blob: 653304806ec98d1a49a4300640720332fc00fba3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/discardable_shared_memory.h"
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_math.h"
namespace base {
namespace {
// Use a machine-sized pointer as atomic type. It will use the Atomic32 or
// Atomic64 routines, depending on the architecture.
typedef intptr_t AtomicType;
typedef uintptr_t UAtomicType;
// Template specialization for timestamp serialization/deserialization. This
// is used to serialize timestamps using Unix time on systems where AtomicType
// does not have enough precision to contain a timestamp in the standard
// serialized format.
template <int>
Time TimeFromWireFormat(int64 value);
template <int>
int64 TimeToWireFormat(Time time);
// Serialize to Unix time when using 4-byte wire format.
// Note: 19 January 2038, this will cease to work.
template <>
Time ALLOW_UNUSED_TYPE TimeFromWireFormat<4>(int64 value) {
return value ? Time::UnixEpoch() + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(value) : Time();
template <>
int64 ALLOW_UNUSED_TYPE TimeToWireFormat<4>(Time time) {
return time > Time::UnixEpoch() ? (time - Time::UnixEpoch()).InSeconds() : 0;
// Standard serialization format when using 8-byte wire format.
template <>
Time ALLOW_UNUSED_TYPE TimeFromWireFormat<8>(int64 value) {
return Time::FromInternalValue(value);
template <>
int64 ALLOW_UNUSED_TYPE TimeToWireFormat<8>(Time time) {
return time.ToInternalValue();
struct SharedState {
enum LockState { UNLOCKED = 0, LOCKED = 1 };
explicit SharedState(AtomicType ivalue) { value.i = ivalue; }
SharedState(LockState lock_state, Time timestamp) {
int64 wire_timestamp = TimeToWireFormat<sizeof(AtomicType)>(timestamp);
DCHECK_GE(wire_timestamp, 0);
DCHECK((lock_state & ~1) == 0);
value.u = (static_cast<UAtomicType>(wire_timestamp) << 1) | lock_state;
LockState GetLockState() const { return static_cast<LockState>(value.u & 1); }
Time GetTimestamp() const {
return TimeFromWireFormat<sizeof(AtomicType)>(value.u >> 1);
// Bit 1: Lock state. Bit is set when locked.
// Bit 2..sizeof(AtomicType)*8: Usage timestamp. NULL time when locked or
// purged.
union {
AtomicType i;
UAtomicType u;
} value;
// Shared state is stored at offset 0 in shared memory segments.
SharedState* SharedStateFromSharedMemory(const SharedMemory& shared_memory) {
return static_cast<SharedState*>(shared_memory.memory());
} // namespace
DiscardableSharedMemory::DiscardableSharedMemory() {
SharedMemoryHandle shared_memory_handle)
: shared_memory_(shared_memory_handle, false) {
DiscardableSharedMemory::~DiscardableSharedMemory() {
bool DiscardableSharedMemory::CreateAndMap(size_t size) {
CheckedNumeric<size_t> checked_size = size;
checked_size += sizeof(SharedState);
if (!checked_size.IsValid())
return false;
if (!shared_memory_.CreateAndMapAnonymous(checked_size.ValueOrDie()))
return false;
SharedState new_state(SharedState::LOCKED, Time());
return true;
bool DiscardableSharedMemory::Map(size_t size) {
return shared_memory_.Map(sizeof(SharedState) + size);
bool DiscardableSharedMemory::Lock() {
// Return false when instance has been purged or not initialized properly by
// checking if |last_known_usage_| is NULL.
if (last_known_usage_.is_null())
return false;
SharedState old_state(SharedState::UNLOCKED, last_known_usage_);
SharedState new_state(SharedState::LOCKED, Time());
SharedState result(subtle::Acquire_CompareAndSwap(
if (result.value.u == old_state.value.u)
return true;
// Update |last_known_usage_| in case the above CAS failed because of
// an incorrect timestamp.
last_known_usage_ = result.GetTimestamp();
return false;
void DiscardableSharedMemory::Unlock() {
Time current_time = Now();
SharedState old_state(SharedState::LOCKED, Time());
SharedState new_state(SharedState::UNLOCKED, current_time);
// Note: timestamp cannot be NULL as that is a unique value used when
// locked or purged.
// Timestamps precision should at least be accurate to the second.
DCHECK_EQ((new_state.GetTimestamp() - Time::UnixEpoch()).InSeconds(),
(current_time - Time::UnixEpoch()).InSeconds());
SharedState result(subtle::Release_CompareAndSwap(
DCHECK_EQ(old_state.value.u, result.value.u);
last_known_usage_ = current_time;
void* DiscardableSharedMemory::memory() const {
return SharedStateFromSharedMemory(shared_memory_) + 1;
bool DiscardableSharedMemory::Purge(Time current_time) {
// Early out if not mapped. This can happen if the segment was previously
// unmapped using a call to Close().
if (!shared_memory_.memory())
return true;
SharedState old_state(SharedState::UNLOCKED, last_known_usage_);
SharedState new_state(SharedState::UNLOCKED, Time());
SharedState result(subtle::Acquire_CompareAndSwap(
// Update |last_known_usage_| to |current_time| if the memory is locked. This
// allows the caller to determine if purging failed because last known usage
// was incorrect or memory was locked. In the second case, the caller should
// most likely wait for some amount of time before attempting to purge the
// the memory again.
if (result.value.u != old_state.value.u) {
last_known_usage_ = result.GetLockState() == SharedState::LOCKED
? current_time
: result.GetTimestamp();
return false;
last_known_usage_ = Time();
return true;
bool DiscardableSharedMemory::PurgeAndTruncate(Time current_time) {
if (!Purge(current_time))
return false;
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
// Truncate shared memory to size of SharedState.
SharedMemoryHandle handle = shared_memory_.handle();
if (SharedMemory::IsHandleValid(handle)) {
if (HANDLE_EINTR(ftruncate(handle.fd, sizeof(SharedState))) != 0)
DPLOG(ERROR) << "ftruncate() failed";
return true;
bool DiscardableSharedMemory::IsMemoryResident() const {
SharedState result(subtle::NoBarrier_Load(
return result.GetLockState() == SharedState::LOCKED ||
void DiscardableSharedMemory::Close() {
Time DiscardableSharedMemory::Now() const {
return Time::Now();
} // namespace base