blob: a85e110aedc64e8d078c4b8be11cb6e7070660ce [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Go testing support for Bazel.
// A Go test comprises three packages:
// 1. An internal test package, compiled from the sources of the library being
// tested and any _test.go files with the same package name.
// 2. An external test package, compiled from _test.go files with a package
// name ending with "_test".
// 3. A generated main package that imports both packages and initializes the
// test framework with a list of tests, benchmarks, examples, and fuzz
// targets read from source files.
// This action generates the source code for (3). The equivalent code for
// 'go test' is in $GOROOT/src/cmd/go/internal/load/test.go.
package main
import (
type Import struct {
Name string
Path string
type TestCase struct {
Package string
Name string
type Example struct {
Package string
Name string
Output string
Unordered bool
// Cases holds template data.
type Cases struct {
Imports []*Import
Tests []TestCase
Benchmarks []TestCase
FuzzTargets []TestCase
Examples []Example
TestMain string
CoverMode string
CoverFormat string
Pkgname string
// Version returns whether v is a supported Go version (like "go1.18").
func (c *Cases) Version(v string) bool {
for _, r := range build.Default.ReleaseTags {
if v == r {
return true
return false
const testMainTpl = `
package main
// This package must be initialized before packages being tested.
// NOTE: this relies on the order of package initialization, which is the spec
// is somewhat unclear about-- it only clearly guarantees that imported packages
// are initialized before their importers, though in practice (and implied) it
// also respects declaration order, which we're relying on here.
import ""
import (
{{if .TestMain}}
{{if ne .CoverMode ""}}
{{range $p := .Imports}}
{{$p.Name}} "{{$p.Path}}"
var allTests = []testing.InternalTest{
{{range .Tests}}
{"{{.Name}}", {{.Package}}.{{.Name}} },
var benchmarks = []testing.InternalBenchmark{
{{range .Benchmarks}}
{"{{.Name}}", {{.Package}}.{{.Name}} },
{{if .Version "go1.18"}}
var fuzzTargets = []testing.InternalFuzzTarget{
{{range .FuzzTargets}}
{"{{.Name}}", {{.Package}}.{{.Name}} },
var examples = []testing.InternalExample{
{{range .Examples}}
{Name: "{{.Name}}", F: {{.Package}}.{{.Name}}, Output: {{printf "%q" .Output}}, Unordered: {{.Unordered}} },
func testsInShard() []testing.InternalTest {
totalShards, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS"))
if err != nil || totalShards <= 1 {
return allTests
shardIndex, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("TEST_SHARD_INDEX"))
if err != nil || shardIndex < 0 {
return allTests
tests := []testing.InternalTest{}
for i, t := range allTests {
if i % totalShards == shardIndex {
tests = append(tests, t)
return tests
func main() {
if bzltestutil.ShouldWrap() {
err := bzltestutil.Wrap("{{.Pkgname}}")
if xerr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
} else if err != nil {
} else {
testDeps :=
{{if eq .CoverFormat "lcov"}}
bzltestutil.LcovTestDeps{TestDeps: testdeps.TestDeps{}}
{{if .Version "go1.18"}}
m := testing.MainStart(testDeps, testsInShard(), benchmarks, fuzzTargets, examples)
m := testing.MainStart(testDeps, testsInShard(), benchmarks, examples)
if filter := os.Getenv("TESTBRIDGE_TEST_ONLY"); filter != "" {
if failfast := os.Getenv("TESTBRIDGE_TEST_RUNNER_FAIL_FAST"); failfast != "" {
{{if eq .CoverFormat "lcov"}}
panicOnExit0Flag := flag.Lookup("test.paniconexit0").Value
testDeps.OriginalPanicOnExit = panicOnExit0Flag.(flag.Getter).Get().(bool)
// Setting this flag provides a way to run hooks right before testing.M.Run() returns.
{{if ne .CoverMode ""}}
if len(coverdata.Counters) > 0 {
Mode: "{{ .CoverMode }}",
Counters: coverdata.Counters,
Blocks: coverdata.Blocks,
if coverageDat, ok := os.LookupEnv("COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE"); ok {
{{if eq .CoverFormat "lcov"}}
{{if not .TestMain}}
res := m.Run()
{{/* See and */}}
res := int(reflect.ValueOf(m).Elem().FieldByName("exitCode").Int())
func genTestMain(args []string) error {
// Prepare our flags
args, _, err := expandParamsFiles(args)
if err != nil {
return err
imports := multiFlag{}
sources := multiFlag{}
flags := flag.NewFlagSet("GoTestGenTest", flag.ExitOnError)
goenv := envFlags(flags)
out := flags.String("output", "", "output file to write. Defaults to stdout.")
coverMode := flags.String("cover_mode", "", "the coverage mode to use")
coverFormat := flags.String("cover_format", "", "the coverage report type to generate (go_cover or lcov)")
pkgname := flags.String("pkgname", "", "package name of test")
flags.Var(&imports, "import", "Packages to import")
flags.Var(&sources, "src", "Sources to process for tests")
if err := flags.Parse(args); err != nil {
return err
if err := goenv.checkFlags(); err != nil {
return err
// Process import args
importMap := map[string]*Import{}
for _, imp := range imports {
parts := strings.Split(imp, "=")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid import %q specified", imp)
i := &Import{Name: parts[0], Path: parts[1]}
importMap[i.Name] = i
// Process source args
sourceList := []string{}
sourceMap := map[string]string{}
for _, s := range sources {
parts := strings.Split(s, "=")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid source %q specified", s)
sourceList = append(sourceList, parts[1])
sourceMap[parts[1]] = parts[0]
// filter our input file list
filteredSrcs, err := filterAndSplitFiles(sourceList)
if err != nil {
return err
goSrcs := filteredSrcs.goSrcs
outFile := os.Stdout
if *out != "" {
var err error
outFile, err = os.Create(*out)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("os.Create(%q): %v", *out, err)
defer outFile.Close()
cases := Cases{
CoverFormat: *coverFormat,
CoverMode: *coverMode,
Pkgname: *pkgname,
testFileSet := token.NewFileSet()
pkgs := map[string]bool{}
for _, f := range goSrcs {
parse, err := parser.ParseFile(testFileSet, f.filename, nil, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ParseFile(%q): %v", f.filename, err)
pkg := sourceMap[f.filename]
if strings.HasSuffix(parse.Name.String(), "_test") {
pkg += "_test"
for _, e := range doc.Examples(parse) {
if e.Output == "" && !e.EmptyOutput {
cases.Examples = append(cases.Examples, Example{
Name: "Example" + e.Name,
Package: pkg,
Output: e.Output,
Unordered: e.Unordered,
pkgs[pkg] = true
for _, d := range parse.Decls {
fn, ok := d.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok {
if fn.Recv != nil {
if fn.Name.Name == "TestMain" {
// TestMain is not, itself, a test
pkgs[pkg] = true
cases.TestMain = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", pkg, fn.Name.Name)
// Here we check the signature of the Test* function. To
// be considered a test:
// 1. The function should have a single argument.
if len(fn.Type.Params.List) != 1 {
// 2. The function should return nothing.
if fn.Type.Results != nil {
// 3. The only parameter should have a type identified as
// *<something>.T
starExpr, ok := fn.Type.Params.List[0].Type.(*ast.StarExpr)
if !ok {
selExpr, ok := starExpr.X.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
// We do not descriminate on the referenced type of the
// parameter being *testing.T. Instead we assert that it
// should be *<something>.T. This is because the import
// could have been aliased as a different identifier.
if strings.HasPrefix(fn.Name.Name, "Test") {
if selExpr.Sel.Name != "T" {
pkgs[pkg] = true
cases.Tests = append(cases.Tests, TestCase{
Package: pkg,
Name: fn.Name.Name,
if strings.HasPrefix(fn.Name.Name, "Benchmark") {
if selExpr.Sel.Name != "B" {
pkgs[pkg] = true
cases.Benchmarks = append(cases.Benchmarks, TestCase{
Package: pkg,
Name: fn.Name.Name,
if strings.HasPrefix(fn.Name.Name, "Fuzz") {
if selExpr.Sel.Name != "F" {
pkgs[pkg] = true
cases.FuzzTargets = append(cases.FuzzTargets, TestCase{
Package: pkg,
Name: fn.Name.Name,
for name := range importMap {
// Set the names for all unused imports to "_"
if !pkgs[name] {
importMap[name].Name = "_"
cases.Imports = append(cases.Imports, importMap[name])
sort.Slice(cases.Imports, func(i, j int) bool {
return cases.Imports[i].Name < cases.Imports[j].Name
tpl := template.Must(template.New("source").Parse(testMainTpl))
if err := tpl.Execute(outFile, &cases); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("template.Execute(%v): %v", cases, err)
return nil