[analyzer] Introduce CXXAllocatorCall to handle placement arg invalidation.

This is NOT full-blown support for operator new, but removes some nasty
duplicated code introduced in r158784.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk@159608 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/Calls.h b/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/Calls.h
index f5d6309..f2c251f 100644
--- a/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/Calls.h
+++ b/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/Calls.h
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
+  CE_CXXAllocator,
   CE_BEG_OBJC_CALLS = CE_ObjCMessage,
@@ -337,6 +338,35 @@
+class CXXAllocatorCall : public AnyFunctionCall {
+  const CXXNewExpr *E;
+  CXXAllocatorCall(const CXXNewExpr *e, ProgramStateRef St,
+                   const LocationContext *LCtx)
+    : AnyFunctionCall(St, LCtx, CE_CXXAllocator), E(e) {}
+  const CXXNewExpr *getOriginExpr() const { return E; }
+  SourceRange getSourceRange() const { return E->getSourceRange(); }
+  const FunctionDecl *getDecl() const {
+    return E->getOperatorNew();
+  }
+  unsigned getNumArgs() const { return E->getNumPlacementArgs() + 1; }
+  const Expr *getArgExpr(unsigned Index) const {
+    // The first argument of an allocator call is the size of the allocation.
+    if (Index == 0)
+      return 0;
+    return E->getPlacementArg(Index - 1);
+  }
+  static bool classof(const CallEvent *CE) {
+    return CE->getKind() == CE_CXXAllocator;
+  }
 /// \brief Represents any expression that calls an Objective-C method.
 class ObjCMethodCall : public CallEvent {
   const ObjCMessageExpr *Msg;
diff --git a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/RetainCountChecker.cpp b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/RetainCountChecker.cpp
index 936bf9c..5940131 100644
--- a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/RetainCountChecker.cpp
+++ b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/RetainCountChecker.cpp
@@ -947,6 +947,7 @@
   case CE_CXXMember:
   case CE_Block:
   case CE_CXXConstructor:
+  case CE_CXXAllocator:
     // FIXME: These calls are currently unsupported.
     return getPersistentStopSummary();
   case CE_ObjCMessage:
diff --git a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCXX.cpp b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCXX.cpp
index 88dac4c..bac5b70 100644
--- a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCXX.cpp
+++ b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCXX.cpp
@@ -92,191 +92,51 @@
   Bldr.generateNode(PP, Pred, state);
-static bool isPointerToConst(const ParmVarDecl *ParamDecl) {
-  // FIXME: Copied from ExprEngineCallAndReturn.cpp
-  QualType PointeeTy = ParamDecl->getOriginalType()->getPointeeType();
-  if (PointeeTy != QualType() && PointeeTy.isConstQualified() &&
-      !PointeeTy->isAnyPointerType() && !PointeeTy->isReferenceType()) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
 void ExprEngine::VisitCXXNewExpr(const CXXNewExpr *CNE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                    ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
+  // FIXME: Much of this should eventually migrate to CXXAllocatorCall.
+  // Also, we need to decide how allocators actually work -- they're not
+  // really part of the CXXNewExpr because they happen BEFORE the
+  // CXXConstructExpr subexpression. See PR12014 for some discussion.
   StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currentBuilderContext);
   unsigned blockCount = currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
   const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
   DefinedOrUnknownSVal symVal =
-    svalBuilder.getConjuredSymbolVal(NULL, CNE, LCtx, CNE->getType(), blockCount);
-  const MemRegion *NewReg = cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(symVal).getRegion();  
-  QualType ObjTy = CNE->getType()->getAs<PointerType>()->getPointeeType();
-  const ElementRegion *EleReg = 
-    getStoreManager().GetElementZeroRegion(NewReg, ObjTy);
+    svalBuilder.getConjuredSymbolVal(0, CNE, LCtx, CNE->getType(), blockCount);
   ProgramStateRef State = Pred->getState();
+  // Invalidate placement args.
+  CXXAllocatorCall Call(CNE, State, LCtx);
+  State = Call.invalidateRegions(blockCount);
   if (CNE->isArray()) {
     // FIXME: allocating an array requires simulating the constructors.
     // For now, just return a symbolicated region.
+    const MemRegion *NewReg = cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(symVal).getRegion();
+    QualType ObjTy = CNE->getType()->getAs<PointerType>()->getPointeeType();
+    const ElementRegion *EleReg =
+      getStoreManager().GetElementZeroRegion(NewReg, ObjTy);
     State = State->BindExpr(CNE, Pred->getLocationContext(),
     Bldr.generateNode(CNE, Pred, State);
+  // FIXME: Once we have proper support for CXXConstructExprs inside
+  // CXXNewExpr, we need to make sure that the constructed object is not
+  // immediately invalidated here. (The placement call should happen before
+  // the constructor call anyway.)
   FunctionDecl *FD = CNE->getOperatorNew();
   if (FD && FD->isReservedGlobalPlacementOperator()) {
     // Non-array placement new should always return the placement location.
     SVal PlacementLoc = State->getSVal(CNE->getPlacementArg(0), LCtx);
     State = State->BindExpr(CNE, LCtx, PlacementLoc);
-    // FIXME: Once we have proper support for CXXConstructExprs inside
-    // CXXNewExpr, we need to make sure that the constructed object is not
-    // immediately invalidated here. (The placement call should happen before
-    // the constructor call anyway.)
+  } else {
+    State = State->BindExpr(CNE, LCtx, symVal);
-  // Invalidate placement args.
-  // FIXME: This is largely copied from invalidateArguments, because
-  // CallOrObjCMessage is not general enough to handle new-expressions yet.
-  SmallVector<const MemRegion *, 4> RegionsToInvalidate;
-  unsigned Index = 0;
-  for (CXXNewExpr::const_arg_iterator I = CNE->placement_arg_begin(),
-                                      E = CNE->placement_arg_end();
-       I != E; ++I) {
-    // Pre-increment the argument index to skip over the implicit size arg.
-    ++Index;
-    if (FD && Index < FD->getNumParams())
-      if (isPointerToConst(FD->getParamDecl(Index)))
-        continue;
-    SVal V = State->getSVal(*I, LCtx);
-    // If we are passing a location wrapped as an integer, unwrap it and
-    // invalidate the values referred by the location.
-    if (nonloc::LocAsInteger *Wrapped = dyn_cast<nonloc::LocAsInteger>(&V))
-      V = Wrapped->getLoc();
-    else if (!isa<Loc>(V))
-      continue;
-    if (const MemRegion *R = V.getAsRegion()) {
-      // Invalidate the value of the variable passed by reference.
-      // Are we dealing with an ElementRegion?  If the element type is
-      // a basic integer type (e.g., char, int) and the underlying region
-      // is a variable region then strip off the ElementRegion.
-      // FIXME: We really need to think about this for the general case
-      //   as sometimes we are reasoning about arrays and other times
-      //   about (char*), etc., is just a form of passing raw bytes.
-      //   e.g., void *p = alloca(); foo((char*)p);
-      if (const ElementRegion *ER = dyn_cast<ElementRegion>(R)) {
-        // Checking for 'integral type' is probably too promiscuous, but
-        // we'll leave it in for now until we have a systematic way of
-        // handling all of these cases.  Eventually we need to come up
-        // with an interface to StoreManager so that this logic can be
-        // appropriately delegated to the respective StoreManagers while
-        // still allowing us to do checker-specific logic (e.g.,
-        // invalidating reference counts), probably via callbacks.
-        if (ER->getElementType()->isIntegralOrEnumerationType()) {
-          const MemRegion *superReg = ER->getSuperRegion();
-          if (isa<VarRegion>(superReg) || isa<FieldRegion>(superReg) ||
-              isa<ObjCIvarRegion>(superReg))
-            R = cast<TypedRegion>(superReg);
-        }
-        // FIXME: What about layers of ElementRegions?
-      }
-      // Mark this region for invalidation.  We batch invalidate regions
-      // below for efficiency.
-      RegionsToInvalidate.push_back(R);
-    } else {
-      // Nuke all other arguments passed by reference.
-      // FIXME: is this necessary or correct? This handles the non-Region
-      //  cases.  Is it ever valid to store to these?
-      State = State->unbindLoc(cast<Loc>(V));
-    }
-  }
-  // Invalidate designated regions using the batch invalidation API.
-  // FIXME: We can have collisions on the conjured symbol if the
-  //  expression *I also creates conjured symbols.  We probably want
-  //  to identify conjured symbols by an expression pair: the enclosing
-  //  expression (the context) and the expression itself.  This should
-  //  disambiguate conjured symbols.
-  unsigned Count = currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
-  // NOTE: Even if RegionsToInvalidate is empty, we may still invalidate
-  //  global variables.
-  State = State->invalidateRegions(RegionsToInvalidate, CNE, Count, LCtx);
   Bldr.generateNode(CNE, Pred, State);
-  return;
-  // FIXME: The below code is long-since dead. However, constructor handling
-  // in new-expressions is far from complete. See PR12014 for more details.
-#if 0
-  // Evaluate constructor arguments.
-  const FunctionProtoType *FnType = NULL;
-  const CXXConstructorDecl *CD = CNE->getConstructor();
-  if (CD)
-    FnType = CD->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
-  ExplodedNodeSet argsEvaluated;
-  Bldr.takeNodes(Pred);
-  evalArguments(CNE->constructor_arg_begin(), CNE->constructor_arg_end(),
-                FnType, Pred, argsEvaluated);
-  Bldr.addNodes(argsEvaluated);
-  // Initialize the object region and bind the 'new' expression.
-  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = argsEvaluated.begin(), 
-                                 E = argsEvaluated.end(); I != E; ++I) {
-    ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
-    // Accumulate list of regions that are invalidated.
-    // FIXME: Eventually we should unify the logic for constructor
-    // processing in one place.
-    SmallVector<const MemRegion*, 10> regionsToInvalidate;
-    for (CXXNewExpr::const_arg_iterator
-          ai = CNE->constructor_arg_begin(), ae = CNE->constructor_arg_end();
-          ai != ae; ++ai)
-    {
-      SVal val = state->getSVal(*ai, (*I)->getLocationContext());
-      if (const MemRegion *region = val.getAsRegion())
-        regionsToInvalidate.push_back(region);
-    }
-    if (ObjTy->isRecordType()) {
-      regionsToInvalidate.push_back(EleReg);
-      // Invalidate the regions.
-      // TODO: Pass the call to new information as the last argument, to limit
-      // the globals which will get invalidated.
-      state = state->invalidateRegions(regionsToInvalidate,
-                                       CNE, blockCount, 0, 0);
-    } else {
-      // Invalidate the regions.
-      // TODO: Pass the call to new information as the last argument, to limit
-      // the globals which will get invalidated.
-      state = state->invalidateRegions(regionsToInvalidate,
-                                       CNE, blockCount, 0, 0);
-      if (CNE->hasInitializer()) {
-        SVal V = state->getSVal(*CNE->constructor_arg_begin(),
-                                (*I)->getLocationContext());
-        state = state->bindLoc(loc::MemRegionVal(EleReg), V);
-      } else {
-        // Explicitly set to undefined, because currently we retrieve symbolic
-        // value from symbolic region.
-        state = state->bindLoc(loc::MemRegionVal(EleReg), UndefinedVal());
-      }
-    }
-    state = state->BindExpr(CNE, (*I)->getLocationContext(),
-                            loc::MemRegionVal(EleReg));
-    Bldr.generateNode(CNE, *I, state);
-  }
 void ExprEngine::VisitCXXDeleteExpr(const CXXDeleteExpr *CDE, 
diff --git a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCallAndReturn.cpp b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCallAndReturn.cpp
index 44b4e31..2c749f1 100644
--- a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCallAndReturn.cpp
+++ b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineCallAndReturn.cpp
@@ -240,11 +240,6 @@
       return false;
-  // Do not inline constructors until we can model destructors.
-  // This is unfortunate, but basically necessary for smart pointers and such.
-  if (isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(D))
-    return false;
   // It is possible that the live variables analysis cannot be
   // run.  If so, bail out.
   if (!CalleeADC->getAnalysis<RelaxedLiveVariables>())
@@ -267,10 +262,17 @@
   switch (Call.getKind()) {
   case CE_Function:
-  case CE_CXXConstructor:
   case CE_CXXMember:
     // These are always at least possible to inline.
+  case CE_CXXConstructor:
+    // Do not inline constructors until we can model destructors.
+    // This is unfortunate, but basically necessary for smart pointers and such.
+    return false;
+  case CE_CXXAllocator:
+    // Do not inline allocators until we model deallocators.
+    // This is unfortunate, but basically necessary for smart pointers and such.
+    return false;
   case CE_Block: {
     const BlockDataRegion *BR = cast<BlockCall>(Call).getBlockRegion();
     if (!BR)
diff --git a/test/Analysis/new.cpp b/test/Analysis/new.cpp
index 723d033..5dad943 100644
--- a/test/Analysis/new.cpp
+++ b/test/Analysis/new.cpp
@@ -49,6 +49,16 @@
   return y; // no-warning
+void *operator new(size_t, void *, void *);
+void *testCustomNewMalloc() {
+  int *x = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+  // Should be no-warning (the custom allocator could have freed x).
+  void *y = new (0, x) int; // no-warning
+  return y;
 // Incorrectly-modelled behavior
@@ -69,14 +79,3 @@
   clang_analyzer_eval(*n == 3); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
-void *operator new(size_t, void *, void *);
-void *testCustomNewMalloc() {
-  int *x = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));  
-  // Should be no-warning (the custom allocator could have freed x).
-  void *y = new (0, x) int; // expected-warning{{leak of memory pointed to by 'x'}}
-  return y;