blob: b280942b6b9b7b60d353dc7d0944655982d039a3 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.test;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.CheckStatus.Subtype;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LocaleIDParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Pair;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.Field;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.FormatParameters;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.ModifiedField;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.Modifier;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.NamePattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.Order;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.personname.PersonNameFormatter.Usage;
public class CheckPlaceHolders extends CheckCLDR {
private static final Pattern PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN = PatternCache.get("([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)");
private static final Splitter SPLIT_SPACE = Splitter.on(' ').trimResults();
private static final Joiner JOIN_SPACE = Joiner.on(' ');
private static final Pattern SKIP_PATH_LIST = Pattern
// private static final LocaleMatchValue LOCALE_MATCH_VALUE = new LocaleMatchValue(ImmutableSet.of(
// Validity.Status.regular,
// Validity.Status.special,
// Validity.Status.unknown)
// );
* Contains all CLDR locales, plus some special cases
private static final Set<String> CLDR_LOCALES_FOR_NAME_ORDER;
static {
Set<String> valid = new HashSet<>();
CLDR_LOCALES_FOR_NAME_ORDER = ImmutableSet.copyOf(valid);
private static final ImmutableSet<Modifier> SINGLE_CORE = ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.core);
private static final ImmutableSet<Modifier> SINGLE_PREFIX = ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.prefix);
private static final ImmutableSet<Modifier> CORE_AND_PREFIX = ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.prefix, Modifier.core);
public CheckCLDR handleCheck(String path, String fullPath, String value, Options options,
List<CheckStatus> result) {
if (value == null
|| path.endsWith("/alias")
|| SKIP_PATH_LIST.matcher(path).matches()) {
return this;
if (path.contains("/personNames")) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
switch(parts.getElement(2)) {
break;// skip to rest of handleCheck
case "initialPattern":
checkInitialPattern(this, path, value, result);
break;// skip to rest of handleCheck
case "foreignSpaceReplacement":
checkForeignSpaceReplacement(this, value, result);
return this;
case "nameOrderLocales":
checkNameOrder(this, path, value, result);
return this;
case "sampleName":
checkSampleNames(this, parts, value, result);
return this;
case "personName":
checkPersonNamePatterns(this, path, parts, value, result);
return this;
// done with person names
// note: depending on the switch value, may fall through
checkBasicPlaceholders(value, result);
checkListPatterns(path, value, result);
return this;
* Verify the that nameOrder items are clean.
public static void checkNameOrder(CheckAccessor checkAccessor, String path, String value, List<CheckStatus> result) {
final String localeID = checkAccessor.getLocaleID();
Set<String> items = new TreeSet<>();
Set<String> orderErrors = checkForErrorsAndGetLocales(localeID, value, items);
if (orderErrors != null) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Invalid locales: " + JOIN_SPACE.join(orderErrors)));
// Check to see that user's language and und are explicitly mentioned.
// but only if the value is not inherited.
String unresolvedValue = checkAccessor.getUnresolvedStringValue(path);
if (unresolvedValue != null) {
// And the other value is not inherited.
String otherPath = path.contains("givenFirst")
? path.replace("givenFirst", "surnameFirst")
: path.replace("surnameFirst", "givenFirst");
String otherValue = checkAccessor.getStringValue(otherPath);
if (otherValue != null) {
String myLanguage = localeID;
if (!myLanguage.equals("root")) { // skip root
Set<String> items2 = new TreeSet<>();
orderErrors = checkForErrorsAndGetLocales(localeID, otherValue, items2); // adds locales from other path. We don't check for errors there.
if (!Collections.disjoint(items, items2)) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Locale codes can occur only once: " + JOIN_SPACE.join(Sets.intersection(items, items2))));
items.addAll(items2); // get the union for checking below
myLanguage = new LocaleIDParser().set(myLanguage).getLanguage();
if (!items.contains(myLanguage)) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Your locale code (" + myLanguage
+ ") must be explicitly listed in one of the nameOrderLocales:"
+ " either in givenFirst or in surnameFirst."));
if (!items.contains("und")) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("The special code ‘und’ must be explicitly listed in one of the nameOrderLocales: either givenFirst or surnameFirst."));
* Verify the that sampleName items are clean.
* @param checkAccessor
public static void checkSampleNames(CheckAccessor checkAccessor, XPathParts pathParts, String value, List<CheckStatus> result) {
// check basic consistency of modifier set
ModifiedField fieldType = ModifiedField.from(pathParts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type"));
Field field = fieldType.getField();
Set<Modifier> modifiers = fieldType.getModifiers();
Output<String> errorMessage = new Output<>();
Modifier.getCleanSet(modifiers, errorMessage);
if (errorMessage.value != null) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
if (value.equals("∅∅∅")) {
// check for required values
switch(field) {
case given:
// we must have a given
if (fieldType.getModifiers().isEmpty()) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Names must have a value for the ‘given‘ field. Mononyms (like ‘Lady Gaga’) use given, not surname"));
case surname:
// can't have surname2 unless we have surname
String modPath = pathParts.cloneAsThawed().setAttribute(-1, "type", Field.surname2.toString()).toString();
String surname2Value = checkAccessor.getStringValue(modPath);
if (surname2Value != null && !surname2Value.equals("∅∅∅")) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Names must have a value for the ‘surname’ field if they have a ‘surname2’ field."));
} else if (value.equals("zxx")) { // mistaken "we don't use this"
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Illegal name field; zxx is only appropriate for NameOrder locales"));
} else { // real value
// special checks for prefix/core
final boolean hasPrefix = modifiers.contains(Modifier.prefix);
final boolean hasCore = modifiers.contains(Modifier.core);
if (hasPrefix || hasCore) {
// We need consistency among the 3 values if we have either prefix or core
String coreValue = hasCore ? value : modifiedFieldValue(checkAccessor, pathParts, field, modifiers, Modifier.core);
String prefixValue = hasPrefix ? value : modifiedFieldValue(checkAccessor, pathParts, field, modifiers, Modifier.prefix);
String plainValue = modifiedFieldValue(checkAccessor, pathParts, field, modifiers, null);
String errorMessage2 = Modifier.inconsistentPrefixCorePlainValues(prefixValue, coreValue, plainValue);
if (errorMessage2 != null) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
static final ImmutableSet<Object> givenFirstSortingLocales = ImmutableSet.of("is", "ta", "si"); // TODO should be data-driven
* Verify the that personName patterns are clean.
* @param path TODO
public static void checkPersonNamePatterns(CheckAccessor checkAccessor, String path, XPathParts pathParts, String value, List<CheckStatus> result) {
// check that the name pattern is valid
Pair<FormatParameters, NamePattern> pair = null;
try {
pair = PersonNameFormatter.fromPathValue(pathParts, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Invalid placeholder in value: \"" + value + "\""));
return; // fatal error, don't bother with others
final FormatParameters parameterMatcher = pair.getFirst();
final NamePattern namePattern = pair.getSecond();
// now check that the namePattern is reasonable
Multimap<Field, Integer> fieldToPositions = namePattern.getFieldPositions();
// Check for special cases:
boolean usageIsMonogram = parameterMatcher.matches(new FormatParameters(null, null, Usage.monogram, null));
ModifiedField lastModifiedField = null;
for (int i = 0; i < namePattern.getElementCount(); ++i) {
ModifiedField modifiedField = namePattern.getModifiedField(i);
if (modifiedField == null) { // literal
String literal = namePattern.getLiteral(i);
if (literal.contains(".")) {
if (lastModifiedField != null) {
Set<Modifier> lastModifiers = lastModifiedField.getModifiers();
if (lastModifiers.contains(Modifier.initial) && lastModifiers.contains(Modifier.initialCap)) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("“.” is strongly discouraged after an -initial or -initialCap placeholder in {" + lastModifiedField + "}"));
if (usageIsMonogram) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("“.” is discouraged when usage=monogram, in " + namePattern));
} else {
lastModifiedField = modifiedField;
Set<Modifier> modifiers = modifiedField.getModifiers();
Field field = modifiedField.getField();
switch (field) {
case prefix: case suffix:
if (usageIsMonogram) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Disallowed when usage=monogram: {" + field + "…}"));
final boolean monogramModifier = modifiers.contains(Modifier.monogram);
final boolean allCapsModifier = modifiers.contains(Modifier.allCaps);
if (!usageIsMonogram) {
if (monogramModifier) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("-monogram is strongly discouraged when usage≠monogram, in {" + modifiedField + "}"));
} else if (usageIsMonogram) {
if (!monogramModifier) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("-monogram is required when usage=monogram, in {" + modifiedField + "}"));
} else if (!allCapsModifier) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("-allCaps is strongly encouraged with -monogram, in {" + modifiedField + "}"));
lastModifiedField = modifiedField;
// gather information about the fields
int firstSurname = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int firstGiven = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// TODO ALL check for combinations we should enforce; eg, only have given2 if there is a given; only have surname2 if there is a surname; others?
for (Entry<Field, Collection<Integer>> entry : fieldToPositions.asMap().entrySet()) {
// If a field occurs twice, probably an error. Could relax this upon feedback
Collection<Integer> positions = entry.getValue();
if (positions.size() > 1) {
// However, do allow prefix&core together
boolean skip = false;
if (entry.getKey() == Field.surname) {
Iterator<Integer> it = positions.iterator();
Set<Modifier> m1 = namePattern.getModifiedField(;
Set<Modifier> m2 = namePattern.getModifiedField(;
skip = m1.contains(Modifier.core) && m2.contains(Modifier.prefix)
|| m1.contains(Modifier.prefix) && m2.contains(Modifier.core);
if (!skip) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Duplicate fields: " + entry));
// gather some info for later
Integer leastPosition = positions.iterator().next();
switch (entry.getKey()) {
case given: case given2:
firstGiven = Math.min(leastPosition, firstGiven);
case surname: case surname2:
firstSurname = Math.min(leastPosition, firstSurname);
default: // ignore
// the rest of the tests are of the pattern, and only apply when we have both given and surname
// and not inheriting
if (firstGiven < Integer.MAX_VALUE && firstSurname < Integer.MAX_VALUE
&& checkAccessor.getUnresolvedStringValue(path) != null) {
Order orderRaw = parameterMatcher.getOrder();
Set<Order> order = orderRaw == null ? Order.ALL : ImmutableSet.of(orderRaw);
// TODO, fix to avoid set (a holdover from using PatternMatcher)
// Handle 'sorting' value. Will usually be compatible with surnameFirst in foundOrder, except for known exceptions
if (order.contains(Order.sorting)) {
EnumSet<Order> temp = EnumSet.noneOf(Order.class);
if (givenFirstSortingLocales.contains(checkAccessor.getLocaleID())) { // TODO Mark cover contains-by-inheritance also
} else {
order = temp;
if (order.isEmpty()) {
order = Order.ALL;
// check that we don't have a difference in the order AND there is a surname or surname2
// that is, it is ok to coalesce patterns of different orders where the order doesn't make a difference
{ // TODO: clean up to avoid block
&& order.contains(Order.surnameFirst)
) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Conflicting Order values: " + order));
// now check order in pattern is consistent with Order
Order foundOrder = firstGiven < firstSurname ? Order.givenFirst : Order.surnameFirst;
final Order first = order.iterator().next();
if (first != foundOrder) {
// if (first == Order.givenFirst && !"en".equals(checkAccessor.getLocaleID())) { // TODO Mark Drop HACK once root is ok
// return;
// }
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Pattern order {0} is inconsistent with code order {1}", foundOrder, first));
* Check that {\d+} placeholders are ok; no unterminated, only digits
private void checkBasicPlaceholders(String value, List<CheckStatus> result) {
int startPlaceHolder = 0;
int endPlaceHolder;
while (startPlaceHolder != -1 && startPlaceHolder < value.length()) {
startPlaceHolder = value.indexOf('{', startPlaceHolder + 1);
if (startPlaceHolder != -1) {
endPlaceHolder = value.indexOf('}', startPlaceHolder + 1);
if (endPlaceHolder == -1) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage("Invalid placeholder (missing terminator) in value \"" + value + "\""));
} else {
String placeHolderString = value.substring(startPlaceHolder + 1, endPlaceHolder);
Matcher matcher = PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN.matcher(placeHolderString);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage("Invalid placeholder (contents \"" + placeHolderString + "\") in value \"" + value + "\""));
startPlaceHolder = endPlaceHolder;
* Check that list patterns are "ordered" so that they only compose from the right.
private void checkListPatterns(String path, String value, List<CheckStatus> result) {
// eg
if (path.startsWith("//ldml/listPatterns/listPattern")) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
// check order, {0} must be before {1}
switch(parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type")) {
case "start":
checkNothingAfter1(value, result);
case "middle":
checkNothingBefore0(value, result);
checkNothingAfter1(value, result);
case "end":
checkNothingBefore0(value, result);
case "2": {
int pos1 = value.indexOf("{0}");
int pos2 = value.indexOf("{1}");
if (pos1 > pos2) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage("Invalid list pattern «" + value + "»: the placeholder {0} must be before {1}."));
case "3": {
int pos1 = value.indexOf("{0}");
int pos2 = value.indexOf("{1}");
int pos3 = value.indexOf("{2}");
if (pos1 > pos2 || pos2 > pos3) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage("Invalid list pattern «" + value + "»: the placeholders {0}, {1}, {2} must appear in that order."));
* Check that both patterns don't have the same literals.
public static void checkInitialPattern(CheckAccessor checkAccessor, String path, String value, List<CheckStatus> result) {
if (path.contains("initialSequence")) {
String valueLiterals = value.replace("{0}", "").replace("{1}", "");
if (!valueLiterals.isBlank()) {
String otherPath = path.replace("initialSequence", "initial");
String otherValue = checkAccessor.getStringValue(otherPath);
if (otherValue != null) {
String literals = otherValue.replace("{0}", "");
if (!literals.isBlank() && value.contains(literals)) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("The initialSequence pattern must not contain initial pattern literals: «" + literals + "»"));
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Non-space characters are discouraged in the initialSequence pattern: «" + valueLiterals.replace(" ", "") + "»"));
// no current check for the type="initial"
static final UnicodeSet allowedForeignSpaceReplacements = new UnicodeSet("[[:whitespace:][:punctuation:]]");
* Check that the value is limited to punctuation or space, or inherits
public static void checkForeignSpaceReplacement(CheckAccessor checkAccessor, String value, List<CheckStatus> result) {
if (!allowedForeignSpaceReplacements.containsAll(value) && !value.equals("↑↑↑")) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(checkAccessor)
.setMessage("Invalid choice, must be punctuation or a space: «" + value + "»"));
* Gets a string value for a modified path
private static String modifiedFieldValue(CheckAccessor checkAccessor, XPathParts parts, Field field, Set<Modifier> modifiers, Modifier toAdd) {
Set<Modifier> adjustedModifiers = Sets.difference(modifiers, CORE_AND_PREFIX);
if (toAdd != null) {
switch (toAdd) {
case core:
adjustedModifiers = Sets.union(adjustedModifiers, SINGLE_CORE);
case prefix:
adjustedModifiers = Sets.union(adjustedModifiers, SINGLE_PREFIX);
String modPath = parts.cloneAsThawed().setAttribute(-1, "type", new ModifiedField(field, adjustedModifiers).toString()).toString();
String value = checkAccessor.getStringValue(modPath);
return "∅∅∅".equals(value) ? null : value;
public static Set<String> checkForErrorsAndGetLocales(String locale, String value, Set<String> items) {
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Set<String> orderErrors = null;
for (String item : SPLIT_SPACE.split(value)) {
boolean mv = (item.equals(locale))
|| CLDR_LOCALES_FOR_NAME_ORDER.contains(item);
if (!mv) {
if (orderErrors == null) {
orderErrors = new LinkedHashSet<>();
} else {
return orderErrors;
private void checkNothingAfter1(String value, List<CheckStatus> result) {
if (!value.endsWith("{1}")) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage("Invalid list pattern «" + value + "», no text can come after {1}."));
private void checkNothingBefore0(String value, List<CheckStatus> result) {
if (!value.startsWith("{0}")) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage("Invalid list pattern «" + value + "», no text can come before {0}."));