blob: 38f5648b40f21847a7168a6c8064f5d6c23b418b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2005-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
package org.unicode.cldr.test;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.CheckStatus.Subtype;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRInfo.CandidateInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRInfo.PathValueInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRInfo.UserInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRLocale;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.InternalCldrException;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Level;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader.SurveyToolStatus;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.RegexFileParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.RegexFileParser.RegexLineParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.TransliteratorUtilities;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver.Status;
* This class provides a foundation for both console-driven CLDR tests, and
* Survey Tool Tests.
* <p>
* To add a test, subclass CLDRFile and override handleCheck and possibly setCldrFileToCheck. Then put the test into
* getCheckAll.
* <p>
* To use the test, take a look at the main in ConsoleCheckCLDR. Note that you need to call setDisplayInformation with
* the CLDRFile for the locale that you want the display information (eg names for codes) to be in.<br>
* Some options are passed in the Map options. Examples: boolean SHOW_TIMES = options.containsKey("SHOW_TIMES"); // for
* printing times for doing setCldrFileToCheck.
* <p>
* Some errors/warnings will be explicitly filtered out when calling CheckCLDR's check() method.
* The full list of filters can be found in org/unicode/cldr/util/data/CheckCLDR-exceptions.txt.
* @author davis
abstract public class CheckCLDR implements CheckAccessor {
public static final boolean LIMITED_SUBMISSION = false; // TODO represent differently
private static CLDRFile displayInformation;
private CLDRFile cldrFileToCheck;
private CLDRFile englishFile = null;
private boolean skipTest = false;
private Phase phase;
private Map<Subtype, List<Pattern>> filtersForLocale = new HashMap<>();
public String getStringValue(String path) {
return getCldrFileToCheck().getStringValue(path);
public String getUnresolvedStringValue(String path) {
return getCldrFileToCheck().getUnresolved().getStringValue(path);
public String getLocaleID() {
return getCldrFileToCheck().getLocaleID();
public CheckCLDR getCause() {
return this;
public enum InputMethod {
public enum StatusAction {
* Allow voting and add new values (in Change column).
* Allow voting and ticket (in Change column).
* Allow voting but no add new values (in Change column).
* Only allow filing a ticket.
* Disallow (for various reasons)
private final boolean isForbidden;
private StatusAction() {
isForbidden = false;
private StatusAction(boolean isForbidden) {
this.isForbidden = isForbidden;
public boolean isForbidden() {
return isForbidden;
public boolean canShow() {
return !isForbidden;
private static final HashMap<String, Phase> PHASE_NAMES = new HashMap<>();
public enum Phase {
Phase(String... alternateName) {
for (String name : alternateName) {
PHASE_NAMES.put(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), this);
public static Phase forString(String value) {
if (value == null) {
return org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig.getInstance().getPhase();
value = value.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
Phase result = PHASE_NAMES.get(value);
return result != null ? result
: Phase.valueOf(value);
* Return whether or not to show a row, and if so, how.
* @param pathValueInfo
* @param inputMethod
* @param ph the path header
* @param userInfo
* null if there is no userInfo (nobody logged in).
* @return
public StatusAction getShowRowAction(
PathValueInfo pathValueInfo,
InputMethod inputMethod,
PathHeader ph,
UserInfo userInfo // can get voterInfo from this.
) {
PathHeader.SurveyToolStatus status = ph.getSurveyToolStatus();
* Always forbid DEPRECATED items - don't show.
* Currently, bulk submission and TC voting are allowed even for SurveyToolStatus.HIDE,
* but not for SurveyToolStatus.DEPRECATED. If we ever want to treat HIDE and DEPRECATED
* the same here, then it would be simpler to call ph.shouldHide which is true for both.
if (status == SurveyToolStatus.DEPRECATED) {
return StatusAction.FORBID_READONLY;
if (status == SurveyToolStatus.READ_ONLY) {
return StatusAction.ALLOW_TICKET_ONLY;
// always forbid bulk import except in data submission.
if (inputMethod == InputMethod.BULK && this != Phase.SUBMISSION) {
// if TC+, allow anything else, even suppressed items and errors
if (userInfo != null && userInfo.getVoterInfo().getLevel().compareTo( >= 0) {
return StatusAction.ALLOW;
if (status == SurveyToolStatus.HIDE) {
return StatusAction.FORBID_READONLY;
CandidateInfo winner = pathValueInfo.getCurrentItem();
ValueStatus valueStatus = getValueStatus(winner, ValueStatus.NONE, null);
// if limited submission, and winner doesn't have an error, limit the values
if (!SubmissionLocales.allowEvenIfLimited(
valueStatus == ValueStatus.ERROR,
pathValueInfo.getBaselineStatus() == Status.missing)) {
return StatusAction.FORBID_READONLY;
if (this == Phase.SUBMISSION) {
return (ph.canReadAndWrite())
? StatusAction.ALLOW
// We are in vetting, not in submission
// Only allow ADD if we have an error or warning
// Only check winning value for errors/warnings per ticket #8677
if (valueStatus != ValueStatus.NONE) {
return (ph.canReadAndWrite())
? StatusAction.ALLOW
// No warnings, so allow just voting.
return StatusAction.ALLOW_VOTING_BUT_NO_ADD;
* getAcceptNewItemAction. MUST only be called if getShowRowAction(...).canShow()
* TODO Consider moving Phase, StatusAction, etc into CLDRInfo.
* @param enteredValue
* If null, means an abstention.
* If voting for an existing value, pathValueInfo.getValues().contains(enteredValue) MUST be true
* @param pathValueInfo
* @param inputMethod
* @param status
* @param userInfo
* @return
public StatusAction getAcceptNewItemAction(
CandidateInfo enteredValue,
PathValueInfo pathValueInfo,
InputMethod inputMethod,
PathHeader ph,
UserInfo userInfo // can get voterInfo from this.
) {
if (!ph.canReadAndWrite()) {
return StatusAction.FORBID_READONLY;
// only logged in users can add items.
if (userInfo == null) {
return StatusAction.FORBID_ERRORS;
// we can always abstain
if (enteredValue == null) {
return StatusAction.ALLOW;
// if TC+, allow anything else, even suppressed items and errors
if (userInfo.getVoterInfo().getLevel().compareTo( >= 0) {
return StatusAction.ALLOW;
// Disallow errors.
ValueStatus valueStatus = getValueStatus(enteredValue, ValueStatus.NONE, CheckStatus.crossCheckSubtypes);
if (valueStatus == ValueStatus.ERROR) {
return StatusAction.FORBID_ERRORS;
// Allow items if submission
if (this == Phase.SUBMISSION) {
return StatusAction.ALLOW;
// Voting for an existing value is ok
valueStatus = ValueStatus.NONE;
for (CandidateInfo value : pathValueInfo.getValues()) {
if (value == enteredValue) {
return StatusAction.ALLOW;
valueStatus = getValueStatus(value, valueStatus, CheckStatus.crossCheckSubtypes);
// If there were any errors/warnings on other values, allow
if (valueStatus != ValueStatus.NONE) {
return StatusAction.ALLOW;
// Otherwise (we are vetting, but with no errors or warnings)
public enum ValueStatus {
public ValueStatus getValueStatus(CandidateInfo value, ValueStatus previous, Set<Subtype> changeErrorToWarning) {
if (previous == ValueStatus.ERROR || value == null) {
return previous;
for (CheckStatus item : value.getCheckStatusList()) {
CheckStatus.Type type = item.getType();
if (type.equals(CheckStatus.Type.Error)) {
if (changeErrorToWarning != null && changeErrorToWarning.contains(item.getSubtype())) {
return ValueStatus.WARNING;
} else {
return ValueStatus.ERROR;
} else if (type.equals(CheckStatus.Type.Warning)) {
previous = ValueStatus.WARNING;
return previous;
public static final class Options implements Comparable<Options> {
public enum Option {
private String key;
public String getKey() {
return key;
Option(String key) {
this.key = key;
Option() {
this.key = name();
private static StandardCodes sc = StandardCodes.make();
private final boolean DEBUG_OPTS = false;
String options[] = new String[Option.values().length];
CLDRLocale locale = null;
private final String key; // for fast compare
* Adopt some other map
* @param fromOptions
public Options(Map<String, String> fromOptions) {
key = null; // no key = slow compare
private void setAll(Map<String, String> fromOptions) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : fromOptions.entrySet()) {
set(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
* @param key
* @param value
public void set(String key, String value) {
// TODO- cache the map
for (Option o : Option.values()) {
if (o.getKey().equals(key)) {
set(o, value);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown CLDR option: '" + key + "' - valid keys are: " + Options.getValidKeys());
private static String getValidKeys() {
Set<String> allkeys = new TreeSet<>();
for (Option o : Option.values()) {
return ListFormatter.getInstance().format(allkeys);
public Options() {
key = "".intern(); // null Options.
* Deep clone
* @param options2
public Options(Options options2) {
this.options = Arrays.copyOf(options2.options, options2.options.length);
this.key = options2.key;
public Options(CLDRLocale locale, CheckCLDR.Phase testPhase, String requiredLevel, String localeType) {
this.locale = locale;
options = new String[Option.values().length];
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
set(Option.locale, locale.getBaseName());
set(Option.CoverageLevel_requiredLevel, requiredLevel);
set(Option.CoverageLevel_localeType, localeType);
key = sb.toString().intern();
public Options clone() {
return new Options(this);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) return true;
if (!(other instanceof Options)) return false;
if (this.key != null && ((Options) other).key != null) {
return (this.key == ((Options) other).key);
} else {
return this.compareTo((Options) other) == 0;
private Options clear() {
for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
options[i] = null;
return this;
private Options set(Option o, String v) {
options[o.ordinal()] = v;
if (DEBUG_OPTS) System.err.println("Setting " + o + " = " + v);
return this;
public String get(Option o) {
final String v = options[o.ordinal()];
if (DEBUG_OPTS) System.err.println("Getting " + o + " = " + v);
return v;
public CLDRLocale getLocale() {
if (locale != null) return locale;
return CLDRLocale.getInstance(get(Option.locale));
* Get the required coverage level for the specified locale, for this CheckCLDR object.
* @param localeID
* @return the Level
* Called by CheckCoverage.setCldrFileToCheck and CheckDates.setCldrFileToCheck
public Level getRequiredLevel(String localeID) {
Level result;
// see if there is an explicit level
String localeType = get(Option.CoverageLevel_requiredLevel);
if (localeType != null) {
result = Level.get(localeType);
if (result != Level.UNDETERMINED) {
return result;
// otherwise, see if there is an organization level for the "Cldr" organization.
// This is not user-specific.
return sc.getLocaleCoverageLevel("Cldr", localeID);
public boolean contains(Option o) {
String s = get(o);
return (s != null && !s.isEmpty());
public int compareTo(Options other) {
if (other == this) return 0;
if (key != null && other.key != null) {
if (key == other.key) return 0;
return key.compareTo(other.key);
for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
final String s1 = options[i];
final String s2 = other.options[i];
if (s1 == null && s2 == null) {
// no difference
} else if (s1 == null) {
return -1;
} else if (s2 == null) {
return 1;
} else {
int rv = s1.compareTo(s2);
if (rv != 0) {
return rv;
return 0;
public int hashCode() {
if (key != null) return key.hashCode();
int h = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (options[i] == null) {
h *= 11;
} else {
h = (h * 11) + options[i].hashCode();
return h;
public String toString() {
if (key != null) return "Options:" + key;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Option o : Option.values()) {
if (options[o.ordinal()] != null) {
.append(' ');
return sb.toString();
public boolean isSkipTest() {
return skipTest;
// this should only be set for the test in setCldrFileToCheck
public void setSkipTest(boolean skipTest) {
this.skipTest = skipTest;
* Here is where the list of all checks is found.
* @param nameMatcher
* Regex pattern that determines which checks are run,
* based on their class name (such as .* for all checks, .*Collisions.* for CheckDisplayCollisions, etc.)
* @return
public static CompoundCheckCLDR getCheckAll(Factory factory, String nameMatcher) {
return new CompoundCheckCLDR()
.setFilter(Pattern.compile(nameMatcher, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(""))
//.add(new CheckAttributeValues(factory))
.add(new CheckChildren(factory))
.add(new CheckCoverage(factory))
.add(new CheckDates(factory))
.add(new CheckForCopy(factory))
.add(new CheckDisplayCollisions(factory))
.add(new CheckExemplars(factory))
.add(new CheckForExemplars(factory))
.add(new CheckForInheritanceMarkers())
.add(new CheckNames())
.add(new CheckNumbers(factory))
// .add(new CheckZones()) // this doesn't work; many spurious errors that user can't correct
.add(new CheckMetazones())
.add(new CheckLogicalGroupings(factory))
.add(new CheckAlt())
.add(new CheckAltOnly(factory))
.add(new CheckCurrencies())
.add(new CheckCasing())
.add(new CheckConsistentCasing(factory)) // this doesn't work; many spurious errors that user can't correct
.add(new CheckQuotes())
.add(new CheckUnits())
.add(new CheckWidths())
.add(new CheckPlaceHolders())
.add(new CheckPersonNames())
.add(new CheckNew(factory)) // this is at the end; it will check for other certain other errors and warnings and
// not add a message if there are any.
* These determine what language is used to display information. Must be set before use.
* @param locale
* @return
public static synchronized CLDRFile getDisplayInformation() {
return displayInformation;
public static synchronized void setDisplayInformation(CLDRFile inputDisplayInformation) {
displayInformation = inputDisplayInformation;
* [Warnings - please zoom in] dates/timeZoneNames/singleCountries
* (empty)
* [refs][hide] Ref: [Zoom...]
* [Warnings - please zoom in] dates/timeZoneNames/hours {0}/{1} {0}/{1}
* [refs][hide] Ref: [Zoom...]
* [Warnings - please zoom in] dates/timeZoneNames/hour +HH:mm;-HH:mm
* +HH:mm;-HH:mm
* [refs][hide] Ref: [Zoom...]
* [ok] layout/orientation (empty)
* [refs][hide] Ref: [Zoom...]
* [ok] dates/localizedPatternChars GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzYeugAZvcL
* GaMjkHmsSEDFwWxhKzAeugXZvcL
* [refs][hide] Ref: [Zoom...]
* Get the CLDRFile.
* @param cldrFileToCheck
public final CLDRFile getCldrFileToCheck() {
return cldrFileToCheck;
* Don't override this, use the other setCldrFileToCheck which takes an Options instead of a Map<>
* @param cldrFileToCheck
* @param options
* @param possibleErrors
* @return
* @see #setCldrFileToCheck(CLDRFile, Options, List)
* @deprecated
final public CheckCLDR setCldrFileToCheck(CLDRFile cldrFileToCheck, Map<String, String> options,
List<CheckStatus> possibleErrors) {
return setCldrFileToCheck(cldrFileToCheck, new Options(options), possibleErrors);
* Set the CLDRFile. Must be done before calling check. If null is called, just skip
* Often subclassed for initializing. If so, make the first 2 lines:
* if (cldrFileToCheck == null) return this;
* super.setCldrFileToCheck(cldrFileToCheck);
* do stuff
* @param cldrFileToCheck
* @param options (not currently used)
* @param possibleErrors
public CheckCLDR setCldrFileToCheck(CLDRFile cldrFileToCheck, Options options,
List<CheckStatus> possibleErrors) {
this.cldrFileToCheck = cldrFileToCheck;
// Shortlist error filters for this locale.
String locale = cldrFileToCheck.getLocaleID();
for (R3<Pattern, Subtype, Pattern> filter : allFilters) {
if (filter.get0() == null || !filter.get0().matcher(locale).matches()) continue;
Subtype subtype = filter.get1();
List<Pattern> xpaths = filtersForLocale.get(subtype);
if (xpaths == null) {
filtersForLocale.put(subtype, xpaths = new ArrayList<>());
return this;
* Status value returned from check
public static class CheckStatus {
public static final Type alertType = Type.Comment,
warningType = Type.Warning,
errorType = Type.Error,
exampleType = Type.Example,
demoType = Type.Demo;
public enum Type {
Comment, Warning, Error, Example, Demo
public enum Subtype {
none, noUnproposedVariant, deprecatedAttribute, illegalPlural, invalidLocale, incorrectCasing,
valueAlwaysOverridden, nullChildFile, internalError, coverageLevel, missingPluralInfo,
currencySymbolTooWide, incorrectDatePattern, abbreviatedDateFieldTooWide, displayCollision,
illegalExemplarSet, missingAuxiliaryExemplars, extraPlaceholders, missingPlaceholders,
shouldntHavePlaceholders, couldNotAccessExemplars, noExemplarCharacters, modifiedEnglishValue,
invalidCurrencyMatchSet, multipleMetazoneMappings, noMetazoneMapping, noMetazoneMappingAfter1970,
noMetazoneMappingBeforeNow, cannotCreateZoneFormatter, insufficientCoverage, missingLanguageTerritoryInfo,
missingEuroCountryInfo, deprecatedAttributeWithReplacement, missingOrExtraDateField, internalUnicodeSetFormattingError,
auxiliaryExemplarsOverlap, missingPunctuationCharacters,
charactersNotInCurrencyExemplars, asciiCharactersNotInCurrencyExemplars,
charactersNotInMainOrAuxiliaryExemplars, asciiCharactersNotInMainOrAuxiliaryExemplars,
narrowDateFieldTooWide, illegalCharactersInExemplars, orientationDisagreesWithExemplars,
inconsistentDatePattern, inconsistentTimePattern, missingDatePattern, illegalDatePattern,
missingMainExemplars, mustNotStartOrEndWithSpace, illegalCharactersInNumberPattern,
numberPatternNotCanonical, currencyPatternMissingCurrencySymbol, currencyPatternUnexpectedCurrencySymbol, missingMinusSign,
badNumericType, percentPatternMissingPercentSymbol, illegalNumberFormat, unexpectedAttributeValue,
metazoneContainsDigit, tooManyGroupingSeparators, inconsistentPluralFormat, missingZeros, sameAsEnglish, sameAsCode,
dateSymbolCollision, incompleteLogicalGroup, extraMetazoneString, inconsistentDraftStatus,
errorOrWarningInLogicalGroup, valueTooWide, valueTooNarrow, nameContainsYear, patternCannotContainDigits,
patternContainsInvalidCharacters, parenthesesNotAllowed, illegalNumberingSystem, unexpectedOrderOfEraYear,
invalidPlaceHolder, asciiQuotesNotAllowed, badMinimumGroupingDigits, inconsistentPeriods,
inheritanceMarkerNotAllowed, invalidDurationUnitPattern, invalidDelimiter, illegalCharactersInPattern,
badParseLenient, tooManyValues, invalidSymbol, invalidGenderCode,
mismatchedUnitComponent, longPowerWithSubscripts, gapsInPlaceholderNumbers, duplicatePlaceholders, largerDifferences,
missingNonAltPath, badSamplePersonName, missingLanguage, namePlaceholderProblem
public String toString() {
// converts "thisThisThis" to "this this this"
return TO_STRING.matcher(name()).replaceAll(" $1").toLowerCase();
static Pattern TO_STRING = PatternCache.get("([A-Z])");
* These error don't prevent entry during submission, since they become valid if a different row is changed.
public static Set<Subtype> crossCheckSubtypes = ImmutableSet.of(
public static Set<Subtype> errorCodesPath = ImmutableSet.of(
private Type type;
private Subtype subtype = Subtype.none;
private String messageFormat;
private Object[] parameters;
private CheckAccessor cause;
private boolean checkOnSubmit = true;
public CheckStatus() {
public boolean isCheckOnSubmit() {
return checkOnSubmit;
public CheckStatus setCheckOnSubmit(boolean dependent) {
this.checkOnSubmit = dependent;
return this;
public Type getType() {
return type;
public CheckStatus setMainType(CheckStatus.Type type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
public String getMessage() {
String message = messageFormat;
if (messageFormat != null && parameters != null) {
try {
String fixedApos = MessageFormat.autoQuoteApostrophe(messageFormat);
MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(fixedApos);
message = format.format(parameters);
if (errorCodesPath.contains(subtype)) {
message += "; see <a href='" + + "' target='cldr_error_codes'>" + subtype + "</a>.";
} catch (Exception e) {
message = messageFormat;
System.err.println("MessageFormat Failure: " + subtype + "; " + messageFormat + "; "
+ (parameters == null ? null : Arrays.asList(parameters)));
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(subtype + "; " + messageFormat + "; "
// + (parameters == null ? null : Arrays.asList(parameters)), e);
Exception[] exceptionParameters = getExceptionParameters();
if (exceptionParameters != null) {
for (Exception exception : exceptionParameters) {
message += "; " + exception.getMessage(); // + " \t(" + exception.getClass().getName() + ")";
// for (StackTraceElement item : exception.getStackTrace()) {
// message += "\n\t" + item;
// }
return message.replace('\t', ' ');
public CheckStatus setMessage(String message) {
if (cause == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have cause set.");
if (message == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message cannot be null.");
this.messageFormat = message;
this.parameters = null;
return this;
public CheckStatus setMessage(String message, Object... messageArguments) {
if (cause == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have cause set.");
this.messageFormat = message;
this.parameters = messageArguments;
return this;
public String toString() {
return getType() + ": " + getMessage();
* Warning: don't change the contents of the parameters after retrieving.
public Object[] getParameters() {
return parameters;
* Returns any Exception parameters in the status, or null if there are none.
* @return
public Exception[] getExceptionParameters() {
if (parameters == null) {
return null;
List<Exception> errors = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : parameters) {
if (o instanceof Exception) {
errors.add((Exception) o);
if (errors.size() == 0) {
return null;
return errors.toArray(new Exception[errors.size()]);
* Warning: don't change the contents of the parameters after passing in.
public CheckStatus setParameters(Object[] parameters) {
if (cause == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have cause set.");
this.parameters = parameters;
return this;
public SimpleDemo getDemo() {
return null;
public CheckCLDR getCause() {
return cause instanceof CheckCLDR ? (CheckCLDR) cause : null;
public CheckStatus setCause(CheckAccessor cause) {
this.cause = cause;
return this;
public Subtype getSubtype() {
return subtype;
public CheckStatus setSubtype(Subtype subtype) {
this.subtype = subtype;
return this;
* Convenience function: return true if any items in this list are of errorType
* @param result
* the list to check (could be null for empty)
* @return true if any items in result are of errorType
public static final boolean hasError(List<CheckStatus> result) {
return hasType(result, errorType);
* Convenience function: return true if any items in this list are of errorType
* @param result
* the list to check (could be null for empty)
* @return true if any items in result are of errorType
public static boolean hasType(List<CheckStatus> result, Type type) {
if (result == null) return false;
for (CheckStatus s : result) {
if (s.getType().equals(type)) {
return true;
return false;
public static abstract class SimpleDemo {
Map<String, String> internalPostArguments = new HashMap<>();
* @param postArguments
* A read-write map containing post-style arguments. eg TEXTBOX=abcd, etc. <br>
* The first time this is called, the Map should be empty.
* @return true if the map has been changed
public abstract String getHTML(Map<String, String> postArguments) throws Exception;
* Only here for compatibility. Use the other getHTML instead
public final String getHTML(String path, String fullPath, String value) throws Exception {
return getHTML(internalPostArguments);
* THIS IS ONLY FOR COMPATIBILITY: you can call this, then the non-postArguments form of getHTML; or better,
* call
* getHTML with the postArguments.
* @param postArguments
* A read-write map containing post-style arguments. eg TEXTBOX=abcd, etc.
* @return true if the map has been changed
public final boolean processPost(Map<String, String> postArguments) {
return true;
public static abstract class FormatDemo extends SimpleDemo {
protected String currentPattern, currentInput, currentFormatted, currentReparsed;
protected ParsePosition parsePosition = new ParsePosition(0);
protected abstract String getPattern();
protected abstract String getSampleInput();
protected abstract void getArguments(Map<String, String> postArguments);
public String getHTML(Map<String, String> postArguments) throws Exception {
StringBuffer htmlMessage = new StringBuffer();
FormatDemo.appendLine(htmlMessage, currentPattern, currentInput, currentFormatted, currentReparsed);
return htmlMessage.toString();
public String getPlainText(Map<String, String> postArguments) {
return MessageFormat.format("<\"\u200E{0}\u200E\", \"{1}\"> \u2192 \"\u200E{2}\u200E\" \u2192 \"{3}\"",
(Object[]) new String[] { currentPattern, currentInput, currentFormatted, currentReparsed });
* @param htmlMessage
* @param pattern
* @param input
* @param formatted
* @param reparsed
public static void appendLine(StringBuffer htmlMessage, String pattern, String input, String formatted,
String reparsed) {
htmlMessage.append("<tr><td><input type='text' name='pattern' value='")
.append("'></td><td><input type='text' name='input' value='")
.append("<input type='submit' value='Test' name='Test'>")
.append("</td><td>" + "<input type='text' name='formatted' value='")
.append("'></td><td>" + "<input type='text' name='reparsed' value='")
* @param htmlMessage
public static void appendTitle(StringBuffer htmlMessage) {
htmlMessage.append("<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'" +
// " style='border-collapse: collapse' style='width: 100%'" +
"><tr>" +
"<th>Pattern</th>" +
"<th>Unlocalized Input</th>" +
"<th></th>" +
"<th>Localized Format</th>" +
"<th>Re-Parsed</th>" +
* Wraps the options in an Options and delegates.
* @param path
* Must be a distinguished path, such as what comes out of CLDRFile.iterator()
* @param fullPath
* Must be the full path
* @param value
* the value associated with the path
* @param options
* A set of test-specific options. Set these with code of the form:<br>
* options.put("CoverageLevel.localeType", "G0")<br>
* That is, the key is of the form <testname>.<optiontype>, and the value is of the form <optionvalue>.<br>
* There is one general option; the following will select only the tests that should be run during this
* phase.<br>
* options.put("phase", Phase.<something>);
* It can be used for new data entry.
* @param result
* @return
* @deprecated use CheckCLDR#check(String, String, String, Options, List)
public final CheckCLDR check(String path, String fullPath, String value, Map<String, String> options,
List<CheckStatus> result) {
return check(path, fullPath, value, new Options(options), result);
* Checks the path/value in the cldrFileToCheck for correctness, according to some criterion.
* If the path is relevant to the check, there is an alert or warning, then a CheckStatus is added to List.
* @param path
* Must be a distinguished path, such as what comes out of CLDRFile.iterator()
* @param fullPath
* Must be the full path
* @param value
* the value associated with the path
* @param result
public final CheckCLDR check(String path, String fullPath, String value, Options options,
List<CheckStatus> result) {
if (cldrFileToCheck == null) {
throw new InternalCldrException("CheckCLDR problem: cldrFileToCheck must not be null");
if (path == null) {
throw new InternalCldrException("CheckCLDR problem: path must not be null");
// if (fullPath == null) {
// throw new InternalError("CheckCLDR problem: fullPath must not be null");
// }
// if (value == null) {
// throw new InternalError("CheckCLDR problem: value must not be null");
// }
* If the item is non-winning, and either inherited or it is code-fallback, then don't run
* any tests on this item. See
* The following conditional formerly used "value == ..." and "value != ...", which in Java doesn't
* mean what it does in some other languages. The condition has been changed to use the equals() method.
* Since value can be null, check for that first.
// if (value == cldrFileToCheck.getBaileyValue(path, null, null) && value != cldrFileToCheck.getWinningValue(path)) {
if (value != null
&& !value.equals(cldrFileToCheck.getWinningValue(path))
&& cldrFileToCheck.getUnresolved().getStringValue(path) == null) {
return this;
// If we're being asked to run tests for an inheritance marker, then we need to change it
// to the "real" value first before running tests. Testing the value CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER ("↑↑↑") doesn't make sense.
if (CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(value)) {
value = cldrFileToCheck.getBaileyValue(path, null, null);
// If it hasn't changed, then don't run any tests.
if (CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(value)) {
return this;
CheckCLDR instance = handleCheck(path, fullPath, value, options, result);
Iterator<CheckStatus> iterator = result.iterator();
// Filter out any errors/warnings that match the filter list in CheckCLDR-exceptions.txt.
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
CheckStatus status =;
if (shouldExcludeStatus(fullPath, status)) {
return instance;
* Returns any examples in the result parameter. Both examples and demos can
* be returned. A demo will have getType() == CheckStatus.demoType. In that
* case, there will be no getMessage available; instead,
* call getDemo() to get the demo, then call getHTML() to get the initial
public final CheckCLDR getExamples(String path, String fullPath, String value, Options options,
List<CheckStatus> result) {
return handleGetExamples(path, fullPath, value, options, result);
protected CheckCLDR handleGetExamples(String path, String fullPath, String value, Options options2,
List<CheckStatus> result) {
return this; // NOOP unless overridden
* This is what the subclasses override.
* If they ever use pathParts or fullPathParts, they need to call initialize() with the respective
* path. Otherwise they must NOT change pathParts or fullPathParts.
* <p>
* If something is found, a CheckStatus is added to result. This can be done multiple times in one call, if multiple
* errors or warnings are found. The CheckStatus may return warnings, errors, examples, or demos. We may expand that
* in the future.
* <p>
* The code to add the CheckStatus will look something like::
* <pre>
* result.add(new CheckStatus()
* .setType(CheckStatus.errorType)
* .setMessage(&quot;Value should be {0}&quot;, new Object[] { pattern }));
* </pre>
* @param options
abstract public CheckCLDR handleCheck(String path, String fullPath, String value,
Options options, List<CheckStatus> result);
* Only for use in ConsoleCheck, for debugging
public void handleFinish() {
* Internal class used to bundle up a number of Checks.
* @author davis
static class CompoundCheckCLDR extends CheckCLDR {
private Matcher filter;
private List<CheckCLDR> checkList = new ArrayList<>();
private List<CheckCLDR> filteredCheckList = new ArrayList<>();
public CompoundCheckCLDR add(CheckCLDR item) {
if (filter == null) {
} else {
final String className = item.getClass().getName();
if (filter.reset(className).find()) {
return this;
public CheckCLDR handleCheck(String path, String fullPath, String value,
Options options, List<CheckStatus> result) {
// If we're being asked to run tests for an inheritance marker, then we need to change it
// to the "real" value first before running tests. Testing the value CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER ("↑↑↑") doesn't make sense.
if (CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(value)) {
value = getCldrFileToCheck().getBaileyValue(path, null, null);
for (Iterator<CheckCLDR> it = filteredCheckList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
CheckCLDR item =;
// skip proposed items in final testing.
if (Phase.FINAL_TESTING == item.getPhase()) {
if (path.contains("proposed") && path.contains("[@alt=")) {
try {
if (!item.isSkipTest()) {
item.handleCheck(path, fullPath, value, options, result);
} catch (Exception e) {
addError(result, item, e);
return this;
return this;
public void handleFinish() {
for (Iterator<CheckCLDR> it = filteredCheckList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
CheckCLDR item =;
protected CheckCLDR handleGetExamples(String path, String fullPath, String value, Options options,
List<CheckStatus> result) {
for (Iterator<CheckCLDR> it = filteredCheckList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
CheckCLDR item =;
try {
item.handleGetExamples(path, fullPath, value, options, result);
} catch (Exception e) {
addError(result, item, e);
return this;
return this;
private void addError(List<CheckStatus> result, CheckCLDR item, Exception e) {
result.add(new CheckStatus()
.setMessage("Internal error in {0}. Exception: {1}, Message: {2}, Trace: {3}",
new Object[] { item.getClass().getName(), e.getClass().getName(), e,
public CheckCLDR setCldrFileToCheck(CLDRFile cldrFileToCheck, Options options,
List<CheckStatus> possibleErrors) {
ElapsedTimer testTime = null, testOverallTime = null;
if (cldrFileToCheck == null) return this;
boolean SHOW_TIMES = options.contains(Options.Option.SHOW_TIMES);
if (SHOW_TIMES) testOverallTime = new ElapsedTimer("Test setup time for setCldrFileToCheck: {0}");
super.setCldrFileToCheck(cldrFileToCheck, options, possibleErrors);
for (Iterator<CheckCLDR> it = filteredCheckList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
CheckCLDR item =;
testTime = new ElapsedTimer("Test setup time for " + item.getClass().toString() + ": {0}");
try {
item.setCldrFileToCheck(cldrFileToCheck, options, possibleErrors);
if (item.isSkipTest()) {
System.out.println("Disabled : " + testTime);
} else {
System.out.println("OK : " + testTime);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
addError(possibleErrors, item, e);
if (SHOW_TIMES) System.out.println("ERR: " + testTime + " - " + e.toString());
if (SHOW_TIMES) System.out.println("Overall: " + testOverallTime + ": {0}");
return this;
public Matcher getFilter() {
return filter;
public CompoundCheckCLDR setFilter(Matcher filter) {
this.filter = filter;
for (Iterator<CheckCLDR> it = checkList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
CheckCLDR item =;
if (filter == null || filter.reset(item.getClass().getName()).matches()) {
item.setCldrFileToCheck(getCldrFileToCheck(), (Options) null, null);
return this;
public String getFilteredTests() {
return filteredCheckList.toString();
public List<CheckCLDR> getFilteredTestList() {
return filteredCheckList;
public static Transliterator getTransliteratorFromFile(String ID, String file) {
try {
BufferedReader br = CldrUtility.getUTF8Data(file);
StringBuffer input = new StringBuffer();
while (true) {
String line = br.readLine();
if (line == null) break;
if (line.startsWith("\uFEFF")) line = line.substring(1); // remove BOM
return Transliterator.createFromRules(ID, input.toString(), Transliterator.FORWARD);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ICUUncheckedIOException("Can't open transliterator file " + file, e);
public Phase getPhase() {
return phase;
public void setPhase(Phase phase) {
this.phase = phase;
* A map of error/warning types to their filters.
private static List<R3<Pattern, Subtype, Pattern>> allFilters;
* Loads the set of filters used for CheckCLDR results.
private void loadFilters() {
if (allFilters != null) return;
allFilters = new ArrayList<>();
RegexFileParser fileParser = new RegexFileParser();
fileParser.setLineParser(new RegexLineParser() {
public void parse(String line) {
String[] fields = line.split("\\s*;\\s*");
Subtype subtype = Subtype.valueOf(fields[0]);
Pattern locale = PatternCache.get(fields[1]);
Pattern xpathRegex = PatternCache.get(fields[2].replaceAll("\\[@", "\\\\[@"));
allFilters.add(new R3<>(locale, subtype, xpathRegex));
fileParser.parse(CheckCLDR.class, "/org/unicode/cldr/util/data/CheckCLDR-exceptions.txt");
* Checks if a status should be excluded from the list of results returned
* from CheckCLDR.
* @param xpath the xpath that the status belongs to
* @param status the status
* @return true if the status should be included
private boolean shouldExcludeStatus(String xpath, CheckStatus status) {
List<Pattern> xpathPatterns = filtersForLocale.get(status.getSubtype());
if (xpathPatterns == null) {
return false;
for (Pattern xpathPattern : xpathPatterns) {
if (xpathPattern.matcher(xpath).matches()) {
return true;
return false;
public CLDRFile getEnglishFile() {
return englishFile;
public void setEnglishFile(CLDRFile englishFile) {
this.englishFile = englishFile;
public CharSequence fixedValueIfInherited(String value, String path) {
return !CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(value) ? value: getCldrFileToCheck().getStringValueWithBailey(path);