Revert "Rootless GPU Debug for GLES Tests"

This reverts commit 735b21ece52304bd162bb1a0cc732093289677b4.

Bug: 110883880
Test: Chrome no longer crashes
Change-Id: I5ba04454451d33f1078383921a0e8ca601552a9a
(cherry picked from commit 190c5a3c785aedd1fc5607ff322c06f298b9866a)
diff --git a/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/ b/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/
index 138b4e9..4e83540 100644
--- a/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/
+++ b/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror
 LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libvulkan liblog
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libvulkan libEGL libGLESv3 liblog
 LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT := c++_static
@@ -62,8 +61,7 @@
 libctsgputools_jni \
-libVkLayer_nullLayerC \
diff --git a/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/jni/android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug.cpp b/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/jni/android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug.cpp
index bdbfd06..4fdddbc 100644
--- a/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/jni/android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug.cpp
+++ b/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/jni/android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug.cpp
@@ -17,46 +17,40 @@
 #define LOG_TAG "RootlessGpuDebug"
-#include <EGL/egl.h>
-#include <GLES3/gl3.h>
 #include <android/log.h>
-#include <android/native_window.h>
 #include <jni.h>
-#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
 #include <string>
+#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
 #define ALOGI(msg, ...) \
     __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, (msg), __VA_ARGS__)
 #define ALOGE(msg, ...) \
     __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, (msg), __VA_ARGS__)
-#define ALOGD(msg, ...) \
-    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, (msg), __VA_ARGS__)
 namespace {
-typedef __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType EGLFuncPointer;
-std::string initVulkan() {
+std::string initVulkan()
     std::string result = "";
     const VkApplicationInfo app_info = {
-        nullptr,             // pNext
-        "RootlessGpuDebug",  // app name
-        0,                   // app version
-        nullptr,             // engine name
-        0,                   // engine version
+        nullptr,            // pNext
+        "RootlessGpuDebug", // app name
+        0,                  // app version
+        nullptr,            // engine name
+        0,                  // engine version
     const VkInstanceCreateInfo instance_info = {
-        nullptr,  // pNext
-        0,        // flags
+        nullptr,   // pNext
+        0,         // flags
-        0,        // layer count
-        nullptr,  // layers
-        0,        // extension count
-        nullptr,  // extensions
+        0,         // layer count
+        nullptr,   // layers
+        0,         // extension count
+        nullptr,   // extensions
     VkInstance instance;
     VkResult vkResult = vkCreateInstance(&instance_info, nullptr, &instance);
@@ -69,50 +63,9 @@
     return result;
-std::string initGLES() {
-    std::string result = "";
-    const EGLint attribs[] = {EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_WINDOW_BIT,
-                              EGL_BLUE_SIZE,    8,
-                              EGL_GREEN_SIZE,   8,
-                              EGL_RED_SIZE,     8,
-                              EGL_NONE};
-    // Create an EGL context
-    EGLDisplay display;
-    EGLConfig config;
-    EGLint numConfigs;
-    EGLint format;
-    if ((display = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY)) == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {
-        result = "eglGetDisplay() returned error " + std::to_string(eglGetError());
-        return result;
-    }
-    if (!eglInitialize(display, 0, 0)) {
-        result = "eglInitialize() returned error " + std::to_string(eglGetError());
-        return result;
-    }
-    if (!eglChooseConfig(display, attribs, &config, 1, &numConfigs)) {
-        result =
-            "eglChooseConfig() returned error " + std::to_string(eglGetError());
-        return result;
-    }
-    if (!eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID, &format)) {
-        result =
-            "eglGetConfigAttrib() returned error " + std::to_string(eglGetError());
-        return result;
-    }
-    eglTerminate(display);
-    return result;
-jstring android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug_nativeInitVulkan(
-        JNIEnv* env, jclass /*clazz*/) {
+jstring android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug_nativeInitVulkan(JNIEnv* env,
+    jclass /*clazz*/)
     std::string result;
     result = initVulkan();
@@ -120,25 +73,15 @@
     return env->NewStringUTF(result.c_str());
-jstring android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug_nativeInitGLES(JNIEnv* env,
-                                                             jclass /*clazz*/) {
-    std::string result;
-    result = initGLES();
-    return env->NewStringUTF(result.c_str());
 static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
-    {"nativeInitVulkan", "()Ljava/lang/String;",
-     (void*)android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug_nativeInitVulkan},
-    {"nativeInitGLES", "()Ljava/lang/String;",
-     (void*)android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug_nativeInitGLES}};
-}  // anonymous namespace
+    {    "nativeInitVulkan", "()Ljava/lang/String;",
+         (void*) android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug_nativeInitVulkan },
+} // anonymous namespace
 int register_android_gputools_cts_RootlessGpuDebug(JNIEnv* env) {
-    jclass clazz = env->FindClass(
-        "android/rootlessgpudebug/app/RootlessGpuDebugDeviceActivity");
+    jclass clazz = env->FindClass("android/rootlessgpudebug/app/RootlessGpuDebugDeviceActivity");
     return env->RegisterNatives(clazz, gMethods,
-                                sizeof(gMethods) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod));
+            sizeof(gMethods) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod));
diff --git a/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/src/android/rootlessgpudebug/app/ b/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/src/android/rootlessgpudebug/app/
index a29a246..ec5052b 100644
--- a/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/src/android/rootlessgpudebug/app/
+++ b/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/src/android/rootlessgpudebug/app/
@@ -36,15 +36,9 @@
         String result = nativeInitVulkan();
         Log.i(TAG, result);
-        result = nativeInitGLES();
-        Log.i(TAG, result);
-        Log.i(TAG, "RootlessGpuDebug activity complete");
     private static native String nativeInitVulkan();
-    private static native String nativeInitGLES();
diff --git a/hostsidetests/gputools/layers/ b/hostsidetests/gputools/layers/
index f91b0d3..cf85515 100644
--- a/hostsidetests/gputools/layers/
+++ b/hostsidetests/gputools/layers/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := jni/nullLayer.cpp
 LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror -fvisibility=hidden -DLAYERNAME="A"
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libvulkan libEGL libGLESv3 liblog
+LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libvulkan liblog
 LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT := c++_static
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := jni/nullLayer.cpp
 LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror -fvisibility=hidden -DLAYERNAME="B"
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libvulkan libEGL libGLESv3 liblog
+LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libvulkan liblog
 LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT := c++_static
@@ -42,44 +42,12 @@
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := jni/nullLayer.cpp
 LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror -fvisibility=hidden -DLAYERNAME="C"
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libvulkan libEGL libGLESv3 liblog
+LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libvulkan liblog
 LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT := c++_static
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := libGLES_glesLayer1
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := jni/glesLayer.cpp
-LOCAL_CFLAGS += -std=c++14 -Wall -Werror -fvisibility=hidden -DLAYERNAME=1
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libEGL libGLESv3 liblog
-LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT := c++_static
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := libGLES_glesLayer2
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := jni/glesLayer.cpp
-LOCAL_CFLAGS += -std=c++14 -Wall -Werror -fvisibility=hidden -DLAYERNAME=2
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libEGL libGLESv3 liblog
-LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT := c++_static
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := libGLES_glesLayer3
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := jni/glesLayer.cpp
-LOCAL_CFLAGS += -std=c++14 -Wall -Werror -fvisibility=hidden -DLAYERNAME=3
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libandroid libEGL libGLESv3 liblog
-LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT := c++_static
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
@@ -96,10 +64,7 @@
 libVkLayer_nullLayerA \
 libVkLayer_nullLayerB \
-libVkLayer_nullLayerC \
-libGLES_glesLayer1 \
-libGLES_glesLayer2 \
 include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
diff --git a/hostsidetests/gputools/layers/jni/glesLayer.cpp b/hostsidetests/gputools/layers/jni/glesLayer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a053de0..0000000
--- a/hostsidetests/gputools/layers/jni/glesLayer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <android/log.h>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <EGL/egl.h>
-#include <GLES3/gl3.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#define xstr(a) str(a)
-#define str(a) #a
-#define LOG_TAG "glesLayer" xstr(LAYERNAME)
-#define ALOGI(msg, ...) \
-    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, (msg), __VA_ARGS__)
-// Announce if anything loads this layer.  LAYERNAME is defined in
-class StaticLogMessage {
-    public:
-        StaticLogMessage(const char* msg) {
-            ALOGI("%s", msg);
-    }
-StaticLogMessage g_initMessage("glesLayer" xstr(LAYERNAME) " loaded");
-typedef __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType EGLFuncPointer;
-typedef void* (*PFNEGLGETNEXTLAYERPROCADDRESSPROC)(void*, const char*);
-namespace {
-std::unordered_map<std::string, EGLFuncPointer> funcMap;
-EGLAPI void EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_glCompileShaderA (GLuint shader) {
-    ALOGI("%s%u", "glesLayer_glCompileShaderA called with parameter ", shader);
-    if (funcMap.find("glCompileShader") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for glCompileShader");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["glCompileShader"];
-    next(shader);
-EGLAPI void EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_glCompileShaderB (GLuint shader) {
-    ALOGI("%s%u", "glesLayer_CompileShaderB called with parameter ", shader);
-    if (funcMap.find("glCompileShader") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for glCompileShader");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["glCompileShader"];
-    next(shader);
-EGLAPI void EGLAPI glesLayer_glDrawArraysInstanced(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei instancecount) {
-    ALOGI("%s %i, %i, %i", "glesLayer_glDrawArraysInstanced called with parameters (minus GLenum):", first, count, instancecount);
-    if (funcMap.find("glDrawArraysInstanced") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for glDrawArraysInstanced");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["glDrawArraysInstanced"];
-    next(mode, first, count, instancecount);
-EGLAPI void EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_glBindBuffer(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) {
-    ALOGI("%s %i", "glesLayer_glBindBuffer called with parameters (minus GLenum):", buffer);
-    if (funcMap.find("glBindBuffer") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for glBindBuffer");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["glBindBuffer"];
-    PFNGLBINDBUFFERPROC next = reinterpret_cast<PFNGLBINDBUFFERPROC>(entry);
-    next(target, buffer);
-EGLAPI const GLubyte* EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_glGetString(GLenum name) {
-    ALOGI("%s %lu", "glesLayer_glGetString called with parameters:", (unsigned long)name);
-    if (funcMap.find("glGetString") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for glGetString");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["glGetString"];
-    PFNGLGETSTRINGPROC next = reinterpret_cast<PFNGLGETSTRINGPROC>(entry);
-    return next(name);
-EGLAPI EGLDisplay EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_eglGetDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType display_type) {
-    ALOGI("%s %lu", "glesLayer_eglGetDisplay called with parameters:", (unsigned long)display_type);
-    if (funcMap.find("eglGetDisplay") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for eglGetDisplay");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["eglGetDisplay"];
-    typedef EGLDisplay (*PFNEGLGETDISPLAYPROC)(EGLNativeDisplayType);
-    return next(display_type);
-EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_eglInitialize(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint *major, EGLint *minor) {
-    ALOGI("%s %lu %li %li", "glesLayer_eglInitialize called with parameters:", (unsigned long)dpy, major ? (long)*major : 0, minor ? (long)*minor : 0);
-    if (funcMap.find("eglInitialize") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for eglInitialize");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["eglInitialize"];
-    typedef EGLBoolean (*PFNEGLINITIALIZEPROC)(EGLDisplay, EGLint*, EGLint*);
-    return next(dpy, major, minor);
-EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_eglChooseConfig (EGLDisplay dpy, const EGLint *attrib_list, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config) {
-    const char* msg = "glesLayer_eglChooseConfig called in glesLayer" xstr(LAYERNAME);
-    ALOGI("%s", msg);
-    if (funcMap.find("eglChooseConfig") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for eglChooseConfig");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["eglChooseConfig"];
-    typedef EGLBoolean (*PFNEGLCHOOSECONFIGPROC)(EGLDisplay, const EGLint*, EGLConfig*, EGLint, EGLint*);
-    return next(dpy, attrib_list, configs, config_size, num_config);
-EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint *rects, EGLint n_rects) {
-    const char* msg = "glesLayer_eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR called in glesLayer" xstr(LAYERNAME);
-    ALOGI("%s", msg);
-    if (funcMap.find("eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR"];
-    return next(dpy, surface, rects, n_rects);
-EGLAPI void* EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_eglGetProcAddress (const char* procname) {
-    const char* msg = "glesLayer_eglGetProcAddress called in glesLayer" xstr(LAYERNAME) " for:";
-    ALOGI("%s%s", msg, procname);
-    if (funcMap.find("eglGetProcAddress") == funcMap.end())
-        ALOGI("%s", "Unable to find funcMap entry for eglGetProcAddress");
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = funcMap["eglGetProcAddress"];
-    typedef void* (*PFNEGLGETPROCADDRESSPROC)(const char*);
-    return next(procname);
-EGLAPI EGLFuncPointer EGLAPIENTRY eglGPA(const char* funcName) {
-#define GETPROCADDR(func) if(!strcmp(funcName, #func)) { \
-ALOGI("%s%s%s", "Returning glesLayer_" #func " for ", funcName, " in eglGPA"); \
-return (EGLFuncPointer)glesLayer_##func; \
-    if (strcmp("1", xstr(LAYERNAME)) == 0) {
-        const char* targetFunc = "glCompileShader";
-        if (strcmp(targetFunc, funcName) == 0) {
-            ALOGI("%s%s%s", "Returning glesLayer_glCompileShaderA for ", funcName, " in eglGPA");
-            return (EGLFuncPointer)glesLayer_glCompileShaderA;
-        }
-        GETPROCADDR(glDrawArraysInstanced);
-    } else if (strcmp("2", xstr(LAYERNAME)) == 0) {
-        const char* targetFunc = "glCompileShader";
-        if (strcmp(targetFunc, funcName) == 0) {
-            ALOGI("%s%s%s", "Returning glesLayer_glCompileShaderB for ", funcName, " in eglGPA");
-            return (EGLFuncPointer)glesLayer_glCompileShaderB;
-        }
-        GETPROCADDR(glBindBuffer);
-    }
-    GETPROCADDR(glGetString);
-    GETPROCADDR(eglGetDisplay);
-    GETPROCADDR(eglInitialize);
-    GETPROCADDR(eglChooseConfig);
-    GETPROCADDR(eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR);
-    GETPROCADDR(eglGetProcAddress);
-    // Don't return anything for unrecognized functions
-    return nullptr;
-EGLAPI void EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_InitializeLayer(void* layer_id, PFNEGLGETNEXTLAYERPROCADDRESSPROC get_next_layer_proc_address) {
-    ALOGI("%s%llu%s%llu", "glesLayer_InitializeLayer called with layer_id (", (unsigned long long) layer_id,
-                              ") get_next_layer_proc_address (", (unsigned long long) get_next_layer_proc_address);
-    // Pick a real function to look up and test the pointer we've been handed
-    const char* func = "eglGetProcAddress";
-    ALOGI("%s%s%s%llu%s%llu%s", "Looking up address of ", func,
-                                " using get_next_layer_proc_address (", (unsigned long long) get_next_layer_proc_address,
-                                ") with layer_id (", (unsigned long long) layer_id,
-                                ")");
-    void* gpa = get_next_layer_proc_address(layer_id, func);
-    // Pick a fake function to look up and test the pointer we've been handed
-    func = "eglFoo";
-    ALOGI("%s%s%s%llu%s%llu%s", "Looking up address of ", func,
-                                " using get_next_layer_proc_address (", (unsigned long long) get_next_layer_proc_address,
-                                ") with layer_id (", (unsigned long long) layer_id,
-                                ")");
-    gpa = get_next_layer_proc_address(layer_id, func);
-    ALOGI("%s%llu%s%s", "Got back (", (unsigned long long) gpa, ") for ", func);
-EGLAPI EGLFuncPointer EGLAPIENTRY glesLayer_GetLayerProcAddress(const char* funcName, EGLFuncPointer next) {
-    EGLFuncPointer entry = eglGPA(funcName);
-    if (entry != nullptr) {
-        ALOGI("%s%s%s%llu%s", "Setting up glesLayer version of ", funcName, " calling down with: next (", (unsigned long long) next, ")");
-        funcMap[std::string(funcName)] = next;
-        return entry;
-    }
-    // If the layer does not intercept the function, just return original func pointer
-    return next;
-}  // namespace
-extern "C" {
-    __attribute((visibility("default"))) EGLAPI void InitializeLayer(void* layer_id,
-            PFNEGLGETNEXTLAYERPROCADDRESSPROC get_next_layer_proc_address) {
-        return (void)glesLayer_InitializeLayer(layer_id, get_next_layer_proc_address);
-    }
-    __attribute((visibility("default"))) EGLAPI void* GetLayerProcAddress(const char *funcName, EGLFuncPointer next) {
-        return (void*)glesLayer_GetLayerProcAddress(funcName, next);
-    }
diff --git a/hostsidetests/gputools/src/android/gputools/cts/ b/hostsidetests/gputools/src/android/gputools/cts/
index ba9a49c..96096fb 100644
--- a/hostsidetests/gputools/src/android/gputools/cts/
+++ b/hostsidetests/gputools/src/android/gputools/cts/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
         return mDevice;
-    // This test ensures that the Vulkan and GLES loaders can use Settings to load layers
+    // This test ensures that the Vulkan loader can use Settings to load layer
     // from the base directory of debuggable applications.  Is also tests several
     // positive and negative scenarios we want to cover (listed below).
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     // The layers themselves are practically null, only enough functionality to
     // satisfy loader enumerating and loading.  They don't actually chain together.
-    // Positive Vulkan tests
+    // Positive tests
     // - Ensure we can toggle the Enable Setting on and off (testDebugLayerLoadVulkan)
     // - Ensure we can set the debuggable app (testDebugLayerLoadVulkan)
     // - Ensure we can set the layer list (testDebugLayerLoadVulkan)
@@ -76,30 +76,12 @@
     // - Ensure we can load a layer from app's data directory (testDebugLayerLoadVulkan)
     // - Ensure we can load multiple layers, in order, from app's data directory (testDebugLayerLoadVulkan)
     // - Ensure we can still use system properties if no layers loaded via Settings (testSystemPropertyEnableVulkan)
-    // - Ensure we can find layers in separate specified app (testDebugLayerLoadExternalVulkan)
-    // Negative Vulkan tests
-    // - Ensure we cannot push a layer to non-debuggable app (testReleaseLayerLoadVulkan)
-    // - Ensure non-debuggable app ignores the new Settings (testReleaseLayerLoadVulkan)
+    // Negative tests
+    // - Ensure we cannot push a layer to non-debuggable app (testReleaseLayerLoad)
+    // - Ensure non-debuggable app ignores the new Settings (testReleaseLayerLoad)
     // - Ensure we cannot enumerate layers from debuggable app's data directory if Setting not specified (testDebugNoEnumerateVulkan)
     // - Ensure we cannot enumerate layers without specifying the debuggable app (testDebugNoEnumerateVulkan)
     // - Ensure we cannot use system properties when layer is found via Settings with debuggable app (testSystemPropertyIgnoreVulkan)
-    //
-    // Positive GLES tests
-    // - Ensure we can toggle the Enable Setting on and off (testDebugLayerLoadGLES)
-    // - Ensure we can set the debuggable app (testDebugLayerLoadGLES)
-    // - Ensure we can set the layer list (testDebugLayerLoadGLES)
-    // - Ensure we can push a layer to debuggable app (testDebugLayerLoadGLES)
-    // - Ensure we can specify the app to load layers (testDebugLayerLoadGLES)
-    // - Ensure we can load a layer from app's data directory (testDebugLayerLoadGLES)
-    // - Ensure we can load multiple layers, in order, from app's data directory (testDebugLayerLoadGLES)
-    // - Ensure we can find layers in separate specified app (testDebugLayerLoadExternalGLES)
-    // Negative GLES tests
-    // - Ensure we cannot push a layer to non-debuggable app (testReleaseLayerLoadGLES)
-    // - Ensure non-debuggable app ignores the new Settings (testReleaseLayerLoadGLES)
-    // - Ensure we cannot enumerate layers from debuggable app's data directory if Setting not specified (testDebugNoEnumerateGLES)
-    // - Ensure we cannot enumerate layers without specifying the debuggable app (testDebugNoEnumerateGLES)
     private static final String CLASS = "RootlessGpuDebugDeviceActivity";
     private static final String ACTIVITY = "";
@@ -115,12 +97,6 @@
     private static final String DEBUG_APP = "";
     private static final String RELEASE_APP = "";
     private static final String LAYERS_APP = "";
-    private static final String SHIM_A = "glesLayer1";
-    private static final String SHIM_B = "glesLayer2";
-    private static final String SHIM_C = "glesLayer3";
-    private static final String SHIM_A_LIB = "libGLES_" + SHIM_A + ".so";
-    private static final String SHIM_B_LIB = "libGLES_" + SHIM_B + ".so";
-    private static final String SHIM_C_LIB = "libGLES_" + SHIM_C + ".so";
     // This is how long we'll scan the log for a result before giving up. This limit will only
     // be reached if something has gone wrong
@@ -199,7 +175,7 @@
                     result.found = true;
                     result.lineNumber = lineNumber;
-                if (line.contains("RootlessGpuDebug activity complete")) {
+                if (line.contains("vkCreateInstance succeeded")) {
                     // Once we've got output from the app, we've collected what we need
                     scanComplete= true;
@@ -220,15 +196,10 @@
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "rm", "-f", "/data/local/tmp/" + LAYER_A_LIB);
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "rm", "-f", "/data/local/tmp/" + LAYER_B_LIB);
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "rm", "-f", "/data/local/tmp/" + LAYER_C_LIB);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "rm", "-f", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_A_LIB);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "rm", "-f", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_B_LIB);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "rm", "-f", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_C_LIB);
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "delete", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers");
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "delete", "global", "gpu_debug_app");
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "delete", "global", "gpu_debug_layers");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "delete", "global", "gpu_debug_layer_app");
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "setprop", "debug.vulkan.layers", "\'\"\"\'");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "setprop", "debug.gles.layers", "\'\"\"\'");
@@ -401,7 +372,7 @@
-     * This test ensures we can still use properties if no layer specified via Settings
+     * This test ensures we can still use properties if no layer found via Settings
     public void testSystemPropertyEnableVulkan() throws Exception {
@@ -409,9 +380,7 @@
         // Set up layerA to be loaded, but not layerB or layerC
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1");
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", RELEASE_APP);
-        // Switch back to delete once b/117555066 is fixed
-        //mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "delete", "global", "gpu_debug_layers");
-        mDevice.executeShellCommand("settings put global gpu_debug_layers ''");
+        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layers", LAYER_A_NAME);
         // Enable layerC (which is packaged with the RELEASE app) with system properties
         mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "setprop", "debug.vulkan.layers " + LAYER_C_NAME);
@@ -473,305 +442,4 @@
         LogScanResult resultB = scanLog(pid, searchStringB);
         Assert.assertFalse("LayerB was loaded", resultB.found);
-    /**
-     *
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testDebugLayerLoadExternalVulkan() throws Exception {
-        // Set up layers to be loaded
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", DEBUG_APP);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layers", LAYER_C_NAME);
-        // Specify the external app that hosts layers
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layer_app", LAYERS_APP);
-        // Kick off our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "am", "start", "-n", DEBUG_APP + "/" + ACTIVITY);
-        // Give it a chance to start, then grab process ID
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        String pid = getPID(DEBUG_APP);
-        // Check that our external layer was loaded
-        String searchStringC = "nullCreateInstance called in " + LAYER_C;
-        LogScanResult resultC = scanLog(pid, searchStringC);
-        Assert.assertTrue("LayerC was not loaded", resultC.found);
-    }
-    /**
-     * This test pushes GLES layers to our debuggable app and ensures they are
-     * loaded in the correct order.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testDebugLayerLoadGLES() throws Exception {
-        // Set up layers to be loaded
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", DEBUG_APP);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layers", SHIM_A_LIB + ":" + SHIM_B_LIB);
-        // Copy the layers from our LAYERS APK to tmp
-        setupLayer(SHIM_A_LIB);
-        setupLayer(SHIM_B_LIB);
-        // Copy them over to our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "cat", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_A_LIB, "|", "run-as", DEBUG_APP,
-                                  "sh", "-c", "\'cat", ">", SHIM_A_LIB, ";", "chmod", "700", SHIM_A_LIB + "\'");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "cat", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_B_LIB, "|", "run-as", DEBUG_APP,
-                                  "sh", "-c", "\'cat", ">", SHIM_B_LIB, ";", "chmod", "700", SHIM_B_LIB + "\'");
-        // Kick off our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "am", "start", "-n", DEBUG_APP + "/" + ACTIVITY);
-        // Give it a chance to start, then grab process ID
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        String pid = getPID(DEBUG_APP);
-        // Check that both layers were loaded, in the correct order
-        String searchStringA = "glesLayer_eglChooseConfig called in " + SHIM_A;
-        LogScanResult resultA = scanLog(pid, searchStringA);
-        Assert.assertTrue("glesLayer1 was not loaded", resultA.found);
-        String searchStringB = "glesLayer_eglChooseConfig called in " + SHIM_B;
-        LogScanResult resultB = scanLog(pid, searchStringB);
-        Assert.assertTrue("glesLayer2 was not loaded", resultB.found);
-        Assert.assertTrue("glesLayer1 should be loaded before glesLayer2", resultA.lineNumber < resultB.lineNumber);
-    }
-    /**
-     * This test ensures that we cannot push a layer to a non-debuggable GLES app
-     * It also ensures non-debuggable apps ignore Settings and don't enumerate layers in the base directory.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testReleaseLayerLoadGLES() throws Exception {
-        // Set up a layers to be loaded for RELEASE app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", RELEASE_APP);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layers", SHIM_A_LIB + ":" + SHIM_B_LIB);
-        // Remove this once b/117555066 has been fixed
-        mDevice.executeShellCommand("settings put global gpu_debug_layer_app ''");
-        // Copy a layer from our LAYERS APK to tmp
-        setupLayer(SHIM_A_LIB);
-        // Attempt to copy them over to our RELEASE app (this should fail)
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "cat", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_A_LIB, "|", "run-as", RELEASE_APP,
-                                   "sh", "-c", "\'cat", ">", SHIM_A_LIB, ";", "chmod", "700", SHIM_A_LIB + "\'", "||", "echo", "run-as", "failed");
-        // Kick off our RELEASE app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "am", "start", "-n", RELEASE_APP + "/" + ACTIVITY);
-        // Give it a chance to start, then grab process ID
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        String pid = getPID(RELEASE_APP);
-        // Ensure we don't load the layer in base dir
-        String searchStringA = SHIM_A + " loaded";
-        LogScanResult resultA = scanLog(pid, searchStringA);
-        Assert.assertFalse(SHIM_A + " was enumerated", resultA.found);
-    }
-    /**
-     * This test ensures debuggable GLES apps do not enumerate layers in base
-     * directory if enable_gpu_debug_layers is not enabled.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testDebugNotEnabledGLES() throws Exception {
-        // Ensure the global layer enable settings is NOT enabled
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "0");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", DEBUG_APP);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layers", SHIM_A_LIB);
-        // Copy a layer from our LAYERS APK to tmp
-        setupLayer(SHIM_A_LIB);
-        // Copy it over to our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "cat", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_A_LIB, "|", "run-as", DEBUG_APP,
-                                  "sh", "-c", "\'cat", ">", SHIM_A_LIB, ";", "chmod", "700", SHIM_A_LIB + "\'");
-        // Kick off our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "am", "start", "-n", DEBUG_APP + "/" + ACTIVITY);
-        // Give it a chance to start, then grab process ID
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        String pid = getPID(DEBUG_APP);
-        // Ensure we don't load the layer in base dir
-        String searchStringA = SHIM_A + " loaded";
-        LogScanResult resultA = scanLog(pid, searchStringA);
-        Assert.assertFalse(SHIM_A + " was enumerated", resultA.found);
-    }
-    /**
-     * This test ensures debuggable GLES apps do not enumerate layers in base
-     * directory if gpu_debug_app does not match.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testDebugWrongAppGLES() throws Exception {
-        // Ensure the gpu_debug_app does not match what we launch
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", RELEASE_APP);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layers", SHIM_A_LIB);
-        // Copy a layer from our LAYERS APK to tmp
-        setupLayer(SHIM_A_LIB);
-        // Copy it over to our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "cat", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_A_LIB, "|", "run-as", DEBUG_APP,
-                                  "sh", "-c", "\'cat", ">", SHIM_A_LIB, ";", "chmod", "700", SHIM_A_LIB + "\'");
-        // Kick off our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "am", "start", "-n", DEBUG_APP + "/" + ACTIVITY);
-        // Give it a chance to start, then grab process ID
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        String pid = getPID(DEBUG_APP);
-        // Ensure we don't load the layer in base dir
-        String searchStringA = SHIM_A + " loaded";
-        LogScanResult resultA = scanLog(pid, searchStringA);
-        Assert.assertFalse("ShimA was enumerated", resultA.found);
-    }
-    /**
-     * This test ensures debuggable GLES apps do not enumerate layers in base
-     * directory if gpu_debug_layers are not set.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testDebugNoLayersEnabledGLES() throws Exception {
-        // Ensure the global layer enable settings is NOT enabled
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", DEBUG_APP);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layers", "foo");
-        // Copy a layer from our LAYERS APK to tmp
-        setupLayer(SHIM_A_LIB);
-        // Copy it over to our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "cat", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_A_LIB, "|", "run-as", DEBUG_APP,
-                                  "sh", "-c", "\'cat", ">", SHIM_A_LIB, ";", "chmod", "700", SHIM_A_LIB + "\'");
-        // Kick off our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "am", "start", "-n", DEBUG_APP + "/" + ACTIVITY);
-        // Give it a chance to start, then grab process ID
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        String pid = getPID(DEBUG_APP);
-        // Ensure layerA is not loaded
-        String searchStringA = "glesLayer_eglChooseConfig called in " + SHIM_A;
-        LogScanResult resultA = scanLog(pid, searchStringA);
-        Assert.assertFalse("ShimA was loaded", resultA.found);
-    }
-    /**
-     * This test ensures we can still use properties if no GLES layers are specified
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testSystemPropertyEnableGLES() throws Exception {
-        // Set up layerA to be loaded, but not layerB or layerC
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", RELEASE_APP);
-        // Switch back to delete once b/117555066 is fixed
-        //mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "delete", "global", "gpu_debug_layers");
-        mDevice.executeShellCommand("settings put global gpu_debug_layers ''");
-        // Enable layerC (which is packaged with the RELEASE app) with system properties
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "setprop", "debug.gles.layers " + SHIM_C_LIB);
-        // Kick off our RELEASE app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "am", "start", "-n", RELEASE_APP + "/" + ACTIVITY);
-        // Give it a chance to start, then grab process ID
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        String pid = getPID(RELEASE_APP);
-        // Check that both layers were loaded, in the correct order
-        String searchStringA = SHIM_A + "loaded";
-        LogScanResult resultA = scanLog(pid, searchStringA);
-        Assert.assertFalse("ShimA was enumerated", resultA.found);
-        String searchStringC = "glesLayer_eglChooseConfig called in " + SHIM_C;
-        LogScanResult resultC = scanLog(pid, searchStringC);
-        Assert.assertTrue("ShimC was not loaded", resultC.found);
-    }
-    /**
-     * This test ensures system properties are ignored if Settings load a GLES layer
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testSystemPropertyIgnoreGLES() throws Exception {
-        // Set up layerA to be loaded, but not layerB
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", DEBUG_APP);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layers", SHIM_A_LIB);
-        // Copy the layers from our LAYERS APK
-        setupLayer(SHIM_A_LIB);
-        setupLayer(SHIM_B_LIB);
-        // Copy them over to our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "cat", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_A_LIB, "|", "run-as", DEBUG_APP,
-                                 "sh", "-c", "\'cat", ">", SHIM_A_LIB, ";", "chmod", "700", SHIM_A_LIB + "\'");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "cat", "/data/local/tmp/" + SHIM_B_LIB, "|", "run-as", DEBUG_APP,
-                                 "sh", "-c", "\'cat", ">", SHIM_B_LIB, ";", "chmod", "700", SHIM_B_LIB + "\'");
-        // Enable layerB with system properties
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "setprop", "debug.gles.layers " + SHIM_B_LIB);
-        // Kick off our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "am", "start", "-n", DEBUG_APP + "/" + ACTIVITY);
-        // Give it a chance to start, then grab process ID
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        String pid = getPID(DEBUG_APP);
-        // Ensure only layerA is loaded
-        String searchStringA = "glesLayer_eglChooseConfig called in " + SHIM_A;
-        LogScanResult resultA = scanLog(pid, searchStringA);
-        Assert.assertTrue("ShimA was not loaded", resultA.found);
-        String searchStringB = "glesLayer_eglChooseConfig called in " + SHIM_B;
-        LogScanResult resultB = scanLog(pid, searchStringB);
-        Assert.assertFalse("ShimB was loaded", resultB.found);
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testDebugLayerLoadExternalGLES() throws Exception {
-        // Set up layers to be loaded
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "enable_gpu_debug_layers", "1");
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_app", DEBUG_APP);
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layers", SHIM_C_LIB);
-        // Specify the external app that hosts layers
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "settings", "put", "global", "gpu_debug_layer_app", LAYERS_APP);
-        // Kick off our DEBUG app
-        mDevice.executeAdbCommand("shell", "am", "start", "-n", DEBUG_APP + "/" + ACTIVITY);
-        // Give it a chance to start, then grab process ID
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        String pid = getPID(DEBUG_APP);
-        // Check that our external layer was loaded
-        String searchStringC = "glesLayer_eglChooseConfig called in " + SHIM_C;
-        LogScanResult resultC = scanLog(pid, searchStringC);
-        Assert.assertTrue("ShimC was not loaded", resultC.found);
-    }