blob: ff5aef08f55b03b2c8ef9acde9f352ff94fd58cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Regex file for excluding xpaths in TestLdml2ICU.
# Format: <xpath> ; <exclusion_type>
# Available exclusion types:
# - unconverted: May be converted in future, so exclude for now. If the excluded
# xpath is eventually converted, a warning (logln) will be shown.
# - ignore: We don't care if the xpath is converted or not, so if the excluded
# xpath is converted no errors or warnings will be generated.
# Variables
# Identity elements and generation/version are redundant and not used in ICU
//ldml/identity ; ignore
//(ldml|supplementalData)/(generation|version).* ; ignore
# Aliases are not used; managed internally by the converter
.*/alias[@source="locale"][@path="%A"] ; ignore
# Posix elements are not needed in ICU
//ldml/posix ; unconverted
# Not yet converted to ICU
//ldml/typographicNames ; unconverted
//ldml/localeDisplayNames/subdivisions ; unconverted
# This is intentionally empty
//supplementalData/calendarData/calendar[@type="generic"]$ ; unconverted
# These are not converted because they are defective; no numeric code
//supplementalData/codeMappings/territoryCodes[@type="%A"]$ ; unconverted
//supplementalData/codeMappings/territoryCodes[@type="%A"][@alpha3="%A"] ; unconverted
# References for internal use only
//supplementalData/references/reference ; unconverted
# These are all internal items for CLDR
//supplementalData/metadata/alias/zoneAlias ; unconverted
//supplementalData/metadata/(?!alias|validity|defaultContent) ; unconverted
//supplementalData/metadata/validity/attributeValues.* ; unconverted
//supplementalData/metadata/validity/variable.*[@id="(?!\$territory)%A"] ; unconverted
# Old items that are now converted
#//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type="%A"]/.*[@alt="variant"] ; unconverted
#//ldml/numbers/currencies/currency[@type="%A"]/symbol[@alt="variant"] ; unconverted
#//supplementalData/weekData/.*[@alt="variant"] ; unconverted
#//supplementalData/parentLocales/.* ; unconverted
#//supplementalData/metadata/alias/.*[@type="%A"][@reason="%A"] ; unconverted