStatus.invalid)
: matchValue == null ? ValueStatus.unknown
: ? ValueStatus.valid
: ValueStatus.invalid;
public String getMatchString() {
return type == AttributeType.ENUMERATED_TYPE ? ENUM_LEAD + JOINER_COMMA_SPACE.join(values.keySet()) + ENUM_TRAIL
: matchValue != null ? AUG_LEAD + matchValue.toString() + AUG_TRAIL
: "";
public Attribute getMatchingName(Map<Attribute, Integer> attributes) {
for (Attribute attribute : attributes.keySet()) {
if (name.equals(attribute.getName())) {
return attribute;
return null;
public enum ValueStatus {invalid, unknown, valid}
private DtdData(DtdType type, String version) {
this.dtdType = type;
this.ROOT = elementFrom(type.rootType.toString());
this.version = version;
private void addAttribute(String eName, String aName, String type, String mode, String value) {
Attribute a = new Attribute(dtdType, nameToElement.get(eName), aName, Mode.forString(mode), FILLER.split(type), value, preCommentCache);
preCommentCache = null;
getAttributesFromName().put(aName, a);
CldrUtility.putNew(a.element.attributes, a, a.element.attributes.size());
lastElement = null;
lastAttribute = a;
public enum ElementType {
public final String source;
private ElementType(String s) {
source = s;
private ElementType() {
source = name();
interface Named {
String getName();
public enum ElementStatus {
regular, metadata
public static class Element implements Named {
public final String name;
private String rawModel;
private ElementType type;
private final Map<Element, Integer> children = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final Map<Attribute, Integer> attributes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Set<String> commentsPre;
private Set<String> commentsPost;
private String model;
private boolean isOrderedElement;
private boolean isDeprecatedElement;
private boolean isTechPreviewElement;
private ElementStatus elementStatus = ElementStatus.regular;
private Element(String name2) {
name = name2.intern();
private void setChildren(DtdData dtdData, String model, Set<String> precomments) {
this.commentsPre = precomments;
rawModel = model;
this.model = clean(model);
if (model.equals("EMPTY")) {
type = ElementType.EMPTY;
type = ElementType.CHILDREN;
for (String part : FILLER.split(model)) {
if (part.length() != 0) {
if (part.equals("#PCDATA")) {
type = ElementType.PCDATA;
} else if (part.equals("ANY")) {
type = ElementType.ANY;
} else {
CldrUtility.putNew(children, dtdData.elementFrom(part), children.size());
if ((type == ElementType.CHILDREN) == (children.size() == 0)
&& !model.startsWith("(#PCDATA|cp")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CLDR does not permit Mixed content. " + name + ":" + model);
static final Pattern CLEANER1 = PatternCache.get("([,|(])(?=\\S)");
static final Pattern CLEANER2 = PatternCache.get("(?=\\S)([|)])");
private String clean(String model2) {
// (x) -> ( x );
// x,y -> x, y
// x|y -> x | y
String result = CLEANER1.matcher(model2).replaceAll("$1 ");
result = CLEANER2.matcher(result).replaceAll(" $1");
return result.equals(model2)
? model2
: result; // for debugging
public boolean containsAttribute(String string) {
for (Attribute a : attributes.keySet()) {
if ( {
return true;
return false;
public String toString() {
return name;
public String toDtdString() {
return "<!ELEMENT " + name + " " + getRawModel() + " >";
public ElementType getType() {
return type;
public Map<Element, Integer> getChildren() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(children);
public Map<Attribute, Integer> getAttributes() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(attributes);
public String getName() {
return name;
public Element getChildNamed(String string) {
for (Element e : children.keySet()) {
if ( {
return e;
return null;
public Attribute getAttributeNamed(String string) {
for (Attribute a : attributes.keySet()) {
if ( {
return a;
return null;
public void addComment(String addition) {
if (addition.startsWith("@")) {
// there are exactly 4 cases: deprecated, ordered, techPreview and metadata
switch (addition) {
case "@ORDERED":
isOrderedElement = true;
isDeprecatedElement = true;
case "@METADATA":
elementStatus = ElementStatus.metadata;
isTechPreviewElement = true;
if (addition.startsWith("@MATCH") ||
addition.startsWith("@VALUE")) {
// Try to catch this case
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name +
": Unrecognized ELEMENT annotation (this isn't ATTLIST!): " +
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name +
": Unrecognized ELEMENT annotation: " +
commentsPost = addUnmodifiable(commentsPost, addition.trim());
* Special version of equals. Only the name is considered in the identity.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Element)) {
return false;
Element that = (Element) obj;
return name.equals(
// not relevant to the identity of the object
// && Objects.equals(comment, that.comment)
// && type == that.type
// && attributes.equals(that.attributes)
// && children.equals(that.children)
* Special version of hashcode. Only the name is considered in the identity.
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode()
// not relevant to the identity of the object
// * 37 + Objects.hashCode(comment)
//) * 37 + Objects.hashCode(type)
// ) * 37 + attributes.hashCode()
// ) * 37 + children.hashCode()
public boolean isDeprecated() {
return isDeprecatedElement;
public boolean isOrdered() {
return isOrderedElement;
public boolean isTechPreview() {
return isTechPreviewElement;
public ElementStatus getElementStatus() {
return elementStatus;
* @return the rawModel
public String getRawModel() {
return rawModel;
private Element elementFrom(String name) {
Element result = nameToElement.get(name);
if (result == null) {
nameToElement.put(name, result = new Element(name));
return result;
private void addElement(String name2, String model) {
Element element = elementFrom(name2);
element.setChildren(this, model, preCommentCache);
preCommentCache = null;
lastElement = element;
lastAttribute = null;
private void addComment(String comment) {
comment = comment.trim();
if (preCommentCache != null || comment.startsWith("#")) { // the precomments are "sticky"
if (comment.startsWith("@")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@ annotation comment must follow element or attribute, without intervening # comment");
preCommentCache = addUnmodifiable(preCommentCache, comment);
} else if (lastElement != null) {
} else if (lastAttribute != null) {
} else {
if (comment.startsWith("@")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@ annotation comment must follow element or attribute, without intervening # comment");
preCommentCache = addUnmodifiable(preCommentCache, comment);
// TODO hide this
* @deprecated
public void handleElementDecl(String name, String model) {
if (SHOW_ALL) {
// <!ELEMENT ldml (identity, (alias | (fallback*, localeDisplayNames?, layout?, contextTransforms?, characters?, delimiters?, measurement?, dates?, numbers?, units?, listPatterns?, collations?, posix?, segmentations?, rbnf?, annotations?, metadata?, references?, special*))) >
System.out.println(System.lineSeparator() + "<!ELEMENT " + name + " " + model + " >");
addElement(name, model);
// TODO hide this
* @deprecated
public void handleStartDtd(String name, String publicId, String systemId) {
DtdType explicitDtdType = DtdType.valueOf(name);
if (explicitDtdType != dtdType && explicitDtdType != dtdType.rootType) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatch in dtdTypes");
* @deprecated
public void handleAttributeDecl(String eName, String aName, String type, String mode, String value) {
if (SHOW_ALL) {
// <!ATTLIST ldml draft ( approved | contributed | provisional | unconfirmed | true | false ) #IMPLIED >
// <!ATTLIST version number CDATA #REQUIRED >
// <!ATTLIST version cldrVersion CDATA #FIXED "27" >
System.out.println("<!ATTLIST " + eName
+ " " + aName
+ " " + type
+ " " + mode
+ (value == null ? "" : " \"" + value + "\"")
+ " >");
// HACK for 1.1.1
if (eName.equals("draft")) {
eName = "week";
addAttribute(eName, aName, type, mode, value);
* @deprecated
public void handleComment(String path, String comment) {
if (comment.contains("Copyright")) {
// Zap the copyright comment, replace it with the current one.
comment = CldrUtility.getCopyrightString();
if (SHOW_ALL) {
// <!-- true and false are deprecated. -->
System.out.println("<!-- " + comment.trim() + " -->");
// TODO hide this
* @deprecated
public void handleEndDtd() {
throw new XMLFileReader.AbortException();
* Note that it always gets the trunk version
* @deprecated depends on static config, use {@link DtdData#getInstance(DtdType, File)} instead
public static DtdData getInstance(DtdType type) {
return getInstance(type, CLDRConfig.getInstance().getCldrBaseDirectory());
* Special form using version, used only by tests, etc.
public static DtdData getInstance(DtdType type, String version) {
// Map out versions that had no DTD
if (version != null) {
switch (version) {
case "1.1.1":
case "1.4.1":
case "1.5.1":
File directory = version == null ? CLDRConfig.getInstance().getCldrBaseDirectory()
: new File(CLDRPaths.ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY + "/cldr-" + version);
return getInstance(type, version, directory);
private static final ConcurrentMap<Pair<DtdType, File>, DtdData> CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Normal version of DtdData
* Get a DtdData, given the CLDR root directory.
* @param type which DtdType to return
* @param directory the CLDR Root directory, which contains the "common" directory.
* @return
public static DtdData getInstance(DtdType type, File directory) {
Pair<DtdType, File> key = new Pair<>(type, directory);
DtdData data = CACHE.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> getInstance(type, null, directory));
return data;
private static DtdData getInstance(DtdType type, String version, File directory) {
DtdData simpleHandler = new DtdData(type, version);
XMLFileReader xfr = new XMLFileReader().setHandler(simpleHandler);
if (type != type.rootType) {
// read the real first, then add onto it.
readFile(type.rootType, xfr, directory);
readFile(type, xfr, directory);
if (type == DtdType.ldmlICU) {
Element special = simpleHandler.nameToElement.get("special");
for (String extraElementName : Arrays.asList(
"icu:depends")) {
Element extraElement = simpleHandler.nameToElement.get(extraElementName);
special.children.put(extraElement, special.children.size());
if (simpleHandler.ROOT.children.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal Error: DtdData.getInstance(" +
type + ", ...): readFile() failed to return any children!");
// should never happen
return simpleHandler;
private void finish() {
dtdComparator = new DtdComparator();
public static void readFile(DtdType type, XMLFileReader xfr, File directory) {
File file = new File(directory, type.dtdPath);
StringReader s = new StringReader("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>"
+ "<!DOCTYPE " + type
+ " SYSTEM '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'>");
try {, s, -1, true); // DTD_TYPE_TO_FILE.get(type)
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// rethrow
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error while reading " + type, iae);
private void freeze() {
if (version == null) { // only generate for new versions
MergeLists<String> elementMergeList = new MergeLists<>();
MergeLists<String> attributeMergeList = new MergeLists<>();
for (Element element : nameToElement.values()) {
if (element.children.size() > 0) {
Collection<String> names = getNames(element.children.keySet());
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(element.getName() + "\t→\t" + names);
if (element.attributes.size() > 0) {
Collection<String> names = getNames(element.attributes.keySet());
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(element.getName() + "\t→\t@" + names);
List<String> elementList = elementMergeList.merge();
List<String> attributeList = attributeMergeList.merge();
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Element Ordering:\t" + elementList);
System.out.println("Attribute Ordering:\t" + attributeList);
elementComparator = new MapComparator<>(elementList).setErrorOnMissing(true).freeze();
attributeComparator = new MapComparator<>(attributeList).setErrorOnMissing(true).freeze();
nameToElement = Collections.unmodifiableMap(nameToElement);
private Collection<String> getNames(Collection<? extends Named> keySet) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Named e : keySet) {
return result;
public enum DtdItem {
public interface AttributeValueComparator {
public int compare(String element, String attribute, String value1, String value2);
public Comparator<String> getDtdComparator(AttributeValueComparator avc) {
return dtdComparator;
public DtdComparator getDtdComparator() {
return dtdComparator;
public class DtdComparator implements Comparator<String> {
public int compare(String path1, String path2) {
XPathParts a = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path1);
XPathParts b = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path2);
return xpathComparator(a, b);
public int xpathComparator(XPathParts a, XPathParts b) {
// there must always be at least one element
String baseA = a.getElement(0);
String baseB = b.getElement(0);
if (! || ! {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Comparing different DTDs: " + + ", " + baseA + ", " + baseB);
int min = Math.min(a.size(), b.size());
Element parent = ROOT;
Element elementA;
for (int i = 1; i < min; ++i, parent = elementA) {
// add extra test for "fake" elements, used in diffing. they always start with _
String elementRawA = a.getElement(i);
String elementRawB = b.getElement(i);
if (elementRawA.startsWith("_")) {
return elementRawB.startsWith("_") ? elementRawA.compareTo(elementRawB) : -1;
} else if (elementRawB.startsWith("_")) {
return 1;
elementA = nameToElement.get(elementRawA);
Element elementB = nameToElement.get(elementRawB);
if (elementA != elementB) {
int aa = parent.children.get(elementA);
int bb = parent.children.get(elementB);
return aa - bb;
int countA = a.getAttributeCount(i);
int countB = b.getAttributeCount(i);
if (countA == 0 && countB == 0) {
// we have two ways to compare the attributes. One based on the dtd,
// and one based on explicit comparators
// at this point the elements are the same and correspond to elementA
// in the dtd
// Handle the special added elements
String aqValue = a.getAttributeValue(i, "_q");
if (aqValue != null) {
String bqValue = b.getAttributeValue(i, "_q");
if (!aqValue.equals(bqValue)) {
int aValue = Integer.parseInt(aqValue);
int bValue = Integer.parseInt(bqValue);
return aValue - bValue;
attributes: for (Entry<Attribute, Integer> attr : elementA.attributes.entrySet()) {
Attribute main = attr.getKey();
String valueA = a.getAttributeValue(i,;
String valueB = b.getAttributeValue(i,;
if (valueA == null) {
if (valueB != null) {
return -1;
} else if (valueB == null) {
return 1;
} else if (valueA.equals(valueB)) {
if (countA == 0 && countB == 0) {
break attributes;
continue; // TODO
} else if (main.attributeValueComparator != null) {
return, valueB);
} else if (main.values.size() != 0) {
int aa = main.values.get(valueA);
int bb = main.values.get(valueB);
return aa - bb;
} else {
return valueA.compareTo(valueB);
if (countA != 0 || countB != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return a.size() - b.size();
public MapComparator<String> getAttributeComparator() {
return attributeComparator;
public MapComparator<String> getElementComparator() {
return elementComparator;
public Relation<String, Attribute> getAttributesFromName() {
return nameToAttributes;
public Map<String, Element> getElementFromName() {
return nameToElement;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
// <!ELEMENT ldml (identity, (alias | (fallback*, localeDisplayNames?, layout?, contextTransforms?, characters?, delimiters?, measurement?, dates?, numbers?, units?, listPatterns?, collations?, posix?, segmentations?, rbnf?, metadata?, references?, special*))) >
// <!ATTLIST ldml draft ( approved | contributed | provisional | unconfirmed | true | false ) #IMPLIED > <!-- true and false are deprecated. -->
Seen seen = new Seen(dtdType);
toString(ROOT, b, seen);
// Hack for ldmlIcu: catch the items that are not mentioned in the original
int currentEnd = b.length();
for (Element e : nameToElement.values()) {
toString(e, b, seen);
if (currentEnd != b.length()) {
System.lineSeparator() + System.lineSeparator()
+ "<!-- Elements not reachable from root! -->"
+ System.lineSeparator());
return b.toString();
static final class Seen {
Set<Element> seenElements = new HashSet<>();
Set<Attribute> seenAttributes = new HashSet<>();
public Seen(DtdType dtdType) {
if (dtdType.rootType == dtdType) {
DtdData otherData = DtdData.getInstance(dtdType.rootType);
walk(otherData, otherData.ROOT);
private void walk(DtdData otherData, Element current) {
for (Element e : current.children.keySet()) {
walk(otherData, e);
public Set<Element> getDescendents(Element start, Set<Element> toAddTo) {
if (!toAddTo.contains(start)) {
for (Element e : start.children.keySet()) {
getDescendents(e, toAddTo);
return toAddTo;
private void toString(Element current, StringBuilder b, Seen seen) {
boolean first = true;
if (seen.seenElements.contains(current)) {
boolean elementDeprecated = isDeprecated(, "*", "*");
showComments(b, current.commentsPre, true);
b.append("\n\n<!ELEMENT " + + " " + current.model + " >");
Element aliasElement = getElementFromName().get("alias");
if (!current.children.isEmpty()) {
LinkedHashSet<Element> elements = new LinkedHashSet<>(current.children.keySet());
boolean hasAlias = aliasElement != null && elements.remove(aliasElement);
//boolean hasSpecial = specialElement != null && elements.remove(specialElement);
if (hasAlias) {
b.append("(alias |");
// <!ELEMENT transformNames ( alias | (transformName | special)* ) >
// <!ELEMENT layout ( alias | (orientation*, inList*, inText*, special*) ) >
for (Element e : elements) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
b.append(", ");
if (e.type != ElementType.PCDATA) {
if (hasAlias) {
} else {
b.append(current.type == null ? "???" : current.type.source);
showComments(b, current.commentsPost, false);
if (isOrdered( {
b.append(COMMENT_PREFIX + "<!--@ORDERED-->");
if (isTechPreview( {
b.append(COMMENT_PREFIX + "<!--@TECHPREVIEW-->");
if (current.getElementStatus() != ElementStatus.regular) {
b.append(COMMENT_PREFIX + "<!--@"
+ current.getElementStatus().toString().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)
+ "-->");
if (elementDeprecated) {
b.append(COMMENT_PREFIX + "<!--@DEPRECATED-->");
LinkedHashSet<String> deprecatedValues = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Attribute a : current.attributes.keySet()) {
if (seen.seenAttributes.contains(a)) {
boolean attributeDeprecated = elementDeprecated || isDeprecated(,, "*");
showComments(b, a.commentsPre, true);
b.append("\n<!ATTLIST " + + " " +;
if (a.type == AttributeType.ENUMERATED_TYPE) {
b.append(" (");
first = true;
for (String s : a.values.keySet()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
b.append(" | ");
if (!attributeDeprecated && isDeprecated(,, s)) {
} else {
b.append(' ').append(a.type);
if (a.mode != Mode.NULL) {
b.append(" ").append(a.mode.source);
if (a.defaultValue != null) {
b.append(" \"").append(a.defaultValue).append('"');
b.append(" >");
showComments(b, a.commentsPost, false);
// if (attributeDeprecated != deprecatedComment) {
// System.out.println("*** BAD DEPRECATION ***" + a);
// }
if (a.matchValue != null) {
b.append(COMMENT_PREFIX + "<!--@MATCH:" + a.matchValue.getName() + "-->");
if (METADATA.contains( || a.attributeStatus == AttributeStatus.metadata) {
b.append(COMMENT_PREFIX + "<!--@METADATA-->");
} else if (!isDistinguishing(, {
b.append(COMMENT_PREFIX + "<!--@VALUE-->");
if (attributeDeprecated) {
b.append(COMMENT_PREFIX + "<!--@DEPRECATED-->");
} else if (!deprecatedValues.isEmpty()) {
b.append(COMMENT_PREFIX + "<!--@DEPRECATED:" + Joiner.on(", ")
.join(deprecatedValues) + "-->");
if (current.children.size() > 0) {
for (Element e : current.children.keySet()) {
toString(e, b, seen);
private void showComments(StringBuilder b, Set<String> comments, boolean separate) {
if (comments == null) {
if (separate && b.length() != 0) {
for (String c : comments) {
boolean deprecatedComment = false; // the following served its purpose... c.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("deprecat");
if (!deprecatedComment) {
if (separate) {
// special handling for very first comment
if (b.length() == 0) {
} else {
b.append("<!-- ").append(c).append(" -->");
public static <T> T removeFirst(Collection<T> elements, Transform<T, Boolean> matcher) {
for (Iterator<T> it = elements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
T item =;
if (matcher.transform(item) == Boolean.TRUE) {
return item;
return null;
public Set<Element> getElements() {
return new LinkedHashSet<>(nameToElement.values());
public Set<Attribute> getAttributes() {
return new LinkedHashSet<>(nameToAttributes.values());
public boolean isDistinguishing(String elementName, String attribute) {
return getAttributeStatus(elementName, attribute) == AttributeStatus.distinguished;
static final Set<String> METADATA = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("references", "standard", "draft"));
static final Set<String> addUnmodifiable(Set<String> comment, String addition) {
if (comment == null) {
return Collections.singleton(addition);
} else {
comment = new LinkedHashSet<>(comment);
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(comment);
public class IllegalByDtdException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public final String elementName;
public final String attributeName;
public final String attributeValue;
public IllegalByDtdException(String elementName, String attributeName, String attributeValue) {
this.elementName = elementName;
this.attributeName = attributeName;
this.attributeValue = attributeValue;
public String getMessage() {
return "Dtd " + dtdType
+ " doesn’t allow "
+ "element=" + elementName
+ (attributeName == null ? "" : ", attribute: " + attributeName)
+ (attributeValue == null ? "" : ", attributeValue: " + attributeValue);
public boolean isDeprecated(String elementName, String attributeName, String attributeValue) {
Element element = getElementThrowingIfNull(elementName, null, null);
if (element.isDeprecatedElement) {
return true;
if ("*".equals(attributeName) || "_q".equals(attributeName)) {
return false;
Attribute attribute = element.getAttributeNamed(attributeName);
if (attribute == null) {
throw new IllegalByDtdException(elementName, attributeName, attributeValue);
} else if (attribute.isDeprecatedAttribute) {
return true;
return attribute.deprecatedValues.contains(attributeValue); // don't need special test for "*"
* Returns whether an element (specified by its full name) is ordered. This method
* understands all elements in the DTDs used (including the ICU extensions), but will
* throw IllegalByDtdException for unknown elements. See CLDR-8614 for more background.
public boolean isOrdered(String elementName) {
Element element = getElementThrowingIfNull(elementName, null, null);
return element.isOrdered();
public Element getElementThrowingIfNull(String elementName, String attributeName, String value) {
Element element = nameToElement.get(elementName);
if (element == null) {
throw new IllegalByDtdException(elementName, attributeName, value);
return element;
* Returns whether an element (specified by its full name) is a tech preview. This method
* understands all elements in the DTDs used (including the ICU extensions), but will
* throw IllegalByDtdException for unknown elements. See CLDR-8614 for more background.
public boolean isTechPreview(String elementName) {
Element element = getElementThrowingIfNull(elementName, null, null);
return element.isTechPreview();
public AttributeStatus getAttributeStatus(String elementName, String attributeName) {
if ("_q".equals(attributeName)) {
return AttributeStatus.distinguished; // special case
Element element = nameToElement.get(elementName);
if (element == null) {
if (elementName.startsWith("icu:")) {
return AttributeStatus.distinguished;
throw new IllegalByDtdException(elementName, attributeName, null);
Attribute attribute = element.getAttributeNamed(attributeName);
if (attribute == null) {
if (elementName.startsWith("icu:")) {
return AttributeStatus.distinguished;
throw new IllegalByDtdException(elementName, attributeName, null);
return attribute.attributeStatus;
// The default is a map comparator, which compares numbers as numbers, and strings with UCA
private static MapComparator<String> valueOrdering = new MapComparator<String>().setErrorOnMissing(false).freeze();
static MapComparator<String> dayValueOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> dayPeriodOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"midnight", "am", "noon", "pm",
"morning1", "morning2", "afternoon1", "afternoon2", "evening1", "evening2", "night1", "night2",
// The ones on the following line are no longer used actively. Can be removed later?
"earlyMorning", "morning", "midDay", "afternoon", "evening", "night", "weeHours").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> dateTimeFormatOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"standard", "atTime").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> listPatternOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"start", "middle", "end", "2", "3").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> widthOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"abbreviated", "narrow", "short", "wide", "all").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> lengthOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"full", "long", "medium", "short").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> dateFieldOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"era", "era-short", "era-narrow",
"year", "year-short", "year-narrow",
"quarter", "quarter-short", "quarter-narrow",
"month", "month-short", "month-narrow",
"week", "week-short", "week-narrow",
"weekOfMonth", "weekOfMonth-short", "weekOfMonth-narrow",
"day", "day-short", "day-narrow",
"dayOfYear", "dayOfYear-short", "dayOfYear-narrow",
"weekday", "weekday-short", "weekday-narrow",
"weekdayOfMonth", "weekdayOfMonth-short", "weekdayOfMonth-narrow",
"sun", "sun-short", "sun-narrow",
"mon", "mon-short", "mon-narrow",
"tue", "tue-short", "tue-narrow",
"wed", "wed-short", "wed-narrow",
"thu", "thu-short", "thu-narrow",
"fri", "fri-short", "fri-narrow",
"sat", "sat-short", "sat-narrow",
"dayperiod-short", "dayperiod", "dayperiod-narrow",
"hour", "hour-short", "hour-narrow",
"minute", "minute-short", "minute-narrow",
"second", "second-short", "second-narrow",
"zone", "zone-short", "zone-narrow").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> nameFieldOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"prefix", "given", "given-informal", "given2",
"surname", "surname-prefix", "surname-core", "surname2", "suffix").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> orderValueOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"givenFirst", "surnameFirst", "sorting").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> lengthValueOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"long", "medium", "short").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> usageValueOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"referring", "addressing", "monogram").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> formalityValueOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"formal", "informal").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> sampleNameItemOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"givenOnly", "givenSurnameOnly", "given12Surname", "full").freeze();
/* TODO: change this to be data-file driven. Can do with new Unit preferences info; also put them in a more meaningful order (metric vs other; size) */
public static final MapComparator<String> unitOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"acceleration-g-force", "acceleration-meter-per-square-second",
"acceleration-meter-per-second-squared", // deprecated
"angle-revolution", "angle-radian", "angle-degree", "angle-arc-minute", "angle-arc-second",
"area-square-kilometer", "area-hectare", "area-square-meter", "area-square-centimeter",
"area-square-mile", "area-acre", "area-square-yard", "area-square-foot", "area-square-inch",
"proportion-karat", // deprecated
"concentr-part-per-million", // deprecated
"concentr-percent", "concentr-permille", "concentr-permyriad",
"consumption-liter-per-kilometer", "consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer",
"consumption-liter-per-100kilometers", // deprecated
"consumption-mile-per-gallon", "consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial",
"digital-petabyte", "digital-terabyte", "digital-terabit", "digital-gigabyte", "digital-gigabit",
"digital-megabyte", "digital-megabit", "digital-kilobyte", "digital-kilobit",
"digital-byte", "digital-bit",
"duration-century", "duration-decade",
"duration-year", "duration-year-person",
"duration-month", "duration-month-person",
"duration-week", "duration-week-person",
"duration-day", "duration-day-person",
"duration-hour", "duration-minute", "duration-second",
"duration-millisecond", "duration-microsecond", "duration-nanosecond",
"electric-ampere", "electric-milliampere", "electric-ohm", "electric-volt",
"energy-kilocalorie", "energy-calorie", "energy-foodcalorie", "energy-kilojoule", "energy-joule", "energy-kilowatt-hour",
"frequency-gigahertz", "frequency-megahertz", "frequency-kilohertz", "frequency-hertz",
"graphics-em", "graphics-pixel", "graphics-megapixel",
"graphics-pixel-per-centimeter", "graphics-pixel-per-inch",
"graphics-dot-per-centimeter", "graphics-dot-per-inch",
"length-kilometer", "length-meter", "length-decimeter", "length-centimeter",
"length-millimeter", "length-micrometer", "length-nanometer", "length-picometer",
"length-mile", "length-yard", "length-foot", "length-inch",
"length-parsec", "length-light-year", "length-astronomical-unit",
"length-furlong", "length-fathom",
"length-nautical-mile", "length-mile-scandinavian",
"mass-tonne", "mass-metric-ton", "mass-kilogram", "mass-gram", "mass-milligram", "mass-microgram",
"mass-ton", "mass-stone", "mass-pound", "mass-ounce",
"mass-ounce-troy", "mass-carat",
"power-gigawatt", "power-megawatt", "power-kilowatt", "power-watt", "power-milliwatt",
"pressure-millimeter-of-mercury", // deprecated
"pressure-pound-per-square-inch", // deprecated
"pressure-inch-hg", // deprecated
"pressure-bar", "pressure-millibar", "pressure-atmosphere",
"speed-kilometer-per-hour", "speed-meter-per-second", "speed-mile-per-hour", "speed-knot",
"temperature-generic", "temperature-celsius", "temperature-fahrenheit", "temperature-kelvin",
"torque-pound-foot", // deprecated
"volume-cubic-kilometer", "volume-cubic-meter", "volume-cubic-centimeter",
"volume-cubic-mile", "volume-cubic-yard", "volume-cubic-foot", "volume-cubic-inch",
"volume-megaliter", "volume-hectoliter", "volume-liter", "volume-deciliter", "volume-centiliter", "volume-milliliter",
"volume-pint-metric", "volume-cup-metric",
"volume-bushel", "volume-gallon", "volume-gallon-imperial", "volume-quart", "volume-pint", "volume-cup",
"volume-fluid-ounce", "volume-fluid-ounce-imperial", "volume-tablespoon", "volume-teaspoon",
// "volume-pint-imperial"
static MapComparator<String> countValueOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"0", "1", "zero", "one", "two", "few", "many", "other").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> unitLengthOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"long", "short", "narrow").freeze();
static MapComparator<String> currencyFormatOrder = new MapComparator<String>().add(
"standard", "accounting").freeze();
static Comparator<String> zoneOrder = StandardCodes.make().getTZIDComparator();
static final Comparator<String> COMP = (Comparator) CLDRConfig.getInstance().getCollator();
// Hack for US
static final Comparator<String> UNICODE_SET_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<>() {
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
if (o1.contains("{")) {
o1 = o1.replace("{", "");
if (o2.contains("{")) {
o2 = o2.replace("{", "");
return, o2);
public static Comparator<String> getAttributeValueComparator(String element, String attribute) {
return getAttributeValueComparator(DtdType.ldml, element, attribute);
static Comparator<String> getAttributeValueComparator(DtdType type, String element, String attribute) {
// The default is a map comparator, which compares numbers as numbers, and strings with UCA
Comparator<String> comp = valueOrdering;
if (type != DtdType.ldml && type != DtdType.ldmlICU) {
return comp;
if (attribute.equals("day")) { // && (element.startsWith("weekend")
comp = dayValueOrder;
} else if (attribute.equals("type")) {
if (element.endsWith("FormatLength")) {
comp = lengthOrder;
} else if (element.endsWith("Width")) {
comp = widthOrder;
} else if (element.equals("day")) {
comp = dayValueOrder;
} else if (element.equals("field")) {
comp = dateFieldOrder;
} else if (element.equals("zone")) {
comp = zoneOrder;
} else if (element.equals("listPatternPart")) {
comp = listPatternOrder;
} else if (element.equals("currencyFormat")) {
comp = currencyFormatOrder;
} else if (element.equals("unitLength")) {
comp = unitLengthOrder;
} else if (element.equals("unit")) {
comp = unitOrder;
} else if (element.equals("dayPeriod")) {
comp = dayPeriodOrder;
} else if (element.equals("dateTimeFormat")) {
comp = dateTimeFormatOrder;
} else if (element.equals("nameField")) {
comp = nameFieldOrder;
} else if (attribute.equals("order") && element.equals("personName")) {
comp = orderValueOrder;
} else if (attribute.equals("length") && element.equals("personName")) {
comp = lengthValueOrder;
} else if (attribute.equals("usage") && element.equals("personName")) {
comp = usageValueOrder;
} else if (attribute.equals("formality")) {
comp = formalityValueOrder;
} else if (attribute.equals("item") && element.equals("sampleName")) {
comp = sampleNameItemOrder;
} else if (attribute.equals("count") && !element.equals("minDays")) {
comp = countValueOrder;
} else if (attribute.equals("cp") && element.equals("annotation")) {
return comp;
* Comparator for attributes in CLDR files
private static AttributeValueComparator ldmlAvc = new AttributeValueComparator() {
public int compare(String element, String attribute, String value1, String value2) {
Comparator<String> comp = getAttributeValueComparator(element, attribute);
return, value2);
public boolean hasValue(String elementName) {
return nameToElement.get(elementName).type == ElementType.PCDATA;
public boolean isMetadata(XPathParts pathPlain) {
for (String s : pathPlain.getElements()) {
Element e = getElementFromName().get(s);
if (e.elementStatus == ElementStatus.metadata) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isMetadataOld(DtdType dtdType2, XPathParts pathPlain) {
// TODO Don't use hard-coded list; instead add to DTD annotations
final String element1 = pathPlain.getElement(1);
final String element2 = pathPlain.getElement(2);
final String elementN = pathPlain.getElement(-1);
switch (dtdType2) {
case ldml:
switch (element1) {
case "generation":
case "metadata":
return true;
case ldmlBCP47:
switch (element1) {
case "generation":
case "version":
return true;
case supplementalData:
// these are NOT under /metadata/ but are actually metadata
switch (element1) {
case "generation":
case "version":
case "validity":
case "references":
case "coverageLevels":
return true;
case "transforms":
return elementN.equals("comment");
case "metadata":
// these ARE under /metadata/, but many others under /metadata/ are NOT actually metadata.
switch (element2) {
case "validity":
case "serialElements":
case "suppress":
case "distinguishing":
case "blocking":
case "casingData":
return true;
return false;
public boolean isDeprecated(XPathParts pathPlain) {
for (int i = 0; i < pathPlain.size(); ++i) {
String elementName = pathPlain.getElement(i);
if (isDeprecated(elementName, "*", null)) {
return true;
for (String attribute : pathPlain.getAttributeKeys(i)) {
String attributeValue = pathPlain.getAttributeValue(i, attribute);
if (isDeprecated(elementName, attribute, attributeValue)) {
return true;
return false;
public final static Splitter SPACE_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(CharMatcher.whitespace()).trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
public final static Splitter BAR_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('|').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
public final static Splitter CR_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(CharMatcher.anyOf("\n\r")).trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
private static class XPathPartsSet {
private final Set<XPathParts> list = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private void addElement(String element) {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
list.add(new XPathParts().addElement(element));
} else {
for (XPathParts item : list) {
private void addAttribute(String attribute, String attributeValue) {
for (XPathParts item : list) {
item.addAttribute(attribute, attributeValue);
private void setElement(int i, String string) {
for (XPathParts item : list) {
item.setElement(i, string);
private void addAttributes(String attribute, List<String> attributeValues) {
if (attributeValues.size() == 1) {
addAttribute(attribute, attributeValues.iterator().next());
} else {
// duplicate all the items in the list with the given values
Set<XPathParts> newList = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (XPathParts item : list) {
for (String attributeValue : attributeValues) {
XPathParts newItem = item.cloneAsThawed();
newItem.addAttribute(attribute, attributeValue);
private ImmutableSet<String> toStrings() {
Builder<String> result = new ImmutableSet.Builder<>();
for (XPathParts item : list) {
public String toString() {
return list.toString();
public Set<String> getRegularizedPaths(XPathParts pathPlain, Multimap<String, String> extras) {
Map<String, String> valueAttributes = new HashMap<>();
XPathPartsSet pathResult = new XPathPartsSet();
String element = null;
for (int i = 0; i < pathPlain.size(); ++i) {
element = pathPlain.getElement(i);
for (String attribute : pathPlain.getAttributeKeys(i)) {
AttributeStatus status = getAttributeStatus(element, attribute);
final String attributeValue = pathPlain.getAttributeValue(i, attribute);
switch (status) {
case distinguished:
AttributeType attrType = getAttributeType(element, attribute);
if (attrType == AttributeType.NMTOKENS) {
pathResult.addAttributes(attribute, SPACE_SPLITTER.splitToList(attributeValue));
} else {
pathResult.addAttribute(attribute, attributeValue);
case value:
valueAttributes.put(attribute, attributeValue);
case metadata:
if (!valueAttributes.isEmpty()) {
boolean hasValue = hasValue(element);
// if it doesn't have a value, we construct new child elements, with _ prefix
// if it does have a value, we have to play a further trick, since
// we can't have a value and child elements at the same level.
// So we use a _ suffix on the element.
if (hasValue) {
pathResult.setElement(i, element + "_");
} else {
int debug = 0;
for (Entry<String, String> attributeAndValue : valueAttributes.entrySet()) {
final String attribute = attributeAndValue.getKey();
final String attributeValue = attributeAndValue.getValue();
Set<String> pathsShort = pathResult.toStrings();
AttributeType attrType = getAttributeType(element, attribute);
for (String pathShort : pathsShort) {
pathShort += "/_" + attribute;
if (attrType == AttributeType.NMTOKENS) {
for (String valuePart : SPACE_SPLITTER.split(attributeValue)) {
extras.put(pathShort, valuePart);
} else {
extras.put(pathShort, attributeValue);
if (hasValue) {
pathResult.setElement(i, element); // restore
// Only add the path if it could have a value, looking at the last element
if (!hasValue(element)) {
return null;
return pathResult.toStrings();
public AttributeType getAttributeType(String elementName, String attributeName) {
Attribute attr = getAttribute(elementName, attributeName);
return (attr != null) ? attr.type : null;
public Attribute getAttribute(String elementName, String attributeName) {
Element element = nameToElement.get(elementName);
return (element != null) ? element.getAttributeNamed(attributeName) : null;
// TODO: add support for following to DTD annotations, and rework API
static final Set<String> SPACED_VALUES = ImmutableSet.of(
public static Splitter getValueSplitter(XPathParts pathPlain) {
if (!Collections.disjoint(pathPlain.getElements(), SPACED_VALUES)) {
} else if (pathPlain.getElement(-1).equals("annotation")
&& !pathPlain.getAttributeKeys(-1).contains("tts")) {
public static boolean isComment(XPathParts pathPlain, String line) {
if (pathPlain.contains("transform")) {
if (line.startsWith("#")) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isExtraSplit(String extraPath) {
if (extraPath.endsWith("/_type") && extraPath.startsWith("//supplementalData/metaZones/mapTimezones")) {
return true;
return false;
* Return the value status for an EAV
public ValueStatus getValueStatus(String elementName, String attributeName, String value) {
Element element = nameToElement.get(elementName);
if (element == null) {
return ValueStatus.invalid;
Attribute attr = element.getAttributeNamed(attributeName);
if (attr == null) {
return ValueStatus.invalid;
return attr.getValueStatus(value);
* Return element-attribute pairs with non-enumerated values, for quick checks.
public Multimap<String, String> getNonEnumerated(Map<String,String> matchValues) {
Multimap<String,String> nonEnumeratedElementToAttribute = TreeMultimap.create(); // make tree for ease of debugging
for (Entry<String, Element> entry : nameToElement.entrySet()) {
Element element = entry.getValue();
for (Attribute attribute : element.attributes.keySet()) {
if (attribute.type != AttributeType.ENUMERATED_TYPE) {
String elementName = element.getName();
String attrName = attribute.getName();
nonEnumeratedElementToAttribute.put(elementName, attrName);
if (attribute.matchValue != null) {
matchValues.put(elementName + "\t" + attrName, attribute.matchValue.getName());
return ImmutableSetMultimap.copyOf(nonEnumeratedElementToAttribute);