blob: 0594cd8c2434f77257e4ec142dd40a572d8b7825 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.json;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities;
import org.unicode.cldr.draft.ScriptMetadata;
import org.unicode.cldr.draft.ScriptMetadata.Info;
import org.unicode.cldr.tool.Option.Options;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Annotations;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.DraftStatus;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRLocale;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRTool;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRURLS;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CoverageInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdData;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdType;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.FileCopier;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Level;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.LocaleIDParser;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Pair;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Timer;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
* Utility methods to extract data from CLDR repository and export it in JSON
* format.
* @author shanjian / emmons
@CLDRTool(alias = "ldml2json", description = "Convert CLDR data to JSON")
public class Ldml2JsonConverter {
private static final String CLDR_PKG_PREFIX = "cldr-";
private static final String FULL_TIER_SUFFIX = "-full";
private static final String MODERN_TIER_SUFFIX = "-modern";
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Ldml2JsonConverter.class.getName());
enum RunType {
supplemental(false, false), // aka 'core'
segments, rbnf(false, true), annotations, annotationsDerived, bcp47(false, false);
private final boolean isTiered;
private final boolean hasLocales;
RunType() {
this.isTiered = true;
this.hasLocales = true;
RunType(boolean isTiered, boolean hasLocales) {
this.isTiered = isTiered;
this.hasLocales = hasLocales;
* Is it split into modern/full?
* @return
public boolean tiered() {
return isTiered;
* Does it have locale IDs?
* @return
public boolean locales() {
return hasLocales;
* return the options as a pipe-delimited list
* @return
public static String valueList() {
return String.join("|", Lists.newArrayList(
.map(t ->
private static final StandardCodes sc = StandardCodes.make();
private Set<String> defaultContentLocales = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance().getDefaultContentLocales();
private Set<String> skippedDefaultContentLocales = new TreeSet<>();
private class AvailableLocales {
Set<String> modern = new TreeSet<>();
Set<String> full = new TreeSet<>();
private AvailableLocales avl = new AvailableLocales();
private Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
private static final Options options = new Options(
"Usage: LDML2JsonConverter [OPTIONS] [FILES]\n" +
"This program converts CLDR data to the JSON format.\n" +
"Please refer to the following options. \n" +
"\texample: org.unicode.cldr.json.Ldml2JsonConverter -c xxx -d yyy")
.add("bcp47", 'B', "(true|false)", "true",
"Whether to strictly use BCP47 tags in filenames and data. Defaults to true.")
.add("bcp47-no-subtags", 'T', "(true|false)", "true",
"In BCP47 mode, ignore locales with subtags such as en-US-u-va-posix. Defaults to true.")
.add("commondir", 'c', ".*", CLDRPaths.COMMON_DIRECTORY,
"Common directory for CLDR files, defaults to CldrUtility.COMMON_DIRECTORY")
.add("destdir", 'd', ".*", CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY,
"Destination directory for output files, defaults to CldrUtility.GEN_DIRECTORY")
.add("match", 'm', ".*", ".*",
"Regular expression to define only specific locales or files to be generated")
.add("type", 't', "("+RunType.valueList()+")", "all",
"Type of CLDR data being generated, such as main, supplemental, or segments. All gets all.")
.add("resolved", 'r', "(true|false)", "false",
"Whether the output JSON for the main directory should be based on resolved or unresolved data")
.add("draftstatus", 's', "(approved|contributed|provisional|unconfirmed)", "unconfirmed",
"The minimum draft status of the output data")
.add("coverage", 'l', "(minimal|basic|moderate|modern|comprehensive|optional)", "optional",
"The maximum coverage level of the output data")
.add("packagelist", 'P', "(true|false)", "true",
"Whether to output and cldr-core/cldr-packages.json (during supplemental/cldr-core)")
.add("fullnumbers", 'n', "(true|false)", "false",
"Whether the output JSON should output data for all numbering systems, even those not used in the locale")
.add("other", 'o', "(true|false)", "false",
"Whether to write out the 'other' section, which contains any unmatched paths")
.add("packages", 'p', "(true|false)", "false",
"Whether to group data files into installable packages")
.add("identity", 'i', "(true|false)", "true",
"Whether to copy the identity info into all sections containing data")
.add("konfig", 'k', ".*", null, "LDML to JSON configuration file")
.add("pkgversion", 'V', ".*", getDefaultVersion(), "Version to be used in writing package files");
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
options.parse(args, true);
Timer overallTimer = new Timer();
final String rawType = options.get("type").getValue();
if ( {
for(final RunType t : RunType.values()) {
if (t == RunType.all) continue;
System.out.println("####################### " + t + " #######################");
Timer subTimer = new Timer();
System.out.println(t + "\tFinished in " + subTimer.toMeasureString());
} else {
System.out.println("\n\n###\n\nFinished everything in " + overallTimer.toMeasureString());
static void processType(final String runType) throws Exception {
Ldml2JsonConverter l2jc = new Ldml2JsonConverter(
DraftStatus status = DraftStatus.valueOf(options.get("draftstatus").getValue());
l2jc.processDirectory(runType, status);
// The CLDR file directory where those official XML files will be found.
private String cldrCommonDir;
// Where the generated JSON files will be stored.
private String outputDir;
// Whether data in main should output all numbering systems, even those not in use in the locale.
private boolean fullNumbers;
// Whether data in main should be resolved for output.
private boolean resolve;
// Used to match specific locales for output
private String match;
// Used to filter based on coverage
private int coverageValue;
// Whether we should write output files into installable packages
private boolean writePackages;
// Type of run for this converter: main, supplemental, or segments
final private RunType type;
static class JSONSection implements Comparable<JSONSection> {
public String section;
public Pattern pattern;
public String packageName;
public int compareTo(JSONSection other) {
return section.compareTo(other.section);
private Map<String, String> dependencies;
private List<JSONSection> sections;
private Set<String> packages;
final private String pkgVersion;
final private boolean strictBcp47;
final private boolean skipBcp47LocalesWithSubtags;
private LdmlConfigFileReader configFileReader;
public Ldml2JsonConverter(String cldrDir, String outputDir, String runType, boolean fullNumbers, boolean resolve, String coverage, String match,
boolean writePackages, String configFile, String pkgVersion,
boolean strictBcp47, boolean skipBcp47LocalesWithSubtags) {
this.strictBcp47 = strictBcp47;
this.skipBcp47LocalesWithSubtags = strictBcp47 && skipBcp47LocalesWithSubtags;
this.cldrCommonDir = cldrDir;
this.outputDir = outputDir;
try {
this.type = RunType.valueOf(runType);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | NullPointerException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("runType (-t) invalid: " + runType + " must be one of " + RunType.valueList(),
this.fullNumbers = fullNumbers;
this.resolve = resolve;
this.match = match;
this.writePackages = writePackages;
this.coverageValue = Level.get(coverage).getLevel();
this.pkgVersion = pkgVersion;
configFileReader = new LdmlConfigFileReader();, type);
this.dependencies = configFileReader.getDependencies();
this.sections = configFileReader.getSections();
this.packages = new TreeSet<>();
* @see XPathParts#addInternal
static final Pattern ANNOTATION_CP_REMAP = PatternCache.get("^(.*)\\[@cp=\"(\\[|\\]|'|\"|@|/|=)\"\\](.*)$");
* Transform the path by applying PATH_TRANSFORMATIONS rules.
* @param pathStr
* The path string being transformed.
* @return The transformed path.
private String transformPath(final String pathStr, final String pathPrefix) {
String result = pathStr;
// handle annotation cp value
Matcher cpm = ANNOTATION_CP_REMAP.matcher(result);
if (cpm.matches()) {
// We need to avoid breaking the syntax not just of JSON, but of XPATH.
final String badCodepointRange =;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
// JSON would handle a wide range of things if escaped, but XPATH will not.
if (badCodepointRange.codePointCount(0, badCodepointRange.length()) != 1) {
// forbid more than one U+ (because we will have to unescape it.)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need exactly one codepoint in the @cp string, but got " + badCodepointRange + " in xpath " + pathStr);
badCodepointRange.codePoints().forEach(cp -> sb.append("U+").append(Integer.toHexString(cp).toUpperCase()));
result = sb.toString();
logger.finest(" IN pathStr : " + result);
result = LdmlConvertRules.PathTransformSpec.applyAll(result);
result = result.replaceFirst("/ldml/", pathPrefix);
result = result.replaceFirst("/supplementalData/", pathPrefix);
if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/references/reference")) {
// no change
} else if (strictBcp47) {
// Look for something like <!--@MATCH:set/validity/locale--> in DTD
if (result.contains("localeDisplayNames/languages/language")) {
if (result.contains("type=\"root\"")) {
// This is strictBcp47
// Drop translation for 'root' as it conflicts with 'und'
return ""; // 'drop this path'
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "language", "type");
} else if (result.contains("likelySubtags/likelySubtag")) {
if (!result.contains("\"iw\"") &&
!result.contains("\"in\"") &&
!result.contains("\"ji\"")) {
// Special case: preserve 'iw' and 'in' likely subtags
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "likelySubtag", "from", "to");
} else {
result = underscoreToHypen(result);
logger.warning("Including aliased likelySubtags: " + result);
} else if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/weekData/weekOfPreference")) {
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "weekOfPreference", "locales");
} else if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/metadata/defaultContent")) {
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "defaultContent", "locales");
} else if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/grammatical") && result.contains("Data/grammaticalFeatures")) {
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "grammaticalFeatures", "locales");
} else if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/grammatical") && result.contains("Data/grammaticalDerivations")) {
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "grammaticalDerivations", "locales");
} else if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/dayPeriodRuleSet")) {
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "dayPeriodRules", "locales");
} else if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/plurals")) {
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "pluralRules", "locales");
} else if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/timeData/hours")) {
result = fixXpathBcp47MishMash(result, "hours", "regions");
} else if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/parentLocales/parentLocale")) {
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "parentLocale", "parent", "locales");
} else if (result.startsWith("//cldr/supplemental/territoryInfo/territory/languagePopulation")) {
result = fixXpathBcp47(result, "languagePopulation", "type");
} else if (result.contains("languages") ||
result.contains("languageAlias") ||
result.contains("languageMatches") ||
result.contains("likelySubtags") ||
result.contains("parentLocale") ||
result.contains("locales=")) {
final String oldResult = result;
result = underscoreToHypen(result);
if (!oldResult.equals(result)) {
logger.fine(oldResult + " => " + result);
} else if (result.contains("languages") ||
result.contains("languageAlias") ||
result.contains("languageMatches") ||
result.contains("likelySubtags") ||
result.contains("parentLocale") ||
result.contains("locales=")) {
// old behavior: just munge paths..
result = underscoreToHypen(result);
logger.finest("OUT pathStr : " + result);
logger.finest("result: " + result);
return result;
private Map<JSONSection, List<CldrItem>> mapPathsToSections(AtomicInteger readCount, int totalCount,
CLDRFile file, String pathPrefix, SupplementalDataInfo sdi)
throws IOException, ParseException {
final Map<JSONSection, List<CldrItem>> sectionItems = new TreeMap<>();
String locID = file.getLocaleID();
Matcher noNumberingSystemMatcher = LdmlConvertRules.NO_NUMBERING_SYSTEM_PATTERN.matcher("");
Matcher numberingSystemMatcher = LdmlConvertRules.NUMBERING_SYSTEM_PATTERN.matcher("");
Matcher rootIdentityMatcher = LdmlConvertRules.ROOT_IDENTITY_PATTERN.matcher("");
Set<String> activeNumberingSystems = new TreeSet<>();
activeNumberingSystems.add("latn"); // Always include latin script numbers
for (String np : LdmlConvertRules.ACTIVE_NUMBERING_SYSTEM_XPATHS) {
String ns = file.getWinningValue(np);
if (ns != null && ns.length() > 0) {
final DtdType fileDtdType = file.getDtdType();
CoverageInfo covInfo = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getCoverageInfo();
for (Iterator<String> it = file.iterator("", DtdData.getInstance(fileDtdType).getDtdComparator(null)); it.hasNext();) {
int cv = Level.UNDETERMINED.getLevel();
final String path =;
String fullPath = file.getFullXPath(path);
String value = file.getWinningValue(path);
* TODO: check whether this next block is superfluous, and remove it if so
* Reference:
if (path.startsWith("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages") &&
file.getSourceLocaleID(path, null).equals("code-fallback")) {
value = file.getBaileyValue(path, null, null);
if (fullPath == null) {
fullPath = path;
if (!CLDRFile.isSupplementalName(locID) && path.startsWith("//ldml/") && !path.contains("/identity")) {
cv = covInfo.getCoverageValue(path, locID);
if (cv > coverageValue) {
// Discard root identity element unless the locale is root
if (rootIdentityMatcher.matches() && !"root".equals(locID)) {
// automatically filter out number symbols and formats without a numbering system
if (noNumberingSystemMatcher.matches()) {
// Filter out non-active numbering systems data unless fullNumbers is specified.
if (numberingSystemMatcher.matches() && !fullNumbers) {
XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullPath);
String currentNS = xpp.getAttributeValue(2, "numberSystem");
if (currentNS != null && !activeNumberingSystems.contains(currentNS)) {
// Handle the no inheritance marker.
if (resolve && CldrUtility.NO_INHERITANCE_MARKER.equals(value)) {
// discard draft before transforming
final String pathNoDraft = CLDRFile.DRAFT_PATTERN.matcher(path).replaceAll("");
final String fullPathNoDraft = CLDRFile.DRAFT_PATTERN.matcher(fullPath).replaceAll("");
final String pathNoXmlSpace = CLDRFile.XML_SPACE_PATTERN.matcher(pathNoDraft).replaceAll("");
final String fullPathNoXmlSpace = CLDRFile.XML_SPACE_PATTERN.matcher(fullPathNoDraft).replaceAll("");
final String transformedPath = transformPath(pathNoXmlSpace, pathPrefix);
final String transformedFullPath = transformPath(fullPathNoXmlSpace, pathPrefix);
if (transformedPath.isEmpty()) {
continue; // skip this path
for (JSONSection js : sections) {
if (js.pattern.matcher(transformedPath).matches()) {
CldrItem item = new CldrItem(transformedPath, transformedFullPath, path, fullPath, value);
List<CldrItem> cldrItems = sectionItems.get(js);
if (cldrItems == null) {
cldrItems = new ArrayList<>();
sectionItems.put(js, cldrItems);
Matcher versionInfoMatcher = PatternCache.get(".*/(identity|version).*").matcher("");
// Automatically copy the version info to any sections that had real data in them.
JSONSection otherSection = sections.get(sections.size() - 1);
List<CldrItem> others = sectionItems.get(otherSection);
if (others == null) {
return sectionItems;
List<CldrItem> otherSectionItems = new ArrayList<>(others);
int addedItemCount = 0;
boolean copyIdentityInfo = Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get("identity").getValue());
for (CldrItem item : otherSectionItems) {
String thisPath = item.getPath();
if (versionInfoMatcher.matches()) {
for (JSONSection js : sections) {
if (sectionItems.get(js) != null && !js.section.equals("other") && copyIdentityInfo) {
List<CldrItem> hit = sectionItems.get(js);
hit.add(addedItemCount, item);
sectionItems.put(js, hit);
if (js.section.equals("other")) {
List<CldrItem> hit = sectionItems.get(js);
sectionItems.put(js, hit);
return sectionItems;
final static Pattern HAS_SUBTAG = PatternCache.get(".*-[a-z]-.*");
* Convert CLDR's XML data to JSON format.
* @param file
* CLDRFile object.
* @param outFilename
* The file name used to save JSON data.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
* @return total items written in all files. (if 0, file had no effect)
private int convertCldrItems(AtomicInteger readCount, int totalCount,
String dirName, String filename, String pathPrefix,
final Map<JSONSection, List<CldrItem>> sectionItems)
throws IOException, ParseException {
// zone and timezone items are queued for sorting first before they are
// processed.
final String filenameAsLangTag = unicodeLocaleToString(filename);
if (skipBcp47LocalesWithSubtags &&
type.locales() &&
HAS_SUBTAG.matcher(filenameAsLangTag).matches()) {
// Has a subtag, so skip it.
// It will show up in the "no output" list.
return 0;
int totalItemsInFile = 0;
List<Pair<String,Integer>> outputProgress = new LinkedList<>();
for (JSONSection js : sections) {
if (js.section.equals("IGNORE")) {
String outFilename;
if (type == RunType.rbnf) {
outFilename = filenameAsLangTag + ".json";
} else if (type == RunType.bcp47) {
outFilename = filename + ".json";
} else if(js.section.equals("other")) {
// If you see other-___.json, it means items that were missing from JSON_config_*.txt
outFilename = js.section + "-" + filename + ".json"; // Use original filename
} else {
outFilename = js.section + ".json";
String tier = "";
boolean writeOther = Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get("other").getValue());
if (js.section.equals("other") && !writeOther) {
} else {
StringBuilder outputDirname = new StringBuilder(outputDir);
if (writePackages) {
if (type.tiered()) {
LocaleIDParser lp = new LocaleIDParser();
if (defaultContentLocales.contains(filename) &&
lp.getRegion().length() > 0) {
if (type == RunType.main) {
final boolean isModernTier = localeIsModernTier(filename);
if (isModernTier) {
if (type == RunType.main) {
} else {
if (type == RunType.main) {
} else if (type == RunType.rbnf) {
js.packageName = "rbnf";
tier = "";
} else if (type == RunType.bcp47) {
js.packageName = "bcp47";
tier = "";
if (js.packageName != null) {
String packageName = CLDR_PKG_PREFIX + js.packageName + tier;
outputDirname.append("/" + packageName);
outputDirname.append("/" + dirName + "/");
if (type.tiered()) {
logger.fine("outDir: " + outputDirname);
logger.fine("pack: " + js.packageName);
logger.fine("dir: " + dirName);
} else {
outputDirname.append("/" + filename);
assert(tier.isEmpty() == !type.tiered());
List<String> outputDirs = new ArrayList<>();
if (writePackages && tier.equals(MODERN_TIER_SUFFIX) && js.packageName != null) {
// if it is in 'modern', add it to 'full' also.
outputDirs.add(outputDirname.toString().replaceFirst(MODERN_TIER_SUFFIX, FULL_TIER_SUFFIX));
// Also need to make sure that the full package is added
packages.add(CLDR_PKG_PREFIX + js.packageName + FULL_TIER_SUFFIX);
for (String outputDir : outputDirs) {
List<CldrItem> theItems = sectionItems.get(js);
if (theItems == null || theItems.size() == 0) {
logger.fine(() -> ">" + progressPrefix(readCount, totalCount) +
outputDir + " - no items to write in " + js.section); // mostly noise
logger.fine(() -> ("?" + progressPrefix(readCount, totalCount, filename, js.section) +
" - " + theItems.size() + " item(s)" + "\r"));
// Create the output dir if it doesn't exist
File dir = new File(outputDir.toString());
if (!dir.exists()) {
JsonObject out = new JsonObject(); // root object for writing
ArrayList<CldrItem> sortingItems = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<CldrItem> arrayItems = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesForLastItem = new ArrayList<>();
String lastLeadingArrayItemPath = null;
String leadingArrayItemPath = "";
int valueCount = 0;
String previousIdentityPath = null;
for (CldrItem item : theItems) {
if (item.getPath().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty xpath in " + filename + " section " + js.packageName + "/" + js.section);
if (type == RunType.rbnf) {
// items in the identity section of a file should only ever contain the lowest level, even if using
// resolving source, so if we have duplicates ( caused by attributes used as a value ) then suppress
// them here.
if (item.getPath().contains("/identity/")) {
String[] parts = item.getPath().split("\\[");
if (parts[0].equals(previousIdentityPath)) {
} else {
XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(item.getPath());
String territory = xpp.findAttributeValue("territory", "type");
LocaleIDParser lp = new LocaleIDParser().set(filename);
if (territory != null && territory.length() > 0 && !territory.equals(lp.getRegion())) {
previousIdentityPath = parts[0];
// some items need to be split to multiple item before processing. None
// of those items need to be sorted.
// Applies to SPLITTABLE_ATTRS attributes.
CldrItem[] items = item.split();
if (items == null) {
// Nothing to split. Make it a 1-element array.
items = new CldrItem[1];
items[0] = item;
valueCount += items.length;
// Hard code this part.
if (item.getUntransformedPath().contains("unitPreference")) {
// Need to do more transforms on this one, so just output version/etc here.
for (CldrItem newItem : items) {
// alias will be dropped in conversion, don't count it.
if (newItem.isAliasItem()) {
// Items like zone items need to be sorted first before write them out.
if (newItem.needsSort()) {
resolveArrayItems(out, nodesForLastItem, arrayItems);
} else {
Matcher matcher = LdmlConvertRules.ARRAY_ITEM_PATTERN.matcher(
if (matcher.matches()) {
resolveSortingItems(out, nodesForLastItem, sortingItems);
leadingArrayItemPath =;
if (lastLeadingArrayItemPath != null &&
!lastLeadingArrayItemPath.equals(leadingArrayItemPath)) {
resolveArrayItems(out, nodesForLastItem, arrayItems);
lastLeadingArrayItemPath = leadingArrayItemPath;
} else {
// output a single item
resolveSortingItems(out, nodesForLastItem, sortingItems);
resolveArrayItems(out, nodesForLastItem, arrayItems);
outputCldrItem(out, nodesForLastItem, newItem);
lastLeadingArrayItemPath = "";
resolveSortingItems(out, nodesForLastItem, sortingItems);
resolveArrayItems(out, nodesForLastItem, arrayItems);
if (js.section.contains("unitPreferenceData")) {
outputUnitPreferenceData(js, theItems, out, nodesForLastItem);
// closeNodes(out, nodesForLastItem.size() - 2, 0);
// write JSON
try (PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir, outFilename)) {
String outPath = new File(outputDir.substring(this.outputDir.length()), outFilename).getPath();
outputProgress.add(Pair.of(js.section+' '+outPath, valueCount));
logger.fine(">" + progressPrefix(readCount, totalCount, filename, js.section) + String.format("…%s (%d values)",
outPath, valueCount));
totalItemsInFile += valueCount;
} // this is the only normal output with debug off
StringBuilder outStr = new StringBuilder();
if(!outputProgress.isEmpty()) {
// Put these first, so the percent is at the end.
for(final Pair<String, Integer> outputItem : outputProgress) {
outStr.append(String.format("\t- %s (%d)\n", outputItem.getFirst(), outputItem.getSecond()));
outStr.append(String.format("%s%s (%d values in %d sections)\n",
progressPrefix(readCount, totalCount), filename,
totalItemsInFile, outputProgress.size()));
} else {
outStr.append(String.format("%s%s (no items output)\n", progressPrefix(readCount, totalCount), filename));
synchronized(readCount) { // to prevent interleaved output
return totalItemsInFile;
private boolean localeIsModernTier(String filename) {
boolean isModernTier;
final Level localeCoverageLevel = sc.getHighestLocaleCoverageLevel("Cldr", filename);
isModernTier = (localeCoverageLevel.getLevel() >= Level.MODERN.getLevel()) || filename.equals("root") || filename.equals("und");
return isModernTier;
* Entire xpaths and random short strings are passed through this function.
* Not really Locale ID to Language Tag.
* @param filename
* @return
private String underscoreToHypen(String filename) {
return filename.replaceAll("_", "-");
* Bottleneck for converting Unicode Locale ID (root, ca_ES_VALENCIA)
* to String for filename or data item.
* If strictBcp47 is true (default) then it will convert to (und, ca-ES-valencia)
* @param locale
* @return
private final String unicodeLocaleToString(String locale) {
if(strictBcp47) {
return CLDRLocale.toLanguageTag(locale);
} else {
return underscoreToHypen(locale);
Pattern IS_REGION_CODE = PatternCache.get("([A-Z][A-Z])|([0-9][0-9][0-9])");
* Bottleneck for converting Unicode Locale ID (root, ca_ES_VALENCIA)
* to String for filename or data item.
* If strictBcp47 is true (default) then it will convert to (und, ca-ES-valencia)
* Differs from unicodeLocaleToString in that it will preserve all uppercase
* region ids
* @param locale
* @return
private final String unicodeLocaleMishMashToString(String locale) {
if(strictBcp47) {
if (IS_REGION_CODE.matcher(locale).matches()) {
return locale;
} else {
return CLDRLocale.toLanguageTag(locale);
} else {
return underscoreToHypen(locale);
* Fixup a path to be BCP47 compliant
* @param path XPath (usually ends in elementName, but not necessarily)
* @param elementName element to fixup
* @param attributeNames list of attributes to fix
* @return new path
final String fixXpathBcp47(final String path, String elementName, String... attributeNames) {
final XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path).cloneAsThawed();
for(final String attributeName : attributeNames) {
final String oldValue = xpp.findAttributeValue(elementName, attributeName);
if (oldValue == null) continue;
final String oldValues[] = oldValue.split(" ");
String newValue =
.map((String s) -> unicodeLocaleToString(s))
.collect(Collectors.joining(" "));
if (!oldValue.equals(newValue)) {
xpp.setAttribute(elementName, attributeName, newValue);
logger.finest(attributeName + " = " + oldValue + " -> " + newValue);
return xpp.toString();
* Fixup a path to be BCP47 compliant
* …but support a mishmash of regions and locale ids CLDR-15069
* @param path XPath (usually ends in elementName, but not necessarily)
* @param elementName element to fixup
* @param attributeNames list of attributes to fix
* @return new path
final String fixXpathBcp47MishMash(final String path, String elementName, String... attributeNames) {
final XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path).cloneAsThawed();
for(final String attributeName : attributeNames) {
final String oldValue = xpp.findAttributeValue(elementName, attributeName);
if (oldValue == null) continue;
final String oldValues[] = oldValue.split(" ");
String newValue =
.map((String s) -> unicodeLocaleMishMashToString(s))
.collect(Collectors.joining(" "));
if (!oldValue.equals(newValue)) {
xpp.setAttribute(elementName, attributeName, newValue);
logger.finest(attributeName + " = " + oldValue + " -> " + newValue);
return xpp.toString();
private void outputUnitPreferenceData(JSONSection js, List<CldrItem> theItems, JsonObject out, ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesForLastItem)
throws ParseException, IOException {
// handle these specially.
// redo earlier loop somewhat.
CldrNode supplementalNode = CldrNode.createNode("cldr", "supplemental", "supplemental");
JsonElement supplementalObject = startNonleafNode(out, supplementalNode);
CldrNode unitPrefNode = CldrNode.createNode("supplemental", js.section, js.section);
final JsonElement o = startNonleafNode(supplementalObject, unitPrefNode);
// We'll directly write to 'out'
// Unit preference sorting is a bit more complicated, so we're going to use the CldrItems,
// but collect the results more directly.
Map<Pair<String, String>, Map<String, List<CldrItem>>> catUsagetoRegionItems = new TreeMap<>();
for (CldrItem item : theItems) {
if (!item.getUntransformedPath().contains("unitPref")) {
CldrItem[] items = item.split();
if (items == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected unit pref to split: " + item);
for (final CldrItem subItem : items) {
// step 1: make sure the category/usage is there
final XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(subItem.getPath());
final String category = xpp.findFirstAttributeValue("category");
final String usage = xpp.findFirstAttributeValue("usage");
final String region = xpp.findFirstAttributeValue("regions"); // actually one region (split)
Pair<String, String> key = Pair.of(category, usage);
Map<String, List<CldrItem>> regionMap = catUsagetoRegionItems.computeIfAbsent(key, ignored -> new TreeMap<>());
List<CldrItem> perRegion = regionMap.computeIfAbsent(region, ignored -> new ArrayList<>());
// OK, now start outputting
// Traverse categories/usage/regions
// unitPreferenceData is already open {
catUsagetoRegionItems.keySet().stream().map(p -> p.getFirst()).distinct() // for each category
.forEach(category -> {
JsonObject oo = new JsonObject();
o.getAsJsonObject().add(category, oo);
catUsagetoRegionItems.entrySet().stream().filter(p -> p.getKey().getFirst().equals(category))
.forEach(ent -> {
final String usage = ent.getKey().getSecond();
JsonObject ooo = new JsonObject();
oo.getAsJsonObject().add(usage, ooo);
ent.getValue().forEach((region, list) -> {
JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
ooo.getAsJsonObject().add(region, array);
list.forEach(item -> {
final XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(item.getPath());
JsonObject u = new JsonObject();
u.addProperty("unit", item.getValue());
if (xpp.containsAttribute("geq")) {
u.addProperty("geq", Double.parseDouble(xpp.findFirstAttributeValue("geq")));
// Computer, switch to 'automatic' navigation
// We'll let closeNodes take over.
nodesForLastItem.add(unitPrefNode); // unitPreferenceData }
* Creates the packaging files ( i.e. package.json ) for a particular package
* @param packageName
* The name of the installable package
public void writePackagingFiles(String outputDir, String packageName) throws IOException {
File dir = new File(outputDir.toString());
if (!dir.exists()) {
writePackageJson(outputDir, packageName);
writeBowerJson(outputDir, packageName);
writeReadme(outputDir, packageName);
* Write the ## License section
public void writeCopyrightSection(PrintWriter out) {
out.println(CldrUtility.getCopyrightMarkdown() + "\n" +
"A copy of the license is included as [LICENSE](./LICENSE).");
* Write the readme fragment from plus the copyright
* @param outf
* @throws IOException
private void writeReadmeSection(PrintWriter outf) throws IOException {
FileCopier.copy(CldrUtility.getUTF8Data(""), outf);
public void writeReadme(String outputDir, String packageName) throws IOException {
final String basePackageName = getBasePackageName(packageName);
try (PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/" + packageName, "");) {
outf.println("# " + packageName);
if (packageName.endsWith(FULL_TIER_SUFFIX)) {
outf.println("This package contains the complete set of locales, including what is in the `" +
CLDR_PKG_PREFIX + basePackageName + MODERN_TIER_SUFFIX + "` package.");
} else if (packageName.endsWith(MODERN_TIER_SUFFIX)) {
outf.println("This package contains the set of locales listed as modern coverage. See also the `" +
CLDR_PKG_PREFIX + basePackageName + FULL_TIER_SUFFIX + "` package.");
try (PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/" + packageName, "LICENSE");) {
FileCopier.copy(CldrUtility.getUTF8Data("unicode-license.txt"), outf);
String getBasePackageName(final String packageName) {
String basePackageName = packageName;
if (basePackageName.startsWith(CLDR_PKG_PREFIX)) {
basePackageName = basePackageName.substring(CLDR_PKG_PREFIX.length());
if (basePackageName.endsWith(FULL_TIER_SUFFIX)) {
basePackageName = basePackageName.substring(0, basePackageName.length() - FULL_TIER_SUFFIX.length());
} else if (basePackageName.endsWith(MODERN_TIER_SUFFIX)) {
basePackageName = basePackageName.substring(0, basePackageName.length() - MODERN_TIER_SUFFIX.length());
return basePackageName;
public void writeBasicInfo(JsonObject obj, String packageName, boolean isNPM) {
obj.addProperty("name", packageName);
obj.addProperty("version", pkgVersion);
String[] packageNameParts = packageName.split("-");
String dependency = dependencies.get(packageNameParts[1]);
if (dependency != null) {
String[] dependentPackageNames = new String[1];
String tier = packageNameParts[packageNameParts.length - 1];
if (dependency.equals("core") || dependency.equals("bcp47")) {
dependentPackageNames[0] = CLDR_PKG_PREFIX + dependency;
} else {
dependentPackageNames[0] = CLDR_PKG_PREFIX + dependency + "-" + tier;
JsonObject dependencies = new JsonObject();
for (String dependentPackageName : dependentPackageNames) {
if (dependentPackageName != null) {
dependencies.addProperty(dependentPackageName, pkgVersion);
obj.add(isNPM ? "peerDependencies" : "dependencies", dependencies);
* Default for version string
* @return
private static String getDefaultVersion() {
String versionString = CLDRFile.GEN_VERSION;
while (versionString.split("\\.").length < 3) {
versionString = versionString + ".0";
return versionString;
public void writePackageJson(String outputDir, String packageName) throws IOException {
PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/" + packageName, "package.json");
logger.fine("Creating packaging file => " + outputDir + File.separator + packageName + File.separator + "package.json");
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
writeBasicInfo(obj, packageName, true);
JsonArray maintainers = new JsonArray();
JsonObject primaryMaintainer = new JsonObject();
JsonObject secondaryMaintainer = new JsonObject();
final String basePackageName = getBasePackageName(packageName);
String description = configFileReader.getPackageDescriptions().get(basePackageName);
if (packageName.endsWith(FULL_TIER_SUFFIX)) {
description = description + " (complete)";
} else if (packageName.endsWith(MODERN_TIER_SUFFIX)) {
description = description + " (modern coverage locales)";
obj.addProperty("description", description);
obj.addProperty("homepage", CLDRURLS.CLDR_HOMEPAGE);
obj.addProperty("author", CLDRURLS.UNICODE_CONSORTIUM);
primaryMaintainer.addProperty("name", "Steven R. Loomis");
primaryMaintainer.addProperty("email", "");
secondaryMaintainer.addProperty("name", "John Emmons");
secondaryMaintainer.addProperty("email", "");
secondaryMaintainer.addProperty("url", "");
obj.add("maintainers", maintainers);
JsonObject repository = new JsonObject();
repository.addProperty("type", "git");
repository.addProperty("url", "git://");
obj.add("repository", repository);
obj.addProperty("license", CLDRURLS.UNICODE_SPDX);
obj.addProperty("bugs", CLDRURLS.CLDR_NEWTICKET_URL);
public void writeBowerJson(String outputDir, String packageName) throws IOException {
PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/" + packageName, "bower.json");
logger.fine("Creating packaging file => " + outputDir + File.separator + packageName + File.separator + "bower.json");
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
writeBasicInfo(obj, packageName, false);
if (type == RunType.supplemental) {
JsonArray mainPaths = new JsonArray();
mainPaths.add(new JsonPrimitive("availableLocales.json"));
mainPaths.add(new JsonPrimitive("defaultContent.json")); // Handled specially
mainPaths.add(new JsonPrimitive("scriptMetadata.json"));
mainPaths.add(new JsonPrimitive(type.toString() + "/*.json"));
obj.add("main", mainPaths);
} else if (type == RunType.rbnf) {
obj.addProperty("main", type.toString() + "/*.json");
} else {
obj.addProperty("main", type.toString() + "/**/*.json");
JsonArray ignorePaths = new JsonArray();
ignorePaths.add(new JsonPrimitive(".gitattributes"));
ignorePaths.add(new JsonPrimitive(""));
obj.add("ignore", ignorePaths);
obj.addProperty("license", CLDRURLS.UNICODE_SPDX);
public void writeDefaultContent(String outputDir) throws IOException {
PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/cldr-core", "defaultContent.json");
System.out.println("Creating packaging file => " + outputDir + "/cldr-core" + File.separator + "defaultContent.json");
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
obj.add("defaultContent", gson.toJsonTree(skippedDefaultContentLocales));
public void writeCoverageLevels(String outputDir) throws IOException {
final Splitter SEMICOLON = Splitter.on(';').trimResults();
try (BufferedReader r = FileUtilities.openUTF8Reader(CLDRPaths.COMMON_DIRECTORY + "properties/", "coverageLevels.txt");
PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/cldr-core", "coverageLevels.json");) {
final Map<String, String> covlocs = new TreeMap<>();
System.out.println("Creating packaging file => " + outputDir + "/cldr-core" + File.separator + "coverageLevels.json from coverageLevels.txt");
String line;
int no = 0;
while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) {
line = line.trim();
if(line.startsWith("#") || line.isBlank()) {
final List<String> l = SEMICOLON.splitToList(line);
if (l.size() != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("coverageLevels.txt:"+no+": expected 2 fields, got " + l.size());
final String uloc = l.get(0);
final String level = l.get(1);
final String bcp47loc = unicodeLocaleToString(uloc);
if (covlocs.put(bcp47loc, level) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("coverageLevels.txt:"+no+": duplicate locale " + bcp47loc);
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
obj.add("coverageLevels", gson.toJsonTree(covlocs));
public void writeAvailableLocales(String outputDir) throws IOException {
PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/cldr-core", "availableLocales.json");
System.out.println("Creating packaging file => " + outputDir + "/cldr-core" + File.separator + "availableLocales.json");
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
obj.add("availableLocales", gson.toJsonTree(avl));
public void writeScriptMetadata(String outputDir) throws IOException {
PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/cldr-core", "scriptMetadata.json");
System.out.println("Creating script metadata file => " + outputDir + File.separator + "cldr-core" + File.separator + "scriptMetadata.json");
Map<String, Info> scriptInfo = new TreeMap<>();
for (String script : ScriptMetadata.getScripts()) {
Info i = ScriptMetadata.getInfo(script);
scriptInfo.put(script, i);
if (ScriptMetadata.errors.size() > 0) {
//throw new IllegalArgumentException();
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
obj.add("scriptMetadata", gson.toJsonTree(scriptInfo));
public void writePackageList(String outputDir) throws IOException {
PrintWriter outf = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/cldr-core", "cldr-packages.json");
System.out.println("Creating packaging metadata file => " + outputDir + File.separator + "cldr-core" + File.separator + "cldr-packages.json and");
PrintWriter pkgs = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(outputDir + "/..", "");
pkgs.println("# CLDR JSON Packages");
LdmlConfigFileReader uberReader = new LdmlConfigFileReader();
for (RunType r : RunType.values()) {
if (r == RunType.all) continue;, r);
TreeMap<String, String> pkgsToDesc = new TreeMap<>();
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
obj.addProperty("license", CLDRURLS.UNICODE_SPDX);
obj.addProperty("bugs", CLDRURLS.CLDR_NEWTICKET_URL);
obj.addProperty("homepage", CLDRURLS.CLDR_HOMEPAGE);
obj.addProperty("version", pkgVersion);
JsonArray packages = new JsonArray();
for(Map.Entry<String, String> e : uberReader.getPackageDescriptions().entrySet()) {
final String baseName = e.getKey();
if (baseName.equals("IGNORE") || baseName.equals("cal")) continue;
if (baseName.equals("core") || baseName.equals("rbnf") || baseName.equals("bcp47")) {
JsonObject packageEntry = new JsonObject();
packageEntry.addProperty("description", e.getValue());
packageEntry.addProperty("name", CLDR_PKG_PREFIX + baseName);
pkgsToDesc.put(packageEntry.get("name").getAsString(), packageEntry.get("description").getAsString());
} else {
JsonObject packageEntry = new JsonObject();
packageEntry.addProperty("description", e.getValue() + " (full)");
packageEntry.addProperty("tier", "full");
packageEntry.addProperty("name", CLDR_PKG_PREFIX + baseName + FULL_TIER_SUFFIX);
pkgsToDesc.put(packageEntry.get("name").getAsString(), packageEntry.get("description").getAsString());
JsonObject packageEntry = new JsonObject();
packageEntry.addProperty("description", e.getValue() + " (modern only)");
packageEntry.addProperty("tier", "modern");
packageEntry.addProperty("name", CLDR_PKG_PREFIX + baseName + MODERN_TIER_SUFFIX);
pkgsToDesc.put(packageEntry.get("name").getAsString(), packageEntry.get("description").getAsString());
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : pkgsToDesc.entrySet()) {
pkgs.println("### [" +
e.getKey() + "](./cldr-json/" + e.getKey() + "/)");
pkgs.println(" - " + e.getValue());
pkgs.println(" - " + getNpmBadge(e.getKey()));
obj.add("packages", packages);
pkgs.println("## JSON Metadata");
pkgs.println("Package metadata is available at [`cldr-core`/cldr-packages.json](./cldr-json/cldr-core/cldr-packages.json)");
private String getNpmBadge(final String packageName) {
return String.format("[![NPM version](](",
packageName, packageName);
* Process the pending sorting items.
* @param out
* The ArrayList to hold all output lines.
* @param nodesForLastItem
* All the nodes from last item.
* @param sortingItems
* The item list that should be sorted before output.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
private void resolveSortingItems(JsonObject out,
ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesForLastItem,
ArrayList<CldrItem> sortingItems)
throws IOException, ParseException {
ArrayList<CldrItem> arrayItems = new ArrayList<>();
String lastLeadingArrayItemPath = null;
if (!sortingItems.isEmpty()) {
for (CldrItem item : sortingItems) {
Matcher matcher = LdmlConvertRules.ARRAY_ITEM_PATTERN.matcher(
if (matcher.matches()) {
String leadingArrayItemPath =;
if (lastLeadingArrayItemPath != null &&
!lastLeadingArrayItemPath.equals(leadingArrayItemPath)) {
resolveArrayItems(out, nodesForLastItem, arrayItems);
lastLeadingArrayItemPath = leadingArrayItemPath;
} else {
outputCldrItem(out, nodesForLastItem, item);
resolveArrayItems(out, nodesForLastItem, arrayItems);
* Process the pending array items.
* @param out
* The ArrayList to hold all output lines.
* @param nodesForLastItem
* All the nodes from last item.
* @param arrayItems
* The item list that should be output as array.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
private void resolveArrayItems(JsonObject out,
ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesForLastItem,
ArrayList<CldrItem> arrayItems)
throws IOException, ParseException {
if (!arrayItems.isEmpty()) {
CldrItem firstItem = arrayItems.get(0);
if (firstItem.needsSort()) {
firstItem = arrayItems.get(0);
int arrayLevel = getArrayIndentLevel(firstItem); // only used for trim
JsonArray array = outputStartArray(out, nodesForLastItem, firstItem, arrayLevel);
// Previous statement closed for first element, trim nodesForLastItem
// so that it will not happen again inside.
int len = nodesForLastItem.size();
while (len > arrayLevel) {
nodesForLastItem.remove(len - 1);
for (CldrItem insideItem : arrayItems) {
outputArrayItem(array, insideItem, nodesForLastItem, arrayLevel);
int lastLevel = nodesForLastItem.size() - 1;
// closeNodes(out, lastLevel, arrayLevel);
// out.endArray();
for (int i = arrayLevel - 1; i < lastLevel; i++) {
* Find the indent level on which array should be inserted.
* @param item
* The CldrItem being examined.
* @return The array indent level.
* @throws ParseException
private int getArrayIndentLevel(CldrItem item) throws ParseException {
Matcher matcher = LdmlConvertRules.ARRAY_ITEM_PATTERN.matcher(
if (!matcher.matches()) {
System.out.println("No match found for " + item.getPath() + ", this shouldn't happen.");
return 0;
String leadingPath =;
CldrItem fakeItem = new CldrItem(leadingPath, leadingPath, leadingPath, leadingPath, "");
return fakeItem.getNodesInPath().size() - 1;
* Write the start of an array.
* @param out
* The root object
* @param nodesForLastItem
* Nodes in path for last CldrItem.
* @param item
* The CldrItem to be processed.
* @param arrayLevel
* The level on which array is laid out.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
private JsonArray outputStartArray(JsonObject out,
ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesForLastItem, CldrItem item, int arrayLevel)
throws IOException, ParseException {
ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesInPath = item.getNodesInPath();
JsonElement o = out;
// final CldrNode last = nodesInPath.get(nodesInPath.size()-1);
// Output nodes up to parent of 'arrayLevel'
for (int i=1; i < arrayLevel-1; i++) {
final CldrNode node = nodesInPath.get(i);
o = startNonleafNode(o, node);
// at arrayLevel, we have a named Array.
// Get the name of the parent of the array
String objName = nodesInPath.get(arrayLevel-1).getNodeKeyName();
JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
o.getAsJsonObject().add(objName, array);
return array;
* Write a CLDR item to file.
* "usesMetazone" will be checked to see if it is current. Those non-current
* item will be dropped.
* @param out
* The ArrayList to hold all output lines.
* @param nodesForLastItem
* @param item
* The CldrItem to be processed.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
private void outputCldrItem(JsonObject out,
ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesForLastItem, CldrItem item)
throws IOException, ParseException {
// alias has been resolved, no need to keep it.
if (item.isAliasItem()) {
ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesInPath = item.getNodesInPath();
int arraySize = nodesInPath.size();
int i = 0;
if (i == nodesInPath.size() && type != RunType.rbnf) {
System.err.println("This nodes and last nodes has identical path. ("
+ item.getPath() + ") Some distinguishing attributes wrongly removed?");
// close previous nodes
// closeNodes(out, nodesForLastItem.size() - 2, i);
JsonElement o = out;
for (; i < nodesInPath.size() - 1; ++i) {
o = startNonleafNode(o, nodesInPath.get(i));
writeLeafNode(o, nodesInPath.get(i), item.getValue());
* Start a non-leaf node, adding it if not there.
* @param out
* The input JsonObject
* @param node
* The node being written.
* @throws IOException
private JsonElement startNonleafNode(JsonElement out, final CldrNode node)
throws IOException {
String objName = node.getNodeKeyName();
// Some node should be skipped as indicated by objName being null.
logger.finest(() -> "objName= " + objName + " for path " + node.getUntransformedPath());
if (objName == null ||
objName.equals("cldr") || objName.equals("ldmlBCP47")) { // Skip root 'cldr' node
return out;
Map<String, String> attrAsValueMap = node.getAttrAsValueMap();
String name;
if (type == RunType.annotations || type == RunType.annotationsDerived) {
if (objName.startsWith("U+")) {
// parse U+22 -> " etc
name = (, 16)));
} else {
name = (objName);
} else {
name =(objName);
JsonElement o = out.getAsJsonObject().get(name);
if (o == null) {
o = new JsonObject();
out.getAsJsonObject().add(name, o);
for (final String key : attrAsValueMap.keySet()) {
logger.finest(() -> "Non-Leaf Node: " + node.getUntransformedPath() + " ." + key);
String rawAttrValue = attrAsValueMap.get(key);
String value = escapeValue(rawAttrValue);
// attribute is prefixed with "_" when being used as key.
String attrAsKey = "_" + key;
if (LdmlConvertRules.attrIsBooleanOmitFalse(node.getUntransformedPath(), node.getName(), node.getParent(), key)) {
final Boolean v = Boolean.parseBoolean(rawAttrValue);
if (v) {
o.getAsJsonObject().addProperty(attrAsKey, v);
} // else, omit
} else {
o.getAsJsonObject().addProperty(attrAsKey, value);
return o;
* Write a CLDR item to file.
* "usesMetazone" will be checked to see if it is current. Those non-current
* item will be dropped.
* @param out
* The ArrayList to hold all output lines.
* @param item
* The CldrItem to be processed.
* @param nodesForLastItem
* Nodes in path for last item.
* @param arrayLevel
* The indentation level in which array exists.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
private void outputArrayItem(JsonArray out, CldrItem item,
ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesForLastItem, int arrayLevel)
throws IOException, ParseException {
// This method is more complicated that outputCldrItem because it needs to
// handle 3 different cases.
// 1. When difference is found below array item, this item will be of the
// same array item. Inside the array item, it is about the same as
// outputCldrItem, just with one more level of indentation because of
// the array.
// 2. The array item is the leaf item with no attribute, simplify it as
// an object with one name/value pair.
// 3. The array item is the leaf item with attribute, an embedded object
// will be created inside the array item object.
ArrayList<CldrNode> nodesInPath = item.getNodesInPath();
String value = escapeValue(item.getValue());
int nodesNum = nodesInPath.size();
// case 1
// int diff = findFirstDiffNodeIndex(nodesForLastItem, nodesInPath);
CldrNode cldrNode = nodesInPath.get(nodesNum - 1);
// if (diff > arrayLevel) {
// // close previous nodes
// closeNodes(out, nodesForLastItem.size() - 1, diff + 1);
// for (int i = diff; i < nodesNum - 1; i++) {
// startNonleafNode(out, nodesInPath.get(i), i + 1);
// }
// writeLeafNode(out, cldrNode, value, nodesNum);
// return;
// }
if (arrayLevel == nodesNum - 1) {
// case 2
// close previous nodes
// if (nodesForLastItem.size() - 1 - arrayLevel > 0) {
// closeNodes(out, nodesForLastItem.size() - 1, arrayLevel);
// }
String objName = cldrNode.getNodeKeyName();
int pos = objName.indexOf('-');
if (pos > 0) {
objName = objName.substring(0, pos);
Map<String, String> attrAsValueMap = cldrNode.getAttrAsValueMap();
if (attrAsValueMap.isEmpty()) {
JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
o.addProperty(objName, value);
} else if (objName.equals("rbnfrule")) {
writeRbnfLeafNode(out, item, attrAsValueMap);
} else {
JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
writeLeafNode(o, objName, attrAsValueMap, value, cldrNode.getName(), cldrNode.getParent(), cldrNode);
// the last node is closed, remove it.
nodesInPath.remove(nodesNum - 1);
} else {
// case 3
// close previous nodes
// if (nodesForLastItem.size() - 1 - (arrayLevel) > 0) {
// closeNodes(out, nodesForLastItem.size() - 1, arrayLevel);
// }
JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
CldrNode node = nodesInPath.get(arrayLevel);
String objName = node.getNodeKeyName();
int pos = objName.indexOf('-');
if (pos > 0) {
objName = objName.substring(0, pos);
Map<String, String> attrAsValueMap = node.getAttrAsValueMap();
JsonObject oo = new JsonObject();
o.add(objName, oo);
for (String key : attrAsValueMap.keySet()) {
// attribute is prefixed with "_" when being used as key.
oo.addProperty("_" + key, escapeValue(attrAsValueMap.get(key)));
JsonElement o2 = out;
System.err.println("PROBLEM at " + cldrNode.getUntransformedPath());
// TODO ?!!
for (int i = arrayLevel + 1; i < nodesInPath.size() - 1; i++) {
o2 = startNonleafNode(o2, nodesInPath.get(i));
writeLeafNode(o2, cldrNode, value);
private void writeRbnfLeafNode(JsonElement out, CldrItem item, Map<String, String> attrAsValueMap) throws IOException {
if(attrAsValueMap.size() != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error, attributes seem wrong for RBNF " + item.getUntransformedPath());
Entry<String, String> entry = attrAsValueMap.entrySet().iterator().next();
JsonArray arr = new JsonArray();
private String progressPrefix(AtomicInteger readCount, int totalCount, String filename, String section) {
return progressPrefix(readCount.get(), totalCount, filename, section);
private String progressPrefix(int readCount, int totalCount, String filename, String section) {
return progressPrefix(readCount, totalCount) + filename + "\t" + section + "\t";
private final String progressPrefix(AtomicInteger readCount, int totalCount) {
return progressPrefix(readCount.get(), totalCount);
LocalizedNumberFormatter percentFormatter = NumberFormatter
private final String progressPrefix(int readCount, int totalCount) {
double asPercent = ((double)readCount/(double)totalCount) * 100.0;
return String.format("%s\t[%s]:\t", type, percentFormatter.format(asPercent));
* Process files in a directory of CLDR file tree.
* @param dirName
* The directory in which xml file will be transformed.
* @param minimalDraftStatus
* The minimumDraftStatus that will be accepted.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
public void processDirectory(String dirName, DraftStatus minimalDraftStatus)
throws IOException, ParseException {
SupplementalDataInfo sdi = SupplementalDataInfo.getInstance(cldrCommonDir + "supplemental");
Factory cldrFactory = Factory.make(
cldrCommonDir + dirName + "/", ".*");
Set<String> files = cldrFactory.getAvailable()
// filter these out early so our work count is correct
.stream().filter(filename ->
filename.matches(match) &&
final int total = files.size();
AtomicInteger readCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
Map<String, Throwable> errs = new TreeMap<>();
// This takes a long time (minutes, in 2020), so run it in parallel forkJoinPool threads.
// The result of this pipeline is an array of toString()-able filenames of XML files which
// produced no JSON output, just as a warning.
System.out.println(progressPrefix(0, total) + " Beginning parallel process of " + total + " file(s)");
Object noOutputFiles[] = files
.map(filename -> {
String pathPrefix;
CLDRFile file = cldrFactory.make(filename, resolve && type == RunType.main, minimalDraftStatus);
// Print 'reading' after the make, to stagger the output a little bit.
// Otherwise, the printout happens before any work happens, and is easily out of order.
logger.fine(() -> "<" + progressPrefix(readCount, total, dirName, filename) + "\r");
if (type == RunType.main) {
pathPrefix = "/cldr/" + dirName + "/" + unicodeLocaleToString(filename) + "/";
} else {
pathPrefix = "/cldr/" + dirName + "/";
int totalForThisFile = 0;
try {
totalForThisFile = convertCldrItems(readCount, total, dirName, filename, pathPrefix,
mapPathsToSections(readCount, total, file, pathPrefix, sdi));
} catch (IOException | ParseException t) {
System.err.println("!" + progressPrefix(readCount, total) + filename + " - err - " + t);
errs.put(filename, t);
} finally {
logger.fine(() -> "." + progressPrefix(readCount, total) +
"Completing " + dirName + "/" + filename);
return new Pair<>(dirName + "/" + filename, totalForThisFile);
.filter(p -> p.getSecond() == 0)
.map(p -> p.getFirst())
System.out.println(progressPrefix(total, total) + " Completed parallel process of " + total + " file(s)");
if (noOutputFiles.length > 0) {
System.err.println("WARNING: These " + noOutputFiles.length + " file(s) did not produce any output (check JSON config):");
for (final Object f : noOutputFiles) {
final String loc = f.toString();
final String uloc = unicodeLocaleToString(f.toString());
if (skipBcp47LocalesWithSubtags && type.locales() && HAS_SUBTAG.matcher(uloc).matches()) {
System.err.println("\t- " + loc + " (Skipped due to '-T true': " + uloc + ")");
} else {
System.err.println("\t- " + loc);
if (!errs.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("Errors in these files:");
for (Map.Entry<String, Throwable> e : errs.entrySet()) {
System.err.println(e.getKey() + " - " + e.getValue());
// rethrow
for (Map.Entry<String, Throwable> e : errs.entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue() instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) e.getValue(); // throw the first one
} else if (e.getValue() instanceof ParseException) {
throw (ParseException) e.getValue(); // throw the first one
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Other exception thrown: " + e.getValue());
if (writePackages) {
for (String currentPackage : packages) {
writePackagingFiles(outputDir, currentPackage);
if (type == RunType.main) {
} else if (type == RunType.supplemental) {
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get("packagelist").getValue())) {
* Replacement pattern for escaping.
private static final Pattern escapePattern = PatternCache.get("\\\\(?!u)");
* Escape \ in value string.
* \ should be replaced by \\, except in case of \u1234
* In following code, \\\\ represent one \, because java compiler and
* regular expression compiler each do one round of escape.
* @param value
* Input string.
* @return escaped string.
private String escapeValue(String value) {
Matcher match = escapePattern.matcher(value);
String ret = match.replaceAll("\\\\\\\\");
return ret.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ");
* Write the value to output.
* @param out
* The ArrayList to hold all output lines.
* @param node
* The CldrNode being written.
* @param value
* The value part for this element.
* @param level
* Indent level.
* @throws IOException
private void writeLeafNode(JsonElement out, CldrNode node, String value) throws IOException {
String objName = node.getNodeKeyName();
Map<String, String> attrAsValueMaps = node.getAttrAsValueMap();
writeLeafNode(out, objName, attrAsValueMaps, value, node.getName(), node.getParent(), node);
* Write the value to output.
* @param out
* The ArrayList to hold all output lines.
* @param objName
* The node's node.
* @param attrAsValueMap
* Those attributes that will be treated as values.
* @param value
* The value part for this element.
* @param level
* Indent level.
* @param nodeName the original nodeName (not distinguished)
* @throws IOException
private void writeLeafNode(JsonElement out, String objName,
Map<String, String> attrAsValueMap, String value, final String nodeName,
String parent, CldrNode node)
throws IOException {
if (objName == null) {
value = escapeValue(value);
final boolean valueIsSpacesepArray = LdmlConvertRules.valueIsSpacesepArray(nodeName, parent);
if (attrAsValueMap.isEmpty()) {
if (value.isEmpty()) {
if (valueIsSpacesepArray) {
out.getAsJsonObject().add(objName, new JsonArray());
} else {
out.getAsJsonObject().add(objName, new JsonObject());
} else if (type == RunType.annotations ||
type == RunType.annotationsDerived) {
JsonArray a = new JsonArray();
// split this, so "a | b | c" becomes ["a","b","c"]
for (final String s : Annotations.splitter.split(value.trim())) {
out.getAsJsonObject().add(objName, a);
} else if(valueIsSpacesepArray) {
outputSpaceSepArray(out, objName, value);
} else {
// normal value
out.getAsJsonObject().addProperty(objName, value);
// If there is no value, but a attribute being treated as value,
// simplify the output.
if (value.isEmpty() &&
attrAsValueMap.containsKey(LdmlConvertRules.ANONYMOUS_KEY)) {
String v = attrAsValueMap.get(LdmlConvertRules.ANONYMOUS_KEY);
if (valueIsSpacesepArray) {
outputSpaceSepArray(out, objName, v);
} else {
out.getAsJsonObject().addProperty(objName, v);
JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
out.getAsJsonObject().add(objName, o);
if (!value.isEmpty()) {
o.addProperty("_value", value);
for (final String key : attrAsValueMap.keySet()) {
String rawAttrValue = attrAsValueMap.get(key);
String attrValue = escapeValue(rawAttrValue);
// attribute is prefixed with "_" when being used as key.
String attrAsKey = "_" + key;
logger.finest(() -> "Leaf Node: " + node.getUntransformedPath() + " ." + key);
if (LdmlConvertRules.ATTRVALUE_AS_ARRAY_SET.contains(key)) {
String[] strings = attrValue.trim().split("\\s+");
JsonArray a = new JsonArray();
o.add(attrAsKey, a);
for (String s : strings) {
} else if (node != null &&
LdmlConvertRules.attrIsBooleanOmitFalse(node.getUntransformedPath(), nodeName, parent, key)) {
final Boolean v = Boolean.parseBoolean(rawAttrValue);
if (v) {
o.addProperty(attrAsKey, v);
} // else: omit falsy value
} else {
o.addProperty(attrAsKey, attrValue);
private void outputSpaceSepArray(JsonElement out, String objName, String v) throws IOException {
JsonArray a = new JsonArray();
out.getAsJsonObject().add(objName, a);
// split this, so "a b c" becomes ["a","b","c"]
for (final String s : v.trim().split(" ")) {
if(!s.isEmpty()) {