blob: c2fc3603518dd6b95430e2ad12bafaa93ab05243 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
package org.unicode.cldr.test;
import static org.unicode.cldr.util.PathUtilities.getNormalizedPath;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.DisplayAndInputProcessor.NumericType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LanguageTagParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SimpleFactory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.TimezoneFormatter;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Initial version of CLDR tests. Each test is named TextXXX. To run all the tests, use the options
* <blockquote>-nothrow</blockquote>
* To run a particular set of tests, include their names, like
* <blockquote>-nothrow TestForIllegalAttributeValues TestMinimalLocalization</blockquote>
* To show more information (logln), add -verbose
* <p>
* There are some environment variables that can be used with the test. <br>
* -DSHOW_FILES=<anything> shows all create/open of files. <br>
* -DXML_MATCH=<regular expression> skips all locales that don't match the regular expression <br>
* -DXML_MAIN_DIR=<filesystem directory> resets to a different main directory (eg not cldr/common/main. For example,
* some of the tools generate into a locale directory like -DXML_MAIN_DIR=C:\Unicode-CVS2\cldr\common\gen\main\ so this
* can be used to check that directory. <br>
* -DSKIP_DRAFT=<boolean> skips draft locales if <boolean> is a string starting with T or t
public class CLDRTest extends TestFmwk {
* privates
private static String MATCH;
private static String MAIN_DIR;
private static boolean SKIP_DRAFT;
private Set<String> locales;
private Set<String> languageLocales;
private Factory cldrFactory;
private CLDRFile resolvedRoot;
private CLDRFile resolvedEnglish;
private final UnicodeSet commonAndInherited = new UnicodeSet(
private static final String[] WIDTHS = { "narrow", "wide", "abbreviated", "short" };
private static final String[] MONTHORDAYS = { "day", "month" };
private Map<String, String> localeNameCache = new HashMap<>();
private CLDRFile english = null;
private Set<String> surveyInfo = new TreeSet<>();
* TestFmwk boilerplate
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
MATCH = System.getProperty("XML_MATCH");
if (MATCH == null)
MATCH = ".*";
System.out.println("Resetting MATCH:" + MATCH);
MAIN_DIR = System.getProperty("XML_MAIN_DIR");
if (MAIN_DIR == null)
System.out.println("Resetting MAIN_DIR:" + MAIN_DIR);
SKIP_DRAFT = System.getProperty("XML_SKIP_DRAFT") != null;
if (SKIP_DRAFT) System.out.println("Skipping Draft locales");
double deltaTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
new CLDRTest().run(args);
deltaTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - deltaTime;
System.out.println("Seconds: " + deltaTime / 1000);
public void TestZZZZHack() throws IOException {
// hack to get file written at the end of run.
PrintWriter surveyFile = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY, "surveyInfo.txt");
for (String s : surveyInfo) {
* TestFmwk boilerplate
public CLDRTest() throws SAXException, IOException {
// TODO parameterize the directory and filter
cldrFactory = Factory.make(MAIN_DIR, MATCH);
// CLDRKey.main(new String[]{"-mde.*"});
locales = cldrFactory.getAvailable();
languageLocales = cldrFactory.getAvailableLanguages();
resolvedRoot = cldrFactory.make("root", true);
* PrintWriter out = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(Utility.GEN_DIRECTORY + "resolved/", "root.xml");
* CLDRFile temp = (CLDRFile) resolvedRoot.clone();
* temp.write(out);
* out.close();
resolvedEnglish = cldrFactory.make("en", true);
* Check to make sure that the currency formats are kosher.
public void TestCurrencyFormats() {
// String decimal = "//ldml/numbers/decimalFormats/decimalFormatLength/decimalFormat[@type=\"standard\"]/";
// String currency = "//ldml/numbers/currencyFormats/currencyFormatLength/currencyFormat[@type=\"standard\"]/";
for (String locale : locales) {
boolean isPOSIX = locale.indexOf("POSIX") >= 0;
logln("Testing: " + locale);
CLDRFile item = cldrFactory.make(locale, false);
for (String xpath : item) {
NumericType type = NumericType.getNumericType(xpath);
if (type == NumericType.NOT_NUMERIC) continue;
String value = item.getStringValue(xpath);
// at this point, we only have currency formats
String pattern = DisplayAndInputProcessor.getCanonicalPattern(value, type, isPOSIX);
if (!pattern.equals(value)) {
String draft = "";
if (item.getFullXPath(xpath).indexOf("[@draft=\"unconfirmed\"]") >= 0) draft = " [draft]";
assertEquals(getLocaleAndName(locale) + draft + " " + type + " pattern incorrect", pattern, value);
* Internal class
private static class ValueCount {
int count = 1;
String value;
String fullxpath;
* Verify that if all the children of a language locale do not have the same value for the same key.
public void TestCommonChildren() {
if (disableUntilLater("TestCommonChildren")) return;
Map<String, ValueCount> currentValues = new TreeMap<>();
Set<String> okValues = new TreeSet<>();
for (String parent : languageLocales) {
logln("Testing: " + parent);
Set<String> availableWithParent = cldrFactory.getAvailableWithParent(parent, true);
for (String locale : availableWithParent) {
logln("\tTesting: " + locale);
CLDRFile item = cldrFactory.make(locale, false);
// Walk through all the xpaths, adding to currentValues
// Whenever two values for the same xpath are different, we remove from currentValues, and add to
// okValues
for (String xpath : item) {
if (okValues.contains(xpath)) continue;
if (xpath.startsWith("//ldml/identity/")) continue; // skip identity elements
String v = item.getStringValue(xpath);
ValueCount last = currentValues.get(xpath);
if (last == null) {
ValueCount vc = new ValueCount();
vc.value = v;
vc.fullxpath = item.getFullXPath(xpath);
currentValues.put(xpath, vc);
} else if (v.equals(last.value)) {
} else {
// at the end, only the keys left in currentValues are (possibly) faulty
// they are actually bad IFF either
// (a) the count is equal to the total (thus all children are the same), or
// (b) their value is the same as the parent's resolved value (thus all children are the same or the
// same
// as the inherited parent value).
if (currentValues.size() == 0) continue;
int size = availableWithParent.size();
CLDRFile parentCLDR = cldrFactory.make(parent, true);
for (String xpath : currentValues.keySet()) {
ValueCount vc = currentValues.get(xpath);
if (vc.count == size || (vc.value.equals(parentCLDR.getStringValue(xpath))
&& vc.fullxpath.equals(parentCLDR.getStringValue(xpath)))) {
String draft = "";
if (vc.fullxpath.indexOf("[@draft=\"unconfirmed\"]") >= 0) draft = " [draft]";
String count = (vc.count == size ? "" : vc.count + "/") + size;
warnln(getLocaleAndName(parent) + draft +
"\tall children (" + count + ") have same value for:\t"
+ xpath + ";\t" + vc.value);
static String[] EXEMPLAR_SKIPS = { "/hourFormat", "/exemplarCharacters", "/pattern", "/localizedPatternChars" };
* Check that the exemplars include all characters in the data.
public void TestThatExemplarsContainAll() {
UnicodeSet allExemplars = new UnicodeSet();
if (disableUntilLater("TestThatExemplarsContainAll")) return;
Set<String> counts = new TreeSet<>();
int totalCount = 0;
UnicodeSet localeMissing = new UnicodeSet();
for (String locale : locales) {
if (locale.equals("root")) continue;
CLDRFile resolved = cldrFactory.make(locale, false); // FIX LATER
UnicodeSet exemplars = getFixedExemplarSet(locale, resolved);
CLDRFile plain = cldrFactory.make(locale, false);
int count = 0;
file: for (String xpath : plain) {
for (int i = 0; i < EXEMPLAR_SKIPS.length; ++i) {
if (xpath.indexOf(EXEMPLAR_SKIPS[i]) > 0) continue file; // skip some items.
String fullxpath = plain.getFullXPath(xpath);
if (fullxpath.indexOf("[@draft=\"unconfirmed\"") > 0) continue;
if (xpath.startsWith("//ldml/posix/messages")) continue;
String value = plain.getStringValue(xpath);
if (!exemplars.containsAll(value)) {
UnicodeSet missing = new UnicodeSet().addAll(value).removeAll(exemplars);
logln(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\t" + xpath + "\t<" + value + "> contains " + missing
+ ", not in exemplars");
surveyInfo.add(locale + "\t" + xpath + "\t'" + value + "' contains characters "
+ missing.toPattern(false) + ", which are not in exemplars");
NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("000");
if (count != 0) {
totalCount += count;
counts.add(nf.format(count) + "\t" + getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\t" + localeMissing);
if (localeMissing.size() != 0) {
errln(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\t uses " + localeMissing + ", not in exemplars");
for (String c : counts) {
logln("Total Count: " + totalCount);
System.out.println("All exemplars: " + allExemplars.toPattern(true));
// Get Date-Time in milliseconds
private static long getDateTimeinMillis(int year, int month, int date) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(year, month, date);
return cal.getTimeInMillis();
static final long disableDate = getDateTimeinMillis(2005, 6 - 1, 3);
private boolean disableUntilLater(String string) {
if (new Date().getTime() >= disableDate) return false;
warnln("Disabling " + string + " until " + new Date(disableDate));
return true;
* Internal
private UnicodeSet getFixedExemplarSet(String locale, CLDRFile cldrfile) {
UnicodeSet exemplars = getExemplarSet(cldrfile, "");
if (exemplars.size() == 0) {
errln(getLocaleAndName(locale) + " has empty exemplar set");
exemplars.addAll(getExemplarSet(cldrfile, "standard"));
UnicodeSet auxiliary = getExemplarSet(cldrfile, "auxiliary");
if (exemplars.containsSome(auxiliary)) {
errln(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "Auxiliary & main exemplars should be disjoint, but overlap with " +
new UnicodeSet(exemplars).retainAll(auxiliary) +
": change auxiliary to " + auxiliary.removeAll(exemplars));
return exemplars;
* @return Gets an exemplar set. Also verifies that the set contains no properties.
public UnicodeSet getExemplarSet(CLDRFile cldrfile, String type) {
if (type.length() != 0) type = "[@type=\"" + type + "\"]";
String v = cldrfile.getStringValue("//ldml/characters/exemplarCharacters" + type);
if (v == null) return new UnicodeSet();
String pattern = v;
if (pattern.indexOf("[:") >= 0 || pattern.indexOf("\\p{") > 0) {
errln(getLocaleName(cldrfile.getLocaleID()) + " exemplar pattern contains property: " + pattern);
try {
UnicodeSet result = new UnicodeSet(v, UnicodeSet.CASE);
return result;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
errln(getLocaleAndName(cldrfile.getLocaleID()) + " has illegal exemplar set: <" + v + ">");
return new UnicodeSet();
// if (type.length() != 0) System.out.println("fetched set for " + type);
public String getLocaleAndName(String locale) {
return locale + " (" + getLocaleName(locale) + ")";
* @return the ID plus its localization (for language, script, and territory IDs only)
public String getIDAndLocalization(String id) {
return id + " " + getLocalization(id);
* @return the localization (for language, script, and territory IDs only)
public String getLocalization(String id) {
if (english == null) english = cldrFactory.make("en", true);
if (id.length() == 0) return "?";
// pick on basis of case
char ch = id.charAt(0);
if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') return getName(english, "languages/language", id);
if (id.length() == 4 && 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') return getName(english, "scripts/script", id);
return getName(english, "territories/territory", id);
* Internal
private String getIDAndLocalization(Set<String> missing) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (String next : missing) {
if (buffer.length() != 0) buffer.append("; ");
return buffer.toString();
public String getLocaleName(String locale) {
String name = localeNameCache.get(locale);
if (name != null) return name;
if (english == null) english = cldrFactory.make("en", true);
String result = english.getName(locale);
* Collection c = Utility.splitList(locale, '_', false, null);
* String[] pieces = new String[c.size()];
* c.toArray(pieces);
* int i = 0;
* String result = getName(english, "languages/language", pieces[i++]);
* if (pieces[i].length() == 0) return result;
* if (pieces[i].length() == 4) {
* result += " " + getName(english, "scripts/script", pieces[i++]);
* }
* if (pieces[i].length() == 0) return result;
* result += " " + getName(english, "territories/territory", pieces[i++]);
* if (pieces[i].length() == 0) return result;
* result += " " + getName(english, "variant/variants", pieces[i++]);
localeNameCache.put(locale, result);
return result;
* Internal
private String getName(CLDRFile english, String kind, String type) {
String v = english.getStringValue("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/" + kind + "[@type=\"" + type + "\"]");
if (v == null) return "<" + type + ">";
return v;
* Make sure we are only using attribute values that are in RFC3066bis, the Olson database (with aliases removed)
* or ISO 4217
* @throws IOException
public void TestForIllegalAttributeValues() {
// check for illegal attribute values that are not in the DTD
Map<String, Set<String>> result = new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, Set<String>> totalResult = new TreeMap<>();
for (String locale : locales) {
logln("Testing: " + locale);
CLDRFile item = cldrFactory.make(locale, false);
Set<String> xpathFailures = null; // don't collect
// XPathParts parts;
// String xpath;
// CLDRFile.StringValue value;
// String element;
// Map attributes;
checkAttributeValidity(item, result, xpathFailures);
// now show
//String localeName = getLocaleAndName(locale);
for (Iterator<String> it3 = result.keySet().iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
String code =;
Set<String> avalues = result.get(code);
errln(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tillegal attribute value for " + code + ", value:\t" + show(avalues));
Set<String> totalvalues = totalResult.get(code);
if (totalvalues == null) totalResult.put(code, totalvalues = new TreeSet<>());
for (Iterator<String> it3 = totalResult.keySet().iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
String code =;
Set<String> avalues = totalResult.get(code);
errln("All illegal attribute values for " + code + ", value:\t" + show(avalues));
* Tests whether the display names have any collisions, e.g. if in the fully resolved
* locale $ is used for both USD and UAD.
public void TestDisplayNameCollisions() {
if (disableUntilLater("TestDisplayNameCollisions")) return;
Map<String, String>[] maps = new HashMap[CLDRFile.LIMIT_TYPES];
for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; ++i) {
maps[i] = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> collisions = new TreeSet<>();
for (Iterator<String> it = locales.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String locale =;
CLDRFile item = cldrFactory.make(locale, true);
for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; ++i) {
for (Iterator<String> it2 = item.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
String xpath =;
int nameType = CLDRFile.getNameType(xpath);
if (nameType < 0) continue;
String value = item.getStringValue(xpath);
String xpath2 = maps[nameType].get(value);
if (xpath2 == null) {
maps[nameType].put(value, xpath);
collisions.add(CLDRFile.getNameTypeName(nameType) + "\t" + value + "\t" + xpath + "\t" + xpath2);
surveyInfo.add(locale + "\t" + xpath + "\t'" + value + "' is a duplicate of what is in " + xpath2);
String name = getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\t";
for (Iterator<String> it2 = collisions.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
errln(name +;
* Checks the validity of attributes, based on StandardCodes.
* The invalid codes are added to badCodes, and the failing xpaths are added to xpathFailures.
* @param item
* @param badCodes
* @param xpathFailures
public static void checkAttributeValidity(CLDRFile item, Map<String, Set<String>> badCodes, Set<String> xpathFailures) {
for (Iterator<String> it2 = item.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
String xpath =;
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(item.getFullXPath(xpath));
for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) {
if (parts.getAttributeCount(i) == 0) {
String element = parts.getElement(i);
Map<String, String> attributes = parts.getAttributes(i);
for (Iterator<String> it3 = attributes.keySet().iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
String attribute =;
String avalue = attributes.get(attribute);
checkValidity(xpath, element, attribute, avalue, badCodes, xpathFailures);
* Internal
private String show(Collection<String> avalues) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("{");
boolean first = true;
for (Iterator<String> it3 = avalues.iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
if (first)
first = false;
result.append(", ");
return result.toString();
* Internal function
private static void checkValidity(String xpath, String element, String attribute, String avalue, Map<String, Set<String>> results,
Set<String> xpathsFailing) {
StandardCodes codes = StandardCodes.make();
if (attribute.equals("type")) {
boolean checkReplacements = xpath.indexOf("/identity") < 0;
if (element.equals("currency"))
checkCodes(xpath, "currency", avalue, codes, results, xpathsFailing, checkReplacements);
else if (element.equals("script"))
checkCodes(xpath, "script", avalue, codes, results, xpathsFailing, checkReplacements);
else if (element.equals("territory"))
checkCodes(xpath, "territory", avalue, codes, results, xpathsFailing, checkReplacements);
else if (element.equals("language"))
checkCodes(xpath, "language", avalue, codes, results, xpathsFailing, checkReplacements);
else if (element.equals("zone"))
checkCodes(xpath, "tzid", avalue, codes, results, xpathsFailing, checkReplacements);
* Internal function
* @param checkReplacements
private static void checkCodes(String xpath, String code, String avalue, StandardCodes codes, Map<String, Set<String>> results,
Set<String> xpathFailures, boolean checkReplacements) {
// ok if code is found AND it has no replacement
if (codes.getData(code, avalue) != null
&& (!checkReplacements || codes.getReplacement(code, avalue) == null)) return;
if (xpathFailures != null) xpathFailures.add(xpath);
if (results == null) return;
Set<String> s = results.get(code);
if (s == null) {
s = new TreeSet<>();
results.put(code, s);
* Verify that a small set of locales (currently just English) has everything translated.
* @throws IOException
public void TestCompleteLocales() {
// just test English for now
if (english == null) english = cldrFactory.make("en", true);
* Tests that the file contains codes for all main display name ids: language, script, territory, tzid, currency.
private void checkTranslatedCodes(CLDRFile cldrfile) {
StandardCodes codes = StandardCodes.make();
checkTranslatedCode(cldrfile, codes, "currency", "//ldml/numbers/currencies/currency", "/displayName");
// can't check timezones for English.
// checkTranslatedCode(cldrfile, codes, "tzid", "//ldml/dates/timeZoneNames/zone", "");
checkTranslatedCode(cldrfile, codes, "language", "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages/language", "");
checkTranslatedCode(cldrfile, codes, "script", "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/scripts/script", "");
checkTranslatedCode(cldrfile, codes, "territory", "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/territories/territory", "");
checkTranslatedCode(cldrfile, codes, "variant", "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/variants/variant", "");
private void checkTranslatedCode(CLDRFile cldrfile, StandardCodes codes, String type, String prefix, String postfix) {
Map<String, Set<String>> completionExceptions = getCompletionExceptions();
Set<String> codeItems = codes.getGoodAvailableCodes(type);
int count = 0;
Set<String> exceptions = completionExceptions.get(type);
for (String code : codeItems) {
String rfcname = codes.getData(type, code);
// if (rfcname.equals("ZZ")) continue;
if (rfcname.equals("PRIVATE USE")) continue;
String fullFragment = prefix + "[@type=\"" + code + "\"]" + postfix;
String v = cldrfile.getStringValue(fullFragment);
if (v == null) {
errln("Missing translation for:\t<" + type + " type=\"" + code + "\">" + rfcname + "</" + type + ">");
String translation = v;
if (translation.equals(code)) {
if (exceptions != null && exceptions.contains(code)) continue;
errln("Translation = code for:\t<" + type + " type=\"" + code + "\">" + rfcname + "</" + type + ">");
logln("Total " + type + ":\t" + count);
private Map<String, Set<String>> theCompletionExceptions = null;
private Map<String, Set<String>> getCompletionExceptions() {
if (theCompletionExceptions == null) {
theCompletionExceptions = new HashMap<>();
final Set<String> scriptExceptions = new HashSet<>();
theCompletionExceptions.put("script", scriptExceptions);
return theCompletionExceptions;
// <territoryContainment><group type="001" contains="002 009 019 142 150"/>
// <languageData><language type="af" scripts="Latn" territories="ZA"/>
void getSupplementalData(Map<String, Set<String>> language_scripts, Map<String, Set<String>> language_territories,
Map<String, Set<String>> group_territory,
Map<String, Set<String>> territory_currencies, Map<String, Map<String, String>> aliases) {
boolean SHOW = false;
Factory cldrFactory = Factory.make(CLDRPaths.MAIN_DIRECTORY, ".*");
CLDRFile supp = cldrFactory.make(CLDRFile.SUPPLEMENTAL_NAME, false);
for (Iterator<String> it = supp.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String path =;
try {
XPathParts parts = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(supp.getFullXPath(path));
Map<String, String> m;
String type = "";
if (aliases != null && parts.findElement("alias") >= 0) {
m = parts.findAttributes(type = "languageAlias");
if (m == null) m = parts.findAttributes(type = "territoryAlias");
if (m != null) {
Map top = aliases.get(type);
if (top == null) {
aliases.put(type, top = new TreeMap());
top.put(m.get("type"), m.get("replacement"));
if (territory_currencies != null) {
m = parts.findAttributes("region");
if (m != null) {
String region = m.get("iso3166");
Set s = territory_currencies.get(region);
if (s == null) {
territory_currencies.put(region, s = new LinkedHashSet());
m = parts.findAttributes("currency");
if (m == null) {
warnln("missing currency for region: " + path);
String currency = m.get("iso4217");
m = parts.findAttributes("alternate");
String alternate = m == null ? null : (String) m.get("iso4217");
if (alternate != null) {
m = parts.findAttributes("group");
if (m != null) {
if (group_territory == null) continue;
type = m.get("type");
String contains = m.get("contains");
group_territory.put(type, new TreeSet(CldrUtility.splitList(contains, ' ', true)));
m = parts.findAttributes("language");
if (m == null) continue;
String language = m.get("type");
String scripts = m.get("scripts");
if (scripts == null)
language_scripts.put(language, new TreeSet<String>());
else {
language_scripts.put(language, new TreeSet<>(CldrUtility.splitList(scripts, ' ', true)));
if (SHOW)
System.out.println(getIDAndLocalization(language) + "\t\t"
+ getIDAndLocalization(language_scripts.get(language)));
String territories = m.get("territories");
if (territories == null)
language_territories.put(language, new TreeSet<String>());
else {
language_territories.put(language, new TreeSet<>(CldrUtility.splitList(territories, ' ', true)));
if (SHOW)
System.out.println(getIDAndLocalization(language) + "\t\t"
+ getIDAndLocalization(language_territories.get(language)));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw (IllegalArgumentException) new IllegalArgumentException("Failure with: " + path).initCause(e);
* Verify that the minimal localizations are present.
public void TestMinimalLocalization() throws IOException {
if (disableUntilLater("TestMinimalLocalization")) return;
boolean testDraft = false;
Map<String, Set<String>> language_scripts = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Set<String>> language_territories = new HashMap<>();
getSupplementalData(language_scripts, language_territories, null, null, null);
LanguageTagParser localIDParser = new LanguageTagParser();
// see
int[] failureCount = new int[1];
int[] warningCount = new int[1];
for (Iterator<String> it = languageLocales.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String locale =;
if (locale.equals("root")) continue;
// if (!locale.equals("zh_Hant")) continue;
CLDRFile item = cldrFactory.make(locale, true);
if (!testDraft && item.isDraft()) {
logln(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tskipping draft");
UnicodeSet exemplars = getFixedExemplarSet(locale, item);
CLDRFile missing = SimpleFactory.makeFile(locale);
failureCount[0] = 0;
warningCount[0] = 0;
String language = localIDParser.getLanguage();
logln("Testing: " + locale);
// languages
Set<String> languages = new TreeSet<>(CldrUtility.MINIMUM_LANGUAGES);
checkForItems(item, languages, CLDRFile.LANGUAGE_NAME, missing, failureCount, null);
* checkTranslatedCode(cldrfile, codes, "currency", "//ldml/numbers/currencies/currency");
* checkTranslatedCode(cldrfile, codes, "tzid", "//ldml/dates/timeZoneNames/zone");
* checkTranslatedCode(cldrfile, codes, "variant", "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/variants/variant");
Set<String> scripts = new TreeSet<>();
Set<String> others = language_scripts.get(language);
if (others != null) scripts.addAll(others);
checkForItems(item, scripts, CLDRFile.SCRIPT_NAME, missing, failureCount, null);
Set<String> countries = new TreeSet<>(CldrUtility.MINIMUM_TERRITORIES);
others = language_territories.get(language);
if (others != null) countries.addAll(others);
checkForItems(item, countries, CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME, missing, failureCount, null);
Set<String> currencies = new TreeSet<>();
StandardCodes sc = StandardCodes.make();
for (Iterator<String> it2 = countries.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
String country =;
Set<String> countryCurrencies = sc.getMainCurrencies(country);
if (countryCurrencies == null) {
errln("Internal Error: no currencies for " + country + ", locale: " + locale);
} else {
checkForItems(item, currencies, CLDRFile.CURRENCY_NAME, missing, failureCount, null);
checkForItems(item, currencies, CLDRFile.CURRENCY_SYMBOL, missing, failureCount, exemplars);
// context=format and width=wide; context=stand-alone & width=abbreviated
Set<String> months = new TreeSet<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 12; ++i)
months.add(i + "");
Set<String> days = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat" }));
for (int i = -7; i < 0; ++i) {
checkForItems(item, (i < -4 ? months : days), i, missing, failureCount, null);
String filename = "missing_" + locale + ".xml";
if (failureCount[0] > 0 || warningCount[0] > 0) {
PrintWriter out = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY + "missing/", filename);
// String s = getIDAndLocalization(missing);
String message = "missing localizations, creating file"
+ getNormalizedPath(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY, "missing", filename);
if (failureCount[0] > 0)
warnln(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\t" + message);
logln(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tpossibly " + message);
} else {
new File(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY + "missing/", filename).delete();
* Internal
private String getDateKey(String monthOrDay, String width, String code) {
// String context = width.equals("narrow") ? "format" : "stand-alone";
return "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/"
+ monthOrDay + "s/" + monthOrDay + "Context[@type=\"format\"]/"
+ monthOrDay + "Width[@type=\"" + width + "\"]/" + monthOrDay
+ "[@type=\"" + code + "\"]";
* Internal
private String getDateKey(int type, String code) {
// type is 6..4 for months abbrev..narrow, 3..0 for days short..narrow
int monthOrDayType = 0, widthType = type;
if (type >= 4) {
monthOrDayType = 1;
widthType -= 4;
return getDateKey(MONTHORDAYS[monthOrDayType], WIDTHS[widthType], code);
* @param item
* @param codes
* @param missing
* @param exemplarTest
private void checkForItems(CLDRFile item, Set<String> codes, int type, CLDRFile missing, int failureCount[],
UnicodeSet exemplarTest) {
// check codes
for (Iterator<String> it2 = codes.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
String code =;
String key;
if (type >= 0) {
key = CLDRFile.getKey(type, code);
} else {
key = getDateKey(-type - 1, code);
String v = item.getStringValue(key);
String rootValue = resolvedRoot.getStringValue(key);
if (v == null || v.equals(rootValue) && (exemplarTest == null || !exemplarTest.containsAll(rootValue))) {
String englishValue = resolvedEnglish.getStringValue(key);
String transValue;
if (englishValue != null) {
transValue = englishValue;
} else {
transValue = code;
missing.add(key, "TODO " + transValue);
} else {
logln("\t" + code + "\t" + v);
* void showTestStr() {
* LocaleIDParser lparser = new LocaleIDParser();
* Collection s = split(teststr,',', true, new ArrayList());
* for (Iterator it = s.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
* String item = (String);
* lparser.set(item.replace('?', '_'));
* String region = lparser.getRegion();
* System.out.print(item.replace('?', '-') + " (" + getLocalization(region) + "), ");
* //System.out.print(getLocalization(region) + ", ");
* }
* }
* static String teststr =
* "en?AG, en?AI, en?AS, en?AU, en?IN, en?BB, en?BE, en?BM, en?BN, en?BS, en?BW, en?BZ, en?CA, en?CK, en?CM, en?DM, en?ER, en?ET, en?FJ, en?FK, en?FM, en?GB, en?GD, en?GH, en?GI, en?GM, en?GU, en?GY, en?HK, en?IE, en?IL, en?IO, en?JM, en?KE, en?KI, en?KN, en?KY, en?LC, en?LR, en?LS, en?MH, en?MP, en?MS, en?MT, en?MU, en?MW, en?NA, en?NF, en?NG, en?NR, en?NU, en?NZ, en?PG, en?PH, en?PK, en?PN, en?PR, en?PW, en?RW, en?SB, en?SC, en?SG, en?SH, en?SL, en?SO, en?SZ, en?TC, en?TK, en?TO, en?TT, en?UG, en?UM, en?US, en?VC, en?VG, en?VI, en?VU, en?WS, en?ZA, en?ZM, en?ZW"
* ;
CldrUtility.CollectionTransform EnglishName = new CldrUtility.CollectionTransform() {
public Object transform(Object source) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return getLocalization(source.toString()) + " (" + source + ")";
CldrUtility.CollectionTransform EnglishCurrencyName = new CldrUtility.CollectionTransform() {
public Object transform(Object source) {
if (english == null) english = cldrFactory.make("en", true);
return english.getName("currency", source.toString()) + " (" + source + ")";
* Tests that the supplemental data is well-formed.
public void TestSupplementalData() {
Map<String, Set<String>> language_scripts = new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, Set<String>> language_territories = new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, Set<String>> groups = new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, Set<String>> territory_currencies = new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> aliases = new TreeMap<>();
getSupplementalData(language_scripts, language_territories, groups, territory_currencies, aliases);
Set<String> sTerritories = new TreeSet<>();
for (Iterator<Set<String>> it = language_territories.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
StandardCodes sc = StandardCodes.make();
Set<String> fullTerritories = sc.getAvailableCodes("territory");
Set<String> fullLanguages = sc.getAvailableCodes("language");
Set<String> allLanguages = new TreeSet<>(language_scripts.keySet());
for (Iterator<String> it = allLanguages.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Object language =;
Set<String> scripts = language_scripts.get(language);
Set<String> territories = language_territories.get(language);
+ " scripts: " + EnglishName.transform(scripts)
+ " territories: " + EnglishName.transform(territories));
Map<String, String> changedLanguage = new TreeMap<>();
for (Iterator<String> it = fullLanguages.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String code =;
List<String> data = sc.getFullData("language", code);
if (data.size() < 3) {
System.out.println("data problem: " + data);
String replacement = data.get(2);
if (!replacement.equals("")) {
if (!replacement.equals("--")) changedLanguage.put(code, replacement);
// remove private use, deprecated, groups
Set<String> standardTerritories = new TreeSet<>();
Map<String, String> changedTerritory = new TreeMap<>();
for (Iterator<String> it = fullTerritories.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String code =;
if (code.equals("200")) continue; // || code.equals("YU") || code.equals("PZ")
List<String> data = sc.getFullData("territory", code);
if (data.get(0).equals("PRIVATE USE")) continue;
if (!data.get(2).equals("")) {
if (!data.get(2).equals("--")) changedTerritory.put(code, data.get(2));
if (!standardTerritories.containsAll(sTerritories)) {
TreeSet<String> extras = new TreeSet<>(sTerritories);
errln("Supplemental Language Territories contain illegal values: " + EnglishName.transform(extras));
if (!sTerritories.containsAll(standardTerritories)) {
TreeSet<String> extras = new TreeSet<>(standardTerritories);
warnln("Missing Language Territories: " + EnglishName.transform(extras));
// now test currencies
logln("Check that no illegal territories are used");
if (!standardTerritories.containsAll(territory_currencies.keySet())) {
TreeSet<String> extras = new TreeSet<>(territory_currencies.keySet());
if (extras.size() != 0) errln("Currency info -- Illegal Territories: " + EnglishName.transform(extras));
extras = new TreeSet<>(territory_currencies.keySet());
if (extras.size() != 0) warnln("Currency info -- Archaic Territories: " + EnglishName.transform(extras));
logln("Check that no territories are missing");
if (!territory_currencies.keySet().containsAll(standardTerritories)) {
TreeSet<String> extras = new TreeSet<>(standardTerritories);
errln("Currency info -- Missing Territories: " + EnglishName.transform(extras));
Set<String> currencies = new TreeSet<>();
for (Iterator<Set<String>> it = territory_currencies.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
logln("Check that no illegal currencies are used");
Set<String> legalCurrencies = new TreeSet<>(sc.getAvailableCodes("currency"));
// first remove non-ISO
for (Iterator<String> it = legalCurrencies.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String code =;
List<String> data = sc.getFullData("currency", code);
if ("X".equals(data.get(3))) it.remove();
if (!legalCurrencies.containsAll(currencies)) {
TreeSet<String> extras = new TreeSet<>(currencies);
errln("Currency info -- Illegal Currencies: " + EnglishCurrencyName.transform(extras));
logln("Check that there are no missing currencies");
if (!currencies.containsAll(legalCurrencies)) {
TreeSet<String> extras = new TreeSet<>(legalCurrencies);
Map<String, Set<String>> failures = new TreeMap<>();
for (Iterator<String> it = extras.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String code =;
List<String> data = sc.getFullData("currency", code);
if (data.get(1).equals("ZZ")) continue;
String type = data.get(3) + "/" + data.get(1);
Set<String> s = failures.get(type);
if (s == null) failures.put(type, s = new TreeSet<>());
for (Iterator<String> it = failures.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String type =;
Set<String> s = failures.get(type);
warnln("Currency info -- Missing Currencies: " + type + "\t \u2192 " + EnglishCurrencyName.transform(s));
logln("Missing English currency names");
for (Iterator<String> it = legalCurrencies.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String currency =;
String name = english.getName("currency", currency);
if (name == null) {
String standardName = sc.getFullData("currency", currency).get(0);
logln("\t\t\t<currency type=\"" + currency + "\">");
logln("\t\t\t\t<displayName>" + standardName + "</displayName>");
logln("Check Aliases");
for (Iterator<String> it = aliases.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
// the first part of the mapping had better not be in the standardTerritories
String key =;
Map<String, String> submap = aliases.get(key);
if (key.equals("territoryAlias")) {
checkEqual(key, submap, changedTerritory);
} else if (key.equals("languageAlias")) {
for (Iterator<String> it2 = submap.keySet().iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
String k =;
String value = submap.get(k);
if (value.indexOf("_") >= 0) it2.remove();
checkEqual(key, submap, changedLanguage);
private void checkEqual(String title, Map map1, Map map2) {
Set foo = new TreeSet(map1.keySet());
if (!foo.isEmpty()) errln("Extraneous Aliases: " + title + "\t" + foo);
foo = new TreeSet(map2.keySet());
if (!foo.isEmpty()) errln("Missing Aliases: " + title + "\t" + foo);
foo = map2.keySet();
for (Iterator it = foo.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Object key =;
Object result1 = map1.get(key);
Object result2 = map2.get(key);
if (!result1.equals(result2))
errln("Missing Aliases: " + title + "\t" + key + "\t" + result1 + " != " + result2);
* Test that the zone ids are well-formed.
public void TestZones() {
StandardCodes sc = StandardCodes.make();
Map<String, String> defaultNames = new TreeMap();
Map<String, String> old_new = sc.getZoneLinkold_new();
Set<String> core = sc.getZoneData().keySet();
logln("Checking for collisions with last field");
for (Iterator<String> it = core.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String currentItem =;
String defaultName = TimezoneFormatter.getFallbackName(currentItem);
String fullName = defaultNames.get(defaultName);
if (fullName == null)
defaultNames.put(defaultName, currentItem);
else {
errln("Collision between: " + currentItem + " AND " + fullName);
logln("Checking that all links are TO canonical zones");
Set<String> s = new TreeSet<>(old_new.values());
if (s.size() != 0) {
errln("Links go TO zones that are not canonical! " + s);
logln("Checking that no links are FROM canonical zones");
s = new TreeSet<>(core);
if (s.size() != 0) {
errln("Links go FROM zones that are canonical! " + s);
logln("Checking that the zones with rule data are all canonical");
Set<String> zonesWithRules = sc.getZone_rules().keySet();
if (s.size() != 0) logln("Zones with rules that are not canonical: " + s);
logln("Checking that the rule data are all canonical");
if (s.size() != 0) logln("Canonical zones that don't have rules or links: " + s);
for (Iterator<String> it = old_new.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String oldItem =;
logln("old: " + oldItem + "\tnew: " + old_new.get(oldItem));
Map<String, Set<String>> new_old = new TreeMap<>();
for (Iterator<String> it = core.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
new_old.put(, new TreeSet<String>());
for (Iterator<String> it = old_new.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String oldItem =;
String newItem = old_new.get(oldItem);
Set<String> oldItems = new_old.get(newItem);
if (oldItems == null) { // try recursing
logln("!!!!Skipping " + oldItem + " \u2192 " + newItem);
// new_old.put(oldOne, oldItems = new TreeSet());
for (Iterator<String> it = new_old.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String newOne =;
Set<String> oldItems = new_old.get(newOne);
logln(newOne + "\t" + oldItems);
public void TestNarrowForms() {
if (disableUntilLater("TestMinimalLocalization")) return;
for (Iterator<String> it = locales.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String locale =;
logln("Testing: " + getLocaleAndName(locale));
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getCharacterInstance(new ULocale(locale));
CLDRFile item = cldrFactory.make(locale, false);
// Walk through all the xpaths, adding to currentValues
// Whenever two values for the same xpath are different, we remove from currentValues, and add to okValues
for (Iterator<String> it2 = item.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
String xpath =;
if (xpath.indexOf("[@type=\"narrow\"]") >= 0) {
String value = item.getStringValue(xpath);
// logln("\tTesting: " + value + "\t path: " + xpath);
int end = getXGraphemeClusterBoundary(bi, value, 0);
if (end == value.length()) continue;
errln(getLocaleAndName(locale) + "\tillegal narrow value " + value + "\t path: " + xpath);
surveyInfo.add(locale + "\t" + xpath + "\t'" + value + "' is too wide for a \"narrow\" value.");
static final UnicodeSet XGRAPHEME = new UnicodeSet("[[:mark:][:grapheme_extend:]]");
static final UnicodeSet DIGIT = new UnicodeSet("[:decimal_number:]");
private int getXGraphemeClusterBoundary(BreakIterator bi, String value, int start) {
if (value.length() <= 1) return 1;
if (start != 0) bi.preceding(start + 1); // backup one
int current =;
// link any digits
if (DIGIT.contains(UTF16.charAt(value, current - 1))) {
current = DIGIT.findIn(value, current, true);
// continue collecting any additional characters that are M or grapheme extend
return XGRAPHEME.findIn(value, current, true);