blob: f04c6aa1a60b1aac5703522420034b59c5b55c28 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.tool;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.DisplayAndInputProcessor;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.SubmissionLocales;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.FormattedFileWriter.Anchors;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.Option.Options;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.Option.Params;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.Status;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Counter;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdData;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LanguageTagParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Level;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LocaleIDParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Organization;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Pair;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader.PageId;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathStarrer;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SimpleXMLSource;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.CoverageVariableInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.TransliteratorUtilities;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLFileReader;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
public class ChartDelta extends Chart {
private static final boolean verbose_skipping = false;
private static final String DEFAULT_DELTA_DIR_NAME = "delta";
private static final String DEFAULT_CHURN_DIR_NAME = "churn";
private static final boolean SKIP_REFORMAT_ANNOTATIONS = ToolConstants.PREV_CHART_VERSION.compareTo("30") >= 0;
private static final PageId DEBUG_PAGE_ID = PageId.DayPeriod;
private static final SupplementalDataInfo SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getSupplementalDataInfo();
private enum MyOptions {
fileFilter(new Params().setHelp("filter files by dir/locale, eg: ^main/en$ or .*/en").setMatch(".*")),
orgFilter(new Params().setHelp("filter files by organization").setMatch(".*")),
Vxml(new Params().setHelp("use cldr-aux for the base directory")),
coverageFilter(new Params().setHelp("filter files by coverage").setMatch(".*")),
directory(new Params().setHelp("Set the output directory name").setDefault(DEFAULT_DELTA_DIR_NAME).setMatch(".*")),
verbose(new Params().setHelp("verbose debugging messages")),
highLevelOnly(new Params().setHelp("check high-level paths (churn) only").setFlag('H')),
final Option option;
private MyOptions(Params params) {
option = new Option(this, params);
private static Options myOptions = new Options();
static {
for (MyOptions option : MyOptions.values()) {
myOptions.add(option, option.option);
private static Set<String> parse(String[] args) {
return myOptions.parse(MyOptions.values()[0], args, true);
private final Matcher fileFilter;
private final String dirName; // "delta" or "churn" or set as option
private final String chartNameCap; // capitalized, e.g., "Delta" or "Churn"
private final String DIR; // full path of output folder
private final Level minimumPathCoverage;
private final boolean verbose;
* If true, check only high-level paths, i.e., paths for which any changes
* have high potential to cause disruptive "churn"
private final boolean highLevelOnly;
public static void main(String[] args) {
main(args, false);
public static void main(String[] args, boolean highLevelOnly) {
System.out.println("use -DCHART_VERSION=36.0 -DPREV_CHART_VERSION=34.0 to generate the differences between v36 and v34.");
Matcher fileFilter = !MyOptions.fileFilter.option.doesOccur() ? null : PatternCache.get(MyOptions.fileFilter.option.getValue()).matcher("");
if (MyOptions.orgFilter.option.doesOccur()) {
if (MyOptions.fileFilter.option.doesOccur()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have both fileFilter and orgFilter");
String rawOrg = MyOptions.orgFilter.option.getValue();
Organization org = Organization.fromString(rawOrg);
Set<String> locales = StandardCodes.make().getLocaleCoverageLocales(org);
fileFilter = PatternCache.get("^(main|annotations)/(" + Joiner.on("|").join(locales) + ")$").matcher("");
Level coverage = !MyOptions.coverageFilter.option.doesOccur() ? null : Level.fromString(MyOptions.coverageFilter.option.getValue());
boolean verbose = MyOptions.verbose.option.doesOccur();
if (MyOptions.highLevelOnly.option.doesOccur()) {
highLevelOnly = true;
String dirName =;
if (highLevelOnly && DEFAULT_DELTA_DIR_NAME.equals(dirName)) {
System.out.println("For highLevelOnly, changing directory from " + DEFAULT_DELTA_DIR_NAME
ChartDelta temp = new ChartDelta(fileFilter, coverage, dirName, verbose, highLevelOnly);
if (highLevelOnly) {
System.out.println("Finished. Files may have been created in these directories:");
System.out.println(getTsvDir(temp.DIR, temp.dirName));
private ChartDelta(Matcher fileFilter, Level coverage, String dirName, boolean verbose, boolean highLevelOnly) {
this.fileFilter = fileFilter;
this.verbose = verbose;
this.highLevelOnly = highLevelOnly;
this.dirName = dirName;
this.chartNameCap = dirName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + dirName.substring(1);
this.DIR = CLDRPaths.CHART_DIRECTORY + dirName;
this.minimumPathCoverage = coverage;
private static final String SEP = "\u0001";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final String DEBUG_FILE = null; // "windowsZones.xml";
static Pattern fileMatcher = PatternCache.get(".*");
static PathHeader.Factory phf = PathHeader.getFactory(ENGLISH);
static final Set<String> DONT_CARE = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("draft", "standard", "reference"));
public String getDirectory() {
return DIR;
public String getTitle() {
return chartNameCap + " Charts";
public String getFileName() {
return "index";
public String getExplanation() {
return "<p>Charts showing the differences from the last version. "
+ "Titles prefixed by ¤ are special: either the locale data summary or supplemental data. "
+ "Not all changed data is charted yet. For details see each chart.</p>";
public void writeContents(FormattedFileWriter pw) throws IOException {
FormattedFileWriter.Anchors anchors = new FormattedFileWriter.Anchors();
FileUtilities.copyFile(ChartDelta.class, "index.css", getDirectory());
FormattedFileWriter.copyIncludeHtmls(getDirectory(), true);
pw.setIndex("Main Chart Index", "../index.html");
private static class PathHeaderSegment extends R3<PathHeader, Integer, String> {
public PathHeaderSegment(PathHeader b, int elementIndex, String attribute) {
super(b, elementIndex, attribute);
private static class PathDiff extends R4<PathHeaderSegment, String, String, String> {
public PathDiff(String locale, PathHeaderSegment pathHeaderSegment, String oldValue, String newValue) {
super(pathHeaderSegment, locale, oldValue, newValue);
private static final CLDRFile EMPTY_CLDR = new CLDRFile(new SimpleXMLSource("und").freeze());
private static final File CLDR_BASE_DIR = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getCldrBaseDirectory();
private enum ChangeType {
added, deleted, changed, same;
public static ChangeType get(String oldValue, String currentValue) {
return oldValue == null ? added
: currentValue == null ? deleted
: oldValue.equals(currentValue) ? same
: changed;
private Counter<ChangeType> counter = new Counter<>();
private Map<String, Counter<ChangeType>> fileCounters = new TreeMap<>();
private Set<String> badHeaders = new TreeSet<>();
* Add the count of changed items
private void addChange(String file, ChangeType changeType, int count) {
counter.add(changeType, count); // unified add
Counter<ChangeType> fileCounter = fileCounters.get(file);
if (fileCounter == null) {
fileCounters.put(file, fileCounter = new Counter<>());
fileCounter.add(changeType, count);
private void showTotals() {
try (PrintWriter pw = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(getTsvDir(DIR, dirName), dirName + "_summary.tsv")) {
// pw.println("# percentages are of *new* total");
pw.print("# dir\tfile");
for (ChangeType item : ChangeType.values()) {
pw.print("\t" + (item == ChangeType.same ? "total" : item.toString()));
showTotal(pw, "TOTAL/", counter);
for (Entry<String, Counter<ChangeType>> entry : fileCounters.entrySet()) {
showTotal(pw, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
for (String s : badHeaders) {
// pw.println("# EOF");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ICUUncheckedIOException(e);
private void showTotal(PrintWriter pw, String title2, Counter<ChangeType> counter2) {
long total = counter2.getTotal();
NumberFormat pf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
pw.print(title2.replace("/", "\t"));
for (ChangeType item : ChangeType.values()) {
if (item == ChangeType.same) {
pw.print("\t" + nf.format(total));
} else {
final long current = counter2.getCount(item);
pw.print("\t" + nf.format(current));
* @param anchors
* @throws IOException
* TODO: shorten the function using subroutines
private void writeLdml(Anchors anchors) throws IOException {
try (PrintWriter tsvFile = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(getTsvDir(DIR, dirName), dirName + ".tsv");
PrintWriter tsvCountFile = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(getTsvDir(DIR, dirName), dirName + "_count.tsv");
) {
tsvFile.println("# Section\tPage\tHeader\tCode\tLocale\tOld\tNew\tLevel");
// set up factories
List<Factory> factories = new ArrayList<>();
List<Factory> oldFactories = new ArrayList<>();
Counter<PathHeader> counts = new Counter<>();
String dirBase = ToolConstants.getBaseDirectory(ToolConstants.CHART_VERSION);
String prevDirBase = ToolConstants.getBaseDirectory(ToolConstants.PREV_CHART_VERSION);
for (String dir : DtdType.ldml.directories) {
if (dir.equals("annotationsDerived") || dir.equals("casing")) {
String current = dirBase + "common/" + dir;
String past = prevDirBase + "common/" + dir;
try {
factories.add(Factory.make(current, ".*"));
} catch (Exception e1) {
System.out.println("Skipping: " + dir + "\t" + e1.getMessage());
continue; // skip where the directories don't exist in old versions
try {
oldFactories.add(Factory.make(past, ".*"));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Couldn't open factory: " + past);
past = null;
System.out.println("Will compare: " + dir + "\t\t" + current + "\t\t" + past);
if (factories.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No factories found for "
+ dirBase + ": " + DtdType.ldml.directories);
// get a list of all the locales to cycle over
Relation<String, String> baseToLocales = Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(), HashSet.class);
Matcher m = fileMatcher.matcher("");
Set<String> defaultContents = SDI.getDefaultContentLocales();
LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser();
LikelySubtags ls = new LikelySubtags();
for (String file : factories.get(0).getAvailable()) {
if (defaultContents.contains(file)) {
if (!m.reset(file).matches()) {
String base = file.equals("root") ? "root" : ltp.set(ls.minimize(file)).getLanguageScript();
baseToLocales.put(base, file);
// do keyboards later
Status currentStatus = new Status();
Status oldStatus = new Status();
Set<PathDiff> diff = new TreeSet<>();
Set<String> paths = new HashSet<>();
Relation<PathHeader, String> diffAll = Relation.of(new TreeMap<PathHeader, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
for (Entry<String, Set<String>> baseNLocale : baseToLocales.keyValuesSet()) {
String base = baseNLocale.getKey();
for (int i = 0; i < factories.size(); ++i) {
Factory factory = factories.get(i);
Factory oldFactory = oldFactories.get(i);
List<File> sourceDirs = Arrays.asList(factory.getSourceDirectories());
if (sourceDirs.size() != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error: expect single source dir");
File sourceDir = sourceDirs.get(0);
String sourceDirLeaf = sourceDir.getName();
boolean resolving = !sourceDirLeaf.contains("subdivisions")
&& !sourceDirLeaf.contains("transforms");
for (String locale : baseNLocale.getValue()) {
String nameAndLocale = sourceDirLeaf + "/" + locale;
if (fileFilter != null && !fileFilter.reset(nameAndLocale).find()) {
if (verbose && verbose_skipping) {
System.out.println("SKIPPING: " + nameAndLocale);
if (verbose) {
CLDRFile current = makeWithFallback(factory, locale, resolving);
CLDRFile old = makeWithFallback(oldFactory, locale, resolving);
DisplayAndInputProcessor daip = new DisplayAndInputProcessor(old);
if (!locale.equals("root") && current.getLocaleID().equals("root") && old.getLocaleID().equals("root")) {
if (old == EMPTY_CLDR && current == EMPTY_CLDR) {
if (highLevelOnly && !HighLevelPaths.localeIsHighLevel(locale)) {
for (String path : current.fullIterable()) {
if (allowPath(locale, path)) {
for (String path : old.fullIterable()) {
if (!paths.contains(path) && allowPath(locale, path)) {
Output<String> reformattedValue = new Output<>();
Output<Boolean> hasReformattedValue = new Output<>();
for (String path : paths) {
if (path.startsWith("//ldml/identity")
|| path.endsWith("/alias")
|| path.startsWith("//ldml/segmentations") // do later
|| path.startsWith("//ldml/rbnf") // do later
) {
PathHeader ph = getPathHeader(path);
if (ph == null) {
String oldValue;
String currentValue;
String sourceLocaleCurrent = current.getSourceLocaleID(path, currentStatus);
String sourceLocaleOld = getReformattedPath(oldStatus, old, path, reformattedValue, hasReformattedValue);
// filter out stuff that differs at a higher level
if (!sourceLocaleCurrent.equals(locale)
&& !sourceLocaleOld.equals(locale)) {
if (!path.equals(currentStatus.pathWhereFound)
&& !path.equals(oldStatus.pathWhereFound)) {
// fix some incorrect cases?
currentValue = current.getStringValue(path);
if (CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(currentValue)) {
currentValue = current.getBaileyValue(path, null, null);
String oldRawValue = hasReformattedValue.value ? reformattedValue.value : old.getStringValue(path);
if (CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(oldRawValue)) {
oldRawValue = old.getBaileyValue(path, null, null);
// ignore differences due to old DAIP
oldValue = dontDaipValue(oldRawValue, path) ? oldRawValue : daip.processInput(path, oldRawValue, null);
if (highLevelOnly && new SuspiciousChange(oldValue, currentValue, path, locale).isDisruptive() == false) {
// handle non-distinguishing attributes
addPathDiff(sourceDir, old, current, locale, ph, diff);
addValueDiff(sourceDir, oldValue, currentValue, locale, ph, diff, diffAll);
writeDiffs(anchors, base, diff, tsvFile, counts);
writeCounter(tsvCountFile, "Count", counts);
public boolean dontDaipValue(String oldRawValue, String path) {
return oldRawValue == null || path.startsWith("//ldml/collations");
private boolean allowPath(String locale, String path) {
if (minimumPathCoverage != null) {
Level pathLevel = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.getCoverageLevel(path, locale);
if (minimumPathCoverage.compareTo(pathLevel) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
private String getReformattedPath(Status oldStatus, CLDRFile old, String path, Output<String> value, Output<Boolean> hasReformattedValue) {
if (SKIP_REFORMAT_ANNOTATIONS || !path.startsWith("//ldml/annotations/")) {
hasReformattedValue.value = Boolean.FALSE;
return old.getSourceLocaleID(path, oldStatus);
// OLD: <annotation cp='[😀]' tts='grinning face'>face; grin</annotation>
// NEW: <annotation cp="😀">face | grin</annotation>
// <annotation cp="😀" type="tts">grinning face</annotation>
// from the NEW paths, get the OLD values
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path).cloneAsThawed(); // not frozen, for removeAttribute
boolean isTts = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type") != null;
if (isTts) {
parts.removeAttribute(-1, "type");
String cp = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "cp");
parts.setAttribute(-1, "cp", "[" + cp + "]");
String oldStylePath = parts.toString();
String temp = old.getStringValue(oldStylePath);
if (temp == null) {
hasReformattedValue.value = Boolean.FALSE;
} else if (isTts) {
String temp2 = old.getFullXPath(oldStylePath);
value.value = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(temp2).getAttributeValue(-1, "tts");
hasReformattedValue.value = Boolean.TRUE;
} else {
value.value = temp.replaceAll("\\s*;\\s*", " | ");
hasReformattedValue.value = Boolean.TRUE;
return old.getSourceLocaleID(oldStylePath, oldStatus);
PathStarrer starrer = new PathStarrer().setSubstitutionPattern("%A");
private PathHeader getPathHeader(String path) {
try {
PathHeader ph = phf.fromPath(path);
if (ph.getPageId() == PageId.Unknown) {
String star = starrer.set(path);
return null;
return ph;
} catch (Exception e) {
String star = starrer.set(path);
// System.err.println("Skipping path with bad PathHeader: " + path);
return null;
private CLDRFile makeWithFallback(Factory oldFactory, String locale, boolean resolving) {
if (oldFactory == null) {
return EMPTY_CLDR;
CLDRFile old;
String oldLocale = locale;
while (true) { // fall back for old, maybe to root
try {
old = oldFactory.make(oldLocale, resolving);
} catch (Exception e) {
oldLocale = LocaleIDParser.getParent(oldLocale);
if (oldLocale == null) {
return EMPTY_CLDR;
return old;
private void addPathDiff(File sourceDir, CLDRFile old, CLDRFile current, String locale, PathHeader ph, Set<PathDiff> diff2) {
String path = ph.getOriginalPath();
String fullPathCurrent = current.getFullXPath(path);
String fullPathOld = old.getFullXPath(path);
if (Objects.equals(fullPathCurrent, fullPathOld)) {
XPathParts pathPlain = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
XPathParts pathCurrent = fullPathCurrent == null ? pathPlain : XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullPathCurrent);
XPathParts pathOld = fullPathOld == null ? pathPlain : XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullPathOld);
TreeSet<String> fullAttributes = null;
int size = pathCurrent.size();
String parentAndName = parentAndName(sourceDir, locale);
for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < size; ++elementIndex) { // will have same size
Collection<String> distinguishing = pathPlain.getAttributeKeys(elementIndex);
Collection<String> attributesCurrent = pathCurrent.getAttributeKeys(elementIndex);
Collection<String> attributesOld = pathCurrent.getAttributeKeys(elementIndex);
if (attributesCurrent.isEmpty() && attributesOld.isEmpty()) {
if (fullAttributes == null) {
fullAttributes = new TreeSet<>();
} else {
// at this point we only have non-distinguishing
for (String attribute : fullAttributes) {
String attributeValueOld = pathOld.getAttributeValue(elementIndex, attribute);
String attributeValueCurrent = pathCurrent.getAttributeValue(elementIndex, attribute);
if (Objects.equals(attributeValueOld, attributeValueCurrent)) {
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.same, 1);
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.get(attributeValueOld, attributeValueCurrent), 1);
PathDiff row = new PathDiff(
new PathHeaderSegment(ph, size - elementIndex - 1, attribute),
if (DEBUG) {
private String parentAndName(File sourceDir, String locale) {
return sourceDir.getName() + "/" + locale + ".xml";
private void addValueDiff(File sourceDir, String valueOld, String valueCurrent, String locale, PathHeader ph, Set<PathDiff> diff,
Relation<PathHeader, String> diffAll) {
// handle stuff that can be split specially
Splitter splitter = getSplitter(ph.getOriginalPath(), valueOld, valueCurrent);
int count = 1;
String parentAndName = parentAndName(sourceDir, locale);
if (Objects.equals(valueCurrent, valueOld)) {
if (splitter != null && valueCurrent != null) {
count = splitHandlingNull(splitter, valueCurrent).size();
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.same, count);
} else {
if (splitter != null) {
List<String> setOld = splitHandlingNull(splitter, valueOld);
List<String> setNew = splitHandlingNull(splitter, valueCurrent);
int[] sameAndNotInSecond = new int[2];
valueOld = getFilteredValue(setOld, setNew, sameAndNotInSecond);
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.same, sameAndNotInSecond[0]);
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.deleted, sameAndNotInSecond[1]);
sameAndNotInSecond[0] = sameAndNotInSecond[1] = 0;
valueCurrent = getFilteredValue(setNew, setOld, sameAndNotInSecond);
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.added, sameAndNotInSecond[1]);
} else if (hasUnicodeSetValue(ph.getOriginalPath())) {
UnicodeSet usOld = valueOld == null ? UnicodeSet.EMPTY : new UnicodeSet(valueOld);
UnicodeSet usCurrent = valueCurrent == null ? UnicodeSet.EMPTY : new UnicodeSet(valueCurrent);
UnicodeSet oldOnly = new UnicodeSet(usOld).removeAll(usCurrent);
UnicodeSet currentOnly = new UnicodeSet(usCurrent).removeAll(usOld);
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.same, usOld.size()-oldOnly.size());
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.deleted, oldOnly.size());
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.added, currentOnly.size());
valueOld = usOld.size()==oldOnly.size() ? oldOnly.toPattern(false) : "…" + oldOnly + "…";
valueCurrent = usCurrent.size()==currentOnly.size() ? currentOnly.toPattern(false) : "…" + currentOnly + "…";
} else {
addChange(parentAndName, ChangeType.get(valueOld, valueCurrent), count);
PathDiff row = new PathDiff(locale, new PathHeaderSegment(ph, -1, ""), valueOld, valueCurrent);
diffAll.put(ph, locale);
private boolean hasUnicodeSetValue(String xpath) {
return xpath.startsWith("//ldml/characters/exemplar");
private List<String> splitHandlingNull(Splitter splitter, String value) {
return value == null ? null : splitter.splitToList(value);
private Splitter getSplitter(String path, String valueOld, String valueCurrent) {
if (path.contains("/annotation") && !path.contains("tts")) {
return DtdData.BAR_SPLITTER;
} else if (valueOld != null && valueOld.contains("\n") || valueCurrent != null && valueCurrent.contains("\n")) {
return DtdData.CR_SPLITTER;
} else {
return null;
* Return string with all lines from linesToRemove removed
* @param toGetStringFor
* @param linesToRemove
* @return
private String getFilteredValue(Collection<String> toGetStringFor, Collection<String> linesToRemove,
int[] sameAndDiff) {
if (toGetStringFor == null) {
return null;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Set<String> toRemove = linesToRemove == null ? Collections.emptySet() : new HashSet<>(linesToRemove);
boolean removed = false;
for (String old : toGetStringFor) {
if (toRemove.contains(old)) {
removed = true;
} else {
if (removed) {
removed = false;
if (removed) {
} else if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf.setLength(buf.length() - 1); // remove final \n
return buf.toString();
private void writeDiffs(Anchors anchors, String file, String title, Multimap<PathHeader, String> bcp, PrintWriter tsvFile) {
if (bcp.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("\tDeleting: " + DIR + "/" + file);
new File(DIR + file).delete();
TablePrinter tablePrinter = new TablePrinter()
.addColumn("Section", "class='source'", CldrUtility.getDoubleLinkMsg(), "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Page", "class='source'", CldrUtility.getDoubleLinkMsg(), "class='source'", true)//.setRepeatDivider(true)
.addColumn("Header", "class='source'", CldrUtility.getDoubleLinkMsg(), "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Code", "class='source'", null, "class='source'", false)
.addColumn("Old", "class='target'", null, "class='target'", false) // width='20%'
.addColumn("New", "class='target'", null, "class='target'", false); // width='20%'
PathHeader ph1 = phf.fromPath("//supplementalData/metadata/alias/subdivisionAlias[@type=\"TW-TXQ\"]/_reason");
PathHeader ph2 = phf.fromPath("//supplementalData/metadata/alias/subdivisionAlias[@type=\"LA-XN\"]/_replacement");
for (Entry<PathHeader, Collection<String>> entry : bcp.asMap().entrySet()) {
PathHeader ph = entry.getKey();
if (ph.getPageId() == DEBUG_PAGE_ID) {
System.out.println(ph + "\t" + ph.getOriginalPath());
for (String value : entry.getValue()) {
String[] oldNew = value.split(SEP);
writeTable(anchors, file, tablePrinter, title, tsvFile);
private void writeDiffs(Relation<PathHeader, String> diffAll) {
TablePrinter tablePrinter = new TablePrinter()
.addColumn("Section", "class='source'", CldrUtility.getDoubleLinkMsg(), "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Page", "class='source'", CldrUtility.getDoubleLinkMsg(), "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Header", "class='source'", CldrUtility.getDoubleLinkMsg(), "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Code", "class='source'", null, "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Locales where different", "class='target'", null, "class='target'", true);
for (Entry<PathHeader, Set<String>> row : diffAll.keyValuesSet()) {
PathHeader ph = row.getKey();
Set<String> locales = row.getValue();
.addCell(Joiner.on(" ").join(locales))
private void writeDiffs(Anchors anchors, String file, Set<PathDiff> diff, PrintWriter tsvFile, Counter<PathHeader> counts) {
if (diff.isEmpty()) {
TablePrinter tablePrinter = new TablePrinter()
.addColumn("Section", "class='source'", CldrUtility.getDoubleLinkMsg(), "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Page", "class='source'", CldrUtility.getDoubleLinkMsg(), "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Header", "class='source'", CldrUtility.getDoubleLinkMsg(), "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Code", "class='source'", null, "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Locale", "class='source'", null, "class='source'", true)
.addColumn("Old", "class='target'", null, "class='target'", true) // width='20%'
.addColumn("New", "class='target'", null, "class='target'", true) // width='20%'
.addColumn("Level", "class='target'", null, "class='target'", true);
for (PathDiff row : diff) {
PathHeaderSegment phs = row.get0();
counts.add(phs.get0(), 1);
String locale = row.get1();
String oldValue = row.get2();
String currentValue = row.get3();
PathHeader ph = phs.get0();
Integer pathIndex = phs.get1();
String attribute = phs.get2();
String specialCode = ph.getCode();
if (!attribute.isEmpty()) {
specialCode += "_" + attribute;
if (pathIndex != 0) {
specialCode += "|" + pathIndex;
Level coverageLevel = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.getCoverageLevel(ph.getOriginalPath(), locale);
String fixedOldValue = oldValue == null ? "▷missing◁" : TransliteratorUtilities.toHTML.transform(oldValue);
String fixedNewValue = currentValue == null ? "▷removed◁" : TransliteratorUtilities.toHTML.transform(currentValue);
String title = ENGLISH.getName(file) + " " + chartNameCap;
writeTable(anchors, file, tablePrinter, title, tsvFile);
private class ChartDeltaSub extends Chart {
private String title;
private String file;
private TablePrinter tablePrinter;
private PrintWriter tsvFile;
private ChartDeltaSub(String title, String file, TablePrinter tablePrinter, PrintWriter tsvFile) {
this.title = title;
this.file = file;
this.tablePrinter = tablePrinter;
this.tsvFile = tsvFile;
public String getDirectory() {
return DIR;
public boolean getShowDate() {
return false;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String getFileName() {
return file;
public String getExplanation() {
return "<p>Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above)."
+ " Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different. "
+ "<p>";
public void writeContents(FormattedFileWriter pw) throws IOException {
private void writeTable(Anchors anchors, String file, TablePrinter tablePrinter, String title, PrintWriter tsvFile) {
ChartDeltaSub chartDeltaSub = new ChartDeltaSub(title, file, tablePrinter, tsvFile);
private void writeNonLdmlPlain(Anchors anchors) throws IOException {
try (PrintWriter tsvFile = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(getTsvDir(DIR, dirName), dirName + "_supp.tsv");
PrintWriter tsvCountFile = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(getTsvDir(DIR, dirName), dirName + "_supp_count.tsv");
) {
tsvFile.println("# Section\tPage\tHeader\tCode\tOld\tNew");
Multimap<PathHeader, String> bcp = TreeMultimap.create();
Multimap<PathHeader, String> supplemental = TreeMultimap.create();
Multimap<PathHeader, String> transforms = TreeMultimap.create();
Counter<PathHeader> countSame = new Counter<>();
Counter<PathHeader> countAdded = new Counter<>();
Counter<PathHeader> countDeleted = new Counter<>();
for (String dir : new File(CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY + "common/").list()) {
if (DtdType.ldml.directories.contains(dir)
|| dir.equals(".DS_Store")
|| dir.equals("dtd") // TODO as flat files
|| dir.equals("properties") // TODO as flat files
|| dir.equals("uca") // TODO as flat files
) {
File dirOld = new File(PREV_CHART_VERSION_DIRECTORY + "common/" + dir);
System.out.println("\tLast dir: " + dirOld);
File dir2 = new File(CHART_VERSION_DIRECTORY + "common/" + dir);
System.out.println("\tCurr dir: " + dir2);
for (String file : dir2.list()) {
if (!file.endsWith(".xml")) {
String parentAndFile = dir + "/" + file;
String base = file.substring(0, file.length() - 4);
if (fileFilter != null && !fileFilter.reset(dir + "/" + base).find()) {
if (verbose) { // && verbose_skipping
System.out.println("SKIPPING: " + dir + "/" + base);
if (highLevelOnly && !HighLevelPaths.localeIsHighLevel(base)) {
if (verbose) {
Relation<PathHeader, String> contentsOld = fillData(dirOld.toString() + "/", file, base);
Relation<PathHeader, String> contents2 = fillData(dir2.toString() + "/", file, base);
Set<PathHeader> keys = new TreeSet<>(CldrUtility.ifNull(contentsOld.keySet(), Collections.<PathHeader> emptySet()));
keys.addAll(CldrUtility.ifNull(contents2.keySet(), Collections.<PathHeader> emptySet()));
DtdType dtdType = null;
for (PathHeader key : keys) {
String originalPath = key.getOriginalPath();
if (highLevelOnly && !HighLevelPaths.pathIsHighLevel(originalPath, base)) {
boolean isTransform = originalPath.contains("/tRule");
if (dtdType == null) {
dtdType = DtdType.fromPath(originalPath);
Multimap<PathHeader, String> target = dtdType == DtdType.ldmlBCP47 ? bcp
: isTransform ? transforms
: supplemental;
Set<String> setOld = contentsOld.get(key);
Set<String> set2 = contents2.get(key);
if (Objects.equals(setOld, set2)) {
if (file.equals(DEBUG_FILE)) { // for debugging
System.out.println("**Same: " + key + "\t" + setOld);
addChange(parentAndFile, ChangeType.same, setOld.size());
countSame.add(key, 1);
if (setOld == null) {
addChange(parentAndFile, ChangeType.added, set2.size());
for (String s : set2) {
addRow(target, key, "▷missing◁", s);
countAdded.add(key, 1);
} else if (set2 == null) {
addChange(parentAndFile, ChangeType.deleted, setOld.size());
for (String s : setOld) {
addRow(target, key, s, "▷removed◁");
countDeleted.add(key, 1);
} else {
Set<String> s1MOld = setOld;
Set<String> s2M1 = set2;
if (s1MOld.isEmpty()) {
addRow(target, key, "▷missing◁", Joiner.on(", ").join(s2M1));
addChange(parentAndFile, ChangeType.added, s2M1.size());
countAdded.add(key, 1);
} else if (s2M1.isEmpty()) {
addRow(target, key, Joiner.on(", ").join(s1MOld), "▷removed◁");
addChange(parentAndFile, ChangeType.deleted, s1MOld.size());
countDeleted.add(key, 1);
} else {
String valueOld;
String valueCurrent;
int[] sameAndNotInSecond = new int[2];
valueOld = getFilteredValue(s1MOld, s1MOld, sameAndNotInSecond);
addChange(parentAndFile, ChangeType.same, sameAndNotInSecond[0]);
countSame.add(key, 1);
addChange(parentAndFile, ChangeType.deleted, sameAndNotInSecond[1]);
sameAndNotInSecond[1] = 0;
countDeleted.add(key, 1);
valueCurrent = getFilteredValue(s2M1, s1MOld, sameAndNotInSecond);
addChange(parentAndFile, ChangeType.added, sameAndNotInSecond[1]);
addRow(target, key, valueOld, valueCurrent);
countAdded.add(key, 1);
writeDiffs(anchors, "bcp47", "¤¤BCP47 " + chartNameCap, bcp, tsvFile);
writeDiffs(anchors, "supplemental-data", "¤¤Supplemental " + chartNameCap, supplemental, tsvFile);
writeDiffs(anchors, "transforms", "¤¤Transforms " + chartNameCap, transforms, tsvFile);
writeCounter(tsvCountFile, "CountSame", countSame);
writeCounter(tsvCountFile, "CountAdded", countAdded);
writeCounter(tsvCountFile, "CountDeleted", countDeleted);
//tsvFile.println("# EOF");
//tsvCountFile.println("# EOF");
private void writeCounter(PrintWriter tsvFile, String title, Counter<PathHeader> countDeleted) {
tsvFile.append("# "
+ title
+ "\tSection\tPage\tSubhead\tCode\n\n");
for (R2<Long, PathHeader> entry : countDeleted.getEntrySetSortedByCount(false, null)) {
tsvFile.println(entry.get0() + "\t" + entry.get1());
private void addRow(Multimap<PathHeader, String> target, PathHeader key, String oldItem, String newItem) {
if (oldItem.isEmpty() || newItem.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
target.put(key, oldItem + SEP + newItem);
* Fill in the chart data for the specified file
* @param directory
* @param file like "xx.xml" where "xx" may be a locale name
* @param fileBase like "xx", same as file without ".xml"
* @return the Relation
private Relation<PathHeader, String> fillData(String directory, String file, String fileBase) {
Relation<PathHeader, String> results = Relation.of(new TreeMap<PathHeader, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
List<Pair<String, String>> contents1;
try {
contents1 = XMLFileReader.loadPathValues(directory + file, new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(), true);
} catch (Exception e) {
* This happens with e = ICUException, file = grammaticalFeatures.xml in cldr-36.0
return results;
DtdType dtdType = null;
DtdData dtdData = null;
Multimap<String, String> extras = TreeMultimap.create();
for (Pair<String, String> s : contents1) {
String path = s.getFirst();
if (highLevelOnly && !HighLevelPaths.pathIsHighLevel(path, fileBase /* locale, or not */)) {
String value = s.getSecond();
if (dtdType == null) {
* Note: although dtdType and dtdData depend on path, they are the same for all paths
* in the same file, so they only need to be set the first time through this loop.
* Note: the current DTD in CLDR_BASE_DIR is supposed to be backward-compatible, that is, to support
* paths from all archived versions. Any exception to that rule (e.g., for "grammaticalState") is a bug.
dtdType = DtdType.fromPath(path);
dtdData = DtdData.getInstance(dtdType, CLDR_BASE_DIR);
XPathParts pathPlain = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
try {
if (dtdData.isMetadata(pathPlain)) {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
* TODO: this happens for "grammaticalState" in this path from version 37:
* //supplementalData/grammaticalData/grammaticalFeatures[@targets="nominal"][@locales="he"]/grammaticalState[@values="definite indefinite construct"]
* Reference:
System.out.println("Caught NullPointerException in fillData calling isMetadata, path = " + path);
Set<String> pathForValues = dtdData.getRegularizedPaths(pathPlain, extras);
if (pathForValues != null) {
for (String pathForValue : pathForValues) {
PathHeader pathHeader = phf.fromPath(pathForValue);
if (pathHeader.getPageId() == PageId.Suppress) {
Splitter splitter = DtdData.getValueSplitter(pathPlain);
for (String line : splitter.split(value)) {
// special case # in transforms
if (isComment(pathPlain, line)) {
results.put(pathHeader, line);
for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : extras.asMap().entrySet()) {
final String extraPath = entry.getKey();
final PathHeader pathHeaderExtra = phf.fromPath(extraPath);
if (pathHeaderExtra.getPageId() == PageId.Suppress) {
final Collection<String> extraValue = entry.getValue();
if (isExtraSplit(extraPath)) {
for (String items : extraValue) {
results.putAll(pathHeaderExtra, DtdData.SPACE_SPLITTER.splitToList(items));
} else {
results.putAll(pathHeaderExtra, extraValue);
if (pathForValues == null && !value.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("Shouldn't happen");
return results;
private boolean isExtraSplit(String extraPath) {
if (extraPath.endsWith("/_type") && extraPath.startsWith("//supplementalData/metaZones/mapTimezones")) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isComment(XPathParts pathPlain, String line) {
if (pathPlain.contains("transform")) {
if (line.startsWith("#")) {
return true;
return false;
* Determine when changes to the values for paths should be treated as
* potentially "disruptive" for the purpose of "churn" reporting
private class SuspiciousChange {
* the old and new values, such as "HH:mm–HH:mm v" and "HH:mm – HH:mm v"
private String oldValue, newValue;
* the path, such as //ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type="gregorian"]/dateTimeFormats/intervalFormats/intervalFormatItem[@id="Hmv"]/greatestDifference[@id="H"]
private String path;
* the locale (such as "doi") in which the path was found, or null, or possibly
* the base file name without extension, like "xx" if the file name is "xx.xml",
* where "xx" may or may not be a locale; e.g., "supplementalData"
private String locale;
SuspiciousChange(String oldValue, String newValue, String path, String locale) {
this.oldValue = oldValue;
this.newValue = newValue;
this.path = path;
this.locale = locale;
* Is the change from the old value to the new value, for this path and locale, potentially disruptive?
* @return true or false
public boolean isDisruptive() {
* OR, not AND: certain changes in value are disruptive even for paths not
* otherwise treated as high-level, and changes for high-level paths are
* disruptive even if the changes in values themselves are not identified
* as disruptive.
return valueChangeIsDisruptive() || HighLevelPaths.pathIsHighLevel(path, locale);
* Is the change from the old value to the current value potentially disruptive, based (primarily) on
* the values themselves?
* @return true or false
private boolean valueChangeIsDisruptive() {
if (oldValue == null || newValue == null || oldValue.equals(newValue)) {
return false;
if (valueChangeIsDisruptiveWhitespaceOnly()) {
return true;
return false;
* Is the change disruptive whitespace only?
* Per design doc, "Format changes: second to none on the disruptiveness scale are changes involving spaces such as SPACE -> NBSP
* or NBSP -> Narrow NBSP. Or adding a space somewhere in the format where previously there was none."
* @return true or false
private boolean valueChangeIsDisruptiveWhitespaceOnly() {
* annotations often have changes like "pop gorn", "popgorn", not treated as disruptive
if (path.startsWith("//ldml/annotations")) {
return false;
if (removeWhitespace(oldValue).equals(removeWhitespace(newValue))) {
return true;
return false;
* Remove whitespace from the given string
* Remove whitespace as defined by regex \s, and also
* @param s the string
* @return the modified string
private String removeWhitespace(String s) {
return s.replaceAll("[\\s\\u00A0\\u2007\\u202F]", "");
* Determine which paths are considered "high-level" paths, i.e.,
* paths for which any changes have high potential to cause disruptive "churn".
* Whether a path is high-level sometimes depends on the locale or xml file in
* which it occurs.
* Some paths are high-level regardless of the locale in which they are located.
* Other paths are high-level for some locales but not others. For example,
* //ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages/language[@type="xx"]
* is high level in locale "xx", and maybe "en", but not for all locales.
private static class HighLevelPaths {
* A set of paths to be treated as "high-level".
* These are complete paths to be matched exactly.
* Other paths are recognized by special functions like isHighLevelTerritoryName.
* The ordering and comments are based on the design spec.
final private static Set<String> highLevelPaths = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
* Core data
* Territory and Language names
* Country/Region names (English and Native names) -- see isHighLevelTerritoryName
* //ldml/localeDisplayName/territories/territory/...
* Language names (English and Native) -- see isHighLevelLangName
* //ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages/language/...
* Date
* Note: "year", "month", etc., below, form a subset (eight) of all possible values for type,
* excluding, for example, "fri" and "zone". If we use starred paths, we would need further complication
* to filter out "fri", "zone", etc.
* First day of week: firstDay in supplementalData.xml; see isHighLevelFirstDay
* First week of year: see isHighLevelWeekOfPreference
* Time
* Currency (English and Native) -- see isHighLevelCurrencyName
* E.g., //ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"KRW\"]/displayName"
* ISO Currency Code: SupplementalData.xml match <region iso3166> -- see isHighLevelCurrencyCode
* Currency Formats
* a. Currency thousand separator
* b. Currency decimal separator
* c. Currency Symbol //ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type="CNY"]/symbol
* d. Currency Symbol Narrow //ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"CNY\"]/symbol[@alt=\"narrow\"]"
* See isHighLevelCurrencySeparatorOrSymbol
* Number Symbols
* Number formats
* "Complementary Observations"
* Changes to language aliases (supplementalMetaData) -- see isHighLevelLangAlias
* E.g., //supplementalData/metadata/alias/languageAlias[@type="aar"]
* Changes in the containment graph -- see isHighLevelTerritoryContainment
* Data mostly (or entirely?) from M49 standard, thus CLDR has limited control.
* Users use the containment graph in a variety of ways.
* E.g., //supplementalData/territoryContainment/group[@type="003"][@contains="013 021 029"]
* Format changes: second to none on the disruptiveness scale are changes involving spaces such as SPACE -> NBSP
* or NBSP -> Narrow NBSP. Or adding a space somewhere in the format where previously there was none.
* -- see SuspiciousChange.valueChangeIsDisruptiveWhitespaceOnly
* TODO: per design doc, "Adding a timezone"
* TODO: per design doc, "Changes of symbols or codes that are cross-locale in some way such as the unknown
* currency symbol change '???' -> '¤'."
* TODO: per design doc, "Change in character properties (not a CLDR but a Unicode change), and here especially
* newly adding or removing punctuation. Frequently irritates parsers."
static Pattern currencyPattern = Pattern.compile("^//ldml/numbers/currencies/currency.*/displayName.*");
* Should the given path in the given locale be taken into account for generating "churn" reports?
* @param path the path of interest
* @param locale the locale in which the path was found, or null, or possibly
* the base file name without extension, like "xx" if the file name is "xx.xml",
* where "xx" may or may not be a locale; e.g., "supplementalData"
* @return true if it counts, else false to ignore
private static boolean pathIsHighLevel(String path, String locale) {
if (path == null || locale == null) {
return false;
if (!localeIsHighLevel(locale)) { // for efficiency, this should be caught at a higher level
System.out.println("locale [" + locale + "] failed localeIsHighLevel in pathIsHighLevel; path = " + path);
return false;
if (pathIsReallyHighLevel(path, locale)) {
if (verboseHighLevelReporting) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean pathIsReallyHighLevel(String path, String locale) {
if (highLevelPaths.contains(path)) {
return true;
} else if (isHighLevelTerritoryName(path, locale)) {
return true;
} else if (isHighLevelLangName(path, locale)) {
return true;
} else if (isHighLevelCurrencyName(path, locale)) {
return true;
} else if (isHighLevelCurrencyCode(path, locale)) {
return true;
} else if (isHighLevelCurrencySeparatorOrSymbol(path, locale)) {
return true;
} else if (isHighLevelLangAlias(path, locale)) {
return true;
} else if (isHighLevelTerritoryContainment(path, locale)) {
return true;
} else if (isHighLevelFirstDay(path, locale)) {
return true;
} else if (isHighLevelWeekOfPreference(path, locale)) {
return true;
return false;
* Is the given locale, or base name, to be considered for "high level" churn report?
* @param locale the locale string, or base name like "supplementalData" as in "supplementalData.xml"
* @return true or false
private static boolean localeIsHighLevel(String locale) {
return SubmissionLocales.CLDR_OR_HIGH_LEVEL_LOCALES.contains(locale)
|| "supplementalData".equals(locale);
* Changes to language aliases (supplemental metadata)
* E.g., //supplementalData/metadata/alias/languageAlias[@type="aar"]
* @param path
* @param locale must be "supplementalData" to match
* @return true or false
private static boolean isHighLevelLangAlias(String path, String locale) {
if ("supplementalData".equals(locale)) {
if (path.startsWith("//supplementalData/metadata/alias/languageAlias")) {
return true;
return false;
* Changes in the containment graph
* Data mostly (or entirely?) from M49 standard, thus CLDR has limited control.
* Users use the containment graph in a variety of ways.
* E.g., //supplementalData/territoryContainment/group[@type="003"][@contains="013 021 029"]
* @param path
* @param locale must be "supplementalData" to match
* @return true or false
private static boolean isHighLevelTerritoryContainment(String path, String locale) {
if ("supplementalData".equals(locale)) {
if (path.startsWith("//supplementalData/territoryContainment")) {
return true;
return false;
* Is the given path a high-level territory name path in the given locale?
* E.g., //ldml/localeDisplayNames/territories/territory[@type="NNN"]
* if type "NNN" CORRESPONDS TO the locale or the locale is "en"
* English names (en.xml): match all types
* Native: check each territory type NNN corresponding to the given locale
* Exclude "alt"
* @param path
* @param locale
* @return true or false
private static boolean isHighLevelTerritoryName(String path, String locale) {
if (path.startsWith("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/territories/territory")
&& !path.contains("[@alt=")) {
if ("en".equals(locale)) {
return true;
CoverageVariableInfo cvi = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.getCoverageVariableInfo(locale);
if (cvi != null) {
for (String type : cvi.targetTerritories) {
if (path.contains("[@type=\"" + type + "\"]")) {
return true;
return false;
* Is the given path a high-level language name path in the given locale?
* E.g., //ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages/language[@type="xx"]
* if type "xx" matches the locale or the locale is "en"
* Exclude "alt"
* @param path
* @param locale
* @return true or false
private static boolean isHighLevelLangName(String path, String locale) {
if (path.startsWith("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages/language")
&& !path.contains("[@alt=")) {
if ("en".equals(locale)) {
* English names (en.xml): match all types
return true;
} else if (path.contains("[@type=\"" + locale + "\"]")) {
* Native names: match the type=”xx” of each xml file to identify the Native. E.g., type=ko if ko.xml
return true;
return false;
* Is the given path a high-level currency name path in the given locale?
* E.g., //ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type=\"AAA\"]/displayName
* if type "AAA" CORRESPONDS TO the locale or the locale is "en"
* English names (en.xml): match all types
* Native: check each currency type AAA corresponding to the given locale
* Do NOT exclude "alt"; e.g.,
* //ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type="ADP"]/displayName[@alt="proposed-u167-1"]
* @param path
* @param locale
* @return true or false
private static boolean isHighLevelCurrencyName(String path, String locale) {
if (currencyPattern.matcher(path).matches()) {
if ("en".equals(locale)) {
return true;
CoverageVariableInfo cvi = SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_INFO.getCoverageVariableInfo(locale);
if (cvi != null) {
for (String type : cvi.targetCurrencies) {
if (path.contains("[@type=\"" + type + "\"]")) {
return true;
return false;
* Is the given path a high-level currency code path in the given locale?
* E.g., //supplementalData/currencyData/region[@iso3166="AC"]/currency[@iso4217="SHP"][@from="1976-01-01"]
* @param path
* @param locale must be "supplementalData" to match
* @return true or false
private static boolean isHighLevelCurrencyCode(String path, String locale) {
if ("supplementalData".equals(locale)) {
if (path.contains("iso3166")) {
return true;
return false;
* Is the given path a high-level currency thousands-separator or decimal-separator path in the given locale?
* E.g., //ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type="ESP"]/group
* //ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type="ESP"]/decimal
* //ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type="CNY"]/symbol
* //ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type="CNY"]/symbol[@alt="narrow"]"
* @param path
* @param locale
* @return true or false
private static boolean isHighLevelCurrencySeparatorOrSymbol(String path, String locale) {
if (path.startsWith("//ldml/numbers/currencies/currency")
&& (path.contains("group") || path.contains("decimal") || path.contains("symbol"))) {
return true;
return false;
* Is the given path a high-level weekData/firstDay in the given locale?
* E.g.,//supplementalData/weekData/firstDay[@day="fri"][@territories="MV"]
* @param path
* @param locale must be "supplementalData" to match
* @return true or false
private static boolean isHighLevelFirstDay(String path, String locale) {
if ("supplementalData".equals(locale)) {
if (path.startsWith("//supplementalData/weekData/firstDay")) {
return true;
return false;
* Is the given path a high-level weekOfPreference in the given locale?
* E.g., //supplementalData/weekData/weekOfPreference[@ordering="weekOfYear"][@locales="und"]
* @param path
* @param locale must be "supplementalData" to match
* @return true or false
private static boolean isHighLevelWeekOfPreference(String path, String locale) {
if ("supplementalData".equals(locale)) {
if (path.startsWith("//supplementalData/weekData/weekOfPreference")) {
return true;
return false;
* For debugging, testing
private static Set<String> highLevelPathMatched = null;
private static boolean verboseHighLevelReporting = false;
private static void recordHighLevelMatch(String path) {
if (highLevelPathMatched == null) {
highLevelPathMatched = new HashSet<>();
* For debugging, report on any paths in highLevelPaths that never matched
private static void reportHighLevelPathUsage() {
if (!verboseHighLevelReporting) {
if (highLevelPathMatched == null) {
System.out.println("Zero high-level paths were matched!");
for (String path : highLevelPaths) {
if (!highLevelPathMatched.contains(path)) {
System.out.println("Unmatched high-level path: " + path);
for (String path : highLevelPathMatched) {
if (!highLevelPaths.contains(path)) {
System.out.println("Special matched high-level path: " + path);