blob: cf926dd4d373330540bfa18359e74a20c5318c92 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.test;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.CheckStatus.Subtype;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SimpleXMLSource;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLSource;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
public class CheckDisplayCollisions extends FactoryCheckCLDR {
private static final String DEBUG_PATH_PART = "-mass"; // example: "//ldml/dates/fields/field[@type=\"sun-narrow\"]/relative[@type=\"-1\"]";
* Set to true to get verbose logging of path removals
private static final boolean LOG_PATH_REMOVALS = false;
* Set to true to prevent "Turkey" from being used for both 🇹🇷 -name and 🦃 -name.
* (Means clients need to use the "flag: Turkey" format.)
private static final boolean CHECK_FLAG_AND_EMOJI = false;
// Get Date-Time in milliseconds
private static long getDateTimeinMillis(int year, int month, int date) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(year, month, date);
return cal.getTimeInMillis();
// TODO probably need to fix this to be more accurate over time
static long year = (long) (365.2425 * 86400 * 1000); // can be approximate
static long startDate = getDateTimeinMillis(1995, 1 - 1, 15); // can be approximate
static long endDate = getDateTimeinMillis(2011, 1 - 1, 15); // can be approximate
* An enum representing the types of xpaths that we don't want display collisions for.
private static enum MatchType {
private static enum Type {
LANGUAGE("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages/language", MatchType.PREFIX),
SCRIPT("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/scripts/script", MatchType.PREFIX),
TERRITORY("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/(territories/territory|subdivisions/subdivision\\[@type=\"gb(eng|sct|wls)\")", MatchType.REGEX),
VARIANT("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/variants/variant", MatchType.PREFIX),
CURRENCY("//ldml/numbers/currencies/currency", MatchType.PREFIX),
ZONE("//ldml/dates/timeZoneNames/zone", MatchType.PREFIX),
METAZONE("//ldml/dates/timeZoneNames/metazone", MatchType.PREFIX),
DECIMAL_FORMAT("//ldml/numbers/decimalFormats", MatchType.PREFIX),
UNIT_PREFIX("//ldml/units/unitLength.*/unitPrefixPattern", MatchType.REGEX),
UNITS_COMPOUND_LONG("//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"long\"]/compoundUnit", MatchType.PREFIX),
UNITS_COMPOUND_SHORT("//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"short\"]/compoundUnit", MatchType.PREFIX),
UNITS_COORDINATE( "//ldml/units/unitLength\\[@type=\".*\"\\]/coordinateUnit/", MatchType.REGEX),
UNITS_IGNORE("//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"narrow\"]", MatchType.PREFIX),
UNITS("//ldml/units/unitLength.*/(displayName|unitPattern|perUnitPattern)", MatchType.REGEX),
FIELDS_NARROW("//ldml/dates/fields/field\\[@type=\"(sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)-narrow\"\\]/relative", MatchType.REGEX),
FIELDS_RELATIVE("//ldml/dates/fields/field\\[@type=\".*\"\\]/relative\\[@type=\"(-1|0|1)\"\\]", MatchType.REGEX),
ANNOTATIONS("//ldml/annotations/annotation\\[@cp=\".*\"\\]\\[@type=\"tts\"\\]", MatchType.REGEX),
CARDINAL_MINIMAL("//ldml/numbers/minimalPairs/pluralMinimalPairs", MatchType.PREFIX),
ORDINAL_MINIMAL("//ldml/numbers/minimalPairs/ordinalMinimalPairs", MatchType.PREFIX),
TYPOGRAPHIC_AXIS("//ldml/typographicNames/axisName", MatchType.PREFIX),
TYPOGRAPHIC_FEATURE("//ldml/typographicNames/featureName", MatchType.PREFIX),
TYPOGRAPHIC_STYLE("//ldml/typographicNames/styleName", MatchType.PREFIX),
private MatchType matchType;
private String basePrefix;
private Pattern basePattern;
private Type(String basePrefix, MatchType matchType) {
this.matchType = matchType;
this.basePrefix = basePrefix;
this.basePattern = PatternCache.get("^" + basePrefix + ".*");
* @return the prefix that all XPaths of this type should start with
public String getPrefix() {
return basePrefix;
* @return the regex that matches all XPaths of this type
public Pattern getPattern() {
return basePattern;
* @param path
* the path to find the type of
* @return the type of the path
public static Type getType(String path) {
for (Type type : values()) {
if (type==Type.FIELDS_NARROW) continue; // skip FIELDS_NARROW so the corresponding paths are included in FIELDS_RELATIVE
if (type.matchType == MatchType.PREFIX) {
if (path.startsWith(type.getPrefix())) {
return type;
} else {
Matcher m = type.getPattern().matcher(path);
if (m.matches()) {
return type;
return null;
static final boolean SKIP_TYPE_CHECK = true;
private final Matcher exclusions = PatternCache.get("=\"narrow\"]").matcher(""); // no matches
private final Matcher typePattern = PatternCache.get("\\[@type=\"([^\"]*+)\"]").matcher("");
private final Matcher ignoreAltAndCountAttributes = PatternCache.get("\\[@(?:count|alt|gender|case)=\"[^\"]*+\"]").matcher("");
private final Matcher ignoreAltAttributes = PatternCache.get("\\[@(?:alt)=\"[^\"]*+\"]").matcher("");
private final Matcher ignoreAltShortOrVariantAttributes = PatternCache.get("\\[@(?:alt)=\"(?:short|variant)\"]").matcher("");
private final Matcher compoundUnitPatterns = PatternCache.get("compoundUnitPattern").matcher("");
// map unique path fragment to set of unique fragments for other
// paths with which it is OK to have a value collision
private static final Map<String, Set<String>> mapPathPartsToSetsForDupOK = createMapPathPartsToSets();
private static Map<String, Set<String>> createMapPathPartsToSets() {
Map<String, Set<String>> mapPathPartsToSets = new HashMap<>();
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"energy-calorie\"]
Set<String> set1 = new HashSet<>();
set1.add("/unit[@type=\"length-inch\"]"); // #11292
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"energy-calorie\"]", set1);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"energy-foodcalorie\"]
Set<String> set2 = new HashSet<>();
set2.add("/unit[@type=\"length-inch\"]"); // #11292
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"energy-foodcalorie\"]", set2);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"energy-kilocalorie\"]
Set<String> set3 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"energy-kilocalorie\"]", set3);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"mass-carat\"]
Set<String> set4 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"mass-carat\"]", set4);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"concentr-karat\"]
Set<String> set5 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"concentr-karat\"]", set5);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"digital-byte\"]
Set<String> set6 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"digital-byte\"]", set6);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"mass-tonne\"]
Set<String> set7 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"mass-tonne\"]", set7);
// delete the exceptions allowing acceleration-g-force and mass-gram to have the same symbol, see #7561
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"length-inch\"]
Set<String> set9 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"length-inch\"]", set9);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"length-foot\"]
Set<String> set10 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"length-foot\"]", set10);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"angle-arc-minute\"]
Set<String> set11 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"angle-arc-minute\"]", set11);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"temperature-kelvin\"]
Set<String> set12 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"temperature-kelvin\"]", set12);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"temperature-generic\"]
Set<String> set13 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"temperature-generic\"]", set13);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"angle-degree\"]
Set<String> set14 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"angle-degree\"]", set14);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"length-point\"]
Set<String> set15 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"length-point\"]", set15);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"volume-pint\"]
Set<String> set16 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"volume-pint\"]", set16);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"pressure-hectopascal\"]
Set<String> set17 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"pressure-hectopascal\"]", set17);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"pressure-millibar\"]
Set<String> set18 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"pressure-millibar\"]", set18);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"mass-pound\"]
Set<String> set19 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unit[@type=\"mass-pound\"]", set19);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"duration-century\"]
Set<String> set20 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unitLength[@type=\"short\"]/unit[@type=\"duration-century\"]", set20);
// Add OK collisions for /unit[@type=\"duration-second\"]
Set<String> set21 = new HashSet<>();
mapPathPartsToSets.put("/unitLength[@type=\"short\"]/unit[@type=\"duration-second\"]", set21);
// Add OK collisions for dot and pixel
addNonColliding(mapPathPartsToSets, "[@type=\"graphics-pixel\"]", "[@type=\"graphics-dot\"]");
addNonColliding(mapPathPartsToSets, "[@type=\"graphics-pixel-per-inch\"]", "[@type=\"graphics-dot-per-inch\"]");
addNonColliding(mapPathPartsToSets, "[@type=\"graphics-dot-per-centimeter\"]", "[@type=\"graphics-pixel-per-centimeter\"]");
addNonColliding(mapPathPartsToSets, "[@type=\"duration-year-person\"]", "[@type=\"duration-year\"]");
addNonColliding(mapPathPartsToSets, "[@type=\"duration-month-person\"]", "[@type=\"duration-month\"]");
addNonColliding(mapPathPartsToSets, "[@type=\"duration-week-person\"]", "[@type=\"duration-week\"]");
addNonColliding(mapPathPartsToSets, "[@type=\"duration-day-person\"]", "[@type=\"duration-day\"]");
// all done, return immutable version
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(mapPathPartsToSets);
// TODO Clean up the mapPathPartsToSets; clumsy to build and probably not speedy to use.
public static void addNonColliding(Map<String, Set<String>> mapPathPartsToSets, String... alternatives) {
LinkedHashSet<String> items = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(alternatives));
for (String item : items) {
LinkedHashSet<String> others = new LinkedHashSet<>(items);
mapPathPartsToSets.put(item, ImmutableSet.copyOf(others));
public CheckDisplayCollisions(Factory factory) {
public CheckCLDR handleCheck(String path, String fullPath, String value, Options options,
List<CheckStatus> result) {
if (fullPath == null) {
return this; // skip paths that we don't have
// get the paths with the same value. If there aren't duplicates, continue;
if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
return this;
if (value.equals(CldrUtility.NO_INHERITANCE_MARKER) || value.equals(CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER)) {
return this;
// find my type; bail if I don't have one.
Type myType = Type.getType(path);
if (myType == null || myType == Type.UNITS_IGNORE) {
return this;
String myPrefix = myType.getPrefix();
if (exclusions.reset(path).find() && myType != Type.UNITS_COORDINATE) {
return this;
Matcher matcher = null;
String message = "Can't have same translation as {0}. Please change either this name or the other one. "
+ "See <a target='doc' href=''>Unique-Names</a>.";
Matcher currentAttributesToIgnore = ignoreAltAndCountAttributes;
Set<String> paths;
if (myType == Type.DECIMAL_FORMAT) {
if (!path.contains("[@count=") || "0".equals(value)) {
return this;
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path).cloneAsThawed(); // not frozen, for removeElement
String type = parts.getAttributeValue(-1, "type");
myPrefix = parts.removeElement(-1).toString();
matcher = PatternCache.get(myPrefix.replaceAll("\\[", "\\\\[") +
"/pattern\\[@type=(?!\"" + type + "\")\"\\d+\"].*").matcher(path);
currentAttributesToIgnore = ignoreAltAttributes;
message = "Can't have same number pattern as {0}";
paths = getPathsWithValue(getResolvedCldrFileToCheck(), path, value, myType, myPrefix, matcher, currentAttributesToIgnore, Equivalence.exact);
} else if (myType == Type.UNITS || myType == Type.UNIT_PREFIX) {
currentAttributesToIgnore = ignoreAltAttributes;
paths = getPathsWithValue(getResolvedCldrFileToCheck(), path, value, myType, myPrefix, matcher, currentAttributesToIgnore, Equivalence.unit);
} else if (myType == Type.CARDINAL_MINIMAL || myType == Type.ORDINAL_MINIMAL) {
if (value.equals("{0}?")) {
return this; // special root 'other' value
currentAttributesToIgnore = ignoreAltAttributes;
paths = getPathsWithValue(getResolvedCldrFileToCheck(), path, value, myType, myPrefix, matcher, currentAttributesToIgnore, Equivalence.normal);
} else if (myType == Type.SCRIPT) {
currentAttributesToIgnore = ignoreAltShortOrVariantAttributes; // i.e. do NOT ignore alt="stand-alone"
paths = getPathsWithValue(getResolvedCldrFileToCheck(), path, value, myType, myPrefix, matcher, currentAttributesToIgnore, Equivalence.normal);
} else {
paths = getPathsWithValue(getResolvedCldrFileToCheck(), path, value, myType, myPrefix, matcher, currentAttributesToIgnore, Equivalence.normal);
// Group exemplar cities and territories together for display collisions.
if (myType == Type.TERRITORY || myType == Type.ZONE) {
Type otherType = myType == Type.TERRITORY ? Type.ZONE : Type.TERRITORY;
Set<String> duplicatePaths = getPathsWithValue(
getResolvedCldrFileToCheck(), path, value, otherType,
otherType.getPrefix(), null, currentAttributesToIgnore, Equivalence.normal);
String exceptionRegion = getRegionException(getRegion(myType, path));
if (exceptionRegion != null) {
for (String duplicatePath : duplicatePaths) {
String duplicateRegion = getRegion(otherType, duplicatePath);
if (exceptionRegion.equals(duplicateRegion)) {
log("Removed duplicate path: '" + duplicatePath + "'");
// account for collisions with England and the UK. Error message is a bit off for now.
// String subdivisionPath = nameToSubdivisionId.get(value);
// if (subdivisionPath != null) {
// paths.add(subdivisionPath);
// }
} else if (CHECK_FLAG_AND_EMOJI && myType == Type.ANNOTATIONS) {
// make sure that annotations don't have same value as regions, eg “日本” for 🇯🇵 & 🗾
// NOTE: this is an asymmetric test; we presume the name of the region is ok.
Set<String> duplicatePaths = getPathsWithValue(
getResolvedCldrFileToCheck(), path, value, Type.TERRITORY,
Type.TERRITORY.getPrefix(), null, currentAttributesToIgnore, Equivalence.normal);
if (!duplicatePaths.isEmpty()) {
if (paths.isEmpty()) {
// System.out.println("Paths is empty");
// log("Paths is empty");
return this;
// Collisions between display names and symbols for the same currency are allowed.
if (myType == Type.CURRENCY) {
if (path.contains("/decimal") || path.contains("/group")) {
return this;
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
String currency = parts.getAttributeValue(-2, "type");
Iterator<String> iterator = paths.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String curVal =;
parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(curVal);
if (currency.equals(parts.getAttributeValue(-2, "type")) ||
curVal.contains("/decimal") || curVal.contains("/group")) {
log("Removed '" + curVal + "': COLLISON WITH CURRENCY " + currency);
// Collisions between different lengths and counts of the same unit are allowed
// Collisions between 'narrow' forms are allowed (the current is filtered by UNITS_IGNORE)
if (myType == Type.UNITS || myType == Type.UNIT_PREFIX) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
int typeLocation = 3;
String myUnit = parts.getAttributeValue(typeLocation, "type");
boolean isDuration = myUnit.startsWith("duration");
Iterator<String> iterator = paths.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String curVal =;
parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(curVal);
String unit = parts.getAttributeValue(typeLocation, "type");
// we also break the units into two groups: durations and others. Also never collide with a compoundUnitPattern.
if (unit == null || myUnit.equals(unit) || isDuration != unit.startsWith("duration") || compoundUnitPatterns.reset(curVal).find()) {
log("Removed '" + curVal + "': COLLISON WITH UNIT " + unit);
} else {
// Remove allowed collisions, such as between carats and karats (same in many languages), or
// between foodcalories and either calories or kilocalories, or
// between hectopascal and millibar (physically the same unit, see #10425)
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> mapPathPartToSet : mapPathPartsToSetsForDupOK.entrySet()) {
if (path.contains(mapPathPartToSet.getKey())) {
for (String pathPart : mapPathPartToSet.getValue()) {
if (curVal.contains(pathPart)) {
log("Removed '" + curVal + "': COLLISON WITH UNIT " + unit);
// Collisions between different lengths and counts of the same field are allowed
if (myType == Type.FIELDS_RELATIVE) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
String myFieldType = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "type").split("-")[0];
Iterator<String> iterator = paths.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String curVal =;
parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(curVal);
String fieldType = parts.getAttributeValue(3, "type").split("-")[0];
if (myFieldType.equals(fieldType)) {
log("Removed '" + curVal + "': COLLISON WITH FIELD " + fieldType);
// Collisions between different lengths of the same field are allowed
if (myType == Type.UNITS_COORDINATE) {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
String myFieldType = (parts.containsElement("displayName"))? "displayName": parts.findAttributeValue("coordinateUnitPattern", "type");
Iterator<String> iterator = paths.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String curVal =;
parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(curVal);
String fieldType = (parts.containsElement("displayName"))? "displayName": parts.findAttributeValue("coordinateUnitPattern", "type");
if (myFieldType.equals(fieldType)) {
log("Removed '" + curVal + "': COLLISON WITH FIELD " + fieldType);
// removeMatches(myType);
// check again on size
if (paths.isEmpty()) {
return this;
// ok, we probably have a collision! Extract the types
Set<String> collidingTypes = new TreeSet<>();
for (String pathName : paths) {
collidingTypes.add(getPathReferenceForMessage(pathName, false));
} else {
for (String dpath : paths) {
if (!typePattern.reset(dpath).find()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error: " + dpath + " doesn't match "
+ typePattern.pattern());
// remove my type, and check again
if (!typePattern.reset(path).find()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error: " + path + " doesn't match "
+ typePattern.pattern());
} else {
// check one last time...
if (collidingTypes.isEmpty()) {
log("CollidingTypes is empty");
return this;
log("CollidingTypes has a size of " + collidingTypes.size());
CheckStatus.Type thisErrorType;
// Also only do warnings during the build phase, so that SmokeTest will build.
if (getPhase() == Phase.BUILD) {
thisErrorType = CheckStatus.warningType;
} else {
thisErrorType = CheckStatus.errorType;
// Check to see if we're colliding between standard and generic within the same metazone.
// If so, then it should be a warning instead of an error, since such collisions are acceptable
// as long as the context ( generic/recurring vs. specific time ) is known.
// ( JCE: 8/7/2012 )
// When long/short standard names for Etc/UTC is added to locale's <zone> items,
// a collision between exemplarCity and short-standard format was detected.
// CLDR tool code automatically generate exemplarCity value from zone ID algorithmically,
// but it should not be used for zones not associated with a location. For Etc/UTC,
// exemplarCity should be undefined. The value is generated by TimeZoneFormatter#getFallbackName().
// There are many calling sites in CLDR tool code, and it looks all of them expect non-null
// value is returned. So, at this point, it's dangerous to touch the code to return
// null, or throw an exception.
// In addition to above, collisions between exemplarCity and other zone display name
// values should be accepted, because exmemplarCity is always formatted with <regionFormat>
// pattern. However, the collision issue only occurs for the special case - Etc/UTC,
// we handle the specific case as exception. We may revisit this issue later.
// (Yoshito 2017-01-27)
if (path.contains("timeZoneNames") && collidingTypes.size() == 1) {
PathHeader pathHeader = getPathHeaderFactory().fromPath(path);
String thisZone = pathHeader.getHeader();
String thisZoneType = pathHeader.getCode();
String collisionString = collidingTypes.toString();
int csStart, csEnd;
if (collisionString.startsWith("[<a")) {
csStart = collisionString.indexOf('>') + 1;
csEnd = collisionString.indexOf('<', csStart);
} else {
csStart = collisionString.indexOf('[') + 1;
csEnd = collisionString.indexOf(']', csStart);
collisionString = collisionString.substring(csStart, csEnd);
int delimiter_index = collisionString.indexOf(':');
String collidingZone = collisionString.substring(0, delimiter_index);
String collidingZoneType = collisionString.substring(delimiter_index + 2);
if (thisZone.equals(collidingZone)) {
if (thisZone.startsWith("Etc/")
&& (thisZoneType.equals("exemplarCity") || collidingZoneType.equals("exemplarCity"))) {
log("Ignore a collision between exemplarCity and another name for Etc/* zones");
return this;
Set<String> collidingZoneTypes = new TreeSet<>();
if (collidingZoneTypes.size() == 2 &&
collidingZoneTypes.contains("standard-short") &&
collidingZoneTypes.contains("generic-short")) {
thisErrorType = CheckStatus.warningType;
} else if (myType == Type.SCRIPT && collidingTypes.size() == 1) {
String collisionString = collidingTypes.toString();
if (path.contains("stand-alone") || collisionString.contains("stand-alone")) {
thisErrorType = CheckStatus.warningType;
CheckStatus item = new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage(message, new Object[] { collidingTypes.toString() });
return this;
* Log a message
private void log(String string) {
enum Equivalence {
normal, exact, unit
private Set<String> getPathsWithValue(CLDRFile file, String path,
String value, Type myType,
String myPrefix, Matcher matcher,
Matcher currentAttributesToIgnore,
Equivalence equivalence) {
if (DEBUG_PATH_PART != null & path.contains(DEBUG_PATH_PART)) {
int debug = 0;
Set<String> retrievedPaths = new HashSet<>();
if (myType.matchType == MatchType.PREFIX) {
file.getPathsWithValue(value, myPrefix, matcher, retrievedPaths);
} else {
file.getPathsWithValue(value, "//ldml", myType.getPattern().matcher(""), retrievedPaths);
String normValue = null;
if (equivalence == Equivalence.unit) {
normValue = SimpleXMLSource.normalizeCaseSensitive(value);
// System.out.println("DEBUG:\t" + "units");
// for (String s : retrievedPaths) {
// System.out.println("DEBUG:\t" + file.getStringValue(s) + "\t" + s);
// }
// Do first cleanup
// remove paths with "alt/count" per currentAttributesToIgnore; they can be duplicates
Set<String> paths = new HashSet<>();
for (String pathName : retrievedPaths) {
Type thisPathType = Type.getType(pathName);
// If the colliding path is of a different type than the original,
// then it can't be a collision we care about.
if (myType != thisPathType) {
if (exclusions.reset(pathName).find() && thisPathType != Type.UNITS_COORDINATE) {
// we only care about winning paths
if (!getResolvedCldrFileToCheck().isWinningPath(path)) {
// special cases: don't look at CODE_FALLBACK
if (myType == Type.CURRENCY && isCodeFallback(path)) {
if (equivalence == Equivalence.exact) {
String otherValue = file.getWinningValue(pathName);
if (!otherValue.equals(value)) {
} else if (equivalence == Equivalence.unit) {
String otherValue = SimpleXMLSource.normalizeCaseSensitive(file.getWinningValue(pathName));
if (!otherValue.equals(normValue)) {
// clean up the pat
String newPath = currentAttributesToIgnore.reset(pathName).replaceAll("");
// System.out.println("Paths has a size of:"+paths.size());
String cleanPath = currentAttributesToIgnore.reset(path).replaceAll("");
// System.out.println("Removed path: '"+cleanPath+"'");
//System.out.println("Paths returned has a size of "+paths.size());
return paths;
private boolean isCodeFallback(String dpath) {
String locale = getResolvedCldrFileToCheck().getSourceLocaleID(dpath, null);
return locale.equals(XMLSource.CODE_FALLBACK_ID);
// private Map<String,String> nameToSubdivisionId = Collections.emptyMap();
public CheckCLDR setCldrFileToCheck(CLDRFile cldrFileToCheck, Options options,
List<CheckStatus> possibleErrors) {
if (cldrFileToCheck == null) return this;
super.setCldrFileToCheck(cldrFileToCheck, options, possibleErrors);
// pick up the 3 subdivisions
// nameToSubdivisionId = EmojiSubdivisionNames.getNameToSubdivisionPath(cldrFileToCheck.getLocaleID());
return this;
* @param type
* the type of the xpath
* @param xpath
* @return the region code of the xpath
private String getRegion(Type type, String xpath) {
int index = type == Type.ZONE ? -2 : -1;
return XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(xpath).getAttributeValue(index, "type");
* Map with the exceptions
private Map<String, String> exceptions;
* Checks if the specified region code has any exceptions to the requirement
* that all exemplar cities and territory names have to be unique.
* @param regionCode
* the region code to be checked
* @return the corresponding region code that can have a value identical to
* the specified region code
public String getRegionException(String regionCode) {
if (exceptions != null) {
String lookup = exceptions.get(regionCode);
return lookup;
CLDRFile english = getEnglishFile();
// Pick up all instances in English where the exemplarCity and territory match
// and include them as exceptions.
exceptions = new HashMap<>();
for (Iterator<String> it = english.iterator(Type.ZONE.getPrefix()); it.hasNext();) {
String xpath =;
if (!xpath.endsWith("/exemplarCity")) continue;
String value = english.getStringValue(xpath);
Set<String> duplicates = getPathsWithValue(english, xpath, value,
Type.TERRITORY, Type.TERRITORY.getPrefix(), null, ignoreAltAndCountAttributes, Equivalence.normal);
if (duplicates.size() > 0) {
// Assume only 1 duplicate.
String duplicatePath = duplicates.iterator().next();
String exemplarCity = getRegion(Type.ZONE, xpath);
String territory = getRegion(Type.TERRITORY, duplicatePath);
addRegionException(exemplarCity, territory);
// Add hardcoded exceptions
addRegionException("America/Antigua", "AG"); // Antigua and Barbados
addRegionException("Atlantic/Canary", "IC"); // Canary Islands
addRegionException("America/Cayman", "KY"); // Cayman Islands
addRegionException("Indian/Christmas", "CX"); // Christmas Islands
addRegionException("Indian/Cocos", "CC"); // Cocos [Keeling] Islands
addRegionException("Indian/Comoro", "KM"); // Comoros Islands, Eastern Africa
addRegionException("Atlantic/Faeroe", "FO"); // Faroe Islands
addRegionException("Pacific/Pitcairn", "PN"); // Pitcairn Islands
addRegionException("Atlantic/St_Helena", "SH"); // Saint Helena
addRegionException("America/St_Kitts", "KN"); // Saint Kitts and Nevis
addRegionException("America/St_Lucia", "LC"); // Saint Lucia
addRegionException("Europe/Vatican", "VA"); // Vatican City
addRegionException("Pacific/Norfolk", "NF"); // Norfolk Island
// Some languages don't distinguish between the following city/territory
// pairs because the city is in the territory and sounds too similar.
addRegionException("Africa/Algiers", "DZ"); // Algeria
addRegionException("Africa/Tunis", "TN"); // Tunisia
return exceptions.get(regionCode);
* Adds an exemplarCity/territory pair to the list of region exceptions.
private void addRegionException(String exemplarCity, String territory) {
exceptions.put(exemplarCity, territory);
exceptions.put(territory, exemplarCity);