blob: 44bdefde9b295a8cf13b85e1008eba6fcf4a5203 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.tool;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.Option.Options;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.Option.Params;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.*;
public class GenerateProductionData {
static boolean DEBUG = false;
static boolean VERBOSE = false;
static Matcher FILE_MATCH = null;
static String SOURCE_COMMON_DIR = null;
static String DEST_COMMON_DIR = null;
static boolean ADD_LOGICAL_GROUPS = false;
static boolean ADD_DATETIME = false;
static boolean ADD_SIDEWAYS = false;
static boolean ADD_ROOT = false;
static boolean INCLUDE_COMPREHENSIVE = false;
static boolean CONSTRAINED_RESTORATION = false;
static final Set<String> NON_XML = ImmutableSet.of("dtd", "properties", "testData", "uca");
static final Set<String> COPY_ANYWAY = ImmutableSet.of("casing", "collation"); // don't want to "clean up", makes format difficult to use
static final SupplementalDataInfo SDI = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getSupplementalDataInfo();
static final Multimap<String, Pair<String, String>> localeToSubdivisionsToMigrate = TreeMultimap.create();
enum MyOptions {
sourceDirectory(new Params()
.setHelp("source common directory")
destinationDirectory(new Params()
.setHelp("destination common directory")
.setDefault(CLDRPaths.STAGING_DIRECTORY + "production/common")
logicalGroups(new Params()
.setHelp("add path/values for logical groups")
time(new Params()
.setHelp("add path/values for stock date/time/datetime")
Sideways(new Params()
.setHelp("add path/values for sideways inheritance")
root(new Params()
.setHelp("add path/values for root and code-fallback")
constrainedRestoration(new Params()
.setHelp("only add inherited paths that were in original file")
includeComprehensive(new Params()
.setHelp("exclude comprehensive paths — otherwise just to modern level")
verbose(new Params()
.setHelp("verbose debugging messages")),
Debug(new Params()
fileMatch(new Params()
.setHelp("regex to match patterns")
final Option option;
private MyOptions(Params params) {
option = new Option(this, params);
private static Options myOptions = new Options();
static {
for (MyOptions option : MyOptions.values()) {
myOptions.add(option, option.option);
private static Set<String> parse(String[] args, boolean showArguments) {
return myOptions.parse(MyOptions.values()[0], args, true);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO rbnf and segments don't have modern coverage; fix there.
MyOptions.parse(args, true);
SOURCE_COMMON_DIR = MyOptions.sourceDirectory.option.getValue();
DEST_COMMON_DIR = MyOptions.destinationDirectory.option.getValue();
// debugging
VERBOSE = MyOptions.verbose.option.doesOccur();
DEBUG = MyOptions.Debug.option.doesOccur();
String fileMatch = MyOptions.fileMatch.option.getValue();
if (fileMatch != null) {
FILE_MATCH = Pattern.compile(fileMatch).matcher("");
// controls for minimization
ADD_LOGICAL_GROUPS = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(MyOptions.logicalGroups.option.getValue());
ADD_DATETIME = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(MyOptions.time.option.getValue());
ADD_SIDEWAYS = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(MyOptions.Sideways.option.getValue());
ADD_ROOT = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(MyOptions.root.option.getValue());
// constraints
INCLUDE_COMPREHENSIVE = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(MyOptions.includeComprehensive.option.getValue());
CONSTRAINED_RESTORATION = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(MyOptions.constrainedRestoration.option.getValue());
// get directories
.forEach(type -> {
boolean isLdmlDtdType = type == DtdType.ldml;
// bit of a hack, using the ldmlICU — otherwise unused! — to get the nonXML files.
Set<String> directories = (type == DtdType.ldmlICU) ? NON_XML : type.directories;
for (String dir : directories) {
File sourceDir = new File(SOURCE_COMMON_DIR, dir);
File destinationDir = new File(DEST_COMMON_DIR, dir);
Stats stats = new Stats();
copyFilesAndReturnIsEmpty(sourceDir, destinationDir, null, isLdmlDtdType, stats);
// should be called from the main thread. Synchronizing to document.
if (!localeToSubdivisionsToMigrate.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("WARNING: Subdivision files not written, " + localeToSubdivisionsToMigrate.size() + " entries\n" +
"For locales: " + localeToSubdivisionsToMigrate.keySet());
for (Entry<String, Pair<String, String>> entry : localeToSubdivisionsToMigrate.entries()) {
System.err.println(entry.getKey() + " \t" + entry.getValue());
private static class Stats {
long files;
long removed;
long retained;
long remaining;
Stats clear() {
files = removed = retained = remaining = 0;
return this;
public String toString() {
"files=" + files
+ (removed + retained + remaining == 0 ? ""
: "; removed=" + removed
+ "; retained=" + retained
+ "; remaining=" + remaining);
public void showNonZero(String label) {
if (removed + retained + remaining != 0) {
System.out.println(label + toString());
* Copy files in directories, recursively.
* @param sourceFile
* @param destinationFile
* @param factory
* @param isLdmlDtdType
* @param stats
* @param hasChildren
* @return true if the file is an ldml file with empty content.
private static boolean copyFilesAndReturnIsEmpty(File sourceFile, File destinationFile,
Factory factory, boolean isLdmlDtdType, final Stats stats) {
if (sourceFile.isDirectory()) {
System.out.println(sourceFile + " => " + destinationFile);
if (!destinationFile.mkdirs()) {
// if created, remove old contents;
Set<String> sorted = new TreeSet<>();
if (COPY_ANYWAY.contains(sourceFile.getName())) { // special cases
isLdmlDtdType = false;
// reset factory for directory
factory = null;
if (isLdmlDtdType) {
// if the factory is empty, then we just copy files
factory = Factory.make(sourceFile.toString(), ".*");
boolean isMainDir = factory != null && sourceFile.getName().contentEquals("main");
boolean isRbnfDir = factory != null && sourceFile.getName().contentEquals("rbnf");
boolean isAnnotationsDir = factory != null && sourceFile.getName().startsWith("annotations");
Set<String> emptyLocales = new HashSet<>();
final Stats stats2 = new Stats();
final Factory theFactory = factory;
final boolean isLdmlDtdType2 = isLdmlDtdType;
.forEach(file -> {
File sourceFile2 = new File(sourceFile, file);
File destinationFile2 = new File(destinationFile, file);
if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("\t" + file);
// special step to just copy certain files like main/root.xml file
Factory currFactory = theFactory;
if (isMainDir) {
if (file.equals("root.xml")) {
currFactory = null;
} else if (isRbnfDir) {
currFactory = null;
// when the currFactory is null, we just copy files as-is
boolean isEmpty = copyFilesAndReturnIsEmpty(sourceFile2, destinationFile2, currFactory, isLdmlDtdType2, stats2);
if (isEmpty) { // only happens for ldml
emptyLocales.add(file.substring(0,file.length()-4)); // remove .xml for localeId
// if there are empty ldml files, AND we aren't in /main/,
// then remove any without children
if (!emptyLocales.isEmpty() && !isMainDir) {
Set<String> childless = getChildless(emptyLocales, factory.getAvailable(), isAnnotationsDir);
if (!childless.isEmpty()) {
if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("\t" + destinationFile + "\tRemoving empty locales:" + childless); -> new File(destinationFile, locale + ".xml").delete());
return false;
} else if (factory != null) {
String file = sourceFile.getName();
if (!file.endsWith(".xml")) {
return false;
String localeId = file.substring(0, file.length()-4);
if (FILE_MATCH != null) {
if (!FILE_MATCH.reset(localeId).matches()) {
return false;
boolean isRoot = localeId.equals("root");
String directoryName = sourceFile.getParentFile().getName();
boolean isSubdivisionDirectory = "subdivisions".equals(directoryName);
CLDRFile cldrFileUnresolved = factory.make(localeId, false);
CLDRFile cldrFileResolved = factory.make(localeId, true);
boolean gotOne = false;
Set<String> toRemove = new TreeSet<>(); // TreeSet just makes debugging easier
Set<String> toRetain = new TreeSet<>();
Output<String> pathWhereFound = new Output<>();
Output<String> localeWhereFound = new Output<>();
boolean isArabicSpecial = localeId.equals("ar") || localeId.startsWith("ar_");
String debugPath = null; // "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"short\"]/unit[@type=\"power-kilowatt\"]/displayName";
String debugLocale = "af";
for (String xpath : cldrFileUnresolved) {
if (xpath.startsWith("//ldml/identity")) {
if (debugPath != null && localeId.equals(debugLocale) && xpath.equals(debugPath)) {
int debug = 0;
String value = cldrFileUnresolved.getStringValue(xpath);
if (value == null || CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(value)) {
// special-case the root values that are only for Survey Tool use
if (isRoot) {
if (AnnotationUtil.pathIsAnnotation(xpath)) {
// special case for Arabic defaultNumberingSystem
if (isArabicSpecial && xpath.contains("/defaultNumberingSystem")) {
// remove items that are the same as their bailey values. This also catches Inheritance Marker
String bailey = cldrFileResolved.getBaileyValue(xpath, pathWhereFound, localeWhereFound);
if (value.equals(bailey)
|| pathEqualsOrIsAltVariantOf(xpath, pathWhereFound.value))
|| (!Objects.equals(XMLSource.ROOT_ID, localeWhereFound.value)
&& !Objects.equals(XMLSource.CODE_FALLBACK_ID, localeWhereFound.value)))) {
// Move subdivisions elsewhere
if (!isSubdivisionDirectory && xpath.startsWith("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/subdivisions/subdivision")) {
synchronized(localeToSubdivisionsToMigrate) {
localeToSubdivisionsToMigrate.put(localeId, Pair.of(xpath, value));
// remove level=comprehensive (under setting)
Level coverage = SDI.getCoverageLevel(xpath, localeId);
if (coverage == Level.COMPREHENSIVE) {
// if we got all the way to here, we have a non-empty result
// check to see if we might need to flesh out logical groups
// TODO Should be done in the converter tool!!
if (ADD_LOGICAL_GROUPS && !LogicalGrouping.isOptional(cldrFileResolved, xpath)) {
Set<String> paths = LogicalGrouping.getPaths(cldrFileResolved, xpath);
if (paths != null && paths.size() > 1) {
for (String possiblePath : paths) {
// Unclear from API whether we need to do this filtering
if (!LogicalGrouping.isOptional(cldrFileResolved, possiblePath)) {
// check to see if we might need to flesh out datetime.
// TODO Should be done in the converter tool!!
if (ADD_DATETIME && isDateTimePath(xpath)) {
// past the gauntlet
gotOne = true;
// we even add empty files, but can delete them back on the directory level.
try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(destinationFile)) {
CLDRFile outCldrFile = cldrFileUnresolved.cloneAsThawed();
if (isSubdivisionDirectory) {
synchronized (localeToSubdivisionsToMigrate) {
Collection<Pair<String, String>> path_values = localeToSubdivisionsToMigrate.get(localeId);
if (path_values != null) {
for (Pair<String, String>path_value : path_values) {
outCldrFile.add(path_value.getFirst(), path_value.getSecond());
// Remove paths, but pull out the ones to retain
// example:
// toRemove == {a b c} // c may have ^^^ value
// toRetain == {b c d} // d may have ^^^ value
if (DEBUG) {
showIfNonZero(localeId, "removing", toRemove);
showIfNonZero(localeId, "retaining", toRetain);
toRetain.retainAll(toRemove); // only add paths that were there already
// toRetain == {b c}
if (DEBUG) {
showIfNonZero(localeId, "constrained retaining", toRetain);
boolean changed0 = toRemove.removeAll(toRetain);
// toRemove == {a}
if (DEBUG && changed0) {
showIfNonZero(localeId, "final removing", toRemove);
boolean changed = toRetain.removeAll(toRemove);
// toRetain = {b c d} or if constrained, {b c}
if (DEBUG && changed) {
showIfNonZero(localeId, "final retaining", toRetain);
outCldrFile.removeAll(toRemove, false);
if (DEBUG) {
for (String xpath : toRemove) {
System.out.println(localeId + ": removing: «"
+ cldrFileUnresolved.getStringValue(xpath)
+ "», " + xpath);
// now set any null values to bailey values if not present
for (String xpath : toRetain) {
if (debugPath != null && localeId.equals(debugLocale) && xpath.equals(debugPath)) {
int debug = 0;
String value = cldrFileResolved.getStringValue(xpath);
if (value == null || value.equals(CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(localeId + ": " + value + " in value for " + xpath);
} else {
if (DEBUG) {
String oldValue = cldrFileUnresolved.getStringValue(xpath);
System.out.println("Restoring: «" + oldValue + "» ⇒ «" + value
+ "»\t" + xpath);
outCldrFile.add(xpath, value);
// double-check results
int count = 0;
for (String xpath : outCldrFile) {
if (debugPath != null && localeId.equals(debugLocale) && xpath.equals(debugPath)) {
int debug = 0;
String value = outCldrFile.getStringValue(xpath);
if (value == null || value.equals(CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(localeId + ": " + value + " in value for " + xpath);
stats.removed += toRemove.size();
stats.retained += toRetain.size();
stats.remaining += count;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException("Can't copy " + sourceFile + " to " + destinationFile + " — ", e);
return !gotOne;
} else {
if (FILE_MATCH != null) {
String file = sourceFile.getName();
int dotPos = file.lastIndexOf('.');
String baseName = dotPos >= 0 ? file.substring(0, file.length()-dotPos) : file;
if (!FILE_MATCH.reset(baseName).matches()) {
return false;
// for now, just copy
copyFiles(sourceFile, destinationFile);
return false;
private static void showIfNonZero(String localeId, String title, Set<String> toRemove) {
if (toRemove.size() != 0) {
System.out.println(localeId + ": "
+ title
+ ": " + toRemove.size());
private static boolean pathEqualsOrIsAltVariantOf(String desiredPath, String foundPath) {
if (desiredPath.equals(foundPath)) {
return true;
if (desiredPath.contains("type=\"en_GB\"") && desiredPath.contains("alt=")) {
int debug = 0;
if (foundPath == null || foundPath.equals(GlossonymConstructor.PSEUDO_PATH)) {
// We can do this, because the bailey value has already been checked.
// Since it isn't null, a null or PSEUDO_PATH indicates a constructed alt value.
return true;
XPathParts desiredPathParts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(desiredPath);
XPathParts foundPathParts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(foundPath);
if (desiredPathParts.size() != foundPathParts.size()) {
return false;
for (int e = 0; e < desiredPathParts.size(); ++e) {
String element1 = desiredPathParts.getElement(e);
String element2 = foundPathParts.getElement(e);
if (!element1.equals(element2)) {
return false;
Map<String, String> attr1 = desiredPathParts.getAttributes(e);
Map<String, String> attr2 = foundPathParts.getAttributes(e);
if (attr1.equals(attr2)) {
Set<String> keys1 = attr1.keySet();
Set<String> keys2 = attr2.keySet();
for (String attr : Sets.union(keys1, keys2)) {
if (attr.equals("alt")) {
if (!Objects.equals(attr1.get(attr), attr2.get(attr))) {
return false;
return true;
private static boolean isDateTimePath(String xpath) {
return xpath.startsWith("//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar")
&& xpath.contains("FormatLength[@type=");
/** generate full dateTimePaths from any element
private static Set<String> dateTimePaths(String xpath) {
LinkedHashSet<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
String prefix = xpath.substring(0,xpath.indexOf(']') + 2); // get after ]/
for (String type : Arrays.asList("date", "time", "dateTime")) {
String pattern = prefix + "$XFormats/$XFormatLength[@type=\"$Y\"]/$XFormat[@type=\"standard\"]/pattern[@type=\"standard\"]".replace("$X", type);
for (String width : Arrays.asList("full", "long", "medium", "short")) {
result.add(pattern.replace("$Y", width));
return result;
private static Set<String> getChildless(Set<String> emptyLocales, Set<String> available, boolean isAnnotationsDir) {
// first build the parent2child map
Multimap<String,String> parent2child = HashMultimap.create();
for (String locale : available) {
String parent = LocaleIDParser.getParent(locale);
if (parent != null) {
parent2child.put(parent, locale);
if (isAnnotationsDir) {
String simpleParent = LocaleIDParser.getParent(locale, true);
if (simpleParent != null && (parent == null || simpleParent != parent)) {
parent2child.put(simpleParent, locale);
// now cycle through the empties
Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();
for (String empty : emptyLocales) {
if (allChildrenAreEmpty(empty, emptyLocales, parent2child)) {
return result;
* Recursively checks that all children are empty (including that there are no children)
* @param name
* @param emptyLocales
* @param parent2child
* @return
private static boolean allChildrenAreEmpty(
String locale,
Set<String> emptyLocales,
Multimap<String, String> parent2child) {
Collection<String> children = parent2child.get(locale);
for (String child : children) {
if (!emptyLocales.contains(child)) {
return false;
if (!allChildrenAreEmpty(child, emptyLocales, parent2child)) {
return false;
return true;
private static void copyFiles(File sourceFile, File destinationFile) {
try {
Files.copy(sourceFile, destinationFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Can't copy " + sourceFile + " to " + destinationFile + " — " + e);