blob: 9a67bd141c5f6f5a3844d2db06b0012782fd8cea [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Checks third-party licenses for the purposes of the Android WebView build.
The Android tree includes a snapshot of Chromium in order to power the system
WebView. This tool checks that all code uses open-source licenses compatible
with Android, and that we meet the requirements of those licenses. It can also
be used to generate an Android NOTICE file for the third-party code.
It makes use of src/tools/ and the README.chromium files on which
it depends. It also makes use of a data file, third_party_files_whitelist.txt,
which whitelists indicidual files which contain third-party code but which
aren't in a third-party directory with a README.chromium file.
import glob
import imp
import multiprocessing
import optparse
import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap
REPOSITORY_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'))
# Import third_party/ via imp to avoid importing a random
# from $PATH, also make sure we don't generate a .pyc file.
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
third_party = \
imp.load_source('PRESUBMIT', \
os.path.join(REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'third_party', ''))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'third_party'))
import jinja2
sys.path.append(os.path.join(REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'tools'))
import licenses
import copyright_scanner
import known_issues
class InputApi(object):
def __init__(self):
self.os_path = os.path
self.os_walk = os.walk = re
self.ReadFile = _ReadFile
self.change = InputApiChange()
class InputApiChange(object):
def __init__(self):
self.RepositoryRoot = lambda: REPOSITORY_ROOT
def GetIncompatibleDirectories():
"""Gets a list of third-party directories which use licenses incompatible
with Android. This is used by the snapshot tool.
A list of directories.
result = []
for directory in _FindThirdPartyDirs():
if directory in known_issues.KNOWN_ISSUES:
metadata = licenses.ParseDir(directory, REPOSITORY_ROOT,
optional_keys=['License Android Compatible'])
except licenses.LicenseError as e:
print 'Got LicenseError while scanning ' + directory
if metadata.get('License Android Compatible', 'no').upper() == 'YES':
license = re.split(' [Ll]icenses?$', metadata['License'])[0]
if not third_party.LicenseIsCompatibleWithAndroid(InputApi(), license):
return result
def GetUnknownIncompatibleDirectories():
"""Gets a list of third-party directories which use licenses incompatible
with Android which are not present in the file.
This is used by the AOSP bot.
A list of directories.
incompatible_directories = frozenset(GetIncompatibleDirectories())
known_incompatible = []
for path, exclude_list in known_issues.KNOWN_INCOMPATIBLE.iteritems():
for exclude in exclude_list:
if glob.has_magic(exclude):
exclude_dirname = os.path.dirname(exclude)
if glob.has_magic(exclude_dirname):
print ('Exclude path %s contains an unexpected glob expression,' \
' skipping.' % exclude)
exclude = exclude_dirname
known_incompatible.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, exclude)))
known_incompatible = frozenset(known_incompatible)
return incompatible_directories.difference(known_incompatible)
class ScanResult(object):
Ok, Warnings, Errors = range(3)
# Needs to be a top-level function for multiprocessing
def _FindCopyrightViolations(files_to_scan_as_string):
return copyright_scanner.FindCopyrightViolations(
InputApi(), REPOSITORY_ROOT, files_to_scan_as_string)
def _ShardList(l, shard_len):
return [l[i:i + shard_len] for i in range(0, len(l), shard_len)]
def _CheckLicenseHeaders(excluded_dirs_list, whitelisted_files):
"""Checks that all files which are not in a listed third-party directory,
and which do not use the standard Chromium license, are whitelisted.
excluded_dirs_list: The list of directories to exclude from scanning.
whitelisted_files: The whitelist of files.
ScanResult.Ok if all files with non-standard license headers are whitelisted
and the whitelist contains no stale entries;
ScanResult.Warnings if there are stale entries;
ScanResult.Errors if new non-whitelisted entries found.
input_api = InputApi()
files_to_scan = copyright_scanner.FindFiles(
input_api, REPOSITORY_ROOT, ['.'], excluded_dirs_list)
sharded_files_to_scan = _ShardList(files_to_scan, 2000)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
offending_files_chunks = pool.map_async(
_FindCopyrightViolations, sharded_files_to_scan).get(999999)
# Flatten out the result
offending_files = \
[item for sublist in offending_files_chunks for item in sublist]
(unknown, missing, stale) = copyright_scanner.AnalyzeScanResults(
input_api, whitelisted_files, offending_files)
if unknown:
print 'The following files contain a third-party license but are not in ' \
'a listed third-party directory and are not whitelisted. You must ' \
'add the following files to the whitelist.\n%s' % \
if missing:
print 'The following files are whitelisted, but do not exist.\n%s' % \
if stale:
print 'The following files are whitelisted unnecessarily. You must ' \
'remove the following files from the whitelist.\n%s' % \
if unknown:
return ScanResult.Errors
elif stale or missing:
return ScanResult.Warnings
return ScanResult.Ok
def _ReadFile(full_path, mode='rU'):
"""Reads a file from disk. This emulates presubmit InputApi.ReadFile func.
full_path: The path of the file to read.
The contents of the file as a string.
with open(full_path, mode) as f:
def _ReadLocalFile(path, mode='rb'):
"""Reads a file from disk.
path: The path of the file to read, relative to the root of the repository.
The contents of the file as a string.
return _ReadFile(os.path.join(REPOSITORY_ROOT, path), mode)
def _FindThirdPartyDirs():
"""Gets the list of third-party directories.
The list of third-party directories.
# Please don't add here paths that have problems with license files,
# as they will end up included in Android WebView snapshot.
# Instead, add them into
prune_paths = [
# Temporary until we figure out how not to check out quickoffice on the
# Android license check bot. Tracked in
os.path.join('chrome', 'browser', 'resources', 'chromeos', 'quickoffice'),
# Placeholder directory, no third-party code.
os.path.join('third_party', 'adobe'),
# Apache 2.0 license. See
os.path.join('third_party', 'bidichecker'),
# Isn't checked out on clients
os.path.join('third_party', 'gles2_conform'),
# The llvm-build doesn't exist for non-clang builder
os.path.join('third_party', 'llvm-build'),
# Binaries doesn't apply to android
os.path.join('third_party', 'widevine'),
# third_party directories in this tree aren't actually third party, but
# provide a way to shadow experimental buildfiles into those directories.
os.path.join('build', 'secondary'),
# Not shipped, Chromium code
os.path.join('tools', 'swarming_client'),
third_party_dirs = licenses.FindThirdPartyDirs(prune_paths, REPOSITORY_ROOT)
return licenses.FilterDirsWithFiles(third_party_dirs, REPOSITORY_ROOT)
def _Scan():
"""Checks that license meta-data is present for all third-party code and
that all non third-party code doesn't contain external copyrighted code.
ScanResult.Ok if everything is in order;
ScanResult.Warnings if there are non-fatal problems (e.g. stale whitelist
ScanResult.Errors otherwise.
third_party_dirs = _FindThirdPartyDirs()
# First, check designated third-party directories using src/tools/
all_licenses_valid = True
for path in sorted(third_party_dirs):
licenses.ParseDir(path, REPOSITORY_ROOT)
except licenses.LicenseError, e:
if not (path in known_issues.KNOWN_ISSUES):
print 'Got LicenseError "%s" while scanning %s' % (e, path)
all_licenses_valid = False
# Second, check for non-standard license text.
whitelisted_files = copyright_scanner.LoadWhitelistedFilesList(InputApi())
licenses_check = _CheckLicenseHeaders(third_party_dirs, whitelisted_files)
return licenses_check if all_licenses_valid else ScanResult.Errors
class TemplateEntryGenerator(object):
def __init__(self):
self.toc_index = 0
def _ReadFileGuessEncoding(self, name):
contents = ''
with open(name, 'rb') as input_file:
contents =
return contents.decode('utf8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# If it's not UTF-8, it must be CP-1252. Fail otherwise.
return contents.decode('cp1252')
def MetadataToTemplateEntry(self, metadata):
self.toc_index += 1
return {
'name': metadata['Name'],
'url': metadata['URL'],
'license': self._ReadFileGuessEncoding(metadata['License File']),
'toc_href': 'entry' + str(self.toc_index),
def GenerateNoticeFile():
"""Generates the contents of an Android NOTICE file for the third-party code.
This is used by the snapshot tool.
The contents of the NOTICE file.
generator = TemplateEntryGenerator()
# Start from Chromium's LICENSE file
entries = [generator.MetadataToTemplateEntry({
'Name': 'The Chromium Project',
'URL': '',
'License File': os.path.join(REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'LICENSE') })
third_party_dirs = _FindThirdPartyDirs()
# We provide attribution for all third-party directories.
# TODO(mnaganov): Limit this to only code used by the WebView binary.
for directory in sorted(third_party_dirs):
metadata = licenses.ParseDir(directory, REPOSITORY_ROOT,
license_file = metadata['License File']
if license_file and license_file != licenses.NOT_SHIPPED:
env = jinja2.Environment(
template = env.get_template('licenses_notice.tmpl')
return template.render({ 'entries': entries }).encode('utf8')
def _ProcessIncompatibleResult(incompatible_directories):
if incompatible_directories:
print ("Incompatibly licensed directories found:\n" +
return ScanResult.Errors
return ScanResult.Ok
def main():
class FormatterWithNewLines(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter):
def format_description(self, description):
paras = description.split('\n')
formatted_paras = [textwrap.fill(para, self.width) for para in paras]
return '\n'.join(formatted_paras) + '\n'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(formatter=FormatterWithNewLines(),
usage='%prog [options]')
parser.description = (__doc__ +
' scan Check licenses.\n'
' notice Generate Android NOTICE file on stdout.\n'
' incompatible_directories Scan for incompatibly'
' licensed directories.\n'
' all_incompatible_directories Scan for incompatibly'
' licensed directories (even those in'
' display_copyrights Display autorship on the files'
' using names provided via stdin.\n')
(_, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
return ScanResult.Errors
if args[0] == 'scan':
scan_result = _Scan()
if scan_result == ScanResult.Ok:
print 'OK!'
return scan_result
elif args[0] == 'notice':
print GenerateNoticeFile()
return ScanResult.Ok
elif args[0] == 'incompatible_directories':
return _ProcessIncompatibleResult(GetUnknownIncompatibleDirectories())
elif args[0] == 'all_incompatible_directories':
return _ProcessIncompatibleResult(GetIncompatibleDirectories())
elif args[0] == 'display_copyrights':
files =
for f, c in \
zip(files, copyright_scanner.FindCopyrights(InputApi(), '.', files)):
print f, '\t', ' / '.join(sorted(c))
return ScanResult.Ok
return ScanResult.Errors
if __name__ == '__main__':