blob: e7395f7d9f74e7456574fae195b3184ca44cf9e1 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.unicode.cldr.test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR.CheckStatus.Subtype;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
public class CheckUnits extends CheckCLDR {
private static final Pattern HOUR_SYMBOL = PatternCache.get("h{1,2}");
private static final Pattern MINUTE_SYMBOL = PatternCache.get("m{1,2}");
private static final Pattern SECONDS_SYMBOL = PatternCache.get("ss");
private static XPathParts xpp = new XPathParts();
public CheckCLDR handleCheck(String path, String fullPath, String value, Options options,
List<CheckStatus> result) {
if (!path.startsWith("//ldml/units")) {
return this;
// Note, the following test has some overlaps with the checkAndReplacePlaceholders
// test in CheckForExamplars (why there?). That is probably OK, they check in
// different ways, but some errors will produce two somewhat different error messages.
if (path.startsWith("//ldml/units/unitLength")) {
int min = 0;
int max = 0;
if (path.contains("compoundUnitPattern")) {
min = 2;
max = 2;
} else if (path.contains("perUnitPattern") || path.contains("coordinateUnitPattern")) {
min = 1;
max = 1;
} else if (path.contains("unitPattern")) {
min = 0;
max = 1;
} // else we have displayName, with min/max = 0
if (max > 0) {
try {
SimpleFormatter sf = SimpleFormatter.compileMinMaxArguments(value, min, max);
} catch (Exception e) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this).setMainType(CheckStatus.errorType)
.setMessage("Invalid unit pattern, must have min " + min + " and max " + max + " distinct placeholders of the form {n}"));
if (!path.contains("durationUnitPattern")) {
return this;
String durationUnitType = xpp.findAttributeValue("durationUnit", "type");
boolean hasHourSymbol = HOUR_SYMBOL.matcher(value).find();
boolean hasMinuteSymbol = MINUTE_SYMBOL.matcher(value).find();
boolean hasSecondsSymbol = SECONDS_SYMBOL.matcher(value).find();
if (durationUnitType.contains("h") && !hasHourSymbol) {
/* Changed message from "The hour symbol (h or hh) is missing"
* to "The hour indicator should be either h or hh for duration"
* per
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage("The hour indicator should be either h or hh for duration."));
} else if (durationUnitType.contains("m") && !hasMinuteSymbol) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage("The minutes symbol (m or mm) is missing."));
} else if (durationUnitType.contains("s") && !hasSecondsSymbol) {
result.add(new CheckStatus().setCause(this)
.setMessage("The seconds symbol (ss) is missing."));
return this;